Advanced Vocabulary Lesson | Take the Quiz & Learn New Words

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so today is all about building your vocabulary and I will make this promise to you you are going to learn some new words today I promise you you will learn something new so what's up my name is Wes this is interactive English which is all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and today I have a vocabulary quiz that we're going to go through and these are all advanced vocabulary words so I expect this this this will be a bit challenging this advanced vocabulary quiz is going to challenge you but again I told you I made you that promise that you will learn something new now I'll just go ahead and say that that all of the words that we're going to talk about in today's quiz they are all words that we've already talked about these are words that we've had lessons from we we've don't we do lessons about advanced adjectives advanced nouns advanced verbs and those are linked down below in the description so even after this lesson if you want to learn more and build your vocabulary go check out those lessons they're listed down below in the description so I just want to give a quick shout out thank you guys hello Giselle Alberto atavistic Spartan Mohammed Jose Huang Valentino Allah ticktick hello hello hello thank you guys for joining me today I hope you guys are ready so the way that we're gonna do this is that I'm gonna give you some questions and I'm gonna throw in some vocabulary tips here and there that that's gonna help you build and improve your vocabulary because it's so important for your English fluency the more the more words that you learn and you can use that precise language then you can better express your thoughts your opinions and your ideas so let's just begin with the first vocabulary tip that I have for you and that is that this when people build their vocabulary I think it's normal to you you look you learn the word you look at the meaning and oftentimes that's as far as it goes you're like oh what does this word mean oh okay I guess that's it I would say don't just learn the meaning try to learn how to use the words in the correct context and this is key because so many times learners will you'll learn a new vocabulary word and I always encourage people to try and use it and practice and practice in practice but sometimes they may use it in the wrong context use it with the wrong situation or they try to make it they think of a synonym and they try to - interchange them and it doesn't always work out and it doesn't always make sense so the best way to do this and try to use it in the correct context is just to get more and more exposure to the language now if you're looking for something specific when you learn a new word you can use resources like Google and you can put the word into Google and click on news and what that will do is it'll bring up a bunch of news articles that use that word and they're all using the word in the correct context and when you read that information you'll be able to see how it's used correctly so that you can try and use it correctly as well the other way to do that is to do exactly what we're doing today I am going in this quiz I'm not going to give you the meaning of the words all of these are sentences and and you need to try to put the word into context all right so let's just begin and I'll show you what I mean so the first question that I have for you is right here I want you to answer the question in the chat even if you're watching this later write your answer in the comments I want you to interact I want you to engage I want you to participate in the lesson alright everyone was so surprised that he retired at the of his career what do you think which of those words best completes the sentence all right those I've given you a Zenith B epitome C credence I'll read them all out for you in case you have trouble seeing some of them all right what what do you think everyone was so surprised that he retired at the mm of his career what do you think a B or C all right see some good answers yes Michelangelo Donna Shahin the correct answer is a Zenith all right we are talking about the zenith of his career and what this word is it is a noun that's talking about the the top well the top the peak the highest point all right so if you're talking about somebody who's an athlete and they are at the top of their career and they decide to retire then yes that would be surprising so you could say everyone's so surprised that he retired at the zenith of his career so it could be talking about something that is actually physical you're talking about the the top point of something or something abstract like you're talking about one's abilities one skills the zenith the highest point in their career or of their abilities all right so that that's the way that we're going to do this you need to put these words in context all right the next one he's so hmm he thinks he's always right okay this is something I think my wife you wanted would tell me which is why I think the picture of me down there is appropriate what word do you think best completes that and I'm again I'm giving you some information with that second sentence he thinks he's always right he's so hmm he thinks he's always right what which of those words describes a person like that is it a cynical be cocky or C belligerent what do you guys think again this is we're taking an advanced vocabulary quiz if you're just joining us and I want you guys to participate in this lesson so excellent I just gave some quick shout out yes yes Simone why boo second one yes Shawn the answer is be cocky so if somebody says you know that's it's an adjective that if somebody is cocky it means that they are showing confidence often in it like an arrogant and unpleasant way and somebody's like yeah I'm the best I know everything I can do anything so this can apply to somebody at work they think that they are smarter than all of their colleagues that they do the best job and you could say they have a cocky attitude I think it's also applicable to sports if somebody is talking about their athletic ability and they say I'm gonna beat you I'm number one nobody is better than me you can say wow that person that person is cocky and again if somebody thinks they're always right then that's that's that is a bit of a cocky cocky attitude that they have I will confess yes sometimes I do like to think that I am right but don't we all don't we all like to think that we're right okay the next one all right I got a bunch of these bunch of these vocabulary words for you the students were mmm for skipping class all right so what do you think which word best completes that sentence and another thing that you can think about as you're going through these if there are words that you don't know like I don't know skipping class or you're trying to think well what goes into that blank think about the part of speech as well are we talking about an adjective are we talking about a verb a noun all right so the students were hmm for skipping class is it a admonished be placated see the moaned what do you think we're talking about students skipping class and I am very happy that you guys did not skip this class today and that you guys are all here yes Wow overwhelmingly less thank you Angela Dean Conchie Martin and CeCe and Natasha Lally the answer is a so if you skip class if you don't know what that means that is an expression that means that you do not go to class you do not attend class which is not a good thing so if students don't skip class then they would be a admonished and if somebody is admonish they are that should say warn not warm with an M that is a typo to warn or reprimand firmly you're basically scolding somebody or if I were admonishing you then I'm you're scolding somebody hey don't do this that's wrong the students were admonished for skipping class and that is the only that is the image that I could find for a student he looks very very happy for being admonished by a teacher so it's not a good thing to be admonished if you're admonished you're basically scolded for do it so you did something wrong all right you can be admonished at school you could be admonished by a family member they're disappointed they're upset with you and they might admonish you okay you ready let's continue let's keep this ball rolling all right more I like I try to make some of these a bit self-deprecating all right I like to make fun of myself he broke another mug I can't believe it he's such a mmm what do you think he broke another mug I can't believe it he's such a what do you think the answer would be a Acrobat be clown see klutz somebody I tried to make them kind of similar but there is only one answer all right so what do you think would best complete that sentence again put this is what it means when you're talking about put this in context if you don't know what those words mean you understand that first part somebody broke a mug all right that's not a good thing so it's like I can't believe it which means it's probably it happens more than once it's not the first time and you would say yes the answer is C klutz thank you English fives Bassam IRA who else the Dare lanser perfect thank you guys the answer C klutz is a noun and that's just talking about some who is a little clumsy they're awkward they're foolish I think it's most closely related to that first word talking about somebody who's clumsy perhaps they are they fall down a lot or in this case I think it's commonly used to talk about somebody who drops things that they they drop things regularly like a mug and they would break a mug all right he broke another mug I can't believe it he's such a klutz and that is a picture of a mug that's supposed to be a crack in that mug all right but I haven't it's been a while since I've dropped a mug this was just an example all right I have not broken any of our mugs well last year I did all right it's been it's been some time but yes it has happened before but I think it's happened to everybody at one point or another I think we've all been a bit of a klutz it's okay it's normal its life the next one all right perhaps you I almost said the answer all right I didn't all right I perhaps you mmm remember some of these words perhaps you remember some of these words a utterly be vaguely C unabashedly which which word completes that sentence and again this kind of you know is is talking to you I would be talking to you when I say this we're going through this quiz these are all advanced words you may know some of them you may not know others so what would you say how would you complete that sentence what what what word best completes it again these are all ly words which should tell you okay these are adverbs they are describing the verb remember and you should have said B vaguely alright so yes babe live lolly Alberto Paul perfect be vaguely remember that is an adverb which means that it things aren't very clear it's not clearly expressed or stated or it's just something in your memory that like you you kind of remember it but you don't really and and this is what happens especially with vocabulary when you learn a word and then some time passes and you you forget about it and then you see it again maybe you read it or you come across it like in this lesson you're like oh I do remember seeing that word I've learned this before you could say I vaguely I vaguely remember it alright you vaguely remember something that is a good collocation those words are frequently used together vaguely remember alright it's not clear so lets me give you I want to just give you the next vocabulary tip so the first tip that I gave you was talking about you know be able to use the words in the correct context learn the meaning but then also try to look up how the word is used look up example sentences so that you know how to use the word correctly the other tip that I have for you which also it's what we're doing today and that is just practice practice and then practice some more and I tried to illustrate that with these lightbulbs down here and and talking about vaguely remember when you practice and you get that exposure that is when you start to actively know you you move these words into your active memory and you remember these words alright so at the beginning you you kind of vaguely remember the word and then you see it again you're like huh okay wait I've seen this before and then you see it again and again and finally that light bulb clicks on and you know that word you know what it means and you can use it and you're comfortable using it as well so just always keep practicing which is why we do these lessons to help you guys practice your vocabulary and continue learning new words all right so let's look at the next one all right I'm back I'm back in my own picture so he is the mmm superhero I'm I'm gonna I'm finally decided to to give myself a good one all right and stop making fun of myself let me you let me let me say give a good sentence about me all right what do you think he is the mmm superhero there's not much information given in this sentence you just need to know what these words are to think about okay which which one appropriately completes the sentence a quintessential be nascent see austere and like somebody mentioned these are advanced words we've done lessons with all of them before check out that description I've listed all of those lessons and I encourage you to check them out so yes Malik Rajan II vet English vibes name perfect the answer is a quintessential all right he is the quintessential superhero it is an adjective and it's talking about something is representing the most perfect or typical example of something so I don't again I don't think I am even though I am look at check it out I am wearing my Batman shirt so I could be the cuentas and the quintessential superhero it is the superhero that I identify with but it is the perfect example of something the quintessential you could say quintessential superhero the anything you could follow it with any noun when you're talking about that perfect example of something you could say it is the quintessential mmm something all right whatever that noun is all right he is the quintessential father all right so somebody could again be the quintessential chef any anything let's look at the next one okay the executive got caught trying to money from the company okay so what would this is you know the executive got caught trying to money from the company is the answer a embezzle be repudiate see counterfeit okay what do you think Bess completes that sentence and again if you're just joining we are building our vocabulary by practicing and practicing and practicing some more with this advanced vocabulary quiz and I want you guys to participate okay I want you guys to write your answer in the chat write your answer in the comments that is the best way to remember is to get involved in the lesson which is what interactive English is all about so I'm talking about an executive you get caught which again implies that this is something bad it's not something that's good so what would you try to do and many of you yes you got the answer correct which is a embezzle so great job Rubick Tiger lover CIA SATA Phyllis excellent Michaelangelo a embezzle it's a verb and if you're embezzling money I I think pretty much you're talking about money when you're when when this word is used I think almost always you're talking about some kind of money you're embezzling you're taking money fradulent Lea you're doing it you're stealing it and the executive got caught trying to embezzle money from the company now that is that image right there that's more of a thief that is not a picture of somebody embezzling money now this is again this is where you can try and get a little more specific so if somebody can steal money and that you could have a person just actually take somebody's money physically or you could steal money from a company but when you're talking about embezzling you are stealing money but it's almost like it's it's done secretly it's done secretly and oftentimes nowadays I think it's done digitally that you would use the computer to take money from one account and you put it over here you move it to a different place and eventually that money goes into your account and it becomes yours and you steal it so there is a difference between just actually seeing some money and physically stealing the money and embezzling the money where you're kind of secretly moving it around and oftentimes that's why I think it's used when talking about banks or orgas organizations or businesses and somebody may embezzle money so again this is a great word to learn so that you can be more specific when you're talking about a situation and speaking about stealing here's another one for you you think I stole your wallet that's mmm so I'm trying to read this one and provide you with the the intonation as well to kind of give you a little more information you think I stole your wallet that's mmm what would it be what would somebody say is it a preposterous be perfunctory or C pernicious what do you guys think and again I'll read it again in case you're having a difficult time seeing this the fonts are a little light on this one you think I stole your wallet that's hmm a preposterous be perfunctory or C pernicious and again if you see some of these other words and you're like what does that mean go check out the other lessons in the description and we talked all about these advanced vocabulary words so many of you yes perfect Syria serious Beheshti active istic tuba Luke great job the answer is a preposterous and if you say something is preposterous it is an adjective that means contrary to reason another word that's a synonym would be like ridiculous saying uh that's ridiculous that's preposterous absurd so those are other synonyms for this word ridiculous absurd you think I stole your wallet that's preposterous I would never do that that's crazy all right it is a great word to know great adjectives to know especially when you want to respond to something that somebody might accuse you of doing something wrong you're like that that's preposterous that's ridiculous and it is a very expressive adjective let's look at the next one more okay going back to the self-deprecating example he doesn't know what he's talking about he's not a professional he's just uh and just so you know these are actually these are pictures from thumbnails I we have a whole bunch of them and I just thought it would be fun to throw in these pictures of me doing all of these kind of crazy gestures and emotions so he doesn't know what he's talking about he's not a professional he's just a is it a sycophant be dilettante or see smartass all right for this one for this one I will accept two different answers okay this one this one could be there there is only one answer but I guess you could say and many of you are choosing that second answer all right you there are two answers thank you guys for choosing C I guess but the answer I was going for was be a dilettante so yes Allah Kareem Angela be dilettante the the the hint that I tried to give you as somebody who's not a professional because a dilettante is a noun it describes a person who they cultivate an interest in something that they're very interested in a topic so that they they learn a little bit about it but they haven't learned in depth information and you could say you know he doesn't know what he's talking about he's not a professional he's a dilettante oftentimes it makes me think of somebody who they watch a documentary about something and then they've learned they're interested in it and they've learned a little bit about it because they've watched one documentary but then they'll go and talk about it as and they sound like they are an authority and a professional even though they've only seen one movie about it which may or may not have been very biased they haven't done a lot of research about the topic so you could say well they're a dilettante I think in our lives all of us when it comes to certain areas because many of us have interest we may not be professionals but maybe we just have some knowledge a little bit of knowledge and could say they are we're a dilettante may be a political dilettante would be an example that somebody who's interested in politics but they're not you know they don't have a lot of in-depth information so that is another great word the next question all right the companies mmm influence is felt around the world what do you think the companies mmm influence is felt around the world would it be a esoteric be uncanny or see ubiquitous you're you're describing the influence and I've given you a hint because in that picture yes that is a that is a Starbucks cup of coffee and no this video this quiz is not sponsored by Starbucks all right but it was just for as an example so we're talking about Starbucks that's the company that companies mmm influence is felt around the world and many of you said yes Paul Lally another gentleman a Kent or a woman I can't pronounce the name that's okay the answer is C ubiquitous and if something if you're talking about something that is ubiquitous it is an adjective and it means that it is existing or it is everywhere something is located everywhere something that you see everywhere and again this is a good word that I think people might use they may use in the incorrectly so this would be a good word to go to Google News put this word in there surrounded by the the quotes and it'll just bring up a bunch of news articles using this word so that you can read it and see how it's used correctly because it's not something that you can just throw in there anywhere but we talk about the company's ubiquitous influence their influences everywhere is felt around the world because just about anywhere you go there is a Starbucks all right even though and this that's more my style of coffee over there just a cup it says coffee that's from a local that's from a local business right there all right so just want to give let you guys know if you guys enjoy what we do if you guys enjoy these quiz if you enjoy our lessons if you want to show us some love show us some support check out our patreon page we offer some cool rewards it's just another great way to connect with us and and support what we do here at interactive English and support our English lessons check that out I'll throw a link right there boom in case you're interested there's also a link in the description down below so let's continue alright we got more and more more questions for you alright during the trial they tried to mmm her character during the trial they tried to mmm her character so that's a keyword right there her character they tried to a compel be obfuscate or see impugn what do you think alright what what word goes in that blank right there what are we talking about alright during the trial they try to in her character compel Optus gate or impugn what do you think write your answer in the chat or again watching this later write your answer in the comments participate engage with the lesson that is what we want to see alright so excellent and even if you don't know some of these answers just throw them down there I I always want to see I love it when people try to answer that's the best part just try to practice so yes Angela IRA Lucia mopped Mamta excellent sorry if i mispronounce names Conchi the correct answer is C impune you're talking about impugning a person's character that is a collocation because you will find those words frequently used together and that is impune is a verb which means to cause people to doubt someone's character or reputation by criticizing them so in this case it happens we're talking about a court that you don't want the jury to believe this person so they will impune her character and say well she's a liar she's a bad person so that they don't believe her testimony and you would impune someone's carrot I think if you watch any kind of law and order type show that deals with trials and courtrooms you may hear this word so it's a good word let's look at the next one it's very it's very annoying he always changes his mind because that should say because he's so what alright again talking about myself I'm just laughing at that picture I look like such a goofball anyway it's very annoying sorry about this situation it's very annoying he always changes his mind because he's so hmm what goes in that blank he's so a truculent he's so be facetious or he's so C capricious so what do you think it's very annoying somebody's very bothered by this always changes his mind because he's so I forgot he's but that's okay I'm letting you know now he's so what truculent facetious capricious and yes perfect Rocio WOD Irene excellent thank you Akram thank you for your answers the correct answer is C capricious so if somebody is capricious it is an adjective and it means that you are subject to sudden or unpredictable change and I think it can describe somebody's character their personality if somebody's always changing their mind and this happens to everybody but some people are more it it's just the way they are I don't really think I'm a capricious person I think that's just an example usually I'm the opposite if I decide to do something I hate changing it I hate changing it and it bothers me when we do have to change it but the other end would be somebody who's capricious like let's do this no no Kay no no let's do this now I'm changed my mind let's do this another example which I tried to give you guys down here is love whether that it's like it's sunny and then all of a sudden it becomes cloudy and then the next thing you know it's raining and you say well it's just unpredictable the weather has been really you know it's capricious and we have not been a we cannot do follow through with plans is capricious alright so that is a good word to know a good adjective capricious the next question the team worked hmm around the clock that's another good expression the team works hmm around the clock is it a fervently be vicariously or si candidly it's describing how the team worked you see those ly words which should tell you this is an adverb so I again put it in context I think most of you many of you should know what it means to work around the clock all right and if somebody's working around the clock then what do you think what does that mean somebody's working around the clock why would they be doing that how would they be working all right so I see okay all right getting some good answers you guys are rocking this excellent yes and a touch Phyllis Paul Luciana Syed if somebody is working around the clock then they're probably they're working very hard they're working diligently they're also working a fervently which is an adverb and if you are working fervently then you are showing great enthusiasm or in this case I think it would be more intensity you're like oh gosh we really we got to work too in order to finish we better work fervently with a lot of intensity so if somebody's doing something fervently it is with great intensity or with great enthusiasm the team worked fervently around the clock here we go [Laughter] you can't you can't just take food out of our fridge that's mmm you can't just take food out of our fridge that's mmm what do you think no I it was late last night when I was putting these pictures together okay so again think of the sentence forget about the picture I don't know why I'm holding a taco you wouldn't really put a taco in a fridge I get you could if you sure if you wanted to keep it and save it but what what word would complete that sentence a presumptuous be defamatory or C arduous so think about that context you can't just take food out of our fridge somebody is going they open your refrigerator and they just grab some food and if somebody does that you can describe that situation and say that that behavior that's hmm what do you think all right how would you describe that situation yes lolly Zion a leak a presumptuous so if somebody just does something and you're like wow what makes you think that you can do that it's not really polite it's not appropriate and you could say well yeah that's presumptuous it's it's an adjective that means showing a lack of respect by doing something that you shouldn't so if I am visiting if I'm visiting your house which would be great if I could visit you guys and and get to know you and if I visit your house if I want something to drink or something to eat you know the thing you should do you should ask the person who lives there you wouldn't just go in and you open their cabinets and start taking their food or open their fridge and in this case I guess I would be taking tacos I could just be going and taking people's tacos so in this say you you you can't take you can't just take food out of our fridge that's presumptuous it's presumptuous to do something like that all right we must we must be mmm down to the last detail and I've given you these pictures trying to help you a little bit and and because they match up with the question except for the whole thing except for the one of me holding a taco that really didn't do that really didn't convey that message we must be mmm down to the last detail what completes that scent it's a meticulous be cumbersome see conscientious and again I'd say there's just one correct answer if you can't see the words I'll read it again we must be mmm down to the last detail meticulous cumbersome conscientious and excellent yes the answer is a meticulous great job Naima Avani Oh serious Ladon perfect thank you guys great job so the answer would be a meticulous you're talking about the key word in there I think is a detail you've got to be down to the last detail means you're looking at something closely and this is an adjective that means you're showing great attention to detail all right we must be meticulous down to the last detail so when somebody does their work if they are if they show you know a lot of attention to detail and it makes me think somebody who works with numbers could be somebody who is a designer somebody who is an architect and they somebody who's doing construction they need to be meticulous down to the last detail that is a very important adjective to describe that that type of work when you're talking about these details all right so that was excellent all right if you enjoyed learning some new words if you learned something new let me know by hitting that like button and if you got some of these right which I know you guys did please go ahead hit that like button right now that tells me that you enjoyed this lesson and that in the future I should do more vocabulary lessons and more vocabulary quizzes like this to help you guys build and improve your vocabulary especially with these advanced words that are going to help you be more accurate when you want to perfectly describe a situation or or talk about something and express your opinions all right so please hit that like button and thank you guys so much for checking out today's lesson please share it also with other people that you know who want to build their vocabulary and are trying to improve their English skills as always we love hearing from you so write to us in the comments and check us out on social media we're active on Facebook Twitter and Instagram and we post questions we we we are active on social media again to help people practice their language skills so check that out thank you guys just some quick shout outs thank you serious excellent glad you learned some new words Priscilla thank you thank you new she thank you fairy Nashua lolli Zion Rossiya Bethesda do alum new n Simone Angela thank you guys I tried to give as many shout outs as I can and say as many names CPU era Henry thank you thank you thank you I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 72,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, vocabulary, learn vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, advanced english lesson, advanced adjectives in english, advanced nouns in english, advanced adverbs in english, learn advanced words in english, practice vocabulary, vocabulary quiz, english vocabulary quiz, learn english words, english vocabulary lesson, learn advanced vocabulary, build vocabulary, interactive english lesson
Id: r797xj-suuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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