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hello and welcome to today's lesson my name is wes this is interactive english and if this is your first time here visiting our channel it's all about just helping you practice and improve your english skills and today uh we try to do that in a variety of ways and today i want to help you build your vocabulary specifically we are going to be talking about some advanced vocabulary words and i say that it's advanced and i feel like i'm trying to walk um a fine line here because i really i do want to teach you some more advanced words that are going to help you be more precise and that if you want to describe a situation or express yourself that you will be able to do that with these words because they are more specific but at the same time i try to choose words that are not just very random and that they're words that nobody ever uses i try to find words that you will come across if you're reading a story or maybe you're listening to the news and that you could still use in everyday conversation so i say they're advanced i think they're advanced um and i definitely want to challenge you as well so thank you guys so much for joining me great to see so many familiar faces great to see so many members hello aiden lolly um patrice uh welcome to welcome to the chat angela nyla um great to see all of you so again this is going to be an interactive lesson because what i want you guys to do is i want you to participate i'm going to give you um a bunch of different questions and i want you to write your answers in the chat and even if you're watching this later write your answers in the comment use it like uh it's a piece of paper and again it's just a great way to actually practice practice practice practice practice um and i what i'll do is i'll give you the question and then i will give you a moment to try to think of an answer and then of course i will tell you what the answer is so let's go ahead and begin and the first set of questions that i have for you i'm going to give you the word and i just want you to choose the correct meaning what is the meaning of this word so let's begin here with cajole so this i'll go ahead and tell you this is a verb to cajole to cajole someone what do you think this verb means to cajole i'll give you a moment and then i will reveal the answer does it is it talking about a playful fight does it mean to persuade someone or does it mean to overcook some food what do you think write your answers in the chat or even in the comments if you happen to be watching this later to cajole excellent uh yes mike mzz maziar uh dahlia yes the correct answer is b to cajole someone means to persuade someone i'm going to add something else you're persuading them with flattery and what that means is you're you're just saying a bunch of nice things to this person in order to persuade them i'll give you an example i think of well as a teacher perhaps the students are trying to cajole me into delaying the exam and they say oh wes we need a little more time to study don't give us the exam tomorrow and you you should do that because you're such a nice teacher you're such a kind teacher so they're saying these things to flatter me so that i will be persuaded to do what they want me to they're trying to cajole me into delaying the exam so you're really persuading somebody with flattery all right excellent uh the next one flabbergasted i chose this one um i think this one definitely is a little more common and this is one you may have heard i just like saying the word uh flabbergasted it's an adjective what do you think it means if somebody says that that they were flabbergasted all right and maybe i'm i'm giving it away with the context do you think it means that somebody is greatly surprised they're out of breath or perhaps they're just having an upset stomach all right uh what do you guys think write your answer in the chat if somebody is flabbergasted again i said i think this one is a bit more common it's a great adjective to use and yes just to give some great wow you guys are rocking this one yes uh aiden rumah uh orlando uh athan athanasius salute sorry if i mispronounce names i'm just trying to give out as many shout outs as i can lollyperfect the correct answer is a if you if somebody is flabbergasted it just means that they're greatly surprised so it's a great adjective that you can use to describe someone who is extremely surprised and you say that this person was flabbergasted something happened and they were flabbergasted the next question or the next vocabulary word that i have for you is this one vociferous so again this is an adjective vociferous and we can use it well you can use it as an adjective you can use it with other parts of speech as well and i will uh tell you about that in just a moment but what do you think is the meaning of vociferous does is it talking about the sound of loud music expressing opinions loudly or is it talking about the noise of a traffic jam and the reason we're starting this way and just me asking you for um what you think the meaning is i feel like this is uh this is a little easier and then it's going to get a bit more difficult as we go through this so yes perfect uh mike lourdes aiden paolo uh if something is uh or someone is vociferous then it basically means that they are expressing opinions loudly and you're you're doing it with a lot of energy and emotion and therefore yeah you you would use this word to describe a person and they are talking about the an argument that was just um vociferous i said that you you would use this with other parts of speech um other parts of speech as well because i think you might also commonly use this word as an adverb and you say that somebody was arguing vociferously and that they were doing it loudly and they're really expressing their opinion vociferous or as an adverb vociferously the next one opine this is a verb i'll go ahead and tell you two opine what do you think it means if someone is opining are they expressing regret are they is it mean to express an opinion or just does it mean to express dislike what do you think uh if you guys are just joining us again we're just doing uh this vocabulary uh advanced vocabulary it's a quiz lesson so i just asked try to participate take part in this lesson that is what it's all about so if somebody uh too opine i said it's a verb what what do you think um excellent uh so you guys you guys are rocking this first part uh audio uh yesenia esther bashir yes to uh opine means to express an opinion so somebody might opine and in that case they're sharing their opinion and we could combine it with the word that we just talked about perhaps somebody might opine vociferously and they are expressing their opinion loudly with a lot of energy and emotion uh to opine all right so that is the first part of the vocabulary quiz the next part that we're going to go through is i am going to give you a statement and i'm going to use uh the word and i want you to see i want you to put the word in context all right using the the sentence see if you can put the word in context and tell me uh what the meaning of the word is so let's go ahead and begin with this one all right uh i'll read it for you it says he used irrational arguments and obfuscated the primary issue all right i highlighted the word for you obfuscated what does that word mean it's a you can see that it's a verb what do you think it means and try to use the sentence to try and put the the word into into context and see if you can determine what the meaning of it what does it mean to obfuscate does it mean to highlight the importance to make something less clear or to purposefully lie all right and i will say for those of you who are very active and following our channel i did a lesson probably over a year ago about advanced verbs this is one of them this is one of the verbs that i talked about to obfuscate and maybe maybe many of you have seen that yes excellent uh perfect boost your english nyla uh lolly andrea the correct answer is b to obfuscate means to make something less clear and i'll go ahead and add something else you could say you are trying to make it more difficult to understand so in this case to give you an example i think of perhaps politicians if somebody does not want to tell the truth or they want to talk about some issue and do it in a way that may confuse other people and then you could say they're trying to obfuscate the truth or they're trying to obfuscate some issue or some problem and they want to make it more difficult to understand they want to make it less clear so that is an example as to when you may come across this word or perhaps even use it to obfuscate the next one is the student asked me my age it was such an impertinent question all right the student asked me my age it was such an impertinent question i think that uh this is it's an adjective and i think it is a fairly common adjective so this may be one that perhaps you are familiar with already um impertinent what do you think it means if you describe someone or something as impertinent does it mean that it's showing ignorance it's inquisitive or it's lacking respect all right what do you think uh excellent yes uh yesenia uh aiden yes if if you say that someone or something is impertinent it means that it is c it is lacking respect and i use this adjective before a noun saying it was an impertinent question because i i think depending on the country the culture as well as the situation like a teacher-student relationship you may not you may not want to ask someone their age and you could say that it's lacking respect often i think you would use this adjective as a predicate adjective at the end of the sentence and you may describe someone and say that this person is impertinent um so i often think this adjective may come as a predicate adjective after the verb to be and you'd say somebody is impertinent or they are impertinent um in its lacking respect the next question i have for you is this one's a little more difficult over the years our high school reunions have become uh perfunctory all right over the years our high school reunions have become perfunctory so i'm talking about this situation of a high school reunion um and describing it as perfunctory so what do you think does that mean that it is done quickly without care increasingly interesting or necessary to attend which of those is the meaning of perfunctory now i said i think this one is definitely a little more advanced it's probably not as common but you never know i think you may hear it if you're watching a tv show or movie or you may come across it in a book so perfunctory all right yes this one i could see it i get a little there are a little more mixed responses here um but yes tan sai uh rooma dhs 615. so if you say that if you describe something as perfunctory it means a it is done quickly without care and for example maybe this uh i try to give the example of like a high school reunion that over the years which means it's done again and again and again and the more you do something you're probably not going to put as much effort and care into it so that is what i was going for when i say that okay it's become perfunctory it's done quickly without care but you could also use this in the context of perhaps like a greeting somebody might describe a greeting as perfunctory if you meet somebody on the street and they they say hello but it's really just done quickly it doesn't seem like they want to talk to you and that that is the way and you could say it was it was a perfunctory greeting it was done quickly without much care or interest it's perfunctory the next one is he had had better days that's why he found his roommate's celebratory mood quite irksome all right what do you think he had had better days that's why he found his roommate's celebratory mood quite irksome does erikson that is the word that i've highlighted does that mean that something is comforting surprising or annoying what do you think write your answers in the chat or even in the comments later again it's interactive english i want all of you guys to interact and participate in these lessons so he had had better days i'm using the uh the past perfect there that's a good example of the past perfect had had he had better days that's why he found his roommate's celebratory mood quite irksome so if you if you say well i've had better days then that means that well you didn't have a good day so if somebody has a celebratory mood perhaps you would find that irksome which means that you would find it quite annoying so if you describe something as irksome it just means that it is annoying i think many of you um kind of you did well with that one excellent so the next part again we have another part to this vocabulary practice quiz so what i'm going to do for this part is i'm going to give you uh a sentence with a blank so there's a blank in there and i want you to tell me which vocabulary word best completes the sentence so in this case you really need to know the meaning of the word and you really need to understand the context of the sentence what's it trying to say now i will give you a few different options i will only go over the correct answer i'm not going to talk much about some of the other words because they are also advanced i want to keep this lesson at a reasonable length so let's begin uh with this one which is there's a monument to pay to her achievements there's a monument to pay um to her achievements which of those words those vocabulary words best completes this sentence so you really gotta try and do both now put it into context as well as understand the meaning of the word uh and of course you can take a guess if you want but i'll give you a moment what do you think there's a monument to pay pilgrimage to pay homage or to pay a mortgage all right what do you think um so yes excellent uh perfect sid um [Music] leonardo if we're talking about uh in this case the correct answer is b homage all right there's a monument to pay homage to her achievements and homage is talking about a deep respect that you show for someone and i think this this is actually a collocation pay homage to pay homage those two words are frequently used together so if you're talking about homage it is quite quite often you will it's going to be used with that verb to pay homage the next one is right here i could say that the company um their income on the tax forms which word best completes this sentence the company inundated their income on the tax forms the company capitulated their income on the tax forms or the company fabricated their income on the tax forms so write your answer in the chat uh in the comments again see what you guys uh see if you guys can get this so there is only there is only one correct answer um and wow getting some different responses here all right so excellent uh yes nord uh 1990 all right uh i have some right answers this one's a little more challenging uh jerry uh nakita uh maziar kareem so the correct answer is c fabricated all right uh in this case the company fabricated their income on the tax forms which is not something that you want to do because to fabricate something means to create something false in order to deceive someone so you could use it with um somebody might fabricate a story that is a common way in which you would use this verb to fabricate the next one is this question right here i can't believe my family had the um to go on vacation without me i can't believe my family had the um to go on vacation without me which word best completes the sentence complacency temerity or the paucity all right and there is only one of those words will accurately complete this sentence what do you think again try to think of the context the situation somebody is saying this they're talking about this i can't believe my family had the to go on vacation without me what would you say complacency temerity possibly um all right yes this one uh uh okay still some mix uh yes onloka uh a la mean perfect yesenia so the word that we're looking for is be temerity i can't believe my family had the temerity to go on vacation without me temerity is um it's a noun and it's talking about the willingness to do something that may upset others so in this case you would use it in talking about a situation that you're really surprised that somebody did something because it's likely to upset others and you would say i don't believe they had the temerity to do this thing the willingness to do it because it would upset other people like in this example if your family leaves and goes on vacation without you yeah i'd be a little upset too and i'd be like can't believe i can't believe they would do this that they had the temerity to go on vacation without me all right the next one some people believe that technology is a um for solving climate change some people believe that technology is a um for solving climate change which word completes that sentence this this is a this is a this is definitely a more advanced word i think all of these are more advanced is it uh panacea rig morale cloture what do you think best completes this sentence some people believe that technology is a for solving climate change uh all right well like uh i think you guys doing well on this one yes lolly nikita mzz shalu uh angela tan all right so the answer that we're looking for is a panacea so some people believe that technology is a panacea for solving climate change and a panacea is talking about well just something that will solve all problems so in this case uh climate change is a problem and some people maybe believe that well technology is going to help us solve this problem it's a panacea for this problem as well as others and they may believe that it solves all of our different problems and it is a panacea excellent so those are the the words that i wanted to go over with you in this lesson and again if you guys do like what uh what we do here at interactive english if you want to become a member support our channel uh you can get a youtube membership or become a patron we offer some different and cool rewards there are links down in the description below if you want to check that out so remember these are the words i put together this word list and i will put these words in the description part of this lesson um actually wait no i don't think i don't think i will uh because i don't want to just give you the answer to some of these questions so this this is your word list in case you want to review and maybe practice some more wait a few weeks watch the lesson again and see if you remember the the meaning of these words it is a great way to get exposure to new words and then the more you practice with them the more you hear them the more you read them you're just going to uh you're going to internalize the meaning so that when you want to speak or write you will be able to use this word correctly you're gonna put it in your active memory so here are the words that we talked about uh from this lesson i hope that you guys i think you guys did very well for the most part um you guys knew most of those again i do think they are more advanced words but i tried to find words that are also common that you would hear in a tv show movie or if you're watching the news but you could probably also use in conversation depending on the the context and the situation so thank you guys so much for joining me thank you anderson um rockhops all too easy all right i'll make it more difficult next time then uh olivia uh paulo lolly rose uh aiden ruma rod good to see you uh samuel lucky just trying to give some quick shout outs at the end i try to say as many names uh as possible and acknowledge all of you because i really appreciate you being here with me i hope that you have a a wonderful rest of the weekend thank you guys so much for joining me and watching this video uh keep practicing and keep up the good work and i will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 19,529
Rating: 4.9683452 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english vocabulary, learn interactive english, vocabulary, english vocabulary, vocabulary lesson, advanced vocabulary, learn advanced vocabulary in english, english quiz, vocabulary quiz, advanced words in english with meanings, learn advanced words in english, advanced vocabulary quiz, english live lesson, learn useful english vocabulary, learn useful english words
Id: vhxShGts9_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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