Cities Skylines - A long-awaited return - Ep 1

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let's start video gaming we got a few mods um set up over here uh as listed in the what game um there's a couple of things that aren't listed but we can buy all the tiles some auto bulldozing uh options and things like that um they're mostly they're just mostly just quality of life mods uh is basically the issue nothing that's gonna dramatically change gameplay as far as i know i've got all the expansions for this game i think uh let's get started um i was poking around and i don't remember i think fisher enclave looked kind of pretty i don't think i've played a lot of these maps none of these are downloaded maps but i don't have a lot of experience with these so i think we'll go ahead and do that what are we going to call our city i guess we could just start and uh we could rename it once we're in game because we can change the name owner we want you new belgium peepee town i don't think so new neo brussels like neo brussels makes me think of yeah like like every anime ever hey crazy guppy thank you very much here's a few bits from the mayor appreciation fund and help pay for a name sign i guess we are gonna be like we're gonna be politician here so we're gonna be corrupt old old petra new belgium squared amsterdam new brussels through this let's go we can go with the neo brussels i like it 18 feathers union new brussels new york site 8. that reference something i do like it though it's like just a vaguely like weirdly threatening generic name where are you taking me we're taking you to site 8. i don't know what that is but it sounds really bad westview [Music] now that's not bad no one division spoilers in chat i i have finished watching it but uh no spoilers for anyone who has not and if you have not watched one division it is definitely worth a look-see for sure location 18. still takes a while i moved it to an ssd actually my m2 drive uh now i think about it and it's like man the load times on this i don't have that many actually i think i disabled all my downloaded assets because when i did a test load um some of them had some errors so i've actually disabled all my custom assets so i have a couple of mods um and i have all the expansions but that is it we are not running with the uh we are not running with the start with everything unlocked then so we're gonna start with like just just a tiny few roads established although there is a mod i think that makes all the roads enabled from the start even if you don't have everything enabled from the start now it's annoying because the way i'm running it if i if i mouse over to do some uh some azustamaz on obs like moving my headcam for example it is going to do the edge scrolling which is going to be a little annoying but hardly the end of the world right we can all deal with this first things first find a poop lake look at that sunset city skylines traffic jams in lubar i mean ssd and storage hdd arrived today so finally get back to recording nice dig a poop like so all right we actually have look at this is it just me or is this is this like a dried up like lake bed over here maybe it needs to be rehydrated how come i'm getting um oh green screening over there he me just like over here no maybe i'll just stand in front of it did you guys see my pjs look i'm in my pajamas i'm almost always when i when i sit down to record or stream for the day what i do is uh there you go now you can't see it now we can't see the the the glitch um i always put on like i get dressed properly and then when i finish recording it's like all right time for time for sweats pants right time for my my pjs and today i'm like you know what screw it pajamas for stream day it feels pretty good listen it only took like eight years of being a full-time twitch streamer and a year in quarantine for me to finally reach that effort point done done ah okay so we're not gonna buy the tile yet well or are we maybe i should just run some infinite money the thing is if i uh if i run with the everything unlocked right from the start uh because it hits all the milestones and you do start with a bunch more cash you can buy this tile we're probably gonna have to buy this tile pretty quick to dump our sewage in there should we just literally do it the first thing we might run out of money oh i can't buy a tile until we hit the first milestone okay so we'll wait on that i do like that we got a big old rock in the middle of our building area over here hmm here's what i propose let's sort of build we'll build sort of square around this um we might want to do it out of um like avenues and things later on but right now we don't have access to that right because at the start of the game we only have access to simple roads which it may be a little unfortunate cool park yeah so let's assume we're gonna have a road that goes around this thing maybe what we'll do [Music] what if we do i'm not going to do a connection like this i'm going to do is build sort of out at a 45 degree angle which would be 180 i guess minus 45 would be 135 right so let's just do a little triangle flare um connection okay we'll spend 200 on a 45 degree angle 135 and 200 so we know the length is the same and then we can do this there we go at a start now this is not lined up with this park but i mean i think that's gonna be kind of okay this might have to get replaced with uh fancier roads later bigger roads once we've got them but for now this is gonna be okay actually i guess these parts could be immediately replaced with one ways one way one lane wait two i guess this is probably it right how do we upgrade god i haven't played this in a long time if i click this how do i there you go you order although they're not the same size roads i just realized so i think we'll do this two lane roads and these are just like two lane alleys oh okay so we want to do these roads oftentimes like the first thing i do is plop down some of our residential area but really it's the industrial zones that need the most access to the highway and are sort of least pretty i propose this area might be sort of more of our industrial zone hey ifrit guy thank you very much time to start priming the american [Music] games a bit loud okay it is a fresh reinstall so the audio uh let me just bring the main volume down by like half and then we'll see how that works out i wish i could like plan the roads and then unbuild them i guess what i'll do is i'll stretch out a little this way so that we can do a nice 90 degree corner and so i think somewhere around like this i'm just going to box this thing up another 90 degree corner and another one to around here and like that there we go so we're gonna have this area with some park there might be some houses and buildings in here as well i don't know but we've got some sort of kind of structures over here um is this road crooked i think there's a bend in this road isn't there i think there's a bit of an arc which is going to be slightly annoying because we're not going to get straight blocked but maybe i should just accept that i mean it was never going to be symmetrical because these roads don't line up at the center of that immediately but that's okay we don't you know too much symmetry looks bad maybe what we'll do is just do this it does not agree here but yeah it's not actually 90 degrees to this block maybe i should just accept but highway on ramp is one tile too long it maybe they are different they're the same cost there's 200 costs regardless i don't know curve road to the corner of oh to here you think curve that way maybe maybe a little straight and then curve um yeah all right so i'm still thinking some industrial stuff sort of in here i don't know how much i want curbs you guys like that you like this okay cool commercial area this could be downtown or this could be our high street over here commercial on both sides of this i think i was sort of thinking a little bit more like angle stuff this time almost um little residential neighborhood like this you know no through traffic well where these two intersections might be a little close together all right i got to stop building roads at some point because i got to start actually uh putting down some things that'll make us money and we still have to put down our um um oh i said why can't i see the uh the icons because things were being covered up um i still have to put down uh you know power and water so oops that's not what i wanted well something like this i mean i know the industrial section is born but industrial sections probably will be boring they're industrial sections but maybe we can do weird angled things i'll tell you what rather than waste the money bulldozing right now i'll leave it in here because we need to make sure we don't go immediately broke don't forget the hex around the entire town yeah the future truck well i think what's going to happen is this area here will be developed as an industrial area and it'll have another um on and off ramp over here but yeah right now this is a huge bottleneck but we could have split it right a little bit over here and a little bit over here and then yeah these being one way is this way i think it is going to be an issue i think it'll be alleviated when we buy this section which is what we're going to buy next over here because it'll give us access to what is going to become our poop lake apparently uh and then we can develop more industry and then have another highway access for it which i think will do great things so we need some power do we want to put down a coal power plant i mean it's more expensive but not that much more like well no it's a fair bit more how's the wind power um you can get some eights over here wait is that underwater no that's not underwater eight megawatts there it is good if you can get the full eight i think eight is the maximum and there's some over here a bunch of wind turbines on the uh on the waterfront maybe but then also the water like so i don't know normally don't you see little arrows for water flow is this water not flowing around because yeah the poop outflow is going to be very tricky here until we get poop lake oh maybe because it was paused okay yeah we'll unpause it and give it a chance to maybe kick in we can always move it i don't remember what the magic number for the length was i think 480. uh technically there's a gap there maybe it was 440. 440 must be the magic number this will be fine as long as there's not literally a building that only exists here it should hit water from one of the other two okay i think 440 is the number that lets you give you proper cover of everything minimal overlap i mean that's only an issue if you want to save like the maximum potential amount of money okay people are moving in that's good farming and forestry industry later yeah maybe we can't do um that's one of the things we can't we don't get specialized um uh industry until we uh we get some milestones hey caleb just want to remind mayor quill that he if he did find any industrial waste in the river that a campaign computer such as myself would never be responsible for something like that of course not i mean if you contribute to my campaign you can't be guilty of of anything i play some more with like eight megawatts a little more over there i need some more power cables well let's do that for now you guys know i don't even like building power cables i think they look ugly and get in the way of my trees but we got to put down some of this right now um so we need a sewage outflow so let's let's well or until we get the poop lake we could just go and put down an inland water treatment plant extensive water sources include cities built far away from open water source building processes and drains the water back into the ground and plants surroundings will be affected by ground pollution this creates some plant some ground pollution but it doesn't make poop lake we may have to start with this until we can get our poop lake down oh it's got to be placed roadside interesting well the industrial area is going to be full of pollution regardless so let's just go ahead and uh dump it uh okay here although we need to build a water connection i'll give a little gap because there might be weirdness with them the water connection if they're a little too close to one another okay sewage access is now a thing so those little warnings should go away we shouldn't water as well are we are we short on power no we have tons of power tons of water there we go everything is happy yeah well this is ground pollution so i don't know if that seeps into the water or not we might move some things around for now but we may move some things around later but for now we just have to get things actually operating i don't know how far i got to scroll back to see that message sorry cool man dump in the slumps super dirty city you see we're waiting for power over here but i don't want to build more power connections god i missed i forgot how cool it is to see the little road traffic and things this is a great game why have you gone so long without playing it because there's too many great games of course yeah i love it when people live as far away from the power yeah often what i'll do when i build these new neighborhoods i i put down a few parks and things to like um extend the power grid right away but we don't actually have access to anything like that so we have to wait for some people here to move in or i could just run a power cable around i mean it's not that expensive clearly this is one we're going to be able to get rid of later because it won't be required are you city limits really i want to skirt around this way not cover too much of that we will definitely have to delete these later on because they're getting in the way of some of my zones but at least that'll be powered for now [Music] did you hear about arcadium's dnd end game today i don't know what that is arcadium so no i didn't start the power lines and advanced chemtrails and black helicopters okay so we'll just fast forward here we'll let people move into the first few places and we should hear a milestone pretty quickly we have no buildings that we can use to increase the man but there's always a baseline demand okay now here's going to be a question are we going to play with the day night cycle i think i often turn it off because while the night can look really cool it is like a little harder to see i think whoa i mean our road structure looks really cool i think we're gonna have to turn it off yeah and chat it's thing off what we do we can always toggle it on when we want to take some cool screenshots especially later if it gets built up but for actual sort of playing and advancing the game right now we're gonna just turn off the other day night cycle make building historical yeah i did play the settlers a long time ago off for building on for cinematic yeah and i think turning on when we got a lot of density does does make some sense as well all right so i mean we've got some some job complaints and things we're going to want to put a bunch of trees through here to give a buffer between our residential and industrial zones unless we make it a green zone or farming or forestry because they create less pollution i think we got a little hamlet oh it's that's a baby pig it's a little hamlet anyway um we now have access to garbage healthcare and education uh taxes and we can tweak some of that as well as access to loans now can i actually change the tax percentage oh yeah tax is over here because i think we can like we can put it up like 11 and like people come just as quickly into the city if i recall correctly it really helps with the economy somehow the roads have powerful lights because out of the building next to it right exactly yeah the street lights on all the buildings that's it so we complain about not enough workers um well so okay first of all i am gonna go and add a little bit more residential zoning over here but to really get them to come in we're gonna have to put down some of our services here so garbage collection up and i still we haven't actually unlocked the ability to buy another tile right i really want to limit how much industry i put down right now but at the same time i like let me put the garbage collection i mean the garbage dump by itself might not be something that lasts forever might get replaced by something later on something that doesn't constantly fill up all right i'm going to do this for now you're going to complain about being disconnected but it should come back in because that these guys are sharing power these power lines don't need to exist at all anymore so let's build those now that's a hockey is it delete backspace they're not a hotkey for delete for bulldozer oh the trees come back i guess the trees were only just hidden by the power lines not actually destroyed well that's quite nice don't forget the three percent mayor swiss account tax yeah access to garbage healthcare building an american city hey now american healthcare is good you just can't afford it uh unfortunately can't stay for the rest of the stream but here's my vote oops i didn't read that quick enough here's my vote for a new body of water be named lake number two because it's gonna be a poop lake lake number two that's funny that's funny be for bulldozer thank you very much i knew there was a hot game like no it would bother stuff all the time there's got to be a hotkey so let's get ourselves a little clinic i think i like this style of clinic a little bit more than this one i think we might go for the older looking buildings um [Music] in town right at the start here where do we put the cleaner maybe we can put it right here there's a bit of a buffer between the industrial and the residential zone yeah i like that and then a little school this style i don't know i think i like these this building here and right in this neighborhood right in this neighborhood lots of happiness which will also increase demand and more people should flow in a little bit more doesn't the big garbage dump ground pollution yeah so i don't know if the ground pollution is gonna affect the water pollution um is a question i really don't know the answer to drinking water pollution is zero percent we're going to leave this here and find out i don't i don't know if the ground pollution will seep into the water or not it does ah okay so we should move it let's let's do that now before we get a bunch of people sick so we'll just move it way over here water what are you talking about oh maybe we just have to wait for tick again there we go a little pollution builds character smellville yeah and the water float so don't we see it like when we're in these modes don't we normally see little arrows i don't think there's any water flow there's a little bit over here because we're sucking the water in but these this these waterways don't have flow which means we can't damn them for power or anything like that and means we definitely have to make use of like a poop lake or something like this uh not enough workers i know i know i know and we still have some some residential zones zoned up let me increase the speed here population should be going up tax dollars are coming in that's nice what about some schooling for the younglings so the empire can find them easier that's right quill making one place gaming what's a poop leg well dubs meister just wait because it's gonna happen soon enough chat won't have it any other way population is still rising i can probably go demand for um a residential is going up so we're gonna have lots pretty residential around this block here and actually i suspect the outside is going to end up being residential as well i'm a little bit leery about doing too much zoning because if people come in in the wrong order then some won't have power because they're idiots but oh okay this place is complaining because we literally don't have enough power generation so let's find yeah if you can find more places with eight megawatts that's great [Music] it does keep it is tying up our shoreline um which is too bad because that's a nice place for people to maybe live but at the same time makes a lot of sense to generate the power over there okay so we can buy a new district the other thing we can do and actually probably should do first is we can get down our emergency services before um we have the city start to burn down i'm gonna put the fire station over here because if i recall correctly industrial zones tend to have a lot of fires and then we'll put down the police station because we don't want to start seeing criminals at this point um put it on the corner over here feels like a good place for it you know access to lots of things something like that and i think we should have enough to buy it because i think the first the first zone is really cheap isn't it 3600 yeah let me just wait a bit to make sure we've got a bit of a buffer but our economy should be pretty solid so we got an abandoned building here it will eventually be reclaimed we can bulldoze it faster to to get rid of it but i am running a mod called bulldoze it at the end of every day it automatically will bulldoze um some uh some random buildings or not random buildings but buildings like this that could be bulldozed i could change the timer as well depending on you know cpu things actually might not be a terrible idea to make this run more frequently i don't know end today is fine although the day just ended and it's not bold those excuse me did not actually do it look at this day's ending again and the building's clearly still there day night cycles maybe maybe because i turned off the day night cycle let me change it to um i'll change that every 30 seconds although next time one comes up we get an abandoned building we might change it to five seconds just to make sure we see it hey it's raining i like the weather is there a way to get down really low or is that mods like go uh into the bulldoze menu select options at the bottom well there's bulldozer oh there okay it has to be it has to be enabled here ah okay so this now is turned on for abandoned buildings it's turned on for burn down buildings uh collapsed buildings bowl those flooded buildings that's all fine too excellent okay i didn't realize that was the menu for the bulldozer excellent and is this the empty it oh that's the movement excellent i have to move it move it oh it's really raining oh it's funny that like when i zoom in and out i can catch up with the raindrops a little we don't have enough power boom let me get another one down right away oh we don't have enough money never mind we should have enough power now though still getting some brownouts but they may just need to be updated we're pretty tight need six thousand that's what we're doing so we're not buying the next zone yet because we got to put down a little bit more power do we not have enough water uh are you not capped oh you're not captured not in range i can do that i don't think the dump needs it but we may as well cover this area so the ice oh my god the ice cube factory didn't have water of all the businesses that rely on water that's probably the most important one it's raining mod or something no it's not um weather is is a thing in the end um i think we can turn it off one of the things it does have like a lot of noise for the stream yeah i use dynamic weather over here i think it was an expansion that may have added it i'm not sure they're making dry ice ah so let me know if the the rain is adding too much noise uh stuff like this it's always uh whenever you're watching um a show like esports whatever they have like the winter ceremony and they have like confetti that goes off and then like just breaks the streams right away rain is good oh okay good excellent well then we'll definitely leave it there let's go to max speed let the city develop a little bit um i'm gonna yeah i'm still gonna put down another turbine because we were we're on the cusp of getting some more brown outs and our city is still growing which means more buildings are coming in which means more power requirements as well i maybe need to redownload the mod to like get rid of the polluted ground just the visual of it like the pollution is still there but like it just it just breaks the look of the game so much doesn't it we'll probably turn on disasters later but maybe not right yet tiny town you got a thousand people that live here we can do park areas industrial areas landscaping more policies which is nice uh parks and plazas oh fishing industry which was in what's called sunset harbor i don't know if we if i ever did videos for that the extra buck okay it's time for us to buy this tile over here we are now going to purchase you excellent city limits officially expanded oh get ready and yeah there is there is an old boat over here the problem is the poop lake will probably eventually overflow into our waterways so we may have to we may have to put a dam here or something or terraform to stop the poop from flowing into the rest of our rivers i don't know we got whiskey and chocolate who dat it's banana cabana pay no attention just a small donation to the whiskey and bribery fund so now we can start naming areas and things we can start making districts so we'll probably do that and start putting down some names um so we still have this thing right now we have more than enough drainage capacity we don't need to expand to the poop lake quite yet soon first um do we want to put down more industry more jobs more housing i guess there's no demand for it there's still space for it's people are just trickling in although if we put down some parks and things that should help a lot to build up some some demand i'll go a long way to make people happy um there's the high indentation that's fine right forest industries and things oh yes new buildings over there but we'll have to wait a tiny scooch because we're spending our money pretty quickly vlog jam oh man that's terrible all right no you're right we have to get the poop plaque right away so i mean we do the eco water outlet not much more expensive and it's still going to be poopy it's just not going to be as poopy how um we it's not oh it's not counting as a shoreline like i can put it down is how do i rotate this building to get it placed the way i want it normally it just snaps right like if i put on the shoreline there you go it does sort of the smart thing but here right mouse button oh that's right it's re it's kind of awkward there it is is that the correct way hold on how does it snap no no okay i had the wrong end uh no okay that's right so if we put it here this should start filling this area with poopage power routed out here water outlet on land water let's replace anywhere but keep in mind that water will pump out and flow down here oh no there it goes yes poopy water it's happening oh boy i still remember when this game was first like announced we got the first trailers and we saw the water physics there was never anything like that in these sim city games right now it's mostly drying up we'll we're gonna have to keep an eye on this all right uh demands for things going up we do need more power do we keep well maybe i don't know maybe we keep building this giant wall of uh wind turbines over here seven megawatts every bait i get full value out of my turbines oh lord yes you can make a hydroelectric nam out of poop lake 100 viable okay so let's make a district here because we're going to make our first industrial district now i'm trying to remember you put down the district first right yeah so the first thing we do is we paint the district what else we have here park area paint industry area i guess that's it you me you paint the industry area and then you give it a type [Music] i think how about a little forestry industry over here i mean it's not completely green but it's better and then oh no wait it it is is it the other way around it has no specialization build an industry area main building of either oh yeah they do work differently don't they industry areas for specialization normal industry yes okay that's right that's where this this industry zone is where you're building the specific buildings to do it where so that might not be what we're looking for if i do normal zone like this then i forgot because this this was originally in the game and then they added that's not what i'm looking for um and then they added the the ability to make your own hiv district is very thematic for the farming industry so we'll get tree farms we'll get places that um make uh that cut the logs so it uses more electricity gives us more tax does require a natural resource for us but we can expand it over here i guess we'll probably do a little bit of that because the idea is this whole area i think it'll be a big forestry industry kind of area it doesn't actually matter that it overlaps the road but it looks kind of bad oh damn that's something too far well i think i i uh it snapped to the road for a sec okay so let's take a look at the bribery fund i mean totally legit campaign contributions fund um and so we're gonna start with uh with i guess the first bits that came in today was orion snake so this seems like it's the orion forest industries there you go sounds kind of nice doesn't it default industry doesn't work without its own regular district under over the industry district uh that's farming over here i guess there's some farming there but like the forestry industry doesn't actually have its own resource type does it [Music] that's outside connections resources over here um forest is dark green but it's just like this is just for like you can see the green in here and there's some over there too but it does have some right i think there's oil in them they're hills too but i don't think we're gonna do that i really want to avoid too many um intersections and things in the industrial areas because they are really bad for traffic but one of the things i want to do is i want to get over here and get to another highway connection we might want to have like avenues and things for these things to flow in but give me a sec not enough money oh boy luckily tax dollars are still coming in that's good in fact it will come in more here you need to build the forestry main bill no because we're using the different type of forestry zone this is not the um i i backed out i'm not using the industrial zone i'm using the regular district and i've just given it the forestry industry tag so i'm not using currently i'm not using the forestry industry from the expansion i'm using the forestry industry from the i mean we gotta spend money what do we do sit down the money and not use it for anything come on of course we got to spend this money next thing we need is a little bit more commercial we'll see where we want to put that i think i did set the taxes to the uh the higher number already the 11 maybe i can go 12 i don't remember now did we unlock any useful new policies a few some of them are more expensive but yeah we haven't unlocked the policies that make huge money for us no loans yet try to hold off on that roads are really shiny with the the water so what are we gonna expand our our commercials well i could build a few on the outside over here is that oops we're on the square tool actually and then go away fishing industry i know i know that you exist any of those shops over here norwegian roads and late autumn men you need sunglasses oh yeah the uh some like frosty canadian roads too when they're like snow packed um man that can be bright and hard to deal with all right money's coming in very well population is not rising much more anymore because we haven't put down new residential zone in a while but there is demand for it so we'll probably do that they might keep filling in over here i realize there's some forestry and farming areas over here but i think i like a big residential block the only problem is these guys might have to go kind of far to get to work but maybe we build the fishing industry off over here i haven't played with the fishing industry or maybe some farming maybe we do farm this up i don't know it's whiskey and just think do we do we farm the peninsula maybe that would be nice job hey joe thank you very much uh if there's agricultural area can be named town gate farming especially as i'm spring sewing on my tractor while watching wait what are you seriously farming like irl or you're playing farming simulator the problem is you can never know farming next to poop lake oh you're right it would be really good fertilizer and there is some farming area over here i think that's what the yellow is um yeah fertile land i mean it's going to be real fertile oh this island over here as well oh this is not fertile this is actually just oil [Music] locally sourced fertilizer can we create a fishing industry in poop lake i suspect we can farming in real life god damn that's so cool uh yes oh did we never build a fire building no we did oh we must just unlock the new level of it i don't know sometimes this game has like so many pop-ups what are you complaining black workers not enough workers okay we have to expand our residential area so we are going to go ahead and do that i think what we're going to do these pop-ups they do not stop i mean you can turn off some of the like you know extra tutorial help some distance this way do one of those a little diamond over here yeah isn't that kind of cute throw an actual diamond in there i know we're encroaching on some of the oil i don't know if i want to have oil over here farming was gonna i was gonna be okay with i don't think i want a big oil thing over here um i think what we'll do just so that these guys don't have to travel as far for work is we'll probably um we'll probably let's see about building some sort of fishing this we have no idea how that works but i think that might be what we tried i'm going to put in a few random commercial buildings over here you know that feels like you know people can go shopping without going too far away who play fiction incorporated an actual diamond well ish fish for carp and poop lake or crappies look like crappies always need a local corner liquor store yeah maybe oh we need some waterways park areas we will maybe look at that later i actually really like how the town is shaping up i think it's looking very pretty it's whiskey and chocolate uh whiskey and chocolate uh out of time ward boomtown hello boomtown thank you very much out of time ward hi mayor here's 25 dollars your next campaign and totally not for your swiss bank account nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more i would be grateful if you put my name on the first garbage jump out of time wards garbage solution has a nice ring to it well i mean we do have a garbage dump i was going to do these mostly in order but that is a that is a nice little specifical um request the add a time ward go finish fishing for crap can be called shit's creek oh oh someone earlier had specifically mentioned uh that they thought it would be a good idea to simply name this left to expand it as the water expands link number two [Laughter] it's so funny not enough workers people are moving in though um now they do want a little bit more um commercial areas we may have to build a little bit more of that i don't i think actually these own this whole thing this is all a little commercial area dookey lake would be fun dookie chemical runoff like name it like number one only if the chemicals are tinted yellow so okay we've got tons of money accrued which is great what i think i'm gonna do i'm gonna get ready for small heavy roads i do have uh i guess i have the extra network mod [Music] i think what we'll do is get this four lane road sort of have an avenue that comes through here maybe i'll do a little curvy sort of match the highway and my plan is going to be to connect it up to the highway over here these are ramps excellent we'll just use that it's whiskey and chocolate i'm gonna have to uh modify this i think to make it look a little more appealing we got more whiskey and chocolate hold on how do we um the page up yes so long um trigger anarchy there we go so now you don't worry about overlaps turn off anarchy we'll take a look at the whiskey and chop in a second so m is a um thank you hmm we may have to give this a couple of goes until we get it to the point where we're happy with it so i'll get rid of that there you go that looks okay this is pretty long i'm gonna do is take this oh wait that's not the right way to do that look at the cars um is but maybe i can i can connect it somewhere else i don't know i guess it's fine that's not bad eh i know we need we need one more connection but it looks okay so what we need now is from here to connect um there you can build toll roads so maybe turn on the anarchy just so that it'll let me place this without any real restrictions and you're coming on the wrong side you really need to merge on the other side eh yeah since there are like other connections and mods to make it look like a proper like on-ramp which just does not currently um look a little better this way i'm just trying to make it not be pinched over there so i mean between move it and uh road anarchy you can end up with connections that look really unorganic but that's not bad it gets a little pinchy i'd like to get rid of this kink a little bit but it's not too bad um is there a hotkey for anarchy there is i don't remember what it is though cuz i can just turn it off this way looks very organic like a brussels sprout this might be a little sharp but it's it's not bad so yeah so just to check here we can leave and then we can go west or we can go east and we can come in from this east or this west yeah so this is functional maybe uses up a little bit more space than it needs to but it doesn't look too bad off-ramp's a tiny bit steep right over here i mean you're not wrong you're not wrong at all but if i fuss around it with it too much i'll probably end up doing like terrible terrible things so um let's take our zone oh that's right the zone already encompasses all this ice for now i'm probably gonna build a little extra side bits a little bit more whiskey and chocolate but for now i think um i'm fine with just zoning along this avenue and we're going to check whiskey and chocolate one minute something like that what was the whiskey and chocolate hey smithy thank you very much um oh also i miss craig's guppy craze guppy says i have a reliable source telling me that a llama zoo is the next big thing guppy that's interesting information uh i'll make sure to sell all my uh gamestop stock and invest in llama zoos no i don't have any game stop stop i'm not i'm not brave enough for like that uh and smithy can't catch the whole stream because i'm coming out to my sister and brother-in-law in a few minutes oh wow wow wow uh have some chocolate on me to celebrate and thanks for years of content well smithy uh congratulations and good luck that's excellent imagine being stuck in a stop-and-go on that off-ramp my dear clutch would hate me right yeah i mean at least it's not uphill then you keep stalling i could probably smooth out a little bit with some with some trickery but yeah let's let's move on somewhere else for now so the idea here now is that um traffic for this industrial zone can use this and not necessarily bottleneck this area over here on-ramp is even worse shush it's all fine i'll make the next one even worse more of a roller coaster you see this is gonna this here is gonna be pretty slow up well it's always worse when you're placing down buildings not enough educated workers we need we do not have a high school yet so it's probably gonna be time for that maybe i'll build it in here we should have like a diamond um high school it's also a high school i think used up a lot yeah that use up a lot more space i'll have diamond high school what what is their uh what's their team called you know like they all have like you know they're the wildcats the whatever are they that like diamond high school geologists gemologists these are terrible names school the rock the school of rock the fighting rocks the carbons wild poop the crazy diamonds shine on you crazy diamond are you out of water no no we're good must be buildings coming in and out electricity is a little low do we just get a cool power plant at this point the hubcaps the balboas oh the rocky ball boys that's kind of funny [Music] go nuclear well we'll have to wait for town to grow a little bit more before we have that unlocked i have to say i kind of like our little road structures here i like this a lot i've never done stuff like this it was good we took such a long break and coming back with the different ideas for placements the nuggets you going green well i mean greenish horses should hopefully be looking okay oh cemetery you're right we don't have a cemetery okay i'm gonna need a name for the cemetery child health clinic the elder care yeah yeah should build it right here that's where we should do it and i'm gonna take a name we have some more whiskey it's no one hey know it you gave me some advice for something very recently that i don't remember if i acknowledge it in a video yet oh no that's right motorsport manager stuff so that'll be on monday we got to talk about that that the the engine sort of double dips on the uh the stats just kind of nice uh so we'll have to put that into a good use um so just looking here in the whiskey and chocolate fun looks like uh belle girith um i don't know just belgium cemetery i think i want something else what do we okay with acres there you are dwayne johnson is cool because it's the rock that's good last rest that's good too this oh this not being a street but instead being a bit of a highway connection might not be a terrible idea i've also got the um uh the traffic manager thing so we can use that to like tune intersections in a bunch of different ways oh yeah so you're sorry yes i have to read the whiskey and chocolate it's true uh they are the diamond high school cabachons the menace with spikes of carbon and we came this close to playing uh uh dwarf fortress today too oh that's fantastic i like it we don't have ground pollution here anymore except at the uh the water treatment plant that maybe we could get rid of since we have we have lake number two being filled more and more rapidly child care increases birth rate ella careless people live longer to maybe prevent death waves oh that's quite neat [Music] i'm still doing low density stuff everywhere but i'm kind of happy with that this first section anyway like everything sort of encompassed in this area here might all be low density we might end up with like a higher density area somewhere else after there's fish i don't know how we can check to see if there's fish in here kind of whiskey do you like ooh a la gouvern the googlin's really good really good distillers edition huh uh yeah the lag is probably my my favorite but it's usually too expensive to buy it's whiskey and chocolate high density around number two maybe it's one of the map modes oh these are oh we can check for fish over here oh yes we can nope no fish well the pollution is really high conditions ideally oh hey why me uh can you name next cemetery after me why me cemetery sounds good that does sound good ah not that obvious i love your stuff in high school should be the diamond high fighting meals fighting meals i don't know what that means anchovy sam okay yeah you guys are gonna have to guide me through this fishing industry stuff because that is new billy fishing harbor unlocks fishing route tool which used to create fishing routes the harbor needs a complete route to function different fishing harbors are able to catch different types of fish determining the depth of the flow of water water pollution affects fish yield aquaculture farms alternate way to gather high yields of fish and sea plants they can suffer water pollution more than fishing boats due to the stationary nature freshly caught fish can be directly sold to consumers at fish market or they can be delivered to a fish factory for further processing before being sold to commercial zones huh huh o'neill diamond that's funny i'm dumb uh not enough educated workers well i mean i mean we have a high school i mean maybe they mean college educated no because that's a different level right [Music] yes i'd be well educated oh you need a well educated you don't need highly educated what's the difference i mean i think the people who come to your town they're uneducated so they're kids that have to like level up the education there right yes no maybe so highly is university okay so what's well educated high schooling game is very demanding that's actually true okay how do we turn off all these goddamn pop-ups like we've been told about these a million times yes i know i didn't build a child center but we don't need like a billion pop-ups to remind us about all the features in-game guide pop-ups piss off and do i have trippy like is there a turn down chirpy option i don't actually hate trippy as much but i thought there was um a way to choose how often chirpy shows up oh auto open there we go that's all i want i just don't want those trophies to auto open [Music] okay so with fish so we do have this area here for anchovy i don't know if we can do a small route for that salmon let's all right so let's figure out how this works so i think the fishery section was a was it a zone or is it just a fishing industry so first we build a harbor build one over here so i'm gonna say i hope i can i can leave my uh my own zone here but it seems like yes we have to tell you what kind of fish this building is producing fish not enough water oh i mean that all right there's a little boat going out fish market fish market takes in fresh fish from harbors and farms and sells it directly to customers without processing into goods the fish factory which delivers commercial shops so do we want to like just plop down a few fish markets oh my god they're huge don't need long routes to the fishing oh okay so just a little like loop around here would have been enough basic fishing harbor catches anything unlocked specialized harbor if you catch more fish i see so i might be thinking maybe we put a fish factory over here because then you can just sell it to all our commercial zones this curved road is actually making it hard to place this i think fish factory not just a farm this is just gonna package our fish cut up little little fillets and package them for um for commercial zones okay you take in fish and then you're gonna send it to commercial zones and you do get it in workers which is nice and you get the breakdown over there okay i need a lot more residential [Music] hmm i'll expand over here i'm a little worried that all the people over here have to go too far to get to their work though what's the train like in this area resource wise there is a little more fertile land so okay we'll probably build some farming over there when we can i've got money let's buy this tile okay um we could do the actual industrial zone organic and local produce uh oh yeah so for this we make an industrial zone so we're gonna do the different style now this is the one where we put down an actual industrial zone covers some area over here i mean we can extend it over here because even if it doesn't cover fertile land because we still need places that produce or that process the goods heck i'll just fill in this area whether we use it or all or not i don't know uh and then i'm going to say that this is going to be organic and local produce no wait oh that's for commercial zones okay so now now i just go and put down the buildings right yes it's whiskey and chocolate now just put down these buildings and it just becomes whatever it becomes we got whisking chocolate for banana hey do you hear why no one likes the greedy shrimp because he's a little shellfish so this this becomes flagged just based on the buildings we put in i think so um [Music] we're gonna build an avenue a little larger road to do this part i'm gonna have it straight i'm worried that straight might be a little boring but kind of also makes sense doesn't it to do that we might work some other highway connection out over here kind of like using dirt roads for my farming areas i mean they're slow well maybe not okay we'll do um we'll do regular roads that sort of come off of this some amount over here another amount over here i guess i can connect up over here this avenue yeah maybe i'll do something like that come back over here grab this one take the curvy tool the idea that we'll build some sort of connection up like that and then what i'm going to do is do some little dirty gravel roads and not even like building straight i mean they're straight but crooked like as opposed to curves is what i mean now the building sizes for these is a little bit weird and different our main building sets an unassigned industries industry area to farming and allows it to level its level progression also works as an industry area headquarters or city services vehicles so i feel like we should have that maybe on the main road walking down farming or we could do a hex uh okay these are overlapping one another but sure congratulations we've unlocked places so we'll have to rename this area as well and pastures silos storing farming industry raw material crops storage buildings in place outside the industry area okay and what is this just some fencing oh cool um props oh and then i'm broke okay that's okay i mean we make money maybe i shouldn't have paused so we could have been making money all along but i don't want like buildings coming in while i'm like halfway done stuff and then just have you have water you don't power [Music] i want more residential zones too i think what's going to happen here right size road leave a little strip of green in between i should be doing more diagonals i kind of like them oops that's what i meant to do i was holding shift some games like shift and click drag to cancel but i forgot it's right quick over here um whoops i don't remember is there an eye dropper lane road oh right this is um the avenue part that's what's going on there um how do i feel about that what do i want the avenue or the two-lane road here which actually have the same width which is actually convenient i forgot about that so upgrading from one to the other is all pretty easy maybe this is this one i'll do this because i can actually see people from this area driving through here to maybe get over there no i haven't tried uh valheim yet roundabout at our intersection it do nice if you can build like roundabouts the thing is a roundabout in real life barely takes up more space than this like a residential roundabout right um but here you have to use so much space for a roundabout we'll we'll try to get some in there because we all like roundabouts i think this is gonna continue feeling uh maybe not quite that far got a bunch of commercial zoning along here again actually i'll leave a little gap in there that feels good we'll get another elementary school for this neighborhood and [Music] nice little park hey we still have to make this into a park zone we do it properly monorail someone say monorail [Music] so yeah you produce crops we don't we're not consuming the crops in any way yet we still have to do something about that you don't need roundabouts you need hex boats uh so this can go away power's gonna be carried around along just by these buildings over here i really like the look of our town like it's got a mix of different road styles but they they do kind of work together i'm gonna do mostly like these sort of like angles and things as opposed to using actual curves although this curve is very sexy we can all agree right there's a very sexy curve do a rail twice the rail for no reason we should we should make a hex about we should have one hex about just for one division uh so yeah so these are extractor buildings i mean we can filter by that extractor buildings which includes those then we need processing buildings oh wait there's a processing really we get flower mill um small island used for grazing animals how's this a processing building does it actually eat the crops we produce they eat the grains they do huh yeah they do oh neat okay i don't know i thought we could just sell the grain well we probably can as well with other buildings but we just don't have them unlocked right now now you guys are complaining because you don't have any raw material but they should get produced and dropped off i don't know if our races are okay i don't know if we need way more farms way fewer farms biological processing we'll just let that be for a little bit our money's good we did unlock more stuff we should probably start putting down at some point but what are you complaining about you still don't have fish do we need more harbors maybe more harbors and we'll build the silo as well routes on the fish are too long so i should just make them a lot shorter should i just do this yeah the electrical lines are cut which means they actually don't need to exist uh well that connection might be needed but yeah um and actually this whole thing doesn't need to exist click on a boat and see how full they get oh yeah so it's definitely filling up on this route this is about perfect i guess we could had it be four percent longer but that's just about perfect oh there we go fishing rod efficiency 96 okay so close to optimum without even trying yeah we just kind of lucked out on that that's cool what if i can use move it to change the routes or shellfish town oops not upgraded i hate the way these uh these look but these buildings of the built-in roads although that's one of the things we can do with move it is we can actually move this road and it still kind of works um fishing route would be nice to get information about length as we're placing it which i'm sure i'm not the first person to make that comment can a place become overfished why does my fish taste like garbage it's fine you're upset so i guess we don't get the stats until they they come in you want to call the town boulder's gate fishing runs through poop lake apparently there's no fish in there unfortunately oh we're getting power shortages um indeed indeed indeed uh we can now get oil power plant oh geothermal warmth the earth core to provide electricity for the city geothermal energy does not pollute yeah oh yeah let's use this we're gonna we're gonna stay fairly green it does have a noise radius but that's about it yeah we can put it maybe in like in the uh sort of close to the the farming areas over here because that shouldn't bother anyone and then with the highway over here it's going to produce a bunch of noise anywhere anyway quite expensive but we've got the money [Music] oh look at that geothermal energy such a european thing is it the netherlands that has like the highest like per capita like just houses heated with geothermal energy what are you complaining about none of buyers for the product meanwhile this place was complaining they didn't have enough space for it but okay there we go even efficient start a logging industry and like heyo iceland in italy iceland makes a lot of sense italy places with volcanic terrain because i know there's a bunch of stuff in the netherlands with geothermal and thermally heated houses and stuff and especially for new construction there's a whole there's a whole thing put trees around i do even have a tree brush now with the tree brush there you go choose what trees we want to put in we should take a look can i click on these existing trees and find out what they are so it'd be nice to keep matching although we've got a few different kinds so this is a tree brush mod this will just pick something that looks about right flower trees green trees and we can we can balance it as well some oak and uh some beach trees there you go just a collection of them and so now i think if i start there we go look how pretty this is i like to fill up all these areas with with trees it makes the towns look so much nicer bam hey sencha look geothermal energy and wind turbines they're so green very little pollution no pollution happening here we do have the dump and we do have this water treatment plant although it's kind of obsolete because you know we've got lake number two happening over here at some point i'm sure that's a disaster waiting for half to happen but that's you know that's another generation's problem so we do still need a lot more workers so we just need a lot more housing i i still i'm still leery about going high density we could build up this area i'm worried that people are gonna have to travel too far to get to work from over here but maybe we can put down some some subway stations if we start to unlock that i don't know i guess we can expand over here some housing that might be okay [Music] let me keep going with this down like that like that let's start getting fancy with the tree-lined um streets maybe we'll just do a bunch of mass upgrading later um that's right yeah that's what i want to use so much new residential if we had high density um residential it actually wouldn't be bad to put it here maybe when we on maybe when we unlock it we'll end up putting high density residential right along here a few sort of like low rise apartment blocks but i mean it might become high rises later on i guess but i don't know these places are gonna have no power right now what we can do to help um spread it over there a little faster oh oh i still need to rename the uh the farm land yes flower mill bakery farmworkers barracks paddle shed small barn okay we'll take a look at that in the scooch um is i was gonna say get some parks over here because the parks spread electricity i mean i guess they have some lighting for at night and stuff like that uh so that will help just reach it out but it's possible if i put another one over here it'll reach i'm actually thinking we might put another school here maybe i'll put another high school down and then if we look at the power there you go you can see how that like built these connections for us i could put down some temporary power lines and remove them later but i hate power lines so what are we gonna call our farming area here well let's take a look at the totally not bribes uh fund um wait oh i'm a little limiting my scroll back i gotta be a little faster over here uh so mj oh we took your name for lake number two and banana cabana uh yep so i mean bananas farming cabanas there we go right over here may be very successful tip thank you very much for the bits sharia has been following since september 2016. don't mind are you gonna play more microsoft flights in there so we did a couple weeks ago i want to do more um i really enjoy playing it not that many people are like super into watching oh garbage collection's starting to be a problem it's possible our garbage dump is full it is full and wanting to empty i do have a mod that automatically turns on emptying on garbage dumps when they get too full but that's not going to help if we've got nowhere to put it um we don't have incinerators yet we do have to build a um a recycling center so i'll do that soon i'm going to put a uh the dump way out over here for now and i'll also pair it with recycling center now the recycling center recycle different kind of waste when the city has recycling center making less garbage pile up do they they also send out trucks okay and they collect waste and then they give some of it back i'll build it over here recycling center and dump next to one another sort of make some sense i gotta build another recycling center near the other dump actually i don't know if you can dump from here into the recycling center like because this is set to emptying it's probably emptying to the other dump i don't know if it's gonna be here if we get incinerators then people can empty to the incinerator and that's gonna help uh this giant backlog of garbage is gonna be a problem and actually this traffic is going to be a huge issue um i'm a little worried that this is going to generate a huge traffic jam over here but it actually might be critically important to get this going over here you can see the industry there's so many trucks and like i want them to be using this route and they are a little but not much didn't i zone this whole area why is no one coming here [Music] why did the industry never move in over here at all i mean i guess there's no demand for industry that might be all there is it's whiskey and chocolate whiskey hold up i have to sneeze again hey sassy burp thank you um sassy burr what what's it like uh working with snarky hamilton that makes sense i keep up the hard work and providing lots of entertainment thank you very much sassy burr ah i don't know i'm so sneezy today yeah we let our garbage problem this this we might the backlog of garbage might turn out to be a bit of an issue here also these roads are not necessarily traffic efficient although the nice thing is like no one's gonna be driving through these neighborhoods except for the people who actually live here which is good i think i'd like to put down some more healthcare um that's police station although maybe that too i'm gonna get um a full hospital maybe a full hospital we'll build it actually on the avenue right here we'll have good capacity and let's get a child care center across from the high school i'd love a shopping district in that neighborhood over here i mean there's one here and here like within the neighborhood no although it makes sense like zone one corner store over here you know what i mean like i don't know if you can you can get like i'm getting rated oh from entering hey thank you very much actually i haven't watched an ee video in a while and i love eating these videos check that out are they going to re-zone those here get out of there residents i don't know what the smallest commercial building will be like clearly a house can fit in here i don't know if a commercial building will yeah ksp also um aurora oh something is coming in nice oh this pleases me so much a little drugstore oh it's so cute how much i could zoom in more i'm gonna have to add in a month i should make this historical name after someone ees drugs and stuff there we go until one day we bulldoze it because it's in the way little atm on the side i like how it's got little hedges and stuff set up it's so cute there you go so a little bit of a local commercial zone for these people to pick up their necessities we love drugs and stuff exactly right okay so not enough buyers for our products so now that we have unlocked some more stuff for our farming industry we can put down a floor mill so we'll put down a floor mill oh the noise is a little much there i'm gonna put it right here actually or and we got more whiskey and chocolate here no housing for anything so they should get delivered and then we can get a cattle shed as well too uh well that's in the buildings used to raise cattle and provide them with shelter against harsh weather processing requires crops to produce oh so it's the same as the small animal pasture but different [Music] and then yeah we can barns to store farming raw material and it can be outside the zone um let me put one here and we'll put a silo oh wow these are tiny they're so cute so cute what was that whiskey and chocolate plain coast hills hey here's my contribution bribe for a space center the only sustainable way to deal with the garbage crisis nice check that you're actually growing green wait what what's appearance is that i think it's literally just appearance though make it look like oh i love the greenhouse look oh that's quite cool i think they just produced generic crops i don't think they have a type yeah it's just cosmetic greenhouse or open fields silos cause a lot of traffic oh probably and that's maybe a terrible place for we can always move them mixture okay so we'll have these three and then i think i like the um the corn better than the uh the cotton it looks more like a full full field can we do the same here too oh hot well no we got to keep the highland coos i mean sheep are pretty cute too island queues i mean i don't know if they're quite fluffy enough the sheep have to be delivered reset something maybe we can have one of everything pigs oh yeah regular cows oh it's just a mix of cows oh that is quite cool there they go when they come in [Music] yeah let's uh let's crop up some more here was this one no fruit fields well there's different yields amounts okay well these are up 4800 which seems to be oh there you go and then it flower there so as long as it's 4800 that seems to be oh that's a little off it's not perfect but maybe we'll put it down there anyway oh does this remember the last one i set it probably does this then we'll put a random yeah wheat fields i'm gonna put another green house over here oh look at this traffic oh my you're right balanced empty phil oh are they accepting are they accepting grain from other places are we getting deliveries from outside of the city it's whiskey and chocolate i'm thinking we should do just put it like closer to these main things and it doesn't even to be inside the zone okay hold on let's wait we got more recent challenge it's both night hey belf night do what you will with the totally not a bribe donation i'll see what i can do um and yes the power to recycling that's true too i had noticed earlier and then i had forgotten um well we might just be able to build some connection let me let me get we'll get that first um let's build a little connection to the outside world uh maybe near here is that the drugstore okay that's fine so we're gonna use the on and off ramp thingies cut through some of this building a little bit it's just gonna have to be the reality of it you can turn on the anarchy so that we don't have to deal with you know trying to find the exact sweet spot that it puts down a pillar we may have to turn on the anarchy regardless can we do it at hex intersection well it's not letting us right now but if i turn on anarchy mode it will um i gotta turn it around it's gonna come in the other way actually uh oh no no no there we go it's like a little hug now so people can leave in either direction and they can come in from either direction and we get a nice little hex uh intersection let's move this to try to smooth out that ramp a little bit the problem is it it's always the sharp little ending to the ramp so there's a limit to how smooth you can ever get it there we go it's probably a little bit better and see there's like it looks a little kinky over here too you know i can try to make it a little smoother but it's just part of like just since city skylines it's always pretty steep can lower the height of the pillar um that's right right yes with move it i forgot about that with move it i can change the height of individual nodes i realize i was still fixing this one you click on it and then you can use page up and page down to tweak it which does look a lot better yes i like to move it move it make a great f1 course there's still some trap but it's actually not bad there may have just been a big like injection or or pickup of it so it may have smoothed out now and just be a lot better all right in this neighborhood's looking good lots of demand for housing build some here it would be noisy near the highway all right if we extend it over here but at the same time we may just have to you know deal with it hey weird kid bribes we're doing bribes well in case here's my uh donation slap my gnome on something ps internet extension my farm is really sketchy so i moved the modem to the barn wow we don't have any public transit yet and it may be time to look into that let's see what has been unlocked for public transit so far uh busing trolley bus trams ships taxis tour buses post service public transport hubs i don't know buses do we just wait until we get um like metros like subways and just do that i know it's not covering anything but it probably will cover something later tram down the main farm avenue actually yeah that would be pretty sexy if we had to tram down all this yeah yeah one major tram line trams are gorgeous we should totally do that okay so truck is trolley bus tram what what's the difference between a trolley bus and a tram [Music] is the trolley bus just like their bus but they have the electric connection um from the cabling like they don't run on um they're not like street cars charlie bus is cheaper but has less capacity trolley buses don't go on rails yeah it's a road tram yeah so it doesn't have it doesn't have tracks but it does use the electrical cabling i'm trying to remember if what towns i've been that have those i was gonna say toronto but no toronto they're they're they're trams i don't know i've got more whiskey and chocolate boston vancouver haven't been well i've been to boston have we been on one of those i don't know one weird kid uh oh my god thank you very much um okay stop scrolling please what do you call the boss at old mcdonald's farm the c-i-e-i-o is so bad i'd never heard that one before uh halco thank you very much as well pribes totally not a pride but my name on something maybe wink wink oh man we gotta get some more names down for for our uh campaign donators here okay so what's the vote boston very few left technically in cambridge two not boston quebec city wants to build the tramway russia has let's try the buses i think i want to build an actual tram i like things that run on tracks so we'll build an actual tram so we need to build the tram roads now i was gonna say this one's extra wide so we'd be cutting this down if we're not widening this road maybe we should just widen this road maybe now's time to do that because we can build not wider if we use this but then there's just going to be the two lanes and then the trams so we're going to cut down on road traffic which i mean is sort of the goal of public transit but it might be restricting us i think we widen it i think we go ahead and we assume we're gonna do the four-lane road with prime trax and we go ahead and do it now before we develop the town anymore um so we can always move some things as needed to get it done so oops that was a mistake so anywhere it's not going to let us do it it's because there's a building that's too big in the way so these are places where we're gonna have to do some moving of a building um what's annoying i mean first of all cost money but also i can't like move it back one step off to just move it to over here for example um hopefully i'm not messing this up but i think we're okay and then same thing over here i'll have to move you to here and then i might want to move you back because i may have been actually happy with where you were know we got more skin shots hold on oh wait what oops that's what i wanted so over here it's probably mostly the hospital that's in the way um there come back here upgrade upgrade then i'm gonna come here and just downgrade you back to this and then over here what's in the way police station is that all there was yes okay so i mean a lot of buildings were bulldozed and being replaced it's interesting that there's these gaps oh was this maybe not straight before that's possible do that let me do a little bit of this okay let's let this run trolley just unifies the drawbacks of trauma and busts without real advantages still attached to electrical cables but stuck in traffic right good point uh so what do we have there we had uh halco no that was halco already read it's banana what do you call someone who helps shellfish give birth a lobster trician can we get some many booze booze many booze and chat for that but thank you very much baboo but thank you baboo uh vinomo uh the new green screen or just new lighting looks good um no no real change i mean the lighting might be adjusted in slightly different position but camera slightly bigger than normal maybe as part of it i don't know oh so many booze in chat nice i like booze i'm all about my boos okay so now that that line is done i can put a tram depot say here let these these does have to reach an intersection is complaining that the road isn't do i have to like get you all the way to u-turn maybe that's all it is it's just going to complain because it's a dead end unless it hits a u-turn but i think this should work needs a loop i think here it's okay because it can come in and out maybe not okay if i were to bulldoze this and this wait you still you can't loop here okay how do you there's an eye dropper for roads i'm sure there is how do you how do you there's a way for you to click on a road i'm sure they added it to the base game at some point does anyone remember should be able to loop into the depot but needs to loop at the other end oh okay if i were to um pull those to here it stopped complaining yes it would stop whining there i think it's a mod oh okay so that side will now be okay and non-whiny what happens if i um if i just build a regular road off of this now yeah because it can loop at the depot this block is a little annoying but gonna be so much traffic coming from these from what this over here well we'll find out maybe this is just set up in a completely dumb area but we're gonna have to find out now the other end there maybe we build the loop around i mean we could literally just set up something to do a ue or what i might do is this might be a place where we actually downgrade and we can service a little residential area maybe the little tram neighborhood although there's some pollution here but maybe we can fix that there you go so i can do this and turn around and then it's an inefficient loop i i recall correctly tram only roads do allow turnarounds at the end so but it had the warning maybe the warning could have been an ignorant it could have done an ending maybe it was just a stumpy end with no other connections eyedropper is a mod called picker it's made by cuboid okay this could still be improved because this is generating tons of traffic heck if anything this would be a place to redesign this as a roundabout bulldoze everything from here to here and then back to over here and set up a bit of a roundabout um to feed into this industrial section to feed in here and defeat in there oh you mean tram only so no regular traffic so just a regular tram track could have dead ended out of curiosity still whiny no definitely not what because this is gonna become a neighborhood and it's gonna it's gonna kick in here because we are still desperate for um residential housing uh we may have to pull back on a little bit or we could do some parks or stuff over here hang on let me do let me do a bunch of box stuff here then we're going to unpaint some of this like that and then we're going to drop a bunch of parks over here not landfill a fairly large park here oh ben's making it pretty hard to do that a couple of proper parks these own this this this and that and then use the tree brush tool to hopefully do that you full yeah building is emptying and then it killed the power but it should fill back in shortly here um it's been a while since we've added more fire and police services so i'm gonna get another fire station uh right over here which will also helps spread the power yeah these trees the park i think will rebuild them [Music] like continuously i don't know i wonder if we've just unlocked the incinerator yet put back in some garbage production okay let's get our tram stops down now uh click on the roads of the tram tracks place to stop simultaneously drawing a tram line road must be similar circular to finish yeah okay so probably i mean that's weird that's like in the middle of a road because i would think near should intersect but i guess it makes sense you cross here and this whole area is where they stop so go there i don't know how often we should stop [Music] i know i sort of skipped one but oh hold on oh i can't actually complete the line this way we are going to have to um build a loop [Music] okay there you go trams away can we change our color [Music] yes we can let's get them blue yes i like it there's a modded tram depot that lets you loop through it aha and it wasn't letting me connect to the depot maybe there was a way i tried clicking on the depot maybe there was another spot i could have clicked on but that's okay we got it there this this loop existing is not actually a problem heck maybe we could run the uh a tram through here as well might not be the dumbest thing ever actually upgrade more of these to be a small tram line you know what i wanna um wrong road like why are things being de-zoned because i was using just the tram track by itself everything's fine nothing to see here everything's okay so i have to uh rezone some uh industrial zones here um that's actually a good time for us to get rid of let me build this connection that's going to be okay um you complain about road connections you should be fine oh did i tram line here that was an accident you should be a regular road to the road as well okay so now if i come back over here i can make a new line that's going to stop here here here here connect up there and then complete this way there we are and then those buildings should come back in um but i need to reconnect our outflow to lake number two there you go so you stay powered here i need to keep filling lake number two and the zones have been oh not entirely rezoned some some parts did but not others do that's not currently connected but will be once these buildings come in [Music] because we've got yeah this is zoned these guys should pop in that should fix the power shortly this place does still not get enough fish i guess we need a lot more of these fisheries this one's working 100 this one's still working at 96 percent but it's not enough yeah the poop flow has been interrupted gotta wait for this to pop back in um there is some commercial demand i think i'll probably go ahead oh there's some crime over here too put some commercial going here let me trim back here but add it here and yeah we'll add a police station over in this end of town because there is uh there is crime maybe we'll build a big one right there these guys will be happy we oh we don't have enough water um coming in so we need another water pumping station um we'll build it uh we'll build it over here i gotta make sure not to take too much water from the same place because it will lower the water level and then you don't have any power i guess i'll build an ugly little power station even or power water power intake that's what i'm looking for power water come on so i think we're still having garbage problems i think we need some more dumps until we can get the incinerators is there a lake in the middle over here lake number two or do you mean somewhere else i don't know can make a dump island and a bridge to it yeah we could although speaking of islands um i would like to expand here do we have the ability to buy another towel no not yet because this is a nice farming island it's all fertile land it'd be great to make a little farming island over there i do have a couple of recycling centers we got one here we got one on the other side as well [Music] kind of a cute shape actually i mean these guys have to deal with pollution what dlc i've got all the all the major expansions i think there's a couple of um smaller dlc that had like sporting events or something like that that i might not have but i have all the actual big expansions um i mean sometimes that can happen with move it but there's actually a zoned area over here what is this attached to like why is there crime oh because the police literally can't reach that house because no one can actually reach that house probably to do with like when i was moving some stuff around or something i don't know um i think this does produce noise we actually don't want it this close to the um the house i'll move back over there cost us a little bit money to do but there you go these people got a lot happier which is nice trams are traming oh so cute car trip saved 59 so 59 of the people who are trying to reach destinations sort of along this road i think use that instead now you are complaining about lack of workers and it is uneducated workers we clearly need more residential areas owned maybe rather than have this all be industrial we're going to turn some of this into a residential theme yeah i think i think that's the right call here let me back way off on this industrial zoning we'll use the nice tree-lined roads and maybe we'll um stay with kirby roads in this area waterfront it does mean less density because every time you've got a little kink screws up some spacing a little bit looking straight down on the water drops kind of cute all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to box assign this to um residential but then we're going to change some of this to commercial yeah i gotta de-zone it first and then re-zone it and just override one zone with another we might leave this area empty just because it'll stop cars from stopping in that area and i guess now i can use the box depending on what square you click on or no square box outliner does some funky things i'll leave a complete gap over there you can do that there we've got some water but not full water 30 that magic number oh hang on missed a spot a little bit overlap that's going to be fine this might be a nicer neighborhood i mean we got the tree-lined roads big town i can buy a new area campuses uh-huh sports arenas level 5 buildings and things inter-city bus still remember how city got dumped by this masterpiece i mean the even the advertising campaign for this was great i love how they they answered like one of the one of the features they advertised in this game was like no online or no multiplayer like as an actual like advertised feature this game because of how badly it went with simcity just gorgeous pretzel grow so what we can do is we can um we can create a new district over here which i think we should first of all i'm gonna erase the old one and we will give this neighborhood a name and we're going to be dipping into our uh our campaign contributions cozy park i mean kinda i think we're gonna keep the park name for that neighborhood uh so scrolling back um we'll grab not that uh not that obvious not that obvious park a little new neighborhood over here build a canal from poo lagoon into the river no i really don't want the river to be polluted i'm a little worried here that at some point this is gonna fill up and then it's gonna flow into the river maybe we can set up some k's um to prevent that from happening some caves which is not a wrong way to pronounce it although it does tend to trigger a lot of people you can say key if you want that's totally okay but i think what nice thing is no matter if you're a key person or k person we can all agree that anyone says quay needs to be banished from the internet forever this traffic jam so i think well okay part of the problem is i'm just zoning a bunch of stuff right when you zone a bunch of stuff everyone moves in simultaneously and that becomes a problem i still think there's gonna be a giant roundabout over here i still think that might be the plan um we'll drop some services over here too uh because first of all we could use a few more and secondly it can help maybe breach the um power make maybe a jump from one of these get you there we'll get the police station set up over here i think i was still gonna need a little bit of a thing to connect the power just until this gets saturated well i guess some of it i didn't even zone maybe we could expand the zoning a little bit although hold on okay to around there so i will add a tiny bit more zone oh we can do high density now oh a little bit of that and i guess i will go ahead and commercial zone like this as well [Music] i think there's gonna be a lovely neighborhood probably want to put some actual parks in here because otherwise because they don't recognize the trees as an actual product at least i could do a tree a park zone let's put a playground because it does look like it's already got like sort of so much greenery but a playground will stand out as being different there we are used to be a pit here but we filled in i've been re-watching parks and rec just grid within a zone purely relies on people plugging into their neighbors houses that's right it's just a series of extension cords from house to house to house that's exactly how this works i wonder if i could connect here i don't know all right demands lower people are moving in right now i mean if we just first of all we should actually have another school over here another elementary school right next to the park i think that sounds very lovely only people happier over here increasing demand make sure to keep pulling people in but also uh we can help maintain the education level should have gotten a lot better than previously put the elementary school next to the pit that's how the power down here in texas works too yeah your deregulated power is just a series of extension cords from neighbor's house neighbor's house wow it's a wonder you guys don't have more power problems war fortress in the future today was almost war fortress dwarf fortress is going to come soon i'm still i'm still really hoping that the steam version will be up by now that's what i kept delaying the next uh dwarf fortress uh let's play expecting um the steam version to be available do we have the incinerator we do have access to the incinerator now excellent okay because that means our garbage dumps will no longer continuously be full um maybe i will build it out over here uh hold on wrong building now these guys produce their own garbage trucks too but the garbage dumps when they empty they will empty to the incinerators now we just have like twice as many garbage trucks in this area which is kind of useful any connection in that anymore not yet and we might i wasn't good uh although we didn't uh it's not big enough i i don't know we might wait for the metro i don't know maybe i should just like assume we're gonna tram the whole thing from the start these are bus lane roads yeah i guess i always have to go through here and then click on the tram roads and use those i'm not sure just just just watching your last cities play through wondering when you might raise it again cool uh we don't have farm island well because actually uh we only now just uh got the ability to expand this area um so i guess we'll do that now to purchase you but i do like the idea so how are we gonna get over to farm island a bridge ferry [Music] ferries might be prettier huh it would also be a pretty bridge i mean we could also always have both the thing is um if we just do a ferry like a fairy will get people there but we need to build a cargo um a cargo dock to actually handle goods coming in and out underground tunnel blimps an underground tunnel might be nice we could probably just pull it off of the highway over here go underground the highway and pop it up that's quite nice i also really like this this island we'll have to put some houses on it it might be a little tricky to fit but i don't know we can pull it off bridge between the tiny island it's like a bridge here with a little pit stop and then go monreal catapult oh fairies alternate sparring smelling of fairies yes little fairies to carry people across i believe [Music] um what do we we should name we should have a few more districts a few more neighborhoods nothing else that will give us a way to name things which is always fun um shrink this down because i can click and drag along the road if i'm not too shaky it does snap to the road which does making for drawing some of these districts very convenient screw that one up back up try again easier when they're thicker roads or i suppose if i zoom in a little bit more might make my life a little simpler as well so there's a little notch that got missed there just fill this in that'll be one neighborhood another one and you get these little houses in between that they're like they're not sure what neighborhood they're supposed to belong to um gotta make sure oops oh oh the farming area and the district oops because they're different styles they can overlap each other oh that's interesting [Music] oops something like that i think maybe this is all part of the same little neighborhood maybe just to here okay so lynch hills i'm gonna scroll away down here and find sassy burr sassy burr hills and chester square is going to become well you know what plain coast you know hold on first of all payne coast that becomes funny plane coast is going to try to save your name for something else somewhere that it fits belf knight burrows burrows no that's arrows one r an oh oh my god i can't word it's one of those moments where everything looks wrong because i use the wrong burrows first bull rose right help me bureau's little donkeys four rows yeah so as i'm doing it i'm like bull ruffs that can't be right elf night ba ruffs over here excellent burritos there we go starting to get some so plain coast hills it feels it should be on the coast it should be in the hills island no maybe this little area right over here this could be plain coast hills just a tiny little stretch well this little neighborhood didn't have a name right this is sort of in between two districts yes hold on i'm gonna use the the tree-lined roads for a little bit more you know it helps with noise abatement um straight line actually straight lines will work here it's a little bridge oh that's that's really cute actually i'm keeping that so yep okay so i think something like this pleases me so now if these guys also want to be sharing the same name i think they need a road connection i think that's what we'll do maybe everything on this street fall into that neighborhood there we go you have the name to recenter like why is it there instead of here boardwalk or harbor under the bridge ooh we could have um like pedestrian paths and stuff right wait for this it's easier if what you turn off the snap much like uh wait i thought i turned off the snap why is it still snapping okay well let me do that oh i'm thinking of different type of path that can't that can't connect to a road this is a different kind of thing because it actually does connect to a road because the footpaths a lot of times were no good when you did that oh look at this okay i'm not used to these down to the waterfront oh wait you can zone you can zone this so this would literally be houses that people can only walk to their houses over here so it's just me or some of the zoning going into the water we should be the other way around i don't know kind of like restaurants and shops along the water but the houses along the water is good too no commercial just residential maybe we could have a little a little commercial block in here i was going to say there's a bit of a flood zone oh well uh the water that is sort of shuffled around because the the land got morphed a little bit it's okay we can put down a k how do we where are those is under terraforming there you go okay perfect that's what you want um why is it looking like a huge selection uh turn off snapping please up to but not bulldozing the natural stone formation over here uh maybe up to there a little bit more uh where was it under here no here yes can i use the move it tool oh thank you small city to change the height of this no huh we can terraform this maybe with a terraform tool huh the nodes because with the roads shift click select more than one the camera's shaking like something is happening because okay for reference with the road i don't want to f up some random road um i just click on it and then i can page page up page down it moves click on it it's shaking but it's not actually doing anything nodes of the circle bits where the segments intersect yeah which is what i'm clicking on right here this is what you're talking about right here right or the little green speck because yeah see here i'm clicking on a node and that's working here this looks like a node to me and it's putting a little green dot as if it's selected but it's not actually doing it the the height thing for the case must much must work differently how did i used to do this it must have to be terraforming first my ra am i lowering this um is it not click to raise elevate by clicking with the primary button it is going up i mean it's enough that there's a house being built here but i just need to adjust the strength settings or something like this is not oh strength i mean terrain's definitely shifting well i guess it's having to go and do like it's having to raise the sea a bunch for it to work here there we go you can see it's shifting over here we've got a huge plateau yeah and level it maybe just use the level two so you click where you start click with a secondary to choose the target i mean i i set the target to here yeah see it's gonna bring that down it's having a real hard time bringing up the water i should probably just de-zone this area but i kind of want this to be straight and level oh it's only going to raise as high as the k maybe that's the problem i should have landscaped first and then put this down there you go now it's nice and level yeah okay so that was the big problem is um sort of level at first because the case sort of finishes the leveling in a certain way but get a little closer first i don't know if these are going to be like luxury houses or not people have to walk to them but they'll attract people of a certain lifestyle and certain interests i guess none of sewage treatment well lake number two you're gonna have to get some more help here i mean if we can use more of the eco treatments but i think we're just putting up more more outlets yes so i'm going to put it keep it on the high high ground as much as possible here damn more poop water flow yes no maybe so there it is okay still some water in that parking lot is there but now we actually have like i guess it's been built up as a protective barrier it's looking kind of okay there's a little bit of water solution around here although it seems fine-ish we might occasionally get a couple of messages about houses flooding oh we got some robberies i don't know if the police can deal with the robberies over there [Music] oh wait [Music] i'm like oh maybe the cop cars are allowed on here but regular cars are driving on the boardwalk oh boardwalk for misks traffic that's a zonable pedestrian boardwalk tiny road so it's pedestrian and a road oh as opposed to these paths over here which are pedestrian only or bicyclist only okay this is fine actually i mean it's gonna be like a low traffic area it still looks really nice you could make it bikes only you know what i'm kind of fine with this paint deliveries i mean it's probably a sign you know local traffic only is probably what it's being told not a lot of housing on the outer part over here but that's okay i'm actually you know what i don't think i don't know if i want any of those in here i think i like a few shops if people come down here they can sit on the k they can do a little fishing they can do some shopping i'm gonna d-zone the residential that's here um well that one might be okay i know i don't like these uh or those i think maybe i'll eliminate that one those are okay i think i'm fine with with there being one there where's the banana stand on the boardwalk always make money there's always money in the banana stand that's true i like how we got a little bridge in the boardwalk going under it under the bridge there where there's a boardwalk that i think that's how the song goes right under the bridge where there's a boardwalk yeah famous dylan song this does not need to exist anymore which means we can make this zone a little prettier crispr no supports or anything right and the game didn't put them in i'm actually surprised didn't put a pillar in there we could probably get a prop pillar we can do that i could steal a pillar from one of the highways yoink and move it all the way over there oh yeah you know what it's time to do something about this the thing is this is not a stupid traffic backup but because it's not backing up to the highway so it's still flowing but at some point it might become a little too much we got half an hour left to uh the single player portion of stream how's the vote going by the way make sure you have voted uh to determine what the multiplayer for today is looks like we are going to play heroes of the storm today okay because all the heroes and heroes of the storm are currently free and available make sure you've got hots installed updated uh i don't know if there's a region thing but i'll be playing in the north american region put a casino on the boardwalk okay i've got tons of wow we got tons of money let's get bulldozing over here now my um roundabout one yeah i have to hover over an existing intersection to automate um the roundabout which might be worthwhile i think what i'm going to do is i am going to go ahead and make it like a dummy intersection because here think it'll make life a little simpler for us to just use the tool so we're going to center it somewhere over here uh i guess we're going to turn on the snap so we'll get the 90 degrees and something else a little something like this so what i'm going to is use the roundabout tool we're gonna click on the intersection um oh wait precursor mode oh i could have just done it that way okay all right control o so we're in the precursor mode um what do we make the roundabout out of and can literally anything i think what we want is like two lane highway let's see here which would be this two lane highway yeah i think that's what we want to use for this two lane highway bicycle path uh let's make the radius a little bigger something like that we'll line it up roughly here excellent so then we are going to actually i will also use the two lane highway at this point i'm going to do this backwards like that then what i can do is use the upgrade tool and change the direction there we go thank let this run for a second that traffic looks silly we could change some of the elaine rules here which i think we will do um what am i looking to do here there we go there that is right turn only okay i could actually prevent people from being here which might smooth some things out i don't know okay let's let this run for a bit this might always be too much of an issue especially with this here the problem is the slowdown over there because it's like it's around about directly into the intersection which is not what we want now i think this will clear up because i think this is going to flow a lot better than what was going before we could make it four lanes yeah true i don't know that's i don't think that's the solution to this so i mean it's flowing great now but i think the problem is this bit of road in this intersection has the dumb and isn't what we're gonna want unless we make this into a four lane and this into a four lane as opposed to the roundabout maybe that's what you're saying and perhaps let me get rid of this gun i think i can move the dump even it's not empty no okay i want to get rid of you because i don't think i can upgrade this road right now another smaller roundabout um i think upgrading this might make some sense said with nothing but round about but yeah actually you can see it is flowing well little stutters beginning i think it's from the auto save i'm not sure um it is flowing fine now it might start to become a problem again the problem is industrial areas always generate stupid amounts of traffic and this is such a short little road like that's not helping matters and the fact that the thing to do might literally just be like remove this completely and give us more space to work with or if i built the roundabout in a slightly different place a square bout fire oh all of our trees are on fire and this building's on fire here i don't know if these trees are gonna get looked at by our fire station we might need our choppers yeah if we make this a right turn only maybe i'm worried that it's gonna generate traffic problems just further you know further down the the situation here [Music] those are just things with like various like priority settings turn off parking on some of these roads it's not currently a problem i suspect it will be later on and we're going to want to give this some sort of attention i just don't know what that is yet [Music] let me get an incinerator over here because first of all we're going to want that to replace the um the mine or the uh the landfill um literally right here i'm going to put it over here it's still not too far away these guys don't like having that there but deal with it once this is full we'll probably get rid of this something in the intersection that's not bad because it would prevent people from uh from stopping here which is often a good idea like especially right there um i don't want to get rid of all of this though [Music] clear some of it i mean it could also turn into a road that doesn't allow zoning yeah see now the traffic back wow so there's been a lot of inputs here a little bit of backup over there too yeah another road from the intersection to the y intersection on the left of the problem area yeah that's what i'm wondering like this i didn't like it right away i actually had initially wanted to get my road connection to be over here but which i suppose i could still snake something through there but yeah connecting to here even just getting rid of this road although that will break our tram but we could run the tram through here instead that's actually what i'm thinking might be best we just blow this part up but yeah four lanes is probably good i guess i could do that now the problem is i can't um i couldn't upgrade this part yet because this thing is still full of garbage but make it a six lane over here that will give more turning lanes as well which is gonna be good and then for our tram here upgrade this part like that and that and then rezone the broken industrial stuff hey bananas farming cabanas have reached level three lemonade factory hmm this actually might be sufficient it's got two lefts and one right which is i guess fine it's mostly right turns though the middle one i should change the middle one to allow both you know right or left from the middle he's got a dual lane [Music] the blame the factory next to lake too this empty yet god we just like forcibly blow it up that would be nice it's one of the reasons i don't like landfills or cemeteries because when you want to move them you can't speaking of cemeteries i wonder if we can do no we can't do a crematorium yet that's the next upgrade though i think and the problem here is that straight traffic's got to wait for people to make this corner and it's just such a short road this whole thing is is bad maybe just connecting up to the y intersection is all we need to do because it's just going to give more um more space maybe that's all we need is getting you to connect up here instead that may literally solve everything [Music] we like to merge at the y intersection and then probably once again change this to uh only allow the straights here that way people waiting to turn right don't block this this should pro maybe there should be a three lane the entire roundabout might not need to be threes but that would make that corner a little smoother we're fine now but the problem is industrial traffic tends to come in fits and bursts fits and starts i guess is the the term um and so we might see something happen there again but i'm i'm willing to bet this is much better than what we had before the fact that this is quite a lot longer is going to make a huge difference because there's not going to be as much of a backlog of people want to make a corner here that are on the roundabout so we'll go and check up on that later you should just build a magic roundabout over here what's the town in the uk that has the magic roundabout swindon something it is swindon hey memories oh look at me sometimes i have a brain since demand for everything we have like infinite money we could definitely go on an expand kick we're gonna be wrapping up in a second here to go and play some heroes of the storm but before we do we're gonna get another farming island going on over here now it'd be nice to follow the contours but the problem here is that um the farming places are big rectangles and i mean if you think about how farms are laid out in real life it does make sense to have just a bunch of a bunch of straight roads uh as much as possible so i think what we're gonna do is snapping on it is fun i'm going to start the first one i do want it looking a little like an angle on that so i'm going to sort of base our guide on this side of things please use a straight line kind of like this but we use that as the basic kind of pattern lots of dirt roads some of them might get upgraded okay now let me first paint industrial area big old one this whole area this whole island is an industrial island there's another little tiny speck over there which is nice this is gonna be a neat little residential strip of something so we're gonna have to finish painting this once we can buy the other section here because it gets cut off over there which is a little bit awkward but that's fine um i kind of like the underground road i don't know i know i kind of want a bridge i kind of want a bridge and i think i want the bridge to feed off the highway uh i can get rid of these this still needs to go and connect over there um can i build a prison on the small island oh my god that's great so we're gonna elevate uh i need to turn on fine road anarchy because normally if i put a road here it's gonna destroy the zoning it doesn't allow you to zone under a bridge but with the anarchy it should not uh he's going to pull those how do we prevent a different bulldozer toggle road condition collision there we go it's actually not anarchy well anarchy will let me place it everywhere but this will prevent me from bulldozing so now i can run a ginormous bridge all the way here love it turn off anarchy and collision and make sure that oh that's turning on anarchy and just put you down there okay and then we'll have to work the on-ramp stuff i kind of like it alright yeah and yeah i love that people can live under the bridge or work under the bridge or whatever i didn't even have to elevate this much i mean technically if you've got the anarchy turned on and the elevation or the collisions turned off you can have roads intersect and things overlap in weird ways that like definitely aren't right but this feels this feels legit i think we can say that feels pretty legitimate um so let's use some ramps here her please deep why you know what let's work it out after just mess with these with uh the move it tool and make them look non-broken a little bit this way a little something like that blurry out a little this way um rise up over here i mean that does make this look a little steep maybe i can just lower this side of it and that'll feel better go pop this down a little and then this this pillar is kind of in the wrong place because of the anarchy but that's okay because we can move it to fix it bring it down a little as long as it doesn't look like it's going to clip in any cars and it's definitely not there we go and then we'll take this and bring it down to make this look a lot smoother maybe take this one down a little bit as well that's looking pretty well pretty pretty actually i mean maybe i think if i pull this back it's going to start looking a little weird as it gets close to the other nodes but i guess it's sort of there we go that might be a little bit better looking right i don't know how we live without the movement and the anarchy tool make the post merge ramp have three lanes yeah like right over here yeah i think that's probably a great idea um because then it actually matches like that and then i think i want to change the room uh we could also make well either one of these look like one or two i guess this is fine although now it looks a little bit bad maybe because of the path this is coming in from might look a little bit better if it's doing this i mean a little not much i'm just trying to get that little nub in to look a little bit more okay and bring this out a little bit try to straighten that a little um we have a a light post um i think i need another mod to be able to move that little light post um so that's the the light from the highway down below poking through so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to like skirt around it to make that not look absolutely broken there we go i mean we're not usually going to be looking at things this closely so you don't you won't normally notice that there's a light post poking through a ramp okay so we still need to be able to leave from here and head that way so i mean it's gonna sort of go over or under this thing and cut across i think i'll just have it go over let me take this we take this uh and we take this tool and say we want to come out this way i turn off anarchy if you complain yeah about the collisions but it's funny because it will actually work and resolve to look perfectly fine in the end it's kind of okay i think all we're going to do is actually just lower it so i think it's much higher up than it needs to be and as long as it's not going to look like vehicles clip through the road which it might almost look that way i mean again it doesn't cause any game problems but question is how does it look it's kind of okay roller coaster ramp oops uh again there's a hotkey for it but i don't remember [Music] kraken's come to play eldritch bridge i might want to redo this and yeah this is very good this way because it'll help these guys choose which lane they want to come into a little bit cleaner um but but but but this lane here is to literally turn and take a left down there which no car is actually interested in doing um so we need to say all of these was this considered a right-hand turn hang on a sec now now it correctly thinks that it's a straight still looks a little this looks dumb because of the number of lanes that are kind of merging together here let me change this um just because it's going to look a little bit better there we go there we go see it just looks better and then uh for here i mean i guess i could leave this left-hand turn if it turns out that someone's going the wrong way on the highway and they need to do a ue they could do it here but that's not real that's not you never you'd never see that what we really want to do we got some more skin chocolate is we want to turn off the left turns over here and you're just coming in here you're just going straight on to the bridge that's it that's all we could still use some adjustments but use the lane tool not the lane arrow tool [Music] right i mean this we can click and drag um that's how that works right you click here and you drag it but isn't don't the lane arrows don't they represent the connections i'm pretty sure that's the case let me do a little test somewhere right like if i click the lane tool and i say just drag it to here it just becomes a left-hand turn and now it's both this is just the same way to do the same the same thing i'm pretty sure lane tool you can have them go to multiple specific lanes i guess that's true you could choose which lanes people go to but i think this is effectively going to work because i don't think i care about like which exactly in the u because i mean here the straights these two straights only go there like it comes out to the same i think it doesn't matter for this particular use case [Music] unless i'm wrong but i am never wrong now how do i want to connect this to the rest we are going to have to switch to playing some heroes of the storm in a second and actually then we get some whisk and chocolate from my esoteric fish yes derek thank you very much first stream i've been with couch live in ages due to the time difference looking forward to the huts by the way if you tried floating roundabout junctions for highway connections oh like an elevated roundabout uh i think i have once before yes wait we got stop lights here or wait did it spawn stop lights over here wherever i was messing with things where are their stop lights where there shouldn't be there are speed limit signs arrows allow lane switching merging lines don't allow merging okay that is good to know um we might need to retune it later to keep the flow going that's a great point i want some sort of larger road to feed into here but i don't know like [Music] let's see let me take this yeah okay what i'm going to do put the 90 degree kink in here and i'm going to come over here do this and do this we will have one larger kind of avenue-ish thing helping defeat and then we can use the dirt roads to some subdivision within this i like that oh we're having power brown outs and also there's some dead people over here because we actually don't have um we possibly don't have any healthcare over here uh but i was thinking death care we don't really have yet let's get a hospital over and not that obvious park um and we right we still don't have the crematorium so for now we'll just have a cemetery off because we've got no room for dead people actually i think all our cemeteries are full that's what we're showing you over there back on this tiny scooch for a sec actually do something like that okay farming industry go go so we need what what we need one of the main buildings i guess so i'm going to have this at this big intersection over here central place seems pretty important barracks all right increase the work efficiency of the workers in the industry in this area every each building increased work efficiency five percent up to a maximum of 100 okay well we might put a bunch of those in there i don't know um small medium crop fields all right let's use the medium crop fields maybe we'll put a bunch of those in this middle area exactly those four um i guess people coming to work here it's going to be kind of annoying because they got to exit out to the highway then come around and do that we might give a secondary connection this is still going to be good for the um uh the trade and everything that wants to come through like the industrial like the trucks for that oh it's probably highway did i use six lane height what the hell did i use for this did i not use six lane road no they're the same oh and maybe because it's just this is a place where it flattens oh yeah fair connections you're right the fairy connection should be how people get back and forth that is that is exactly correct i think this area is going to look really beautiful all right then we switch over to um get some flower mills in here i wonder if i can fit two oh it's almost like a planet although you guys know that i didn't but look at this oh my god that's not fertile land oh yeah i wasn't looking the numbers when i was putting these down you're right yeah it's crap over here it's fine here uh maybe the um how about oh i don't have the medium pastures oh that's annoying but i can still get the small ones in here it won't be a perfect fit but it won't be bad we put a couple of silos in there or something as well because i think the silos were quite small weren't they no idea if we need anything even remotely close to this but won't look pretty like that hey doesn't that look nice i think this is going to be lovely i know there's no symmetry uh i mean here but the offsets this is maybe maybe we move this one and we can move everything over a little bit i don't know if so much for multiplayer gotta fix that no i think we're gonna put a cut in here we are gonna play this again next saturday so i'm very eager to continue this i love the town we're putting together uh poop lake's getting pretty full yeah this is just future disaster written all over it until we get pounami which oh it's getting close it's getting so close to the edge here and then it might just go and pollute our waterways forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever uh we do have to name the island you're right let's do that now so i'm gonna take this scroll down to the bottom of my um uh bribery fund i mean my no it's my bribery fun um that one weird kid so this is gonna be uh that oops that one weird uh farm that one weird farm named after that one weird kid right over here yeah i think we're still gonna want a um a cargo ship hub on this island so it can ship goods in and out without having to rely on the highway connection um the nice thing about this because it's not really gonna be connected to the rest of the town it's only really going to be used for local uh deliveries which good because cargo hubs whether we're talking about the ships or the trains generate stupendous traffic they tend to make things worse rather than better but here i think it'll be okay and it will ensure that these farms have like really good output build a poop canal out of the map the other thing we can do is we could just dig deeper here like i can just dig super deep in the middle of this lake to give us way more capacity for our poop you know there you go it's not sustainable but that might be our solution for the future all right so we're gonna put a cut in here if you're just here for the single player if you're just here for the um uh the city skylines hey that's fine i appreciate you being around this was an excellent fun stream i miss this game and i'm happy that we're doing it again um you can expect more of it next saturday will be at least one more stream of city skylines and then maybe we'll start a balder's gate 2 um campaign we'll do a play through the story there because we haven't done that yet that'll be continuation of a run as petra from baldur's gate one our gnomish fighter illusionist but now we're gonna switch over do some multiplayer uh we're gonna do heroes of the storm because uh yeah we need to get the crematoriums going so that we can uh have a permanent solution to the dead people problem maybe what i'll do is i'll put another cemetery down here right now so that you can start to deal with them then at some point we're just going to get rid of our cemeteries completely and replace them with crematoriums because otherwise we have to keep juggling when they get full which is kind of annoying but i guess that happens in real life as well uh so the way it'll work is um we will be there's i can't make a password a game appears on the storm so it's gonna be a chat channel a secret chat channel i think that's how we do it i'll try to remember let's take a short break uh everyone get up stretch your legs get something to drink i'm gonna go and uh refill my i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna have i'm gonna get some sort of thing to drink um and uh when we get back we'll play some heroes of the storm and beat each other up thanks for watching and i'll see you in three or four minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] she's [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: quill18
Views: 198,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods, cities skylines
Id: eO9pDdQPrg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 54sec (11154 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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