KEYFRAME Basics in DAVINCI RESOLVE 16 | Beginner Tutorial

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what's happening guys welcome back to the channel it is good to see you here again so if you've been around video editing for any length of time you've probably heard of keyframes and you might not be sure what's a keyframe what does it do how do I use them I don't know give me some info so that's what we're gonna talk about in this video it's gonna be keyframe basics just your basic principles about what keyframes are and how to use them but hey if you're new here my name is jay and on this channel we talked a lot about DaVinci Resolve a little bit of photography and even some gear stuff because everybody loves some gear stuff right so if we're gonna tell you those consider subscribing to my channel alright let's jump into this video [Music] alright guys so jumping right into it we're gonna be talking about keyframes today and if you've been around video for a little while you've definitely heard of keyframes so what is a keyframe it's basically a point that you set on your clip that says at this point some parameter is going to change and what do I mean by parameter it could be zooming in it could be moving a clip left to right it could be animating a piece of text or other object on your screen so there's a lot of different ways that you can use keyframes here in DaVinci Resolve but I'm just gonna stick with the basics here I'm assuming that you don't know what they are you don't know how to use them I'm just gonna show you some basic tips on how to get going with the keyframes and of course you can always get more advanced and there's lots of cool stuff that you can do but I'm just gonna go over some basics here for you to get you going so when we jump into resolve here I'm gonna show you some key framing on a video clip I'm going to show you some key framing on an audio clip and I'm gonna show you some key framing on a piece of text and how we can animate that piece of text so let's jump over into resolve and I'm gonna show you how to use keyframes alright we're here in DaVinci Resolve and we're gonna go ahead and start adding keyframes to this sample clip that I have here just a random clip of some flowers so where do we go to start adding keyframes the first thing you want to do is find the spot in your clip where you want to add a keyframe so in this example let's just start with something simple we want to do a simple zoom in effect here on our flower so I want to start at this point right here and to add a keyframe you want to have your clip selected come up to the inspector and when you look at the inspector here you're gonna notice all these diamonds down on the right hand side here those diamonds are how you add a keyframe so let's explain what they do real quick so if you see there's a diamond right next to your heading here so the transform category all these items fall under transform well right here we have a diamond next to transform if I click on that a keyframe will be added for each one of the items that is underneath the transform heading and that can be good because maybe I want to zoom and change the position and rotate it and do all these different things I only need to click the button once I don't need to go through and click all of these keyframes if I don't want to now if you only need one or two of these items maybe you don't need to click them all you can just click the ones you want to use like this and it'll add a keyframe for only those items but in this case I want to add a keyframe for all of them so I'm gonna go ahead and click this top icon here and if you look at some of these other categories like cropping and composite and lens correction down here you can see they also have diamonds so now that I've added a keyframe to the clip what's the next step how do I make it zoom in so now you want to come ahead in your clip to the next point where you want your zoom to be complete and one of the really cool things here is that once you set your first keyframe regardless of what item you're changing set that first keyframe move ahead a little bit and then just make your change here and DaVinci Resolve will automatically drop the keyframe for you you don't need to go and click the button for each time you go to make a change so let's just say I want it to be right there and then I want to zoom in so I'm gonna do 1.5 and zoom in like that so now if I come back here and I play through my clip you see we've got a nice slow zoom in on the flower okay so that's great so I can see I've got my zoom there but where are my key frames what if I need to make an adjustment or move them how do I do that so you want to make sure while you're doing this that your timeline view options are set to this middle guy right here and if you need to make the video track bigger or smaller you can slide it right here but you need this middle option check so you're gonna be able to see all our keyframes here so once you got that set come back to your clip and you notice there's two icons on the bottom right-hand corner of your clip so let's take a look at the diamond one first when you click on that you see we've got the heading transform and each one of these little points here is the keyframe that we added over here in the inspector so for example if I play through the clip you're gonna notice when the playhead hits this point it's gonna zoom in until I get to this point and then it's gonna stop and stay steady at that 1.5 zoom so let's play through you can see that now if you need to move one of these points all you have to do is hover over it click and you can drag it wherever you want let's say I want to make the zoom a little bit quicker so I'm gonna drag it back a little bit and now if I play through it you'll see that the zooms a little bit quicker so just for fun here let's say when I get to this point I want to add another keyframe and I want to make something else change in my video clip here so in order to add a keyframe here for the pitch let's say I want to change that I'm gonna go ahead and click it once and I'm gonna come ahead and make my change let's say I just wanted to do that so now if I play through my clip we got to zoom in and then it shifts like that so if we look back at our clip here when you look at these little dots they're all the same how do you know which ones are for what so if you click on this little arrow here and it'll drop down a menu let's make this a little bigger so we can see better and you notice now there is a title for each one of the items that we have a keyframe for and because we set that initial transform keyframe at the top here we had a keyframe for all the different items underneath transform and if we move ahead we can see that ok our zoom X&Y there's a point right there and then where I change the pitch I move ahead and it's down here under pitch so if you need to move any of them you can open this menu up and you can just slide them to wherever you want so when we play through our clip here you can see the changes happen right at the keyframes so that's how you would move your keyframe forward or backward along your timeline if you need to so next we want to take a look at the curved line here if you click on that and you scroll down it brings up a graph so this graph is basically a graphical representation of what's happening to your video and if you come up to this triangle icon here and click on it you'll see we have all of the different items that we can have keyframes for so in our example here we're not using rotation at all but we are using the zoom and we are using the pitch so you can go ahead and check on whichever ones you're using so that's only what you see down here in our viewer and now if I play through my video we have the Zoom X selected you're gonna see as the zoom changes this line basically just shows us the change in a graph so if I play through here you'll see as it zooms the graph goes up and then it stays steady at our 1.5 zooom and if I wanted to see the pitch again I can come and select the pitch and you can see they're both there so you can actually just click on them here if you need to but you can see the pitch watch it and then the pitch changes as the line goes up and then it stays steady at what we set it at so this just gives you a different way to look at your keyframes and what's cool about this if we click on the zoom here if you want to change things right here in the graph you can you can take your zoom and you want to make your zoom higher let's say you can just drag it up and this keyframe stays in the same point but you're able to make changes to your parameters here so instead of it zooming 1.5 I want to zoom the to let's say or let's say I wanted to zoom out in the beginning more I can drop that down a little bit so I play through it zoomed out zooms in more and you can make a change like that just gonna go ahead and undo those get back to where we were so some other cool things that you can do right here in this view let's say I want to select my point I want my playhead to get right on there how do I make the playhead get right on there well you can do this and it should snap there if you've got your little magnet icon on here but let's say I want to just jump to the next point up here you've got a little button you've got the keyframe button and a forward button in a back button so if you click that that'll jump to your next point or your previous point depending on which button you select let's say I'm over here and I wanted to add another keyframe you can go ahead and just click the keyframe and then it adds another keyframe under the zoom so I can then you know maybe zoom this back out if I want to so if I play through the clip say we zoom in we zoom out and now we've got another keyframe at it in there another cool thing to do is just click on your keyframe and drag it wherever you want maybe you want it bigger you want to move it this way is pretty much like a free transform you move it wherever you want but let's say I had it right here and I wanted to move it just to the right here well if I just click and drag it it's hard to keep it in the exact same spot so if you want to move this keyframe in a more precise fashion you can use your shift key so if I hold shift and click on the point and you can see it goes straight up and down it's not moving all over the place or if I grab it and hold shift you can move right and left and have it stay in the same area sometimes if you want to move the keyframe it's easier just to drag it up here because then you know you're not going to change the values you're just changing the location of it on your timeline so let's say you added a keyframe and oops you didn't want to put it there how do I get rid of it well you can just click on it to highlight it and hit your delete key and boom that keyframe is gone so the next cool thing I want to show you here is how we can ease in and ease out this transition a little bit here because if we watch it place through it okay it just kind of jumps to zooming in and then just stops how do we ease that transition a little bit so if you click on your keyframe again and you can try selecting these different options up here so this option all the way on the right that's highlighted now says okay come in make it a sharp change and a sharp change again in order to ease that transition you would select one of these different items so you can select this one right here and then let's select my top one and we're going to do this and now you can see we have a little S curve in here so that's gonna say ease into the transition and then ease out so let's see how that looks okay and you've got options here - to change how it eases you've got a little handle there you can click on that you can make it change a little faster so if I just drag those out a little and we play through the clip let's see it zooms in quick you can even grab it and bring it up so it's gonna zoom in farther and come back let's go ahead and play that so you've got lots of different options of how you can change things here generally I would do a small s-curve and that should be fine for your video clips alright so that's the basics of getting started with keyframes here and what you can do in this graph area as well as how to move the keyframes in this view right here so let's just clean this up a little bit let's say I want to get rid of my change in pitch there and I just want to keep my zoom keyframes cuz that's all I'm worried about right now I'm gonna spread them back out a little bit and see how that looks here all right good enough so now let's say that after looking at this now I don't like this and it zooms in too much how do I go back and fix that so I can come here and we can even do it from right here from the inspector if I come to my zoom here and I want to go to the next keyframe which is right here so if I just click this little arrow boom jumps me to the keyframe now I can just make this change I'm gonna bring this back to let's just key in 1.5 and that's where I want it to be so now when I click on here zooms in nice and easy and we're back to getting something decent so that's how you can make a change you've got a lot of different ways to do things here and it's just playing with it and figuring out what way works best for you and for your particular clip so now let's say we want to animate some text and we wanted to come across the screen somehow and we want it to be animated well to do that you would use keyframes so I've got a piece of text here I'm gonna bring this guy on over and it says subscribe and if you haven't subscribed going over and hit that subscribe button alright let's see how we can animate this subscribe so right now it's just a static piece of text it's just gonna sit there on the screen and not do anything so if we select our clip and you look in the inspector here you notice that we do have some keyframes along some of these items here so we can make changes to them if you want to but in this case we just want to animate the video I've already got the text looking the way I want it and let's just animate like the location of the text itself so I'm gonna click on video at the top here and again you can see we've got all our keyframes here so I'm gonna come to the very first frame here and I'm gonna go ahead and click my transform keyframe and let's say at the very beginning here I want my text off-screen and then I want it to scroll across the screen how do I do that well I've got my keyframe set now I just need to pick where do I want that text to start so I know I want it to start all the way over here off the screen so I'm off the screen so now where do I want the text to end up well by the time I get all the way to the end of the text clip I want it to be off the screen on the right so now I'm gonna grab my position here and bring it all the way over so that's off the screen this way somewhere and I couldn't see it because I'm actually just off the clip here but if I went back one frame so I could see it I could roll this back here and there it is so I'm just gonna make sure on that last frame it's off the screen there so now if I play through my clip here you're gonna see here comes my text come sliding across the screen and boom it's gone so quickly and easily we just keyframe the position of that text to slide from one side of the screen to the other so now what other kind of cool stuff could we do here so let's say we've got our text I want it to come here and I want it to stop there so we've already got our keyframes selected and going here so if I pick this and let today I just want to make this zero and then I wanted to stay right where it is until I get to here and I'm gonna pick make this zero so now my text will slide in it's gonna stop stay and then it's gonna go off the screen so it's easy to go back and add in keyframes to change where things are happening and let's just open up our little diamond icon here so we can see what's going on and you can see here we've got our little icons here for the keyframes so we look down here we did do the transform we started with a keyframe in the beginning we added our two keyframes to make it stay put and then we've got our keyframe at the end where it's gonna go off screen and if we watch it here it stops they still starts going again boom off the screen so that's kind of cool so let's say maybe once it gets to this point I want something else to change I wanted to do a 360 spin so all's I have to do is come to that point and since I've already got my key frames set I can just drag all the way over to 360 and then let's say I want to come to the next keyframe here and then I want it to go back so I'm gonna drag this back to zero so now when I play through let's see what happens my text comes rolling in and rolling out so now you notice this was spinning as it came in why did it do that I don't want it to do that but it did so why did it do that well it did that because right in the beginning here we did a keyframe for all of these items so the rotation was set at zero when we made that keyframe and because I just went over and as I go over frame by frame here you can see that rotation angle is changing because when I came and set a keyframe for the rotation right here I change it to minus 360 while in between the two points it changed from zero to minus 360 which is why we had it spinning while it came in so how do I make it not spin there but spin once it gets to this point well if I come to this keyframe and I just go back one frame by using the arrow on my keyboard and I just changed this back to zero it should come in and then do a quick spin and then get going again so let's see it comes in quick spin and then it goes off screen so now what if I didn't want it to spin that long let's say I wanted to change how long that rotation takes place I'm gonna click down this little arrow here rotation I see I've got down here so I want it to go quickly through a rotation so let's go here play it again text slides in oh that was so quick you couldn't even see it so let's open that up a little bit play through quick spin and boom off-screen so that's how you can animate text or animate anything really that you want to bring on the screen you just use the keyframes you make your changes in the inspector or in either one of these two icons here the diamond or the graph and then you're gonna be able to just make the changes and make whatever you want to happen or animate you can make that happen okay so the last example we want to take a look at here is how to use keyframes on audio clips so it's going to be very similar to how we added keyframes on both the text as well as the video clip so let's say for example I want to add some keyframes to this clip because I want to change either the pitch of it the volume maybe the EQ whatever it might be you've got a whole bunch of options of things you can keyframe so select your clip I can come back to your inspector over here you notice here's our keyframes so let's say I want to drop the volume of this next little portion here and go ahead and click keyframe and I'm gonna move ahead let's just say I want that first one to be a little loud and then I want it to drop down after that so I'm gonna lower it down and DaVinci Resolve is automatically gonna fade that music down when it goes from one keyframe to the next which is kind of cool so if I play through the clip here's what we get all right maybe we should make that change a little bit more because it's hard to notice that so I want to get back to this keyframe how can I do it a bunch of ways you can drag your playhead over and it should lock on to it you can come up to your inspector here and click this little icon and boom it'll jump you right back to it so I'm gonna go ahead and drop that down a bunch more so we can notice the difference a little more all right so let's play through [Music] so you can see it lowered the volume down now it stays at that level until I maybe add another keyframe and bring that volume back up so you notice when I try to bring the volume up here it starts increasing the volume so it's gonna lower to this point but then start going back up let's say I don't want to do that how do I make it so that it stays low for a while and then goes back up well let me undo this get rid of that last keyframe there so let's say I want to come here and then I want the volume to go back up you can't just come over here and click the icon again to add a keyframe but what you want to do next is move over one frame and then click it again and then you can bring up your volume here so that way your volume is gonna stay come down stay low and then it's going to go back up real quick between two keyframes here so we play through that [Music] so you can keep the volume at a constant level here and then have it go back up real quick and this same concept can be applied to both the text and the video clips if you didn't want something to you know increase over time you wanted to stay at a constant level whether it's your zoom or whatever it might be you could just add one keyframe move ahead one frame on your video and then add another one and then make your change and that way it's gonna hold your value between two keyframes constant a few more things just to make a note of is that you can add keyframes to your adjustment layers which is kind of cool because then you don't have to change your clips and you can copy that adjustment layer all around if you need to to other clips so that's a cool feature that you can use and then also once you get into the color tab you've got the ability to add keyframes and your color tab through your different grades or different colors whatever it might be you can add keyframes there if you jump into the fusion tab here you've got all kinds of ways to add in keyframes and splines and all kinds of stuff over here like I said it gets way deeper you can do tons of stuff with the keyframes but over here in the Edit tab the basics that we covered is gonna be enough to get you going and help you start making some cool stuff alright guys there you go keyframe basics I hope this was some good info for you to help you get going with keyframes especially if you're brand new to key framing and animating things on your videos so if you have any questions leave a comment down below and I'll do my best to help you out I need to make another video about it just kind of reacquaint some things for anybody I'd be happy to do that so thank you guys for watching if you haven't subscribed to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button if you liked the video you learned a little something hit that thumbs up and I look forward to seeing all you guys in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 32,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KEYFRAME BASICS IN DAVINCI RESOLVE 16, Keyframes in DaVinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve tutorial, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, Keyframe DaVinci Resolve 16, Keyframe, davinci resolve tutorial video editing, keyframing in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, how to use davinci resolve 16 for beginners, animate text, keyframe animation, How to use keyframes, how to use davinci resolve 16 for youtube, Keyframes
Id: -_GfKvTENzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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