WARHAMMER 40K LORE The History of the Dark Eldar / Drukhari

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you to the inquisitorial representative report concerning the history of the Jakari sash Dark Eldar my lord as per your instructions I have compiled a brief history of this decadent and vile race I believe it is odd that we are now referring to them using their own tongue and similar situation exists for the eldery or as we once officially called them the craft world elder iron many other members of our glorious organization are concerned and by the turn of events requiring this change of language which appears to have originated from our most glorious and rightful Regent the Primark route a Gilman I believe these concerns may have some merit considering the nature of the Imperial Regents a resurrection but that is an issue for another time this report covers the origins of the Dark Eldar some information concerning their history and development as well as their culture and behavior which I believe should prove enlightening to any considering the nature of our relationship moving forward the Dark Eldar epitomized everything that is wanton and cruel about the ancient race from which they descend fiercely intelligent and devious to a fault these piratical raiders revel in pain for feeding upon the suffering of others is the only way they can stave off the slow death of their own cells the Dark Eldar see themselves as the true inheritors of the ancient elder Empire and look upon everyone else as either cowards or dim-witted prey the boundless and brilliant potential of their kind is put to every terrible purpose they can imagine and because their life span millennia the Dark Eldar have all the time in the world to perfect their Stygian Arts the warrior castes of the Dark Eldar are tall and live without exception their alabaster skin almost corpse-like in its pallor for there is no true sunlight within their shadowy realm their athletic physiques are lined with wick cord muscle honed and enhanced until they are superior even to those of their craft world elder cousins for the Dark Eldar prized martial prowess most highly they stride through the fires of battle with the surety and poise of demigods but their magnificence is only skin-deep viewed with the which sight the Dark Eldar are repugnant monsters eternally first thing for the anguish of others in order to fill the aching void at their core the Dark Eldar quickly learn to fight with every weapon at their disposal in order to survive little distraction is drawn between the sexes for an individual skill and cunning is far more important than physical traits such as height or gender their senses are keen to the point of paranoia their shadowed eyes and tapered ears alert to the slightest disturbance in the dark city in which they make their lair the incautious do not survive for long while countless generations of physical conflict have ensured that Dark Eldar have better reaction speed and greater physical strength than other elements of the elder race the innate psychic abilities of their forebears have atrophied for such psychic pyrotechnics could draw the gaze of she who thirsts the nemesis of the elder race as such the use of psychic powers is one of the few things forbidden within the dark city there it is manufactured instead of physically grown the weaponry of the Dark Eldar is just as advanced as that used upon the craft worlds in matters of war the Dark Eldar are artisans supreme their technology refined to such a point that it may as well be magical their endless imagination and skill has led them down a sinister path indeed their favorite tools of war include splinter weapons that can set every nerve aflame with pain dark light beams whips that bleed acidic I call an eldritch soul traps the Dark Eldar are so confident in their abilities that they're lightweight bodysuits incorporated bladed plates not only for protection but also to give them yet another weapon to use upon their prey collectively the Warriors of Kimura know all the ways there are to kill the other denizens of the galaxy and delight in perfecting as many as they can they turn their backs upon the material dimension long ago but when the Dark Eldar emerge from their Twilight Realm they revel in the ability to outclass their enemies they rarely Sully their tongues with the grunting languages of the lesser races using translator technology on the occasion a communication is unavoidable the warrior Cabal strikes swiftly and without warning from portals opened within a labyrinthine dimension of the web where only two disappear like ghosts when enemy resistance becomes too severe their piratical raids attack from above whole armies screaming into the midst of the foe upon baroque grav craft before leaping down to experience the slaughter firsthand sprays of arterial blood and spasming corpses mark their passage the laughter of these merciless warriors the last thing they're victims ever hear to these cursed individuals the sweet fruit of horror is as pleasing as the caress of a razor blade across soft flesh they relish breaking the bodies of their captives but prize even more highly the process of crushing the spirit for nothing is more gratifying to a Dark Eldar than securing her dominion over one who has resisted them they drink in every nuance of woe until their captives gibbehhhhh and plead for death a mercy of the Dark Eldar our famously slow to grant before we delve into the history proper eye field is important to explain free areas separately so that the reader may fully understand the rest of this history God's as far as the Dark Eldar are concerned the Elder Gods died in the fall and they despised them for it that the gods had become so weak that they could be consumed by the ascendancy of the elders collective depravity is a sign that they did not deserve to exist in the first place the exceptions are Cain who is still held in high regard in Kimora and the lesser powers known as the dark muses they who epitomizes carnal and selfish vice and whose clandestine worship contributed to the demise of the original Elder Gods the satellite realms if a traveler were somehow to breach Kimora's runic wards he would first bear witness to its tributary realms shimmering and distorting around it one minute these vassal domains would glimmer in the distance and the next they would loom so close that their palaces and minarets could be seen by the naked eye to venture unheralded past these set light realms is to invite destruction these are the hidden domains in which the Dark Eldar enact their vile rites and devilish schemes their origins lie on the tumultuous times that preceded the fall as the cults of excess began to 5 their private realms in the web way flourished unseen until the largest of their number grew powerful enough to threaten Kimora itself over the course of its millennia long history Kimora has subsumed all of the vassal domains it has not destroyed linking one palatial sub realm to another with ancient portals and gates within the gilded corridors and flesh pits of the myriad sub realms frolic there Zelda who engineered the fall of their own laughing still at the warnings of their samba craft world cousins real space raids the strike forces of the Dark Eldar despite consisting of treacherous and scheming murderers work like well tube machines upon the battlefield raids are planned in meticulous detail by the archons and succubi that lead them and hidden routes through the web 'we are opened in readiness for the assault only the most capable i recruited for each real space raid for to fail in an invasions execution is to bring an entire cabal that much closer to its downfall this is why Dark Eldar Warriors are such determined opponents and why there is such a rivalry amongst them working in concert ensures that not only the greatest amount of punishment is inflicted upon real space but also that the maximum number of victims can be taken back to Cumorah vendetta's are revisited only once the captives are divided for above all the dark city requires a steady intake of fresh Souls the car bars are regularly launched piratical invasions so there is much to be gained from being part of such an organization the thrill of hunting lesser mortals the chance to personally capture new slaves but most importantly the revitalizing feast of unbridled destruction at Hunt's end upon the cabal's return to Kimora thousands of captives will be traded as currency put to work in their hellish depths of the weapon shops rendered down in flesh troughs or tormented unto death their demise drawn out as long as possible so that their captors can gain even more sustenance from their misery the Jakari are fundamentally a piratical slave trading race and only conduct military operations in pursuit of profit of one kind or another the raid upon the planet of grey shroud should be enlightening it was conducted in for for m41 by the cabal of the poison tongue on the hive world of gray shroud throughout the battle the cab elite forces displayed effortless superiority over the Imperial defenders making the humans appear clumsy and foolish as they reeled from one crippling blow after another yet the breathtaking precision and efficiency of the grey chard raid was the product of many months meticulous planning by one of the dark city's greatest minds lady Aurelia malice herself over a period of a single day lady malice and allies enacted a complex plan of attack that crippled the planets infrastructure confounded its defenders and allowed the Dark Eldar to successfully make off with millions of captive Souls this day of woe began thus our one-out system augury platforms are silenced with pinpoint lass fire from kappa light spacecraft their destruction time to coincide with Solar Flare activity from grey shroud star their loss goes undetected and unremarked yet it leaves the hive world deaf and blind our for the orbital defense platform angel defined those ominously silent scourge is slip undetected from the web way deploying haywire weaponry to knock out the platform's primary janitorial plunged into freezing darkness their oxygen venting rapidly the garrison have no way to call for help as Mandrake's crawl from the shadows and begin the hunt our seven the some days previous that the Imperial Navy warship hammer of pride was stationed in orbit above grey shroud in response to localized pirate activity after routine Vox hell's to Angel the fire go unanswered a request is made to the Hammers captain to investigate privately cursing the ineptitude of the planetary defense force the captain acquiesce and a hammer makes to rendezvous with the platform it never reaches its destination our eight hammer of pride comes under sudden and furious attack swarms of razor winged jet fighters and void raven bombers appear as if from noah harrassing the ship mercilessly and crippling key shields and weapons swamp by targets the hammers turrets failed to intercept a salvo of the barbed warheads that arc down to strike the warships bridge there they're caused only minor damage the missiles discharged a tailored puppet peg into the air of the bridge moments later the crew lose control of their own bodies as the neural infection compels them to place the hammer of pride onto a new heading its crew shrieking with helpless horrified laughter the hammer is seized by gray shards gravitic filled and drawn onto a collision course following a perfectly calculated trajectory the warship plunges through the atmosphere and crashes into the barracks fortress of the fourth grace route PDF engulfing the complex in a storm of plasma and killing hundreds of thousands our 9 under cover of severe atmospheric disruption caused by the impact of hammer of pride a sizeable force of Raiders ravages and Venom's emerges from the web way above the continent of Morelos with the fourth PDF Annihilator few stand ready to oppose the invaders an elite force of incubi kabelai true born and scourge 'as break open the defenses of more Lass's janet Orion Primus gleefully butchering all resistance moving with slick efficiency the Dark Eldar rigged the plasma generators with hyper dense containment fields for over an hour the generators run at ever greater outputs unable to vent or discharge until their own enhanced efficiency causes them to detonate a vast power surge roars out through the underground ducts and cabling overloading systems across Morelos and beyond as the void shield and defense batteries of maulavi arrive experienced sudden power loss lady Melisa's force which has been waiting patiently in the lower atmosphere for a window of opportunity descends gaping rents are blasted in the hives ironhide and swarms of poetical crafts and whooping Helens poor inside by the time the hives backup generators begin to kick in it is far too late hour 11 to 20 as word of the plight of mourlot via hive spreads across grace out PDF units scrambled to mobilize on the seventh continent of Lagos Imperial reinforcements are forced to reroute after dozens of outlying settlements come under attack wings of Valkyries soar over the snow fields but each time the defenders arrive too late in several cases Imperial forces are ambushed shortly after deployment corralled and massacred by lightning-fast Reavers and witches on Sol on the 1st and 5th grace our PDF deployed in mass in response to reports of deformed Horrors raiding Agra ponic settlements near salaried hive piling out of their chimeras and tore axes the PDF find the Agra Plex is deserted yet terror engulfs the soldiers went crop misting server tools shudder into action releasing clouds of atomized combat stems amid the banks of purple tinged fog the PDF troopers fall upon one another in a frenzy tearing at each other until the walkways run red on the northern continents of Gamma a trio of 2nd regiment drop craft clear the southern coast their passengers unaware that they are carrying monstrous stowaways crushed into the hollow spaces within each craft superstructure grotesques lie dormant as the time is on their spinal stumps run slowly down to zero one after another the lurking horrors are activated stimulants flooding their bodies until they tear their way into the troop base with deafening roars the interior of each land it becomes an abattoir as their grotesques van their fury upon passengers and crew alike one by one the craft plunge into the icy waters of the to disappear without trace our 21 bereft of reinforcements cut off in the dark the citizens of morovia hive are harvested in their Millions localized our biteys forces manage only a token resistance while the nobles at the hive spa locked themselves away behind gold chests bulkheads and abandoned their people to their fate this does not save them by the time the battered forces of the grey shroud PDF finally reached the crippled hive city millions of citizens have been spirited away by lady Melissa's forces never to be seen again I believe the surprise a prime example of the methods of war utilized by the Dark Eldar the successful kabelai trades see the Dark Eldar returned to Kimora with rich crops of slaves many of these unfortunates are human for the imperials planets are often densely populated and thinly defended however this is far from universally true when our corn Resik and led the flayed skull to bulk ROG's world he sought an entirely different sort of prey the raid on Bal grogs world for the Dark Eldar life is a whirlwind of violent impermanence they face a constant battle against spiritual starvation their every thought in action bent towards staving off a gradual withering degeneration there is therefore an undeniable appeal to the most powerful amongst them in raising monuments to themselves after all barring another Archon tearing it down as suitably gigantic and armor-clad effigy will never wither falter or fade it was for this reason that our conrath square maledicte decided to celebrate his glories by building a giant statue of himself atop his cabal stronghold our contrast square faced an unusual difficulty how his cabal makes their lair amid an elaborate tangle of vents and pipes known as the poisoned crown the foul fumes billowing from these twisted chimneys come all the way up from the coven wares of the underscore and are so toxic that no human work gang can long survive them brass quit realized that if he wanted his towering monument completed he would require a hardy a breed of slave the Archon Garuda raiding party complimenting his cabal's aerial strength with her rogues gallery of mercenaries and horrors and prepared to acquire slaves equal to the task at hand the planet the archons party chose for their raid was once an imperial hive world with a population of trillions and decades ago a violent climate shift had left the world ravaged by billowing toxic storms its human populace had withered the final blow coming when the orcs of wide Bowl gog attacked the greenskins tore the hives down around their inhabitants ears slaughtering the weakened defenders to the last now the planet belonged to the green skins alone themselves reduced to a fraction of their former strength by the hostile climate yet those orcs who survived have become all but immune to the poisonous atmosphere in which they lived and their apparent good fortune ironically marked them out as the perfect slaves to fulfill the archons vision ball Grogg being a while in grizzled old scar boy had built his fortified lair in the ruins of hive caddis team the greatest of the Imperial cities of old in the hands of the orcs that hive had become a great teetering fortress of trembled wreckage studied with ramshackle gun emplacements and jagged battlements a string of huge arced bridges linked the fastness to the rubble-strewn shanty towns that were all that remained of the outer hive each cluster of lean toes still teeming with orcs yet far less defensible in the heart of the old hive it was upon a stretch of the anarchic out.i therefore that there are cons blow fair when the Cabal of the flayed scold struck they did so hard and fast and bladed warriors and crimson and bone rode their Raiders out of the leprous clouds of a toxic storm many orcs had hunkered down behind barricades and heaps of scrap hoping to weather the gale force winds now they looked up in surprise as dark barbed shapes shot low for the murk spitting volleys of fire into their midst amid drumming gunshots and wind torn explosions dozens of cab lights disembark from their craft and began to encircle their shocked prey the winds and toxic clouds were no impediment to the Dark Eldar whose elaborate rebreathers and gyro-stabilized armor compensated for the effects of both not sir the orcs who were forced to lean into the gale squinting through blast goggles and fizzling Fox escapes as they sought their attackers dashing forward through the ruins with their blades bared the Dark Eldar said about themselves with whoops of Glee the orcs fought back ferociously lunging through the toxic clouds to hack apart camera writes and sprays of blood yet the green skins were at a terrible disadvantage their belligerence and ferocity no match for the cab alights carefully executed ambush streams of christine splinters could the orcs to pieces or hurled them convulsing to the ground incubi stalk from one fight to the next blades glinting blood wet in the half-light as they sliced off heads arms and legs with graceful flourishes of their clubs for every green skin butchered many more were paralyzed or rendered insensible by carefully tailored Venom's snared in crackling electro nets or hauled aboard waiting Raiders like some bizarre fisherman's catch cavil i'ts sprinted across tangled streets and flitted fruit blasted ruins laying low each surprised band of orcs as they encountered them Mathers might have continued in this one-sided fashion and not the storm suddenly abated stripping away the raiding parties cover becoming aware of the raging on their city's outskirts hundreds more greenskins began to flock towards what sounded to them like a pretty good fight ramshackle bikes and buggies roared down the scrap strewn streets mobs of orcs scrambled through the ruins lugging cumbersome heavy weapons while columns of ramshackle tanks crashed through walls and rubble meanwhile in the heart of the city larger engines bellowed into life the Archon had planned his read carefully however he knew that should his forces be surrounded they would be swiftly buried by the overwhelming numbers of the foe versus the green skins search through the city towards the raiding party dark specks plunged from the skies above screaming low over the all cords razor wing jet fighters and Boyd Raven bombers struck at key targets amidst the enemy advance the craft dived from on high engines screaming like the Damned as their strafe the orc weapon batteries flakka dagger guns chugged as they pumped streams of shots into the air and swatted several Dark Eldar craft from the skies yet the orcs at the worst of it their batteries detonating one by one as dark beams of energy and shatter filled missiles punched through their armor to smash them to ruin avoid Raven bombers streaked over the rusted arterial bridge ways avoid mines gouging great glowing craters out of the wall bands charging across them one by one the old rusted roadway shuddered and gave way collapsing amid the screams of tortured metal and plunging hundreds of orcs to their deaths scourge is swooped above the advancing greenskins diving through an ill aimed storm of fire to strafe their foes again and again the wing the mercenaries struck retreated and struck again gradually luring the aggressive enemies away from the Archon and his warriors casualties amongst these diversionary forces were high yet their efforts pulled ever more greenskins away from the real fight as the orcs spread thin Mandrake's flickered through the shadows snatching stragglers into the darkness panic spread in their wake hawks firing blind into darkened alleys or clustered back-to-back unaware that their tormentors had already moved on gradually the onrushing green-skinned advance stole amid chaos and confusion finally through the madness came bull grog himself riding aboard his towering stomper bad dasha spotting their huge war engine lurching through the city ruins gave even the ark on pause yet the sight of the grandiose boss pole that jutted from its shoulder told him the auch leader had joined the fight at last the Archon had no use for the war boss as a captive but his death writ large across the battlefield where non could miss it would surely Freddie walks into confusion the Archon ordered an immediate withdrawal hacking a path through the mass in green skins to leap back aboard his Raider some of the cab lights were cut off overrun by the farewell blasted apart by sizzling energy weapons he had the remainder followed there are cons lead their attack craft arrowing up away from the green horde and making for the stomper closing fast on the massive foe the Dark Eldar craft hurtled around the towering war machine tearing acted like a furious flock of shrikes the stompers guns blazed and roared filling the sky with a hurricane of fire that sent razor wings and Raiders tumbling end over end to explode amid the ruins below at the same time however the Dark Eldar guns were cutting the war engine apart dark beams of energy stabbed into the bare mouths hull boring through Armour plates and steam pipes explosions tore through the stompers decks as stockpiles of ammo detonated in a thunderous raging fires filled the engine from top to toe flaming Graz leaping screaming to their death from open hatches still the stompers guns roared the orcs on board refusing to accept that bad Dasha could possibly be destroyed but finally even as Bowl Grogg - from the escape hatch the stomper went up with a thunderous boom the shockwave of its explosion hurling Dark Eldar and orcs alike from their feet with their war boss blown to bits along with his biggest and best weapon the greenskins as is their way lost all cohesion the Dark Eldar stoked the city for several hours more preying on isolated knots of the foe finally weighed down with slaves the cab lights swept skywards once more the archons raid had been a great success they're barely half the raiding party returned to Kimora alive they did so in victory and of course and the Archon statue would be completed at last built upon the broken backs the orcs of baal grogs world I hope that these examples of the dark hell those activities will aid you in appreciating the history that follows ancient history the Dark Eldar have fallen from grace in the most profound of ways trace their lineage back far enough and their roots can be found at the heights of the ancient elder society when there was a highly advanced and sophisticated race that ruled the Stars and the various descendant cultures that exist to our current age but pale reflections of their glory the ancient elder had perfected their science to such an extent that they could reforge planets to their liking and quench stars and a whim hard work became a distant memory the old are proud in their belief that they had already mastered their own destiny spent more and more time in esoteric pursuits in order to escape the ennui that set in over the course of their centuries long lives the Eldar psyche is a thing of duality and intense complexity it can experience Zen ifs bliss and Nadir's of horror far more keenly than that of other races it is just as capable of falling into corruption as it is of transcending to the sublime we have so much power at their beck and call the core of the Eldar Empire once a masterpiece of civilization became centered around the pursuit of individual fulfillment amongst the pleasure seekers and the interminably curious were those whose pursuits of excess became ever more extreme these included a great proportion of the aristocracy of ancient elder society theirs with the wealth and the time to truly explore the fruits of decadence one by one the leaders of the cults of excess that were taking over held our society became obsessed with their own power they relocated their power bases into the labyrinthine dimension known as the web way first such was their influence that they could command entire sub realms to be created in which to continue their debased works unseen these della tong Lords grew in power and influence initiating more and more of the ancient elder into their strange and shadowy creeds the elder are psychically gifted above all of a races then as corruption gradually took hold upon them acres of ecstasy and agony began to ripple through time and space in the parallel dimension of the warp the reflections of these intense experiences began to coalesce for the shifting tides of the Empyrean can take form around war emotions and attract more of such abstract energies to themselves the constant stream of indulgence pouring from the Eldar Empire was unstoppable as the tide it nourished and empowered that which lay within a nascent god of excess content for now to wait and to grow the fall of the Eldar as the elder Empire began to sink into the mire of its own corruption brother turned against brother in pursuit of ever darker pledge there were however some who foresaw the disaster awaiting them and fled to safety the first of these were the exit outs those who saw their peril clearest of all and instead chose to establish a network of colonies far away from the blighted heart of the Empire many of them exist there still their cultures living in a symbiotic relationship with the world spirits of the planets they protect amongst the last to escape with the forefathers of the craft world elder as their society devolved into madness they looked upon their works and recoiled in horror from what they had become realising that they stood upon the brink they bent their considerable resources to the construction of immense craft world's graceful space cities the size of small moons the Eldar of the craft world's retreated into asceticism and introspection preserving what they occurred of their ancient culture they left the heartland of the Eldar Empire for the dubious safety of the hood to the jeering contempt of those who remain behind some even managed to flee far enough to escape the devastation that was to follow as the property riddled every aspect of their society the courts of excess soared ever more violent thrills before long the streets of the older cities ran with blood the elegant architecture of their palaces became battlegrounds as the Eldar preyed upon each other reveling in the cruelest of crimes their insanity and tainted passion poured into the warp until it achieved critical mass with an apocalyptic bellow that tore the heart out of the Empire a new God was born / the Dark Prince of excess Stan Ash's birth screams were so powerful that they destroyed countless billions of souls in a psychic shockwave that cost throughout the galaxy in an instant most of the Eldar race was destroyed consumed by a cataclysm of terror and pain the epicenter of their empire was sucked into the walk leaving a yearning void of pure chaos in its place sandesh gorged upon their despair unstoppable in its ascendancy the new god consumed the ancient deities of the old Eldar empire and scattered their remains to the corners of the warp the old our civilization was gone all that was left were the exodus of the farthest flung maiden worlds the craft worlders who had traveled far enough to escape the shock wave of destruction caused by slashes birth and those hidden in the sub realms of the web way much of the web web was shattered into ruin but unlike the craft world elder who fled the catastrophe in real space those elder who had built their own jealously guarded empires in the web way remain physically unaffected by Ursula Nash's birth the echoes of the New Gods apotheosis still resounded within them but unlike their kin in real space as they had escaped destruction in their supreme arrogance they did not cease their quest for excess even for a moment repentance and atonement were outmoded concepts to a people who acknowledge no limit to their power the change that was wrought upon those elder sealed within the web way was far more subtle rather than having their essence consumed in one great drought their souls were slowly drained away into the warp consumed over time by Senesh the entity of the elder call she who thirsts the elder hate and fierce longish above all for she was given life by their actions and yet she waits hungrily upon the other side of the veil to claim each and every one of them whereas the elder of the crafts world learned to denies Lana she's hold upon them using mystical spirit stones and infinity circuits as the elder of the web way became exceptionally good at ensuring that lesser beings suffer in their stead provided they steep themselves in the most evil and decadent axé the Eldar of the web way found that the curse of suresh could be abated the agony of others nourished their withered souls and kept them vital and strong filling their frames with natural energies a Xu Ming they could feed regularly enough the Eldar of the web way became physically immune to the passage of time so it was that the Dark Eldar were born a race of sadistic murderers who feed upon the anguish of others in order to prevent the slow deaths of their immortal souls ten thousand years later slashes thirst pulls at them still there truly is no escape the Dark Eldar race has unwittingly exchanged a horrible but mercifully quick death for an eternity of hunger to this day the Dark Eldar raid and pillage the galaxy at large from their hidden sub realms in the web we're selling as much misery and destruction as possible and spiriting away millions of captives to their lairs for their own horrible ends as they are experts in techniques of torture and degradation for their longer a Dark Eldar can drag out the punishment of a captive the more nourishment he can derive from it the Dark Eldar who has recently fed upon the torment of others shines with a cold and startling aura of power his form restored to perfection even as his soul Fester's within one who is starved of such energies for long enough will become a shadow of his former grandeur desperately hunting for a taste of pain with which to stave off the gnawing in the depths of his soul the Dark City Kimora's origins date back to the zenith of the older thousands of years before humanity even suspected its existence it does not exist in real space but in the web way a realm that rhymes with hidden life the web way the web way sometimes called the labyrinth dimension is not a true dimension at all it has been described as an incredibly complex network of arteries and capillaries and may of glaring tunnels and a mystic tapestry of hidden threads that spread across the veil between real space and the warp these analogues are crude at best for the web way is a construct that spans the dimensions it is defined by the fact that it sits between the material realm and the roiling tides of the warp an inter cyst comparable to the surface of a mirror or the fabric of a veil cast over something foul the ancient Eldar discovered that it was possible to exist within that silvered surface to move in the threads of that veil it was there who mastered the original web way network though it has changed drastically since the height of the old our Empire torn open by war and disaster moving between the dimensions is a technique fraught with danger but such is the skill and intellect of the elder that they still use it without hesitation the web Way was created by an ancient alien race called the old ones as a conduit that allowed its masters to travel at will to countless far-flung worlds without risking the fickle tides of the war since the fall the web where has become a realm shattered and dangerous its splintered reaches infested by strange beings from different realities yet the web way as portals still allow The Brave and the bold to strike without warning at millions of locations throughout real space Kimora in the depths of the web way lies Kimora the lair of the Dark Eldar called the dark city by those who fear to speak its name Kimora is no mere metropolis for it is to the largest of Imperial hives as a soaring mountain is to the mound of termites its dimensions would be considered impossible if they could be read by conventional means if anything Kimura is more like a vast collection of satellite realms and cities linked by uncounted portals and hidden pathways viewed from one perspective Kimura is a loose collection of far-flung nodes spread throughout the arteries of the web way like a malevolent virus its clustered concentrations are in reality scattered across the galaxy thousands of light-years apart in places yet these locations are linked to by shimmering dimensional shortcuts from within the web ways confines the immense distances between each sub realm can be crossed with a single step Kimura appears within the web whereas a composite entity of impossible scale a shimmering contradictory realm the dimensions of which pluck at the sanity of those who approach it thousands of ships dock each day within its out flung spines for the Dark Eldar are far more numerous then even their craft will kin suspect not only is it the Society of the Dark Eldar that Fester's within Kimura our players house too many diverse species of alien mercenaries bounty hunters and renegades all risking their souls in the hope of claiming the riches of the dark city the reaches of space around Kimura are stitch with scintillating light trails as vessels pass to and fro between the dark city and the portals that surround it some of these gateways into real space are small and dim but the arterial portals above the largest city-states blaze with ethereal light each can accommodate a pirate fleet with ease to focus on the city that these portals serve is near impossible each distinct peak of spires and skyscrapers is larger than the last each border below almost fractal in its complexity a profusion of thorn dark Spurs jut from every our Kappa glow and tower and ornate spacecraft held fast in crackling beams of electromagnetic force occupying every birth the dark city sieves with a constant flow of corruption as it draws evil to itself only to breathe it back out into the void Kimura was originally the greatest of the web way port cities able to transport a fleet to any one of the most vital planets of the Eldar Empire because of the access it granted to the far-flung corners of real space Kimura was reckoned to be the most important location in the entire web where it was too valuable to the elder as a whole to belong to any single aspect of their Empire precisely because of its autonomy and the fact that it existed outside of the jurisdiction of the elder consoles of that time the city port quickly became a magnet for those wishing their deeds to be hidden from prying eyes the realm of Kimura expanded unstoppably as welfare an influence flowed across its borders it spread outward into the void consuming other webware port cities private estates and sub realms with each new expansion growing of a larger and more impressive as it fed on plundered wealth Kimura today is an endless nest of architectural contradictions and spatial anomalies each of its estates has been over developed to such an extent that their growth has been forced into the vertical plane the rival regions sprouting upwards like a tangle of needle plants fighting for a scrap of sunlight each of the spires and towers is linked to its fellows by hundreds of curved arches and strands and crested with complex silver structures that glow with stolen energies its towering areas and palaces reach both upward and downward spiraling into the depths of captive space with every passing year the parasitic City seeks to devour ever more of the hidden dimensions that act as its hosts stolen Suns far above the glinting metallic pits of Kimura are the eel mere or black suns and dying stars ablaze with poison light that were harnessed at the height of the Eldar Empire though held in sub realms of their own these celestial phenomena provide a near endless supply of energy to the dark City their Twilight hues glint from the holes of grab vehicles that swarm from spire to tower for marina it's a battleground every now and then a fin solar flare curls from the captive Sun out into kimura briefly illuminating the horrors below each such flare is reflected from a billion panes of crystal across the dark cilia and yet it will be barely heeded by the teeming citizens for they know that the sun's claws were blunted longer though a few seller cults still exist in kimura most Dark Eldar view their tame stars with contempt to them they are but another resource to be mercilessly exploited it is said that no star lights can shine upon the Dark Eldar without being harnessed bled away and eventually snuffed out altogether the desolation of low Kimora girding the Titanic central spires of the Dark City are the trading districts of the old empire even the lowliest port was once an architectural masterpiece but the ravages of civil war have not been kind low Kimora is now a hotchpotch of shattered ruins and scavenged Glory's once-proud fortress complexes and barter ports spread out in all directions and the black and angular spires of lesser cabal's riddled the extremities with opportunistic growth the outer zones are so congested that a traveler could wind through their labyrinthine depths for months on end without so much as a glimpse of a stolen Sun many areas are haunted by scavengers and specters twisted beyond recognition by the tremendous upheavals of the fall their pitch dark catacombs are prowled by far larger and uglier things than the Dark Eldar for in low Kimora the lost and the there´ll thrive the outer districts of locomotor are so many and varied that one cannot possibly visit them all in a single lifetime even to attempt to catalogue them would be fatal for the Dark Eldar are highly territorial and tend to kill intruders on sight if only to past the time one such outer district is hidden blade a crucially placed cabba light stronghold that sticks out like a jagged knife thrust between the sloping shoulders of poor carmine and knights sound guellen-- hidden blades asymmetric Citadel's bristle with disintegrator Cannon and each of its myriad parapets and steeples is hung with vanquished foes and bear states of dismemberment its hangar nodes are host to wings of razor winged jet fighters and void Raven bombers their pilots itching for a chance to annihilate an unwelcome visitor port carmine is second only in violent reputation to the port of lost souls the eye-watering little sparse of the star port sprout outward for miles each house to a fleet of ornate spacecraft the central docks of port carmine play host to the jaw-dropping spectacle of two major cab light fleets at full anchor the slashed eye cabal and the bloodthirsty stolen conscience locked in a never-ending struggle for dominance it is from poor carmine that the renegade pirate Duke siliceous stole the flagship incessant agony a fact that drove its previous owner kay night Eric Lex to the edge of violent madness he would later go on a adventure to Fenris the war-torn ruins around port carmine are known as the sprawls through their bleak streets wonder the parched cadaverous Dark Eldar who were fallen from grace and wound up on the periphery of society these ravenous wretches seek to vicariously experience acts of extreme violence and rejuvenate their wasted bodies and drinking in the scraps of spectacle or reveling in the savagery of an airborne brawl between wings scourge ah's and Hellion sky board gangs whenever a battle breaks out the parched will cluster all about like freezing men to a flame just occasionally they will drag their fatally wounded into the dark alleyways fighting each other for scraps of the departing soul the sprawls give way to a network of atriums and chambers through which flow the acid green river Cadis this polluted waterway winds around and through the outer districts of central chorus for shrouded in subterranean darkness and reeved and mists above its toxic surface drift thin graft craft bedecked in faded grandeur each house to a lost soul who earns what little he can by hooking corpses from the Chi DS and selling them on as slave fodder jet bikes and sky chariots streak through the winding archways and ducks at dizzying velocity slashing apart the corpse fishes below in merciless contests of speed the further cool wood can be found the mercenary district SEC mayor gray more popularly known as null city a nation sized shanty town permanently riven by civil war a thick mist of cordite scented pollution hangs over its roofs and with every passing minute fresh screams pierced the silence at night the scorched streets resound too solid shot gunfire and the crackle spit of splinter rifles as negotiations and assassinations turned sour occasionally as eNOS mercenaries can be found stalking north streets it is rumored that from time to time the most vicious of their number are called upon to serve the cabal's inward to core as violent as they are the districts of local Mora are but playgrounds in comparison to the inner rings that surround the dark city's core here can be found the oldest noble houses they're sweeping wings and mansions are crested by Citadel's full of proud aristocratic warriors each of whom descends from the architects of the fool sorrow fell the largest of the city-states can trace its lineage to the ancient elder girdles promontory that leads into the region known as course / 13 screaming statues of supreme overlord as trouble vet stands Sentinel over sorrowful each representing one of the foundations of vengeance their presence is a constant reminder that even the most powerful noble house was ultimately undone by war into it one of the dark cities ancient city-states has literally fallen into shadow island rock it is called and it is one of several camera streaks that exist in more than one dimension at once in Island duck shadows thicken and rive as living things flowing into one another and crawling up the legs of those that trespass amongst them here amongst the velvet domes the dreaded Mandrake's make their lairs bathing in the darkness rumor has it that somewhere in that inky pitch is a portal to a world of shade demons that can freeze the soul with but a touch the outskirts of island track give way to bone mittens of the which cuts a district almost buried under mounds of calcified matter here can be found the remains of a representative of each sentient species in existence positioned in grim tableaus and mock battles millions of skeletons ranging in size from insects to towering colossi strike unnatural and anguished poses for out the middens in a testament to the Dark Eldar status as apex predators of the galaxy range beneath these inner districts are weapon and food factories shocking in scale spreading outwards and down to the lowest spires underneath the old city these factories ravenously consumes of workers and slaves each year humans orcs tau and even Dark Eldar are amongst their number 4 - a Dark Eldar the cyclical monotony and sensory deprivation of the slave bits is a keener punishment than any pain the slaves are watched over by divisions of cruel taskmasters each of which is locked in a murderous rivalry with their peers it is the world beneath the old city that allows Kimora to wage a ceaseless war against real space for without the prodigious output of war material the dark City would soon be forced to feed upon itself the towers of high Kimora the vast majority of the dark city's vertical mass is the province of the warrior elites impossibly high structures of polished stone alloy resin flesh and glass competes in their insane grandeur thousand-foot idols of cable eyed archons and Dragons standing complete among spiraling star scrapers that vanish beyond sight blood and drips from the highest spires and squalls of red rain slaves crawl maggot-like across the fascism Titanic buildings suspended in near-invisible webs as they labour to carve titanic likenesses of their cruel masters and gargle encrusted scimitar spines curved into the sky and everywhere barbed spires reach high towards the captive sons like stilettos plunging into the heart of dark fire further towards the core the central mass of towers statues and spires forms a close-packed theater for inter Kabbalah war anti-graft transports hurtled past the jagged shrines and massive obsidian fortresses of the incubi where violent death awaits mercenaries and armored bounty hunters clad in segmented ghost plate move stealthily under the vaulted arches stalking those with a high price on their heads there most of high camera is under the iron rule of the Cabal I'd masters that control them there is a battleground there exists above the thickets of spires and graceful antennae a world of scourge messengers and assassins of terrifying aerial predators and the lightning-fast jet fighter pilots that hunt them for sport those who dwell in the areas of high camera consider themselves blessed and have little but contempt for those who fester in what they scornfully term yeno the air and then Acropolis below further down into the murk of kimura one travels the smaller the vessels that dart through its Straits the middle darkness as it is known is an area plagued by aliens these sky board riding rebels Kareem through the foul air in great swarms that attack on sight though the Hellion gangs are feral and while they are not averse to a lying with the cabal's when a real space raid is in the offing and I've even impressed the gladiators of the witch cults with their incredible displays of maneuverability and speed the arena's of the which cuts the witch cults fulfill a vital role within Cameron society they staged displays of ultra violence in the massive arenas built into their lofty Citadel's and razor-edged cigarettes allowing the citizens of high Kimura to feed upon acts of murder and wanton killing refined to the level of an art form each arena is a multi-level structure of breathtaking complexity its insides clustered with barbed stages upon which thousands of warriors and slaves meet a gory end the arena's spectators observed from ornate Thrones or from pleasure craft and drinking in the pain from a thrillingly unsafe distance the arena plays host to some of the most elaborate displays of fighting skill in the universe each which is a paragon of physical perfection and the sirens and succubi that rule over them are supernaturally adept at bestowing the gift of death these champions enjoy a position of extreme prestige in Dark Eldar Society for their pain and terror they wring from their captives in the arena rejuvenates and sakes all those who witness it most which cults enjoy the patronage of one or more cabal's the cabal's who are able to host the most impressive garrote Oriel spectacles are generally secure in the safety of their throne after a successful real space raid it is common for the archons to make gifts who allied which cults of vicious alien beasts elite warriors of the lesser races and those Kappa lights convicted of treason they know that without the imaginative displays of killing put on and the which arenas Dark Eldar society would soon collapse in order to slack its eternal thirst for suffering the practice of feeding the hot-blooded warrior populace of high Kimura with regular displays of bloodletting is known amongst the archons as lilith on to clever the knife that stays the blade the witch gods constantly strive to outdo each other in their performances many of which spread into the audience in interesting and deadly ways as the excitement builds to fever-pitch Reaver jet bikes and hellions duel with impossibly agile warrior athletes that bound across bladed antigrav platforms spinning slashing and twisting mere feet from the viewers so their arterial spurts of blood rained down into the rapt audience the AMPA feathers crackle with tension every viewer leaning food in his seat with his eyes wide and a leer of a hungry predator itched upon his face once the final acts draw to a close the Dark Eldar stride back to their lairs looking younger and more vital than when they entered the arena but the witch cults are far more to them than their main arenas below the elegant spirits and weapon nodes of each arenas exterior our academies and training complex is devoted to every aspect of the close-quarter kill antigravity hemispheres and grueling living landscapes ensure each which is at the peak of physical fitness each house keeps an extensive menagerie restocked by its Beastmasters with an endless supply of alien captives and dangerous species and different witch cult practice their own specialities endlessly discussed by the arena's crowd the bladed hand for instance honed the art of the unarmed kill there they are famous for blurring the line whilst the cult of strife espouses a Creed of sheer speed over strength around the peaks of the witch houses are the toroid arenas elaborately curved racetrack complex is famous for their death races the combatants that jewel within are called Reavers cliques of elite jet bike pilots whose reflexes are so sharp that they fight battles at breakneck speeds around the curvilinear interior of each arena they hurtle past the ingenious traps and moving blades of each death scape careening into each other with their custom bladed craft and mowing down those nearby with blasts from their sophisticated weaponry which house will often stage real space raids purely at the behest of its succubus these raids are not only to gather new fodder for the arena but also a chance for thee which is to match their skills against the finest warriors of the lesser races a witch called raid is considered high art by many Dark Eldar who will pay handsomely to fight alongside the masked gladiators alien beasts and speeding aerial acrobats they're each succubus unleashes upon her prey the gorvan foul raid one of the most infamous joint operations between the Cabal of the black heart and the witch cult of strife was raid upon the world of gorvan far the planet was a stronghold of the Alpha Legion a chaos Space Marine faction synonymous with the arts of stealth and subterfuge for decades and alpha Legion warlord by the name of jaga there've racks had operated out of a fortress in Gorgon files Black Mountains and noted Bladesman he plagued the surrounding systems with piratical raids evading the Imperials clumsy reprisals with ease however Drax eventually overreached himself having discovered that the Cabal of the black heart planned to raid the Imperial Factory world of maladaar antis he elected to use the Dark Eldar as pawns in his own schemes Drax concealed alpha legionaries on the planet's surface ordering them to wait until the raid was well underway at the battle site they struck catching both the cab lights and their beleaguered kadian foes by surprise and exacting a heavy toll upon them birth Drax his forces escaped with a huge stockpile of weaponry and left the Black Heart to retreat empty-handed needless to say such an insult could not be allowed to stand a strobe effect spared no effort in tracking down this mysterious assailant and prepared an attack to make an example of him this was not to be a slave raid but a slaughter it was a vex request that Lilith Hosparus herself joined the forces arrayed for the attack for to her would fall the task of personally humbling jagira thorax the raid began as gorvan fellows bloated sun rose red and bloody on the horizon as a swirling web way portal tore the skies above the Black Mountains the Alpha legionaries were caught completely by surprise from the portal flute dozens of attack craft falling like a rain of knives towards the squat immensity of the Alpha Legion stronghold where it nestled amid the mountain peaks by the time the chaos air defenses cycled up and flat batteries began to pound it was already too late slick fighter craft streaked overhead bombs and missiles silencing one quad gun after another and tearing rents in the fortresses armored hide through these poured the cab lights of the black heart and The Witches of the cult of strife leaping straight from the decks of their Raiders into the smoke shrouded corridors of the fort the towering traitors strode to meet them with Baltar's blazing and blades bared the heck Atari sprinted and lept into the enemy's midst cutting down the armored giants we've no fought for their own horrific casualties Cabala warriors advanced in the witch's wake their firepower laying low those traitors who evaded the gladiator X's blades the surviving alpha legionaries were finally surrounded in their primary arming chamber massively outnumbered and outgunned it was here that hysterics met vrak's in single combat mockingly offering the chaos Lord and his followers their freedom should he defeat her a lethal swordsman with demonic strength burning in his veins vrak set upon his slender foe with his hellish forged broadsword aspirates met him with a simple knife in each hand standing firm with a slight smile working one corner of perfect lips the fight that followed was a storm of blades too fast for the eye to follow and within moments Brax his sword struck the floor his severed hands still wrapped around its grip has Brock's bare flesh unmod but for the chaos Lords blood did not stop there swiftly truncating his arms and legs to leave him warring in helpless fury at her feet even as the chaos Lord fell his followers closed in once more only one alpha legionary left the fortress alive that day and his limbless form still howls its endless agony upon the Onyx gates of astra bars palace to this day dwellers beneath the underside of Kimura if it could be turned as such his house to almost as many edifices inspires as the top their clustered together in anarchic profusion many hollowed out by controlled acts of destruction until they form cavernous lairs the underworld that lies underneath Kimura is in an exceptionally dangerous place it is the domain of the homunculus a twisted Brotherhood of torturers and monsters so ancient and steeped in evil that their continued existence requires daily acts of indescribable torment the homunculus I'll embody modification drug distillation and beauty elixirs they're the true source of their power lies elsewhere every member of the camera society will wind up asking for their help at some point or another for the homunculus are masters of the flesh being alive or dead they are terrible of aspect tall and slender in form but surgically altered to an alien aesthetic that has more to madness than beauty many homunculus elves to be divine in nature for to them death is but a minor inconvenience a monk you lie of a like mind gather together in coffins and each coffin occupies a vast domain of cells and laboratories under the core here these diabolical figures practice their vile experiments melding the flesh of those that fall into their clutches and savoring pain as a Guilmette would savor a fine meal there is something of the alchemists in the homunculus craft but they prefer to consider themselves artists to them each foray into real space is not so much an act of war as an exhibition of their talents it is said that her monkey lie are so ancient and jaded that they need to witness incredible amounts of pain each day or risk their soul withering away completely their pain is not something that's in short supply in the obli s of the homunculus mouse homunculus covens dwell at the bottom of spiral edged pits underneath the core their narrow and twisting walkways are illuminated only by dim lamps sewn into the very sockets have been cautious visitors for ranged along the walls are wretched figures fused into the superstructure the eldest and most vile homunculus at the heart of each spiraling labyrinth reveling in the epic depravities of their own invention to cross her monkey or even to obstruct his wreck servants as they go upon their grisly errands is counted the most foolish of all sins in the dark City there the consequences of such an act may take a long time to manifest manifest they will and when they do they are likely to be horribly protracted and inventive the eternal cycle the Eldar gestation cycle takes many laborious years to complete as such conventionally born children are rare symbols of status usually granted that their every indulgence and raised to be just as calculating and evil as their parents their procreation still occurs artificially grown Dark Eldar are far more common place once impregnated a nascent egg can be removed from the womb and implanted in one of the amniotic tubes that honeycomb the breeding halls of the monkey lie using a repulsive insect I'll science developed many millennia ago the embryos growth can be hyper accelerated within these tubes each new specimen drizzling unclean fluids before being taken away by rec attendants these half born are seen with contempt by trueborn Dark Eldar who believed them inherently inferior yet the true triumph of the homunculus science is not the ability to create new life but to deny death Dark Eldar society fries on treachery murder is rife and each real space raid carries a high chance of mortality for the lesser races of the galaxy are not without their defenses how then can Kimora endure against the omnipresent shadow of certain death most Dark Eldar Warriors including each cabal's ruling elite well at some point enter into a terrible pact with the homunculus at work beneath the core the pack states that the homunculus generate the warrior's body should he die and in exchange the seeker will leave the homunculus permanent portion of his cell even a corpse that has been all but destroyed in the crucible of war can be restored to its former glory the master homunculus hurry and rock off once crafted a perfect new arc on brick from a single withered hand provided this process is enacted within a day or so the Warriors demise and his will is strong enough that some of his spirit still resonates within his remains his animus will slowly regenerate along with his physical form hence cabal's upon real space Red's take great pains to strike hard and fast returning before the night is out with the remains of the deceased in order that their strongest warriors barring the occasional episode fortunate accident can return to life the key to this terrible process of course is pain that are keldar are rejuvenated by witnessing agony and if saturated with enough of it can heal the most grievous of wounds as such the mortal remains of those delivered to the dubious care of the homunculus are installed into Crystal fronted pots arrayed above the pain racks and torture tables these sarcophagi are arrayed in concentric circles that rise up into the darkness each hollow Linga the semiconductor warrior in some form of regenerative state the patient's literary drink in the dark energies of the torturous craft as the homunculus upon his victim below a burly assisted by his wreck servants and the semi-sentient engines of pain as a cacophony of shrieks rises and falls around the chamber those installed in the cocoons above slowly feast upon the resonant energies ever so gradually grown back their body's skeleton first then muscle and sinew then alabaster skin until they are whole once more during times of war it is common for everyone of an oubliette regeneration pods to be filled with leering red morphine's that shiver and rattle with every fresh scream a realm unbound and yet these are but a fraction of the surreal sights and landscapes scattered throughout dread kimura across the rift of dead hope pillars of bone reach up to form a makeshift bridge into the pale fortress in the city of titans enormous statues enact historic assassinations and coos with terrible inevitability vitreous heap is filled to capacity with piles of glass and body parts sorted into her a landscape of limbs torsos and heads and in the Bleak wilds of iron thorn the choking gut clouds of the red smog bring the corpses of the cursed back to life the cyclope and gates of crackling jade fire linked one realm to another guarded by the most vigilant of warriors and in Devil's orchard noisome Hanging Gardens of the grey loads of sprout from a mosaic of the dead there is no end to the depths of the dark city and just as there is no end to the chilling depravity of its children the rise of vector Kimora has grown from shadow beginnings to a nightmare of galactic proportions its expansion is the manifestation of the vast intellect of Astra ball vector whose from slavery to become overlord of the dark city Kimora in flames 4,000 years after the fall in the time that mankind calls m35 Kimora was to undergo its greatest ordeal the slave vectored risen through pure guile and murderous ambition to become the dragon of what he called the Cabal of the black heart when the elite forces of the Imperium mounted a full-scale invasion of Kimora at the time that the hidden architect of this time of strife was opposed as at all turns by the most influential of the dark city's noble houses Zeeland Kralik and yes lien by the time the invaders had been repelled the power bases of these houses were in ruins there are cons slain it was not long before vet had replaced them as the true power in the dark city the seeds of the Imperial invasion were sown in the area known as the desiderio engulf this region of wilderness space was well known amongst the star ferrars of segment and temp Estus for the number of craft that had disappeared within its boundaries the general practice was to avoid it at all costs unbeknownst to the Imperium there existed a vast portal into a main arterial of the web way within decid aryan space shielded by hollow fields that made it appear nothing more than a shimmer in the starlight behind this portal lurked the pirate fleets of Kimura waiting for unwary prey like a trapdoor spider ready to pounce that are killed are noble houses preyed upon Imperial shipping lanes only rarely in order to escape retribution and hence the missing ships were considered acceptable losses or else written off as a bureaucratic error vex first move was to increase the frequency of these piratical raids tenfold he made it his kvass priority to capture every warship and invade every human world within reach of the portal he tore apart the imperial guard regiments garrisoning the planets of the desert aryan system devastated their fortifications and disappeared with his living bounty in the depths of the dark city vet left nothing but ruin in his wake this campaign saw the Kabala the black heart grow rich in plunder and their vex detractors thought him a fool for antagonizing the imperial war machine the raids continued a pace with ponderous slowness the Imperium reacted to the disappearances in the desert aryan gulf a strike cruiser belonging to the Salamanders chapter of the adapter societies was close enough to investigate it was prowling the edges of the gulf in the search of the sacred artifacts and relics of their Primarch captain focus of the Salamanders ordered his ship deep into the desert aryan gulf after a short but extremely violent skirmish with deck scab alight fleet focuses craft forge hammer was crippled by haywire bombs and transported into the heart of the dark city the fur all that resulted from this audacious capture said the spires of hi Kimora aflame with intrigue a captain of the adaptive societies was a prize indeed for such an individual could withstand extreme and prolonged torture before divulging his vital secrets before long vector is fleet dwarfed by the Armada of Archon Lords elin the forge hammer still rendered impotent by vex haywire field was confiscated by zealand taken - hi Kimora and analyzed for a long and exquisite dissection process in his arrogance Lord Zeeland had reckoned without the resourceful nosov the Space Marines trapped within the ship's comm network was shorted out by the Haywired field but unbeknownst to Zeeland that remained a more pervasive method of communication available to the starties captain focuses close companion the gifted librarian hestian had sent a psychic request for aid as soon as the ship's systems had been disabled hess jean was acting like a living beacon to the rest of his chapter a beacon that was nestled deep within the spire clustered confines of zealand's realm when lord Zeeland said the elites of his warrior court to bring the space marines to his torture chambers and they were met with faster and a resistance than they had anticipated the Dark Eldar found it relatively easy to carve through the hull of the strike cruiser and gain entrance to its dark and cluttered passageways but overpowering the space marines proved nigh impossible lit only by the intimate and flashes of discipline bolted on fire a vicious and desperate battle took place within the forge hammer until a star teased in Dark Eldar blood mingled together in its corridors Zeeland was quick to realize that he had underestimated his quarry changing tack he returned the salvage rights of the vessel to the Cabal of the black heart ostensibly appearing generous but in truth intending to seize the estar tees once they had been taken captive effect readily agreed forming small strike forces of all those warriors in his cabal that he suspected to be double agents and sending them into the lion's den piecemeal vexed kabah like warriors victorious on a dozen worlds ventured into the forge hammer without fear the crippled ship echoed to the thump of explosions for days on end and its stained glass viewports lit with the bursts of promethium fire the Space Marines were not giving up lord Zeeland was content to let vex slowly drive his so-called cabal to destruction thinking the dragon a fool for not attacking with all due force of casually played a waiting game systematically feeding elements of his cabal into the guns of the space marines in order to buy himself time not even employing camera mercenaries with ties to Zealand's Court none of whom emerged from the forge hammer alive on the 16th day of the siege the skies above hi Kimora yawned wide somehow the Salamanders chapter had received coordinates that had led them to their beleaguered battle brothers and the desert Darien portal had mysteriously been left fully operational it's God's Lane and its controls locked out so that they could not close the fury of the Imperium thundered from the crackling Jade web way portal directly above archons Islands personal spire through it came ships bearing the herald tree of not only the Salamanders but also the insignia of the howling Griffin's and the silver skulls the spectacle of their vertical entrance was jewel dropping even for the jaded camera it's in the streets below two dozen Strike cruisers each a bullish chunk of Gothic architecture built for war hammered through the wide-open portal into the skies of the Dark City at their heart was the battle barge Vulcans wrath an immense Hulk of a ship with broadside batteries that could flatten whole cities its prow was a vast jutting Ram that ploughed straight through into the spire where Zeeland stood crushing it like a hammer driven into a priceless sculpture of crystal and light the battle in the sky the Dark Eldar reacted swiftly from nearby porch shard came hundreds of exotic craft each but a splinter next to the slab like Imperial ships but deadly nonetheless void Raven bombers and razor winged fighters careened out of their towering hangars like bats pouring from a cave descending in a great flock upon each strike cruiser there many of them were blown out of the sky by the roaring broadsides they systematically took out the Imperial ships guns with focused void Lance fire sustained barrages from disintegrator cans the battle barge Vulcans wrath was caught by thick tentacles of electric force crackling out from porch shards salvaged spars rendering the majority of its weapon systems useless one by one the Imperial guns were silenced but the Space Marines were tenacious foes ejecting from each of the strike cruisers came drop pods fired out at such velocity there became weapons in their own right so thick was the barrage of these meteoric transports that many smash straight through the soaring Dark Eldar craft or plowed into elegant star scrapers and smashed clean out the other side the drop pods hurtled down each bearing a squad of Space Marines into the depths of kimura where they deployed upon impact with guns blazing they left Rouen in their wake spires topple and statues fell war in the streets the Salamanders counter-attack had robbed the Dark Eldar of the initiative within minutes of the drop pod assault the Space Marines had established a perimeter in the Obsidian paved streets of the kralik quarter and there they were taking heavy fire from the Kappa lights and scourge --is that soared through the skies above their power armor was holding proof against the splinter weaponry of their foes even though Space Marines who took direct hits gritted their teeth and fought through the pain coursing through them it was not long before the darkness began to gather in earnest their denizens of the Dark City drawn to the conflict like sharks blood through the boiling air came massed swarms of sky boar mounted Hellions and Weaver jet bikes swooping down to rake and tear at the Space Marines the jinking one-man craft proved too fast for Balter fire to intercept so the Salamanders instead sent up great roaring sheets of Promethean from their flamers ol gangs of hellions caught fire and wheeled away shrieking in pain from the gloom came the Mandrake's for the alleyways of Kimora ever been their hunting grounds the half demon beasts clambered upwards from the space marines own shadows too close they're freezing fangs upon unprotected faces and sliced throats with their silvered blades through the streets came Raider transports full of Dark Eldar warriors each squad leaping down into the ranks of the space marines scattered throughout the district and laying about themselves with knife and splinter pistol battle was joined from one side of high Kimura to the other and before long had devolved into a melee of terrifying proportions the streets sieved with violence but the space marines held their own entire sections of high Kimura burned as the invading Space Marines cut down or incinerated each new breed of horror that fell upon them word spread quickly of the invasion high up in the arenas the gladiators of the witch cults mobilized for war the space marines within the city were now almost 500 strong and they had established a perimeter for out kralik quarter high Archon Kralik himself had led a mass charge against the space marines intending to crush the invaders that were tearing at the heart of his personal fiefdom at first he cut a path through the discipline ranks of space marines his force field surrounding him with flickering double Ganga's so that it was impossible to tell his true location the ancient are construct like a cobra killing space marines with every frost of his powered blade until his rampage was halted by a stray blast from a dark Lance that vaporized him where he stood it was then that the witches of the cult of strife joined the fight hundreds of beautiful but deadly warriors left and spun through the ranks of the mustered Space Marines with dizzying speed heads began to roll as razor flails and impaler's found their marks knives plunged deep into eye sockets and Hydra gauntlets flash red in the Twilight had their head fought Lilith has Perks grace and power incarnate warriors fell apart before her chainsaw it's fell from lifeless hands and bolt arounds hurtle through empty space where a blood-spattered she-devil stood a split second before in the streets ahead a patrician Archon lithium of the silent scream saw a chance for further glory and joined the fight to prove his right to rule the space ruins fell back they had lost half their number already and badly needed to regroup Lilith and her attendants pause for barely a second before cutting down ilithyia and his warriors without mercy their part in vex grand plan played out Lilith and her witches melted away into the mists a miraculous reprieve as they fool charmer lay shackled with electric force high in the spires the battle in the skies was intensifying zealand's last command had been to destroy the captive ship no matter the cost should mere humans recover his stolen prize the archons authority and that of his noble born peers would be shattered forever flights of wings scourge is armed with haywire blasters and heat Lance's began to systematically disassemble the ship and a fleet of Ravager gunships met any who dare to counter-attack with punishing futile arts that force them back into cover then in a storm of light terminators from the Salamanders first company teleported directly onto the hull of the four jammer and returned fire the scourge 'as were driven back in captain focus ceased his moment his men emerged from cover as one sending a single crack missile soaring into each of the nine towering spars that held his craft captive with beams of electromagnetic force miraculously each missile seemed to trigger a chain explosion and the burning spars crashed down into the streets below librarian hestian summoned a storm of his own a raging inferno in the shape of a flaming Drake that tore the ravages out of the sky one by one the four jammer had suffered terribly but it was free from the cities bombs once more with a great shuddering roar the strike Cruiser began its ascent to freedom far below the space marines fighting in Zeeland quarter had become completely surrounded chimera had come alive around them and warriors from a dozen noble houses were converging upon their position nevertheless the four jammer had torn itself free a single Kurt comm signal was sent and within moments the main bulk of the Space Marines battling in the Dark City teleported away in a blaze of light those that had been cut off from the main assault gave their lives to by their brethren time or else were paralyzed with hyper toxins and taken away to fight and die as warrior slaves confusion reigned as the haywire fields that are shackled the Imperial craft were disengaged one by one the jet fighter squadrons of the high archons moved to intercept but were met by such an enormous volume of firepower from both friend and foe that they were forced to disengage the battle barge Vulcans RAF now joined by the critically wounded for Tama fired retros and extricated itself from the burning ruins of what had once been archons Islands pride and joy the vast ship's engine blasts flood inspires and star scrapers before the space marines made their escape the Astarte sleep passed through the still yawning web way portal above hi Kimora and escaped into real space it was the aftermath of the Imperial invasion that changed Kimora forever the power vacuum left by the vanquished noble houses of hi Kimora was quickly filled by a screwball Becht and his jubilant cabal who had proven their dominance over their rivals in the fires of war the old order of Kimora was in total flux and nothing was certain in the years that followed vector played the angles like a true master forever asserting the meritocracy of the cabal's over the aristocracy of the houses so it was that the Kabala love the black heart rose to ascendancy in place of the old nobility and are convex stranglehold upon the fate of the dark city began in earnest the panacea Wars as vex influence grew ever greater the archons of the newly formed cabal's sword audience in his court their petty schemes and veiled doublespeak bored him greatly even the famous beauty and barbed wit of the latest are content of X throne room lady it all really am alleys stirred him not at all eventually a vex summoned all those who sought his favor to his friend room and set them an impossible task the loss of her human world's population was of little import to the star spanning Empire of man humans bred like insects and were easily replaced vex challenge was not to destroy a single world there were star system but to poison the entire Imperium and return with proof of the deed Veck had set his challenge purely to thin the resources of those cabal's who had wasted his precious time he did not expect any of these so-called archons to achieve the task set out before them and if some of them met their demise in the attempt then so much the better as vex task was laid down the Archon node as lady melis allowed herself a slight smile outwitting the lesser races was child fighter and as large as the Imperium was it was still only human gathering to her side the entirety of her cabal the poison tongue Mally's mobilized her fleet and made haste into real space through her connections with the Harlequins of the web way she had knowledge of an imperial forged world that had suddenly become far more heavily defended than any of its neighboring planets the entire system had concentrated its military strength upon a single world leaving the others lightly garrisoned and extremely vulnerable the industrial planet of fur degrees nine settled deep in the heart of segments of obscurest now literally bristled with defense batteries and interceptor cannon its hives were flung to the point of claustrophobia with regiment after regiment of the Imperial Guard and the armies of the Adept Ascan occurs and the god machines of the titan legions loomed through the polluted air of the wastes around the hives borders evidently Suffolk extremely valuable existed upon fur degrees and melis alone knew its nature her spies had informed her that archeo technologists said unearthed a rare and vital relic from when the Imperium was at its height a standard template construct that could act as a blueprint for large-scale advancement across the galaxy every STC is of inestimable values the Imperium of man but this particular construct a medical miracle codenamed the panacea could save billions of human lives from death by poison and disease the baiting of the beast a conventional assault was out of the question the high fabricator of the planet had fortified his micro complex to such an extent that he could fill the skies with burning metal in an instant an inverse rain of bullets and blasts that would shred a Dark Eldar strike force in a matter of moments malece intended to retrieve the prize herself but she could not do it alone a blunt instrument was needed and a big one at that the fleet of the poison tongue entered real space through the aphelion Gulf emerging right on the tail of an immense orc fleet the flew tiller of ramshackle spacecraft stretched off in all directions a roving scrapyard of gunned up junk with a single vast space Hulk at its heart malece commanded her captain's to disable their night shields and fire at will her order was met with raised eyebrows at best for the orc shouting bird than fifty to one and many of the green skinned craft were already changing heading to an intercept scowling melis led by example personally manning her flagships void cannon and blasting apart free orc ships one after the other chasin der captain's quickly took up the fight dispatching squadrons of sleek fighters to make hit and run attacks on the largest dog ships anarchy reigned as the orc Armada attempted to change course and intercept the fleet carrying its rear like metallic sharks ripping at the flanks of a void whale suddenly as one the Dark Eldar fleet retreated at speed the orcs spoiling for a fight mounted a hasty pursuit the ensuring running battle lasted a dozen hours the Dark Eldar ship staying tantalizingly out of reach before third agrees appeared on the greenskins fleet screams gathering a deadly momentum the single-minded orcs pursued the Dark Eldar at speed careening straight towards the high fabricators beloved macro complex then just as ver degrees autodefensas illuminated the night sky with a myriad Ruby stabs of laser fire the Dark Eldar simply vanished the orc ships plowed into the world of ver degrees like a mailed fist into an unprotected face hundreds were reduced to ruin by defense laser fire but such was their sheer bulk that Don they came megatons of burning wreckage slamming into the defense networks of the macro complex the surviving orcs that had bullied through the high fabricators firestorm hacked their way out of their burning craft and into the ranks of the defenders in the dust wastes outside the hive the liji o titanic us mobilized to intercept the greenskins and the earth shook a dare advance as they mercilessly hammered the orcs infesting the hive then with terrible inevitability the Space Hulk foot of cork thundered out of the clouds in a single earth-shaking instant that god machines were crushed flat almost half of the macro complex was blasted apart in the explosion its autodefensas crippled and its surviving defenders hurled to the ground the hammer knife it was then that the skies wrenched open through a storm of jade light came the pirate fleet of lady melis it's deadly elegance the absolute antithesis of the brutal orcish Armada the cab lights gun down humans and orcs alike and fed upon their screams metal bear muffs roared as or battle wagons engaged the tank companies of the Imperial Guard and still more orc spacecraft smashed down into the city the ground quaking with each new impact as the buildings toppled around them the Dark Eldar skimmers soared into the heart of the macro complex from a lace knew that her prize would be deep in the vaults packs of incubi plunged into the midst of the deafened disorientated Guardsman milling in the breach their tormentor field sending out waves of black agony as their clave blades carved open human flesh in the heart of the city the dark feast was beginning in earnest malaise and her hand-picked elites slaughtered the Guardsman and adapt as mechanicus qatari that guarded the palace of the high fabricator in their way came hundreds of kabah like warriors meeting each imperial guard counts were charged with punishing salvos of raw firepower lady Malays stepped in twirled through the blood mad brawl as if she were enjoying a pleasant walk instead of cutting her way through a war of her own design she personally dismembered the armored stormtroopers at the heart of the macro complex and commanded her warriors to break open the inner chamber within which the STC was hidden but the chamber was already open its door a smoking wreck oak bullet casings covered the floor and within the vault the high fabricator lay in a pool of his own blood his legs sheared off at the knees the prize was gone malaise flew into a red rage killing several of her attendants who she suspected of betraying her her plans lay in tatters the macro complex so efficiently plunged into total war had now become him only the STC mattered there was little chance of mustering the entire cabal whilst they were at feast the complex had degenerated into chaos and confusion abounded malaise gathered her core to her side ordering her jet fighter squadrons to cease their punishment of the Imperial Guard and act as reconnaissance agents in a matter of seconds Malays had news of a massive column of smoke belching orc vehicles trundling out of the city and heading back towards the Space Hulk that a crash-landed out in the dust wastes lady Malays summoned her personal transport and took off in pursuit the story of the battle between lady Malaysia's airborne elite and the sprawling or convoy has become infamous in the upper echelon zuv hi Kimora a frontal attack would have been suicidal Cemil a circled the gigantic or convoy from a distance picking off its outriders unit-by-unit when the orcs moved to intercept the Dark Eldar withdrew into the clouds harrowing downwards once more to strike at a different location through the shattered skies Rivas dueled with clumsy smoke belching orc flying machines and packs of scourge 'as methodically snagged the storm boys the karim from the skies to intercept Malaysia's force our by grueling hour the Dark Eldar strike force whittled down the hurtling flotilla of orc vehicles until a broken line of scrap metal and smoldering green corpses stretched all the way back to the outskirts of the macro complex Malays herself led the final assault leaping down from her transport in a flurry of courtly robes on to the iron roof of the orc battle fortress at the head of the vastly diminished column her warriors followed suit and though the orcs fought with true fury the Dark Eldar were high on pain and moved like Quicksilver before long malece had retrieved the leading case test ec from the corpse of the big mech riding at the head of the orc armored column the Dark Eldar swiftly withdrew from the battlefield leaving a raging war behind them upon her return to Kimora lady melis did not return straight to vex from room but instead headed with her prize into her inner chambers her boot heels clack smartly on the polished obsidian floor of her trophy halls as she strode back to her throne pausing only to place the stone an STC upon a stasis pedestal between the mummified head of a human techno savant and the gilded hands of scent kuru Lea the just word of her success spread fast for the tongues of Kimora gossips are never still that evening melis found herself the receipt of a personal invitation to dine with vector at her convenience for her home bridled success had impressed even him so it was that lady Aurelia malice became one of the supreme overlords in a circle the war of dark revelations in the closing years of m41 real space found itself under attack from a new threat their merciless and all-consuming Heifetz of the tyranids it was not long before vectored charged his minions and collaborators with a mission to gather intelligence hidden within the web way Kimura had little to fear from such biological terrors but if nothing else vex all a useful tool in the tyranny trace in contrast the young and dynamic Empire of the tower was absolutely terrified the sophisticated armed forces of the Tau had barely repelled the ever-evolving hi Philippe Gorgon and could ill afford and of a system-wide conflict high fly Kraken had pushed its tendrils so far into the eastern fringe that the Tau Empire was virtually surrounded the Tau sought to employ every mercenary ally and Confederate they could find in the war effort to hold back the unceasing tide of tyranids and damn the consequences when an alien lord calling himself worried and raucous contacted their tau High Command via grainy static laced vid capture the fire cast were more than willing to haleh rakov offered to join the war against the tyrannies in return for what he called a cultural exchange and despite his hideous appearance the tower officers eagerly accepted the deal certainly raka and his so-called homunculus seems strange but they had a lordly air about them and seemed to perceive the tyranny invaders as a fairly minor threat at first the tower high command's decision to join forces with recarved prophets of flesh seemed both timely and prudent upon the hyper verdant planet of egos the conflict between the Tau and high Flik kraken raged fiercest of all but wherever the tower would at risk of being completely overrun by tyranny wave attacks blade like craft would descend through the clouds dropping on to the lush battlefield from each craft came clutches of sickle handed bare chested warriors they instantly strode into the swarming ranks of the tyranids shrugging off mortal wounds as if they were only a minor inconvenience and delivering clinical decapitations in return where the scythe limbed assault beasts of the tyranny swarms penetrated the tower lines Dark Eldar attack craft would disgorge monstrous creations of corded muscle and sculpted bone war skinned and heaving with chemically-induced battle lust the blank and horrors plunged into the fray their pallid homunculus masters drifting above them with macabre grace to the tower fire warriors each new meat monster seemed like an evil effigy come to life a mad artist's vision of a fleshy excess given form purely in order to kill the fiendish creations fell upon the tyranids with a dire energy augmented limbs and metal gauntlets spasming hacking and ripping until even the most ferocious tyranny creatures had been reduced to a tangle of chitin and sticky black gore there were great many of rakov smash minions were dismembered or gored opened by large tyranny beasts they seemed totally impervious pain even when missing limbs all set afire by bioplasma the flesh creatures came on the tyranny results broke against them like waves against a cliff and the tower took full advantage of the reprieve where the elite of the kite nest tyranids swarm stormed into the fray Tallis pain engines and Kronos parasite engines drifted into wither away their life essences or pull them limb from limb where the to need leader beast strode towards the frontlines the homunculus elves would employ strange and unknowable weapons gauntlets that turned sign-ups beasts into dust flickering ghost rays that drain the life force from the tava GaN brood mothers and hex rifles that turn serpentine tie gongs into a gigantic glass statues though the homunculus is warriors were stomach-churning they had turned the tide on dozens of France the tile High Command were mightily impressed but also a little shocked at the cavalcade of hideous monsters employed by the homunculus yet the tower already counted amongst their armed forces the cannibalistic roots and the insectoid vespid and the prophets of flesh were clearly from an advanced civilization and just in case High Command mobilized their reserves from the pristine world of Rubicon the tau upon Vigo's breathed a collective sigh of relief the tyranny attack had been stalled and reinforcements were on their way the path to damnation before long the wizened face of Aron record appeared upon the screens of the tau High Command once more he spoke theatrically about the sadness in his heart at the loss of so many of his valued foot soldiers and though there was no hint of sincerity in his words none could deny that rock offs minions had borne the brunt of the tyranny ground assault in recompense the homunculus requested 77th hour from each caste as part of the cultural exchange a smile upon his ravaged lips Rockoff requested there be accompanied by a delegation of seven a thrill the authorial caste is sacrosanct to the Tao and that part of the deal was deemed unacceptable however the Tao were prepared to pay almost any other price for the greater good of their empire High Command selected a delegation of dutiful volunteers from every caste and a far above the planet of Vigo's a detachment of mantlet transports made their way into orbit towards a crackling sky portal that widened at their approach through this they passed into the unknown their fate was sealed the next phase of the war against high flake Kraken was a focused counter-attack the Tao wished to reclaim polar continent for materials and the profits of flesh once more agreed to add their might to the offensive mask Tao hunter cadres flew through the snowstorms in perfect formation teams of airborne battle suits decimating the tyranny hordes below winged tyranids moved to intercept hurtling through the blizzards to physically pull apart the tower with tooth and claw on the frontlines the homunculus their newest creations long-limbed grotesques moaned in despair as they hacked through the swarms flesh golems flailed and Claude with nests of clutching limbs the firepower of the tower battle suits in the fury of their fleshy allies complemented each other perfectly but still the turrets came on the casualties on both sides were horrendous but if anything the homunculus seemed energized by the violence unfolding before them the battle raged for six days and ultimately the tower were victorious in the post battle debrief however a terrible suspicion began to dawn and vid captures from tower drones showed that their senior riddled allies were not pallid as before but a blue grey coloration all too familiar to the Tao the price mere seconds after the tower realized what had become of their cultural exchange recaps face appeared on every vids cream upon the planet of Viggo's he demanded her leave of the tower and over the evils or 7077 other Tao in their place his request was met with outrage High Command would see rock earth punished for his crimes if it took their lives to achieve it the tower reserve scrambled in response and made its way to intercept a homunculus craft in orbit they found nothing but mirages an empty space certainly a desperate message from commander Oh Shiva blurted onto their screens Rubicon the planet the tower reserves had left behind was under attack from thousands of sky craft it's garrison cadres were suffering heavy losses against a foe stranger than even the tyranids they needed help and fast High Command was caught in a deadly trap somehow the homunculus had moved with impossible speed and they had invited their allies to the feast amongst those who had joined the invasion upon the lightly defended planet of Rubicon was ad scribble vector as a reward for delivering the jeweled heart of the Tau star system right into his hands Veck ta Orion racket and his prophets of flesh the privilege of leading the assault the homunculus and his carving of morbid fiends did not disappoint the battle upon Vigo's was but a skirmish compared to the punishment visited upon Rubicon the prophets of flesh led a mass charge of the monstrous and insane scene from above the lands appeared to Rive with pallid bodies like a bed of maggots at first tower garrison cadres put up a spirited resistance masked pulse rifle fire cut through the invaders until the battlefield smelt of burning meat thousands of wrecks grotesques and pain engines fell to crisis battle suit attacks and hammerhead tank columns and yet on the invaders came crawling and flailing in their death rows to kill the fire warriors by the Dozen The Tao resolve began to waver how could they drive back that which did not accept death worse still the tower had reckoned without the military genius effect the initial homunculus act was intended not to bring victory only pain when the cabal's of the Dark Eldar attacked the planet was already a vision of hell the tower were fighting for their lives against unholy and blasphemous monsters many of whom had once been their comrades in arms vex cab alights feasted well each energized and invigorated to such an extent that even a single Dark Eldar warrior proved a match for an entire unit of fire warriors the war raged on but the tower hopelessly outmatched when the sparse reinforcements that the High Command could spare reached Rubicon they were confronted with a world of ruin the tower battle complexes were breached and burning the cadavers of thousands of croute invested auxiliaries arranged in tumor carps sigils of destruction that could only be seen from space of the town there was no sign every last one of them had vanished the entire planet was barren its populace stolen away into the darkness to feed the eternal hunger of Kimora and with that final example of recent engagements the Dark Eldar have undertaken I believe we can safely say that they are a degenerate species that needs to be annihilated wherever encountered many of our colleagues with the new orders are concerned about future Imperial policy regarding the Eldar race particularly with the involvement of this species in the resurrection of our most glorious regent Primarch reboot Agyeman rumor has it that there is now a concerted attempt by those followers of the apparently newly born god of the dead to reunite the various strands of the Eldar race together into one coherent hull this cannot be allowed and would represent one of the greatest threats to humanity's continued dominance of the galaxy despite the birth of the red scar we are the predominant power in the universe and will continue to be once we have pushed the hordes of chaos back to simply allow ourselves to be destroyed by a resurgent Elder civilization is unacceptable and here we can see what future would lie in wait first with this degenerate xenos breed a powerful force once more so I hope that this information is put to good use when discussion of the xenos is had within the hallowed halls of the Imperial Palace as ever I am your loyal servant in all things Inquisitor san said thanks very much everybody this turned into a far bigger video than I thought it was going to be I hope you've enjoyed it thanks to everybody supporting the channel you can see your names listed here thank you all very much it means a lot that so many of you are supporting the channel it's great please do remember to give the video a like subscribe if you're not subscribed and hit the bell if you are subscribe so you stay up to date with things I do on the channel and also if you'd like to share this with anyone you think would look enjoy it's a really appreciate day gets new people to see my stuff on here which helps everything really ok thank you all very much for watching and I will see you next time Cheers
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Keywords: warhammer, Drukhari, dark eldar, eldar pirates, xenos races, 40k eldar lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, cammorragh, commorragh, the webway project, salamander space marines, can eldar breed with humans, eldar history, fall of the eldar, birth of slaanesh, warhammer 40k birth of slaanesh, eldar gods 40k, eldar god of death, asdrubael vect, asdrubael vect lore, asdrubael vect 8th edition, kabalite warriors, wych cults, eldar raiders, kabals, homunculi, lady malys 40k, Drazhar
Id: I-O56vaT5Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 45sec (7005 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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