Adele's Controversial Weight Loss (My Thoughts)

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what's up you guys welcome to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so today we're gonna be talking about something that I I cannot believe how many people have messaged me and asked me to talk about this I haven't done it sit down and talk video in a while so I figured you know it seems like this is a good topic that a lot of people are interested in so we're going to be talking about all of the recent news surrounding Adele's recent weight loss now the reason this is even like news I think are the reason that people are talking about it is because now in like today's day and age weight loss is seen almost as negative and it is very very interesting because I know you know say like 10 years ago if someone that was really really overweight lost a lot of weight it would pretty much be all positive the response would pretty much be all positive right people will be very happy for the person there wouldn't be this negative connotation but now in 2020 when someone loses a lot of weight it's it's very split down the middle now a great example of this was this post that I saw on Facebook so this is the post right here I'll put it up on the screen but the the caption of the picture is one of the best glow-up i've ever seen in my life adèle y'all and then it shows from 2010 to 2020 she looks amazing and a lot of the comments on this post which I'll read out are very very interesting so this first one this is like the top rated comment it says stop calling this a glow up she was work she was glowing pretty hard before outfit makeup all of it just because she lost weight does not equal a glow up she looks great in both pictures now I can say I pretty much agree with that sentiment right just because someone loses weight that does not mean that they have more worth that does not mean that they are a better person because of their weight so that's a pretty middle-of-the-road comments but as you go on and you'll see a lot of the comments are almost upset at Adele for losing weight this one blew my mind that someone felt like they had they even had to say this and they felt like they they were like obviously proud of saying this because they posted it so it says PSA the celebrity that everyone is congratulating for her weight loss may have an eating disorder like just just right there the fact that this person is accusing Adele of having an eating disorder just because she lost weight now this person how does she know exactly what adele is eating right it's like she's like me making full day of eating videos right like we don't know that and it's just so crazy to me that people now are so when when they see weight loss they get upset about it and so they will make claims like could you imagine making a claim that someone has an eating disorder just because they lost weight like when I read that comment I was just like how how does someone feel like they have the power and the knowledge to be able to even make that accusation about someone sorry I got off track moving on even if she doesn't we need to stop commenting on weight loss and glorifying it like it's the most impressive thing a human can do that person that you are jumping up and down to congratulate may having an eating disorder disordered eating depression grief cancer another illness etc even if they lost that weight through a diet 95% of them will go on to gain back the weight they lost imagine how that would feel after receiving so much praise and validation now there's a lot to unpack with that one for the most part I think that this person the person that made that comment is way out of line like basically accusing Adele of having an eating disorder and it's not just that person there are tons of comments that are along the same vein as that now I think that that's wrong that is taking it way too far now where I can agree with some of the points that she had made is that I think that it is a little bit dangerous to just blindly congratulate someone for losing weight and dangerous what I mean is it's kind of you don't know exactly why or how someone is losing weight now if someone is making a before-and-after picture obviously that person is excited about losing the weight and they are sharing that with others so I think it's totally fine to comment on the weight there right obviously the person is making this post because they're excited about losing weight now if you just see someone and they've lost weight maybe it is a smart idea to take pause take a second but okay do I really need to comment on this person's weight and if you're really close with a person you know they're trying to lose weight then yeah obviously I think that's totally fine but again just blindly congratulating someone I totally see how that could be in bad taste totally understand that other than that I think we should definitely not just assume anyone that's lost weight has an eating disorder I think that is taking it a little too far and this is the last comment we'll read from this post right here it says okay her body is awesome but if you look at her face now not as cute as she used to be it's interesting because I saw a lot of comments along that same vein as well right she looked better in 2010 she looked better when she was overweight now imagine if we flipped the script on that right there is a celebrity that gained some weight and people were saying oh she looked better in 2010 when she didn't gain weight I can almost guarantee those same people that are saying she looked better when she was overweight would be like that's unacceptable how dare you say that like just because she gained some weight she doesn't mean she's not as beautiful but it's the same thing right it's the same thing just flipped now I've been thinking about this like all day because I've had so many people ask me to comment on it and I think at the root of like why this is such like people have so many like strong feelings about this is because people will tie their identity I think a lot of times to celebrities or people they look up to because they are similar to them right they are relatable and I think with Adele a lot of when she first came out right in 2010 like I remember when that song chasing pavements came out like it was a big deal it was a bigger girl that's a great singer and she's not like a skinny girl like I just remember that being a huge thing it's kind of the same thing that's going on with Liz oh right now right so people they start to identify with that person because of their size and it's because of their size more than almost anything else and so when that person decides to make a change and maybe they lose weight maybe they gain weight whatever it might be people feel like they can no longer identify with that person and sadly some people seem to get upset and make these kinds of comments and I think this goes with really anyone at any size people it's just something that I've noticed with what I do right like people have started to like with me identify I'm a guy that lost weight and I know and this is just a fact if I started to gain a good amount of weight I would be receiving a lot of negative comments I understand that do I want that no do I think I'm going to gain weight no but I have seen it with friends of mine and other you know weight loss influencers people see that person as maybe an inspiration or maybe they also lost weight so they see them and they're like I relate with you but then once you maybe start gaining the weight as a weight loss influencer people feel I am no longer I can no longer be connected with you and sadly you know most people will just move on and they're like ok I'm done with this but some for some reason some people get upset and they leave really mean comments and the thing with Adele that I noticed is at least from what I've seen she hasn't really been posting any before-and-after photos she's just posting pictures and then these things are kind of people you know tabloids magazines people like me are making these comparisons you know this is what she used to look like this is what she looks like now how was she losing the weight she's doing this she's doing that and people are making their own assumptions and they're thinking that this is this is what she's doing to lose the weight and I think with Adele because I went through her Instagram and she doesn't really post that often and so I think especially with that people are just seeing these huge changes every once in a while right they're not seeing her weeks and weeks on end like her posting every day and I think that's a big thing too is when you see this huge change you might not realize oh it's been six months since I've seen this person you're just thinking the last time I saw you you were this size and now you're this size that's bad this is something that I've said before in videos but when your identity becomes your size and then maybe you amass a following because of that and this is a little bit different for Adele because she's obviously she's an absolutely amazing singer she makes beautiful music but for some of these people that they're their kind of presence and their identity is the fact that they are overweight and they're proud of that and maybe they 100% are and that's how they feel but always said I really hope that if they get to a point and this is even for someone that's really thin right this is for anyone that wants to change their sides right but if you get to a point where you're no longer happy with the size that you're at I really hope that you don't feel like you need to stay that size to make your following and the people that are looking up to you happy that can be so unbelievably dangerous because losing weight gaining weight you know changing your body composition is already something that's so difficult and it takes so much time and effort and energy and if you have these people that are following you that are not at all supportive and on it that they are on the opposite of that and they're they're attacking you for losing weight or they're saying that that you're doing it in an unhealthy way and all of this stuff like it's gonna make losing weight pretty much impossible and obviously I don't know Adele I don't know why she has decided to to keep this private I mean I would probably do the same thing especially considering everything that's happened she just posted a picture and it's it's gone like this but it is a very interesting thing and I think it all stems from people finding like relatability with someone mainly because of their size I think that that's a really dangerous thing and it's something that we just do as humans naturally I do it I think most people do it but I think that this shows like why that could be dangerous and like it's just my natural thought goes to you know a lot of the stuff that Liz oh post is about her size and how she's happy with that and I'm not saying that she's lying at all but like I think imagine if she was like you know what I decided I want to lose a hundred pounds or whatever that might be I can only imagine these people that are very supportive of her and her mission and and what she says now what they would do if she decided to lose a hundred pounds for me I'd be happy for right if she stays her size that's fine too she wants to lose weight that's fine too but it's crazy because some people they're only going to accept her if she stays her size and I think that that's kind of sad because you if you support someone and you love someone you should support them with whatever they want to do as long as they're you know trying to be healthy and improve the quality of their life like you should be there and just because they're no longer just like you may be the same size as you now you're no longer gonna support that person I think that that's just kind of sad but there you guys go those are my thoughts real quick I just so many people have asked me to talk about this so I wanted to get it out there as fast as I could thank you guys so much for watching the video let me know what you think in the comments down below make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look up a fan all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 269,197
Rating: 4.907321 out of 5
Keywords: adele weight loss, adele, john glaude, obesetobeast, fat loss, weight loss
Id: kuA83ySR9_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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