Joe Rogan on Adele's Weight Loss Controversy

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the Joe Rogan experience see this resonates with everybody delicious pasta resonates with everybody that's why so many women were mad when Adele lost all that weight yes like no [ __ ] I don't want to give up on this [ __ ] pasta yeah I was with you when you were big yeah see there's a new photo of her yeah no I saw it this morning she first thing I knew the flitter Li the first thing that I thought of the second my eyes laid on that picture I'm like this is gonna be crazy because people are going to say in these comments that she's beautiful and that's going to be hilarious because you're basically saying that she wasn't beautiful before by saying that she's beautiful now in a weird way they're sort of insinuated and and I I didn't even realize until two hours or an hour later after I had woken up that it became like this like news story so it's just funny to me because like it's like is their voice the same right because that's what matters well it's it's funny in that why wouldn't you [Music] want to applaud someone who did something that's really difficult to do and is now healthier yeah if you are an Adele fan wouldn't you want her to be healthier wouldn't you I mean you want her to be able to keep singing for longer right you love her you wanted to be healthier you don't want her to get one of the main things they found in New York City about people that caught covet 19 that was a real problem was obesity big problem she was at one point in time much larger and now she's like really slim and people are mad and saying this is what they're saying I don't want her to be applauded for losing weight as if it's some some to some wording like this like that I don't want to adhere to these beauty standards that she's better looking because she lost weight but she is yeah and you know that the only reason why anybody would want to fight against that when so many people overwhelmingly think she looks better is because they don't want to look at themselves it's that simple they don't want to change and they want you to just they're trying to bully you in deciding they're beautiful if they're 210 pounds yeah that's that's really what it is it's like we're you know we're redefining beauty standards you can't do that right you can't decide that the way you look is what everybody should like that's crazy you can't do that and if people have decided worldwide that fitter healthier bodies are more attractive that's just what it is yeah that's what you can it's not redefining beauty standards the beauty standards come from what people are attracted to yeah it's not fair you're right it's not fair a lot of [ __ ] and life's not fair yeah that's just how it is yeah if you choose to stay big that is your choice I know it's a difficult choice to try to move your your body down and lose weight and get healthy we really talked about that we were just talking about it but you can't say that it's unattractive when someone has a good body because it is so if someone has a better body than they used to have it looks better so that's what a beauty standard is this is what people are attracted to when it comes to bodies they're attracted to fit bodies that's not a that's not a shame that's not a bad thing like the idea that this is somehow or another that's something we need to avoid and putting undue pressure on people it's nonsense it looks great if it's pressure on you because other people look great well what do you do with that pressure do you decide to be better better yourself take care yourself better do you decide you decide that it's not worth as much to you to worry about what your body looks like and you're more concentrated on maybe art or whatever the [ __ ] else that's fine too but you can't be mad at people that put a lot of energy in that direction and look better right because she looks better it's not a bad thing and isn't saying that everybody's body is beautiful no matter what it doesn't that make it like worse for the people with ugly faces you know what I mean because like then they're more part of just a smaller group like if there's some lady that has like her eyes are on like the side of her head but just an a bangin body right she still gets action I guess no problem at all yeah of course she's hot well dude men don't care that much where you're its beauty standards of just what Pete what are people attracted to it's and people are generally attracted to people that are healthier that's just a physical thing that's a part of and we're only talking about attractive like sexual attraction right we're not saying you know if you're twenty or thirty pounds overweight like you look horrible I don't want to look at you like I have a lot of friends that are fat but it is what it is it's just it is what it is mm-hmm and maybe they'll find somebody that's into that but you can't like decide that people gonna change what they're attracted to that's silly you can't do that like they are attracted to people that put out more effort they're attracted to people that have the strength to get up at six o'clock in the morning go to the gym before work there's something really hot about that it's attractive yeah it's attractive someone who takes care of themselves it is it just is now it might not be to you but that's why the world's beautiful because we can all have different things that we like and different things we don't like but when a giant chunk of people are into this one thing like nice bodies it doesn't mean that it's all shallow or terrible or it's somehow another demeaning to people that don't adhere to those standards know it's a competition there's a sort of a physical physiological competition between males and females in terms of like trying to be attractive and that's one of the things they do they make their body look better another thing they do is dress nice they wear jewelry they do stuff to make themselves look better the idea that making your body look better is somehow or another this is a bad standard to adhere to when you take your big body that you're not taking care of and you wrap it up and all this crazy clothes and all these ribbons and bows and you show your bare midriff because you're brave and you get your big old ass these jeans like yeah it still looks pretty good don't get me wrong still look great honestly I thought Adele I thought Adele looked a little I thought she looked cuter a little bit thicker now she little sort of looks I mean granted she looks healthier but she looks a little bit more just basic you know and I mean sort of just like every all the other pop stars well in every movie where there's a guy was kind of a [ __ ] up who's gonna get in trouble it's a guy who's built like you with a woman it was like 250 pounds and she tells him what to do so maybe it's like a thing like that's like when it doesn't hasn't David Spade played a character like that was like he's got a big wife or a big girl right there's always a few of those think so maybe that's your thing maybe like to deal with channel how shallow how yeah yeah dude maybe that's your thing is but big ones you're like I'm big so when Adele was big you like yes control me hold me down maybe I don't know I want to know about her boys sounds like what if she sounds horrible now cuz like she had that operatic right yeah our full powerful voice I was having a conversation with a buddy who told me like to have a ball gag put in his mouth it's like really like what people are into him saying you know I'm not saying that people can't be into big girls there's a lot of people into big girls but a lot of people are into everything you know but that's okay too like a lot of people are into weird stuff you gotta try out different things I think if you can if you can get it it's fun [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 5,322,346
Rating: 4.8599296 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: xZ4F2Dhij8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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