Reacting To r/FATLOGIC (Yikes)

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I've always viewed this guy as a personal embodiment of what this sub could and should be. No hate, just education.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 241 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoldfishRemembers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aww I love obesetobeast. He's definitely seen both sides of it and is always makes his arguments without going to extremes. Very kind too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tryingtomath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good video. And he seems like such a nice kid, too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/06210311 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He is my son's inspiration.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PurplePeep06 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

YES I love John! He’s wholesome and comes from a place of personal experience and education. He doesn’t placate feelings but he also doesn’t shy away from the facts.

I love his podcast with his brother Jean (pronounces John lol) and how they both show an everyday life that includes fitness and nutrition. No training videos or workout programs for them to shill at you. Just straight up regular people living their healthy active lives.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's why I am here!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/latitude11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love his content! ObesetoBeast,Swolenormous, EveryDamnDayFitness, and MyThoughtsWillProbablyOffendYou are all sources of some good content I've spent hours watching on youtube

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DunnoWhatToSayHau2Do πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now it's getting picked up by KickingGeese on her livestream. Some people in her chat are saying we're "problematic" (and Google concurs), but Justine seems to get what we're doing here in criticizing Health at Every Size, FA, etc.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AuntieApocalypse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve heard this guy’s name before but never seen any of his videos. He seems like a pretty sensible and level-headed speaker, not an angry fatlogic-basher like me, lol. Would have been nice if he’d said a bit about the comments here on r/fatlogic rather than just the posts, I think that would give his viewers a clearer picture of what this community is about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/carson63000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so today we're gonna be doing something a little bit different we're actually going to be going over the subreddit fad logic now this was a video that was actually requested by a couple of you guys and it's something that I've actually seen like other youtubers doing kind of going over sub reddits that might be kind of loosely related to their types of videos that they make so I do want to say before we you know go any further all of these posts are coming from the subreddit fad logic so if there's more things that you want to see there similar to this go there all of you know all of the credit belongs to them I'm not trying to take any of that I just wanted to maybe read some of the posts and share what I thought about them so it says here at the top of the subreddit it says find out what keeps you fat and then do something about it sick of being fat shed your fat logic here so what I've kind of gathered through looking some of the posts is that a lot of these posts are kind of just reposts from other people that are in the like fat acceptance community or the health of every size community and people just kind of repost what they've said and then they kind of share their thoughts about that so let's just jump into it so this is the first post right here it says the myth is that people diet to try to be thin the reality is most people diet to try to avoid weight stigma we don't come into the world preferring fitness the belief that thinness is better is not innate for any of us we are taught that being thinner is better we get caught in the pursuit of thinness not because of fitness itself but because we are taught lied to that Fitness for the constant pursuit of fitness will protect us from weight stigma now this is actually something that I've noticed more and more with like the fat acceptance or health at every size community is that it's like thinness is bad it's like a bad thing to want to try and lose weight it's and it's almost it's gotten to a point now where it's no matter what the reason like even if you are really having some health concerns and really having some issues with your health because of your size trying to lose weight almost negates you from being body-positive from being health at every size like you are no longer allowed to be that with a lot of these posts and a lot of the things that I've seen with health at every size there's always a an ounce of truth to it like I think that for a long time people focus way too much on getting as thin as possible and saying like the thinner you are the healthier you are I think we all know that just because you are thin that does not mean that you're healthy but we also know that if you are morbidly obese the chances of you having serious issues related to your health are going to skyrocket now this next post was actually hit from a very big person in the health at every size community Stacy Tovar and this is what it says imagine repeatedly being given a health plan that asks you to become something that research says you have less than a 1% chance of becoming and you've got the medical reality of a fat person and this is our caption this is a trap we are told we are failed thin people when we're actually just not thin people at all this fundamental misdiagnosis leads to a number of issues our medical records are viewed through the lens of failure and non-compliance the medical system is designed only to help one-third of Americans who are thin and then asked 2/3 of us to just you know become entirely different kinds of human and treats this absurd unscientific premise as good medicine there is no room for the current medical model for a fat person to be a thriving person when we develop in illness or pain like all humans do it confirms medical bias and the bias delays care we then delay doctor visits because we since we are being judged and we know we are often being denied proper care we are asked to face his medical nightmare diet day in and day out and we blame and pathologize ourselves this is unjust this is wrong this is neglect you can begin by taking a breath having a cry getting mad and refusing to keep treating yourself like a failed human stop dieting know that being super hungry after a lifetime of restriction doesn't necessarily mean you have an eating disorder it likely means your body is working perfectly refuse to accept that something is fundamentally wrong with being fat start doing things that make you happy read the patient Bill of Rights Lincoln bio demand that doctors honor their oath to do no harm know that you can end an appointment at any time know that you can refuse to accept weight loss as a prescription for what's ailing you know that no matter your health status presence of chronic illness and disability status you deserve compassionate excellent care because you are a fresh whoo all right that was a lot of words so the first thing that obviously I picked up on is that it's it's she says that it's 1% chance so basically what she's saying there is there's 1% chance of you being able to lose weight and keep that off and it's just funny because every time I see a statistic it just gets lower and lower and lower like for a lot of times you saw 20% and then 10% and then that 5% rule was like pretty popular for a while now it seems like it's less than 1% so it's just funny that the number keeps 2 when dealing in dwindling definitely do want to say I I do feel like there are doctors and health professionals that treat people wrongly because of their size and I've been in that situation I remember when I was a kid when I was in like I think I was in 10th grade I've told the story mom tricked me into going to the doctor and the doctor was just really really rude and made me feel terrible and I never wanted to go back to the doctor again after that so there is without a doubt bias and there are bad doctors out there and I don't want to discredit that because I 100% agree with that statement if you feel like you're being treated wrongly or you're not being treated correctly because of your size you 100% should try and find the right person but that doesn't mean that if someone says hey losing weight might help this right losing my weight might help this diabetes losing weight might help this issue you're having with your knee like that doesn't always mean the person is only thinking about that but sometimes there are very obvious correlations when you are morbidly obese to health issues and so it's like people are they refuse to look at the gray area and it's always black or white and I just don't want to do that like yes there are some doctors that are not doing the best jobs but there are also our doctors that are doing a good job and for them to not say anything about your weight if you're 200 pounds overweight that's also neglect and them not doing their job so you have to be able to take a back seat and and be able to look at it from a you know a long lens and yes it hurts when someone says maybe you need to lose weight if you're not ready or it hurts or it's like it might be frustrating but at the same time the truth hurts sometimes and some you just have to hear that stuff and I've actually made videos about the girl the woman that posted this and I am very skeptical as to why what her intentions are she has a very big following she does a lot of speaking engagement she sells a lot of books she she has a lot of merchandise that she's trying to sell so for me personally it's hard for me to take everything that she says 100% honestly because I feel like she says things that are very very bombastic and very big because she knows that it's going to get a response and you know the louder you are the more people that listen to you next post it's okay to eat when you aren't hungry just as this it's okay to eat after you are full if you are setting limits and rules around when you're allowed to eat and how much it's still restriction and engaging in diet mentality now again I agree with that like if you want to eat when you're not hungry like go for it yeah no one's gonna stop you but again like if your if your goal is to try and lose weight maybe that's not the best plan and like setting limits and being disciplined doesn't mean that you have a disorder it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you it might just means that you're trying to give better like for me it's just so crazy seeing this mentality of like if anything is hard and you're pushing yourself to do it it's like there's something wrong with that fact like sometimes people just want to get better and to get better you have to get in really uncomfortable situations and maybe to get better you have to deal with being hungry a little bit or not eating whenever you want to eat that's just how it works like things that are hard sometimes are hard and this is a little poem and says when people accuse me of glorifying obesity I don't run from it I am glorifying obesity with all of my love handles my rolls my excess fat I am glorious the glory rests on my puff cheeks and my thighs which rub together when I walk and in my stomach when it falls as I sit down there's beauty in that the grandeur of fatness so I happily promote it loudly I profess my love for fatness and fat people confident or not brave or not secure or not fat people are glorious and obesity is worth horrifying now I think that everyone should be able to love themselves and and love who they are and I think that is very important now the the issue with a lot of people that are in the health of every size movement or you know people that would write something like this is for them their obesity is what defines them and so when people are saying that you shouldn't glorifying glorify obesity they hear that we're saying or people like that are saying you don't deserve basically to exist and so I think that that's where a lot of the pushback from the health at every size movement is like why it's coming is because people have started to identify as their size and who they are is directly related to how big they are and the amount of fat they have on them and I think that's why it's so dangerous and that's why there's so much passion in those people that are in the health at every size movement is because it's no longer just like hey I have some excess weight that maybe I need to lose because that's not how they see it they see their obesity as the same as someone you know that might be have a different skin color right like they equate it to the same exact things and that's why I mean I think that that's absurd you can't really change your skin color right you can't change where you've come from but you can change how big you are you can change your size and for a lot of people doing that might actually help them live a longer life and then I found a couple posts that have the tag sanity in front of them so what I've noticed with those posts is it seems like these are things that maybe you would you would see someone like me saying are people that have lost weight so they're less sarcastic posts right here it says hard to swallow pills losing weight and never regaining it means you have to sustain healthy eating behaviors for the rest of your life obviously I agree with that I think that that's the that's the issue that a lot of people have when they diet is you end up doing very unhealthy things to lose the weight and so you're no longer able to sustain those things that's why sustainability is one of my favorite words of all time is because if you're trying to lose weight and you're doing it in a way that is not healthy or sustainable you're not going to keep that weight off so I would 100% agree with that meme right there and then this post right here it says sanity from an Australian a fitness coach this is exactly what we've been saying and the picture says worth at any size not health at any size and then in his caption he says yes your self-worth as a human being is not and should not be governed by the weight you are when standing on a set of scales the choice you make on how to live your life is completely up to you and no one has the right to tell you otherwise however it is my firm belief that while you certainly have worth at any size that does not mean you have health any size the facts are very clear-cut being overweight or obese and living a sedentary life will put you at put your health at risk and is likely to see you cut your years of your life expectancy you may well say good I don't care because I love my life and I enjoy eating what I like and shouldn't be pressured into doing something I don't want to do again you are correct and go right ahead living your life as you are however while you may not feel unwell or feel the effects of your lifestyle is having on you right now I unfortunately have to see the devastating effects it causes on a daily basis in my practice and I would never want to see you end up this way while the mainstream media social fitness influencers and the like will tell you that you need to cut everything bad out of your diet and you need to be working out every day the fact is you don't need to change everything in order for everything to change please start taking your health and well-being seriously and please put me out of a job yes you could continue to live your life the way you are and never suffer any life altering or worse ending complications however that is like playing Russian roulette with five bullets in the chamber and only one chance for success I absolutely love that post I couldn't agree more with that you know especially when he's talking about how everyone wants to you know they feel like everyone's telling you you need to do everything you need to do all these things change everything about yourself to live a healthy life and I completely disagree with that and I think that that that thought that that feeling that people have is the reason why so many people don't even try and now to bring up kind of like the Biggest Loser that is one of my biggest issues with the show is that they show these people doing these insane workouts they show these people doing this crazy stuff like losing 20 pounds in a week and people start to feel like that's what they need to do if they want to lose weight so a lot of people don't try to lose weight because they don't feel like they can do that so instead like I want people to understand like it doesn't need to be this crazy thing at the start you can take these small steps and improve little by little by little and eventually once you look back like when I look back at where I started I was nowhere close to where I am now but I took little baby steps along the way and I was able to build what I have now and I love that he was talking about how like you may not feel unwell right now you might feel healthy right now and that's again I've said this before that's what you notice with a lot of the health at every size people is that they're like in their mid-20s maybe not even in their thirties yet and they're saying like oh it's it's totally fine to be morbidly obese like right now you might feel fine right at twenty years old or not even thirty years old yet but once you're 40 or 50 you're gonna feel those implications and like yeah if you don't mind your life being severely severely just like cutting yourself off at the feet and feeling like you're limping through life like I guess that's fine if that's something that you want to do but we shouldn't be perpetuating and preaching out to people that is totally fine and healthy to be morbidly obese for basically the whole duration of your life like those are gonna have some serious implications and your life is going to be a lot less satisfying as it could be if you were to just lose the weight but there you guys go I think I'm gonna end it right there I mean there's obviously tons and tons of posts but I don't want this video to be forever long I would love to know what you guys think about me doing this I don't know this is definitely something new for me but someone had the idea and I thought mom why not give it a shot but yeah if you stuck around to the end I appreciate it thank you guys so much for watching the video make sure you like comment and subscribe there was one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look I am also real quick I wanted to say at the end of this video you do enjoy when I do logs I am here in Miami right now and I'm actually logging pretty much every single day I'm here at Waterloo so to CrossFit event so if you do like the vlogs go to my second channel I will link it down in the description and you can check those out all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 271,877
Rating: 4.941 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, obesetobeast, fatlogic, weight loss, virgie tovar
Id: -JrLn2DxS3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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