Lizzo IS NOT Body Positive?!

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okay so today we're going to be talking this has been sent to me on instagram on my discord join my discord yet if you haven't uh it's been sent to me by friends of mine by family members everyone has sent me this uh talking about this story and so a lot of you guys probably know who lizzo is if you don't know uh google her i guess but um she is a very popular uh singer dancer artist she's she's very talented right um and for a long time uh she's been very much so a champion of like kind of the body positivity movement which i think is great like she's she's great i like her a lot she's very funny i love watching her stuff now there has been a has been a people are having a problem with lizzo because of a story that she put up on her instagram um yesterday as as i'm recording this so the uh the story that she put up was about like this cleanse that she went on it was like a juice smoothie cleanse um so we're gonna go over the video and uh we'll kind of just like talk about it and see see what people have to say um so i'm gonna turn the music that she's using is probably copyright so you won't be able to hear it but you guys will get the gist of what what's going on here so it's this what i eat in a day um video and then she tags this person jj smith online which will go into who that is okay so so let's do it play what i eat in a day on jj smith's 10 day uh smoothie detox disclaimer i was practicing safe detox methods with the nutritionist do not try without research okay so she's going through a day of eating okay so this is a green smoothie that oh dude i've already talked about it green smoothies uh no thank you nope no thank you a detox supplement okay beauty water okay beauty water alrighty well sounds interesting a superfood shake now alkaline water now another okay remember this is a full day of eating so so far she's had a green smoothie um she's had one shake another green smoothie and then a ton of water okay now she actually has food so apples and peanut butter which i enjoy okay so this is a no cow bar this is a vegan protein bar now there are tons of very good vegan protein bars but you guys no cow bars i'm sorry if you like them they're so bad they're so bad they are so chalky like it is when people talk about oh vegan protein bars aren't good that's what they're talking about because no cow bars are so so gross they're so chalky if you guys like them hey you can like them but they're i am not a fan okay and more water okay so this soaking in herbs all right we're just gonna we're gonna we're gonna keep going so tea now another smoothie cucumbers and apple cider vinegar okay so the only food she's eating today okay so far is the apples and peanut butter and then apple cucumbers and apple cider vinegar okay remember this is happening for 10 days so so claimed okay so this she's claiming that she did this this for 10 days all right okay nuts that's good some fat in there more more beauty water okay oh dude the freaking foot pads you guys okay and more supplements all right so let's turn we're going to turn the volume back up she starts talking now and i ate a lot of foods and [ __ ] my stomach up in mexico so i decided to do jj smith's 10-day smoothie cleanse so her claim was that um during i think uh during october last month she uh she went to mexico and ate a bunch of spicy food and ate really terribly and she messed her stomach up so that's why she is doing this um that's why she is doing this uh this detox this is day one right here moving on to day two it's just basically you drink these green smoothies every day so this this is where a lot of people had an issue was the fact that she like did these before and after things okay so like this was this was a contention for a lot of people was that she was like showing how her body looked before and after now you guys know me i personally think before and afters are fine i don't have a problem with them but a lot of people in the body positivity and health at every size claim that they are toxic and claim that they are fat phobic so a lot of people a lot of people were not happy about um right here was the hardest day four five and six i was like uh started to get to me mentally but i was never super hungry i just i i don't understand when like these when these when people that do these cleanses they claim like i was never super hungry and i'm just like dude come on like you can like if you're gonna sell something that i i personally think is a waste of money why are you lying about like yes you were hungry like come on let's be real like you're eating you ate uh the only food you actually ate was apples and peanut butter some nuts and then a no cow bar right um and that's the only food you ate and you're telling me you weren't hungry at all for 10 days of doing that while drinking some smoothies and some green drink and that green drink stuff oh no no thank you come on i think i just was wanting to stress eat and and do things that were like kind of self-harming and here i am on day nine um and then uh avocad nope in the chat says if that's true it's that's bad timing she just posted multiple videos on tic take crying tick tock crying about um disliking how she looks naked which i mean that's fine you can feel that way but yeah i agree that's definitely not the uh not the the the optics of that do not look very good and this is the final day i'm gonna give you a full twirl i feel amazing um and i think that it's just great it's great to like reset your stomach and it's great to reset your stomach you guys i promise you that you do not need to do detoxes to reset your stomach okay it's not that's not how your body works like these things a lot of times they'll make you poop a lot and they'll make you like if you're a bloated person and you're eating crap if you are doing these detoxes right a lot of them are not much food a lot of them are not gonna they're not gonna have that much sodium so you are not going to be as bloated that is a normal thing from not eating as much and drinking a lot of water okay like oh man you resetting your stomach doesn't it doesn't work like that okay yeah and then zach in the in the chat said um a lot of the effects are placebo as well a hundred percent that's a lot of things that's with a lot of things in weight loss and fitness like placebo is huge if you don't know what placebo is basically because you think something is working you will believe that it's working like you will be like oh i see results because i think this thing is working things especially when you deal with like gastrointestinal issues like i do but i think i look [ __ ] great too so period so okay so that was the that was the original video okay and uh so a lot of people had an issue with that and i think that not just because of the fact like oh um what are you talking about it doesn't reset your stomach but the fact that a lot of people have had have had issue with people having an issue with it too okay so this is like twofold but so people have have been saying um oh i i think it's like they're like oh why are you doing this this is like uh uh this is diet culture this is bad but then there's other people are saying like well a lot of people are like oh i don't like that she's positive about being her size but now she's trying to lose weight and now they have a problem with that okay so there's there's it's twofold here i think that people having a problem with the way that she is losing weight or she doesn't even talk about losing weight but the way that she's going on this detox to probably lose weight right versus that's what matters so it's because with this weight loss or whatever you want to call it detox it's just one it's it's complete bs like it's complete bs and like it's promoting something that one it's very obvious that she was sponsored to do this which there's nothing wrong with that like hey if you're if you have a sponsor do your thing but it's like when you have such a large following of people that are obviously like in the same position as you and then you promote something that is genuinely dangerous like you have to put a disclaimer that says like talk to your doctor basically before doing this like come on man it's just it's really it's really frustrating because now i guarantee the fact that i am making this video people are gonna be like you're a fat shamer or you're fat phobic or you're this you're that and it's like no dude like i think that if she is comfortable with where she is that's great like you know what the kids say no cap like do your thing i'm not mad about that like i am do your thing a hundred percent but then if you're going to be like oh but i want to do this detox like let's be real and be like no you're not doing this detox because it's going to fix all these problems like this detox you're doing it because you're making money off of it and you're posting it right if you look at all the stories she was getting uh she was tagging the person 100 she got paid to do that which is fine but it's it's setting this is the biggest thing it's setting false expectations for the the other consumers for the the followers that you have that look up to you that look up to you as someone that they they believe is like a beacon of light that they believe is is someone that really has their best interests at heart and you are you are using that trust to sell a fake bs snake oil supplement okay that's the issue not because lizzle wants to lose weight if liza wants to lose weight that's fine if liza wants to stay if liza wants to stay her weight that's fine i literally don't care she's talented sings her heart out i love her music she's great at what she does okay that's not my issue my issue is not any of those things okay it's the fact that she is using her influence to talk to these people that look up to her and is selling something that isn't working okay okay so i just wanted to get that off my chest so let's go in and then she goes in um here it kind of explains her reasoning um and i kind of want to go over that as well so this is like a few hours afterwards there was quite a bit of backlash and she goes on to explain her reasoning as to why she posted it okay i did the 10 day smoothie detox and as you know i would normally be so afraid and ashamed to post things like this online because i feel like as a big girl people just expect if you are doing something for health you're doing it for like a dramatic weight loss and that is not the case now there's nothing wrong with um wanting to there's nothing wrong with wanting to work on your health but the the the fact for a lot of people that are liz those size i'm not gonna say for her specifically because she is um she's very agile she if you watch her live so she like moves around like she's you know she can she can work you know but a lot of people that are her size if they start focusing on their health the fact of the matter is like weight loss will happen right and now i'm not saying that it's a good thing or a bad thing but that just is a fact of the matter okay um and so it's interesting that she's like afraid to talk about wanting to lose weight i think it's crazy man like if someone wants to lose weight why is it why why do you have to be afraid of it i think the reason that she was scared of it was because she knew because she's smart that people were going to see right through it like no dude like i don't have a problem with you wanting to lose weight it's the fact that you are pushing a bs snake oil thing to your followers right that's my problem with it i could care less if you want to lose weight i mean more power too if you don't want to lose weight more power too do your thing but like it's that people are gonna see through them like man what the heck is this thing like that's probably where what she was really thinking at least that's my opinion um in reality november stressed me the [ __ ] out i drank a lot i ate a lot of spicy things and things that [ __ ] my stomach up and i wanted to reverse it and get okay so she said she wanted to reverse it okay i want to make it very clear you you it doesn't your body doesn't work like that okay you don't put something in and then you eat something else to reverse the effects of it it just doesn't work like that like okay you you drank more than you normally wanted to and you're eating spicy foods okay and you're eating like garbage foods and apparently is probably what she's talking about here okay the way that you reverse that is by stopping doing that okay and i said reverse in quotes the way that you make that not a problem is you stop doing that and then continue eating uh correctly or a way that you want to eat not by drinking beauty water and hoping that it's going to make you poop your brains out and then you'll feel better like it your body doesn't work like that like we have things in our body that regulate all of those things without us having to do detoxes right our body is smart smarter than whatever detox tea or supplements that you are taking i promise you okay your body is smart back to where i was i'm so proud of myself i'm proud of my results um my sleep has improved my hydration my inner peace my mental stability my [ __ ] body my so this is what's frustrating to me is that so these these things all might be true okay like these like her her mental stability all those things might be true but then it's it makes it seem like she is putting and i'm not sure if she's doing this but the way that this video is is is made is it makes it seem like she is putting all of those um new like oh i'm feeling better in this aspect in this aspect in this aspect it feels like she's putting it all on this tea which is frustrating because one like if you really did do the 10 days of detox like that was your own mental stability that was your own mental fortitude that got you through that okay so that's on you that's not on the tea that's not on the supplement that's on you like you worked for that okay but the second thing is like it's just frustrating because again like this is when you can tell that something is normally if something sound if something sounds too good to be true it probably is okay and that's that's my issue with this um with this tea with this detox with these things it's like dude no supplement that you take is going to make your uh mental stability better it's going to make you lose weight it's going to make you all of these things like no that is because you worked for that thing right like that's what happened i don't know man it's it's just so frustrating and that that's the problem i have it's not because lizzle wants to lose weight i don't care it's not because she doesn't want to lose weight i freaking don't care it's the fact that you say that you are 100 happy with your body you say that you love yourself but then you go on this freaking detox that is literally like causing genuine harm probably to your body if you actually did it i mean i don't want to call her a liar but you know like and then selling it to other people that do not need it okay like that's the problem that i have [ __ ] skin the whites my eyes like i feel and look like bad [ __ ] and i think like that's it i'm a big girl who did a smoothie detox and i wanted to share that with you guys i got exactly what i wanted out of it and every big girl should do whatever the [ __ ] they want with their bodies okay so it's not that every big girl should just do whatever they want with their body it's every every person should do what they want with their body but again you are you are promoting something that is dangerous and that's the problem right and even if it's not dangerous maybe i'm being bombastic or being a little bit ridiculous but you are selling false hope okay and that is that's the issue you know like you are selling false hope to people that trust you and like if you don't have a problem with that like that's really messed up man like that's really really messed up man um so i kind of wanted to go and uh look at the i want to look at the page that she brings up um and so real quick rachel or someone can you send me the link um to that page so this is the instagram that she was tagging jj smith online okay so it says fast weight loss you guys she said that she wasn't trying to lose weight that the top of this person's instagram who she tagged who it's their detox fast weight loss the first thing i always say if someone is promoting fast weight loss run away run away okay because that 100 is a scam i promise you like this there's not many things i'm 100 on but your boy is 10 for 10 on this okay 100 shooting ratio average i don't know what that means i don't watch sports but i am i've i've haven't been wrong yet if someone is promoting fast weight loss they're trying to make money off of you they don't really care about your health okay i'm telling you right now especially if they're selling lose body fat and slim waistline liver focus number one liver detox okay like i'm telling you right now that this person does not have your best interest at heart okay it's not too late to join us my new seven-day apple cider vinegar oh god um acv cleanse is fire uh the results are so amazing the 10-day green smoothie cleanse is still the most popular detox for fast healthy weight loss so join the movement and do them both for maximum results so now there's two cleanses um add in liver focus and blood sugar focus for even greater result holy smoke how many focuses are there all you need to do is get the books which have all the instructions recipes and shopping lists and are available on amazon walmart target bj's kroger's and barnes noble and so like this is the problem okay like this is the issue is that you say that you're not trying to lose weight but if someone literally does a second of research okay like a second of research you can see who you tagged yourself and i'm not even mad at lizzo man like she's great i'm not even mad at her like do her thing but like if you do one second of research you go to this person's thing and they're the this top of their page says fast weight loss with jj smith it literally says that and i mean the icing on the cake is that she has pictures with dr oz like this person is dr oz there are not many people that more people think is a charlatan and the snake oil salesmen like dr oz like if someone has a picture with dr oz don't trust him okay if i ever take a picture with dr oz stop trusting me all right because i sold out it's never going to happen so like oh that's what the issue is and i think that when people uh when people it's it's frustrating when people like oh well you said she couldn't be big but now she can't lose weight it's like no no no i don't have a problem with either of those things i have a problem with if you are saying that you're happy being the size that you are but then you promote a weight loss detox and i say that because it literally says that right here remember weight loss fast weight loss with jj smith it's right there and then you promote this which is unhealthy which is unnecessary and you're promoting it to people that trust you that's that's where my problem is i don't care that you want to lose weight i don't care that you don't want to lose weight the issue is the way that it's promoted and the way that you made it seem like oh this is totally normal like this is not normal this is not normal so that that's like that's um you know the whole issue with lizzo right now i would love to hear what people have to say um down in the comments but yeah those are my thoughts at least
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 95,140
Rating: 4.8646617 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, obesetobeast, fat loss, lizzo, lizzo detox
Id: -awgQYN2ofw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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