Jillian Michaels Vs Lizzo (My Thoughts)

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what's up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so as you can tell we're somewhere different we're actually at my house right now I had to pack up some stuff from the office because I'm gonna be traveling but I did want to record this video for you guys so the first thing is actually something that quite a bit of you sent me and wanted to hear my opinion on and that is recently Jillian Michaels has made some statements about Liz oh and I think the reason that a lot of people maybe wanted me to talk about it or at least thought of me when this happened was because I've made videos on Jillian Michaels I've made a video on Liz oh so a lot of people kind of I'm assuming they wanted to hear my opinion about this because of that so if you don't know what's going on Jillian Michaels was recently on a talk show where the person brought up Liz oh and she had this to say I personally found and I love celebrities like Liz o or Ashley Graham who are really preaching self-acceptance I love her music yeah well a percent I don't know anything about her I'm sure she's a cool awesome chick yeah and I love that they're putting images out there that we normally don't get to see of bodies that we don't get to see being celebrated and why are we celebrating her body why does it matter that's what I'm saying like why aren't we celebrating her music cuz it isn't gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes well I'm just being honest like I love her music like my kid loves her music but there's never a moment where I'm like and I'm so glad that she's overweight like why do we why do I even care why is it my job to care about her weight now when you watch that clip and like when I watched it at first honestly there wasn't really much that I disagreed with now I do think that her tone in that video is not the best it's very it's very condescending this is something that I've noticed with a lot of the stuff that I watch of hers she's just kind of like a condescending person and if you guys watched you know her on The Biggest Loser and stuff her whole thing was that she was the really aggressive and and no holds bar kind of trainer and I wouldn't be surprised if maybe that's kind of how she's just felt like she should carry herself now because that's kind of her brand I will say it's interesting because I haven't seen I know that they're gonna be releasing a new a new season of that the Biggest Loser and it doesn't seem like she's connected to it at all it doesn't seem like she's at all a part of it and I'm kind of curious if the reason is because they're really trying to get away from what they did in the past and bringing up the Biggest Loser I think that that's where a lot of people have issue with her even really commenting about anyone's eyes and about anyone's health because as you guys know the videos that I've made about The Biggest Loser most of the people that did the show ended up gaining the weight back and then some and it was actually really really unhealthy and the things that they did to people were so just so terrible looking back and you see what they would do for for the show to get ratings and and force people to do these things that they really shouldn't be doing yet I think a lot of people still have that kind of bad taste in their mouth so when they see Jillian Michaels making these you know making these claims and having this tone about this you know celebrity now I think people just take really take issue with it because of the things that she's done in the past now with all that being said I I do agree that I don't understand why the conversation has to be about Liz's body when you know she is she's making music and that's what I'm assuming and that's what I hope that that's what she wants the conversation to be about because when people say like it's so inspiring that someone this size is making music I think it's just kind of interesting because like anyone that any size can make music it just seems like the conversation has always tried tried to be turned into you know especially if it's someone that's overweight or morbidly obese like turns into this conversation of this overweight or morbidly obese person can do XYZ when in reality it's just this person can do XYZ so I know that I played a clip from the interview earlier but that's the clip that most people are using and that's kind of a soundbite that a lot of people are using but if you actually listen to the interview a little bit before this she's actually talking about how we shouldn't be shaming people because of their size and we should be including everyone you know it shouldn't the conversation doesn't need to go straight to someone sighs oh oh she's you know she's too fat to be a pop star well you say things like that and you know then there's gonna be you should never be able to say things like that right but for people were they could fat shame and they could exclude people and they could make people feel less than in all forms of media and we should always be inclusive but you cannot glorify obesity it it's dangerous it kills people it's the number one cause of bankruptcy in our country so there's a middle ground here now it's like oh that woman is 250 pounds good for her and it's like it shouldn't be one way or the other it's really no one's business to comment it's not something you should judge it's not something you should celebrate that woman's health is up to her but I mean 250 pounds I would say 999 times out of a thousand is going to mean heart disease cancer diabetes autoimmune issues in early death like hmm the reason again that I think people have issue with this is because she made literally she made her her career out of kind of like making fun and being very very aggressive towards really overweight people for the show The Biggest Loser so again while what she's saying might hold water and it might hold weight and it might be true is she the best person to be saying these things I don't think so because I think so many of the people that she might be trying to reach already are desensitized to her and they already aren't willing to hear what she has to say and the other thing that I wanted to talk about is kind of on the opposite side of the spectrum so I thought it would be kind of interesting to bring up in this video so someone actually sent me a message on Instagram and they told me to check out this account on Twitter that this girl was kind of like being shamed and it's pretty crazy but she posted this video right here where she's kind of like showing her body and she says that she's really happy with how she looks and the caption to that video is no offense but my body goes crazy right now what's crazy is some of the responses to this video by this girl so some people are saying ha ha ha no offense but I'm not about to eat for like three weeks or imagine having hips in a flat stomach god I hope I get my eating disorder back so a lot of the responses to that tweet where people kind of Omo joking around but also being kind of serious about man I really I wish I could have an eating disorder so I could be as small as you and then some of the comments were even saying like the her posting that video was mean and is triggering people and she should feel bad about that because she has a body that other people might need to do drastic measures to maybe attain do I know this girl do I know what she did to get her body no I have absolutely no idea but I think that it's really kind of gross and wrong for people to make her feel bad because she's proud of where she's at right now and then to literally like almost make her feel like she's going to force them to having eating disorder because when they see that stuff those are the feelings that they have now this is one of the responses that I really liked it says let's not hit ourselves under this post please I understand things like this can be triggering and I completely understand it's not on purpose but it's not fair to put that on her under a post or her just loving herself some things are better left unsaid so it's interesting because again this is just a person that's posting their body that they're happy with it and people are still upset about that and there still is this discourse about that so I wanted to bring that up is because there is it seems like there's no middle ground it's like you shouldn't post your body at all it's like almost unknot allowed anymore because people are gonna say you're too fat or you're too skinny or you're too this or to that and I think that you know the moral of the story is like don't don't focus on what other people are doing focus on yourself focus on making yourself better if that's something that you want to do because there's always going to be people around there they're gonna have their own opinions they're gonna say you're too fat you're too skinny you're to this you to that I think if you are working on yourself and you're trying to become a healthier version of yourself that's the thing that matters the most so to kind of wrap this up do I agree with Jillian Michaels kind of do I think she should be the person that's spreading this message absolutely not because again like I said most people their perception of her is a person that was really really mean to a lot of overweight people and as it shows in her track record with the Biggest Loser a lot of those people ended up gaining the way back anyways so I think that with her in particular it's just it's not the right move I think there are a lot of other people that share the same message that she might be sharing that might be a better pick because again that track record is not the best thank you guys so much for watching today's video I know it's a little bit different I apologize we'll be back to normal very soon but thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one other thing that I wanted to say oh yeah look up a fam all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 104,897
Rating: 4.8837829 out of 5
Id: Mc7mAN3b-Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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