Addison Rae's movie destroyed my last remaining brain cell

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i guess it's inevitable but there's certainly been a rise in the internet personalities being in a netflix movie thing i mean you had liza and work it king batches and a whole bunch of stuff and now we have he's all that starring addison ray one of the most famous people on tik tok the app where people get famous by doing nothing now the original she's all that came out in 1999 it was your typical story of a frumpy dumpy girl who takes off her glasses and all the guys are like now fast forward to today and we have the movie he's all that a remake with the same writer of the first movie and directed by the same guy who directed mean girls freaky friday and vampire academy you know that classic so like how could this movie not be a total masterpiece you know i'm saying come on let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by morningbrew so how many hours a day do you think you spend just aimlessly scrolling and refreshing the same websites over and over again trying to figure out what's going on in the world but then even after you've been sitting there for like four hours you feel like not only did you just waste your whole day but you barely even absorbed any information to begin with morning brew has set out to fix all that by giving you a daily newsletter seven days a week that gives you all the important news and information you're looking for without all the fluff and unimportant stuff you get everywhere else like you can see here there's a real quick article about how everyone's getting really sick of using zoom all the time when their sales have dramatically dropped mcdonald's is trying real hard to hire more 14 year olds to work for minimum wage as well as all the important news you would need to get caught up without having to wade through the rest of the garbage i've been subscribed for a few months now and i personally enjoy all their financial news stuff myself because like i find the whole stock market meme stock thing going on right now just like really fascinating signing up for the morning brew newsletter is free so just click my link down below in the description and get smarter in just five minutes every morning by signing up to morning brew okay back to the show good morning guys it's me paget head to toe here where we talk about makeovers self-improvement and how to become the most spectacular you you can be now as i always say when it comes to makeovers it's your insides that count but your outsides are the first thing people see which of course is why i always wear my victim's skin after i sacrifice them to lord cthulhu so this is our main character paget [Music] her name is paget yeah okay well sounds like someone's mom had a real strong epidural now paget in case you were somehow unaware is an influencer candylala009 cute name by the way wants to know how my morning routine is different after a late night great question candy these bunny venom revival eye patches are always my favorite puff i do think it's kind of funny how like every time they have influencer characters in these movies they're always doing exactly the same like lifestyle vlogger get ready with me type thing or whatever like why can't she be one of those kids who makes soap operas in roblox you know come on where's that movie netflix anyway so like i said this is paget who portrays herself as some like ritzy girl from the right side of town and always wakes up looking all perfect but in reality she's just a normal girl who lives with her mom played by rachel lee cook who was the main character in the original movie so that's something yes i've been waiting for this almost three thousand dollars for um tell me what you do again i'm just mostly kidding but i just hope that some of it goes towards your college fund not more of mom those shoes cost more than our dishwasher these are bunny venom comps totally free now on her way to school padgett wants to bring some cream puff things to her boyfriend jordan aka the jake paul of this universe because he's currently filming a music video for his new song about how hard it is to be a white kid in the suburbs or something like that surprise we're on the set of jordan's brand new video in beautiful hollywood california hello wow he is really blasting that music is he listening to himself yeah so come on jordan jordan jordan pageant pageant what are you doing what do you think they're doing okay let's not freak out oh so uh uh so padgett walked in and um and they and and they were doing the the mommy daddy wrestle time so of course padgett freaks out you know and she's all like i kept my mouth shut when i found that secret furry folder on your phone and this is the thanks i get after everything we've been through we're over okay you know what dude what you're still alive so yeah you know padgett's having some feelings and so not only did her boyfriend cheat on her but turns out she also live streamed the whole freakout thing to like a million people so whoops you feeling okay you're missing school today mom i'm fine i just want to be alone i went to all the trouble of putting cereal in a bowl with milk lucky charms okay i'm sorry i'm sorry but can we just talk about how hilariously absurd the product placement is in this movie like seriously every five minutes there's a product logo just right in your face [Music] i mean somewhere on what kind of psychopath walks around holding chips like this anyway so like i said internet breakup drama whatever there you are i was so worried we missed you at dance practice sorry i saw you call it i've kind of just been avoiding life can't say i blame you why did i have to go live and why did alden keep recording no no no come on now your name is paget and your friend's name is alden i swear every kid's name in this movie is like if you played scrabble with a four-year-old but all the same so turns out pad just little freak out has cost her a bunch of followers oh sweet heavens and now she's become an internet meme called bubble girl because of this whole like snot bubble thing and if that wasn't bad enough now her bunny venom sponsorship might be pulling out as well oh no it's jessica miles taurus from bunny venom jessica hi what's up you're going viral in the wrong way of course there's a freaking kardashian in this movie why wouldn't there be so padgett sits down with her friends to talk about how to move on from her ex and also deal with this whole internet drama sponsorship stuff unbelievable i'm the victim how is jordan not a complete pariah now that's ridiculous i mean when i first met him his real name was jordan dickman 120 pounds of bad skin and tragic hair oh my god and those clothes the post collars and that hideous rope necklace makeovers are my thing exactly and i made that guy yeah like he was into stuff that he liked just because he liked it but now thanks to me he's only getting the stuff that he's supposed to like because i said so so why don't you just make another jordan that's it you're gonna create another internationally renowned egomaniac no but i will create the next prom king and so paget makes a bet with alden just like out of nowhere that she can turn anyone into the next prom king as if that means anything whatsoever so then of course the question is who is the lucky individual who's going to be the next mia thermopolis and become popular in high school which is about as meaningful as like being the best looking guy at a trucker stop what about him oh that's cameron something quiller i think yeah weird he's nowhere to be found wait he made one tweet in 2019 and all it said was no looks like he doesn't exist okay but like gee whiz what if he just doesn't use his real full name on the internet huh you ever thought of that i mean hey how do you know he's not sonic and shadow rawdug forever 27 on blockpad huh he is a total disaster weird arrogant anti-social yeah okay this dude definitely writes very explicit song to hedgehog fanfic in his free time so this introduces us to the other main character of our movie cameron who has a normal name thank goodness but like i gotta call shenanigans okay i mean cameron is supposed to be this like weird gross you know like biggest loser in the school or whatever but like a pretentious dude with messy long hair flannel shirt and a beanie are you kidding me this guy's like kryptonite for 80 of girls under the age of 30. i mean girls like this date guys like this all the time we all know those girls who read like every jane austen novel and then they date some dude who's like hipster stuff so now page has to go make her move and try to convince camera that she's actually really into him but of course it's all just so she can get her followers back and get her sponsorships and all that so golly gee i wonder if this is going to end well can i help you with something i'm padgett um we were in senora parker's spanish class together hi you're a photographer right yeah so the cali high car wash is next weekend you didn't let me finish i'm sorry yes please finish we need someone to take pictures for the school yeah take pictures of girls in bikinis watching cars gross who would ever want to do that so over the next little bit of the movie paget tries to weasel her way into cameron's life and ends up stalking him all the way to his horse stable job which he has you know cause of course he does so do you have any previous writing experience just one time at a birthday party when i was five but does that count no anyway this is gilly he can be a little temperamental so what are you doing i'm letting him smell my hand it's like a handshake for horses i'm sorry are you womansplaining horses to the man whose job it is to take care of horses and then they sit around and throw horse poop at each other for a while what and then cameron gives her a little horseback riding lesson now to thank him for this she tries to invite him and his friend to like this karaoke pool party thing which sounds like absolute torture but sure whatever go ahead um i just want to say thank you for this morning my butt is so sore i could barely walk as a way of saying thanks there is a karaoke party this saturday at my friend quinn's house and i was hoping you guys could come uh yeah um i don't i don't we'll be there now this party is when padgett and cameron kind of have their first connection or whatever when padgett's ex shows up with the girl that he cheated on her with and paget gets all like flustered on stage but then of course wouldn't you know cameron gets up there and saves the day so now they're best friends who sit around talking about feelings and stuff well you know our father lives in sweden his choice and after our mom died oh i am so sorry yeah it's four years ago plane crash they were on their way back from laramie you must miss her a lot i'm sorry can we please just run that one more time they were on their way back from laramie you must miss her a lot [Music] yup this is definitely how real humans talk i am don't even know if i'll be able to pay for college damn that sucks i'm sorry that it won't take much money for me to bum around see as much of the world as i can take as many pictures as i can yeah you know that lifestyle is really only appealing when you're like 18 or whatever because once you get to like 25 you just kind of wake up one day and you're like what am i doing with my life i've always wanted to see paris you mean you want to take pictures of yourself in paris so your followers would know you went there should i just do what you do and take rolls and rolls of pictures and never show anyone so how about it how about what oh come on you show me yours and i'll show you mine okay wait what you kids trying to play doctor or something what's going on over here now almost exactly at the 45 minute mark padgett invites cameron to alden's birthday party which just so happens to be themed after the great gatsby and so now make sure y'all sitting down here and your socks don't fly off because you're about to be real shocked cameron gets a makeover so of course we get the montage of everyone trying on some clothes and cameron takes off a shirt and padgett's all like but like okay come on how's this dude got like a 24 pack going on from what he shovels manure for like an hour a day and he looks like this i'm in the wrong line of work so they go to the party and padgett's ex is there of course and we find out that his new girl is now his old girl and would you believe now he wants the old old girl back you're aniston's problem now you're still mad about that that was like two weeks ago we belong together patch [Music] these nominations are on monday all alright if we win prom king and queen our followers would go crazy i don't care oh man you spilled my watermelon it was the last one now all they have is mango man's just giving us 110 right here oh man you spill my watermelon it was the last one now i have to get mango now immediately after it says all this to patch it jordan then goes off to try and hook up with cameron's sister and cameron's all like you won't bruv and they get in a fight and cameron wins sort of kind of now because he beat up jordan everyone thinks cameron is like cool and stuff now and turns out he's been nominated for prom king but also this is where we get one more little piece of important information oh then and jordan what the hell is going on jvd out you know how you were running for prom queen unopposed not anymore i know all the same people you do the only difference is i didn't just hemorrhage 94 000 followers oh my god you've been planning this all along i thought we were friends yeah friends are you kidding me i've been going to acting lessons since i was four and you get to be the star of your own movie because what you make tick tocks doing a hand drive at a crop top we are not the same so the current state of affairs here is that cameron is upset at paget because of everything that happened to the party and he's still just kind of confused as to why the popular girl in school would want to hang out with the scruffy mysterious anti-social guy with a stomach that looks like a connect four born and now padgett's upset because she just found out that the girl she thought was her best friend has been planning against her the whole time but hey at least they have each other right so this whole prom king thing i can't believe you're actually into it well i'm not really but i do hate vandrant i mean guys like him crap all over everyone and somehow still end up on top not this time not if i have anything to do with it you have some serious traction but you're gonna have to let people see the real kim keller well speaking of the real me i wrote this fanfic of you me twilight sparkle and shrek playing spin the bottle at a sleepover you need jesus no actually he just takes her up to his photography dark room nerd now maybe it's the sultry moody lighting or just paget's raging camel toe but all the same one thing leads to another and you'll never guess what happens [Music] but then right after this there's that car wash thing we talked about earlier and alden decides that now would be a great time to spill the beans on what's really been going on the whole time with cameron and the bet and all that stuff i hate to interrupt this adorable moment but paget do you think there's something you should tell cameron after jordan and i broke up i lost my sponsorships so i made a bet with alden that i could take some person and and make them over what kind of person paget the biggest loser we could find again there's nothing loser nothing about this guy you want the biggest loser at school go find the kid with a minecraft t-shirt a fedora and a wolf tail okay turn that guy into prom king wait wait so i was a bet no no i was a fire truck bet and so this brings us to the end of the movie which is of course the prom and pageant and alden are just so are mad at each other that they settle things the only way that matters with a dance-off why is it still going please make it stop to be fair in the original movie there was also this long dance scene but it was kind of just like a bunch of kids doing the 90s version of like the cha-cha slide or whatever not this full-on step it up street dance battle just out of nowhere for no reason anyway so the movie ends with jordan winning prom king padgett wins prom queen but because of everything that's happened so far in the movie she kind of just like doesn't really care anymore here's the thing for the last four years i've been so busy selling myself on social media have you now like someone special once told me high school is just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not that's the lesson he taught me i only wish i didn't have to lose him to learn it and then she gives up her crown and goes outside and once you know cameron rides up on a freaking horse i mean come on you can't be hot brooding have abs like this and soap on a horse leave something for the rest of us would you also was he just like waiting there the whole time with a horse until she came out what a weird dude i meant what i said i'm gonna start being honest about who i am from now on i swear okay well for being honest there is one thing in your speech that you got wrong what was it you never really lost me and then of course they're all like and that's pretty much where the movie ends yeah so this movie's real dumb i mean like okay to be fair the movie's not bad in the way that like after was bad but it's just so stupid like it's basically the same as almost every other netflix teen movie where it's all about pretty people and pretty sets but like there's really no substance whatsoever like the acting's not so great and the whole thing is just so weird with these like scenes kind of just thrown in randomly that i guess are supposed to be jokes there's actually something i wanted to talk to hey you my man are rock star an inspiration do you want to hear palm cameron kweller interstellar cameron one jordan zero king cameron you're my hero fight the power man that was great now like the original movie wasn't mind-blowing or anything but i cared way more about those characters than i did about anything in this movie i mean like i don't know it's just so netflix you know despite what a lot of you may think i do actually try to give every movie and tv show that i make videos about like i try to give him a fair shake do i dislike this because it's bad or is it just not for me you know i do try to be fair like while i'm watching it because you know like being contrarian and hating things for the sake of hating him like i mean that only really works when you're like 14 or mentally 14 like myself but so watching this movie i mean it is so bad but like i said in the video it's not bad in the way that like after or 365 days was bad just where it's like it's just like so like offensively bad it's not quite like that i think it's just so stupidly boring i don't know like people talk about how the original movie was like this cult classic hit but like it really wasn't like i remember when it came out and it just came and went and like no one cared and you look it up it has like a 40 on rotten tomatoes like it it wasn't considered anything special at the time i don't know the whole idea of like turning a loser guy into like a cool guy and then i don't know i just feel like it could have gone a lot of different ways they could have had like the same basic premise but they could have made it a little more interesting but it's just this movie's so vapid it's so it's just so dumb like you know the best way i could sum up this movie is this movie is right on par with like mean girls too it's so dumb and so bad but it's not like bad in a good way where like like twilight or whatever like yeah it's so bad but like i love it anyway like there's like nothing redeeming about this movie at all i don't know i really tried i tried to to think you know about like is there something i'm missing here like even if you're a huge fan of addison ray i don't know man this might this this movie might change your mind that's all i'm saying anyway thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me send me an email at alexmeyerscontact let me know what movies or tv shows you'd like me to check out i think coming up soon i'm gonna do that new cinderella movie if it's still relevant i guess i have a podcast with my girlfriend it's called doing the devil's tango it's like a dating advice dating a story type podcast and sometimes we talk about other things as well so check that channel out the link is down in the description i have a game on the app store uh i guess that's about it thanks for watching everybody i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 3,956,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, he's all that, addison rae, alex meyers netflix
Id: 9tBvY1Jo4Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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