Senior Year is an utterly bizarre movie

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you know every so often i see a movie on like netflix or disney plus or whatever and think huh this might be up my alley but then sometimes the trailer comes out for a new movie and i'm just like yeah okay thank you for this bountiful meal netflix so it's no secret that over the last four or five years netflix has really taken its place as the cesspool from which the worst teen movies of all time crawl their way to life but as of last year they ended most of their rom-com series you got 12 the boys three kissing boot three princess switched three which was just the apex of modern cinema but despite all that netflix released their newest teen romcom team flick i don't really know what this is exactly but and this time around it's the new netflix movie senior year so what do you see me give it a watch and see what netflix coughed up this time come on everybody let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by honey i'm sure you all know what honey is by now 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fair omg here he comes be cool ladies the ones whose bones have gengered themselves into a hot frame the only bumps on their skin are abs and their natural scent is perfect like ck1 yeah okay i'm gonna stab you right there i mean i was friend zoned by every girl in high school so i got to hang out with them like in their natural habitat and those popular people did not always smell like ck1 okay i mean sometimes it was more like ck comma lewis the populars stop playing hey tiffany i'm having a birthday party do you guys want to join that in australia you call it a party cause in america we call that a freak show well um it's actually not a freak show because we have cake [Music] okay so this is our main character kinda stephanie now as you probably figured out stephanie is kind of a loser because she's the main character of a teen romcom which apparently are all just written by people who had no social skills no friends and make it their entire personality and never shut up about it so couldn't be me but as you can probably imagine she doesn't really like her current status as local freak so one day she decides to do something about it and so we get this montage of her going through like the entirety of every teen rom-com in about two minutes and wham bam bam look at her go she's dating a guy who'd be like the hottest dude at the one hollister in north dakota and now she's the hot popular girl in school and we know this because she's got eight butterfly clips on her hair okay i mean come on they don't let just anyone get away with that now one day she's heading off to school with one of her friends she had from before she was cool and we get a look at what her future plans are for herself there she is tiana russo harding high cheer captain and prom queen 95 banging bard she's boy band rich lives in the most beautiful house in maryland with her three two one perfect husband oh it's it's a movie about being prom queen never seen that before as you may remember from about two minutes ago stephanie's boyfriend blaine was originally dating this girl tiffany and as you may be shocked to hear tiffany doesn't really appreciate having her boyfriend stolen away from her because i mean come on it's not every day you find a guy who can actually pull off one of these dumb necklaces case in point this guy also can't pull it off because turns out no one could but boy back in the day a lot of people tried real hard anyway i won cheer captain fair and square and you and blaine were broken up when we got together first you changed the prom king and queen song and now you're throwing an after prom party when you know i've been planning mine for months oh you mean the one you have to throw at barf's family lake house because you live in a shanty her name is martha and she hasn't thrown up on herself since the eighth grade don't go chasing waterfalls she did not and so after some more back and forth tiffany comes up with an idea of how to get rid of stephanie once and for all and get her boyfriend back [Music] and so then she dies and that's pretty much it movie's over everybody now actually this put stephanie in a coma for about 20 years until one day randomly just out of nowhere she wakes up that's why at balboa hummers we've got the sweetest rides for the sweetest prices oh and hey all you high school seniors out there who doesn't want to hummer on their big night you get it kids balboa hummers we're ready for prom are you i'm ready for prom what the and so this brings us to the main part of the movie where stephanie finds out that she's been in a coma for 20 years and it's currently the far-off magical year of 2022. flying cars world peace ozzy osbourne and gene simmons are still alive somehow what a world how about me and did you remember it's martha martha i never thought i'd have this moment again i was this close to freezing you what do you mean dad oh don't worry i couldn't afford it so it's only gonna freeze your hand anyway so after this we get the inevitable fish out of water part of the movie where stephanie has to learn about the wacky new world of smartphones and words you can't say and no one wears butterfly clips anymore which is the real tragedy no one's addressing these days but okay i see how it is but despite all the wackadoo changes in the world it turns out everyone she knew from high school is apparently still just living in the same town thank god it's still the same yep there it is let's keep going wait that's not diana russo's husband who is that um that's blaine wait did he get me my dream house and so she dies and that's where the movie ends and actually she's totally fine you know despite being in a coma and having her muscles atrophy for 20 years but hey what do i do i'm not a rocket surgeon tiffany oh my god look at you i i can't believe this what is happening get rid of me so you can steal my dream life oh the beautiful thing about time is you move on you know i need to go because i am brining zucchini ribbons oh boy being 40 sure sounds fun huh you know when you're a kid you always want to grow up so you can finally live that lavish sarah jessica parker life but then you hit your 30s and you sprained your shoulder by sleeping wrong like the other day i threw my back out by sneezing too hard so yeah life's great but yeah so not only did stephanie miss 20 years of her life but also she never got to be prom queen and tiffany ended up stealing her boyfriend back i mean come on is there no justice in this world dad what the f who is in charge of my feeding tube my boobs are huge well you're just getting older you know bodies change and pretty soon you'll go through menopause oh my god don't i can't do this and so after thinking things over for a while stephanie realizes that she doesn't have to just take everything she's been given i mean god she was a loser before and turned things around so she could just do it again there's no problem a good pair of rhinestone low-rise jeans and lip smackers lip balm can't fix am i right so she sets out to take her life back and relive the high school experience she was supposed to have now lucky for her her former best friend from high school martha is now the high school principal so you know pull a couple strings hand a few twenties under the table everything's gonna be fine yeah hey what are you doing here i wanna go back to school that's wonderful yes of course i can get you some insult on some of those programs i meant like come back to school to harding high and finish my senior year steph i can't let an almost 40 year old woman into high school i'm still 17 mentally you know it's funny to say that because i also know quite a few people who are not in high school anymore and are also mentally seventeen so hey if the whole going back to high school thing doesn't work you can always just become an influencer like the rest of us and so long story short stephanie enrolls back in road high school so she can finally graduate be prom queen and be the popular girl again you know because evan's gonna be like wow it's so cool how you take vitamin supplements before your 11 a.m nap but yeah so she heads off to her first day of school [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but you know the whole y2k aesthetic is like coming around and being cool again so like i don't know this outfit might actually fly these days but yeah so it's stephanie's first day at her new old new school or wait how's that work well your friend my boss principal riser asked me to show you around and give you a little orientation here at harding oh okay i don't really need to i know oh come on it's fun i have nothing else to do i'm mr tapper the guidance counselor but you can call me mr t is that because you pity the fool who has a bad first day okay hold on a second so stephanie was in high school in 2002. why is her out of touch old person reference like the a-team from 1983. how long were you in that coma stephanie now the next big chunk of the movie is kind of like that 21 jump street remake a few years ago where she's this 37 year old woman with the sensibilities of 2002 and she has to try and navigate a high school in 2022 where things are quite a bit different like most importantly the school doesn't even do prom king and queen anymore what is with this enormous lunch table like how are we supposed to know where the popular kids sit when there's just one table we're all popular kids okay i'm sorry to interrupt you for a second but like doesn't this dude look almost exactly like sabrina carpenter or am i just losing my mind over here when there's just one table we're all popular kids everybody oh no no no that's not how life works there's only like three ways to become popular and to be a cheerleader to work at abercrombie or to let guys go in the back door what oh god i must be really popular then okay well moving on from that so what we're going to find out is that this ragtag group of kids is actually the cheerleader squad and being a cheerleader is not the cool thing anymore because you know and somehow being a nerd is the norm you know everyone's online all the time anime video games superheroes like at some point the nerds won and just ran everything into the ground i was wondering if you would like to sign my petition it's to bring back prom queen to harding oh my gosh no way do i respect irl grassroot efforts to affect change into societal systems yes so i will sign it yeah and i'll sign it too but don't be surprised if we're the only ones why's that because nobody's gonna sign this unless brie love signs it hey her relapse that's just her name on social media okay so there are popular kids at this school so this whole giant harry potter lunch table thing actually serves no purpose whatsoever on social media she's got like three million instagram followers and that 98 pounds of sexy is the answer 98 pounds oh wow excuse me have a seat fellow hunter gatherers it looks like we got a real alpha male over here also like i don't know people like jaden smith or harry styles can get away with dressing like this because they're jaden smith and harry styles like it's just not the same thing when it's tony from algebra two you know what i'm saying anyway so this is brie the regina george of the school i guess you could say hi i'm bree and you must be stephanie i heard about you and i basically used to be you when i went here the most popular girl in school because of it like the same i don't really think about popularity i'm just trying to build my most authentic socially conscious body positive environmentally aware and economically compassionate brand that's a home for inclusion-focused fashion food and fun-filled lifestyles okay now she's one of these people you know influencers and like youtubers or whatever who are somehow convinced that they're like saving humanity or something like nah dude you're just some schmuck talking to a camera or a microphone like the rest of us okay sit down before i forget my mom tiffany told me to tell you she says hi she said to remind you she's married to blaine and lives in your dream house in case you couldn't place her your mum tiffany and that's when the other shoe drops okay so not only did tiffany steal stephanie's life which she clearly stole for herself first but also her daughter is the queen of the school and through her is the only way stephanie could ever hope to become prom queen so in her quest to be cool again stephanie joins the cheerleaders but instead of doing cool cheers from her day they're just yelling about turtles dying okay the earth is smoking we need new laws turtles are choking on plastic straws and of course everything's social media these days so she tries to wrap her head around that and just achieve peak brain rot like the rest of us now skipping ahead a little bit here this movie doesn't really have much of a central plot it's just kind of like a bunch of random scenes about stephanie being old in high school and trying to be cool again like she finally gets herself on the map because she makes the cheerleaders do a sexy dance routine and then everyone's like huh what a radical idea maybe old people can be cool but ultimately stuff that keeps getting her revenge on tiffany who also has not grown up since high school i know shocking right can you sorry man man come with me okay blaine what is the name of your manager and this leads tiffany to make her daughter tell everyone that prom queen's actually a cool thing okay and you should care about it because i said so i want you to beat steph for prom queen you said it rewards archaic gender roles which is why you need to be the woke prom queen i've already got interest from some brands and they are soups into it mom i'm not doing this if you want to go on your trip to nepal you will do this for me and she does this of course so she can beat stephanie fair and square her millionaire influence her daughter versus a 40 year old woman who woke up from a coma she now there's a youtuber boxing match i would totally watch but anyway so this brings us to prom night the only thing that ever matters in high school apparently and the winner of prom queen received over 1 000 votes despite there only being 327 of you however she has just informed us that she has withdrawn from the competition what okay prom queen will go to stephanie conway wait i mean excuse me so like brie has this entire character arc that happens over the course of 30 seconds like she's the mean girl influencer she doesn't really like stephanie or anything apparently but then on prom night she's just like huh what if i just gave up on everything i cared about throughout the entire movie and completely changed my attitude about literally everything like where's this even coming from the party at bree's house with live music bree will you tell them hey everyone after party is at steph's place the house is ready for the party i mean steve aoki is in our living room i mean what am i going to tell him i don't know tommy lost prom queen yeah mom prom queen is cool and all but you know what's even more cool being a good friend all right geez honey what are you mr rogers but all the same in the end stephanie gets to be prom queen because she made the cheerleaders do a sexy dance like netflix just over here like hey you know what the problem with high schools is these days is uh it's not enough hot teenagers dancing provocatively am i right ladies and gentlemen and at the very end stephanie finally graduates high school with a big old dance number a la high school musical and ultimately she realizes that back when she was 17 she was so obsessed with being cool and everything that she kind of just neglected her real friends who were always there for her already i've been a really dodgy friend to the two people who care about me the most the people who supported me when i was just that dorky kid fresh from australia it doesn't matter who has the most friends or likes or followers if you just have one or two great friends who will support you even when you're being a total butt slot okay all right we get the message thank you stephanie moving on but yeah so the moral of the story is the real coma was friendship but like real talk though this movie is actually pretty funny like it's way better than i thought it was going to be most likely because it's not produced by mcgee so you know it's already off to a great start like this movie's kind of how i wished he's all that would have been like i mean it's a really weird bizarre movie but like it's really self-aware and fully embraces the absurdity of itself movies like he's all that or tall girl or whatever like they just take themselves a little too seriously but you know the only major sticking point is the milk crate i knew the day would come where i would need it and i wanted to be ready ready for what [Music] this was a real movie but this one i thought was a lot better at leaning into the joke i mean i actually had a pretty fun time watching it to be honest so yeah i was actually pleasantly surprised by this movie um i mean is it weird and bizarre and just like doesn't really make a whole lot of sense why things happen the way they do of course i mean it's a netflix movie what do you expect you know in covering all these teen movies which i mean i've i've covered way more than anyone ever should to be honest but in covering these movies you know everyone's just been trying to chase that mean girls thing for the last you know 18 years or whatever right it's like everyone's been trying to make the next mean girls and kissing booth you know tried that and failed and and i mean mean girls 2 and the duff and like all these movies just completely failed but you know this movie not that it's like trying to be a similar plot but it's like it captures the essence of i think what made mean girl so good which is like it's very tongue-in-cheek you know it has ultimately a good message i guess but it has it's very quotable and it's it's just like it doesn't take itself too seriously but it's serious enough that you kind of believe what's happening sort of like i don't know it's like it's such a bizarre movie but like it really it hits the perfect balance of not being too wink-wink and lamp shady but like just enough that it's like like yes we're aware of how dumb this is but like isn't it funny you know like i don't know like it did a good job i was pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed this movie i was prepared i was prepared to just like full-on cringe watching this i was like all right here we go 37 year old rebel wilson going back to high school like this this could go this could go either way here but it was actually quite good so you know i do recommend you watch it if if you think you would enjoy it because it's really funny funnier than i thought it would be anyway thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me send me an email at alexmeyerscontact let me know what movies or tv shows you think i should check out next check out my podcast it was my girlfriend's called dude the devil's tango it's like a dating advice dating story kind of podcast and above all it's everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 2,098,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, senior year, rebel wilson, senior year netflix
Id: 3Ns-25wcukQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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