Radio Rebel is the weirdest Disney movie

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you know I've done a lot of Disney Channel movies over the years okay descendants zombies High School Musical Camp Rock Princess Protection Program like how's my brain even still function at this point but one that keeps coming up over and over again that everyone keeps asking for is that 2012 classic technically not a Disney Channel movie Disney Channel movie Radio Rebel so okay fine here we go let's check it out but before that really quick this video is brought to you by honey I'm sure you all know what honey is by now but just in case you somehow haven't heard like literally every other YouTuber talk about them honey is an online shopping tool that searches and scours the internet for promo codes to help you save money on things you're already gonna buy anyway I mean seriously honey works with tons of websites more than I could possibly ever count with my shoes still on and they help you save money on almost anything you could really want you can order some pizza boom look at that you could have saved some money oh you want some makeup well look at that what's going on there you're looking for something to help deal with your girlfriend's ex who can't take a hit and won't leave her alone Honey's got you back to get honey it's extremely simple okay you just go to Alex Myers click on the little button here and then wham bam ready to go they even aggregate all the biggest deals from tons of other stores as well so you know what's on sale when it's on on sale and just in case honey can't find any promo codes for the thing you're buying they give you free honey gold whenever you purchase stuff while using honey that's it it's that simple so either you're saving money via promo codes or you're getting honey gold you can redeem for money later on anyway so either way you win again just go to Alex Myers click the button to get honey today and start saving some money okay back to the show this is Radio Rebel Live From The Underground you don't know who I am but I Know Who You Are because I'm one of you since grades are being handed out I think we'll give all of us at Lincoln Bay High and app for labeling each other okay okay all right strap shells in everybody it's gonna be one of these kind of things shocks outcasts so it works Wendy's and their fellow pops and newborns I'm sorry Pops Pops the heck does that even mean we're just making up words now Guys these are all labels now that we really are Once Upon a Time being different was a good thing okay I'm sorry but like since when has being different ever been considered a good thing hey guys remember back when being pretty and having nice clothes made you a loser neither do I but okay so right off the bat we meet our main character Tara just your average totally normal approachably attractive girl who's not like other girls of course and we know this because she wears flannel and also on top of Tara dressing like Ashley from Recess the other most important thing about a character you have to know about is that she's shy now we also got to meet Tara's best friend Audrey who's really into the drama Department in case he couldn't just figure that one out for yourself Radio Rebel was awesome as usual I wish I could be more like her you should to your stepdad look he runs slam FM the biggest radio station in Seattle I just wish I could talk to everyone the way I talk to you BFF t-l-e-w-e best friends for totally like ever without exception oh gee so no they're doing more than Disney Channel acronyms whatever major loser but you know going back to Radio Rebel for a second like what's up with these kids wearing all his hats in school so swear was that allowed just no rules kids do whatever they want what is this Mad Max anyway so Taryn Audrey being girls in high school of course they have their own little gaggle of friends on Freddy's who just follow them around all day last night Radio Rebel revealed the biggest clue yet about her identity she goes to our school she mentioned it at minute 14 30 in Tuesday night's podcast wow obsessed so much Larry obsessed please you know watching a lot of these kinds of movies like I've seen a lot of scenes like this where they're supposed to show like how weird someone is you know because they don't want to touch germs or whatever but like watching this in a post 2020 world I mean this dude's just laughing at all of us right now also this movie was made today like you know that this Ron Weasley Ed Sheeran illegitimate love child conceived in the back of a Dodge Ram looking dude over here like this would definitely be the kind of kid who says words like poggers every other sentence but you know he's even more progressed than that kids Jesus anyway so like I said Tara is shy she can't talk to anyone except their best friend she can't speak in front of the class she can't even stand to look at the boy she likes for too long or else she's just gonna [Applause] [Music] uh he's in drama you know you could talk to him you've had a crush on him since like the first Harry Potter movie you see Tim was the kind of girl who just wants to stay home be on her laptop and spend all day reading all kinds of very inappropriate Hey Arnold fanfic like a normal kid but would you believe Tara's actually got a dark secret that she could never tell anyone although her entire family finds are pretty quick thanks to her stupid stepdad it's weird I'm not hearing anything with your stuff where'd she go and that rounds off the final set for here is an extra long track just for you guys hope you take it so as you may recall Audrey mentioned how Tara's stepdad is some big wig dude at slam FM and he ends up hiring Tara on to move her ready to Rebel show from her bedroom all the way to the big studio so finally she can go legit listen I gotta confess moving the show from my bedroom to slam Studios that's terrifying but this is all about change right maybe some people just want to label you as one bit you might metalize you walk away [Music] okay I'm sorry but like what is happening with Audrey over here [Music] with me on this we're red tomorrow it'll be like saying that despite our differences we're in this together okay I'm sorry we're like Disney's been telling kids to break the status quo for like their entire existence I just saw this idea that it's like a random girl on the radio is just like hey guys what if we all just like Stop The Bullying or whatever and then everyone's like well shoot why didn't I think of it you people at Lincoln Bay High killed it with the red yesterday I noticed one of you wearing these red specks that were the epitome of cool but can we talk about what's not cool for a second pre-marital set anyway so while this is all going on Tara also has the school assignment where she has to perform a scene from Shakespeare's play 12th night which is about this girl who's like totally into this dude but she can't tell her how she feels you know gee whiz guys I wonder if there's a metaphor for this movie or something now the group she's in for this project also includes Stacy aka the Regina George of this school and of course the guy Tara's just been drooling over her entire life Gavin but hey I get it I mean he's got the best skin I've ever seen the set of a proactive commercial and he's in a band with a drummer who's clearly never played drums before one more kind of girl why although I will say this is not meant to be an insult or anything but like this guy's one of the most normal looking hot guy in a teen movie guys I think I've ever seen I mean like usually we just get some high school senior who's been held back for like 14 years and has a voice like Megatron oh hey they're relatedly awkward girl who's actually really pretty but totally doesn't know it yet guess what I've actually been in love with you the entire movie because the girl I'm currently dating doesn't read books like you do also you're like way deeper and more complicated than you laid on and I am the only one who can see the real you or something I don't know whatever want to make out but then in this movie you have Gavin who's just like I'm playing guitar anyway like I said Tara has to do this Shakespeare scene with Stacy and Gavin but you see Stacy wants to go to prom with Gavin so they can be prom king and queen and all her plans would be completely ruined if Gavin and Tara ever ended up together if she never confesses her love does that make her love any less real [Music] okay some of that worked and some of it didn't there's a fine line between pain and constipation anyway so throughout the movie Tara starts using her omnipotent brainwashing power you know because there's no one teenagers look up to more than radio DJs and she gets a student body to wear certain colors dance in the middle of class she sets up a dance party in the school parking lot like I mean this movie has more dancing than like all of Step Up five but not everything is going quite how Tara hoped it would also just FYI this girl here is like the producer of terrorist radio show or something not that important but whatever you're famous no I'm not no Radio Rebel is even Gavin has a thing for her and it was hard enough when I adjust Stacey to deal with now I'm competing with myself for his attention look at all the petitions we want a dance break every day we want more Radio Rebel yeah I mean just look at all these posts I want Radio Rebel to come to my school does anyone want to come over and role play my new Hey Arnold fan fake with me I'm sorry that was mine let's keep scrolling past that one unless although you know I gotta say okay like Tara's getting all weird about how Radio Rebel is famous but not her well like trust me having your online Persona be separate from your real life makes things so much easier I mean there's a reason they hardly ever show my face anywhere but all the same with all these shenanigans that Tara's getting up to as you might imagine the principal of the school who of course you know hates kids hates fun hates happiness but it's totally cool with Hats apparently how does the school even work but all the same at the very least she's not a real big fan of what's going on with this whole Radio Rebel thing it is time for a certain DJ's reign of rebellion to come to an end any information regarding the identity of this Radio Rebel is to report it to me immediately you mean you can expel Radio Rebel well her actions were in direct Defiance of my policies so there will be consequences okay well like clearly this kid has a very successful lucrative career going on so like what exactly is the punishment here if you don't stop doing the thing you're doing I'm gonna give you more time to do the thing you're doing and get paid for it that'll teach you a lesson now this threat against Radio Rebel really doesn't work very well shockingly and so the principle has no choice but to crank things all the way up to 11. there's been some controversy about the identity of radio rep I gave her the chance to do the right thing and turn herself in but she chose to hide well she can't hide forever which is why until radio Rebels identity is revealed I'm canceling the prom so right when this happens wouldn't you know pretty much the entire School immediately just turns on Radio Rebel they hate her stupid shows they're not gonna listen anymore and all they want is just to have their problem back you know so they can do the thing every teenager does where they make their parents take out a second mortgage just to pay for this dress that they're only going to wear once and then take pictures they'll never look at ever again [Applause] if Radio Rebel is really all about the people then she'll reveal her identity and give us our problem back oh come on problem's not even that big of a deal okay I never want the problem and I turned out just fine I mean look at how good I am in making sock puppets now even Gavin of all people has just completely turned on Radio Rebel Okay so that's how you know things are getting pretty serious you're online too I've always liked you Radio Rebel there's a girl I was hoping to impress that night sorry about that yeah me too so now the situation is either Tara can reveal herself and potentially get expelled or she has to come up with some kind of wackadoo plan to fix everything so guess which option she goes with they hate me you ruined the prom you didn't ruin it that principal did I knew she was angry I didn't know she was gonna do something like this man that merino's such a backwards thinker backwards that's brilliant backwards yeah guys I got it we can just put my car in Reverse run the principle over dump her body in a lake outside of town problem solved ah well maybe we could just put on our own prom right sure yeah I mean that was my plan B in case you survived so Radio Rebel announces that slam FM is putting on their own prom which they're calling warp because it's prom spilled backwards everybody ah you get it and this smooth things over pretty well with almost everyone except of course Stacy who just has to have an opinion about literally everything it's just ridiculous Mark whoever heard of a Morp that's the whole point I think it's not the same I mean no limos no dresses what is the point come as you are what about prom king and queen somebody has to be crowned it's like law why don't you call Radio Rebel and tell like that I'm sure she'd love to hear from her number one fan huh but I was like what is this face you're making right now Tara don't be proud of that the joke wasn't even that good now throughout the movie Tyra's been getting a little sloppy with hiding her identity and she keeps dropping these little hints here and there which of course people like Stacy start to pick up on I went by your house I could have sworn you said Wednesday was your mandatory family dinner night your mom had no idea where you were there's no way that you were say DJing a radio show at that time huh well that's a weird view from isn't but hey whatever you want to call it Stacey Radio Rebel mentioned her number one fan last night that's what you called me yesterday so her plan is to make Gavin hate Tara and therefore that means Stacy gets to be prom queen somehow because that's all she's ever wanted her entire life you know I mean hey pretty girls have insecurities too guys okay she's just like you we'll end up in the same place after eating too much Taco Bell so Stacy's plan is to lock Tara in the janitors closet when they have to do the Shakespeare recital thing yeah thank goodness I found you there have been some last minute changes to the scene don't worry you can handle it wait does Gavin know Gavin is the least of your worries wait this is let me out enjoy your ass because of course then Gavin's just gonna become completely disillusioned with Tara because I mean no guy would ever want a girl who ditches class sometimes am I right solid plan but afterwards Gavin finds out what really happened to let Stacy know what's what Stacy yeah I know what you did to Tara what are you talking about don't bother denying it I have a witness You Don't Know Her Gavin she's not who you think she is no Stacy you're not who I thought you were really because Stacy's pretty much exactly how I thought she was going to be how do people always fall for this hey you kind of seem like one of those mean popular pretty girls or whatever but let's find out who you really are ah crap it was just you the whole time oh then you have those girls who were like sure you kind of look like one of those guys who's gonna Gaslight me about all the girls you're hanging out with and yeah you do seem really emotionally unavailable and underdeveloped but I mean come on how many issues could one guy possibly have and then all her friends and family are in the back just like I can't go to morph with you I'm sorry but we're gonna be king and queen I don't want to be king I never did yeah Stacy I don't have time for you I just want to put on my leather jacket play some guitar and wear my boot cut jeans in 2012 like a weirdo anyway so the movie comes to an end with everyone going to Morp Tara decides to finally come clean about who she is and everyone's like huh that's cool but hey quick question did you curl your hair like that on purpose or is this like an accident or what's going on here but then of course what the hell the principal shows up to this non-school function for some reason and just has to ruin everything like adults always do you for an enlightening evening and now that I know who Radio Rebel is she is definitely getting expelled oh and don't bother coming to school on Monday I'm Rebel no I'm Radio Rebel no are they seriously doing Spartacus in this movie is it is that is that what's going on right now I'm radio rep I'm radio but anyway so the principal's plan is ruined because the power of friendship and then the movie ends with Gavin up on stage playing his guitar and singing a song about like there's only one girl for me and she's whoever you are watching this movie right now and Terry's in the audience Hall like he's totally thinking about me right now and that's pretty much how the movie ends I will say though this movie has this weird kind of thing where like it oscillates between being actually kind of funny sometimes my place tonight at seven tonight Wednesday's mandatory family dinner with my family dinner you're the one which one at the one who gave the CD to your stepdad to give to radio Rebels thank you yes yes but I'm the one that one and then just out of nowhere it hits like Mean Girls two levels of just just why cardboard is inflaming my ex Tiffany aloe vera get back down you're pulling our cover Larry that was my hand Larry is but not the same that's another Disney Channel movie in the books kids so this has only got like 400 more to go
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,998,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, radio rebel, debbie ryan, disney plus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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