The Perfect Date is kinda dumb...

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you know you can tell the summers approaching because Netflix starts bringing out the old teen rom-coms I mean last year we had two all the boys I love before we had Sierra Burgess insatiable and who can forget the masterpiece that was the kissing booth now of course I made videos on all of these because this is my cross to bear but here we are once again with yet another no Ascenta neo spring /summer movie well I gave it a watch and let's take a walk so the movie starts out with Brooks just your average 22 year old high school student writing his admissions essay to get into Yale the college of his dreams because you just can't wait for that sweet 26 percent interest on his $200,000 student loans you know I've seen high five everybody but anyway so the beginning of the movie is him reading his admissions essay to his school counselor and by extension us and it's filled with all those like fluffy meaningless phrases that everyone thinks you're supposed to put in for some reason and the counselor is not really impressed okay that's enough but there's actually five more pages that's plenty okay I think all the words were there you hate it i bared my soul in these pages and you made my soul you didn't bare your soul that's what I hate about it say more about that you want to change the world what about hey you know what I don't appreciate all this honesty and constructive advice all right what do you new can't you just be like every other high school counselor so well what do you think I should do mr. Jacobson I don't know what you think I got I am today by no one's stuff you don't even need to write this stupid essay just Photoshop some pictures yourself play water polo or something I mean it works everybody else if you want to stand out you're gonna have to rework your essay you can have to look real deep inside and ask yourself who is Brooks Ratigan so this great existential question here is what sets the movie in motion where Brooks realizes that he doesn't really know who he is as a person because you know he's just a high school teenager that being said he does know one thing he wants to go to Yale no matter what you met with the counselor today right how'd that go he's good she told me that Yale is competitive did you know that I thought we agreed on UConn I don't get it it's a great school yeah UConn is like the girl down the street who eats food in bed and smells ladies well that sure is oddly specific I mean let's be honest here probably at least 80% of girls watching this movie or sitting in bed Pizza in one hand not chosen the other just like Wow Brooks is a dumb name anyway so who asked you bow Oh Yael she's she's smart she's stylish but not flashy you get accepted by her that means you're somebody special but anyway so later Brooks goes to his job working at generic sandwich shop and here is where we get our first main story beef I'm not dating my cousin I'm escorting her to a semi-formal in Greenwich Prep that's it plus my uncle's paying me to sew I mean dude is like the worst timing ever to like Madison's parents are gonna be gone for the night and we'd have the entire house to ourselves is your cousin hot I'll take you cousin what yeah what yeah what yeah why but you know could we just back up for a second and appreciate how this guy's friend is just like in his own little world the entire scene dating your cousin is weird I'm not dating my cousin um I mean dude it's like the worst timing ever to like always look like for the night and we'd have the entire house to ourselves is your cousin huh so Brooks offers to take this guy's cousin to the dance as long as he gets paid for it because you know he's only in it for the money okay guys it's not like he's actually gonna I don't know develop feelings for the girl along the way and then deny those feelings until it's almost too late and then win her back with some grand gesture or anything it's definitely not gonna be one of these movies so sometime after this we cut to Brooks going to set girl's house and here we finally meet Celia and we learned pretty quick that she's not like other girls cuz she wears boots and leather jackets that's how you know she's cool Reese let you use his Connor man he was really just pretty good out of this wasn't he he wanted to go if you just thought we would have more fun together uh-huh that's cute but I can open my own doors understandably given the whole situation Celia isn't real enthused about having her parents pay some guy who's basically a random stranger to hang out with her I mean let me tell you that's how you know you're special well let's define terms here I'm not your responsibility cuz Eisenhower isn't an office anymore secondly you're getting paid to hang out with me imagine how that makes me feel like really really imagine it but you know what's worse is offering to pay someone and they still won't even hang out with you so not that I would know anyway so they make their way over to the dance and Celia starts channeling her dead grandmother or something and things go bad as well as any high school dance so you know you have some kids dancing ironically and some kids dancing away too seriously and then everyone else just kind of standing around because having fun is for losers later on Celia and Brooks are taking a little break and here we meet Veronica from Riverdale but she's on a top-secret mission so now she goes by the name Shelby so I'm having this intimate afterparty thing at my place you guys should come she's a raincheck that's a shame I'm Shelby by the way hey I just love his face here cuz like this is exactly the same way I reacted in high school anytime a girl like made eye contact it's a girl anyway so right after this they decide to head home early because Celia over here pretends to have a twisted ankle I mean you know Brooke still gets paid so well it's not a bad night overall now here's where the movie finally starts to really get going so the whole like getting paid to take a girl on a date thing gives Brooks an idea for a way that he could save money for Yale and to make himself maybe a little more interesting than guy who works at not subway he goes to his best friend Murph who did this just so happens to make smartphone apps isn't that something now after working tirelessly for like 30 minutes they come up with a male chaperone app where Brookes a high school student mind you gets paid to do whatever girls tell him to I guess and somehow this doesn't raise any red flags so then we get this long montage of him going on completely normal like be nine dates with real actual girls his own age like going to an art show or playing tennis or dressing up like a cowboy how wacky but like I've got a caution Anakin see okay I mean it's a movie yeah I get that like you're telling me not even one time he showed up for a date and it turned out to be like some forty five-year-old single mom who's just like I want you to walk a barefoot in chocolate pudding while I listen to the Mamma Mia soundtrack or you know like a girl who's obsessed with Disney's Rapunzel and talks to the dolls in her storage closet who wouldn't that be something anyway so in the middle of all of this one day Brooks gets a call from Celia of all people Brooks look I'm not gonna apologies but I feel like I owe you one because you were a gentleman and pretty fun to be around and you're just doing your job but honestly you're pretty smug too so I feel like it shouldn't be a whole apology but a half apology some half sorry is that cool huh but anyway her verbal diarrhea continues I'm in desperate need of your services there's this boy I like Franklin so there's this party at Shelby's house tonight yes couple get Franklin a little jealous maybe you can stir up some attention from Shelby that's right Celia has a crush on a boy who's gonna be at Shelby's party and Celia wants Brooks to pretend to be her boyfriend to make the boy jealous and wait wait wait wait a second yeah does anybody else feel like you've already seen this movie hold on isn't this to all the boys I loved before did they know did they really just make the same movie with the same guy and we just let them get away it wasn't so long story short they head to the party as a fake couple because what could go wrong with that and immediately Celia starts to freak out because there's the cute boy and reacts appropriately oh my god that's Franklin abort let's go oh this is the whole reason that we're here you see the guy in the yellow shirt yes stop being so obvious stop it we're talking have a conversation with me yeah that's normal but then Brooks drags her over to set cute boy and breaks the ice like any good boyfriend would have you seen this collection she is a music thief always going on and on about bands bands that I've never heard of I like music I'm sorry this has given me some serious PTSD flashbacks of me talking to any girl back when I was like 16 or like you know 27 hi I've never seen you before I'm Jessica I like jelly beans but as is almost always the case the other guy opens his mouth and that's when the other shoe drops I like music and records until finals only peer delivery method right oh no no no no no no he's one of these guys back it up Celia we got to get out of here anyway so while Celia is dealing with all of that Brooks makes his way over to Shelby and shows us how a real professional does it you know your girlfriend's over there talking to Franklin Valley everything's like so compressed on digital it's like yeah it's okay we trust each other I'm not really a jealous type how refreshing well I to refresh what so the movie goes on and Brooks and Celia start hanging out more because you know there's supposed to be like a fake couple or whatever and of course this means they get to know each other and end up having a good old heart-to-heart talk I stop around my boots looking tough so push people away I'm too scared to show now at some point later in time Celia finally gets a date with Franklin the guy that she liked from Shelby's party and if you thought he was pretentious before well I got some news for you cuz it's just Turtles all the way down with this guy the truth about coffee is it's all on the grind you know it has to be precise or the water it seeps through the filter too quickly you know a lot about coffee pour over is an art form you know it's not like that will really process will you got you know steel yeah I warned you this is all on you now no one to blame but yourself but hey at least it's not gonna get any worse than coffee and vinyl right so you're in the vinyl and you're obviously very passionate about coffee what else are you into I'm passionate about a lot of things most of all my art oh geez there it is the trifecta but like really though I've known several guys like this and for some reason these kind of guys always seem to have girls making googly eyes at him like I don't know I guess there's just something about a guy who walks around like vinyl records a little bit just makes some girls go okay just what I've been looking for anyway so Brooks wants to go ahead and have a big fake breakup because you know Celia finally got the guy of her dreams but after Celia is amazing date with mr. polar over coffee I'm starting to rethink her options a little but with Brooks having his eyes set on Shelby it's a little too late to back out now so they go to yet another party thing or whatever and commence operation breakup but that's when things start to get a little too real too fast for Celia you're nothing but a hypocrite a fake so you should stop around in those boots and you act so tough but that's all it is it's just an act you want to push me away go ahead geez we're through baby we are done we so the plan works maybe a little too well and Shelby swoops in to comfort a poor wounded Brooks and invites him to yet another school dance thing man there's a lot more of these than I remember so then we cut right to the night of the dance and Brooks being the professional gentleman that he is take Shelby to a fancy restaurant so they can get to know each other better but in a shocking turn of events they find out pretty quick that all they really have in common is that they like each other's face and so basically the whole time it's just [Music] do you like Power Rangers you know so after giving up trying to find any common ground' they finally go to the dance and things are kind of awkward because you know celia is there doing another seance or whatever she does but then things take a real sharp turn Brooks buna all right you really helps me out a lot if I hadn't used your services I wouldn't have been nervous about Larry here uh wait what do you mean you you've used his services Brooks for hire isn't that what you're doing Shelby so now the cats out of the bag whatever that means and Shelby's just like so they break up and Brooks realizes that he was only interested in Shelby for her face and because she was popular but the girl he actually likes the girl he was really looking for it was Celia the whole time okay show of hands and be honest now who saw this coming anyway so after having this little teachable moment he goes over to Celia and he's like hey so we're about that whole breakup thing earlier where is Franklin I know you guys didn't work out no he didn't you know he's not really my type would you like to dance No why not I'm not your backup so after getting rejected by two girls on the same night like a loser he then goes on this journey of self-discovery to find out who he really is you know behind all the fake personas and outfits and all that so after returning from his little Vision Quest or whatever he calls up Celia and she thinks that he wants her to look at his college essay but actually it's a letter for her dear admissions office of the University of Celia Lieberman first off I just want to say what an honor it is just to be considered as a potential attendee at your fine institution and secondly this feels really creepy writing to you as if you're a university and not a person so I'll stop that now so he goes on and on about how he used to be so obsessed with driving the best car dating the prettiest girl or like whatever but meeting Celia changed him forever and then at the end he's like do you like me - checkbox yes or no and then later that night I think wouldn't you know Celia shows up at his door and takes him to the sandwich shop that he works at except now it's been redecorated to look like yet another school dance and then we finally get to know what Celia over here thought of his little fake essay Love Letter thing did I get in mmm it was a tough call I mean your essay was littered with sentence fragments and run-ons like seriously but after careful consideration the admissions board of the University of Celia Lieberman is pleased to inform you that yes you are accepted and that's where the movie ends so for the most part you know this movie is just your typical teen rom-com about like oh we're just friends but are we but what I thought was really odd was like the whole app thing you know like the entire stick of the movie has nothing to do with the movie I mean he meets Celia and Shelby before the app even exists he starts fake dating Celia because she asked him to a fake breakup but turns out they actually like each other the whole time but none of this has anything to do with the app the only think of any real consequence that happens with it is when Shelby finds out but like at that point Brooks had already realized that he didn't really like her and he was more interested in Celia anyway and something I didn't really talk about is after breaking up with Shelby he also realizes that just like with Shelby he was only interested in Yael because it's famous and at the end of the movie he decides to go to a different school so what's the point of this whole AB storyline it's like two different movies that someone tried to smash together like dad this will work I mean I feel like the movie had a lot of potential with the whole app idea like they really could have taken it in a lot of interesting directions but as it is now the movies just kind of dumb but that being said to be fair I did actually really like the characters of Brooks and Celia like they were fun to watch and listen to like like they were funny and witty but and kind of like an awkward way like I actually really enjoyed them I feel like these characters were wasted on this movie because these two characters in you know any number of other situations really could have been like they could have made a good rom-com it could have been something really funny and interesting and heartfelt you know it could have been like the next you know 500 days of summer or something like that they really could have gone deep with it not that I expected much from a Netflix teen rom-com but I'm just saying like these characters that they're the actor and actress and and just the way they'd like they really sold these characters really well they were just put through like the dumbest story sorry but you know it's it's a Netflix teen rom-com it's it's that's what we get you know I mean it's that's what we come to expect now I guess anyway thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so I don't miss any deels for me follow me on twitter let me know what is your favorite part of the video or give me suggestions for videos or just say hi follow my dog Charlie and Instagram Charlie meets pumpkin and above all else everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 4,431,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex meyers animation, the perfect date netflix, family friendly, funny animation, funny animation clean, clean animation, alex meyers riverdale, the perfect date review, the perfect date noah centineo, alex myers
Id: t5QBseLBxIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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