Mean Girls was a weird movie...

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2004 what a time to be alive social media barely existed video games were actually good i looked like this and was somehow confused as to why i couldn't get a girlfriend but also mean girls came out and it kind of just like completely changed what we think of as teen movies you see before this you had those like teen raunch movies of the 80s and 90s yeah john hughes movies that kind of thing but mean girls just kind of like changed the game forever showing us that movies about teenagers in high school could actually be you know kind of good now apparently no one else got the memo because since mean girls there's been about like a billion hundred teen high school movies but only like four good ones maybe so the question is why is mean girls so good and why is it still the best teen high school movie even like almost 20 years later well let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surfsharkvpn somehow it's 2021. pretty much everyone knows what a vpn is 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need to sign up but even if you already have one go to alex meyers and use the promo code alex meyers to give surf shark a try okay back to the ship right first thing this is our main character katie played by a real up-and-comer with a no doubt bright future lindsay lohan i'm 16 and until today i was homeschooled i know what you're thinking homeschooled kids are freaks x-y-l-o-c-a-r-p stylocarp or that were weirdly religious or something and on the third day god created the remington bull action rifle so that man could fight the dinosaurs and the homosexuals wait this movie is from 2004 this could have come out last year anyway so katie's family used to be research zoologists in africa and thus katie was homeschooled for basically her entire life but then her mom lost her job and now they've moved to wherever town usa you know the kind of place in the midwest where people eat as if they can actually afford to go to the hospital all the same today's katie's first day at not just her new school but any school ever but i mean come on how bad could it be i'm sure it's gonna be just a totally normal school with you know kids setting their trapper keepers on fire and that one girl who just rollerblades everywhere and says things like yeah you know i don't take showers because uh soap kills germs but they have a right to live too you know so yeah today's gonna be a great day oh god i'm so sorry is everything all right in here oh yeah so uh how was your summer i got divorced oh oh my carpal tunnel came back oh yeah same thing happened to me back when i was in high school and i just spent like ninety percent of my time jack oh oh i get it anyway so the school day starts and katie's getting a real crash course into what american schools are really like the first day of school was a blur a stressful surreal blur i got in trouble for the most random things where are you going oh i have to go to the bathroom you need the lavatory pass okay can i have the lavatory pass nice try you know i never thought about this until recently but like how weird is it that in school you need someone else's permission to go to the bathroom it was prison i had never lived in a world where adults didn't trust me where they were always yelling at me don't read a head no green pen no food in class organization plots i've never understood what it is about teachers and just how they love to find things to get upset about hey you got a hall pass uh well no but i was just gonna seven weeks detention i cut your fingers off you brought this on yourself or just like how all the male teachers are so concerned about the length of girls skirts you know like just always on the lookout for those harlots showing off their kneecaps and collarbones definitely something a very well adjusted person would do and of course who could forget the wonders of the u.s health education curriculum don't have sex because you will get pregnant and die anyway so katie's first day doesn't go so well she ends up eating lunch in the bathroom and still has no friends kind of like my first day of high school and every day after that i don't want to talk about it but the next day at school we get to meet two other main characters of this movie janice and damian is that your natural hair color yeah it's gorgeous thank you see this is the color i want this is damien he's almost too gay to function nice to meet you nice wig janice what's it made of your mom's chest hair so this makes up our trio of main characters the new girl the goth girl and the gay friend now they might just seem like your average cookie-cutter teen movie archetypes but throughout the movie we get to see how there's just so much more depth to them as people you know unlike most netflix teen movies where every single character is a one-dimensional wooden plank with their personality spray painted across their face and have the emotional depth of a kiddie pool that's basically more urine than water at this point but in opposition to these three we also get to meet three other important people you should know about the plastics we're the plastics they're teen royalty that one there that's karen smith she is one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet that's gretchen weiners she's totally rich because her dad invented toaster strudel evil takes a human form and regina george um be cool because she may seem like your typical selfish backstabbing slut-based hoe bag all right yeah one of those sure so after this we get yet another lunchroom scene where katie doesn't really know where to sit or how the hierarchy of the school works but then you'll never guess what happens when she walks by the plastics table wait sit down why don't i know you i'm new i just moved here from africa what i used to be homeschooled so you've actually never been to a real school before shut up i didn't say anything you're like really pretty thank you so you agree what you think you're really pretty well i mean compared to you with that albatross wingspan of a color you got going on there yeah i'd say i'm doing pretty well for myself all things considered so what ends up happening is for whatever reason they decide to absorb katie into their group and janice over here couldn't be happier god okay you have to do it okay and then you have to tell me all the horrible things that regina says regina seems sweet george is not sweet she's a scum-sucking road horse well when you put it like that i'm starting to think you might not like her so much janice but you know i don't think insults like this really even faze girls all that much anymore like if you really want to mess with the head just be totally honest and tell her that she dresses like a divorce soccer mom with two kids who would rather spend time with her dad and the only date she can get is with rodney down the street who doesn't believe in television and makes taxidermy mermaids in his free time now that's gonna keep her up at night anyway so now that katie can get behind enemy lines so to speak janus has a little idea regina you seem to really hate her yes what's your question well my question is why regina started this rumor that genesis damien shall we not no look this isn't about hating her okay i just think that it would be like a fun little experiment if you were to hang out with them and then tell us everything that they say you know because janice over here is totally one of those old girls who's like cool and chill and definitely not overly obsessed with regina george kind of like the way i totally have not spent the last six months trying to figure out what dylan sprouse has been doing between the sweet life movie and then appearing in after two of all things but all the same this is the main plot thread of the movie with katie having to infiltrate the plastics and learn their secrets have you seen you guys let you think you're cute yet well there's this guy in my calculus class who is it it's a senior his name's aaron samuels no no no no no you can't like aaron samuels that's regina's ex-boyfriend they went out for a year ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends i mean that's just like the rules of feminism don't worry i'll never tell regina what you said it'll be our little secret oh no no no no no okay hold on there's one thing i learned from being friend zoned by every girl in my high school it's that when a girl says that and makes this face it's already too late for you hello i know your secret oh god busted just start apologizing and crying no play cool secret what are you saying about gretchen told me that you like aaron samuels i mean i don't care do whatever you want but let me just tell you something about aaron all he cares about is school and his mom and his friends what a loser cared about stuff like school and his mom what's next is gonna try and get into a good college and have a successful career what a freaking square but real talk for a second i've always found it interesting how there's this like widely accepted teen movie idea that pretty popular girls in high school are all just these dumb cheerleaders or whatever and like getting good grades or being smart or whatever is only for the misunderstood yet somehow relatable girls you're taking 12th grade calculus yeah i like math ew at my other schools i was the freaky math girl but you know like when i was in high school the popular pretty dance team girls or whatever like they were all valedictorians and took ap classes and stuff so like where does this trope even come from it's not even remotely true anyway back to the movie but if you like him whatever i mean i could talk to him for you if you want really you would do that i mean nothing embarrassing though right oh no trust me i know exactly how to play it but wait aren't you so mad at gretchen for telling me no i'm not mad i mean i guess she just likes the attention secrets i told you she's not mad at you i can't believe you think i like attention yes this is gonna be some serious high school ptsd flashbacks right now your three-way calling really only had like two uses either you're talking to your grandparents on thanksgiving or ruining your friends lives forever but whatever anyway after somehow becoming best friends with the plastics katie goes over to regina's house so we get to learn a little more about who these girls really are and what they do for fun god my hips are huge oh please i hate my cats at least you guys can wear halters i've got man's shoulders my hairline is so weird my pores are huge my nail beds suck my hair is so frizzy and my nose is actually perfectly fine but i refuse to believe it because jessica said it looked weird in like third grade or whatever tell me about it sister i mean sometimes i get possessed by the spirit of cthulhu and then just kind of but also we get to learn about a little something called the burn book check it out katie it's our burn book so we cut out girls pictures from the yearbook and then we wrote comments trang pak is a grotsky little still true don schweitzer is a fat virgin still half true amber d'alessio she made out with a hot dog you know i love how they make fun of girls for being virgins and then also make fun of them for being skank hoes or whatever like i don't know guys but i'm starting to think the game might be rigged but all the same as katie gets to know these girls better she's starting to feel like maybe regina isn't so bad after all but later on when she tries to shoot her shot with this guy aaron who regina also likes despite the fact that he dresses like a five-year-old regina reacts as any best girlfriend would you know that girl katie yeah she's cool i invited her tonight well be careful because she has a huge crush on you really how do you know because she told me she tells everybody it's kind of cute actually and okay look i'm not saying she's a stalker but she saved this kleenex you used yeah what a weirdo who would ever do something like that now as you can imagine being 16 and all katie doesn't really take it all that well i had never felt this feeling before i had this lump in my throat like after you dry swallow a big pill i could hear my heartbeat in my ears my stomach felt like it was going to fall out my butt oh trust me i get it i mean the same thing happened to me when i had chipotle and taco bell in the same day also aaron and regina are dating now you know just fyi but anyway so this sets in motion the rest of the movie where katie janus and damien work on a plan to get revenge on regina not just for what she did to katie but really just for who she is as a person so they give her like foot cream on her face cut holes in her shirts and convince her to eat these 5 000 calorie bar things by telling her that's gonna make her lose weight you're wearing sweatpants it's monday so so that's against the rules and you can't sit with us whatever those rules aren't real they were real that day i wore it best because that vest was disgusting you can't sit with us these sweatpants are all that fits me right now oh don't sweat it regina i mean about 15 years being thick will be the cool thing but skinny is also in but of course not too skinny because you got to be thick but not too thick because you still got to have a flat tummy so you know you got to be a little bit skinny we also got to be thick but only in the right way or else you're gonna anyway so in doing all this sabotage stuff katie has been plotting to destroy regina's regime oh i get it now and she's been doing this by ironically acting like one of the plastics the weird thing about hanging out with regina was that i could hate her and at the same time i still wanted her to like me because being with the plastics was like being famous people looked at you all the time and everybody just knew stuff about you but as is almost always the case she soon realizes that when you do something ironically or for the meme or whatever there comes a point where like you're just doing it and eventually katie realizes that she's actually just fully become the thing she's been trying to destroy the whole time oh god you dirty little liar i'm sorry i can explain explain how you forgot to invite us to your party janice i cannot stop this car i have a curfew you know i couldn't invite you i had to pretend to be plastic hey buddy you're not pretending anymore you're plastic cold shiny hard plastic so just to summarize the next part of the movie here katie ends up getting aaron to break up with regina because she was cheating on him with shane omen yeah i know right her skinny body is now like one percent less skinny because of those bulk up bars and with the magic of three-way calling karen and gretchen don't want to be friends with her anymore because they found out that she talks about them behind their backs you don't say so this all comes to a head later in the movie when regina finds out what katie's been doing the whole time i'm starving man i hate those things coach carr makes us ethos when we want to move up a weight class what to make your game wait like crazy and so in a fit of rage regina puts herself in the burn book and makes a bajillion copies of it and distributes it all over the school as you might imagine this makes all the girls in school a little perturbed and they turn on each other and fight it out with all the intensity of me waking up from a melatonin nap stop it take that i'll show you and ultimately the school ends up holding an assembly to talk about girl stuff you know like cooties and makeup and documentaries about women getting brutally murdered or something huh miss norbery had us write out apologies to people that we'd hurt in our lives i just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school i wish that i could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat be happy she doesn't even go here do you even go to this school no now we also get to find out why janus has it out for regina so much you see back in eighth grade regina told everyone that janice was gay which is like the worst thing you could be in the early 2000s and since then janice has hated regina's guts and totally hasn't been thinking about her the entire time and so the movie comes to an end where everyone says how they really feel about each other regina gets hit by a bus the school has their spring fling dance where no one's leaving any room for jesus katie wins the mathlete competition and the spring fling queen hey come on leave something for the rest of us would you and one way or another everything just kind of works itself out i had gone from homeschool jungle freak to shiny plastic to most hated person in the world to actual human being hey all the drama from last year just wasn't important anymore school used to be like a shark tank but now i could just float regina finally girl world was at peace you know mean girls really was a turning point for teen movies like i think it holds up so well because it just feels like it could take place anytime anywhere and instead of being strictly a teen rom-com it's really more about like inter-girl issues high school social hierarchy being a teenager that kind of thing and like one of my absolute favorite parts of this movie is this little bit right here it's so fetch that was so fat that is so fetch gretchen stop trying to make fetch happen it's not going to happen this is so interesting for me to see because like so many teen movies especially on netflix they try so hard to have characters talk like teens where they use all this like awkward made up slang that no one ever actually says but mean girls literally goes out of its way to not do that which is really forward thinking on their part but then of course seven years later in 2011 there was mean girls too and uh woof hey guess what i have a new spanish channel that just started up recently what we're doing is we're completely localizing my videos into spanish with professional voice actors and all that so check it out subscribe all that good stuff okay back to the show you know watching this movie back now really reminds me that like lindsay lohan was such a good comedy actor like lindsay lohan and amanda bynes and people like that you know it's like like the early to mid 2000s had these like really great funny women that were like you know acting and all these like teen movies that were just just brilliant in what they were doing you look back and it's really sad just like what kind of happened to them i mean like a lot of things happen to them of course but fundamentally it comes down to like the fame and the the pressure the paparazzi the stress of being in hollywood whatever it's like you know just how it got to them and and kind of what they went they're not just them of course you can see the same thing with like britney spears and like lots of women in hollywood apparently just like are really not only women but mainly women i feel like especially people that were famous from like a young age you know i mean you look at people like justin bieber now and and all these things and like you know like seeing kind of what everyone goes through but for some reason in particular lindsay lohan and uh like amanda bynes and several other women as well it's like you know looking at it's like i get it though because you know being on youtube not that it's anywhere near like lindsay lohan levels obviously but i'm saying you know even in my little pocket of youtube it's like well i mean you see this all the time right like people people let the fame really get to them and they just kind of like lose their mind so to speak you know like they they just self-sabotage like all this stuff happens like fame is a real weird thing that like a lot of people kind of want it but a lot of people also don't really know what to do with it or like they think it just makes them invincible or something and they just have no concept of like reality once they get like two but they see it on youtube all the time like i was saying you know i've said this before but i'm really glad that my channel got big when i was you know 30 instead of like 20 because like oh man if i if i was doing this when i was like 22 23 years old like i would be i would be insufferable like more insufferable than i am now if that's even possible you know what i'm saying anyway i hope you enjoyed the video and if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me uh send me an email at alexmeyerscontact let me know what tv shows or movies you think i should do i have a game on the app store it's like a match 3 type game but it has my little dude's faces in it so the link to download that is below i have a podcast i do with my girlfriends called dueling the devil's tango it's like a dating advice dating story general chit chat type podcast so link is down below for that as well and above all that's everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 6,485,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, mean girls, alex meyers mean girls, lindsay lohan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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