Achmed The Dead Terrorist BANNED in Malaysia? | JEFF DUNHAM

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hi everybody Jeff Dunham & Walter here hello and we're sitting next to some odd vehicle I don't know what this is you know what that is whatever it's the Achmed mobile oh no one cares yeah anyway you know alter our video this week you know what we're doing I had no idea well we're getting ready to go on our next international tour we're going to the UK and then tape our Netflix special in Dublin that's right but the last time we went on an international tour things didn't go so well for Achmed that's true we got to Malaysia and the lion government said no Achmed the dead terrorist on stage you couldn't even say his name right so I had a solution to that almost got arrested yeah almost got you turned into one of these yeah here's what happened hey what's up come in I got some information on Malaysia they're reviewing the sterilized it's not gonna be a bidet meeting I can't use argument I'm telling you no I am going to slaughter okay so I'll start booing and they're not gonna be booing me they're gonna be booing the fact that this is happening Jeff Dunham y'all thank you good pre record the interview so now feel free to say anything you want blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right the the main concern for the Malaysian government is then an artist is suitable for de Malaysian culture religion sex politics all the fun stuff so is there actually somebody that sits there and nothing it's more or less if they get a complaint then there's then do polisseni were you gonna send in this yeah and then we get fined like three hundred thousand is that right in the media fan yeah hopefully not it's gonna be a challenge because obviously i have to leave out any references to anything even remotely related to religion i can't even say the word virgin I can't even say that name Achmed I mean I could of course I could but when I want to stay here and get caned the final ruling is that it's Achmed the dead terrorist it's not allowed on stage what this is who they're gonna be waiting for they're gonna be waiting for Achmed the dead terrorist in the back men they're probably aware a lot of this stuff they're probably you know they're not a striction are used to living with we are promoting the show with on the poster and I know that people are paying good money to come see me they expect it to be great I have a feeling unless something goes horribly wrong it will be great so not only does Achmed I have to change his material he also has to change his appearance they said would you mind making some costume pieces for a terrorist no one explained to me what the reasoning was for the berries and I didn't actually ask I just followed a brief and now I know yeah if anyone knows French Jacques emailed me and Jack so I have Jack the dead fridge terrorists do you know any French no how about more what no more it's French oh right it's just another show it's just another show and that's what I'm telling myself it's just another show but it's not you want to make sure you do it an unbelievably great job at the same time you know I feel a little funny going as far as I do in other places because I don't want to you know I don't want to go too far and be offensive but at the same time I have to because that's what got me here after we booked this show we were contacted by the Malaysian Ministry of Arts and history and culture and they asked me very nicely and sternly to not bring a certain character to the show tonight they even said please do not even mention his name but I know that you people are here because you've seen stuff on YouTube and you're expecting to see a certain someone that certain person is not here however his brother is here he is from friends please help me welcome Jacques the French tears Bossier and the I can dig see your fridge really chef wants a uh-huh and your name is Jacques we still not that shocked and and what is your last name nailed what does they nothing yet I mean is Nellie Hey do not understand what they are laughing is I think marriage is translated into game check well just write your name you seem like a nice guy you don't know jack wait something's not funny they're laughing and kill you
Channel: Jeff Dunham
Views: 5,094,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: achmed, arguing, beer, bombs, bones, bubba, chaos, child, christmas, comedy, controlled, dad, double, duct, dunham, dvd, family, father, flesh, funny, incredible, insanity, jacques, jeff, jingle, junior, keel, kid, kill, laughing, little, marnell, merde, merry, myself, nice, oma, omg, peanut, santa, scares, scary, silence, skeleton, son, spark, special, stand, stand-up, tape, touching, tv, up, ventriloquism, ventriloquist, very, walter, with, world, world tour, all over the map, achmed banned, ban, banned, achmed ban, Malaysian, Malasia
Id: kVCq4mpIccs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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