ACES WILD | Harry Carey | Full Western Movie | English | Wild West | Free Movie

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[Music] [Applause] Cold Spring 18 miles Durango 4 well I reckon four miles is better hi sunny [Applause] you recognize him no I've never seen him before well we'll look him over [Applause] howdy stranger you're heading for Durango yeah it looks to me like a pretty good place to Ward him a horse get some hay for him and some feed for the Inner Man Durango ain't the worst place in the world well I won't say it's the best well your gentleman's recommendation is good enough for me we'd like to keep you company that is if you don't mind well I know I'd be glad to have you side me in you know I've been riding alone so long I I find myself talking to my horse [Applause] [Applause] is this the best hotel you got in town one of them I've seen better and I've seen worse you're sort of pessimistic huh brother huh I mean you don't seem to feel the best of spirits this morning well I felt better and I felt worse I see sort of neutral huh this way the reception rooms in there I'll notify the proprietor you're here and looking for accommodations well I didn't know that Durango would be that much interested in my arrival Durango ain't but some of the people are I see let go right on in and make yourself at home you'll be well taken care of thanks now you stay here I'll go get Kel well it's a right nice little reception room what do you want nothing only I thought you might be interested in knowing that we got a fellow that ansers the description of that umra you've been making inquiries about where have you got him over in the lock up all right we'll take a look at him [Applause] him it's him it's him all right but who's him shyen shy and after all these [Applause] years wait you can't kill him here all right I can't kill him here and maybe before I get him he'll get me that's the gamble that's my business gambling all right turn him loose when I get out of here say jent there seems to be some sort of a mystery here if one of you jents had tell me what it's all about I'd be much obliged oh we was looking for somebody else that's all I see and I take it youd want me no Shucks we was looking for another fellow all the time sure you look like him but you ain't him mistaken identity HH well suppose when you fellas open that door i' to come out of shooting and killed one of you fellas and then said I'd made a mistake or of course I can see that neither one of you fellas had anything to do with my being here so let's forget it you couldn't tell me a good place to eat could you yeah the Durango across the street it's a good place for a game a little shot of red eye well tell you fellas I'm pretty well caught up on my dragon but uh you leading to that grub pile I'll sure follow you I can see Durango is going to be some hospitable place now ain't that nice we aim to be hospitable they say that reminds me of what but the day I put the Nots in this ha gun I tell you how was it was that full of name of Cherokee Jones maybe you heard of him well one day he started for me with one of these here things but he Plum missed me with both barrels must have been drinking or something so I went that day and put the Nots in this here gun you know not to be boasting or anything but just remember Old Cherokee bu something tells me we shouldn't have BR him in well it was your idea if anything happens to me I'm going to blame you Town folks of can certainly thank their lucky stars that you've the courage of your convictions Mr Anson kayen it's my business to the truth and for what I've seen in Durango the truth's been covered long enough if my paper can make this a law abiding place for decent citizens to live in well then I guess I've been repaid Anon I warned you that you and your paper are not will welcome and Durango heard that before Mr Kel but it seems to me it's up to the citizens of Durango not you as an individual to say whether my paper and me are welcome or not I'm the one who decides that Anon you ain't welcome if you run that press I'll make you eat every word of it oh no he would you know I've heard that printer Inc is indigestible and I've also heard that is a heat poisonous to some people's systems you're a stranger Mister most likely you don't know it but I run Durango all of which leads me to believe that maybe you've run Durango too long go on put your little strip up mr's the name I'd like to talk to you alone all right you know I've got a heap of talk I want to say to you too [Applause] alone you know before kilton gets through with that stranger he have't bought off but scared off it ain't no use I might just as well quit have one well kelon you haven't changed a bit the same old low down you always was now you know better than that you know if I wasn't interested in just what your game here in Durango you and me' have a showdown right now 10 years ago I run you out of pine Flats then we met down in the plat country and now we meet again this time it's my deal with Aces wild how much will you take to forget you ever were in Durango are you trying to bribe me Mr Kelton shame on you well well if there same old safe same old safe that you had up in the prime Flats country down in the plat say you know that must be a pretty good one it's been blown up twice say you and I never did get along never could and never will we don't speak the same language well you understand enough of mine to get this I I'll give you just 48 hours to Shake the Dust of Durango out of your boots if you're still here I'll you'll what you or me it can't be both of us in by goly you're right well it'll just be one all boys what is this gosh we didn't know but maybe something happened to you there's going to be plenty happening but we've got to work fast there's enough in that safe to make us independent we'll crack it and before the Smoke Clears we'll be on our way first I'm going to get Cheyenne come on have a great you got a little trouble getting out your newspaper Mister nothing but difficulty you know Kelton runs Durango and he sure death on me in my newspaper well if kelt's against your newspaper I'm for it how' you like a partner where would I get a partner I ain't got a chance to print a paper I'll be your partner you will sold any price you say why I'd even sell out for a $10 bill today well you won't have to I'll tell you what you do you get this old press oiled up I'll drop in on your lat hey hey B could I speak to you a minute for sure you see I was the best horse Wrangler this side the plaque uh uh but I ain't got no horse to Wrangle all I got is a new I tell you what you do you see that buckin horse down there yeah well you go on down there and Wrangle him I'm going here in the restaurant and get something to eat when I come back I'll tell you what to do go ahead yes come on [Applause] ales that is now go ahead provoke him to a quarrel RI him up him to draw his gun hey he that'll be your time to get him and the quicker we get him the [Applause] better uh-oh see what I see Caren yeah here come on yeah come on take he has one for you too what are you doing stealing them carrots no sir I ain't stealing nothing I I just Bor them that's all well you're going to borrow some lead put them back there uh you wouldn't regret the horse and the mule and and even myself of a carrot would you you know what we do with thieves down here no sir we hang them B the neck yeah neck until you're dead what's the matter all this L life has been stealing some carrots oh forget it he's working for me I told him to buy some carrots hey since when is he working for you mister he's been hanging around this town for days and you just entered here a little while ago with us well I wouldn't answer this if I knew what kind of a pole cat you was are you calling me a pole cat what it sound like to you mister why [Applause] you can't you take a joke Mister can't you see I'm [Applause] laughing I saw what happened that slim Bartlet one of kelton's cut through yeah I know I rode into town with him this morning tell Anon looks to me like you're going to have plenty of exciting news to publish in the newspaper you're going to need some extra help snowflake yeah here's just a man for you you can bear down on that old press of yours and bring the type and sweep up can't you snow flake yes sir well we Partners he's hard so you remember you remember remember telling me about that old fell that ran the restaurant over there that died kind of sudden I don't believe you told me his name did you I uh I thought maybe I knew him well edworth has a daughter about 14 or 15 edworth he and I rode in the same outfit together until he got hurt with an old Bron rolling over on him where'd he live here in town down the stage line on the way to Pou little little Greenhouse all covered with Ivy and flowers you can't miss it I I can now find it I guess I'll just take me a ride out that way well come on S flake and I'll show you your chores does I leave ala wish's here M you leave them here leave come on you got out of that was a lot of trouble they see if you can get this straight there he is now go ahead and see where he goes well we can do that all right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] who's there why it's me Miss uh I'm I'm an old friend of your father's I just rode into town this morning and I heard about your trouble and thought I'd come out and see if there's anything I could could do for [Applause] you you don't need to be afraid of mean this my name's Morgan Harry Morgan shy and hi my friends call me you see I'm an old friend of your daddies you and I used to ride rains together a good many years ago long before you were born I reckon are you Cheyenne Harry the Marshall from down plat way well yes man I was Marshall down there for quite a spell you see I didn't hear about your Dad's passing on till this morning I miss I didn't mean to up here to worry again but why did it have to be my daddy well that's that's what I come up here to find out Miss do you know whether your dad ever had any trouble with Kelton or anyone else in this town why yes with Kelton right here in this room what about well I don't know exactly it was over some papers I think that Daddy had given Kelton the keep for him in his face they were mining papers and daddy wanted them back why Kelton said he'd give them to him when he gave him the money he owed him well I don't think Daddy ever owed Kelton anything why everybody in town here uses kelton's safe to keep their money and papers in it's the only safe in town yes I know you know I'm slightly acquainted with Mr Kelton and I'm very well acquainted with that old safe of his too so he wouldn't give your dad back his mining papers unless he paid him some money when your dad refused why this happened to him huh [Applause] it's Kelton what'll I do oh I reckon this is as good a time as any for a showdown let him [Applause] in I wrote out to tell you how sorry I was to learn of your father's accident Martha you didn't by any chance come to tell her who did it I saw your horse outside so I expected to see you I don't you be a bit surprised if you see me around quite often Martha's father gave you for safekeeping for a stranger you take a lot on your shoulders Mister while you talk as though I had something to do with worse beating up with that 45 what I say the world but you have a pretty good idea who did do it and one more thing don't send any of them hard Killers over to pick a choir with me I always prefer to meet the principal himself now look here Martha I tell you listen listen come on get out don't put your hand on that gun or you won't see the done down tonight now come on get going you're frightening the little [Applause] [Music] lady whoa wait a minute [Applause] that Jasper just went into the thin air we're heading no and getting there fast [Applause] [Applause] open the door honey [Applause] [Applause] I'm Sorry Miss all this had to happen just after you've been through so much trouble I'm only sorry my pop wasn't here to see Kelton get it well I reckon it's about 4 hours till Sundown I think you better come into town with me you'll be a lot safer there you got a horse here yes I'll get it won't take me long Mr Cheyenne ain't you kind of nervous about Sundown oh Lord no Sundown got to come for all of us time why worry get your I'll follow you we won't wait to clean that safe you boys get back to the shack get plenty of fuse and powder and meet me back in town and then after we blast the safe then what celon yeah do we sprit right away or do we have to wait I always cut you boys in equal with me haven't I get [Applause] going when do we split huh [Applause] [Applause] that's our friend Kelton yes and he was coming from Daddy's claim I wonder what he was doing there I don't know there's nothing there but a hole in the ground where daddy said there was plenty of gold if he'd only had the money to dig it out well if the Gold's in the ground it'll be safe from Kelton you don't like to work well enough to dig it up look you can see the tunnel from here uhhuh light sure like to know what he was doing in there so would I we're going to find [Applause] out you've got everything ready sure I told that fell Anson that he couldn't run a paper in Wrangle and I'm going to keep my word I want you to fix enough powder to put that paper out of business once and for all what's the use of that if we're going to clear out of here what do we care what he does you'll do as I tell you heck all right once you've done that while the people are trying to figure out what happened I want you to blast the safe I'll be playing cards with the sheriff once you got the safe planted and the fuse lit make yourself seen in the streets somewhere so you'll be in the clear too get me sure that's easy when do we touch a safe as near Sundown as [Applause] figger he seems kind of worried about Sundown I would be too if I knew at sundown it was going to be me or someone else wouldn't you I ain't saying out to hanker for such a situation hey these fellas want me to do anything to your horses no we just thought we'd leave them here in the shade that's all it's pretty hot over in the street you don't mind oh that's all right you'll leave them there all day if you want to to since you won't hesitate to commit another we got to keep our eyes open you bet both of them oh snowflake yeah take my hor Sunny down the blacksmith shop and have them tighten that front shoe yes and then what do I do well then you come back here and do whatever Mr Anon tells you yes sir are you're working for him a't you yes sir I [Applause] sure oh this looks to be as good a place as any go on in I'll show you what we do with a bomb we made oh hey M yes sir the man who I work for said for you to look at this horse's feet sure that's all I do always look at horse's feet yeah that's what I thought when when if he needs a uh shoe you put it on him and and I'll be right back sir all right I take him now all we've got to do is get high up and aim for the front of the newspaper office and let her go and when she hits she explodes and when she explodes I ain't nowhere around now who's going to shoot this bomb into the newspaper office you're me well it ain't going to be me N I suppose I got to do it pick up that stuff and come on do doy you suppose he hurt us maybe we better hurry anyway all right honey now what do we do miss danen well just roll it forward and I'll show you how we run the test he here hey what's matter with you boy you seen a ghost they they said they going to blow up this place what who the two men down there uh uh both is AR who who's going to throw the bomb first come on Angie let's get this press covered up come on SO play ah hand come on go in the back room and stay there that's 50 you owe me your deal we'll settle at the end of the game sherff what time you got about 5:30 than [Applause] you folks stay right here don't go back in that office no matter what you do I'm going to slip around the corner and see if I can get my on those fellas with the bumb all right light [Applause] it it works [Applause] now we'll fix the [Applause] safe whoever did that didn't accomplish what they set out to do what happened why they tried to wreck the place all they did was blow out a window had the Press covered or the ruins that I wonder who done that well that's kind of your worry isn't it Mr Sheriff by the way what what time does the sunet in Durango well this time of year about 6:00 why well the reason I asked you was because about that time there's going to be another explosion a heap more important than this one I wonder what he meant by that who is is he shy and hairy he's been Gunn for me for years gave notice today it's his life or mine well I ain't running away I'll be here maybe I'll lock him up why that I just as soon get it over with are you ready when can we go anytime you say but how about the stuff in the safe how are we going to get it out after we crack it it's out already say what are you trying to do double crosses yeah how about it I haven't yet have I no but you might now get this straight I've got enough evidence to hang the Perry anytime I want him now get out of here wait for me downstairs I like the fuse go on go on [Applause] I want a worded with you well go ahead say what you've got to say it I'm in a hurry I'm in a hurry too what the papers you got in that safe alongst old man word Ming the ownership of these claims that's combination you want me to refresh your memory all right all right come on I'm waiting k i I can't remember the combination I Ed on the somewhere you're WI f [Music] [Applause] that sounded like it came from my place Sheriff yeah let's go and see what happened Cheyenne y got him all right yeah he wasn't lying he cleaned out the safe you suppose he did with the stuff all there's only one place you're knoww kon's office well it's you [Applause] I thought it was going to take my horse but you can't take that horse get out of the way you horse long Mr come on get on your own horse one CH and get away with everything [Applause] [Applause] sure you're just wasting your time trying to hang this thing on me my Kelton has been working this racket for years moves into a town where there's no Bank gets the people to deposit their money and valuables and he's safe he cleans the safe and high tails it you lose maybe you're right well let's get Kelton don't let him get away Sheriff I depti every man in this room come with me now you're talking [Applause] what happened snowflake they shot him they done it them two that you was arguing with this morning they tried to take sunny but they didn't I'm afraid he won't pull through mister listen snow fig have you got any you got any King folks no sir nobody Al wishes that's all Mr sence will you take care of my you I'm afraid that he going to be a little hungry without me you better I will snowflake I'll take him right along with me and sunny but you're going to be all yeah I'm going to be all right no get to your horses everyone we're not coming back till we get Kelton and his [Applause] gunmen for we thought maybe you were trying to give us a slip oh no you know better than that we've got to work fast everything that was in that seate the money the papers that give the rights of this mine and other things are in that bag take one half of it you boys can split the other between you so you're getting Plum careless kelon where's your gun well in my hurry to get out of Durango I must have lost it maybe you boys will let me have one of yours yeah sure anytime it's your last chance kelon the Law's right behind us we're moving fast give me that bag you wouldn't leave me like this I've always played fair with you boys yeah sure you have but we ain't playing anymore we're going to take what's coming to us well you're dealing the game slim and a Man Without a Gun can't argue with a fellow that Scott one [Applause] [Applause] go long show wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sun down Kelton you're right Cheyenne and the sun's in your eyes for the last time [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Mr Sheriff I I guess I owe you a lot oh just the other way around we're in debt to you Cheyenne well thanks Mr you'll take good care of Mara huh sure will and remember my share in the old newspaper goes to her but where are you going Mr Cheyenne well I tell you honey [Music] I spent most of my life you know in Wyoming that's up north in the cattle country and of all is had a all is had a hankering to to see some money so I'm riding South down to a place called Ghost Town soong honey bye so long sir so long sh [Music]
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Id: dvNVQiK4wrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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