Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Understanding and Planning Part 2 - Essay Example and Structure

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[Music] hi welcome to a E helps IELTS test preparation videos this material is taken from triple wel comm for more videos like this and for lots more help with the IELTS please visit us there and join the full course that's triple w dot a help calm okay in this video we're going to continue from part one of understanding and planning for task two writing of the academic IELTS and for this we're going to continue using of course the example question that we started with and the understanding and planning and the question is writing task 2 you should spend about 40 minutes on this task write about the following topic universities should take the same number of men and women in each major to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience ok so we are going to begin with the introduction paragraph for the introductory paragraph of course so this is academic IELTS writing task - okay so this is the [Music] introductory paragraph and of course the first part of the introductory paragraph is the hook remember that the hook is a simple but interesting statement that's related to the topic and controlling idea of the question sometimes you might hear that it's a question like should universities accept equal numbers of men and women in each major I disagree with this I don't think it's a good idea to do that the goal of an essay is to answer a question not to ask a question usually it's a better idea to avoid questions in an essay especially I think as a hook instead try to create a statement that makes the reader go huh or Wow or really or hmm that's interesting or is that so or yeah I've heard that before so that kind of response will get your reader interested you should have that response to your own hook and then your reader will have the same response a good way to know is if the hook doesn't make it interesting for you it probably won't make it interesting for your reader either so again create a hook that makes you go huh or Wow all right so we're dealing with universities here visualize imagine what is it doesn't mean to be a university what is the goal of university what would society be without universities and these kinds of ideas and questions will help you to come up with a good hook there's something like this so indent five spaces it's a new paragraph it's a rule of the structure that you need a five space indent and then begin with your hook of course don't write this during the exam you just simply write the paragraph this is just for your learning okay so universities are the source of cultural evolution for society okay it's a simple sentence notice it's not a complex or not a compound sentence I don't suggest using long complex compound sentences for your hook why because if you make a mistake in your hook it's a really bad first impression you don't want to do that it will lead to a low score so keep it simple keep it interesting and keep it correct okay that's very very important it's a good strong first impression okay then after the hook of course we go to the background information so background and for the background remember that there are two smaller parts that make up the background of the context in an essay firstly you want to make sure that you explain your definition or your understanding of key terms to your reader so in this case what is your understanding of what is a university or what is your understanding of equal numbers of men and women and then secondly you need to tell your reader why this topic is important so why should it be paid attention to why should it be discussed further you you hook them you got them interested now tell them why it's important to discuss this so these two parts should make up the background for the IELTS it's okay to have one or maximum two sentences for each of these components alright so first of all let's go with some definitions so universities are the source of cultural evolution for society the institution of university is responsible for advancing generations through higher level education and research okay and then again remember let's not go off track here so we need to stay on path with the controlling idea and the questions specifically that's very very important so let's get back to this equal number of men and women some individuals believe that universities should encourage equality among men and women by accepting equal numbers into every subject ok so again we're using the information from the part 1 of the planning stage of this essay ok so we have the hook we have the background now the final part of the introduction is the thesis statement and of course we're just simply going to write the thesis statement at the end here that we were able to generate from the planning so that's the last part of the introductory paragraph and then we can go on to the body paragraphs so so simply just add the thesis statement although gender equality is important I believe that universities should admit students into each major according to their grades and interests all right so this is our thesis statement and notice that there are two points that are clearly distinct this is very important in your thesis to have to clearly separate points grades and interest and also notice that they're parallel form so they're both nouns and they're not preceded by adjectives or not phrases or anything like that so it's the same grammar form for each point that's very important okay now that we have our introductory paragraph and a good strong thesis we can develop the body paragraphs using these two points so that's what we're going to do next you you so let's continue on with the body paragraph so body paragraph 1 and of course again you don't need to write that during the exam just indent 5 spaces ok and then begin with your topic sentence so remember that the first sentence of a body paragraph is the topic sentence so topic sentence the topic sentence needs to include the first point of your thesis in our case it's grades which decide the admission into a major so that's what we need to express here so again it's a good idea to paraphrase the these words to make it just more interesting and more descriptive so so academic scores should be used by universities to decide which applicants are admitted into a specific major regardless of their gender okay so sometimes students will use leading expressions like firstly or importantly it's okay to do that but again remember in the end it's always information that connects information and not words like firstly secondly so your information has to be accurate that's why I didn't use one here so academic scores should be used by universities to decide which applicants are admitted into a specific major regardless of gender so here I'm taking the first point of my thesis and I'm emphasizing the topic in the controlling idea and then of course the next step now is to explain what I have just said so following the topic sentence is the explanation alright so here obviously I'm thinking about how universities do this and I realize that certain majors for example medicine require very high scores because there's very high responsibilities for doctors and medical professionals and therefore it's important before they're allowed into this major that they can show that they're very smart and able to handle this responsibility so thinking about this allows me to write the explanation so many majors require students to be hard-working and smart so the best way to see this is by checking their academic scores okay so I'm starting to explain here what I mean by using grades and not gender to allow students into a specific major it's still not completely clear so to make it more clear what I need to do now is write some kind of a specific example that represents the idea what I'm talking about and of course again continuously remembering the original question of universities should allow equal numbers of men and women into each major to what extent do I agree so I never forget the original question okay so one more sentence here with the example for instance students who and I'm using an adjective clause remember at using adjective clauses is a very good idea so for instance students who wish to major in medicine must show high academic aptitude aptitude means ability for thinking here so high academic aptitude because they will have much responsibility to take care of people's health okay so I'm going to keep explaining here and following with this example why because I still need to refer back to the original question of gender equality so let's continue a little bit more there four universities must consider grades rather than having the same number of men and women in this major because gender does not necessarily reflect grades ok so again I referred back to the original question to what extent do I agree obviously here the reader or the examiner realizes that I don't really agree with this concept because it's unrealistic to think that the grades are going to be one for one it could be that one year many more women have higher grades when they graduate high school than men and so more of them are allowed into the field of medicine and another year could be that more men have higher grades so I make that clear and that concludes my first point then I'm ready to move on to my second point which is students interest so this last sentence not only refers back to the point one of the thesis but it is also the concluding sentence for this paragraph you so again this material was taken from triple w AE help calm for lots more practice and more help with your writing please visit us there and join the full course [Music]
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 206,082
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 2 structure, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: vXppH8bPvTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2013
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