IELTS Task 2 Discuss Both Sides Writing FULL

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[Music] in this lesson we will be looking at a specific kind of task to question we will be looking at the question which asks you to discuss two different views and then choose the one which you prefer now again remember that in IELTS task 2 there are several different types of questions some of them ask you to discuss advantages and disadvantages of concepts others ask you to discuss one idea and support different views for that idea again be very very careful to pay attention to the details of the question in order to get high scores you have to answer these questions specifically ok so I will tell you a few points that you have to follow when the question asks you to discuss two ideas and then choose one side which you believe in more and I will also give you an example task 2 essay which shows you exactly how this needs to be structured and written firstly let's look at the example question task to write about the following topic some people believe that genetically modified foods are good for society because they help to feed the world's growing population others argue that genetically altered foods are bad for nutrition and the environment discuss both views and give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience write at least 250 words you should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task ok again remember that before you begin to write even though you just have 40 and you need to write 250 words it's much much more efficient if you spend the first three four minutes planning your ideas and structuring your ideas so that you can provide a powerful essay which gets you a high score when you have this type of an essay question of course the very very first important point is make sure to discuss both views sometimes the students just focus on the side that they support and forget to discuss the opposite or the other side which they don't favor as much for this kind of question this doesn't work why because it's asking you to discuss both views so you have to do this now also when you're writing for this type of essay make sure to support one side this is very important you can't just talk about both sides and support both views or talk about both sides and discredit both views again the question is asking you which one you support more so that's what you have to do don't get too creative on IELTS simply because you don't have enough time and creativity doesn't necessarily get you good marks focus on the question and have the right response also make sure that in the first body paragraph you discuss the side which you agree with less in your second body paragraph you need to discuss the side that you agree with more okay so I'm going to write up this structure and then you'll see it more clearly first point discuss both sides second point make sure to support one side only okay so you need to state that you believe that one side is definitely better than the other all right now for structure again this is no different from other tasks to essays in that it needs four good paragraphs a powerful introduction a clear body paragraph one a good body paragraph two and a nice conclusion now for the structure of this kind of essay you need to remember for body paragraph 1 to write about the side that you do not believe in and then for body paragraph 2 that's where you need to write about the side or the idea that you support and you believe in the simple logic with this structure is that you need to write it this way since the side that you believe in is the idea or the concept that you want to leave your reader with so you want your reader to finish thinking about the side that you believe in and you will see that in the conclusion you also emphasize the side that you believe in as well to get a more clear idea of exactly what I mean let's now take a look at this sample essay you here's the sample essay which asks discuss both views and then support one over the other again let's look at the question task to write about the following topic some people believe that genetically modified foods are good for society because they help to feed the world's growing population others argue that genetically altered foods are bad for nutrition and the environment discuss both views and give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience read at least 250 words you should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task food is one of the basic needs for human survival in the past several decades technology has empowered scientists to genetically modify foods including meat fruits and vegetables to grow faster become bigger and be more resilient some individuals believe that these physically altered consumables aid in sustaining and ever-increasing population while others debate that such foods have detrimental effects on diet and nature I believe that although these GMO products have certain benefits the overall outcome is negative visibly many foods have increased in abundance and size over the last half-century scientists have changed the genetic code of many fruits and vegetables so that they are more resistant to disease and insects while also growing larger in size and mass over a shorter period of time compared with their predecessors for instance when I shop at my local grocer SuperSave foods I'm often amazed at how large and colorful are the bell peppers and strawberries certainly these foods provide more substance than their smaller counter of past nevertheless this is just one side of the science on the other hand it is argued that many of these GMO foods may be much larger but contain less nutrition and taste often the science which is applied to altering of food production is focused more on profit than nutritional benefit therefore a modern-day pepper or strawberry is larger but they have less nutrition overall than their non modified ancestors for this reason I am very careful to buy fruits and vegetables which have not been changed by science even though I eat less amounts of peppers and strawberries I feel healthy because of the high concentration of vitamins and minerals in these non-gmo products in conclusion GMO produce has perhaps helped to keep some part of the world's population fed but it has also caused equally if not greater amount of harm to human diet in my opinion food production should not just be concerned with quantity but more about quality okay so this is an example of an essay which tackles this kind of a question effectively and responds accurately by discussing both sides and then supporting one side which the writer believes in more now paying close attention to this essay you can see that all of the key elements of each paragraph are present to get a really nice score for coherence structure flow and so forth for instance in the introduction it opens with an excellent hook food is one of the basic needs for human survival then the introduction gives some background information on how science has modified foods over the back over the past half-century and then it gives a clear thesis about the two viewpoints and which one is supported when we look at the body paragraphs they're also well-structured each body paragraph contains a clear topic sentence good explanations and then clear personal examples the conclusion restates the concepts keep key points the argument and finishes with a good take-home message in my opinion food production should not just be concerned with quantity but more about quality now what you need to do is follow these steps follow these rules make sure to practice this type of question at home before you sit the IELTS exam it's always impossible to guess what kind of a task to question will be on your test so you really really need to understand the different types of tasks two questions that can be asked and make sure to practice each one for different types of tasks two questions check out some of our other videos where we discuss those the strategies and also give examples on how to write effectively good studies and good luck on your exam [Music]
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 53,107
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Keywords: IELTS, writing, task 2, structure, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction, body, conclusion, IELTS description, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, strategy, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies, skill, both view
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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