The Mysterious Abandoned House On The Lake: She Disappeared And Left Everything Behind

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[Music] foreign episode we are in Scotland and we discover this beautiful home sat abandoned on the side of this picturesque Lake this prefab yellow tin house was a home away from home for a writer who would stay here with her family [Music] inside the house is a true 90s time capsule with three bedrooms and access to its own private beach once inside we are transported back to the 1990s and get a glimpse at the family that once occupied this home we discover the mother was a nurse who would bring her family to write and relax at the lake the house was abandoned in the 90s so we can only imagine what happened and why the family never returned join us as we take a look inside and see what remains [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] so we are inside the house now we're just gonna have a little look around see what's left Dale says it's a proper 90s retro Time Capsule lots of stuff from that era should be an interesting one guys the outside absolutely beautiful yellow tin house right on the lock so let's have a look around see what's left guys starting straight in this kitchen area here doesn't look too old Plate's still waiting to be washed on the side there sink full of cobwebs check it out a few bits on the shelves flasks paint glasses all cupboards are completely full all utensils cups and sauces in there check the back door out guys obviously not been used in such a long time as well plates just completely left how the last owners would have had it it's all wooden slats in here it's like a bit of a makeshift house toaster all your bits and Bobs are pretty cool one isn't it really nice oh the big chest though I know I don't want to touch the head no it's in there sometimes they do have a name on them though they don't look too clean does it definitely not oh this one's bar oh there's your Brew Scottish blend some coffees up there yeah who's this guy that's chilling some beers in here Dale yes looks like the mice have been at that yeah nice bit of paint peel and what have you isn't it yeah let's make it smaller isn't it should we just check that attic out or our story come on take the bag off got all juices there or coffees at the top yeah let's check this attic out while we're in this room you've been up here okay you've been up here yeah yeah oh oh my there's loads up here oh this is pretty cool oh it's a bit funky though definitely is look at all these bin bags vinyls there how old's that that PC Packard Bell yeah it is Tchaikovsky Fiddler's rally no there's some cool stuff up here he's got some ice cream look at this top of the pops oh nice don't even know any of those songs I feel like a recognizer albatross jeffrow there you go there's the vinyl player underneath that's pretty cool no way look how old that is man united yeah what year is that Glory Glory Man United Tennessee if I recognize anyone I think it's a bit before my time it's the old sharp kits any United fans let me know wow just cool bits of ornaments and stuff in there I suppose that is what is in everyone's attic doesn't it yeah is this floor safe in there for a lot of years yeah oh this is cool model boat shaking Stevens a lot of vinyls in there yeah it seems like they were really into music yeah artwork hidden away in here the highlands stag look at that silver that's pretty cool find all bits of Art in here nice another vinyl player a few bits of kids toys over there at your sketching that yeah it seems like they were really fun people yeah Candlestick there is so much here isn't it like you said proper 90s house these are just full of like clothes and cushions and that is that where it is yeah oh the smell is they've probably got like damp yeah a little vinyl because the view out there as well unreal amount I'll be back on yeah Electric's on is it or it's in that yeah oh yeah look at that truck's still on in this place the light switch blow up again all right let's head back down and see the rest of this house it sounds a bit uh a bit squeaky yeah okay guys we're back downstairs we're just gonna head into the rest of the property see what else we can find quite interesting stuff up there in the Attic start in this room here you can see our derelict the doors are looks like an old bedroom here slash bathroom I wouldn't really want this room if I was living here but you can see the Scottish flag lotions and Potions all mouthwash on this shelf here and then razors and that's still left in the sink foreign 90s Vibes in this house like I said single bed toothbrush on there sunglasses you can see Handbags and lamps still in the wardrobe there a nice old fireplace as well considering this is looks like a a self-build or prefab building makeup box but it's in Better Days there's some cool stuff here look at that Coleman's mustard uh mirror that is cool isn't it yeah it looks really old as well tape cassettes because they all had phones nice remember them yeah they were really comfy on your ears though weren't they pink so that gives you an age of when it was abandoned definitely doesn't it I think it was like around three thousands yeah glasses on the top a lot of lighters in here quite a few bath bombers fell apart bedroom or a bathroom and then your kinky light bulb make the room all red no no let's check out this next room oh wallpaper's attacking me jeez ah this this room feels a lot older doesn't it oh no way look at that nice and bright in here too an old ring a bit of jewelry I wonder what stone that is that's cool but look on the top here drawings little kids drawings pay slips camera box there here's the camera a loom mix didn't look too old but there is all sorts here what's all this Bionics batonics what what is it it's like a flute in it all right just seeing a lot of medication in here yeah more lighters Agnes Agnes's house you can see the NHS cards not a very good uh for the NHS smoking smoking Rollies look at the old fire though that's pretty cool Old Log burner that is cool look at the lock on it yeah there's the flu going up the chimney there so it does seem quite stripped out as well doesn't it yeah the smart one isn't it yeah another one of those mirrors players Navy cut they'll call them aren't they yeah quite vintage the shells obviously from the beach down there little clubs down there it's a at least a globe good luck good luck that must be Scottish [Music] no idea I don't know Celtic or something you know what yeah got a slippers still in a little boat and a watch completely covered in cobwebs look at that a watch on the side a long time probably a little gas fire it's a shame the windows have been put through as well isn't it well to be fair that's probably what's kept it so air down because it doesn't it's not too small it doesn't smell too damp downstairs another watch yeah it's definitely a woman's isn't it yeah not seeing any male stuff all right let's uh there's that uh didn't we pass that possibly a big churchy thing on the lock there is that postcards yeah I think it's got the address summit though but it's a medical card from is it yeah let's read it out you see it oh yeah 82 82 yeah yeah [Applause] maybe an older woman look at that Diet Coke's gone see through oh because it's been there that long like I said there's a lot of medicines a camera bag there as well yeah little bits and bobs cool a lot of paperwork left as well yeah there's like letters and stuff like yeah those books on here type of books is it cookbooks Gaelic self-taught The Writer's handbook oh she's a bit of a writer Maybe Maybe care and maintenance of small craft it's actually building stuff too yeah it'd be nice that wouldn't it look at these little trinkets nice nice clear the same picture though is it oh there she is a fan of that and the dog oh yeah that's like a husky or something it wasn't it hmm it's even more of that little medication stuff here what is it stop to the pot wheat germ vanilla vanilla something vanilla extract extracts yeah Aqua Chem cream apple cam green brown more jewelry that's cool yeah oh I'm dropping stuff there's the doglet oh yeah as well binoculars so fella was obviously a United fan football boots on the side there a fan of fishing nice little summer hat there I always had binoculars not sure what that is that a weight for fishing yeah a fishing hook it's like a home away from home isn't it yeah a book of this for boys and girls a new girl the ghost belonged to me oh defense of the realm Local Pass what was that oh it's going to be a flute I think I think it is a flu it's not meant to be yeah it's broken isn't it a broken flute yeah things I want to buy an Inverness clothes makeup shoes stuff them out as a kids list from and then yeah a camera for a tenner well to be a kid again a camera for a toner so I can get somewhere here oh it goes right down here as well guys Timberland box there's so much actually left here I was quite surprised all the coats hung up like little kids coat jacket duffel coat foreign stuff lanyard purse so it's definitely like 2000s isn't it 90s 100 Hey look a little peace symbol oh yeah yeah you get that kind of vibe from this house yeah more jackets come out for a window oh the Skylight yeah imagine trying to clean them up nice oh God look at the toilet Ivy coming up the sides that's quite a good shot try and get a good shot of that toilet all the toiletries toothbrush I do like these you don't really see these anymore but that's a nice shot with the ivy coming up either side the broken window even got the towel still hanging down there quite interesting heading into a bedroom check this out shirt still left all clothes is that a tent yeah a tent some inflatable thing there I don't really want to pull that out because it'll be a nightmare to get back in but looks like an airbed and more clothes at the bottom there oh cool what this is a nice room oh look at this Jim Deacon guitar wow mint condition electric guitar here just sat just chilling more of these bottles they're all percoceted up no I'm not really sure what these are bits of medicine though but that's cool more lavender quite nice retro wallpaper in this room Dawn the robots of dawn these like children's books maybe now micro microbiotic cooking some nice books here actually these are quite old the varieties of religious experience reaching for the Stars quite a lot of old books there yeah yeah another guitar acoustic on the side there lasso black beak but goal more books on the top check us out white caps nature books cookbooks so yeah when I first walked in I was thinking this was a kid's room but it doesn't really feel like it does it not with the stuff that's in here little ornaments yeah look at his watch quite a chunky watch that and of course it's at 3am but yeah it's only a tiny little bed isn't it it's a I'll have a look now maps on this writing Bureau hey let that look like it had a little bird seagull on there oh yeah do the feet candle holders oh painted rock it's cool so what do we have in here the photos no it's just a money pack oh it sucks more shirts but this is definitely kids it is isn't it yeah trains of the world the big John Lennon picture there that's pretty cool disco time disco time oh another guitar wow that's pretty cool definitely um into his music can he yeah they let burning CDs he's pirating that's what was going on down here um I got this teeth on the floor oh there is actual teeth human Marine that human remains left behind clickbait someone's corned beef look at the straps oh God look at that big knife what's that doing in there the Yamaha that straps really see foreigners Johnny Cash and June Carter my absolute fave Johnny Cash we got this little singing yeah there's a lot of cool stuff in there to be fair the old oil lamp well candle nice nice and they drove a master by the looks of it yeah yeah hey there are antiques now aren't they floppy desks sets more clothes do you remember when these were all the rage yeah yeah I've got more rooms yeah there's another one wait so you see this one it's like walking into your bedroom in the 90s all right we'll check it out that's the biggest room oh nice nice I don't know what was going on in here that's cool little skateboard yeah pictures of the kids the doll there kids with his mum Primark how old's Primark probably older I've done that yeah I think someone was like like sitting in here do you reckon yeah yeah all little pens and pencils in there yeah we'd ad living at one of the Bandos yeah there's some you could actually the books at the top there the world's best books to be modest Revelations short stories Revolution politics or clothes cover in there more books nah it's nicest fat puss on wheels we love our fat boss oh check this out this opens up that's an old record stand isn't it I think I'm pretty sure it is [Music] a Bible but it says bio ball oh no idea I love a look in a sack oh look at this book full of vinyls too I've never seen one of these before I think they're the small ones for uh you know like the smaller record appointments yeah that's cool more flutes what's this note P.S hope you like the original it's a rabbit and seal PS looking forward to seeing you [Music] bye Papa's what you what do you want for your birthday [Music] I'm going to swim with the dolphins in Mexico I can't wait do you like your stickers I put them on the letters please write back love Ken poles yeah there's a snake I used to love these toys it is a proper throwback isn't it Aladdin there as well and yeah it's such a throwback to me anyway yeah looks like you algebra oh why are you teaching a kid algebra if he's on holiday so it's about been abandoned a while watching if they were like first edition ones Harry Potter he's got the other ones as well there's a couple of full collection Bible yet nice models definitely a girl in this room yeah cards oh I smell when I pick them up more books definitely a home away from home this holiday home maybe yeah it does seem that way or Playstation One games the toys on the side it's quite creepy isn't it yeah the kids beds I found the name here we've got missed so it's very Italian Pokemon cards oh wow this is a proper throwback to my childhood right sure anyone's or not oh this is so cool no that's one of those I like this it's cool isn't it there's loads of much stuff to see yeah yeah it's pretty nice all the old Pokemon cards my childhood skateboard my childhood as well bits and Bobs in these drawers yeah new camera for you though for the channel look at that haunted Haunted Books they were probably in here telling each other ghost stories yeah yeah oh no cutting their heads off dolls yeah literally yeah these magazines will have a date now it's like a proper teenage girls dream bedroom isn't it yeah but they had to share it with the little sister or something yeah there's some nice bits in here old chess games Diablos you can fire them up in there yeah at people that just me is that more games on that yeah there's all sorts of stuff SpongeBob no the proper Oh Yeah from 2000. there you go 2000 Disney nice this is like oh in attack probably Nostalgia isn't it yeah I think that's pretty much the house though isn't it all right guys just gonna get some pictures and cinematics then we're gonna head outside and see what's out there absolutely amazing house like this room proper nostalgic from the 90s all my childhood stuff Pokemon cards skateboards absolutely loving it so we'll see you outside in two seconds let's do it [Music] okay Explorer so we are back outside we're just going to take a quick look see what's around we've seen the nice bird boxes front garden there on the way down just watch these guys on the rope swing maybe they'll collapse in there check this out thank you absolutely amazing how nice is that one literally right in your back Garden imagine but check this out guys straight into your back Garden you've got this absolutely beautiful lock the rope swing straight out onto here it's amazing mate all right guys we are on to the next one hope you've enjoyed that nice little Countryside Retreat type Holiday House absolutely amazing so much left behind in there proper retro all the 90s toys I'm going the wrong way back down this way so we're on tonight guys and we'll see you next week hope you enjoyed it cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 311,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk, abandoned places uk 2023
Id: m8hrP6UxhSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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