Frozen In Time: The Remarkable Abandoned House Of A War Veteran

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what is up explorers we are back on another abandoned Adventure today we're in England we're here to check out this absolutely beautiful terrorist house only small but absolutely full of character so with all that said guys we're going to get straight into this and I hope you enjoy the video let's do it on this week's episode we discover a true 1960s abandoned time captur house once inside the home apart from some minor vandalism the house remains pretty untouched since the last owners lived here way back in 1998 I discover an elderly couple lived here John and Mary for many years John was an ex Army veteran that fought in World War II he sadly passed away in 1995 and his wife Mary who worked as a school cook lived here for several years alone until she passed away in the lake late '90s leaving the house abandoned ever since with nature and Decay now reclaiming the property the home now sits derel and unloved so join me as we take a look inside this abandoned house left Frozen in time and see what [Music] [Music] remains [Music] [Music] okay Explorer is beginning at this living room at the front door you can see how small this house is from the outside it's only like a two up two down house proper little Terrace in the middle of this Town absolutely amazing and so much is Left Behind in here it's actually unbelievable but what a place can't wait to show you around going to get straight into it check this out so straight in this living room and I'm literally stood on mountains of post which shows that the house has been abandoned for a long time we actually have like a cook or nurse uniform I can't make that out hanging above the front door cobwebs literally hanging everywhere in this place completely covered look at the size of this spider just chilling oh my God he's massive but we' still got artwork this little painting here two kids on a beach talking to a fisherman but there's all cards here to a special daughter see if we can get a name there no it doesn't have a name mother it just says love from it doesn't say the actual name of the person dear Grand so she was a grandmother a mother whole life lived in this house millo Masterpiece in color look at the old uh Chester drawers here Ed out but you can see the details in the handles once again just covered in dust and [Music] cobwebs little ornaments plates on the wall quite retro wallpaper as well but you'll probably hear the cars passing we are literally right on a main road here curtains still hanging and look at these cobwebs absolutely everywhere and then her armchair next to the fireplace here no TV in this one just books everywhere you can see the dead plants and even her slippers s sat next to the chair here which is quite like a creepy Eerie Vibe just watching out for these cobwebs in the cupboards here still a few little bits not much jars few more glass jars at the bottom there bit more artwork cattle there back to the fold more dead plants a little trinket jar there keep your little bits in Hardwick Hall I'm not really sure where that is but you can see the dear Dre barow glasses nice little artwork next to it mirror still hanging above the fireplace but look at the fireplace this is just like an old government Council building little Council house and even the fireplace here unbelievable they just don't make them like this anymore guys giving 1950s Vibes look at the old fireplace old gas fire plants dyed all around it it's crazy more books Cromwell and then a little bucket to about of cigarettes shelves here been cleared but the book books still [Music] remain War Memoirs Wild West stories wow wonder how long these have been sat here it looks like a while cuz the cupboard itself is collapsing I feel like if I took one of those books off the whole shelf would go which is a shame you can see the glass is broke maybe people coming in to have a route oh God there's a skeleton there behind the book Jesus what do we have in here little cubby hole under the stairs there just old mattresses hid away Lio oh god look how old that bed is as well just with one little peephole window oh come out of there you see like proper retro carpets decorating all retro wallpaper even coming down there is there a plant behind there yeah look at that still hanging the little two-piece sofa two seater crazy even dominoes so you can literally see a whole life here toilet wow another single bed not a chance no no electric in this one guys but how crazy is this this is just the first room the living room you can see it's completely Frozen in Time looks like it's been a while as well but it's given 1960s Vibes completely and you can tell that she had family with the cards so I wonder where they are [Music] heading into this way oh look at this staircase covered over that's a bit weird isn't it they're pure floorboards must be another way upstairs but isn't that strange you can see the different wallpapers as well wow bit different oh there's another staircase here you can tell from the oh the direction of the wall there little cubby hole all wooden cases trunks look at these safety goggles just left here is that an old iring board as well yeah wow little feather duster plaster as brush but there's no doors in here it's all curtains it's literally all curtains W this room's dark looks like uh smoker damage see there was a mirror there a picture there but all around it is yellow from tobacco from smoke old razors little toys wow button collection it's got to be in n's house with a button collection but p uh Postcards From New York here maybe traveled a little bit another dresser look at the details in it it's absolutely beautiful and here we have like Cur tea towels I think that's like uh what do they call them blinds not blinds I know what I mean CWS cream crackers crumps Sal old Cardiff wow look that old tin there's bugs everywhere that is a cool old tin there oh try and put everything back where I found it but you've got needles and threads from snowing proper 60s fireplace there look at [Music] that still tiled still in good condition to be fair lever armchair possibly where her husband sat maybe you do find that that they have separate living rooms separate beds look at the old ashtrays on this shelf gravy jugs oh looks like it's been cleared out that one but once again you can see how they've wallpapered over wallpaper you can see all the different patterns from over the years oh I'm absolutely covered in cobwebs this is a more classic uh fireplace that you'd find in an old Council house but once again astray on the side postcards even an old coaster may have sat at his Brew had a paint in here postcard from Blackpool more books rapid ready reckoner just trying to find the name can't see one but these are proper Throwbacks you can see people have been in with the 39p energy junks that's a nice lamp all dusty though look at that just trying to see what bookies are oh my God look at that spider oh my God that's disgusting and massive the guardian n Wich from 1998 guys 1st of October 1998 and there was still job Cuts you can see shoes there that's my bag ignore that but another sofa here little two-seater sofa again Cutlery on the floor this one has a lot of smoke damage in here very different oh wow didn't even notice that lampshade check that out you can see another one of these uniforms hung over the back of this chair so I'm guessing it's like a cookie uniform I'm thinking like a dinner lady maybe she was a dinner lady oh God it's so dark in the back rooms here into the little kitchen and look at this it's so tiny there's bugs all over for this but these are classic farmhouse uh cupboards the little pole down there there's a lawn mower in the kitchen that's weird it's a bit strange but we'll see what we've got in the cupboards here table salt old egg cups a flask oh I'm watching these bugs cuz I feel like they're going to fly up my head any second biscuit tins love the old butter dish you don't see these anymore more but they're literally in every abandoned house we go in got an orange squeezer put your orange on it twist it and look how tiny this cooker is wow it's so hard to move in this place and there's cobwebs all around my head it's disgusting my darling cat cat lovers I'm just trying to check oh god making a right rocket there neighbors old cooker big old serving plates what's that tou up vacuum you can see somebody's been in they've obviously come through this back window broke the sink when they've come in which is a shame oh my God look at these bugs guys they're covering all the walls there around my head and everything so I'm guessing this would be your old heater for the hot water and it looks like a bathroom cabinet there so maybe they used it as a bit of a makeshift bathroom as well brush their teeth and stuff like that in here I'm just coming out of this room cuz it's bug Central bloody bugs life literally thousands of bugs in there and the cobwebs are literally probably all over my app now but that is just the downstairs we have a little back room here which we'll check out before we go which is collapsing but tiny little house here little Terrace house I'm keeping my voice down cuz it's literally neighbors next door but we're going to head up it looks like an old couple's house though looks like she was a dinner lady later on in life oh look how narrow these stairs are jeez so the neighbor will be just on the other side of this wall head into the first bedroom here wow look at the old retro wallpaper that is very retro very 60s artwork there behind probably very mod not at the time oh wow a nighty is that a bit risque back in the day would that be what you'd wear to you know set the mood a Sunday bass there looks like that would be for church that jacket you can tell they're older people bed pan there tucked away in this box old clothes oh I don't want to be touching too much cuz I haven't put my gloves on for some reason look at this big old W chest big wooden chest here wow completely full of books so like I said no TV in this place it is all books this is a proper Throwback House the strange and the unknown princess remembers shadow of the Moon wow I recognize this guy what's his name some somebody let me know books about turkey so it looks like they traveled a bit you know definitely I just don't want to pull all this stuff out cuz it's Mouse pow everywhere and look at that lamp that is a proper old timey lamp more books either side so cool loving this wallpaper as well I can see that making a comeback someday Morgan sports cars that got a year on there £150 Auto Car special oh March 1985 guys wow 4 years older than me and I'm now reading it it's crazy oh look at her boots they're definitely for a night out them aren't they slippers next next to him for a night in nice wooden chest there more sewing materials oh we've got birthday cards birthday greetings to my mother to Mother we're not getting any bloody names for the people that live here the people I I always write like two whoever is that a modern thing cuz I'm not seeing this anywhere strange isn't it oh somebody's been through those cupboards for those drawers they're just all M looks like she kept every card she received which is nice Nana they usually do though don't they mums keep everything tucked away old Razor H birthday card cards the memories everything this is a nice bedroom dresser isn't it the mirror there still in good condition too can't really see in these drawers looks like they might have been able to see though it's all bedding a few bits of clothes there wallet more books there's like a chest here I wonder if I can don't want anything to jump out at me oh what do we have here is that a safe hang on how am I going to do this with one hand oh it's an old safe but it's been emptied which is a shame o goes quite far back over there looks like that was a wardrobe back in the day it's not very funu this room wow the old lav jackets there hat boxes what are [Music] these check these out shells looks like yeah like painted shells but they're in right funky colors I like them oh look there's more in there that's cool Marks and Spencers there no expense sped but looks like a lot of it has been pulled out pulled all over the floor here which is a proper shame nice handbags there but it is 100% 1960s early '70s vibe in this house everything from the decoration the clothes even the magazines that one was 1985 wasn't it but it just goes to show that like when you find these older people's houses they really stuck in their ways weren't they they didn't modernize the houses whatsoever I think they just found a style they eventually liked and stuck with it forever it does seem that way so we got one more room before we head out to that out building oh there's some little back a bed oh and this is the bedroom [Music] look this is where they slept a double bed here still it's still made underneath all this it's people have been throwing on it old armchair so you just sat there put your socks and shoes on getting dressed in the morning let's just move around like a I said you can hear the cars we are right on the main road here but once again the old retro nice wallpaper we've got one of these wash basins cuz I haven't seen a bathroom yet actually birthday wishes dorine we have a name maybe one of the children or grandchildren oh what's that no idea but loving this look at the tiles on the back nice detail in the wood there I Haven seen any piss Poots guys no piss spots yet but I wouldn't be surprised as we haven't seen a bathroom like I say and then just like clothing dotted all around looking in this wardrobe now look braces more beding down there cleared out this room what are they anyone know what they are guys well there cobwebs literally everywhere it's Ming nice big wardrobe though still got the key in there wonder how much they cost these days cuz you don't see them like that anymore dear with the detail in them the dresser to match as well and we have a Sunday church hat possibly for a wedding or something along those lines and what are these these are like Emerald things aren't they kind of glass I think that's like a candle holder maybe that would be a soap dish but the bottom of it disappeared broken not really sure guys we've got more bedding and curtains tucked away in there a suitcase hidden behind it's a shame to see the decay the wig that whole corner all peeled back right to the brick there on the plaster right the way back to the brick surprised this window's not fell out to be honest another old suitcase like I said guys literally straight onto the main road there there is a hole in the floor we'll have to be careful of that more postcards is there anything in these drawers no but you can see where the D has come from missing tiles maybe completely destroyed this corner of the room he literally goes right down old fireplace I suppose if you lit the fireplace downstairs the heat would come up through that wouldn't it and possibly Heat this room I do think I'm on to something there Crosby Herald Saturday May the 4th 19 that was quite loud wasn't it could have been a neighbor though going to bit excited anyway May the 4th 1946 Lord mayor of open save bread campaign wow this is cool the old ads Army there what happened in 1946 look at the size of this newspaper as well guys it's huge but look at the old adverts Odon Cinema Water [Applause] Gardens I'm trying to look for like prices of stuff but there is no prices cool to see this old newspaper though a woman's Widow wow radio and electrical service or tampons L wow so cool I was looking for prices but I can't see [Music] any but guys what a house what do you think of this place a proper true Time Capsule here in England like it does have prop 60s Vibes in this place it looks like nobody's been in here for such a long time you can see the Decay on the ceiling whatever that was could have been a rat could have been Maybe the owner buddy hell but what a place absolutely amazing we're going to head downstairs check out that out building and see what we can find down there hope you're enjoying it so far guys what a Time Capture okay Explorer so that is all pictures and b-roll done for the video make sure you head over to Adam Mark explores on Instagram and Facebook to see full albums of the places some absolutely banging pictures on there if I do say so myself so just going to collect this stuff up and just check out this back room once we go past that back wall there it is like a public uh Garden kind of thing so the neighbors will see us and that so we're not going to go P too far past there but just check out this back wall back wall back door cuz there's few bits just knocking about here and as you can see this was kind of like a greenhouse I suspect we've got plants coming down plants on the shelves all like uh varnish more shells there as well guy collected we do have a big chest freezer as well here but it's completely covered by this broken down old ceiling there's all pots and pans in this back room which does feel more like a Bloody Chicken Coop more than anything but I think it's just like from back in the day where they just try to add on extend as as cheaply and as easily as physically possible and they've just lasted forever obviously this hasn't been looked after no more so it is starting to collapse you can see the back door's been completely ripped off and reboarded which is a shame and then obviously straight into the house there but guys not much to see in this back area so we are going to leave it here we can't go too far out there otherwise neighbors will see us so I hope you've enjoyed the video guys I aming little terrorist house proper Time Capture Frozen in time everything that we love remember to like comment subscribe hit notification future explores we will be back next week we've got a massive trip coming up with Dale at Escapade so go check his channel out and yeah I think that covers everything see you next week guys [Music] cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 91,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, abandoned house frozen in time, abandoned houses, adam mark explores, Adam mark, Abandoned house America, Urban exploring, urban exploration, Haunted House, Haunted abandoned house
Id: TlyILi0HK7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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