Exploring ABANDONED Japan: Mystery Why 10,000 People DISAPPEARED Everything Left Behind

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] start the video we're the only car on the boat and we're heading to one of the islands ikashima so um yeah we've got about a 30-minute boat ride but we're going to be heading to one of the islands we've only heard thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] crazy to go on an island that literally is pretty much everything is abandoned um so this is the police office so anyone in this medical treatment on the island have to go over to the mainland it's literally everything is an abandoned school just down whoa that's a bad one that's a brand new abandoned laugh all these [Applause] is literally like The Last of Us [Applause] as you can see now on the left would have been all the workers Apartments it was over 2 000 people literally lived on the island it was two thousand was the highest population in this island [Music] I'm a massive cat person love a cat yeah they're all coming no [Music] um [Music] is [Music] I don't know guys so ladies and gents it breaks my heart to say goodbye and leave all these stray cats if we'd known honestly I would have stopped to the shop and we would have got a load of cat food for them we're just taking a walk up the back of here just want to quickly show you so this is where the area as I said we're over 2 000 people would have lived to work it is in the background is now completely shut down since last year the only restaurant that was actually active on their Island the little lady died only two weeks ago so again now that's closed if you can hear that guys actually the wind rushing through the apartments and as you see as far on as the eye can see right up to the end of the island it's literally all abandoned so obviously we're not here to explore the apartments but now she's Sharp you can't even see through there anymore shows you how long this place has been abandoned here so there's the only resident left his name's Stephen what's it like to be the only resident left on this block quiet peaceful yeah it's good cats that I feed here they're all mine imagine being the only person so imagine this whole island hikishima have a look literally a tiny little population of 100 people oh that's roughly um but yeah actually no one left the ghost Island I believe it or not we just found out all the apartments that are left here essentially one one and I'm going to say again one resonant remaining and now is literally just a a real ghost Island that's what it feels like it's quite scary it makes you feel that um that presence that you kind of get in Fukushima again because everyone go behind a barbed wire fence Steve Steve so here we've got a duck it's for all motorbike can I see you see what's going on tell Josh who they call the police if they see okay oh this is for uh Bushido look at that bro so as you said guys we did she just stepped in which would have been one of the workers houses so this is the full living space so I'm guessing here would have been your bedroom the main living room and obviously your kitchen uh sink I don't see a toilet unless that is a toilet okay yeah so this is it it's just all abandoned Apartments but because the island is so small because the island is so small as well look at all these old doors still locked [Music] look at that the letter box is literally barely holding on I'm not sure what this one is for security taking a pee dude you must touch me this is he must have the easiest job so we're just saying that this guy must have the easiest job on the island and the police he imagines one who said to be fair guys the views the work has had was pretty damn sick [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that imagine just living on a tiny little island like this so we're just going into apartment number 69. it's a part of an a now look at these guys how cool are they I've never ever seen a glass coat bowl that big that's so cool I'd actually love to keep that look it's obviously why the guys aren't mine in the coal obviously his wife would have probably been at home you can see how long those leather shoes have been there they're literally all cracked up just looking this side as well look it's a child's doll a basket on the floor little knitting needles and stuff [Applause] shocked at how much stuff is left in this worker's apartment oh wow wow all them Pokemon cards shut up I know dam is in here Disc One you know that you know the floppy disk yeah but they were way bigger damn the original look at that guys oh no okay so this sorry is not the only one but that's the one for our cartridges we've got yeah so one the Dragon Ball Z ones that Josh has got yes that's right there's your console right there that's so cool yeah is there a TV in here how cool is that so that everything is still here so this sorry some of my correction right now this was one of the last residents of this whole apartment block now earlier on in the video you would have seen that I would have put uh said that there's one resident left well this was the last resident everything's still there so her husband passed away which left her remaining here all on her own what's up they left all their stuff can you imagine me and that lady just completely the last one of your Apartments it's insane isn't it well technically the island started in 2000 no it started in 1959 so let's say they came here it's like an action figure here oh what is that all that machine that's a cool one whoa dude this apartment's crazy that's when I was just got a literally the proper album look at this is that the school yeah that's the school building there yeah I don't remember the roof that's great that's crazy the people who once were here look that's the living room there oh yeah it is who's on stereos yeah so it just proves it here there would have been two children live in this apartment with their obviously mum and dad yeah and the schools the schools literally just closed down two years ago there's a kids playing outside all the apartment blocks where's that door mirror there's a school dude you know the roof I'm gonna do it later I'm the best person I'll let you guys do it okay okay that's so sick oh it's funny because I'm over here looking for that stuff down there in the other Josh here this is stereo still in this living room it's crazy wow so many memories left behind I might have been the boss the just all drives around you see children's toys still left behind the windows now just giving up obviously nature just I think this bit I'm gonna ask Esplanade what these are I'm pretty certain there for like the obviously it's their religion sort of having it into the apartment a little pirate but it's like that he's like you just expect Pirates to come over to the island you can see here just by look at this is another photo album I'm gonna pull it out and there's like the ferry Crossing that we came over on business said it would have been a huge Community here as well because obviously everyone would have worked together in the mining industry you probably would have had the odd few workers maybe in a little local shops or as I said the restaurant it's a shame really that family didn't just come and take these instead of just leaving them here to rot away and see our jackets and stuff more and more as you go so it's actually three children in this apartment three kids uh two boys and one girl um but yeah so they all lived in this tiny little space but what else could you ask for nothing we've got Nintendo you've got all your local people your friends and being a very small area as I said there would have been known each other so you could probably just let your kids out and don't worry about them oh no doubt for school yeah so the families would have wrote this for the children yeah so remember the photos guys in the old school pictures actually on top of the rooftop now oh it's actually less windy believe it or not so let's start again so the folks you see earlier on inside one of the importance of the last remaining resin was the kid standing next to the old school building there and you see the drawings it was all their um timetable for school and stuff what lessons they had so uh we're just about to cross this no not really tell Steve [Applause] it's still old roller skates for children [Music] oh there's your sign there left for the workers this would have been like the old medical area obviously if you got hurt and needed medical assistance who'd come down here and obviously to go to the little Medical Center there so what we're going to head to next is the actual Gun Powder Factory the reason it was on the island as I said is the gunpowder was used blowing out the tunnels obviously to for the miners so obviously the first person and the start of working it was in 1959 so 64 years later this abandoned's completely abandoned Market okay it's coming back along the road here look at the staircase there going up to these flats or apartments you could even get up there Arduino if you wanted to so we're gonna head off now we're going to head uh well I'll let you see in a section standing here now let's rewind to 1959 when all these apartments were brand new workers coming over to work the mines families all the kids with their push bikes and playing up and down here now nothing a ghost town so the car I don't think is abandoned you can see that as a residence motorcycle there sitting there and there and there is an actual abandoned van sitting up there look at it all left nothing behind just as we continue to walk around see more Apartments as you can see the old minus Factory we've got too I'm not actually sure what that is what what's the noise so even the clock's still it still Chimes over on the island yeah safe wow it smells really strong fiery smell in here look at this I'm not gonna lie guys we are inside the workers Factory and you can hear all the wood railing away on the roof the light just barely swinging up her hanging on up there it's quite scary actually thinking like it could just all fall down any second so as we work around this inside this place see who the old Machinery is still here as well incredible this bits of building left in the cabinet still has like electrical bits wow who's had some kind of bacon oven there or something I've got for baking cakes look at the old vices on the workers loads of stuff completely left or you would have been the office up there the the guys in charge can you see how the roof would have looked the old wooden paneling up there it looks like it's got a corrugated on top of that you see the workers helmet still here reaches so obviously when there was mine in there you can see the old Minecart rails still left so you can see the wheels up there it would have obviously powered the old conveyor belt bringing up the coal ition sounds scary but yeah so he just said World Records 50 kilometers into a mine and then look at the inside this is you can see all the uh as we were saying earlier in the video the conveyor belt was going up so yeah 22 years later the machines are still sitting wait to be started out fired up and ready to use once more as you can see just actually falling apart completely rotted away just to show you how smoothies are actually quite comfortable surprisingly on this little soft bit of a like levery foam there you go Tokyo there salt agents Korean corporation you think these tiny little carriages so this train would have took the miners up to 50 kilometers an hour which is around about I think 25 miles an hour underground into the old mines just imagine sitting in there and this little box with probably four of workers in this little tiny tiny space wow so we're off to the mines as I said the main guy would have sat here and then he would have took the rest of the workers all in the back cabins up to 50 kilometers an hour don't ever feel about that see when I picture this Factory in this island it's like humans kind of took everything they could from the island all its moist so it's like humans took everything from the island because there was nothing more to give to abandon it this is the same that's happening all over the world things like this I'll show you like a quick route to your house so just walking back past here I've just spoke to um yeah just spoke to Esplanade and he basically said that there are two uh what two residents two apartments still lived in one with a family and one of a single occupant one of the two it's crazy isn't it to think they literally got no Neighbors so we're about to set the cameras up for a picture if you want to see the photos of this place remember head over to abandoned World explorers Facebook link is in description also if you want to see it on Instagram it's abandoned underscore World underscore Explorer here goes and check it out guys as you can see now we're setting up let's get on with it wow guys look still a residence car all right I'm good completely abandoned so just heading over to the little abandoned car it's incredible that a residents it's just up and left left all their car behind and our Nature's taking it back so at the moment we're gonna head down to the hospital obviously Park this Hospital um is still actually active we just found out well I just found out um so sorry this is two sections to the hospital one's completely abandoned and the other side is um still slight still in use but I can't imagine there being a lot of people visiting the hospital but I do know the dentist is there as well so um yeah just be cool to see see the old Telegraph right uh pole pulling it down in the cable just supporting it there I was saying maybe I should buy the island bring it back for holidays how nice would this be to visit the an island like if they've done it all up put nice hotels on here oh wow look even the little Crossroads and traffic lights still working down the bottom of the road but as I said it was only the last two years the school closed down so obviously it would have been The Crossing for the children heading straight from school straight up to the apartments it's amazing though so we have to sneak through quick because the police station is literally there even though there's only uh one or two police officers um obviously they still will get us out of the building so oh long old day it's been about eight hours on This Island today another day in the office as I said you can see it's quite an incline up as well so guys we're smiling at the hospital so you see this walkway here that actually would you have joined you to the section they're still using because there's our way in people this hobby different countries it's nice to actually know someone from the area maybe two years stepping back in time into the old hospital let's get inside so guys we just finally got into the hospital and I am so excited honestly just take a little look not showing you no more let's get on guys this sizes spider G Wizz I'm gonna announce scatter boys foreign corridors of this Hospital um yeah it's real is it live no on a show stay I'll put it in there no I wouldn't have chat to you anyway pick it up hey Steve Steve no no Steve that's horrible no it's not well let's leave so yeah I'm going to take you to the first room in this hospital that I've gone into let's check this out literally everything's still here in this dentist room this was my worst nightmare as a kid growing up literally this is a true story my mum would even bite me I used to run out of the dentist so this Hospital actually shut in 2002. and literally everything is still here look at the way the ivory is overgrown all over the machinery and look at the X-ray bit what is that about it's pretty creepy in there I'm not sure what all these were for these ones here but guys you're all feeling this no one can tell me they like the dentist no one I don't care how big and strong you want to pretend to be no one likes the dentist absolutely oh look at the teeth moldings here yeah it's got a two-flight over growing in the back there you see all molds of people's teeth look at that really really uh in need of some Bridge braces that one is a chunk missing 1998 on that one there KT oh so do you know right so I need a scar dentist in the end when I accepted and I was okay with the dentist this thing here not this one but the the point I used to say I'd only sit on the chair if I'd only sit on the chair if they use only the mirror nothing else look at the injections sitting there still three and here you've got the math um so these would be put like a pate in them and then put in your mouth and it'll take your teeth molding crazy how it's all literally left behind 21 years so abandoned I'm sure these little drawers are equipment I don't know probably compressor bits or something to run on the out the oh hello so she falls teeth there foreign damn projector lamp so just spare parts for the machinery and you can see the uh the dent is going still over there there's a calendar that dates back to 1997. but we just looked up in the history and I think this is a patients nodes here not sure where that is there there's a sealed bottle of black orange juice oh blendy what's the date on that doesn't look too healthy though it's literally stained all the bottle yeah we'll leave that over there what are these tools oh what the hell are these Dentistry I've never seen that stuff before six years ago yes yeah look at Steve's there six years ago Look at me now now look at him now do the same pose [Laughter] oh it's so cool though bro honestly surely this can't be a star fridge though I don't it shouldn't really open fridges in abandoned place okay no it's not it's all like medical supplies I mean it looks a pretty happy tooth shut down that stinks at the freezer so this has got to be one of my favorite rooms anyway so that's just the first room in the hospital let's have a little look around Steve it's all yours this is so cool my man so um walking into this section here this is probably where they may be uh bought the laboratory a little bit maybe tested Bloods and stuff it's definitely weird Contraptions in the medical industry on and it's scary what is this room for so it's got his own little office all the equipment left and that's just this tiny little little room it's amazing little radio playing in there so this looks like some maybe some cleaning device or something put your hands in the side and then you can kind of work whatever you do inside there still using possibly look at the way the laminate's just lifting off the stairs and the old scales they even still work of course they do some 105 kilos in my bag look at this it's like another type of X-ray room that's where the person would stand inside the booth so they're safe and obviously we lay on here for your X-ray for these are actually sure so just coming through the whole way as you can see through the old TV there seems like another office area I'm surprising they haven't taken everything out I was still seeing a lot of documents here a lot of medical equipment I mean surely back in 2002 when this place shut you know they couldn't have used some of the stuff instead of just leaving it here scared me down and just see like fluffy teddy bears left behind I just run looks really cool you can see outside the way the Ivory's just making it really dark and then uh yeah so this is like I would say definitely the laboratory I think the blood samples all would go inside here are you sure that's not blood still in some of these really I just looks like there's still blood in some of these wherever they are just standing on test tubes all broken what is this machine see the door is stuck okay I just a service here I'm just so shocked of as I said I'm sure you a lot of this stuff could have still been used I mean if you know what any of this stuff is medical equipment or any nurses watching or doctors let me know I'll be interested to know and what is that covered there passing the doors sure what that is it's got some kind of here all this it's just like some sterilizing machine just right into um move anything and then it kind of something jumps out on me don't forget to see the seasonings in here as well look all falling down the old computer sat in the corner I hope three one ten does anyone know what that computer is put in the links below show us how many of them would it take nowadays to hold just one picture off of your mobile phone a lot all the keys still hanging up it's a bit of a funky keyring it's abandoned this place is incredible dude yeah so friends yourself because this is good in here man look all this got me think about them now where are they oh that's not legs hanging out there was it now oh shoot yeah they're too big for me though I can see the other egg was before we look at this room if you're suffer a bit of arachnophobia or a skisp and you hit the little spiders that is huge is it oops there's another little spiral up there it was not really that's a baby what between the poles no no over here this around here oh yeah sure so that's about every one of them yeah so yeah just down the end of the hospital look at this like one of the operating rooms so why is chairs like that as well it looks like it's um I thought it's like a maternity um yeah it's a bit like it leads you remember well initially we did you conceal the lines hanging down for the gas this is really cool dude it's probably like one of my favorite places so far it's complete how much stuff is actually left dude I'll get over the size of a spider out there though all the lights just hanging on the ceiling I think 22 years I guarantee if you run the power through this place they would still come on let's just try to work out the stuff in the cupboard there you can see like drip stands still hanging so I dare to open the covered drawers in front of the spiders and jump out of me and what all these tubes when these spiders are going to jump around and then sit on my back the hell is this tool here to try and imagine all the um hold the bits still left the crutches in the corner here if you know foreign this medical bed the operating room and that old light is probably dates back to the 50s when 1959 all the buildings were opened up to the public or the workers should I say that's so cool isn't it it's looking down the corridor of this place foreign so just to work my way in here let's climb over some bits foreign look at this bed okay so yeah this is like a labor board because obviously there's little scales there to wear a baby guys I'm literally seriously impressed this hospital is amazing it's a true time capsule so just coming out the surgical Room by The walled guys I don't want to sound stupid or nothing but what are these please stick in the comments below and let me know what the hell these are used for as if I it's like if they put the lid down and then they spin the arm look at this old it's old case here I'm sure it's got like little safe bits on it so whatever went in that case or is in that case would be seriously something that needs to be locked to have two safe dials and it's crazy this is another like store room also kept new probably new equipment again that was all scarp always in there gone Rusty we're just waking up in his old hospitals I mean striped to a bed soon it was Rusty Rusty equipment that someone's going to operate on you freaks me out foreign let me know I might smell it there really strong it's not abandoned smell like damp molders actually don't even know maybe like a poison smell Steffy looks like this is the area where the science would happen size them all tubes there let's take a look upstairs look at the ivory just come from everywhere it's obviously be brought in for surgery or downstairs and then you'd come up here to just really shocked of how much stuff is to be out there was left behind that's so cool though again another set of old Scouts I look the wards all the patient beds there's stains and some of the mattresses obviously I suppose back in it wouldn't matter so much about hygiene what they're doing today this is all animal feces all over the floor damn this place is literally incredible just can't get over it of how and Nature's really taken back everything we had that room because that looks quite a lot of the Japanese houses or the flooring again she looks like the staff room maybe the staff area because the lockers it's a blood pressure machine there says another Ward you can really smell the Poo up here there's excited cat poo on the bed there or some kind of poo I don't blame them to want to come and stay here again so much equipment so rat droppings everywhere there looks like the cats have clawed all that area as well stinksiness so bad you know that part Machinery is there just rock it to the floor it smells so bad if you have to write your name on the legendary chalkboard yes guys this is where I get really upset about things about all these are literally patience records every person that's come in or lived on this island their records would be a high name DNA probably what blood type everything the way they're just put around you know it's all details and stuff that stuff really should have been destroyed this is absolutely crazy so believe it or not when this was active you'd be able to walk through this like link to the other Hospital but you should see outside it's completely falling down and this was disused from 2020 to 2002. 21 years ago this has closed up obviously it's been probably been the main reception bit there was so cool guys I'm just going to be careful not going over look at a little baby crib still there the reason I'm going to go is the parking out there for the actual hospital so I don't want to get seen in here and get arrested so yeah how many students were here yeah three two three students okay so the school isn't becoming abandoned uh sorry 90 of the school we're finding out stuff as we're doing this explore so 90 of the school is closed but as free students that go to this school three students that still attend the school in ikashima that is crazy that is that is the end of hikishima Island and you know what it's been one of my favorite Explorers so far in Japan as I said if you are new to the channel you enjoyed the video or you want to see me come back to akashima and film some of the other abandoned places then obviously yeah please hit that like And subscribe put in the comments below what you want to see next what I did wrong you know I want to learn by my mistakes so whatever you think that I could have done better please let me know if I could save or obviously all these cats 100 100 would even have to think about it I'll definitely save them um but yes some strange things I just can't get my head around so there's a bus that circulates the island that picks up maybe one two passengers a day that's it the the police station with maybe two or three staff running the whole station but with a quantity of 100 people if that living still here the hotel that we just randomly found out there's one guy staying there he's an English guy the chances of that on an abandoned Island I don't know but yeah it was 20 pounds maybe 26 dollars for the night stay in that hotel absolutely crazy and uh the school it's a huge school as you see in the video we showed you the clip of the school three students in that entire building I just can't see how they can afford to keep what's here going but I'll tell you what one thing I would love to see this back on the map see it thriving again hotels maybe completely modernize the island it'd be such an amazing place for a holiday destination but um yeah as I said guys if you're new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe and there's definitely be another part coming back to the island I'm still absolutely amazed I really am just me and the cats but don't forget guys to follow us on all social medias at Banner World explorers Facebook abandoned underscore World underscore Explorer Instagram Tick Tock at Banner World Explorer Snapchat CD all on the screen all links are in description the lovely loads stay safe [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 56,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U8nx7bW4Dqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 22sec (4162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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