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so another day another mansion thanks to my man Ben Chucky's check his Instagram page at the link will be in description so no laces forgotten there you go so we are in a Russian we believe it's Russian owners I think so yeah Russian values and by the looks of it when we look round or we've already had a little quick like scoot around and we've noticed so much that it makes me think they've up and left in or such a hurry like something Rudy's gone quite serious here me and the doors have been hacked in like you know they I don't know that someone was after I don't know it's just really bizarre how this place stopped for years now no one's been here and you know we've kept an eye on it for a little while and we've spoke to people and locally and they don't seem to know where they went so then if you know any more about no it's just pretty much a mystery but that makes a good explore a mystery house and it is amazing and like you might see already in this video staff you think there's no dust I can tell you know there's definitely dust as mold as decay no ceilings falling down and whose spine isn't dead for us but yeah and I'm out with Tommy's gonna be his first Explorer my man Tom so none of you seen him I've seen him on my little scooter Instagram videos but hopefully it's gonna be on a few more explores anyway I'm gonna stop trying and this going explore this mansion welcome explorers another video the Russian Fermi disappeared did they just walk off or were they forced that is something that I was still unaware but after speaking to the laborer after the Explorer he said to me bad things happened here and after walking around this place seeing doors folks entry and locks on every door maybe they were imprison aiding people we don't know but it's such a beautiful house with such weird ending why there's just so much stuff left exploring to me is like owning the DeLorean from Back to future I get to step back in time into people's lives and it just amazes me every time be safe guys love you all and after lockdown as soon as I get off this chain to be loud again I promise you I'm going to bring you the best videos that I can so remember after the video hit that like share it with your friends and families who might like my stuff love everyone of you and a massive clap to the NHS and everyone else who's the key workers doing your job my heart is with all you guys just soldiers you deserve a medal anyway love you all guys take care and stay safe and give your loved ones a message let alone you care see you also [Music] [Music] explorers coming through the front door you see this church tiles door and it's beautiful seed in here with the beams in a stained glass window so and this is just a little I don't know a lot little polish kind of bit on the house and you can see here is another door going into the main area so you can see again a beautiful this place and already been greeted by this gorgeous rock with the parquet flooring you know and this is expensive this stuff but the reason I said in the intro what I found out about this place is it feels like this family was forced out of this house you know I don't know if they were involved in something serious because obviously it was a Russian family I don't know but it just seems by the door there has been busted in and his like rooms we've looked rather than so many ways they've literally busting in doors like like if they was trying to get hold of the family we're gonna speak to some of the locals as well we're gonna find out try and find a little bit more about this place and why it's abandoned it's such a beautiful house a lot of decay and a lot of stuff a lot of valuable things left behind and that says to me if you can just up and leave this amount of stuff and you were definitely even in a hurry so as you can see or what I was saying about it's like force entry into the doors now there's ceilings literally just falling down and we've got a roughly around a four to five years this place has been abandoned to me it's been a lot longer that's what we've been told so many stuff locked books this is probably like what his office maybe where he worked where she worked or you know a little study area for the kids now we believe there are two children just so much stuff even old mobile phones it's like a Mac keyboard death so bizarre it just makes you wonder as well like why you know what do they do so bad these are all data properties so as I turn into this living room Tom this room is amazing the money in this room from the rocks from the floor to the ceiling you imagine the light that is probably what's up there and maybe been stolen I don't know but the drafts imagine sitting there playing that piano sipping a lovely English cup of tea while looking at your beautiful garden and the views in this property is absolutely amazing like all the way up which will hopefully go out there and show use even the plants were left so Alderman's no cars it's a draft set of chess pieces on it and look at this furniture it's absolutely gorgeous it's like an old bar like in you know like a bar area yes and that would open up it's not going to open up and here we've got I can see where that is so [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] that sounded out saying help us what is that about so much that she's saying he'll burn and coffee on there man that is crazy that's give me the chills that tape recorder this gorgeous lamp and you can see that anyone who says about the tust in this room guys there's cobwebs there's cracks in the walls here you can't even see on the camera I don't think there's like a whole sheet of cobwebs above my head and then we've got over here the damp in the ceiling but the sofa is quite considerably clean still and here you are the globe on a chessboard table so it'll see me right there a lovely picture frame very religious family as well we don't actually know the names of these family lives here and if I did I don't think I'd want to say that's quite late I suppose remember these cyclones oh is that mark hi mate I'm in a mansion you're not here let us thank guys put in the comments below let down I want to see in capital le t do WN let there kidding but yeah she's still kid food come along little oh and these paintings here look at these the one piece must have been must have got a bit broke there and it's just not a be fine and bone china england it's probably an expensive set though i don't know i'm not very into me vintage antiques i don't know and again here that there's another set here hell of a rug and you can see just out there how much it's overgrown then how nature's live she just pop him through the window and his parquet flooring runs everywhere for it and you can see that it would telescope here so cool another quality just on each chair as well it's not a bit of damage there but this a shame that the damps ruin all the paintings as well while I like as well this all for each door is quite caught and look at the size of these doors we got most time rows are most time so I'll just put my mask over my face because this room has got quite a bit of molding and again look at the doors it's like force entry it's like songs it's not the scene off the shining like his Johnny he's coming through the door something's gone down here some series how much stop here I've got a fireplace yeah he's nothing there doing his job here's Tommy oh so here we've got the t's sent here the lamp the fireplace is absolutely gorgeous look at this and the mirror surrounded by the world it's all here then we've got two gullies nothing at all absolutely beautiful and forgive me if they're not called goalies I don't know I believe that's what they're called back into this living room it's amazing it really is and some of the stuff here sorry even some of this stuff on the floor there's a button of pins and these statues they are the horse and then on the horseback it's beautiful it's incredible looking at decay in there as well imagine enemies doors open on a beautiful summer's day looking out into the beautiful garden and then back into the beautiful living room this is one of the most beautiful spots that I've done a long time again and here a coffee table this is a cool spot then it's pretty nice I liked it and guys he's wearing the hoodie he's a life is beyond it he's a part of abandoned world explora now playing the links below net Ben Z as well if you want to see plenty more videos and more types and then yeah chucking the link let me see it we've done a lot together there but obviously is off camera quite a lot you don't see him but he's with me most of the time so and obviously we're gonna have Tom in the camera more as well look it's beautiful piano like all the effect not the all the designs on it it's got like a bit of an orient all the sort of feel to this piano and in like the stall as well I mean here that they're not i but christ take time to be holy so again i'm dislikes church church hymns and stuff here other kitties toys as well it's things like this as well this toy light might as well like Toy Story you know when they're unloved anymore and I get put in a loft and all Iraqi dolls yes Maggie loves reggae dolls dolls like you I mean it just proves that money like when I was a little odd a little probably a piece of wood with wheels bolted to it I mean this is a little call Electric mini and me and Ben are doing this on Finance so if any of your interest in this mini is one owners low mileage and so definitely an ideal first car look at this corpse hanging down you wouldn't think this is the same hallway to the place to the living room we've just come out and look at the utility room the ceiling is literally falling down yeah we threw the cobwebs just to get ran a picture frames here home in as well and mold into cave there and again more cobwebs although you don't see cobwebs but this is what the sort of stuff we're walking through just to show you now guess this was the CCTV outside but um so I've been eating peanuts look at the kitchen this is just like some agai chainsaw massacres kitchen it's absolutely rotten yeah look at this the string of cobwebs hanging down you're going to think this is the same hallway to the place to the living room we've just come out and look at the utility room the ceiling is literally falling down and here through the cobwebs just to get round the picture frames here home in as well more than 2k and again more cobwebs I know you don't see cobwebs but this is what the sort of stuff we're walking through just to show you now guess this was a CCTV outside and it's not I've been eating peanuts look at the kitchen this is like some guy Chainsaw Massacre kitchen it's absolutely rotten and look at the ceilings the ceilings are literally falling down here it's incredible and when you look around the sides have things inert this the pots wasn't even cleaned up it's like the last one they cooked in the place still with bits of I was rotten food on dishes in the dishwasher sorry in the sink Wow so you don't they've had a clean so this is probably the last time this is crazy and after all we're just sweeping it up and seeing it all back in its form a ball could be nice sort of satin black round these beautiful sort of body color tiles there's a mobile phone imagine switching it on maybe reading some of the messages they've got I thought I had to lean I don't want to touch nothing in this kitchen just absolutely cry [Music] by the word explored guys welcome to the kitchen Dave's kitchen so now I'm cooking up some beautiful grime so beautiful I don't know let's find something you need to cook you dinner if you want up dinner with me put that comment below so guys I'm rocking the new tracksuit bottoms today ìwe match will be coming soon saving the home track suit so so pretty sunny appetizing so welcome to the kitchen of grime it's a straight out the kitchen and straight into another room and here that can see the old-style plaster it's just a lychee Fornell what's the floor and an always all bubbling up to the mold in here this is why I've got my peepee free mascot I never finished my own rubbing bags or bags of stuff there maybe and some of the furniture look at this so stone with a nope I don't know that plastics off so a reproduction if something is meant to look Punk we add a note that the fireplace on the love and a beautiful angel there just look at the mold booming up on the side of that door there it's like it's like they were in a hurry not packing stuff quick to take with him we feel them as em guys playstation tuned and put the flags back home we touch anything it was disgusting yeah they're never been done guys we start heading upstairs fridge as well gorgeous fridge for decay up here look at hobbies just walking past it all wallpapers just falling off five sheets Tom oh hey no rotten or silver throw and I'm gonna first throttle yeah really so we can't even get in this room tom was just saying he's working out that they had people here they were maybe renting rooms or locking them in their rooms they're not finger lapsing and it's like I did something wrong where they didn't want him to leave I don't know what's wrong see the shoes are still there weird innit some clothes and stuff there so simply put I found outside the Paris come on oh is it so it's not they read like maybe although you never know if it's not illegal workers or yes so maybe they're not illegal people living here or legal workers I don't know there's something that happens some serious artists is knowing that the bathroom doors got locked away like a lot look at this this is seriously folks entering why did the people leave what is really going on shoes you know what size 70 Wow then we're just sitting there playing your PlayStation on that let me rock it some a bit of us it's a piece of you know why the cut the balls just pulled off a wall so I'm saying imagine it your bedroom being up there look at that so I think we should get a bath the Opera said incredible there's so many doors I never do that almost as far as knocked as well what's going on why are they still what they hiding what's going on is there this is someone in the cupboard sounds don't whatever they do with my bucks at my back I weigh 90 2.0 you so I cut what's up to 10 kilo kilogram oh that's beautiful bath Jacuzzi hot sauna jacuzzi tub in your house my just sitting there drinking and looking at you garden look at the views nice raisin I love it with the decoration that I've done it here is where it gives it that you know a lot of sort of great song when is what do they call it when you sign up think the spying and all they're not Mediterranean also on Mediterranean sort of fill it on I'll give you a tenner if you brush to know it's pretty Charles - why what is it then to say brush your tooth these right brush your teeth well that was charging it is actually charging right it says mines there's an arts come on here so if you put that cotton bug in your yeah Nicky we got our right knee room right [Music] with a massive TV to another bathroom I'm going to show you the bathrooms and we've all seen bathrooms but just each bathroom has got again not a Mediterranean beautiful feel again it's got a jet bath these people have money a lot of money and the property in the air in this place I'll put it at these probably 4 million to 5 million six million dollars five million dollars something although I mean look at this this is again like a little office room not the chairs in it punches right I did opener so that Tommy's the cleaner here he's give us access to the place but guys please as well don't get traded so anything you see me and Tom do we are literally you know you just pick the iron up we're just playing around the same as a bathtub we don't do any harm we restrict we respect the place fully but though we have her a little bit of laughs but I feel sometimes you've got to have a little bit of a laugh it makes you feel about anyway back in here this a lot a little utility room again loads of clothing I mean they were definitely behind on the ironing so if anyone wants any merch we've got the new textile shirt we've got the red check the cost the cost sure we're doing it how much of these free for a fiver now we're not staying in nothing leaves remember we come in with nothing we leave nothing but footprints and we're not even leaving footprints but you know so many books so many things the ghost of the balls the miracle of or Bride & Prejudice the Blackbird so many different books so drugs science and society all these should we save books and stuff that other days but they should there shouldn't be left here why why leaving lightest to decay and rot so much again have more books behind the door CDs all the members of Star Wars looking down this grand step well that's the beautiful staircase it's not grand staircase but the light and the ceiling I'm loving these art style walk the hallway as you go down and here imagine your music playing if it was market be I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world why he's sitting on his bed we marched over and Tom actually as well now we should have a pajama party yeah some of these clothes in it it's just so much stuff I can't I just can't get over it I'm gonna keep stressing there's so much stuff here that's like they bagged that close to leave and then the doors hat smashed in light so get into each room like someone was really after these people I don't know what's gone on finding different names here as well it's not they've kept people locked in rooms we don't know we don't know it just maybe guessing I back over it seems so weird there every door is securely locked and they've all been smashed into they've got these people out I don't know what's going on some more books here somebody's very dated as well the Holy Bible again singer deodorant whoa never sit in that links it is absolutely amazing coming up here and sit here [ __ ] is it well Game Boy Advance Nikita Jill this room maybe not a little office you know any context slightly will control you that is it what I knew a helicopter there call I love these it it once what is this it's at playing cars or school science eyes what is this Norrish again so we think there may be like an office room wall so how do we get to a phone again but with a little teddy bears it's like just sitting there way in a little mini mass in the drawer there waiting for a little owner to come home employee makes to be sent out of the office room heading up to the third floor second floor it aquellas so bad you know I'll be taking Batman the other set of stairs rooms there's a lot of things again it's just y-you know that these people were evicted safe they would have took stock shorting again that views for seniors all like a bugs in bits and pieces obviously looks like a guy would have stayed in this room maybe so we just come out a little room there I've just changed my battery my camera's hence while stop recording look at the commies yeah father look at this yeah how cool is this is a proper man cave or a woman's cave we're gonna be sexist fridge full of beers drinks whatever massive TV from downstairs up here PlayStation 4 for its an empty box but we can get a Playstation up there and then put it all that here ready to play poker table we are ready to go so read this as well as like about limited private companies as well hm revenue the electric reclining chairs a burnin world Explorer over an hour eleven asleep comfortable this is crazy this place how is it even abandoned forget about Indiana Jones tonight their PlayStation the dinosaur story and then we've got so much I've never seen that the deer huh remember guys if you're watching this video please don't forget to like the video how'd you tube works under ask begging for likes but how YouTube works is my toe won't run without your support and I need your support that little thumbs up please if you enjoy the video days but it's amazing I'm loving it anyway let's go and see what the outside brings us I'm asking of me those poker chips got boxing gloves here there's some weights telethon all right we're gonna head outside I think we've done the whole place Jay this is the final set of stairs I wanted to take you down we didn't come up with these all go down so well it's just a shape a basement really pretty isn't it all right we're passive Wiseau standing outside the front of this beautiful property a driveway down to this place just to look under this house it's absolutely gorgeous I love the style at his house the cameras no way whoa I think this can't be the keys to this car it's okay there you go better work this floor we've got our new Explorer wagon it's the ignition key as well it's absolutely crazy I'm gonna leave it in the door pocket action really got the key to a car that's complete you fight imagine if it started I'd be worried actually it's been here for quite a while in this car here also two registers 2012 it's just obviously owned this may be on Finance and they've just literally got away and we just shot off quick the outside seating area is completely overgrown I love this that the old furniture is left out it's a walk this is a fairly nice looking car I mean you've got the old Astra this is a lotus effort is that Louis yeah is it Lotus Esprit I said no I don't know what they call I've asked were a few feet would you draw on it how about the a Vectra LS all the out for a Mary look at this this is part of the house as well we believe which is like an earth or room I don't know maybe an annex or something I don't know we're gonna check it out anyway this is not another area imagine how that barbecues out here and loving these cast iron sort of gates here again it's got life at Mediterranean you know like Spain when you can see outside without these little bits outside of the front of their houses or the side but they do their barbecues welcoming guess like a little shed there over the heating system talk over everybody can't we just find ya how much is it Tom's doing his research how much for your car how much for the Astra fifty quid scrap unfortunately scrubs de Vecchi unfortunately is scrapped the Alfa probably scrapped as well so okay I thought this was an annex it's actually like a games room snooker table I was lucky to have the bags ooh like new shoes it's a psycho sort of a cow bits and pieces in there more shoes so it's not another little annex little living area is absolutely incredible though it really is to see a beautiful pool table I'm the furniture and look at the paintings over there and stuff Hollywood popcorn machine there to see the some sort of no I didn't know if there's another Chinese websocket sort of Chinese chess board this trimmer is beautiful [Music] for your corridor Santa nature's just busted for the seating of a room never TVs washed out it's not really just paint in there there's so much stuff you feel like wow so as you can see I don't to climb over too much in here it's like throwing all in leave it so much stuff is a lot ps2 thing over there there's an Xbox crystal loads of Star Wars books just closed and from loving his chest on its buried and I don't dig it out I don't I miss around the beautiful sort of not vintage chest of an old CRT the room that we could really get into for the lives you have a seat nature's a blue sea [Music] that's a little bit just crazy how you can just up and leave and leave all this stuff these will not transform isn't it yeah low to them your mother why why would people have those Oh first I thought they were cameras okay close in here hanging up this wall have it in the box yeah so much probably so much stuffing is unbelievable it's just all left a lot pillows and stuff I love this coffee table well I feel we got a little tour around the outside because I'm starting hiding in there such a beautiful house I want to be a bit quiet around here because there's a neighbor's house just out of that and just there imagine having parties and barbecue sitting ahead somehow saying you imagine your daughter's at it play out here for hours and hours boys did you lose it that's another thing there is there's a little summer house there and see just our overgrown the places so don't say too much stand aside but we just noticed our cybersecurity consciousness camera saw two or four on every corner something seriously was going on there what's up Explorer so hopefully you enjoyed that video that was absolutely amazing enjoyed every minute of it and the story is so crazy to think like what has actually happened there we still can't get heads around it but to me it just feels like they were forced out at that place I don't know but there's so much stuff in there why would you leave everything behind even your toothbrush if you're gonna up and leave some you're gonna take you to thrush so hope you enjoyed it remember to hit that like and subscribe the more likes the YouTube will obviously get me more noticed and obviously yeah make my channel get bigger I can show you better places I want to show you more places like this and if you want to keep seeing more from me Tommy and Ben obviously then hit that like and subscribe to donate then obviously it don't ask for any donations but if you wish to as people do ask me if they can donate so if you do wish to there is a patreon abandoned world Explorer and also there's a PayPal link as well all in the description guys and anyway love you always follow me on Facebook a ballon world explorers and Instagram abandon world Explorer and also check out as I've said Ben's places forgotten places and check out Tommy just check out Tommy he has a guy any but check out Tommy anyway love you all guys stay safe see you soon love you load hello people hope you enjoyed that video remember if you enjoyed it please show YouTube that you care and hit that like for me help me grow share with your friends and family family and loved ones are the most important thing in this world make sure you send them all a message and let them know you care no one knows how long we've got left on this earth so please try and enjoy every day as you can put on a smile if you need to get out the house just go for a walk and enjoy nature take care love you [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 495,915
Rating: 4.9188671 out of 5
Keywords: PEOPLE JUST VANISHED, FAMILY DISAPPEARED, ABANDONED MILLIONARES MANSIONS, BELGIUM, ABANDONED HOUSE, HAUNTED PLACES UK, QUARANTINE, COVID 19, ABANDONED PLACES, ABANDONED SECRET, EXPLORER, URBEX, steve ronin, exploring with josh, explomo, properpeople, top 10, top 20, abandoned cars, abandoned world, abandoned theme park, abandoned in the jungle, documentary, untouched, pewdiepie, music, BROKEN WINDOW THEORY
Id: Tv2wfTQjnV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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