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so today ladies and gentlemen we explore a beautiful mansion and it's not just a mansion here this family was so rich they had their own freaking theme park but one thing they did do it was open to all the public as well so welcome to Holland Village to welcome back guys today we are in a huge Square which is base designed on buildings from Holland but he said oh just about the buildings while we're here today this is actually a massive theme park that closed down I don't quite know but just looking around of how much decay's here I would say at least 10 years but what we're going to do today we're going to take you around the whole place try and work out a little bit more of the history and uh yeah show you inside just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who supported me make sure you go ahead and follow me on all social medias links are all in the description now let's get on with the video hello explorers and now let me tell you about this couple and how he had a dream to build his own theme park in his beautiful mansion so now follow me for this absolutely beautiful story so around 1980s he was a very rich businessman traveling around Europe where he went to Holland and met a beautiful Japanese girl who was studying their love grew and they came back to Japan and in 1985 they bought this land where he built his mansion on where he created his own theme park but because their love started in Holland and she absolutely loved Holland he built and designed this place he built buildings based on Dutch style buildings where people from Japan could come here and experience what it's like to be in little Holland hence the name Holland Village sadly around 15 years ago when his wife passed away and their two children had grown up he was alone here where apparently he was very very sad and quiet he shut the gates and left this place and never returned leaving is now a complete Ghost Town and letting mother nature take back please watch all the video guys and let me know your thoughts as this place is absolutely amazing and don't forget to leave me a comment yo what's happening Explorers so another sunny day in nagas Nagasaki get it right so it's another beautiful day in Japan we're actually in a town called Nagasaki Nagasaki Nagasaki [Music] I'm learning on the Japanese guys as you can see we're two men down but we have got them I am Steve Harwin so don't worry about the other two who won anyway is it Josh and done with it remember now [Laughter] oh I'm just kidding um so they're taking a rest day today hololand and it is as Steve said a recreation or of um basically Dutch Village Holland so yeah the theme parks based on uh like a Dutch City Dutch town Dutch little houses okay it recreates Dutch buildings it would display his life size Old Dutch buildings okay so yeah it's basically a recreation of the Netherlands and it's full-sized Dutch buildings let's go and see it in if we find out if we don't then obviously don't see a video let's just get on with it how cool is that how they've turned literally a windmill into one of the fairground rides this is like super exciting that we get to come and visit here and you think the family views as well the beautiful bit of the lake right there to your left right it's a bit of a memorial there or graveyard it's just kind of strange to be in the theme park and this it was one of the current owners and stuff we've literally walked down here and we're now going to just go inside or at least have a look around the mansion look at the solid I engaged to this place you think the gate lights have all been lit up there's even like a camera keeps shaking the mancion which Mason I think's house in France look at that it's a beautiful like weather dial I think it's sort of weather dial they call it it's got the wind bit on top you can see the uh Roman numerals inside absolutely beautiful so this would have been a seriously wealthy family but the weirdest thing about this explore we know nothing about the actual history of why these people just completely disappeared hello foreign ERS jackpot this is MJ Michael Jackson he's got his own theme park we are in Neverland guys check this out for a living room holy smoly oh wow Guys these chandeliers this is the icing of the cake this is absolutely beautiful those chandeliers all that woodwork on the ceilings guys honestly I am so impressed imagine having this is your living room I'd have a full man cave in here I'd have all my retro games everything's set up in here this would be absolutely amazing to honestly I'm absolutely amazed of how cool this place looks just give you an idea imagine those lights on the sparkle on the ceilings and you think this room and it was all fully furnished having like entertainment parties everything going on here so just imagine all three of these lights lit up all one two three seven eight nine ten eleven twelve five four eight twenty to one right about 21. 63 lights all lit up and then you've got your wall lamps for that cozy evening just coming into the hallway that staircase is absolutely beautiful incredible and you think the two doors at the top there with the light shining through the ceiling so this is obviously a Japanese millionaire and he's got me he's got two freaking Villages outside all his a mansion and look at the size of this place so this would be literally my music room my dance studio everything not that I dance but you know what I mean you get look at the old bar stools not not digging the color here though it's a bit too uh too Peach for me but what I don't want you to get in here look at the marble flooring and you see the dust about him this place has been abandoned but absolutely incredible why is this room oh it's like a random what's it say a lot of random room the toilet this might be like Resident Evil all the staircase that the family room talked you can see this picture frame lights it just makes you wonder what artwork had on the walls to turn the camera around this way as well look at the mirrors oh wow what I would do to own this place look at that ceiling there all the glass light so we won't go out next we've got a fishing boat or a boat but look at the balcony imagine standing there obviously all the greenery is overgrown that but you'll just sitting all the lake from here oh wow guys so imagine it's all brought up to date as your bedroom said your morning views would be out there across that Lake which you would have seen on the Drone this is called crib Steve what do you think if this is your place if you could move this house to the state now I mean I would just want to renovate this place and live here and repair the V park behind me I think that'd be really cool that'd be so cool man yeah as I said imagine if you can move this house to where you are in Boston like how you do it how would you do this place up if you could cook you could cook yeah exactly you could call it the Ronin mansion because there's another little room here you can see the mold or appearing on the ceiling there's like a tapestry on the wall so that was the staircase I passed downstairs but it looks like it goes up on a third floor probably like an attic room as we call it in the UK a loft yeah these rooms really need sort of changing even at front garden is beautiful but it's just very dated in it I do like old I love um sort of old vintage buildings but I think this one could do a bit of love look at that again across the land in there all down near the staircase foreign love these sort of type ceilings because you'd have all the lighting up there imagine this beautiful house at Christmas as you're going to front door a massive Christmas tree sitting up on the landing and a huge shower bathroom look at this wow it's like some random tap so I'm guessing there was a bathtub or something there at one point or just maybe a washing facility of taps if you think the size of this place they're just huge rooms you could really change this place around so Steve found a way into the balcony foreign as well as I said you couldn't be any more nature than this it's it's so in the countryside this place as I said all your legs and the garden you can imagine when it was this is all wild bushes but when this is all cleared you can see all through the trees it gives you an idea the back end of this place as well no I don't know what this bit was used for there's a lot of teddy bears mascots sorry from the theme park so obviously you put your head mask on some creepier and you see how long this place has been empty the aircon units that she'd fallen out the ceiling foreign figurines everywhere here we are actually just in the basement oh I think this is oh no it's all the star signs in the uh look at that how beautiful is that probably the Old Clock maybe off on the tower bits how much if you just come alive and chase me with that hammer I feel it I've got a nice concrete statue there as well and mirrors really freak you out because as you move around you think someone's standing there yes we are actually just in the basement of this place so working around the back of this mansion just going to show you as well before it's been around on the house so you think when this property was probably up and running and you can see it's been abandon for a long time the street lamps in there but they would have had a whole view of this beautiful Lake as we spin around that look at the back of his house that's pretty incredible to be fair there's another rooftops down there so this is what the owner I think was owner was trying to get from this place as you see it's uh a full little dutch houses but what I say I try and visualize as I said this magic families and everyone coming down here now apparently the owner this is all we do know that he was very into entertaining people so he would be walking around the park and enjoying himself with the locals wow I can't even go over it yeah so we couldn't go across that way as you can see it's absolutely rotten um we're just going to try a with Steve spotted another escalator out here so I'm gonna try and head down though so this will take the escalator down it's just here the amount of leaves on the steps so it's going to go straight to the wrong Pier again pretty sad damn such a shame probably me and Steve were never satisfied because we always want to show you more and we could possibly get around these houses Steve I mean look at that there hello that's pretty cool the outside in Holland Village the character shop because like anyone's been in this shop for a long time but look at that see the dust in here just floating around in the air loving all the cartoon characters look at the pirate in a corner with the head had the boy on a stick this is a PG Channel guys how was that probably win hope okay there's all the bathroom area this looks like another like cafeteria or something you think the size of those Timber that we use to the the Basin issue you'd think it'd be quite safe but you can't trust it no they're just saying so Hollow let me look it's a shame as I said wouldn't it be cool though to put this place as I kept saying in the video back on the map quite a banging keeps frightening I'll make sure I'm on the concrete are not up here I've got him six or fill his leaves yeah this whole section soon won't be long it's all going to come down look at the building over there with a date on it chocolate house 1992. that's my place right there the chocolate house and you can see in this section as well it's in a whole lot literally falling down so sad as well because over there it's concrete again I don't know how to get over there I really want to check the chocolate house out like really really bad oh [Music] if anyone's seen the original Lampoon's Vacation that's what it feels like we drove 14-hour flight maybe 14 hours of driving it's good to have been part that was closed sorry what's that we probably have to be careful if like the boat comes be careful walking on this as well because I think the water runs under it so rotted guys look how beautiful this carrots really you think a lot of these horses are like hand painted and quite a lot of people doing now they strip these down and they sell them [Applause] oh wow I they're literally so beautiful I've got a touching but you can see the old paint there flaking off one of the cartwheels are just barely holding on and see how long it's been here as well I've got all the decking she rotted [Applause] okay foreign got right back to when I was a kid you think all the music going all the lights flashing away sad isn't it I'm actually sitting on one of the horses and you just want it to turn on and just take me around and up down so cool so just kind of the view done it'd be like Dad dead Steve dad he's ignoring me dad look at me Dad he doesn't want to play so you imagine back in the day or when this place was thriving they had a beautiful probably water future there water fountain going all these probably may have been little shops and stuff probably a live music or stuff going on under the canopies you could see just the straps hanging from the old canopies dad Country Roads Take Me I stopped it I was calling you Dad dad you're not dead you picked me up at a strange car and told me you was my father I've not paid [Laughter] I'm too heavy I probably am too heavy I probably am see that part of the fixture there the really huge cracks in the fiberglass of them I can see like the pier well I'll call it a pier we call it that up here in the UK but it literally drops straight into the water below so you don't really know what's safe to walk on anymore and uh it gives you an idea just how rotten it is I love this look at this though it's so beautiful I'm not being funny as well it's something I'd love to rescue imagine Satan at home restoring all the wood painting it all back up you can see the metal bars there just between Steves they're completely rotted out where the base is obviously dropping and just put stress onto the metal poles eventually it probably just all all slowly fall down I'm gonna try and step around this pole damn you see how rotten is I don't even know how that's holding up I literally just walked past and the lamps about to fall off do you think obviously brings back a lot of memories obviously this is like you probably where you put a lot of the kids why you enjoy yourselves or kids complain again the flooring so I don't know how far this drops you can see that I mean that looks like it drops quite a way down there oh I don't know here's the bottom look at right in this place until the kids would have played in here for hours I don't want to walk over there guys the flooring's so bad you can hear it just a whole lot is literally moving as I'm stepping around in here clever like kids kids there oh it's the same area but that gives you an idea now how bad it is that whole thing is going hi son I told I told you no more right [Laughter] what a pain pill you can imagine that when these were all painted up as well nothing fresh I don't want to hang on to this but just to show you what's the base is literally as you can see this is the um obviously uh control panel for the uh carousel oh it's always terrible here as well would be amazing if you could get a power on so just working your way around get attacked the bushes damn foreign I've had quite a few comments in the past before so why'd you put birds and effects in videos but I really don't honestly I don't never put any sound effects in I'm sure these buildings hard enough touching the door handles so it just shows you maybe after when the place started shutting down they started storing a lot of stuff away I mean by looking at Rotten this place is I mean this has been empty for a long a long time this is not quite sure oh that's the tall area as I say this side here it's got a kite in it maybe you can leave your baby in it while you go off around the rides it's a bit random in the toilets or maybe you put your child in there while you're going to toilet look at the huge mansion there up there there's like another windmill as well it's a shame we can't even get around to them parts anymore it just gives you an idea now straight in the drink as they say so up there there's a stage all for the obviously live performances so this has been a real fun time for Japanese people I'd imagine coming here even people across the world coming over to see this beautiful theme park as I said it's right next to the lake imagine it live entertainment all these little shops or food areas thriving around here you've got the water feature in the middle you've got the carousel going in the background all the music just around the corner you've got the ride that looks uh a huge windmill who is absolutely beautiful not sure what the big tank under there maybe a Cess pit tank I'm not sure [Music] [Applause] so that's what I like bringing in my videos I don't just want a video in place I kind of want you to feel the place if that makes sense so as I'm walking around here I want you to feel like I'm taking you with me but I also try and bring life back to these places I know it sounds crazy but I would now picture well okay so picture now it's a dark night right guys picture this so it's night time all the stars are out to clear beautiful night the moon's sitting just above the lake very bright all the lights are lit up under here there's music going on there's people dancing around on the wood the little Lantern here in front of me is standing up straight lights on in the background you see the um so in the background there you see the windmill spinning round all the lights on and the buildings the beautiful Carousel all the lights going the music coming from it you know how Carousel saying they sound amazing probably a queue for the carousel it's just amazing isn't it but look how Nature has completely really claimed in this place weeds growing up through everywhere so as I said I don't know what the connections are with Netherlands or why they wanted that theme maybe they're just like the buildings sad isn't it really all the things built just no more just left abandoned I don't even know how to get around to the old staircase anymore it's up to the windmill but I'm definitely going to try I wonder if we can whoa guys the size of these spiders I don't even know where that went that was huge look at the size of that bear in mind it's huge let him alone oh and as far as I know they're called huntsman spiders and we're obviously too clued up on the spider scene but I do know they do jump from trees they do jump on your back and apparently they're like a ride oh give me the staircase let you hear it breaking under my feet so you kind of got the same scenario up here stand where the beams are so obviously the Cure people the ticket office there try and stick to the beams should be okay who says because there's a long way down if I do fall put it that way all right gotta stop here a minute but look at that I mean that's that's freaking hot as well so I use the heat Riser as a kid so I was that child my parents wanted to take me to the theme park and I'd be the one that doesn't want to go on any rides but there you go they finally made it up here it's pretty skeptical though pretty sketchy I mean standing here wondering if any minute the flooring is just gonna go nah I'm gonna drop here [Music] [Music] probably couldn't see it as I was coming up look at the staircase it's like a fight but the bushes just to get down it ah I'm trying to move the trees too much because I don't want to disturb them huge spiders so it fell down the back but I'm not fussed about spiders but definitely don't want to get one jumping on me just coming back down just to check out if I missed anything look at this it's still Priceless food menu sitting out here chilling so just put the menu up there now I think it looks a bit better there so yeah we're gonna head up and walk around up the top to the right just standing here you can see the original name of the park there Holland Village so it would have been probably a map of the whole park look at the walkways areas that people would have walked and would have been probably Immaculate swept clean this is another set of gates there probably another entrance to the park it's really beautiful it's so peaceful here so just coming down the slope look at this old windmill she's ride bad you see the Top's about to fall off bro it's a picture of Us video Cameron [Applause] this definitely would have been a very very cool place again another room possibly for live entertainment there's some artifacts stood in the cabinets oh some photos and stuff all Left Behind seeing some of these buildings absolutely wrecked that's the old sign up there that SC issors something the way the ivory is just grown in there here's koala nature literally just takes over everything so there's the pizza shop that I originally went in and here's another building full grown tree needed going through that one it's beautiful buildings it's all been boarded pretty well it's a cafeteria but we respect that never try a full Sentry so this water is flooding out this place foreign into another building okay so this building's so big but it looks like again another kind of theater area it's kind of weird how the wooden steps go up there along and then drop down there then another set of steps over there it's higher beam ceiling future city if I had no idea what this would have been used for so if anyone's ever visited um Holy Land please please put in the description below let me know if you've been here and what this was used for was this kind of a a room they held events it's huge I can see lifts here and staircase going up there and you can see the back of this door is completely wide open so I'm shocked there's not like monkeys jumping around in there because there was definitely one earlier on the escalator I could hear him this is that backstage [Applause] yes there's just different areas of the core you can feel the heat in here so it's in the Loft area but yeah I don't need to go in there so you just step here oh it's about to give way okay I don't actually know what this room was used for today it's not an old pump bit there maybe it wasn't for performing I don't know I think it had to be some type of performance it must have been used for something such a huge area but in this area here looks very nice seating area yeah seating area up there maybe like you know people would kind of perform a show down here yeah and then maybe this was used in summer probably it was all paneled off I don't know strange so just come up the steps here you can see this would have been the whole security area probably for the park once you get water from my neck so obviously we went in a door in the far end we've walked all the way through this building we've just come out these doors here um obviously quite a bit of the place is open obviously the stuff is locked we can't go in here now through there or something yeah it's all been screwed up it's men in this place it's horrendous the mold there's lizard lizards running around the floor huge spiders in this place as you can see looking back this way how cool is this place okay so this is the other side of this building but honestly guys the the smell in this room is horrible we're just going to check this building out this is so cool so just the building's all left looks like a kind of bar area or something maybe with the adults could have come and drunk but you think right on top of this building this is a huge windmill at the old lanterns there which would have been on front of the house has fallen down it's like a bar or something all right the other ended up here Steve so this is the end of the road for this path probably can't go any further but yeah so we were that side obviously you could see we've worked all the way around that side it just makes me wonder what's in the buildings further down that we now can't get into I said you imagine owning this place now buying it taking all this wood off putting all fresh wood down yeah or the other side the end of the road Steve [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's the end of the video as we lose light once again so we're gonna shut this house up and leave it exactly how we found it I just want to mention one thing if you enjoy the videos please hit that like And subscribe it means the world to me follow us on all social media links all links are in description and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart I love every one of you and thank you so much for watching my video it means the world to me stay safe and I'll see you on the next adventure let's get out of here
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 132,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in the woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned millionares mansion, abandoned places uk, abandoned places uk scary, abandoned Japan, haunted house, ghost hunting, caught on camera, haunted mansion, scary video, poltergeist, paranormal, Japan, abandoned mansion everything left behind, REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA, GHOST HUNTERS, SCARIEST VIDEOS, ghost
Id: Y-hxTtvIH1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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