It Felt Like We Were Being WATCHED - ABANDONED Mansion with so many Antiques left Behind

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welcome back explorers so in this video I'm exploring a grade 2 listed Country House dates back to the 14th century this beautiful home was once owned by a noble gentleman he was an ambassador an MP an admiral he retired to this 40-acre estate situated in a very historic town in the UK many features of this large bedroom estate is still present as we walked around we can see all the added additions up to the 18th century with the stone Mullen windows and the clay tile roof and the Catapult roof to the rear the last owner that lived here bought this house in 1933. or today now this place is abandoned for almost two decades I'm not gonna lie this place had such an eerie feeling and some say when his wife passed away they pushed her down the stairs and her ghost still haunts this place today but as I said no one seems to want to live here anymore I'm very skeptical but people say they still see her walking around in the grounds today so let's go and explore this beautiful house so guys another beautiful find we're literally gonna head into an old 17th century I would say it's kind of like an old mansion but shootery style maybe I don't know we'll get around there let's go and check it out first we need to attack the mud path to this place so guys we've literally arrived at this 17th century house I believe it's older but I'm going to look at a lot of the history so please check in the links below uh description I just want to say thank you so much to all the channel members please obviously as well if you wish to become a patreon links are all in description all the support means so much to me please like And subscribe guys alright let's get on with this and you know what before I start look at the chair and which is sat on the sad side rotting away in the garden that I'm not being funny but the people should be ashamed of that it's absolutely disgusting and you can see there's absolutely more beautiful Furniture there as well standing out here all the outer buildings here this here would have been like maybe the servants quarters today you'd probably use it maybe as an Annex and maybe convert this but yeah I literally want to go around now we're going to head into the house first and then we're going to come back and check these out so let's get on with the video and as you can see guys this place is being swallowed by Nature literally as we speak it's getting taken besides that has one so I don't know if you're on Instagram anymore or what oh God I think so explore him with Rod there you go cheers you managed to get back so yeah at the moment we don't know a lot about this place but we're going to try and obviously get in find out as much as we can at the moment I don't even know if we can see a pathway to this place I don't know if it goes around here or what the car is literally the front of the house it is up there how we get to it I don't even know yet maybe we go back up and around the art buildings over there so yeah we all know at the moment all I can say to you guys and girls keep safe this would have been the old gate to the actual house and as you can see damn this is the most unattractive puppy face pulling there you go guys how beautiful is this place so as we head back around would have been a little pathway round look at this gate the red post box sorry dude I'm loving the old Christmas stuff on the wall trying to get to the end of this house it's absolutely insane probably would have had an old flagpole here I don't know what that is this house has been abandoned now but it's finally going to be going to auction so something will be done with it but yeah it's such a cool house the brickwork is absolutely beautiful loving the old type bars it's definitely got that 17th century feel about it reminds me like the castle type windows and we're literally going through the front door oh guys I love the old cowbell like the old doorbell outside so we're literally standing in this would have been like the main entertainment room for the family sorry there's a well right there which you've seen on another video look up there the beautiful steakhead loving these vaulted ceilings very like um I look at the hog the pig live in a fireplace look at that the way it is this is kind of got like a you know what you see in like kind of churches where they have the floor is absolutely amazing you know all the old stone flooring you can imagine how cold it would have been the back in here as well guys look at these windows everything hand carved and that cut the glass for it you've got your torch rod s down look at these old specks you won't shut those down look at some of the old thing the old picnic basket with f m maybe their initials and this beautiful style wooden table to be fair just coming into this room is amazing and the fact they've got their own well but back in the day this house obviously dates over 300 years old some say it's 400 years old so I'm going to look at the history and try and put it in the description a bit more about this house but yeah I'm going to go with 17th century yeah Stephanie a long long way down is it Joe's Place reminds me of as well like a venue type party venue maybe they would have used part of the family loving the old oil paintings even the fish is decomposed guys fish oh look at that the arms what's that say but yeah look at this piano it's beautiful fireplace I can imagine the fire roaring try and visualize this now someone sat at a piano there's people in ball gowns back in the 16th 1700s whenever this place was actually built the generations of family that lived here the kids playing in the little frilly dresses and the boys all dressed in the little I can't remember what they call them the little hats and stuff and there's us obviously we wouldn't have been reached back in the day so we'd have probably been one of the peasant houses outside like more wine okay sir we're just coming living in the shed but then actually Rod our families may have been Rich well who knows oh there was nothing here at all I swear to you I thought it was about it it felt that stiff and that's that one there it was just like there's no problem at all man it was just literally still this property is definitely seen better days it should just come straight up the corridor so where's your stuff gone what was the stuff here all the pictures have gone oh no way oh that's cool yeah unless they put them down French yeah this stuff has been moved here so that's obviously Matt's already been in he's come out of his way today it's come and meet us obviously I want to see my identity since the actually since we went over to the uh oil rig yeah legendary so the guy that lived there was actually what part of an MP yeah he was a major in the Army Major in the Army there you go and and somebody's putting down by the side on the right hand oh here you know why they've done that you know the oldest living Ministers of parliament when he was alive that's his wife yeah so what if they've got any children or they just live there by themselves one daughter I believe one 1958. okay she'd be in her 70s now she may be the person who's selling the building oh look there you go that's I mean these are so cool seeing the old photos that are dressed in their uniforms yeah loving all this as well I don't use a force if you know what the three fishes are for or the Coats of Arms um the ones on the left if you notice they they feature in this house a lot two bars right two pigs two bores so is it more like a hunter or it could be and there's a Boar's Head in the other room what I like about the old wood as well it's the air it's like you always find like old little initials and wood and stuff maybe from an old ship this is a beautiful house the old grandfather clock there just sitting proud still in this old living room The Edge combat Nicholas Bristol that's actually quite a local clock is made in Bristol yeah yeah Bristol absolutely amazing I just thought the way the ceiling is draping straight in front of the old-fashioned book wreck Stanley Africa the Sea of famous Sailors the ice bound Gulliver's Travel famous story these are like very very famous sort of stories the Louis Alcott girls book look at some of the old pictures and stuff on the floor this is history here just literally rotten away people's memories everything's still here and to be fair like this should be saved oh wow look at this it's a little old typewriter that's so cool and loving the little old clock such amazing place star it now sits completely abandoned untouched I do love this picture here look at that and the two like all kind of wild animals and fruit in there as well tropical fruits all in that beautiful picture quite a ceiling's just going to fall down in this place quite such a beautiful room everything's still here in this dresser as well again here so he obviously he's into his fishing this needs to be saved such a beautiful house but look at this I've seen Matt's lighting the room up but yeah beautiful lead stained glass and again it's got the two balls on it hello sir hello sir famous rock wow look at this kitchen I mean I wouldn't like to put a date on this house and how long it's been abandoned but it's got to be over a decade surely five years can do in a place like this but yeah oh yeah it turns to me like as if they've been letting this go for a long time see guys and girls and literally can hear the flooring creaking below my feet I don't even know if this place has got a basement which to be honest the way that flooring is moving I would say it's definitely got a basement kitchen and pots and pans and everything's still there even the food anyone fancy a cup of coffee or barbecue sauce I mean maybe we can try and see a date on some of these but I don't really want to touch too much but that I can't even work out what that is so okay so that's 2002. so that's 20 years out of date and to be fairly I can quite happily believe that it's been abandoned for that long so this place is going to auction obviously please guys and girls don't ask in the description where this place is saying you're interested in it it's just I get it asked all the time and it's not people that are genuinely enough sorry for the people that are generally interested in these places but we can't give out locations I'm afraid we try and protect it as much as we can so look we're just bumped into another Explorer exploring with Brady go check it out guys I'm not gonna lie man I've not actually seen your video but I will I promise you he said it's in mind I'll definitely will check you out sorry dude oh as you feel this little floor moving under my feet and what an incredible house and you can imagine like the fire burning away the family sat in it him and her obviously they've got one daughter so Christmas maybe she'd pop around but it's what's weird as well there's a Christmas Reef sitting on the door so it makes me feel like there's one left right near Christmas and passed away just like the house we've just done wow look at these boots they're absolutely incredible and I love the way they used to put the shoe thing in as well and then wedge that in to kind of keep the shoe out some of the furniture and it's absolutely beautiful again there's a lot of Christmas artifacts as well so it kind of I don't know it feels like they were again I know I'm going to say it again it's like they were getting ready for Christmas but it never happened beautiful ceiling because I'm not a fan of like artex and stuff but this when it's done like this patterned in these old houses it's absolutely cool painting there being attacked by the white mold and you can see it appear in all over the walls honestly guys I can't stress how soft this floor is and you can tell look it's actually moving the whole unit yeah loving this like velor sort of furry wallpaper and the wooden paneling in this room so just before I go out of this room it's just so much that you can keep looking around and seeing things I've moved the chair I've put the teddy on his chair so yeah it's magazine but they're getting ready for Christmas but it never came and it's it's so sad well I literally lost their life over Christmas and the walls are literally so wet and sticky it's like if you're touching a Zapped like the tree zap kind of feeling into another room oh guys what an incredible house so much stuff left it's like Mickey's waiting for the daughter to come back and you can see it's a really old type 70s maybe 60s kind of toy the fireplace and I don't want to miss as well look at these beautiful rugs completely rotten away and I always try and I always try and think of stuff as well like here what music that was last playing who drank other Bailey's last you know when was the fire last lit and when was a book taken from one of these book racks and read it's amazing and look at this beautiful Furniture I don't quite get this maybe that was to buy on the side to the to the sofa I'm seeing a kind of I'm not going to say it but yeah it's a Berlin Hotel it's got the uh yeah I don't want to say it it's horrible horrible point it shouldn't have ever happened look at these books completely deteriorating you can just about see memories of Napoleon Shakespeare again smell the mold in here it's literally getting in my throat I'm not gonna lie and this is quite sad as well this is like my grandparents as well they sit there and eat fruit and stuff out of tins oh this is a soup so I completely wrong okay so this is 2016. so even like five years this place nearly seven years and it's so Deca like it's like we're getting ready for their spoon smells so bad so the feeling I'm getting from this place at the moment is he passed away before she did and I'm only saying that it's because I see the little woman's perfume sitting next to the soap the soup and I don't know that little blanket and there's some women's clothing sat there on a chair oh wow I'm just so scared to walk around on the floor how beautiful though I wonder what's in there sorry forgive me for opening it but okay so it's like little screws so just to say I've put it back there's no markings on that little pot but what a beautiful little pot let's put that behind there and this stamp so I guess it was like it was some kind of farm it was like business they were doing here I feel it get in my throat when you see cuddly toys and like a ladies coat there and maybe the last book she read as well the Jeremy Paxman the English you know it's maybe the mother and daughter here to be fair actually does look like the lady we see in the room earlier before I leave this room I noticed as well like the two pillars each side that go with all the leaf Gold Leaf and there just put a bit of beautiful room I'd have been proud to own this house and how beautiful it would be and how beautiful it could be again hi let's have a look let's see what outside's about this morning is so bad oh looks like you can see now what I'm not even joking it's actually going through sorry when you get the top but as you can see that all the stairs have dropped yeah has anyone trying to stats sorry tell everyone with the ladder I took the stairs you know so I do okay wow every rumors so well decorated I'm joking guys since you've been filled up you can see there was a single bed there a beautiful fireplace like a painting and the dresser here look the way the mirror is literally falling forward you know time will tell and she will fall oh look at these the old perfume bottles so beautiful there's not really any markings on them but yeah absolutely gorgeous what is that think drink absolute so cool though so guys I have to put my mask on so I hope you can hear me okay I don't want everything's stacked like this but it's like they were living downstairs in the end because there's a room downstairs with like a bed but yeah every room is so cluttered now you know I'm starting to think this is a family home that dates right back because there's a even older pictures there as an elderly couple maybe that was when they stood outside you can see over there sorry I've got some rubbish in My Lens so you're going to hear a bit of a creaking but there that was the old mirror her dresser so again this would have been a grand beautiful room you can imagine it all freshly painted the mirrors the light letting in through the old lead windows absolutely amazing and everything's finished so well look at the detail on the side of that yeah [Applause] it's just so hard pretty careful if you want you guys again it's another room we've got Lou uh Gucci there this ain't gonna be no fake Gucci not in this area in this house wow it's incredible look at this so I don't want to climb over too much but that is the old computer sit in the early old TV sitting over there the old desk and it's sad you can see so many of our clothes in here look at the ceiling look it's just literally falling down right above the window there got some old games solitaire I can't even open the coverage where there's so much stuff along the floor this definitely hasn't been ransacked this is how it looks like it's been just chucked in over the years there's a bed here a single bed incredible the Old Clock there the way it stopped five to one it's amazing [Music] yeah looking here just the old newspaper on the side dates to 2011. but this is soup downstairs it's a lot newer but yeah all the necklaces a couple of cobwebs around the lamps so hopefully you can hear me guys let me know what you think this is a new mask oh I know some people struggle to hear me with a mask on last time look at that just to show you I'm obviously five foot eleven six foot will boot actually and coming through this corridors you feel quite cross the phobic the way the sides and the big wood beam here which is bowing away around to this the shape of this roof all right oh my God how beautiful is this room in their time I light up a little bit look at that look at the spiders everywhere the cobwebs actually hanging from the ceilings loving the green vibrant curtains sitting over there as well oh again it's Christmas oh sorry Christie's the sewing machine there in the Box wow it's absolutely beautiful so I don't know if this was just like a dress room or dressing room or a spare room I could see part of an old Dolly there look completely getting buried I put in the cupboard and everywhere that you see the wedding photo there so this is a daughter look but she looked like she had her wedding at her own mum and Dad's house how beautiful is that or maybe just getting ready before the wedding I probably would have had a little mirror in there oh there is a mirror in there it's just gone like really off oh wow look at that the outfits and forgive me for looking in the house I'm not doing nothing I'm actually tidying up oh look at that it reminds me about the old doctor's bags or What's this called I can't remember his name look at these absolutely beautiful and their little horses across his little leg the Clown it's amazing as I turn around from this room I feel like I'm getting wrapped in cobwebs loving the paint peel as well so this is why exploring is so cool as well it's it's basically you get to step back in time into someone's life and see a place kind of what Nature's done to this it's completely just taken back trying to remove that idea a little look down here turn the light back then sorry for the clicks path this is another little cubby hole again into another bathroom so you can feel this whole floor is really slanted the way Nature's just coming from the windows or the b day gonna be rich oh wow look at this beautiful ornaments Yardley English lavender so to keep your lavender on there as well it will actually toothbrush everything's just literally been left behind just want to say as well look at our English homes were made as well they're all crooked nothing's straight that's what Maiden that's what made him quirky and cool you can't really tell as well by looking out of here but the flooring is literally like that wow I hope you can see hope you're seeing everything okay and you hear me okay I know obviously got a mask on one thing I don't like guys taking a chance going up into the next floor so we're standing in the old attic you can see how dry this feeling as well look at these are just people's life what they've collected memories about this it's all their names as well if you want to check them out I can get that zoomed in enough turn the light off a minute to maybe pause it I've looked through some of them names if you can zomer zoom that in and look at that the whole regiment 1923 Xmas right near Christmas beautiful I've seen old toys as well proper 80s that one looks like wow it's a whole I wasn't expecting that I'm not gonna lie flooring no way is that okay I thought that was a okay uh Army outfit then call these in the books sending photos oh look at these I could stand it all day look through photo albums absolutely love them so if I'm going a little bit too fast up here it's just on the top floor guys and the flooring is not good you can see how high up I am right now [Music] just come out of that room let's just Chuck my light back on the seat oh certainly with the floor guys I'm actually glad there's nothing in there because the way that floor is all breaking up oh look at teddy bear oh he's pretty uh he's pretty happy really cool now I love him absolutely love that it's so cool and his hair matches the uh the saranas as well loving this old chest look at this it makes me wonder if there was anything in there and someone's had it that's that actually upsets me with dolly stuff yeah it's all moving and she looks pretty sick I'm not gonna lie all right I'm gonna head back there and we're gonna see if I've missed any rooms uh yeah I'm gonna just maybe get some more as we go down but yeah what a cool place love in this house it's so amazing all right let's go so yeah we're gonna head back down some coins here before I missed them so these are all half pences some here date back to uh say 1930 a half P some Lottery things here and it will clock so cool right before you'll find a step anywhere seriously it feels as I said any minute of the flooring is actually going to fall on us all right okay so it is just a load of empty rooms Rob did say that I know people are going to say to me why didn't you go down the basement but we're on the basement floor it's going to be a very quick a quick run around there's two empty rooms but you can see that's the floor and we're literally walking on above this is what we're saying guys I wasn't exaggerating it's literally that bad and The Rock and old staircase going back up to the first floor oh there's a Blue Torch I know you've seen this video I wanted to do my spin on it so I hope you enjoyed it so yeah standing back outside the house what an amazing house and to be fair I'm sorry if I've chickened out a little bit on these second floors and the third floor but rather tell you it's not the safest place up there and you see in the basement guys the flooring is literally collapsing so we're going back out through the secret garden foreign how is he so many bits left so I can't really see there's going to be much the old axes pickaxe again look at the books just literally left outside all the elements oh they're inside but you know what I mean what is this place rod did you go over here so it looks like maybe where I don't like using this word but obviously back in the day they would have had um what's it called uh servants and stuff so maybe this would have been the servants quarters hello I'm filming live yeah so maybe this would have been like the servants quarters wherever they lived that's so cool though it's still so much history left the shelves were put up everything would literally fall over loving these old sinks that's amazing so this is like basically today would have if this obviously gets restored which hopefully it will I'd imagine it's a listed building I will put in the check in the description and we'll find out a lot more history on this place but yeah I mean hopefully they can say this part as well because it's it obviously all goes with the building see nowadays this would have been this would be classed as uh like an Annex in the UK so obviously yeah if my family had this back when I was younger and they were living there I would quite happily live right there oh I'm just amazed to see another beautiful house now obviously there's been videos of this place and normally I don't go on and do videos if I've seen too many go but you know what this place looks so amazing I had to come laughs it's not even just the house look at the barn and the amount of wood that obviously was used to construct this a gorgeous roof oh wow it's a shame there it's literally parts are collapsing in already but yeah that is that is quite quite some Barn to be fair so guys what is this if anyone knows this is I think kind of a set of scales I believe where you'd move the weight bits along I'm pretty certain let me know in the links below what this is [Music] [Music] so what's up explorers I'm back at the car obviously um I really hope you enjoyed today's video um it's a little bit sketchy so it was kind of when editing it I hopefully you didn't feel the same that it kind of felt a little bit rushed and I do apologize if it's a place you wish for me to go back and re-film and put another video up of it and go into more detail I am totally hyped to do it so please let me know in the comments what you think um guys as I say thanks to everyone who supports awe all my patreons and if you wish to be a patreon it helps out so so much so love to you all um I just want to say a massive thank you to all the channel memberships everyone who follows us on Facebook Instagram you name it I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I just want to say a Happy New Year to everyone hopefully 2022 is going to be a better year for us all and uh yeah I'm gonna get Marky back out obviously as we know Mark has the virus as we speak so yeah it was only me today meeting up with a couple of other explorers um yeah but what a house grade two listed this guy was an ambassador yeah you know you know 40 acres he retired and brought what a house and you think the same family owned this place since 1933 so that is absolutely incredible I'm loving all the original features love all the wood all the um the barns are absolutely beautiful the 18th century Stone just so much stuff there but just to think the original part of the house can dates back to the 1300s it's absolutely incredible and you know what it's so sad to walk around in there thinking that that's it life's over for this couple and the drift I get is the daughter didn't want to sell this house it's been sat for a little while and I just I don't know if they just where they got like old they couldn't afford to do not fall as such but they couldn't get things done and that's why their house is deteriorated more than it looks but yeah I don't quite get why upstairs is a little bit cluttered the way it is maybe it was raided hopefully it's not and it was just the way they stored stuff up there but it is a little bit messy upstairs so which does upset me because it feels like you know they've um people have been in there and they've really made a mess of this place but yeah water place I just can't get over it I'm so excited I just want to go back and redo it again but I don't know do I put the same video up again who knows I'm just I feel like it's Christmas again for me that is just what I love doing this is why I want to get back out into France and explore so so much yeah another beautiful English home completed four bedroom house in fact um but yeah what a place and someone's going to be so lucky to own that house when they buy it from auction and you get the title of being a lord how cool is that one day guys I'm gonna hopefully be able to buy something like that and restore it myself but yeah guys girls love absolutely every one of you and I mean that through and through guys grab yourself some merch um and get the thing grab yourself some merch guys the website is uh up now on the screen just go and check it out um and thank you so so much as I said for everyone who supports awe in every way you can uh love to every one of you and please please guys and girls share my content get it out there water wide and far so I can grow bigger and bigger and bring you the best spots I'm telling you now you know I feel like I started this game a long time ago with away our videos and now I've I feel like a lot of people have learned off of me and do their videos very similar so yeah it kind of makes me proud for doing what I do but love to you all take care see you soon love you loads bye bye
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 51,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in the woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned millionares mansion, abandoned places uk, abandoned places uk scary, abandoned Japan, haunted house, ghost hunting, caught on camera, haunted mansion, scary video, poltergeist, paranormal, abandoned mansion everything left behind, REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA, GHOST HUNTERS, SCARIEST VIDEOS, ghost, travel
Id: i8bFz3uW7PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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