ABANDONED Greatest Showman MANSION Everything Left Behind & Untouched

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[Music] [Music] wow guys look at that hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video if you're new to the channel hit that like and subscribe so in this episode we're exploring a beautiful french chateau deep in the south of france sits high on the hills proud so this building dates back to the 1700s but the original foundations date back to 1183 the same family owned this place for over 900 years if walls could speak the stuff they could tell the artwork was taken from here and shown in new york then returned back to this beautiful place [Music] the massive parties that took place here rich people turned up to hunt the grounds and then feast off the supper of a night this 25 bedroom six bathroom elegant mansion sits now completely abandoned where are the owners no one knows [Music] they just like up and left and vanished and never returned back to the house love you all guys enjoy the video straight through which would be the main door in this place and look at the size of this whole [Applause] every time we hit another chateau we end up saying this is the best this is maybe maybe look at all the taxidermist all the deer's heads this beautiful staircase this is like a wedding venue right here now shouldn't be sitting empty i saw i've never seen a grandfather o'clock that at all i mean guys i'm going to give you six foot this clock's about 10 foot tall look above the doors the fireplace is incredible look at his flooring guys would you walk in a solid probably french oak this mirror this room is literally intact it's got some fear as you can imagine how rich this family would it's only theater in the background look at the way you've done it all the way all the french mountains and houses all in the painting in the background see all the gold leaf around the edge wow i actually thought there was real curtains from a distance look at that guys a little stage with the castle to the entertainment ceilings guys portraits literally above each door this side of these here all the spirits and alcohol covered wow this is absolutely incredible it's sitting abandoned in france what's in there sorry what a spirit sister that's amazing door's locked where the panel's missing that's a good sign [Applause] that's a little tiny little bedroom suitcase a little pro i like that oh wow guys [Applause] let's see what we got come on look at this [Music] oh my gosh guys this is probably the most beautiful shutter guys look at every portrait around the tops of the room the bed i know the little canopy this is incredible little bed guys baby's pram everything's still here this chateau is absolutely amazing for jesus there wow honestly guys i'm literally um guys look at this room the french flag every room in this place is absolutely amazing bro look dude look at the secrets there little staircase that goes out where does that go what the hell we need to go find america wow though it's just i want to know where this goes josh went up and there's actually like a little playden for the kids about at the top how cool is that look it all bro yes it's standing here this has been another exit in at the moment we finally touch any doors in this place just because if he's alarmed but that is about all the french foreign legion look at the bed guys this is absolutely incredible [Applause] definitely a very religious family you've got a picture of the pope there they've even got him on bed this bird's obviously stuck in here somewhere [Applause] all this stuff in here the cupboards the old photos everything's still in this beautiful chateau the money in this building is ridiculous and it's just sat here right and away and the fireplace is incredible you can imagine that lit up at night with the little lights beside the mirror [Applause] every door above it has a portrait these doors into the second little bedroom it's incredible isn't it the amount of art around each rooms the little single bed it's absolutely beautiful so it's a little child felt like i need to bring that little doll and put it in here there's a couple wedding photos maybe there was like some kind of monument thing on there or something through this little photo in the bin it was cheesy look at everything's still here the old dolls what we pointed out as well on the doors it's the heights of children all the way up oh my god guys every room i walk into it's amazing the higher ceilings the lights of this world i just want to add as well guys if anyone says he isn't abandoned i can tell you now there's all smash glass there there's parts of the bed bird there's poo on the floor from birds it's abandoned but it looks like something out of a museum it's incredible straight out the children's room around these ghostly corridors where life once was a very expensive house you can see just up there as well the servants bits right above the door look at the staircase it's incredible okay so this is the still door that we see on the other side earlier see the decay in this chateau scenes falling down in certain parts and certain parts that look like this should be a museum house so one of the centers in their walk past it was no luck they didn't light up or nothing showing that the old plants are taken out just a toilet bro even the toilets fancy with the portraits falling through so i've teamed up with dan on this bit yes this is definitely cause yeah [Applause] do you think this is probably walking straight into the servants quarter parts of this beautiful mansion i think this is like walking into the tower oh look at this every room is completely untouched frozen exactly how it was left i'm seeing these again like the little baby baths [Applause] and you can see the the views of this chateau all the way over the far and wide [Applause] oh there's a little baby back there little bat that's got stuck wow look at this it is honestly like we've just walked into a museum to see this place i'm not even exaggerating it's just absolutely gorgeous cannot wait to get back out to the main staircase it's going to be incredible look at this hallway it's absolutely insane the size of it you haven't seen dude i'm honestly this one josh if i was going to get married bro i'd actually get married in this building 100 i'd wear my french suit coming way down there and look at this you can imagine back in the days two three hundred years ago with the ball rooms everyone in their gowns coming here honestly i'm completely blown away by this way already surely [Applause] oh my god it's weird that every light every light is missing from every room oh look at this the double chi obviously the children's room oh my days look at the art the craft the art all the way around the walls different buildings all the people just take a look at the covered there's no power at all in this place but that is absolutely incredible i love the way they used to blend the cupboards into the walls i'm literally completely blown away honestly when i thought i've seen it all in france then the next spot then the next spot then the next spot if you love this video already guys please check out the french trip 2022 that's french series which is the days when their family once owned this place and the elegant people coming here completely dressed up in their gowns dancing around the french music roofing up there nice corridors are insane that made you feel a bit crazy so even the bedrooms with not much in that's still absolutely beautiful i look at him the french lady drinking her wine with a guy sorting out her i don't know if he's taking ribbon off his leg maybe he's just got married and some old photos guys this is literally outside the chateau that probably i mean this bird pulled over it but look at this and there's the same lady there to the one that's on the wall the marble fireplace it could even i don't know if that poo looks the same as bird poo i'm not sure look at the bellows this is like all genuine or something the history if this place could talk to me the amount of stories you know yourself of how many stories when you sit down you can have a chat with people and tell them about your stories imagine what went on in here but if walls could seriously talk i mean how many ladies would like this a walk-in wardrobe this is absolutely mad and that even the details in the wardrobe area the beautiful vanity sink no this can't be a bathroom surely oh it's a baby's crib looks like another like secret door there okay not sure why they do these not secondary doors in the bedroom maybe a fire escape oh dave dave dave we've hit the jackpot bro please guys while you're watching this hit that like and subscribe honestly it's not all about just traveling it's it's a it's not obviously about hitting these locations and showing you guys it's the work we've really put into these finding the best doing the driving doing the leg work just show you guys so as i head back through and see the wallpapers actually falling off such a shame that these beautiful buildings are left like this completely to decay not even joking guys as well this place was completely wide open guys this place is literally pristine i'm just so amazed of how much stuff's left just sitting on the table like the wine bot was falling over but the labels you can see it's just flaking on my hands i wonder what the key feels the little kids beds when's the last time light was shown into this room you have to be careful as well now because it could be shut for so long the light could physically damage interior guys i really do hope you're amazed because i'm seriously amazed with this place it's like being in a maze i've never seen it wall it's actually bats flying around in here it's like dracula's castle morning here as well [Applause] it's absolutely crazy staircase all right [Applause] wow look how everything blends in but you know what it's not everyone's cup of tea but i think it looks absolutely beautiful everything is exactly to match there you go girls you like your color matching is this too much the blue the whites this is absolutely insane honestly it is one of the most beautiful places i've ever seen and to think this place is completely abandoned it's crazy but it's true so i'll try and picture the voices in here the the people talking away this is a very okay this is a praying chair it's obviously knee down your arms resting on here there's your servant's bell right there this is it's incredible it honestly is isn't weird there looks like the cross there for the light just look at the portraits around the tops is there anything in the wardrobe no honestly guys i could spend so long in each room but there's so much to see and so little time this reminds me of lumiere from beauty and the beast imagine it when this place shuts overnight everything comes alive it reminds me that the perfect french magical castle it's sometimes we like beauty and the beast walt disney's castle hundred percent sir do you want to earn a hundred euros jump and swing from that rope it's like the enchanted um what's up there much uh that leads up to the servant's quarters is it cool up now yeah well it's this is another set of staircase that says leading to the servant's quarters look at all the old carpet rails oh wow the parts of the castles you don't see it just shows you how strong the wood is on the floor and these stone bricks are literally sitting on wood oh wow even though it's so decayed in here seedlings falling holes in the ceiling it's absolutely beautiful guys look at the dress hanging on there what was this for is it hang dresses on it's a shame the chair that's just sitting there rotting away so it looks like at some point they boarded up the fireplace and it's just falling down it's part of an old sword this is absolutely honest it's amazing i could keep going on guys saying the same things obviously later on as these castles got older and older later on as these castles sat more decayed a lot of these rooms probably would have been used for store rooms and there's still laundry hanging on the lines up here you can see why they store clothing up here as well because it's so hot up this area i mean we're in the attic guys oh there's a little bird trapped i'm going to try and get it out but i probably won't be added that's it i'm sorry mate i'm trying to open the window i'm just venturing around in this place we're still in the servant's quarters areas is absolutely amazing so much to see oh wow this is like a little old um morse code type thing i don't know it's the old headphones oh look at this i told you lumiere oh this is a dark room so there's obviously yeah so be doing their photograph printing in here oh little outburst there but josh coming so i had to make him jump look at this all the blue glass everything's still here i don't think it's keeping bits for like repairing like repairing the rooms probably right little i don't know like maybe french boot fairs they picked up little bits to kind of get this chateau exactly how it's meant to be the candle holders look at all these bits so many bits like old door locks even with a key there that some of this stuff's probably worth a fortune just because of obviously trying to get it all you can see more spare locks there with the keys this size is trunk it's all bedding in there especially because i was hiding right behind the door as well okay so this is that set of steps are we even right up to the top so we have to take you to the poorer parts as well unfortunately feels like a sauna up here already but nothing nothing to see so we're still in the attic still walking around this place in 1961 there's part of an old book see they're keeping spare bed frames bed frames and stuff this is obviously back into that room there so yeah we're going to find the rest of this place you need to stay tuned there's so much more to see so please if you love what you see already it's only gonna get better it's gotta i mean as i said this is the attic you think all this beautiful french furniture sitting up here wow so you can see as it starts getting poor up here for different uh for the uh obviously the servants rooms the old trunks sat by the bed look at this i mean look this this stuff shouldn't be sat like this this should be looked after and put away it's a shame actually coming into another one of the servants rooms look at the little pram i mean this is a beautiful room but the wallpaper's hanging down oh it's in here why didn't i come in this way wow i can't get over this castle guys look at the toilet as well so they're more sort of poor inside i'm not standing up here guys i'm so high up right now you can see out there just that high and just looking as well up here there's so many little toys you know stuff that have been put up here over the years look at the little cow this little child's toy a little cupboard and there's a tiny little puppy show how cool is that look at this it's so old look at the opera honestly i'm just literally in the loft i'm still up here it just keeps going and going but i mean i could imagine being in this little room it's very light tight going back round here again so i think i've actually just showed that room there but yeah i'm gonna head back down there guys so i'm even further into an attic size of this roof space guys i'm gonna head down anyway because it's so hot up here right head back down to the main staircase i told you every room just keeps giving the more and more look at the little toys little argo all from dolls that has stuff that's a little um she actually completely lost it the well their water pump again there's another like chair for preying on i mean these sink bowls must be worth an absolute fortune oh guys and girls it just keeps giving i feel like we're not even halfway around the mansion but every painting it tells a story this room tells a story it looks like underneath this as well the fabric that is the original kind of art on the walls the sheer size of this place as well i've just gone behind where the red door opens up behind the bed and this is just a wardrobe area i don't know why the bed's put that way maybe they didn't use this anymore yeah walk-in wardrobe your own bathroom in near enough every room i mean this is absolutely gorgeous it's probably the same makers here shouldn't be down there guys i'm just literally blown away at this place i really am i am truly blown away so this is another light type store room all the books are still here everything's here it just feels like they never took nothing they just completely shut the door and went this dates back to 1716. sat down at police oh wow how cool is this it's a proper little workshop do you think the amount of things that were repaired just in this room or things getting ready for the next i really like this but i suppose the size this place you can do so much see nine o'clock in the evening and it's still so hot so just heading down the bottom says what forgot to do just go in there man is it good yes wow guys honestly what did i say to you i said stay tuned this video it's only going to get better look at the lamps they're actually hooves of deer deer hooves or something the lamps now said i i'm not a fan of taxidermist i don't see that any animal should be used for any kind of decoration but this room honestly completely blows me away look at this the marble fireplace and it is it's hidden so they would have obviously stoked it there got it nice and hot and let the smoke and the heat pour out of here wow well as honestly guys and girls should i say i feel like i get in trouble when i say just guys but this is insane what i mean insane is insane you can see a picture up there like the servant serving obviously the food another set of staircase where does this go the ceiling gets very low why is this a bar this reminds me of willy wonka and the chocolate factory when it's like the room you're getting taller no the room's getting smaller guys i can't even stand up in this room what is this room about it's so short no bearing the dressing gown is still hanging on so maybe a little guest room this is so tiny there's pictures there of the children so maybe they had grandma staying here at some point i don't know again a religious part of her actually just go around look at that it's actually beautiful it feel like it was wax or something it was like a murmur it looks like i thought it was like a mermaid coming out the water but yeah i'm not gonna lie i find the like the wallpaper oh well i'll just show you it's like 24 in it which isn't like massively hot who's that i swear that was on the side when i came in if there's anyone here spiritually i'm leaving now i had a shell suit very similar to that when i was younger i can't get over the ceiling yeah i feel like i'm gonna whack my head it's tiny it doesn't even feel like we're in that same chateau we was in let's go back down it's another very strange little room oh look at the dolls do you know what this feels like this room it's like the family lived in this part and then they've rented the rest out so this looks like maybe a little collection i had at some point all the little different figurines and stuff a little car there wow there's all the old keys hanging up look at some of the old names wow that's incredible isn't it absolutely love it i do there's a lot of pictures here with the pope so i'm just wondering if the pope actually visited this chateau because they've got a photography printing room here they've got everything they need now walking back past center stage obviously we started the video here but was being so quiet walking around this place didn't want to set any alarms off okay now i'm gonna take the boys here beat you to it i just found it but i didn't believe it was in here yeah no no i found it bro i found it first i did guys check this out the library thousands of books in here this reminds me like the harry potter when they're coming to get the wand wow oh my god i'm guessing this is this is holy look at this guys incredible i hope you've got days and days guys to read all these oh look at the ceiling in here as well thousands and thousands of books on the rails i said it reminded me of harry potter you know to go and get the wand i know it's got one of those candle lights as well kinda reminds me of that right or something yeah [Applause] wow guys look at it and the old ladder there's broken away from the book right now it's all the documents in here as well you think pages and pages are hand written documents probably every book that you'll ever need in this room let's do an instagram story oh my god excuse me for saying that but oh my days oh it's so beautiful look at the old keys oh look these are the old cigarettes it's harry potter wow oh my god dude is this the best event in place you've ever done no in france or yeah no this is the best night this is the best yeah i think it is i really do i was holding on to my secrets but this is it this is uh yeah god okay so you can imagine him sitting here writing out the documents look at that his little desk his office room imagine a fire burning dude and he was sitting there reading he he's a legend well she is a legend one of the two one of the two is a legend both 100 look at this all the hidden documents the secret cupboards in here what are lies in here what stuff in here i mean these are like old stamp stuff or something on the property maybe so much stuff literally sat in here that needs to be literally saved before something happens to this castle can't even get it in hold on a sec there you go guys and it is a window i just couldn't do it with one hand look at this wow it's a really old french book the collection look at the old pictures i thought that was the same desk as that again look very very wealthy family this yeah you couldn't just have a chateau you'd have to be a very very wealthy person it definitely looked like they had family in the french legion this is what i'm gonna go with here i could be wrong please correct me if i'm not i'm wrong it's a shame that it's all deteriorating i mean what are the old bottles here so beautiful this place this deserves to be open as a museum wow look at this as well it's like a recliner you can lift the bar up and sit where you want to sit amazing guys this is amazing this is incredible absolutely incredible that's a portrait so many books and it reminds you of so many different movies the harry potter and they've filled every space in this room from the cupboards to above the doors you can imagine it lit up there with the lights around the top illuminating this room making sure what some of this stuff is it's so cool though i mean the main ring [Applause] [Music] oh wow guys look how much wines in here probably how old some of these bottles are there's probably some very expensive wine left in this place you could smell it as well when you're walking like strong vinegar it's probably gone off a lot of it quits like gonna come out it's actually like breathing in a white spirit sort of smell basements some of your newspapers down here 2006 the cigar boxes guys hell of a lot of cigar boxes everyone's like cigar boxes maybe they produce cigars i can't get over the size of this place it's just like they've kept loads of empty boxes maybe the old toy car models apollo spaceship there's no cars in the boxes and they're all empty stuff here just an old j watch collection but you can feel it's just empty so it's probably all the stuff from the top of the house they've just been keeping those stacks of newspapers though i should go further down i think these take these castles a lot of these date back to free 400 years look at the outdoors it's so hairy down here i'm not gonna lie and some of these bottles have been in here for so long look at our prison doors when you look at some of these wow so i just had that door trying to shut behind me then guys look at this you wouldn't think this is below this huge castle that i'm in still cold stores you can see now how much coal would have been used to keep this house hot all right huge tunnels if i own this place i'll probably play under it all the time turn into a huge man cave it's locked see it's getting dark we're gonna before we get caught we've managed to be in there for a few hours and we've been lucky so far so yeah let's make our way out guys just standing back outside this beautiful mansion look how incredible it is i still don't feel like we've been around the whole lot i really don't it's just too big if you can imagine this place back in his former glory bro i still feel like we haven't covered the whole house i think we did do you think i think we covered this whole house remember the rooms they're super big yeah so we just see how we already walked into the side that was the fascia the front of this place and as you go around to the sides imagine being that person who owns this place it's insane it really is his own poor dream we should try and lift one when's the last time anyone's swam in there the water's black so there you go i'm not going to go right around the side there because we don't know if that's a house there yeah we've completed this beautiful castle ladies and gent you've made it to the end of the video another chateau another day in france can they get any better than this i don't know honestly i am totally amazed this place is absolutely beautiful when i mean beautiful i mean absolutely beautiful that sky out tonight guys the castle sitting up there what a beautiful place so yeah just want to say thank you so much for watching and uh love you those guys i'm gonna head through the long grass now back to the car so you're going to see the drone shot hopefully now if not we're doing the morning but yeah it's time for me what's that from josh it was the best video we've ever done together bro hundreds of you ever done see you guys don't forget please hit that like and subscribe it costs absolutely nothing it means the world to me and uh yeah also follow us on facebook instagram twitter snapchat all the links are in the description even a tick tock that i don't particularly upload at the moment but i will be and if you enjoy this one check out the rest of the french trip it's going to be absolutely bang anyway love you loves guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 100,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places, Abandoned places France, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned mansion in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in world, abandoned places France scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, abandoned world explorer, Europe, France
Id: FAobpPCd1bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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