ABANDONED MANSION of The working Ladies With Everything left Behind

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thank you [Music] and I explore so we're at today we've got a mansion [Music] Oh Sheila are you okay [Music] thank you [Music] absolutely amazing [Music] look at the mold these guys we are standing in the mansion like as you can see how horrible it is people have already destroyed graffitied ramasacked it's absolutely disgusting we literally explore we don't damage we don't do nothing if we don't find a way and we don't go in so anyway we're going to check this place out anyway and see what we can see solo explores check this out for a room my how amazing is this hey a picture what do you think guys the amount of stuff the antique just look at the decor in this room I'll come this vibrating mentor so guys my gimbal is playing up we don't if it's the ghost or it's Mark is far is gone help me find my journey guys this place is insane or should I say crazy my normal words so look at all this marble stuff on the floor she's maybe like part of like a another fireplace maybe or something yeah and look at all this this Old Pottery and stuff just the Antiques guys check that light it has absolutely beautiful they're paintings on the walls I want to look down here as well at the old keys in the pot the figurines oh it's just so much stuff I'd love to save in this place remember the plan wow he's in a chandelier bro let's make my front room is that small if I put that in I won't be able to move so beautiful he's done that oh no idiots that you used it did this leave it out right so guys we've turned up at this place and it's already had people vandalize please anyone I stress if you can't lose all right describes if you explore anywhere please just respect these places you know and even exactly how you found them I think he's an elderly lady that's passed away last a couple of young people with pictures over there has this all been found in all our storage yeah the lights are dimmed instead of still power in this room so creepy that the power is just dim and they won't turn up I don't know what I'm called recording with this GoPro but look okay wow this is such a beautiful mansion I really don't know guys we need to be quiet this place is so high alert honestly that people get arrested I've known people to get arrested that lamp is absolutely beautiful there it reminds me of something you know a lot of stairwell Titanic yeah hopefully one day though no and you know what if we ever ever come into money I think we should buy an abandoned building do it you know Christmas decorations guys just check out the wood on these chairs without the detail and the fire surround the beautiful paintings I could just go on and on about this place it's absolutely amazing and they're there it's kind of see him in Rome such beautiful paintings in it and the lamps sometimes in a bit of a bit of financial occasions or even just time people down yeah all this stuff in the middle is probably worth a fortune guys just check these paintings this is so beautiful everything about this house so far is absolutely amazing even the Techni tea bags are vintage sorry this would be one of my favorites I reckon look here though it had diamond earrings diamonds and tigers and bears tigers and bears all we need to find is Mowgli now yes we think this could be the lady this looks quite a maybe a quite an older photo it's been maybe colorized or something yeah guys we've come back to it again there she is again all of these crap yeah so I'm gonna swear now this is absolutely [ __ ] fake sorry for swearing but yeah I'm sorry for any youngsters watching or people showing their kids would do apologize but this is absolutely disgusting all right even in the mirror as well every room is just an absolute beautiful room stepping into the second room absolutely amazing Smart's going to go on the scales the scours of Doom oh they've got to be wrong I can't be nearly 12 stun he's a fatty oh no it's changing if I put them away the windows open bro but they're the money monster he's a nine Stone so guys you can taste the Antiques in here it sounds crazy to say that but you can actually taste the dust so I'm just gonna Pan the rest of this room just check it out like honestly there's just so much stuff I could literally go on and on and a nice bottle of Bollinger I can promise you now we didn't fill that up to me it looks more like P Maybe so much do I weigh 14 and a half step 15 Stone but guys check it I've got a 20 kilo rucksack on them so I'm standing up in this hallway look at this above the doors so beautiful not just everything about this place it's absolutely amazing and the um the details look at that guys we're gonna literally head up the stairs mate I can't believe just walking up the stairs there Pals stuff check this bathroom just mental this guy's my Kim my gimbal which is holding my camera still is playing around how beautiful this is just the amount of stuff that's sat in this place is absolutely lovely can't get over it not even a toothbrush everything's still sadly toilet roll electric toothbrush perfumes brand new bottle of mouthwash this house just needs a little cleanup this week it's pretty much ready to move him it's not bad supper so guys The Last Supper which is really weird like looking back at this bathroom and the amount of stuff it's like I'll hold his Mansion it's just stuff everywhere from paintings just random lights sitting on the floor brand new lamp shades and it's like I don't know what they call this or why they did this for but like maybe it's just because it's a central bath like it's the way to finish it off to match it with the rest of the room not the blue and again like the chandelier turning back in his hallway uh the beautiful picture there of Jesus so it reminds me of Daphne of like a a religious person who lived here Oh Sheila oh you're right excuse me can I have a word do you live here have you seen a hairbrush anyway yeah it's in the bathroom toothbrush these guys don't be offended we're not we're just messing about like not taking a book in the house we found a wig um guys just check that picture out it's absolutely stunning in this staircase looking back it's amazing I like the liar oh there that's that is dangerous man it's literally dangerous no I just turn these lights off up here that's it I've turned the lights off guys because there's a underwear that's melt into the light I mean that is a 100 fire acid coming down this hole it's a really strong smell down I've got two bathrooms the same day I don't stand on their cleaners but this stuff is crazy it's a bathroom that's identical to the other one it's not another ensuite and like a plastic bag over the light what was that oh it's running out watch so guys wow what can I say look at this room oh my God and there's like some adult toys hanging off the lights that is absolutely disgrace I'm sorry people don't be offended we didn't put it there I promise you look what someone's done to the TV man yeah I know ah what I believe ours is like this a completely stand still what is that about guys check this four poster bed out it's absolutely amazing there's just so much stuff it's unbelievable I'll leave it on from it man yeah just don't mind this is one crazy explore man do you think nice I do like this place this is good man this is good see like that part of that bed there is hanging out there so someone's obviously coming and damaged the bed set a detail everywhere and look at the paintings amazing sorry oh it's beautiful I know and here look at this just like stuff lamps uh champagne glasses it's beautiful Telly man just broke you can see the Antiques look at the wardrobes absolutely stunning foreign still no it's a checkbook there this is like a maybe that's for the car in the driveway this is basically the registration certificate in the alarm clock there that's still there what is this oh the big love heart because this is the house we're in absolutely mad but again so beautiful so guys the more we explore this Mansion we're starting to think that it could be like a I don't know like a brothel or something that was going on here like a prostitution house could be wrong but there's so many sexual costumes every room's got like and leopard printy stuff there's clothing everywhere like sexual stuff outfits leather outfits we're finding I'm really starting to think that it is and it was used as a brothel but just check this womb out behind me it's absolutely beautiful it's probably one of the you know I'd say the best locations we've done in a while I mean even Mickey agrees it's absolutely amazing do you feel is good I'm loving it he's loving it as a real bad Mickey impression I know take care bro hey I can't take you with me man I'd love to look after you I'd love to give my home but this is your home bro anyway we're gonna carry on in adventuring around this place I think Mark's finished dressing up now so we're gonna go find Mark I know he's taking photos out in the hall he's loving this place let's go so as we're walking around as I said the outfits the costume jewelry the wigs the Fancy Nail varnish and stuff and even in airlock it's mascara loads of makeup everywhere I know it's people gonna say well it's a woman's house but I'm really starting to think the more we adventure around the more we're finding out it's coming back through the hall to the main area I hear that this is another sign did you get some good pictures bro yeah see the outfits just everywhere any like the kinky bright there that's like everything everywhere that's what I'm saying man with like the costume jewelry you know like the dressing up you know every room we're going into this underwear there's Gucci boots check out check out the Gucci's in a house like this I don't even doubt they're genuine not genuine again Fox mate if people are watching this please man I'm Gonna Keep stressing stop messing stuff up myself good specs there look at the books and stuff I like this so what is this trophy for oh no it's not even a trophy oh this is really cool yeah huh hey we're walking down here just keep quiet thank you well I love this over using this you will love this because you respect the car like me you see the gear stick oh no what's this search again on it's a notepad and there's a gear shift and the gear shifts your pen for that I just can't figure this out is that now it's really bizarre quite so guys Mark marks and Mark's red arm there's basically a relative's letter in here the owner of this house is actually you want to say it she's actually stabbed someone she actually stabbed someone and she's now facing time in prison and like the house then got repo the highest thing got taken off of her and it's just left and we don't know any more to it yet but we're going to find out as much as we can um you've got the dressing up clothes to stuff it everywhere I can't figure out the old magazine so Michael Jackson magazine 2009. so because the Tellies are quite late I can't really put a date in it yet can you no that's pretty well yeah these are genuine probably Gucci boots yeah oh darling I was going to wear them and something like that I was actually gonna wear them oh I wonder what toy that was just kidding I think that's the one that I don't know gonna go across the floor by itself it's a Duracell rabbit the ramping rabbit so it goes on and on and on and on so every room you go and look look at that beautiful mirror I just vandalized underwear everywhere Little Boxes dressing up clothes I don't really know what that is like a vanity set my coating isn't it it's just gear everywhere absolute stuff everywhere again just underwear and stuff but guys just check out the antique look at his beds mate mate I just want to live here bro I want to live in look this is just literally fell off them Mark's just filling my light from the bed what what's that out there what's that that's weird the curtains it's a snake or is that a towel yeah look you can pin it I always said little hook it online show me your towel turn around you turn around show me a little towel you ain't gonna put it on just time so that Mark thinks he's a little pussycat are they like is that tassels tied to the drawer that would normally be tied to something else no they just look like they've come off or something so I'm really we are really thinking that this is definitely a yeah look I don't even want to be putting my let's just look everywhere that's what I mean and let all the outfits like leopard print and more of it of course so we definitely yeah this has got a bit of brothel in it so explorers I mean this is what the fourth room this is the fourth bedroom yeah whoever don't like this place don't like TVs and that is freaking freaky what is that about it's an old cabbage Pat though in it always with a knife oh mate some people have got some sick personalities the labels on the door Armani yeah I can't even afford half of these I'll wear primary gee oh yeah actually no you're a sport fan and you like with your sports clothes oh this is a real weird room man it's got spanners and everything in here I mean I don't know what someone played to have done in this room we've got candles we've got tripods we've got torches we've got oh no look at the other bed now [Music] this is a photo album yeah this is a thing that needs saving stuff like this I keep saying it in all my explorers but old pictures no I mean this looks like a family house so maybe they weren't just add lots of stuff is a little bit and stuff is mad you see that wardrobe's there open guys hey look at some condoms this is definitely something man there's a lot that looks like the special drawing you know the condom drawer look at it it's definitely not just like a profit you don't reckon not that or nothing but yeah or someone like you go to exactly that's like a know what I say Dave have a calendar event the beds are rocking hey kick the door off so there's nothing really ever closer so we're trying to look for Clues but I love these old trunks do you want to open that charm so it will look [Music] what you said what it is yeah oh what is it carpet thing actually carpet yeah it's not what I was originally thinking about I didn't actually know what it was until you just said that I actually do think remember what is that so it might be us next time tripod you get a thoughtful all right you want to take them do you want to open this one what's in here foreign coatings there's an obsession man with coat hangers yeah I've always had that Obsession though oh no I love it really fun book thanks is it somehow War tags I can't really see your dick go in there can you might be able to find a soldier sergeant your torch is too bright they're too bright Sergeant Danny Caledonia regiment wow see if the other one says the same issue so we can try and look these up you know that Sergeant Dany color down the original that's really cool man hide that man because they get some of the Nick and memories of a person's loved one so we're just hiding them up this is like to fit how many beds in one room is that just I didn't know what this was just a little face oh yeah bathroom checking back in this room are we opening that room you've been in that room just another one like I'm so gay man I literally don't look I literally used to have this car model as a kid yeah literally the same one ended up like that getting stressed probably wow again like a lot of costume jewelry dressing up stuff that's actually a beautiful paint is that a painting no it's not a pain is it it's just a lot of photos the amount of stuff now the Wardrobe is amazing it's like a Shabby Chic look all the paperwork just all over the floor I don't want to walk over here I'm going to come out because and that's them it's even about a lot of these amazing there's probably a lot of these are like bags like does someone have maybe design every clothes it's that bad though they're even storing them under the bed now what's that um let's check them wardrobe out absolutely stunning and just full of clothes yeah they're all full of clothes yeah yeah there might be more photo albums under the bed it's just really weird it sounds right in Balance really this is called bottle coughs maybe read someone's palette why did people's bottle cough smell of eggs and ham I wish they smell of apple pie or scrumptious strawberry jam then getting pissed however much booze you've been drinking you just want a little bit more your head begins raining is it you stare at the ceiling and then you throw up on the floor that was pretty oh you're so lovely Mark see Mark writes me poems I'll just click this remote here guy I heard mark tell you can't work surely every room's in batters [Music] I haven't got it we could have watched TV tonight but someone's ruined it we can't even watch Love Island bro I think yeah I don't care I don't Mark why don't we put me and you on an island yeah yeah I don't mind that's going on you don't want to be on an island I've never seen this before look a while now you know the lights down the side of the Telly it's been half my time that's kind of cool isn't it it's always dark behind the TV isn't it [Music] nine I said to return Tell It Off chocolate orange t-shirt you should have probably left my bag so how crazy is this to think that we're standing in a woman's house who actually stabbed someone huh pretty good job it is but the house was taken from her it's like who owns it now no one has just left yeah but maybe if something dodgy would go in yeah you can see in here mark look at the cobwebs no like drug dealers and I even turn the light off because that phone has melted to the light oh yeah yeah you think Drug D there's anything they've bought me a woman they just get rid of it Santa I had a woman I know that much it's just paperwork everywhere just literally cluttered all over this place marks found like a secret door who are you taking me Mark I don't know yet see the car out there guys absolutely all abandoned slightly attic or the loftic people wow it's like a dressy up room so tonight Michael I will be oh there's no window no the wind is completely missing completely right out yeah is it we don't want to upset any bees bro if there's any bees looks like a bird's nest look it's weird yeah it'd be like birdsness it's probably all antiques it's probably something hiding behind me in the Box on the new toilet baby this is mad though mark how much stuff can just be scattered in one house that's CDs I think it's crazy so it's quite nice so I'm gonna head back down there's another little stair cover down there you missed my fan your stockings bro mark sexy hot lips so apart from all the graffiti and the damage this place is still an absolute Beauty look at this downstairs I know so just looking back in here fits we might have missed a Cutlery look at the olives oh completely rotted in the Old Blue Glass I love blue glass and these old trunks oh these paintings are absolutely beautiful and they're the old ships I'm really amazed at this place man this place is absolutely beautiful look at everything that everything's done so well and you think yeah it's room again that we feel like we missed a lot and you can't even get over to there the amount of stuff came in this house and you can see outside like the way the windows are completely overgrown what is this if anyone knows what this is for it's like a roller thing so that's the TV upstairs with lights on the back it's crazy again the old lights above her head all right I'm literally roasting she's in this like a Spire pen it's got like a recording thing on it and stuff mad it's one of them spy pens you can record on it so this is the kitchen guys the Explorers this is the kitchen and it is just literally again like the rest of the house ain't it a complete a clutter cars so as we're coming through the kitchen look at the moment champagne that fridge is absolutely Wicked man yeah we've got a balloon now I just stuff everything yeah we just found here that this is a what was it for fourteen thousand a judgment this is like a what's it called like depth and stuff a cool County judgment in the oven and everything is there anything in the fridge there's a food oh stings man 2012. some of this stuff I want that chair man I look at the chair guys we never take nothing though so unfortunately it stays just hopefully man everyone respects this place like we do and we're going to leave exactly over there so look guys standing outside this place now how creepy does it look with the lights on now we haven't put these lights on the hall and that light was all on uh I switched off and it it came on again so I don't have to switch as dodgy or what but we're just going to leave the house exactly how we found it we're going to drive around a nice beautiful 4K I'm not going to leave the asses I found it I'm sweaty absolutely roasting so guys in America this is the family hatch molding it man at all you're literally touching shoulders so anyway guys let's get out of here enjoyed that guys the gimbal did mess up we had a little bit of problem filming today and also we heard people coming in and then we didn't hear people coming in and we did and it was like ah please respect what we try and do and it is getting dark hit that thumbs up guys please hit that like And subscribe guys love you all from me from uh take care see you soon [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 36,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: drHVj7Eyn4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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