Abandoned Italian Car Dealer's Mansion (1900s CLASSIC CARS FOUND)

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Today I show you the forgotten legacy of Mr. Armando and his relatives. Once a booming family business in antique cars and agricultural vehicles between the sixties and nineties, has now fallen between the cracks. In this adventure, I will roam around a true time-capsule of the past and show you the family relics and rusty oldtimer wrecks that are still left behind throughout their erstwhile home, that they departed 20 years ago. Welcome back everyone on a brand new episode in Italy! The mansion I'm exploring right now absolutely left me speechless. So, this mansion has been abandoned since 2000 and ever since has been frozen in time for 2 decades. It was owned by Mr. Armando and his family. I can not tell you their surname, because these people actually had a business. A business in agricultural vehicles and they also dealt in antique cars. They are still antique cars outside as well. It is really unbelievable. There's such a state of decay. You can tell, the building has been degrading during the years, but not many hands of explorers have touched the interior and the things that are left behind inside. That's always the best. It's a real time-capsule and I'm going to show you everything inside of it today. So, enjoy watching this video! Of course, as always, I'm going to wear a mask inside of this place. Because there is always dust, mold particles... I haven't done my hair today, so I will put up my hat as well. And also, I will be protected from spider webs. And let's enter the first room! This was actually the kitchen. And take a look at what's left behind. There's still their dining table in the middle. Still, some bottles of water. "Sanpelegrino", that's actually water from Italy. Some newspapers over here. This one is dating from 1996. So, these people actually had a company from the sixties to the late nineties. Look at the coffee pots over here. There are so many. They must have loved to drink coffee in the morning. There's a fridge over here. The brand name is "Boppas". No way! There are still things left inside. A lot of bottles. Luckily, not many food products. Ah, the freezer is empty. Luckily, there's no bad smell. That's a big advantage. And look, at what's left behind. It's really a place where it seems that Mr. Armando and his family have just vanished. He never returned and they left all their stuff left behind. Wow! Look at that chinaware. So many things. It's overstuffed inside. Some pans. Everything is left behind. But literally, everything. There's even still a vault in this place that is still in its lock. So that is probably also still filled. Oh, look over here: some cork. Probably, these people also really liked drinking wine. The last cork of the bottle they opened is also still here. Their cutlery. And again, it is full of kitchen tools. All the plates, some glasses over here. A toaster. And an iron over here. Over here is a dishwasher, a sink... Let's see if the water is still running... Nope. The water has been turned off. I really like the tiles. Then have a look at their dining table and the fireplace right over there. It must have been such a homely and peaceful place when it was still being lived in. This was clearly a furnace. Oh, look at the spiderwebs. That's how you know that this place has remained so untouched. This door has been opened for such a long time in this position. The spiderwebs are literally just growing in between them. I'm not even going to touch it. Of course, it's a time capsule. But it's just so well-preserved in time. And that's the best. It's really the best experience you can get as an explorer. So, over here they actually, I think, had their main door. You can tell it has been well-locked. There's a big iron bar barricading the property. This is where I shot the intro. And then, I'm going to the next room. Wow! Incredible. I was really not expecting to see such time capsules like this in Italy. I was, honestly, prepared for the worst. But again, we found them. And here we are. With a beautiful chandelier at the top, that has been crowded here and there with cobwebs that are just black because of the dust. In the middle, I think there's some vinegar. And now comes the point. Look at these chairs. I think it's a mixture of Italian and French chairs. But if you see the staircase in this place, I think these people really liked a French style. Or they perhaps also had French heritage. Oh my gosh, okay... I hope you can see this, but these strings are actually cobwebs. So, that means, that I'm probably the very first explorer to ever open this cabinet. I am going to do it with much respect. Look at the string! Oh my gosh! My gosh... It is full of china plates. It is full of them. The complete cabinet is filled. It's absolutely unbelievable. My hand is also covered in these cobwebs now. And that's why I'm always wearing gloves. Oh, look in the corner. There has been some leakage damage. And over here you can also see that nature is just growing inside. It is invading the home of Mr. Armando and his family. A little cart over here. Maybe it was used to serve out some champagne or wine in these glasses. And look at the wallpaper as well. Oh, I also notice some curtains over there at the top. They are also typical French. Over here we have a little sewing kit. You can always fold these boxes in, and also you could eventually fold them out. And there would be sewing tools in each compartment. So, I think we are also going to find a sewing machine. This television from "Grundig" definitely looks like it is dating from the late nineties, beginning twenties. It is still in such a good state, concerning any theft or vandalism that could have happened to the property. And I really hope it will stay like this for a very long time. My gosh! Oh, so much glassware! Wow! And also, the liquor bottles over here. I can't get my mind straight around it how something like this always ends up in this state. Of course, I have seen places like this many times now and you as well, but still, I don't understand it. Absolutely incredible! I am going to lock it, so it will hopefully stay preserved in time. Those were just some towels. And over here some sheaths too, and that was probably used to make up the table before they were having a meal. And then, let's continue to the next room. Notice the spiderwebs over here too. Wow. Again, there is a magnificent chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Here and there, you can see some boxes. Somebody was trying to save this place one day. But, I'm sad to announce that it's too late now and that never happened. And then this is my favorite room, I think. Have a look at the crazy and just fascinating state of decay. Nature is reclaiming the place. The wallpaper is peeling off. But still, everything is left behind as it was when it was being lived in. Over here is an upright piano from Paris. "Albert Foure" is the brand name. I have never seen this brand before. It is still working but the tunes sound very false. And this is a typical French piano with candleholders as well. The glasses over here. Oh! And look over here! It is actually dated from 1929 and it is about a technical institute. So, this was probably the study of the past residents before they went into the technical business with their agricultural vehicles. These are just all old memories and photos. It is absolutely amazing! Then, over here was the mother and father of Mr. Armando, I think. They are still being remembered on top of the piano, while he was playing a song and let his emotions go. The wallpaper is just hanging over the cabinet here. And I think this is still filled with books. At least, that's what I expect. Yeah! Well, not mainly books, but mostly documents. Over here it is saying 1969, 1970, 1963... Probably those were just documents from their business. All the documents for their business. And again, this cabinet is oh so French with these curtains on the inside. I've seen them plenty of times, but never did I see them in Italy. Never. Oh, again there are some bottles of red wine. The yellow china collection. Over here is the wallpaper just laying. It has leveled. Oh, actually have a look at this corner seat. Then this is absolutely incredible. This used to be a coatrack for their jackets. Again, the wallpaper is just covering it. And there is a huge cobweb string, the black line, going all the way to the typewriter on top of this office desk. This was one of the big chairs where they must have worked almost every day. They were a wealthy family. And, as a matter of fact, it was also a big family. We are about to find many bedrooms, so it is very evident that the family consisted of many family members. There's a basket over here. Oh, there's some wool inside! So, maybe one of the family members liked to knit or sew. The roots are again just growing inside. The fireplace over here and a religious painting over here. But wow, I can't believe it. To be honest, we are definitely one of the first people to enter this place. I think this was a very old stove, but I have never seen a design like this. Okay, so it's time to enter the next room. I just showed you an office and this is yet another office. So, I think they definitely had a business on a quite large scale. Over here's a barometer on the wall. A calendar from 1997. Over there are also still the last bills on the table. But I'm not going to go into detail, because it will reveal the location. And this is the vault I was talking about. It is still locked. It is also still filled. It is incredible. Again, some documents inside. A clock on the wall. And over here's a religious statue of a priest. There are so many files and documents inside of the room. I'm just going to read out the dates because I can not reveal the company's name. Then again, yet another chandelier on the ceiling. Right in front of it, is a mesmerizing painting. They are so many keys of the property also still left behind on top of the table. Those are all still files. Over here was a paper that was used for registration of the cars they sold. And it's incredible. There are still old letters. If I open this over here, there's also still a completely filled drawer. Then over here is an Italian typewriter from "Olivetti". A rotary phone. It works like this. I'm not used to it. I also really like the chair. And, of course, when they had long office days, it was very necessary that the chairs were comfy enough. And, over here, close to the garden door, are actually coatracks and there is still a walking cane. Because this door is leading to the garden. There's a television with a hat on top. This is a quite vintage model from "Phonola". I think that is still a medkit, but I'm not going to touch the medkit to just respect it and preserve it the way it is. Also, over here, is the place where probably once all the keys used to hang up. There was space for many keys, and probably, also plenty of them were keys from the antique cars that are still standing in the garages next to the place. Then, over there on the wall is the last calendar date: 2000. It is abandoned now for nearly 21 years. Again, there is incredible woodwork on this cabinet again. French style. And let's have a look between the stained glass. Oh, it is actually full of mechanical tools and appliances. Alcohol, mineral water, some magazines, and also other files. And then, from the office room, there are those two doors with a religious crucifix on top. Then let's have a look at what's behind them. Ah, so this was their washing area. You can still see two washers over here. I think this was a shed that was mainly used for storage. There is also still a scale on the ground. It is still accurately working. Another typewriter underneath here, and yet another one over here! An "Olivetti" as well. A bicycle, very strange, how it is standing here upside down. It's a little bit messy and unorganized over here, but you can clearly tell that most things are still left in their original place. Look at that. What is it actually? It's like a clock but what's that down beneath it? I really can't relate. Over here is a fridge but the brand's name says "Fiat"? I'm not sure if this is the same brand as the brand of the cars and that "Fiat" also made fridges, but it seems very strange to me! Well, this one has been emptied. Yeah, I think that was it for the shed. Now, let's show you the other rooms. So, it's time to show you my favorite part inside of this mansion! Follow me along in this marvelous stairhall. Also, typical French! And it's just unbelievable. There are big webs of cobwebs everywhere, that you are might not able to see but I am experiencing it now and it is, literally, as if this place has been frozen in time. Oh, also over here are some beautiful carvings on this wooden bench. Wow! It's very sad. Do you see the cracks over there on the wall? That's no good for this place. Because if we are going to enter the next part right now, you will see that one part of the ceiling has just entirely collapsed. It has completely leveled with this floor. And you can clearly see that somebody was trying to take care of their goods and belongings, but it seems that they just walked away from it someday. They forgot it, and right now all this stuff inside of these boxes is literally neglected for good. And then, look at the stairhall from this perspective. Wow! Oh, there is also a window over there on the top. The natural sunlight is beautifully falling through. And the rays of sunlight are perfectly lightning up this beautiful stairhall. Well, as I said, the ceiling has just collapsed as a whole there. Let's just first enter the room that's completely on my right-hand side over here. This is a tiny bathroom. Also, still, the toilet paper is hanging up here. This was used to flush the toilet. It's not working anymore, I'm going to leave it. And there's another door... wow! Okay, that made some noise. Oh, look, the wind is opening up the window. I'm going to close that window to prevent anything of water damage from coming inside of the property in the future. Like this, okay, I secured it now. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed, because it is just broken. Anyway, time to show you the first bedroom. Have a look! The mirrors on the sides. And there are huge wardrobes. They are still holding all their clothes, I think. Those were mostly some sheaths for the bed. Wow! Also, still, all their clothes are left behind. But it's strange, they are still in this foil as if they were trying to rescue them from all the dust. But eventually, that clearly never succeeded. I think, however, the clothes are very well-preserved and in very good condition. And they could easily be donated. And I sincerely hope that any legal owner still owning this place will decide to give these clothes a new life for someone else. Everything is completely full. It just keeps on going. Everything. Okay, so it is such a big mess to walk here. Imagine, that this is literally just the ceiling over here. With all these bamboo sticks and concrete in between them. That's how they used to build these homes back in their days. I think it is still a very primitive way of building. And then, let's enter the room behind these two white doors. This is actually another bedroom. Oh, there are still some "Vans" sneakers. I also used to have them when I was 13 or 14 years old. There's a baby bed. There's a lot of noise on the street because they are constructing the street over here. Look at this little pram, it must have been for a toy doll. Not for a real kid. And again, a huge cobweb. A string going all the way through this room. Oh, this was definitely a baby carriage. Mostly used for transport. Some pretty plain beds. I think this was definitely the child's room. Ah, look at the angel statue over here. I really like these handles. Oh, this piece of clothing looks very shiny. Look at the color. And then, from this room, I can walk to the next bedroom that is also absolutely amazing. Such a typical French style of the bed, yet again. A vanity over here. Look at this corner! I have my questions if this doll has been staged. I think so, but it would be strange, as not many people have been inside of here. Oh, there's a big fur coat hanging right on the wardrobe here. And again, it is full of sheaths for the bed. I don't want to be too repetitive, but you get the point. Everything has been left behind inside of this mansion, and it is just left for eternity to take over. You can still see the old seats standing here, and I think this used to be the original position where they belonged. Also the red ones over here. There used to be a chandelier right at the point of this electricity cable, but this chandelier has also fallen down and is completely broken. Utterly sad. Well, again, there is yet another bedroom over here. So, now, you might understand my point why I'm thinking that the family was quite large. It is very hard to open this drawer with one hand. There are mostly some postal cards inside over here. "Fiesole", another city in Italy. There's also a child photo over here. Even more photos. Look, this was probably with granny. Oh, and this is inside of the place! Imagine that. Oh my gosh. I think the girl's name was Veronica. This photo was taken inside of the mansion when it was still inhabited. That's always so incredible to find. How it was before and how it looks now. A little purse. Oh, there are so many shoes. Most of them are still inside of the box. I will just open one cabinet to give you an idea. Oh, these clothes are actually not packed in foil. But there is a very dusty smell coming outside. I think this was definitely a woman's room. There's also a pair of pumps standing there. A big mirror. Also, the lamps. They look quite modern compared with the other furniture. Oh, many old envelopes and letters. Let's see... yep, they were dedicated to the family for sure. Probably, someone was on holiday and wanted to let them know and sent them a letter. Of course, everything is written in Italian so it is very difficult for me to actually read it. This letter was written by a friend of theirs named "Renata". And then, it's time to show you the last room on this floor. This is yet another bedroom. It's so wonderful how each room has an own chandelier but each chandelier has a different design. Colored glass. This used to be a hanger for a coat. This also looks like a tiny vault. Also, this one is still locked. Oh, some coats right over here. They must have been from the man. Also, there is still a razor over there. It's time to go another level upstairs. Just look at the prams. The pair of prams that are still standing there. And also the rollerskates! They look like they're one of the first models that were ever made. Wow! It's beautiful how the natural sunlight is just falling through. The spiderwebs between the banisters. And then, we enter the attic. Notice the big foil that has been placed over this cabinet. As if they are willing to protect it. Oh, there are so many bicycles! And they do not look that old. They are not very rusty. They don't have many cobwebs on them. It looks like this is still storage that is being used by someone. There's also foil around the bicycles. Well, this hasn't been walked for a long time. I will show it to you from a distance. I think that was for cement. Look at those balls, I think they were part of a game. A broom on the ground. Again, I literally have to kill the cobwebs. I'm feeling them all around me right now. But, yeah, just have a look. And then, over here on the shelves, it is still completely filled with old magazines. That's a big collection. Oh, this paper is actually dating from 1968. 1986. So many magazines. Some are still packed in the ropes. Over here is another storage for some furniture. Again, it is covered in big foil around it. What's this over here? Oh, those were actually matrasses. Yeah, a mattress and a bed. Yeah, and again, many chairs. Well, the last room in the attic is actually this one. Oh my gosh! It feels like I just walked inside a little antique market. There's another baby carriage or bed. But look at this corner! Wow. Over here is an old press. Some very vintage lamps. There's even a spinning wheel over here. And then, in this corner, there is an old "Telefunken" radio (a German brand), a vintage "Philips" television, and this over here! And this is my favorite. There's an old record player inside of this cabinet. It was like this. You had the cabinet, on the side you could put your records. If you fold this one open, there it pops up: the record player, wow! This was actually one for small records. But, yeah, absolutely amazing. Paris, New York, Roma, Tokyo... all capitals are on it. The old buttons. The net is still intact. It's in very good condition. And then, on top, there's this old chandelier swinging. The last thing I want to show you in the building is actually a basement I discovered. Alright, let's go down. Oh, there's a spider here. A very tiny one. Oh my gosh, it is full of cobwebs here. Alright, let's see... Wow! It's full of wine bottles. Have a look. Damn. Also some liquor over there. That looks repulsive. My gosh, a very tiny basement, though, for such a big building. But let's show you the outside right now! Okay, so lastly, it is time to show you the outside of the place. I can put off my mask, a lot of spikes here. These spiky bushes are not very friendly to me now. And yeah, just have a look at it. Wow! Very beautiful. And over here, in front of me, the mansion itself as well. There are so many beautiful details on the facade too. I can't believe how nobody wants to save such a historical property. And then, right behind me, are actually the sheds with the cars. I will just begin at the complete end over there. You can definitely see that those machines were used in agriculture. And then, prepare yourselves for this incredible garage. It is just unbelievable. The cars that are standing inside of here are classics. They are all "Fiat's". But they are still in such good condition. I think some of them would even still start, or only need minor fixes. And then, you can drive them again. Wow. There's another "Fiat", a similar one but in another color. I want to see how many kilometers this one has driven. Oh, not very much! 91.190. That's not very much. Again, it is in such proper condition. And then, there are two other cars here. They are also from the brand "Fiat". This is a Fiat sicat. Wow, I really like the interior of this one. Let's see if it's possible to lift up the hood and look at the engine. I can't lift this one up. I also do not want to leave too many dust marks, of course. Oh, look at this one, wow. It's absolutely incredible. The problem is, it might be hard to move these cars. Because look over here at this end. There is actually a garden, but there are trees and it is very overgrown. So, it is not very easy to drive these cars out in this direction. So, let's continue to the next part. It hasn't been sunny now for three days. It has only been raining. And again, the sun is back in Italy and here we are, exploring this beautiful property! This is just an explorer's goldmine. It's all in one: you have antique cars, you have a time-capsule mansion... it's unbelievable! But even on top of that, there's something else, I haven't told you about yet. Have a look right over here! A very old carriage. And there's another one right over there. Ah, this place keeps on topping itself. They had many sheds because it was very essential for their company. They needed much space to work. Oh, this sign is actually saying: "Tickets for the railway". So, I think this used to stand on a train station. These machines over here were all used for their car company. This was another tool used for maintaining their garden. Over here the shed continues. There are a lot of doors. And look over here at all these bottles that were mainly used for wine storage. So, we nearly came to an endpoint of the video. And this was such an incredible adventure again in Italy! I'm so happy I could see this place and also share it with all of you. And I really hope you are as amazed as I am with this incredible place! I haven't checked out this part yet, so let's do that next. Ah, there are many thorns. Let's see if I can enter it this way. Ah, ah, they are not nice. Okay, finally, there we go. It is very dark inside of here. Those are just some empty rooms. There are some sinks, so I think this was used by the employees that were working for the car business, to wash their hands after doing some mechanical things for example. Still, some blueprints over there. And there is even a stairway going up. It is actually way bigger than I expected. Again, there is much storage. Some bathrooms. Damn. This looks very apocalyptic. Yeah, well, to be honest, it is all just rotten furniture. That's not very interesting. Parts of a bed. Some more matrasses over here too. This must have been a shed that was used for storage. But then again, it is strange how there are so many bedrooms. Anyway, let's show you the last part now. I have to make my way through all these spikes again. This time it went relatively smooth. Okay, let's see... Oh, there is yet again, a car standing. Oh my gosh! Look at my right! No way! Wow, some very old transport vehicles! My gosh, those are classics! I'm not sure if they are "Citroen's" but they look very French. Of course, I would love to hear from anybody in the comment section if you're watching this and you have more knowledge. Oh, no, this is a "Fiat", like all the other ones too. Flat tires. Look at the backside of those trucks. This is such an incredible place. And I have probably said that so many times now, but the cars and the mansion make it the perfect combination for a documentary! And then, I think this is the last car and it is oh so dusty. Wow! Look at this shed. I have never seen a shed like this. The arches are almost like a church. My gosh. Wow. Well, you can tell that they had such a big property. Plenty of buildings, even in front of me right now there's another building. But this one has collapsed on the other side and is also pointing to the street, so, I think I want to close the video in this wonderful shed. And I really want to thank everyone for making it this far and just joining me on this very memorable exploration inside this Italian time-capsule mansion! I really want to thank everyone for watching and if you enjoyed it, you know the drill: please, hit the LIKE button, SUBSCRIBE to the channel down below, and also ring the BELL NOTIFICATION button if you don't want to miss out on any future episodes. If you want to SUPPORT us, that's also possible and deeply appreciated! There are a Patreon and a PayPal link right down below in the video description, so go and check it out! And, in the end, I want to thank everybody. I wish you much love, peace, and blessings and we'll see you on our next adventure! Peace-out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 41,036
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, italy, abandoned italy, mansion, car dealers mansion, car dealer, abandoned car dealer mansions, italian, italian car dealer, italian car dealers mansion, abandoned cars, found, cars, abandoned car, abandoned oldtimer, classic, classic cars, found oldtimer, 1900s, abandoned house, abandoned places, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, exploring, urban, explore, explomo, exploring with josh, the proper people, steve ronin, bros of decay, untouched, discovered
Id: oeeJ9aUvhSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 11sec (3731 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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