50 years of stuff & everything was left behind! We bought it all! What will we find?!?

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hey guys and welcome to today's episode well if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that we do house clear oats on occasion and today is one of those days it's day one episode one of a house clear out series um we are going to go over we just got the keys for the property uh Melissa's coming with me this time my my code Digger we're gonna go until we can find some stuff um but here's the story um the the lady passed away she lived in this house for about 60 years she no longer is is there the family lives in a different city far away and um through a lawyer we were contacted to see if we could empty the contents so we ended up making a deal purchased everything in the house now we get to go with the keys and see what we bought uh is he ready for some fun yeah okay hopefully it'll be interesting hopefully it'll be some good stuff but my thoughts were 60 years in the same house with and I was told there was some accumulation in the basement that uh it's gonna be a bit of work but I'm not afraid of that so uh we'll go check it out let's go see okay the moment of truth let's go in oh there's clothes and they left the light on for us well the this area looks like a normal sort of house couches and things you got the door okay yeah okay it's a little bit dark in here oh no another piano uh at least it doesn't look like a super duper heavy one but nonetheless well there's some uh tchotchkes that's cut glass that almost looks like it's I mean I don't think it is lolique but it has that sort of Lalique look to it hang on is there a better light that's the only light there's like I know there's like a ton of lamps well this doesn't look so bad so far I don't know what they were worried about this just looks like uh an afternoon I'm gonna see if I can get to the window open here all right kitchen well let's do a little Walkabout I guess first bathroom got power is that like an antique picture Prince well there's some accumulation in here but you know everything that's in here is stuff that uh couldn't be couldn't be dealt with so this is what we do they they said they oh look at all the phone books look at all the years of phone books stacked up there when we bought the uh when we bought the Cadillac from Betty Joan that's what she she had like a stack that thick that she was using to sit on the seat because she was just a little lady and this must be probably the master bedroom I'm guessing Beanie Babies a lot of them I don't know I can't remember which ones are good or not there's a Wayne Gretzky Beanie Baby yeah the funny thing is that like those were so expensive at one point in time and they're all in these little collector cases but are there things in the drawer oh look jewelry boxes do you got it yeah but it's empty oh this all this had jewelry in at one point oh look there's a there's something in there it's a little earrings yeah it might be shelled oh there's some jewelry in here and and there is jewelry in here oh yeah look there's a little gold bracelet yeah that's probably actually gold too it feels light well that's not a finding a drawer full of jewelry right off the bat's not a bad sign I I was almost worried that when we found those empty boxes it was going to be completely gutted and emptied out oh perks better do you want to open it well I'll put it in light oh that's um oh there's tags in here but that's uh that's Amber if we find a mosquito we can recreate there's a little seahorse and uh nice antique uh cameo okay well that's a good sign right finding jewelry right off the bat and every there's a lot of boxes in here too oh there's a ring is it gold ring yeah probably I'm guessing that's gonna be that looks like it's gold okay well maybe we should bring some of this stuff I was I was thinking we'll do the walkthrough video today but um maybe some of the stuff should come back so we can sort it properly that choice I'm guessing oh look there was mice I'm guessing the uh these drawers probably had all that in it at some point uh there's more there's jewelry boxes on the counter here too yep and it's in it as it is like a little drop do you think it's uh uh we'll have to look at home and see yeah I see yeah there's a bunch of jewelry is that it's like uh unicorns no no um what's the flying horse the Pegasus yeah this looks like Crystal oh yeah like zaroski kind of Ivana I wonder if it's Ivana Trump what little binoculars Opera binoculars let's see the watches what brand do we have here gosh I can't even oh Seiko let's see that looks like a Cartier yeah that looks like mine um I don't it does say Cartier on it but Cartier usually has a screw back it doesn't have a pop back on it so that might be replicated if that's a real Cartier that is like a two thousand dollar watch if it's real yeah okay are these drawers empty nope they're full of stuff okay let's let's walk around the whole I could be lost in this room for a bit I think what we're gonna have to do is uh hang on yeah something in there [Music] okay if you wondered what that smells like clothes actually vintage clothes probably wasn't vintage when she had it but it is now some some a little bit newer oh yeah that's neat is that a dress hang on stick that out the shirt oh that's really cool it has like the little uh you know very kind of 1960s looking your 70s looking okay well so far gosh and that's the thing like the first day of an adventure like this is always the most fun because you get to do the exploration and see what was left behind I was starting to think that maybe the it had been picked over but they clearly left gold rings and stuff so yeah it couldn't have been picked over that thoroughly um okay let's you know what if they were buying stuff at Burke's I am just going to look for a maker's mark on this little glass statue here I got it no it is not crystalline collection but it looks like if that was actually like a Lalique figure that thing would be super expensive so plates and things never know oh we have to bookcase with some I see some vintage books in it all right let's uh so far this isn't too bad yeah I'm glad you came with me hey look it's uh CorningWare the dishes are still in the sink oh the light this house is so dark here got a lot some light in here some spices all possibly spaghetti recipes oh yeah recipe books up top and hang on that looks like a depression glass dish almost I can't tell do you want me to hold the oh you got whatever that is Maybe no it looks it's one of those little like uh you put your nuts and candies and stuff in there antique Sugar Bowl you know we're gonna have to make sure to check all the I just totally backed into this fridge here it's in a weird spot maybe we'll get lucky and find a a bag of pirate gold but I have a feeling that they would have gone through and uh the beneficiaries oh there we go money oh there's Pyrex but that is that's actually uh I think that's the primary uh Pyrex from the 1949 or 50 around there the primary Bowl set but I only see one unless there's more at the back I don't know if you want to have a look down there dare I open the fridge um nobody has lived in this house since last year so if there's food in this fridge okay nothing in the freezer okay thankfully somebody emptied the fridge out oh the fridge smells a little a little musty forks and knives junk drawer every kitchen has a junk drawer and at uh Betty Jones house we like that one house we went through when we went through the musician's house you'd open the door that looked like this and then there'd be like randomly a whole bunch of like silver dollars in the back of it it's always at the spot well if you were um if you were gonna put something in a drawer like this you didn't want anybody to find it you'd stick it way at the back so we'll come we'll come dig through that a little bit more thoroughly um ready to go downstairs no you know what that is you don't know I bet people watching at home know what it is we had one in The Potter's House you know what that's for open it up we'll see if it's still in there yep it's a lot it's an ironing board yep they used to build ironing boards that was like a special feature built-in ironing boards into your house I don't think I've ever it is kind of strange to I uh Betty Jones house had the pop-down ironing board The Potter's House I think did or Betty Jones hosted for sure yeah anytime you see a narrow little door like that in a house if it doesn't have an ironing board in it it used to at one point I think we had one but it had I'm fairly sure our broom closes like we put our bags and broom in there okay lights nope not that one nope hang on let me get the light on the camera [Music] getting dark down here there we go all right well this is more what I'm used to that's kind of a weird statement isn't it oh there's an old uh Christmas prayer I can smell that there's been mice down here it actually it smells musty it's it's musty yeah well look at the vent I don't think anyways can't really but there's a bed like a 1940s queen size bed or a double bed toaster oven weed whacker for some reason you want me to see if I can get to it no what happened well [Applause] no I can get to it from Jamaica cool oh yeah because it says Jamaica on it well or maybe they just like to make it I it's probably made in Jamaica and another one inside it's neat how did you even see that over here what this is like super colorful and there's flowers is there another room back here is that a hallway no you're looking you're looking into I'm looking okay can I get through there that way oh you gotta come back out okay there's lots of boxes and stuff I mean AMA drug evaluations oh yeah that's a wedding dress I wonder if it'd be like in Beetlejuice if it comes to life at night yeah there's uh there's some clothes down here that's like you're uh going to the beach kind of frock circa 1960 something a clock oh there's a little clock looks like a fireplace it's a remote to something well there's there's piles of vintage clothes down here well I don't know how vintage they are but there are piles of clothes Hollywood jeans it's got to be from like the 80s or 90s okay well this oh look there's the old uh screen divider like a room divider a lot of times they have Asian designs on them painting or print it seems to me like this is going to be one of those situations where you just really have to I'm gonna have to really work for it and dig hang on I did see what looked like a a violin case here those old Levi's actually these mum Jean kind of Levi's are popular now well I saw the case of it sticking out and oh it's inside it's not in the greatest shape let's see does it have a name the name is always right on the inside there I'm going to just use the flashlight and turn the camera off for sexy if I can read anything in there see a maker's name on it immediately but this case would tell me it's probably from the 1930s because uh that's about the age of that oh this will take some uh doing I can see the drawers over there are totally full hang on yeah but I don't want to step on another like a clock or another violin or something some of the closers in dry cleaning bags foreign okay I'm just making sure I'm not stepping on anything too precious God if I found a find a mouse Nest I'm not gonna be happy and neither will the mice well there's a big conch shell you say cool I don't know what's in there you want to have a look at that usual climbing um yeah it's pretty big there's this this mattress is missing some of its stuffing which I'm guessing the mice probably used oh look more these sort of 1960s glasses oh uh oh eight millimeter film but it looks like it's all developed it has their name on the back like that yeah surprisingly people buy I'll see if the if the family members are interested in it they said they didn't want anything out of the house so oh gosh who knows what's in here knitting needles for sure [Music] I found a Cabbage Patch doll or two hidden in the drawer okay I'm gonna climb out because uh but there are at least there's empty boxes we can use for packing stuff that'll come in handy okay I'm gonna climb my way out of here whatever spider was in there was in there for a while yeah well no it's got like the you know the little cave that the spider is going I'm okay I'm just trying to be careful not to I think I got it all right well it seems like the uh uh the stuffing kind of occurred down here in the basement so they're pretty wild they look like they're seal skin shoes might be that feels like seal skin yeah they make steel Pelt well they did I don't think they do it anymore so wait I was looking into this room yeah is there a light in here there must be well there's a light bulb up there there must be a light in here like a light switch let me do you want me to check in behind the store um no I don't want you to get a hurt hang on all crawling okay it's Gotta Be A Place for my foot normally your light switch is like you know is there one on the outside of the door well that helps a little bit old fans this is where old fans come to kick the bucket that wasn't big oh here's the switch right over there oh thank goodness the bulb still works oh there's a closet there another Cabbage Patch doll or VHS tapes everywhere I go those VHS tapes oh it's an old catcher's mitt right there that's a pretty old catcher's mitt actually Wellington and done the winwell mitt that's probably like 1940s still soft surprisingly old ash trees and stuff Lucy mod Montgomery book okay and there is stuff in here too ribbons Christmas stuff in there oh there's another cabinet back there with Oh there's uh like Winnie the Pooh figures oh and I see a Victorian photo album if I can get around this corner you okay over there I'm okay um mildly nervous about my feet hang on put some of this stuff out of the way that sounds breakable a lot of a lot of clothes okay boxes and boxes but look I kind of saw okay yeah I'm good there's a little uh like a porcelain Eeyore and where is it made Walt Disney Productions it's it's authentic it's not like a knockoff and there's a roux is it Rue with a mump is the mom and there's so there's a few little Disney things here but this is a an antique photo album that is your typical I could tell as soon as I saw it out of the corner of my eye not only is it a Victorian photo album it has its original rest that it sits on it's got a little drawer here empty but it is full full full of antique pictures going back again 1909 and probably prior oh and there's a cubby under the stairs that's full of uh antique I can see an antique uh um oh my gosh like a pot a uh teapot my goodness my brain has left my body it was some antique pictures I can see on the floor there which I can't get to just yet it's nice when it starts going through the process and we can like start making hats and seeing what's in every box yeah right now it's a lot of climbing yeah no I'm okay I normally have to hey there's this there's a singer featherweight right behind the door no I'm I'm not kidding you yeah we did a live feed and somebody said oh I want a singer feather weight and I said you never know we might find one in the next house oh it's been down here a while it was it was stuck to the floor yeah the bottom has water damage but that's a singer featherweight that is probably one of the best sewing machines oh darn I gotta go back in and turn this light off oh but I'm dealing with right now there okay gloves in a mask I think too yeah probably the stuff getting in there do you want to open it and see if it's if the sewing machine itself looks like it's okay yeah okay it's got wet so the sewing machine might have got moisture in it is it okay it looks fine it's and this is all metal so oh it's not yeah it's not Rusty or corroded it looks okay oh they had it sitting on a little bit of it was sitting on uh wood and cardboard so it didn't actually get wet thankfully well that's a good find I mean that's the thing you got another one my goal here is to go through all of this stuff and find all the little goodies like the antique violin the paintings the sewing machines um it's just it looks like when you stand back and look at it it looks like a bunch of garbage which is what they said when they when they sold me the place and here there's a feather ceiling a featherweight yeah uh there's a whole other room over here a big room I'm gonna hang on let me check the bathroom there's a lot of cleaning products in here yeah yeah this bathroom is uh a little worse for wear oddly it looks like I don't want to think somebody was using it in this condition but there's fairly recent looking soap products down here in Febreze and stuff and that is a little nasty well that could be good Adam green Gable is a really popular book series yeah but what year are they from those look like they're pretty early like I'm gonna guess let's see the cover let's see if I can make a wild guess I'm gonna guess this is from 1930 1930s somewhere around there and let's see no I was way off 1950. but still popular book series it had that kind of look you know actually as I look at it I'm I remember we thought we had an older one before didn't we I'm usually I'm disappointed myself I'm usually better at guessing dates on books from the way the covers are made but so those are probably all from the 50s that's okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go I'm gonna go in I don't I'm is my light on yeah it is I'm looking at the books Rudyard Kipling Anna Green Gables so there might be some uh good books called The Wild that's Jack London right down there if you find first editions of certain books they can be quite good okay I'm gonna go through this little pathway here I'm wiggling my way okay I don't have electricity in this room or I don't have a working light oh but I've got books I have what looks like bags of old clothes it rakes woohoo don't forget the rakes paintings artwork and actually I see that one's canvas so that is an actual painting that's not a print oh there's a singer accessory kit and a metronome an antique metronome but this is a serger I think right do you want to open that up matching Crystal wine set buttonholer I buy I have a buttonhole but very kind of a neat old clock so sessions mantle clock and it has like two sort of they look like they're Dutch young lovers kissing on top of the clock it's kind of cute that is an antique tapestry actually I walked right past it but that is quite an old town it's a section of antique tapestry that's been framed so this is a fireplace I wasn't expecting a fireplace down here either so this must be like a downstairs living room I guess and like the thing is every every one of these bags is full of vintage clothes or scarves so that's a silk scarf old Liquor Control Board boxing get your whiskey or gin and that thing moral books these are just oh that's just about to fall over okay okay oh there's the world's biggest deep freeze over there that is uh that's like the King Kong of deep freezes I can't imagine getting it out we don't have to I learned since we did the uh musicians house that um I don't do appliances oh there's a nice little trunk over there and I see a whole bunch of antique tea cups in that box this is why I have to be careful where I'm stepping because I don't want to step on a box of old teacups but there is a trunk what's in the trunk oh there's a giant spider on the wall yeah it's still active all right we don't uh we don't have rats in our area and we don't really have much for poisonous snakes so a lot of times uh when people when I'm climbing around people are always like aren't you worried you're gonna get bitten by a cobra did I almost knock the glass over I felt like something bad was happening over there yeah we do just not not in this area or if we do they're really uncommon but if we do have them it's going to be in this basement I can tell you that right now somebody just got the heebie-jeebies at home as I zoomed in on that okay I'm trying to get to this trunk the camera wobbling was me almost falling over hey there's a whole box of old postcards I know I'm like a squirrel this is a swell Hangout all postcards are good though like I know I can sell old postcards that's why I got excited by it because at the end of the day oh look there's more teacups see that's why you can't just blindly put your foot down because there's God there's spider webs everywhere I can tell you um I was told that the lady had not been in this basement in probably she hadn't been out she had a helper that came down but she hadn't been down here in years in this particular room anyway there's a nice little pocket knife right there that looks like it's gonna be an English pocket knife I'm gonna open it up and see actually uh looks like okay nope made in Japan well it's still a nice little knife put that in my back pocket for later what is in this trunk you're not you don't want to Brave this Mel you don't want to breathe it there's a lot of teacups what are we gonna find in the trunk I'm really curious what's in the trunk I'm curious what's in the trunk too uh that looks like a like cruzette um pot it is it actually is that's like a super duper expensive uh cookware pot like these are how much of these things like three four hundred bucks new put it seriously I'm not I'm not an expert on really anything in particular but I'm a good generalist other than when it's identifying the age of books apparently you know I'm gonna need two hands to get this box down so just give me one sec I'll be back I'm just kind of peeking around Melissa went to go grab me a uh an empty box so I can put some of this stuff in try and keep the tea cups together with cups and saucers and then a lot of this is sort of just like [Music] every cup has a freaking spider inside of it I feel like I'm in the spider Den over here I'm not not loving this I can just see like I can feel it on my face look at all these cobwebs on me yeah can I open this let's get some light in here I'll see if I can get that I'm struggling to reach this there oh that's that's too big of a box oh I just need a little one I need one like a quarter that size you know what hang on I can uh okay I'll use it I'll use it okay if you don't mind what am I looking at here country and western songs furlin husky Patsy Cline what's under this blanket oh hang on yeah that's perfect that's the perfect size box okay let's try oh well when I caught it too Ringling Brothers Circus here we come there is some uh I was told that she was a smoker and there's some heavy nicotine on these glasses from them to uh permeate into the basement it's an awful lot of dust and smoking and stuff I want any glasses and cups and you know a good wash and these are just fine I'm starting to sound like I have problems wow you just wash that off sure it had a little plutonium on it but you know it's good for the goose okay [Music] I'm gonna get this that looks like something you would have bought in Italy on vacation you know like when you go through um where was the glass building place we went to the yeah the Burano or Murano uh glass bowling works that's the exact type of thing that they sell out there and that is hand painted I don't see a signature on anywhere but that looks like the sort of stuff you buy when you're on vacation in Italy with its little matching Cup right there I'll very gently put that in the Box as well it does say made in Italy on it it looks like it could be blown glass kind of neat I'm gonna get the rest is cleared off and then we'll get to the trunk hey I left everything intact you can see the spider webs are still attached to this thing surprisingly the trunks still in look at all those spiders yeah okay is there anything in this trunk oh it's is it locked nope oh cool well it's like uh it's keepsakes but there is a really nice vintage jacket like uh it looks like a like a sophomore kind of 1950s Arbor evil let me know what that is velut Arbor Evo that is a really cool jacket I'll zoom out maybe somebody at home knows what that Crest is I'm not familiar with it but it looks like maybe a fraternity jacket or something um there's really old yarn oh there's old dolls antique dolls and they're wrapped up in plastic so they're still just fine this is this is keepsakes yarn I see a Burks hang on silver fork Rogers oh yeah yeah that's actual silver that's not electroplated so that probably came from like maybe a wedding set or something but I see a birks box down at the bottom and I see more antique dolls and there's dolls at the top there those look like maybe Madame Alexander's seahorse for some reason there's all kinds of neat stuff in here but I'm curious to know what is in the Burke's box there's like little jewelry looking boxes in here see Melissa sometimes you gotta go where the spider webs are to find the Golden Spoon now that's that's silver but it's gold-plated silver I really like that jacket but that Berks thing I'm gonna have to work to get down to okay I'm gonna close this up to keep this safe for now there's probably gonna be a ton of goodies inside of that trunk everything in there looks like it's from the 40s or 50s too like pretty well untouched um I don't know I mean I literally have no idea what's in all these boxes at my feet oh of course it dumped out recipes it's clippings of some kind I don't know what what they are stress is needed for Hobble it looks like it's a doctor's notes and stuff and an old deck of playing cards from what I don't know just some old deck of cards okay I'm gonna I'm gonna come out this room feels like it has potential yeah and actually that one trunk feels like it has a lot of potential and we're gonna do uh we're gonna do a few episodes is that where you went through so I got a vacuum that I'd be careful in that corner is God you put me through spiderweb alley no it's all over right where I have to there's spider webs they're like freaking everywhere oh well I can okay hang on I'll turn the light back on some of this stuff will be easy to get rid of just pillows that can go in the trash but there's uh a random rubber glove her leather glove yeah there's cobwebs all through this way I'm gonna have to comb my hair out when I get back look the Queen mom was young when that book came out [Music] the reign of Queen Elizabeth II and the clean Mother a lot of a lot of Canadians okay of a certain generation were quite an enamored with the Royal Family so I find a lot of houses that I go into that have that belong to older folks when am I gonna find a box of old Hot Wheels and just make my day that's what I want to know well I thought maybe oh gosh this shells like these boxes are all still tied up look at that tied up with who knows what inside of it if you want to see what's inside of it you're gonna have to keep watching oh there's a lot of clothes and stuff in oh you can't people at home can't see because I'm too far but I can see it's full that closet's full but I can't open it yet because the door is blocked okay all right and then we have oh geez I can just feel in my hair I got the creepy crawlies in that room it's like you're excited to find cool stuff and then here we have just a laundry room with your Harvest Gold appliances you know the thing is like these appliances as old as they are probably still work perfect yeah like this thing probably actually I'm gonna look inside and see what kind of shape it's in that's fine actually that paint stood up really well that Harvest Gold and Brown you know what these would be excellent like if you were making a movie or something and you needed appliances from the 70s these would be gold literally because um it's really hard to find stuff like this and nobody keeps it some kind of table or portable bed or something this is the other side I'm near the freezer dare I from the freezer um well it doesn't stink I don't know what that is like there's stuff still sealed up in boxes like nobody's ever what do we have let's see and what's inside what is inside I don't understand what I'm looking at oh it's uh lawn fertilizer for high traffic areas that's weird that they put lawn fertilizer in a cardboard box like that yeah I guess so wow it's massive is this a Kelvinator no bodies is it separate on the inside like two freezers as one big chest um I think it's one no maybe it is separate I don't know I don't really feel like looking right now it's something hey look there's more uh lawn stuff that might come in handy for us mid-century modern 1950s stool old fabric see this is the thing you kind of take your risk on a property like this because you you hear those things like you know been in the house a long time and you know 60 years in a home I'm putting my hand into yeah that's all these are wallets now you would think most people would have emptied money out of the wallet right I don't wanna there is stuff in that one but it's just personal stuff not even a dime but it's all right it is always dimes handy bulb oh my goodness and yet another bed how many people were there anticipating to sleep in this house and you don't even have room to set them up okay I don't know about you but I say we go upstairs and load up all the jewelry and oh I have a working light well there's a lot of all these bags are vintage clothes like that is something you definitely don't want to overlook because they can be quite good um I'm probably going to need a dump it oh look did you see this little room here or a door oh it's just it just goes to the where does it go it's like the chimney and the water the back side well I guess it's handy to have an extra access for that you know what you know what I just realized now hang on we got everything on the property and there's a garage back there we didn't even we got to go in the backyard there's a whole other there's a whole other building I mean it's the it's always there's stuff everywhere but literally there's stuff everywhere okay let's go check the garage out you first I'll follow you I am yeah I'm gonna turn it off foreign so we haven't really even looked that hard and there's tons of vintage clothing featherweight sewing machine uh a trunk full of Collectibles and antique dolls and gold and silver spoons tea cups tea cups for ages um and there's jewelry okay we'll go we'll go at the back I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna actually hang on let's go check it out and then we'll see what we need I have the house key with me so if it's on the same lock hey there's a bird bath no there's a bird bath do you want another bird bath on the property what's the big green bin what does it look like oh it's compost bin it's a pretty industrial compost bin shovel well there's not much in the backyard the Tulips are coming up oh yeah that's what I said that's why you kept saying tulips really something that's no please be a 57 Chevy well the door's open oh unlocked but it's stuck there's a bunch of debris in the way is there any other way let's walk around well yeah there's gonna be a garage door somebody's been pooping in here let me turn this light off well there's stuff in there I can see lawn chairs maybe an ax handle I think a bicycle okay let's see oh I remember this this is that did you ever have a family that had this type of Stucco on their house and then I somehow hit my elbow against it and yeah yeah so this is broken uh bottles anybody who's of a certain age I guess myself included but they would take in the 40s and 50s they'd recycle old seven up and Coke bottles and stuff and they'd put it into stucco like this on your house and bits of rock and whatever it's kind of neat until yeah you slide against it as a kidney my arm okay this is our way in but uh let's go there were some keys that they said they left on the table so let's go see if we can find those we need master and Baton baton okay okay I found the box of keys but there are a lot of them but specifically I know I'm looking for something that says master and something that says baton and if I'm lucky oh there's skeleton keys well that one says garage but that's probably the door that's already open probably that's why they're using the padlock and blocked it because that door stopped working oh this little key might be something I don't know I'll keep that aside anything that looks like a padlock key size I'll keep aside yes I don't see anything anything's small try and see if it works but look a tiny little pocket knife on there the other thing is it might be one of those junk drawers too oh boy hey there's DM keys there was a car here at one point those are like 1960s general motor Keys really antique some of these might be for the trunk downstairs all right I'm gonna try my best to find keys that work if I don't find it I guess I'll have to revisit it with Ye Old bolt cutters at a later date yeah I don't see any um unless the junk drawer well every every wallet there's a like a dungeon master amount of keys in here I think one of them would be the right guess what master and Baton the two exact names the padlocks that we're looking for um loading the loot yeah it feels actually a little awkward oh you know it's hard not going through it all now oh I know but you know we should check under the mattress and the other you know what before we go oh look there's a there's a little box on the floor let's let's check since we're trying to find some jewelry to haul out of here first because that's an easy place to get your money back let's clear some of this stuff and just see there's a purse and it has stuff in it actually these purses are full of something must all be clothes and stuff that fell down in the closet over the years empty empty okay we've had mice in here so they've shredded some stuff but if you're gonna hide something that's of value to you I'm guessing they it would end up in the closet like this there's some like neat sort of dresses and stuff at the bottom here lock box toolbox empty box [Music] unless these purses are just stuck with stuffing I'm finding all the pocket knives today I wasn't expecting that no I wasn't expecting granny was packing uh a poke stick in her purse you come one step closer and I'm gonna plug you good she kept a knife in her purse and Hangers this Smith Corona typewriter ribbon belts yeah there's definitely was a mouse Nest back there unfortunately some of these clothes might be eaten up hard to say hey there's an attic hatch up there yeah in the closet boxes with stuff to see what's in it paperwork oh these are like the original uh owner's manual for the washer and dryer in the basement well but I wonder if anything's in the Attic hard to say anything in the drawer well it's a little color extension here you know I know why they were using hair extensions because they use their permanent hair remover and it was too effective Maybe there's like a Broach okay well we'll get loaded up on some of the jewelry and stuff this really you know anytime I see a Crown Royal bag I just know it probably had something cool in it other than Crown Royal another oh Rolex but it's also in with like uh hang on let's see if it's even an automatic [Music] um it does have a screw down crown on it yeah I'm thinking replica that's why I do have a watch opener at home it does have the proper spline back on it but if this was a real Rolex the minute I start shaking it it would start going which tells me it's probably battery operated either way if somebody would buy a replica Rolex too I'll put that in the if that's the top pocket find see look at you go finding all the things gold hoops okay what else you finding I don't know nothing but a ring box yep yep the more hair oh that's actual hair weights and stuff okay while you're looking here I'm going to go santro to the garage okay okay well Melissa looks inside I'm gonna see if you have the right keys for this padlock well guess what they were the right keys success okay I'm guessing that nobody's been in here for quite some time look at the rust on that thing okay umbrella old vacuum hose great gross old mattress well I'm always looking for old oil cans and look there actually is one in here a couple old oil cans and that's actually a funny thing is this uh crico windshield washer solving can is probably worth about 60 bucks because it's actually branded to Chrysler or Chrysler some people don't like the way I say that maybe we say things different in Canada what can I tell you old cans and bottles a whole bunch of was this whiskey bottles five-star Canadian rye whiskey okay looks like maybe a carpet or something there is an old bike and a lawnmower uh which looks like it hasn't moved in a while although it's not terribly old maybe 15 10 15 years old something like that oh look they used their uh you see they made a cupboard out of old refrigerator boxes refrigerator like wooden refrigerator crates that's how old of a house this is that the fridge came in a big wooden crate and what's up top something wrapped up up top there very carefully oh another little lawnmower there and TV trays remember watching TV shows and you put your uh hungry man dinner on that okay well I can see this has been a very healthy environment for spiders what the heck is this Handle With Care telescopic mirror oh that's like a that's a table like an outdoor patio table older bike is in pretty good shape let me get the light on so we can see what's in these cabinets back here an old sled big wooden sled right there and another antique uh crate like a big container all right I'm curious oh this was a heated garage at one point so somebody had a setup that you could work out here in winter some old suitcases a really old lawnmower actually doesn't look to be in terrible shape either I might have to dig that out that's why that door couldn't open they somebody's intentionally piled stuff in front of it and then you've got a I thought it was a cart but I think that's like a deck chair okay let's see what's in these cabinets hard hat fell out pine cones oh is that an old pram right there and a little steamer trunk bathroom light Globe old beer bottles empty of course there's the box for the CorningWare let's hope that was for the dog and it doesn't contain a dog anybody else curious to know what what something Mark dog is [Applause] well it's in a pot oh it's like a dog dish maybe that smart dog and there's a bowl and a bone so maybe it's just all their dog's stuff from when they had a pet that's not as bad as I thought it was recording where this is kind of cool because I can definitely tell that this has not been gone through in quite some time was just coffee cans come on box of toy cars all this stuff Melissa in in the meantime is pulling just boxes full of jewelry out in the other room which we'll go through later it's a kind of neat old wooden ladder let's see what's in this one jars two shine kit right there and maybe an old oil can handle I'm gonna step over here and find out if it was it's not anymore rocks what is that shoes well I mean there's stuff wrapped up down there everything that I'm looking at is eventually I'm gonna have to go through in more depth that uh ceramic dog dish is actually kind of cool antique pram is a good find oh in the trunk yeah I'll do that on a future episode will go through the trunk but uh no I mean there's some neat stuff there's a lot of garbage but there's also a lot of neat stuff too so I'm not complaining I'll put the work in look at that that's like an old uh crate there's an old Flashlight down on the ground there right there with the signal on it really old flashlight there Polishing Compound car wax so obviously there was an old car in here at some point not anymore I've got spider web stuck to my arm shoe ice lock and windshield de-icer super old paint cans okay well it's actually kind of a neat little building it's got a high roof there's horseshoes on the wall over there don't know what this is excuse me okay I think that marks the time for me to leave this garage it's officially starting to get to me time for me to lock it back up I came back in the house Melissa is still working on the drawers you find anything cool oh cool let me fold it up that's an older one too yeah empty jewelry boxes yeah I've just been put in my empty jewelry boxes in the back door so if we end up finding it okay old Canadian Tire money I see you found was Prince here did Prince used to live here because you found a Raspberry Beret raspberry berry I wonder if I'm gonna have to pay royalties on that end um okay well ten bucks is 10 bucks uh the garage did have stuff in it oh yeah I found an antique uh baby or doll pram there's another steamer trunk that I didn't even open yet yeah there's actually multiple trunks in there uh mostly it's spiders oh no that's not why I didn't know for the trunk I didn't open the trunk because I missed you I want to come back in and see what you're up to you like oh she she's finding all dogs no but you know what as I walk back in the room I saw that little bit of a blanket sticking out there and that appears to be a Hudson Bay Point blanket which is wool but also very collectible um so I'm gonna see yeah it is and it's a you count the points to see how big it is it's a four point so that's a full size yoink that's gonna get folded up and brought back people love Bay blankets um they're very in right now well still very end I never really went out um so that's that's super cool did you look under the bed yet so I stopped until we had a mask um might not stop me probably should I started sneezing my head off in the garage a lot yes well there's something sticking out right here oh is this what you were trying to pull out yeah yeah it looks like stuffed animals I'm using my foot oh I see the most people over there they're probably beanie babies or something okay I'm gonna get this Bay blanket off I'm using my foot because I don't get my hand dirty um that I just said I don't get my hand dirty after I went like poking around in spider nests and stuff and who am I kidding um all right well I'm gonna get this big blanket folded up well I decided to lift the bed up and underneath the bed stashed full of Beanie Babies but they're in plastic giant Ziploc bags so they should actually still be okay even though there was mice in the vicinity that they should be all right um do you want to just kind of oh never mind we'll wait until we get this fully out but I'm wondering what's down near the end because this was obviously maybe that's where slightly more special stuff was okay I'm gonna grab another garbage bag and pick up some of this plastic well guys for the first day of digging finding all kinds of neat things and if I'm honest I have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of stuff hidden in that basement that we just can't see right now Melissa is actively cleaning stuff out and I'm also filling up garbage bags with just trash and things like that but um we are going to be putting out a number of these videos as I mentioned before so if you haven't subscribed to our Channel you should do that right now hit the Subscribe subscribe button and also hit the like button um I guess we'll just finish up in here and then we'll head back home in a little bit but I'll be at this pretty much all week so guys who knows what we're gonna find but you'll be along for the ride with us uh thanks again for watching um this would be a fun adventure already is so far stay tuned for more episodes and as always bye for now bye guys one
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 483,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O3xuleQ2hz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 46sec (4066 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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