Abandoned Airplane Will it run after 20+ years

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there you go you just need a little little extra attention here girl that's right it's gonna be all right jimmy's here [Music] this is a 1948 bonanza v35 from that v-tail in the back it is known affectionately as the doctor killer it earned that reputation you might also know the song american pie bye bye miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee you know that one it was written because in 1959 buddy holly the big bopper and richie valance the la bumba guy died in one of these airplanes now here's a fun random fact a coin toss between uh richie valens and one of the other band members richie valens won the coin toss to get the airplane ride down and merle haggard was the other performer that was playing with him that night and he was a little smarter and he said no thanks i'm not taking some little pop can with a fan on the front in the middle of february out of the really really cold area in iowa that area south dakota iowa is where they were and he said no and he went on the cold bus and unfortunately that is the day that the music died today we're gonna see if this thing will start up it'll be the first time in heck i don't know how many years the last i knew was the man who owned this was a hundred years old and he died in 2017 which was four years ago i don't know how long he didn't fly the airplane before he passed away five ten years fifteen i i have no idea but we're just gonna find out if this old jewel here will start up after uh it's set outside here for a while so come along let's see if we can get this baby going let's take a look around at things ooh what kind of stuff is safety oop [Music] parable motion sickness we're going to need that he stands uh we got down here flight checklist okay article of some sort another one matches wow that's cool a new 66 dodge custom 880 wow yeah that's awesome and the monaco nothing earplugs [Music] radios we got hey now that is a compact fire extinguisher you know i bet this one is uh still in its inspection date what do you think man i kind of don't want to mess it up here whoa look at that is there a date on it somewhere that's fantastic fire extinguisher check let's see if these controls oh golly oh there they go oh that is that's rough pull it back no it's not coming back oh yeah okay that one is open that one see any critters come out of there here go ahead and come on over here yeah it's got a little bit of oil down there and by a little bit i mean that is some illinois anti-rust treatment right there holy moly i don't even know how much oil is in this there's a prop let's see if the engine is frozen no engine rolls over good spark plugs are rusted like crazy oh yeah one's on the bottom okay go ahead and come on over here brake fluid oh geez oh that's dry as a bone okay yeah look at that let's see the camera yeah could use some okay so it's got no oil no breaks yeah let's go to the other side and see what we got over there oh yeah there's oh oh it's going to the bathroom on me that [Music] was a home to something i'm thinking a bird you know what we start this thing up this most of this will just blow right off of here oh oh and i think that's it's you yuck all right come on around we got more oil it's mostly on that side over there so something over there it looks like it's leaking maybe this oil line or something um there's a prop governor on this side in the back here one magneto two magneto alternator i think is it an alternator or a starter oh i bet it's a generator as old as this thing is no that's a starter okay where oh there it is down there wow yeah doggy oil that's also pretty dry and gooey okay hmm okay well let's let's pull the plugs and look down in the cylinders see how bad those are freaking spidey flies wow come on all right gonna put some oil on that one i think yeah okay i'm just gonna need some oil now ironically this one that looks like it's about rusted in half came off perfectly fine with no issues whatsoever go figure that one in my mouth oh um yep i would say sparrow that's what flavor birdness that is probably gonna catch the bird flu from this that's right i can just get a vaccine and everything will be fine and i'll be immune to everything [Music] we need to come up with a name for this one let's see the motorhome is thomas bertha is no longer in the stable let's see the doctor killer what looks like a serial killer's name they usually have some weird white guy name like philippe or something yeah that looks all right [Applause] all right let's get that last time i did this there's bees all right we got rid of them yeah man that's just ridiculous i think this problem i don't even this prop looks brand new on this thing there is not a nick i mean there's a couple little ones here but maybe a handful of hours can i get a clear prop let's swatch this flushie around to see if we can get a little lubrication in the cylinders and one more time for good measure all right found the battery right here one over here let's check it out okay oh we got this and it goes oh look that down there it's all corroded off and that's that's all right now okay now then how do you get that thing out of there oh okay take that one always do this with metal stuff on the positive side first all right let's take that off okay here's that one oh that's a pretty good sized battery for airplane battery oh yeah let's touch no that was not me ants hands there's a whole stinging ants thing in there oh they are not happy look at all those ants i gotta get a different screwdriver golly sorry guys jim is here your life will never be the same again that's very true for you too here we go yes okay wow that is a pretty good sized battery oh wow look at all that yeah you see that wow okay all right fellas time to find a new home hmm i need a battery that's pretty big that i can use to start it where am i gonna find a battery i got an idea hey thomas time to make a sacrifice for the team yeah that battery should work let's yank that baby out of there thanks thomas you're the best thomas you're too kind donated your battery we're just going to run some jumper leads up here you know connected it like that into there i i can't see where this could go wrong at all silas are you ready with the fire extinguisher no that's all right we'll be okay okay here it goes positive negative okay do we got smoke i don't see any smoke that is probably the most nerve-wracking part of any of these things let's go see if anything turned on uh let's see we got a master switch somewhere speakers volume con com battery anything flaps nothing any gear golly those are chunky huh i'm not hearing anything nothing's going flash now are you seeing any smoke out there is anything doing anything out there so i was given a whole bunch of keys by jack we have no idea what keys go to what so here's one that looks kind of like an ignition key let's just try it see what we got no i may not oh oh there we go nothing ready spicy tuna no nothing huh no i don't want to get it under here because it's super gross yep that's happening switch here relay of some sort there's a switch hid under here anything happening nope because of fire pool nope nothing happened i hit myself in the head with that thing it's not looking good the relays that the battery cables go to inside up underneath just a gigantic block of rust and i i have very little hope that they're going to make connections enough to do what it needs to do which is unfortunate however we're going to give it give it the rest of the day we're going to keep on going we're not going to give up on what did we call this one charles was this one charles the mass murderer how about rusty rusty well it is rusty keep trying to figure out what little secrets you have hid in there we're gonna give it the rest of the day because we've still got two other airplanes to do while i'm here to see if we can get them going and if you don't know what i'm talking about click either over here or over there one of those two corners and you'll see the video where i bought all three airplanes this being one of them and our goal is to get them running to check them out and to get them flying let's do this so [Music] all right let's come over here here watch out all right clear prop and this i think has a mechanical oil pressure gauge so i was trying to spin it oil pressure once you're cranking it like that too if that oil pressure gauge works all right clear prop watch out nope it didn't move at all ready all right clear problem that's the mechanical day right yeah not nothing it doesn't surprise me it's pretty rusty boy and i'd really like to meet the person that came up with these stupid safety valves i would like to shake their hand man how the heck do you even believe when you're doing it you could actually get that's more of a hazard oh wait there you go there's about a cup all right let's see if it even made it oh yeah that's good it's dripping that's a good sign i wouldn't be surprised if the bulb on that primer was all dry rotted and stuff too it's possible yeah where you're getting air yeah about half time to just throw a little bit down the cylinder screw the spark plugs on and see if it'll light i couldn't see an electric fuel pump anywhere a switch anywhere for one do you know if this has one i just can't remember you would think that it'd have a fuel pump i'm gonna roll it over some and see if we can't get some fuel up near that engine clear prop a little square [Music] here goes all right oh clear prop oh [Music] ready all right here we go clear no no props no no no no no no i'm doing a competition all right let's give that one a shot ready clear prop oh it wanted to it wanted to we'll give it a little little good morning juice first some petrol then some good morning juice just a little bit all right ready silas clear up hey we got a little life want a little more morning juice you ready silas all right clear prop woo yes it does all right uh i wasn't sure if the mags were hot so i grounded it to make sure but and that one seemed to work okay are they both pushed all the way in yep okay i'm gonna have you [Music] [Music] and for the booster just a little there we go all right go ahead and take the white knob and pull it halfway back right there all right see if this thing will take a hit ready light fire come on well now that stupid thing won't go all right maybe that key switch is all funky take the key switch right there and turn it one click to uh clockwise right there all right clear prop we need something better saying than clear prop although that's pretty cool can i get a clear prop that freaking key turn it all the way to the right there leave it there can i get a clear prop oh it wants to all right ready to try it again come on baby light my fire thunder rolls i don't know we need we need to come up with something clear prop well it's trying yeah all right go ahead and turn that key all the way to the left yeah okay all right that's it go ahead and dirty rascal there's still no fuel whatsoever because these lines are dry as dry can be well we got a fuel leak back here somewhere whoa this whole thing is leaking hey bring that camera over here holy moly look at this i mean that's leaking we got that right there leaking we got more leaking down there wow no wonder there's no fuel getting to the engine it's all leaking out of the airplane we can look at that well that's like right through the fuselage holy moly that's really expensive fuel european out stop that oh hey there's a fuel thing that's what i was looking for [Music] ah nothing dirt huh you dirty old girl all right jack this is for you you ready jack no the fuel system is leaking out of the plane everywhere the fuel bladders the whole underside of the airplane is soaking wet we can get it to cough here stand by clear prop so but that fuel system nothing is even getting to the selector valve i think i just yeah i just had an idea if we take some hose because the whole problem with that airplane is that it wasn't getting any gas and we just skip all the gas tanks on it go straight to the engine this could work and i think get in here and see if you can see that i think i can take that fitting right there off take my hose straight to it and just put this gas can up here yep because that's a little higher right there that might work this this could work this could work all right let's give it a shot this is gonna work i have a feeling somewhere in here it's possible it's heartburn because we just had pizza from the microwave either way it's a good feeling i feel like a crab i am feeling kind of crabby [Music] drink up oh hey that's good we got fuel down here oh oops i need your m really this is leaking come on okay okay all right i think we got fuel now you spin me right round bonanza right around like a propeller baby right we needed battery donation thank you thomas i wonder if i can have the jumper cables go here and inside so i can do this from inside again this is all activities approved in accordance with osha safety standards okay here we go we are going to see just how bad of an idea this is we got throttle we got that's already primed turn keys oh i guess okay that there and then this one goes here all right clear prop i'm gonna call her vanessa because it's a v-tail okay all right okay let's see turn key on okay throws in mixture is in oh i'm secretly nervous here we go can i get a oh wait safety we got our fire extinguisher so we're good clear no prep no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] i don't like doing this but it's early in the morning and i think vanessa's tired she needs a shot of espresso there we go that ought to be enough to wake the dead let's go whoo i can smell that from back here yeah that is light my fire right there a hunka hunka burning love okay all right clear prep [Applause] well why don't you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh she's wanting to [Music] there you go that should definitely be enough all right there all right then i get a clear no no pratt no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i wanted to no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's puffing and coughing like it wants to the checklist says to go to battery [Music] there you go that mixture right there is the ticket that's what we did last time to get you to cough do it again i'm pretty sure this thing is massively flooded okay crack throttle and that is over to battery okay here we go club no yeah boys i forgot that was still hooked up to the starter whoops all right all right you need another mixture huh a little shot of the special juice all right all right you like that huh okay if a little is good a lot is better make sure we oh it ran out of gas now that is quite ironic there we go that's funny i think the tube pulled out of the gas can all right can i do this again sweet can i get a clear prop ninja foreign we are ready for takeoff we got oil pressure oh my god we ran out of gas that's awesome wait wait you know what that means oh yeah [Music] it's gratifying that oh it's how we do it on jimmy's world if you're not a subscriber you totally should be because this is pretty awesome i don't know what you're missing out on little ding ding let's do this yeah i was digging around on the faa website and found this it is the wright brothers master pilot award presented to james paige eaton he was the 100 year old owner of this airplane whenever he passed away in 2017 he was a pilot for 77 years that's insane that that's just awesome he also was awarded the chuck taylor or as properly charles taylor master mechanic award the same year in 2010. jim well done sir on google that's not all bonus content i discovered he was a 32nd degree mason and a shriner with the you know little funny hats with the tassels and riding little mini cars and stuff i mean he's had special handshakes you know that kind of thing and i've i want a special handshake secret club we got a master switch listen oh we got lights over there
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 2,011,798
Rating: 4.7697725 out of 5
Keywords: vice grip garage, will it start, abandoned airplane, will it run abandoned airplane, will it run, abandoned, jimmys world, Jimmy's world, diesel creek, hamiltonville farm, mike patey, jimmys world aviation, jimmys world airplane, barn find, first start, abandoned plane, jimmys world youtube, classic cars restoration, classic cars, classic car, vice grip, jimmy's world, abandoned airplane will it start, abandoned airplanes, jimmy world, airplane restoration
Id: WB2-HV6kAh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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