Restoring a Cessna 172 over four years
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Views: 181,256
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Keywords: Cessna, Airplane, restoration, flying, build through, 172G, Restoration, EAA, airframe, aircraft, scheme designers, wings, ailerons, interior installation, landing gear, Continental engine, O300D, 172, skyhawk, Chapter 324, Airtex, aviation, MacFarlane, Pine mountain aviation, Restore, Waterbury Oxford airport, Simsbury airport, sport aviation, Cessna paint, PTI finishes, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty, Aircraft spruce, continental engine overhaul, SMOH, Antique Cessna, vintage Cessna, Cessna 172
Id: k_G3I187cPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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