Abandoned Airplane Find, Fix & Fly in 12 min

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i will not financially recover from this and i ended up spending more on the repairs than i paid for the airplane hello my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world as you may know this is big bertha it's a 1974 cherokee six and i picked it up nine months ago for 45 000 now there was some catch it has not been an annual for 24 years which is longer than most of you watching this video have been alive this one is the 300 btu version there is also a 260 horse version it has a useful load of 1450 it'll cruise at a whopping 135 not indicated or about 150 knot true airspeed burning a solid 16 gallons an hour when i bought this airplane nothing worked those those gauges the oil pressure gauge was all screwed up the oil temp gauge didn't work i have no idea about the alternator the fuel tanks and those were the fuel pressure i think that one worked so that's that's one just to get it air worthy to make a 45 minute trip it took me about forty five hundred dollars four thousand five hundred dollars because we changed all the fluids we i had to pay an amp mechanic to go and do some inspections to sign off on the ferry permit uh well they changed the air filter the air filter just crumbled in my hands because it had been on there since 1997. now let's go over everybody's favorite all the shiny stuff the audio panel fifteen hundred dollars it's a ps engineering 8000 bt the garmin 430 the 330 es and the 155 along like i think i had this and i bought a 106 that was right here i ended up taking that out because of that and we'll get to those in a minute but this i think it was six thousand bucks the 330 es was about two thousand dollars the kx 155 now this already had one in here but it was broken so i had to buy another one of these which magically two thousand dollars behind this panel is a magic box from approach fast stack that did all the wiring to everything and that with all the harnesses the box and then the changes with those was right at three thousand dollars next down the line is the trio avionics autopilot this with the installation everything was just over five thousand dollars for the autopilot the next thing i put in was this jpi 830 engine monitoring it was right at uh three thousand dollars that brings us to the g5s now i had everything else done and finished and was flying it for 50 hours and i'm like you know what i want to upgrade to some g5s because why not these cost me about six thousand dollars so that meant i had to get some led strobe lights which was an additional two thousand dollars on top of the six thousand dollars for those the altitude encoder that's hid buying here was about 500 and the elt that i had to put in was another 500 many of you remember the oil pressure gauge was all kinds of weirdness got that figured out it was just the gauge itself which from your stack made it work again thank you i had to buy these plastics here and the seat belt there and the other one over there when it's all said and done i spent right at 50 000 after buying the airplane for 45 000 to get it to where you see it now if i would have had a shop do this i would have probably spent another 15 to 20 thousand dollars just in labor to have them do everything that was done to this airplane to get it to where it is now if you want to see me do another project or another build or something like that let me know in the comment section below what airplane you think would be a cool project to do and who knows maybe if i'm feeling crazy enough to do all this stuff again we'll do that otherwise i think i want to go check out some other airplanes oh man i love flying winter haven november 6th yes i do one whiskey [Applause] on the handling factor it it handles like a pickup truck i mean it it that's what it is it's the suburban of the sky runway for that reason this is what it does i'm gonna give it five because it handles like a minivan but it's really stable i'll say that with the tip tanks out there the fuel in it and ifr it is definitely way more stable than my cherokee 180 that i had so handling i'll give it a 5 because of the stability but it is no acrobatic machine um that's a guaranteed maintenance it doesn't get any better than this this is the cheapest six-seater maintenance you can have because of the simplicity fixed gear square wings and that that's it on the maintenance category solid nine fuel economy i'm gonna give this a seven only because it's a six seater and it has a 1450 pound useful load therefore when you're burning 13 gallons an hour give or take you're hauling a lot of stuff for that amount of fuel so that's why i'm gonna give it a seven on the fuel economy cargo it's a ten it unless it had a door in the back like a c-130 that's the only way that it would be made better you have a big cargo door back there two of them you got the passenger door and then another cargo door all these seats come out in about three seconds you just lift up and pop them out and then you can fit all kinds of medical supplies back here safety i'm gonna give it an eight and here's why it has the fixed gear which is a definite plus uh this engine it's an io 540 they're bulletproof they last forever two thousand hour tvo uh and it flap i mean you can land anywhere on this thing 750 feet landing distance that's backyard kind of stuff so i'll give it that now the one thing that holds it back is there's no parachute and the other issue that i have for safety is while the the cg envelope on this thing is gigantic people often underestimate or overestimate its capabilities so i do know that there was somebody that i was acquainted with in the entrepreneur organization that i'm a part of and they had one of these out of utah where it was really hot high elevation so i'm guessing that the intensity altitude that day was probably 10 000 feet or something and he had it completely full six people baggage everything and unfortunately whenever he took off i think he was trying to climb or something like that too much or whatever but it went into a stall in a spin and really unfortunately it did take his life and a couple of other peoples that were on the plane that's the reason i'm gonna take it down a notch on safety is because it it makes you feel too comfortable if that makes any sense so you think you can get away with a lot more stuff than you actually probably ought to be getting away with and you'll hear everybody's story about how they go overgross all the time on these airplanes which that's a dangerous game to be playing quality man i'm i'm gonna give it a fix and that's because it feels like it goes together like an old ford mustang like a 66 ford mustang which it looks beautiful and everything but if you've ever worked on them or restored them the fit and finish on those things is terrific performance i'm gonna give it a six on that as well it's a pickup truck with wings it's not a performance vehicle it will haul anything you want to put in here but it's not a performance vehicle similar to the handling characteristics it's not a sports car however the performance i will give it because you got a big honking engine up front with 300 btus square wings and a big old stabilator in the back which means you can take off and land in somebody's backyard so that part of the performance is absolutely fantastic value on this i'm going to give it a 9. the reason it's not a 10 is because the price on these things is going up quite a bit just in the past two years the prices have more than doubled on these airplanes way more than doubled you used to be able to find one of these for you know a good one for about 75 000 ready to go now you're hard-pressed to find one for less than 175 000 in the condition that this one is in now oh some of the really kind of neat things about this is the legroom on these so i'm six foot tall and i've got the seat moved probably halfway up the track and i've got friends that are six five and they don't even put it on the last notch in the on the seat rails so you can be a nba player and this thing is going to fit you to stay with back there now these seats you know middle row seats those are definitely for your kids but uh that the very back seats as well ridiculous amount of leg room my wife when we were riding in and she usually just stretches her legs out and it's super comfortable for her one fun thing in the poh it does have a section about not having that back door on it so you can fly with things falling out whether it's skydivers or if you were delivering some pharmaceutical materials over the gulf coast say from cuba or the dominican republic or even you know one of the south american countries and you had to drop it off just outside of key west or something like that you know that back door does come off and it does work you just tip the plane that way or just chuck it out at least that's that's what i've heard i don't know anything about that would i buy one of these well the answer to that is obvious yes because i did [Applause] however let me let me just go on a little bit more about this is i i've been patient if you haven't picked up on that and i want to go faster i've looked at a few of the other airplanes i'm looking at twins like a cessna 310 340 maybe if you wanted to go up they're pressurized uh or a seneca which is the exact same airplane as this inside it just has two engines on the wings instead of the one up front um i'm not you know aztecs man not not a huge fan of those they're nice airplanes but for me personally in my mission that back door is a big deal just for family and loading and unloading things i i never realized how i under best estimated the value of having a back cargo door back passenger door oh my goodness what a fantastic day to fly really really is all right well if you haven't already hit that like hit that subscribe i really appreciate the subscriptions and i'm starting to do this more on a full-time basis so we're going to give it a shot and see if we can't make something happen with this old jimmy's world thing my name is jimmy this has been jimmy's world and i will see you on the next video thanks so much bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 907,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought a broken airplane, jimmys world, broken airplane, Cheap Cherokee, Airplane, jimmys world youtube, cheap cherokee build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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