Family Builds Incredible Earthbag Solar Shed Office! | Full Movie Documentary Timelapse

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Definitely one of the best natural building videos I've seen. And I've seen a lot.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hey all, we're a family of 6 building naturally and sustainably on our off-grid desert homestead. We spent the last year building this hyperadobe solar shed office + guest room literally from the dirt on our property.

A few specs:

  • < 200 sqft
  • 3400 linear feet of 16" hyperadobe tube netting
  • 12:1 native soil to portland cement ratio
  • 80+ tons of dirt, clay and sand moved
  • 11 months (8 months of sustained work) to complete
  • Included a massive solar system (7200w solar panel ground mount, 28kwh lithium batteries, 5kw inverter)
  • We didn't track costs, don't ask :)

This video is a movie/documentary style recap of the entire project (edited down from 140 videos 😂). Enjoy!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/necker47 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Very inspiring and beautiful! Thanks for sharing and now following you.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Big_Cryptographer_16 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi i'm jonathan i'm ashley and we're tiny shiny home we've spent the last year turning this into this [Music] that's right our family of six built this 200 square foot hyper adobe earth bag shed with absolutely zero construction experience this building houses our batteries for our off-grid solar setup and will be the central hub for our desert homestead this is a 9 foot by 14 foot rectangle intersected with a 10 foot circle we use 3 400 linear feet of hyper adobe tube netting and a 12 to 1 dirt to portland cement ratio the whole project required us to move 80 tons of dirt clay and sand and took us 11 months to complete and we have the playlist of 140 videos to prove it so why did we build it we needed a climate controlled area for all of our solar gear a place for family and friends to visit as well as an office for you and we wanted to practice natural building techniques with the material on our property okay enough talking let's get to the build good morning friends we have finally decided on our solar shed dimensions what we had laid out the other day is completely wrong we've got to redo all this so we're going to get it laid out and then hopefully we're going to start some trenching today and actually digging in for that first layer of earth bags all around the perimeter so let's get started [Music] [Music] we finally got all the rebel trench stuff leveled out we finally got all of our prep work done so now we get to start laying the bags our first course of the solar earth bag build starts now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what i've found is that the best way that this works is if you fill this up all the way um you want all that pressure so that as you pull it out it lets itself out evenly now it's time to start pulling it back and you want to make sure that you're not going too far over on each side right i'll go ahead and just take my hand and start getting it the right width everywhere like right now it's way far in over on this side so i gotta really push it out there and then we can start tamping it by filling that up all the way and like really expanding the bag as much as possible it makes these bags a lot more uniform so you don't end up with dips in them or chunks kind of missing out of them so another thing that we're doing with this is taking a two by four and trying to even up the sides as well so that when we go to cob we don't have so many so many sections missing out of the wall that we need to fill with [Music] we're gonna have a tube that lays on top of this bag and then there'll be bags over it up higher though yeah up higher to probably like here-ish right to where the solar wires will just go right into the wall right yeah so we're trying to decide how big that tube needs to be the other wrinkle is that this building will power um our house and so we're going to have to come out of this building again and go underground and run back over that way somewhere is that going to come out at the same spot i don't know that's a good question uh i assume it would maybe uh that's what we haven't figured out is like how we're coming into it with the solar panel also how many wires we don't have any wires yet we have to decide where our house is going to be this is we have a general idea this is getting this is making us make a lot of decisions and i don't like tasty i don't like it at all [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] like the sun [Music] hello [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] course number six course number six which means we are 28 inches from floor level lower level not ground level floor level um which means we just gotta go up a whole bunch more levels before we can do anything else so yeah so tomorrow we're just gonna lay another course play another course and then the next day we're gonna lay another course this is our life now [Music] we are quickly approaching the awkward height stage up course number seven and we are at 28 inches 28 inches look at this like it's like hip height on me which is pretty exciting did you just whoop cut that up in the out take a step back she's coming through [Music] moving real slow today the kids are unmotivated so we've motivated them with the promise of treats [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] do they have nerds do they have nerds did we get all the things today is a little bit different we have to run into town and get some windows and doors for our building and some other building supplies and some more scaffolding and all the things that we need to be able to safely continue going up with the walls and not fall off [Music] um [Music] we are building window frames which means we have officially made it up four feet tall well we will tomorrow [Music] food [Music] [Music] [Applause] the plan today is to get all the windows done and to get them installed onto the bags plan today is to finalize our plan [Music] we are laying another course but we're also adding a few things into this course yeah it's a little more complicated we have all the new window frames in so that means all our bags will be broken up we've got these cleats we've got to go on to we'll be putting our pvc sleeves in for the power coming into and going out of the building and light switches we're gonna go up a level with this just so with the lb connection we've got plenty of room we decided to mount the light switches on their side [Music] how tall are we [Music] [Music] [Music] why is there scaffolding this small oh my gosh you're the worst parent ever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right today what are we doing uh we are let me guess putting dirt into bags and smashing [Music] we're going up another course today but we're adding something right it's time to add our hurricane [Music] get in the strappings just give me my crown let the king take his throne [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very excited that we're going over the arch really excited you look real excited this morning we are up a little earlier than usual today's a big day it's our anniversary yeah happy anniversary hey thanks happy anniversary how are we gonna celebrate we're gonna go into town and pick up solar panels [Music] are you ready one day in one day out on top then you're down the highs and the lows keep swirling walk these streets like your beat then rise up to me the break that you need [Music] lift your eyes off the ground you'll only be good [Music] up through the clouds [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] new york back to l.a it's so hard to stay and rest in one place yeah but i see what you don't will where you won't so don't let go [Music] [Music] rising up through the clouds no never give up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's level the lentils up it's time to lay the bags so we've decided that we're not going to lay any more bags from this corner to this corner it's not a structural wall at all so we'll use that as a shelf of some sort less bags delay less material to yeah more airflow for when we have our air conditioner i'm gonna have lots of plants up there and less bags and less bags [Music] so what we're trying to figure out the mini split has a bracket that attaches to the wall and has a tube that's gonna go all the way through the bundle needs a two and a half inch hole so we're gonna put a three inch pvc we wanna center it over this bottle brick window and we gotta get the hole in the right spot it's gonna be confusing real confusing [Music] do [Music] what's the first step to putting the roof on okay you may have heard us talking about a clear story we're gonna build those window frames out of the two by tens like we built all of our other windows and then we're gonna fill the space in between those frames with bags that's right that means more bags more bags which no one's excited about we thought we were done with the bags and now we got to get all our stuff back out and we're all the kids are like but you said we're done with the bags and we're not but today we're focusing on these window frames [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] today we have our special guest that's gonna help us get this roof on your dad i don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] do [Music] we've had a whirlwind four days on this roof and as you can see got quite a bit done ashley's dad is a math ninja and really knows how to do things the right way and we're so thankful that he came out [Music] we have the base of the roof on all the rafters all the decking and so now we've got to spend a bunch of time tying everything together cleaning everything in putting the strapping on the hurricane ties all the stuff to really tighten this thing up and make it safe when crazy winds come because they're coming they might be here tomorrow so we've got a lot of cinching down to do let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] now that our roof is complete we are getting ready to play in the mud we're actually going to be testing our cob first because we are not sure if we have enough clay in our soil but today is all about testing it out and seeing if this is actually going to work or not [Music] i've never known a love so steady even gold won't turn your tide that was a total bust our soil has way too much sand and not enough clay you can kind of see on here is this kind of shifting around when we touch it so our only option is to go down to our friend's house that has land full of clay grab a bucket and see if that works better if you had to leave me i'd always be waiting here [Music] all right guys next day and this is the test with it was just our soil so it's really sandy and it is not sticking very well i can easily just pull it off so you can just kind of pull that off and you shouldn't be able to do that this one had a little bit more of the clay mixture in it and it's actually staying really well and even like this part where i really smashed it in better stays really well so i think we just need to add more clay to our soil and i think i found a solution for that and it's very cheap [Music] do [Music] oh and we did some test cob yesterday but we're going to do some more testing this time we're going to try it with [Music] yesterday we did our first bottle breaks yes uh-huh yeah really well it went so good that's what we're gonna do today we only have one more so this guy right here this big old opening that is gonna be a topochico bottle brick all topochica bottle because the bottles are shorter and we want to keep a wedge on this window frame on the inside [Music] get yourself now that we're done with our topochica window we're starting to come up our earthbag walls and we're going with a random assortment of bottles these are all wine bottles and they are 15 inches when put together which means that we have to kind of create a little bit of a ledge because our bags are also 15 inches gets a little complicated but we figured out a plan to make it work we'll show it to you when we get there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me get out of it can we just finish this can we just i'm hungry so we are going to try something new today on the cob because number one you don't want to cut any more bottles right number two i'm tired of making so much cob yep so what are we doing we're going to use rocks we're trying to fill in a large space quickly thus the rocks and less come and less calm cool let's do it okay [Music] [Music] we're going to test fit it and make sure that it actually is going to fit in our frame we already did that but you never know with all the earth bag pounding and stuff if it's still square so let's see what happens that was almost too easy what's gonna happen [Music] we've got to get this closed in yeah that is top priority to get our cob and bottle walls up to the roof decking like all the way sealed in yeah we'll see how far that that is what we're gonna do this weekend dang it we're gonna try our best to finish it so we'll see what happens deal deal deal you don't sound very excited [Applause] so now that we have the roof on it's kind of cool to see the passive solar um as the sun's coming over it's still shading the all those top windows up there just like it's supposed to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys another day another day of cobb more cobb so much cobb we're gonna start on the south side wall and try to get a good layer up let that dry move to the north side see we kind of started up here we want to go up as high as we can to that decking but it's too tall to do in one shot so we're gonna do the first layer and then go back to the back because we haven't quite finished that that north side man i feel like we've been doing the north side for like three weeks that's okay i think today's the day i think it might get done today all right ready set go [Music] so [Music] we are so excited because we're closing we are closed in yeah all the way around i feel like we've been dreaming of this day since as soon as we got the roof on yeah because we we got the roof on and we were very excited about that and then we realized oh we have all this space so we can kind of fill in that means we're moving away from the sort of building large chunks of cob stage to the surface stage [Music] this is what we're looking for for our exterior cob consistency i can't ever say that word right so the scratch for the scratch coat this is only for the scratch coat which is your first coat over the back this is the perfect mix for filling in the cracks in between the bag and then once that dries a bit we come back with a just a little bit wetter than this and smear on what we put in the crack as well as the cover covering the bags okay we got that side done as much as we could now we're gonna go back where we filled in the decking a couple of days ago because the cob always shrinks just a little bit after the first the first coat so we're going to go fill in those cracks and then we'll see if we have time for windows hey what are you doing i am scraping off all the dirt on our windowsills so that we can hopefully [Music] someone forgot to put the time lapse on wasn't me it was him [Music] [Music] so what's the plan what have we done we're just gonna finish the outside cub that's pretty fish that was like you should say that a little more exciting i can't it's too early [Music] [Music] guys we have finished the outside scratch coat we're gonna go inside we're going inside like we've got to get going on the interior so but before we can put any cob on the walls what do we have to do we are running our electric wires that's right we got to run all of our romex because we're not running any of that in the wall obviously because you can't do that with the building like this we're running it in the cracks of the bags and in some cases just on top of the bags yeah and we'll be cobbing over all of those wires never even know it was there yeah okay let's go okay before we get started we've made a couple of minor modifications to our wiring the first is that for the outside lights we decided we're just going to make this solar they're not going to hook into the main system in any way they'll be completely independent so we don't have to run any wires for that second is that we realized we could use this sort of shelf that connects this building here because this part of the roof doesn't go all the way to the ceiling so we're going to run some of our wires up on top of that shelf and then just cover over them instead of having to go through this pipe and all the way around because we were starting to run out of room in this pipe we'd only have room for two and we needed three wires so this will help simplify that and shorten the runs too so that is what we're doing why would you look outside yourself when you have all of the world inside last night i came in and i popped out the back corners of each of these and i had to sort of chip away at some of these bags to make sure that i could actually get a cable through so then i just kind of bend it in place there and then it should just come right there is the sun and it shines is it open [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] for your bones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why would you look outside yourself when you have all of the world inside would you look outside yourself when [Music] so now we've got this sort of mounted and set up we're going to continue running the rest of our wires which are all running up to our lights we got to figure out where the lights are going though so we should probably get that figured out first last wire going from our light switch inside the circle up to the fan slash light that will be in the middle guys we are starting the cob on the inside we're gathering all our materials trying to get the kids excited they're not very excited okay ada it'll be fun i promise no anyway we have lots of cob to do big long weekend our neighbor's moving some extra dirt for us we just picked up another truckload of clay we should have all the materials that we need let's just get going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's your plan guys we're going to start on this wall here and work our way all the way around and have you do the higher up parts you can't reach that let me see oh you might be able to wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today we are on a quest for roofing materials and solar panel mount materials so where we just went and got a price on schedule 40 pipe for our big solar array mount that we're going to have to build and we just got the plywood for the ceiling inside the solar shed and now we have to go get a bunch of other stuff insulation and brad nailer and all kinds of stuff to help actually get that ceiling up so now we're going to lose it's a it's like a date babe it's not a day it's not a date well i think we got everything we got insulation nailer [Music] it's an exciting day ceiling day insulation day oh insulation day today yeah this is real cute yeah you like this [Music] [Music] all right now the insulation is done it's time to rip all these sheets of plywood we're gonna go two foot down the center i just gotta measure and cut these all the two plugs [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we've done a ton of prep work we've got the piece cut we put in our extra two by fours for the negative reveal we painted them black we've measured so many times and we're finally ready to put up the first piece of ceiling a little nervous are you nervous i'm nervous because this determines all the other pieces so it better be right [Music] [Music] [Music] so we promised we would explain this whole negative reveal thing so here's how it works you can see that we've got these we're using our rafters that go this way and then we're adding purlins i guess that's what you call them that are running this way and we paint them black and then what we do is we use we're just using some quarters two quarters taped together very scientific and we use that to make sure that the space between the panels on all sides is the exact same amount and then that way you've got kind of this black background between them and then the panels here and you get sort of that nice separation and that's a negative reveal [Music] it is so sweet under the sun and even if my pocket's empty i don't really want to go to work it is under the sun i'm gonna take my time cause i don't really wanna go to work got up this morning look around and see the sun high [Music] i grab my bag and take my phone i shut the door and walk into the light [Music] [Music] you know what he wants me to hurry but i will not control my [Music] feet under the sun and even if my pocket's empty i don't really wanna go to work it is [Music] [Music] in my head [Music] [Music] we're gonna actually make this look like a really chunky beam yes so it's it's one lvl right mostly just because we don't want to put more panels up yeah yeah but also because we have to attach a fan to it and the fan can't like be sticking out on the sides of the hat over the little beam so we're going to what we're going to work on now is cutting all of the like spacers and pieces to try to flush this thing out [Music] so [Music] can you see that can you see it it's a huge ball it's freaking me oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right i got the kids out here with me and jonathan is inside working and he does not know that we're going to put up this faux beam without him so we'll surprise him [Music] uh [Music] all right this is very exciting we are back in the shed and we're doing cobb work up to the ceiling look what we did so we're just making the cob goes straight up to the ceiling i'm doing that while someone comes behind and is wiping clean any marks that i make on the ceiling to keep it real nice clean lines and we are getting close guys this means i could probably finish all of the ceiling work in a couple days which means we get to go on to interior finishing cob and i'm so excited to get my trowels out you have no idea [Music] moved across the country stranger to this city you can end my dinner you can have my dinner on the couch [Music] you smile you can have my ticket i did want to tell you one mistake that we made that we figured out that you should not do we thought that since we have these wood frames here we would put a clay slip on the wood so that hopefully when we go to plaster this window frame we thought it would help it um the clay plasters stick to it but it turns out it's just falling off the wood so don't do what we did don't put a clay slip on just go ahead and plaster it because this is what it does [Music] i've got to put chicken wire on all the window frames the top three and then leave the the sides in the top and leave the bottom exposed guys extreme heat let yourself down it may be earthbag time again why you said we were done with it well we need to make some flower beds we already have flowers because mom wants flower beds i wish we were doing the floor but we're not there yet but we can do the flower beds on the outside [Music] i'm barely getting by got a heavy load it's trying to break my mind can you [Music] so we're back out this morning after the storm [Music] just to really evaluate all the damage in the paddock we have lost our chicken coop and the goat lodge you can see that it was moved that much um but it's still standing one thing we were super worried about was our solar shed the rain came from all different directions and was we had 80 to 100 mile per hour winds knocked a lot of our cob off on the outside which is not a problem because we need to redo it anyway or go over it several times anyway damage is not very bad and the roof is still on and intact we didn't lose anything major so we're just really thankful everybody's safe [Music] foreign so [Applause] lots happening this morning we've got water runs going but we also have our friend here with the tractor which means we're digging holes for the solar array we've got to get these solar panels up so that when we finish the inside of the solar shed here we can just start putting in the inverter and the batteries and not have to wait on this because this is a big project [Music] oh [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] all right guys i have learned and a very important lesson don't add too much clay where it's all gonna crack i tried a different technique wetting the wall down a little bit more and i added a step of going over with a plastic trowel i gotta get this down we're gonna concentrate on just finishing from the front door to the entryway here that way we can put our batteries and stuff in even if the rest of the building walls are not complete when it's all about the race no turning back too late got my bones about to break [Music] guys you may not believe this but our plans are changing we're planning on stopping the wall work we gotta get all this stuff back out of here so the first step will be getting the gravel here getting it into the rooms at the level that we need it and then tamping it [Music] [Music] i may be slow to get back up but i'm not done [Music] got the fire got my heart beating faster no time to waste cause my time is now [Music] good good oh not so good you can see it it's kind of humped up there [Music] good [Music] is [Music] [Music] the magic is in you it's in you [Music] guys the earth bags are back again oh hey nine-nine if he sees this hug he has to come jump on us yes okay this morning we're out here we've set up we got a tent for shade we've got our mixer ready we are making earth bags which i gotta say i don't think i've ever seen anybody do this before we're just kind of doing this to fill the space right yeah we need to go up about an earth bag size but also on top of that we're going to be doing one to two inches of cob it just depends on how high we want the floor yeah yeah so it's a little unorthodox we know it's a little weird but you know what we got the bag material kind of goes with our theme we got the dirt uh it's way cheaper than having cement brought in or gravel brought in anyway we're doing the floor now guys yeah guess what [Music] every day i'm left to die working hard and wondering [Music] [Music] all my chances [Music] can't out [Music] [Music] our shed is becoming a haven for wild animals the black witch month is back and that guy i'm not happy about that we need a door it's time to put the door on yeah after we get this floor in let's do this floor oh it's a mess the rain ruined it last night a lot of stuff to do this morning we gotta get this the earthbags in and we've gotta get the door on because yeah mother nature is kicking our butt at least it's raining right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we do not advise doing this kind of work in a monsoon here we are it's better than getting everything [Music] we're thinking that tomorrow will be door day after all these rain [Music] oh [Music] welcome to my office i've got to get started digging this trench because we still have to run wires from our solar panels all the way into the solar shed [Music] [Music] [Music] yesterday was an extremely productive day and we didn't film a single bit of it we made several batches of this brown coat that we have on the wall behind us and we leveled it with trowels so that when we go to make our final application it will go on really smooth and that's what we're doing today we're going to turn this into our walls [Music] um all right so we're making really good progress i really am loving the one to one ratio with more toilet paper a little more straw and getting it to the perfect consistency to work with and then after it's dried just a little bit to where it's like tacky almost i go back with a plastic trowel and compress it and smooth it out and that is working out really great [Music] me [Music] today we are installing our power well we're starting to install our power yeah because because here's the thing guys it's a lot of work yeah and we needed some help so we called our friends the trujillos hey guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've officially run our first wires we ran all four solar wires from all the way over there all the way here in the trench [Music] turn the power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this feels like such a huge moment [Music] so [Music] hey look who's back in the shed and we're cobbing all the kids have been missing this so much they're so excited to get back to copying right guys yeah once we do get all the brown coat done in the office and the guest room then we can move on to more of the finishing coat which will end up looking like this very exciting just a whole lot of work ahead [Music] i know that there is nothing stopping me no physical presence that i can't see [Music] oh there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way [Music] i know that there is nothing stopping me [Music] no physical presence that i can't see [Music] oh there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way there's nothing in my way what we're gonna be doing is getting the first um section of our final coat on yeah we're working on final cut what we're doing is a one-to-one beach sand to our clay and toilet paper that is the magic ingredient [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] guys we're not in the solar shed today we are making a form for a concrete pad that's going to be on the north side of our building that will be where we place our air conditioner outside unit for our mini split and and eventually a freezer a meat freezer as i'm going to call it the meat freeze instead of the deep freeze because that's all we're going to put in it lord can you give me a little bit of grace [Music] please don't delay please don't delay [Music] lord can you give me i wanna believe and i don't wanna know i'll be break [Music] so [Music] better days [Music] one of the things that i've been dying to do ever since we started this earthen plaster on the inside is like decorative features so i have this little tiny wooden bowl that's like a perfect circle on the bottom so i'm going to do a little design around the window and just see if these will actually stay on because we have big plans for the outside [Music] do [Music] [Music] all hail ashley the queen of commons i've touched every inch of this wall multiple times yeah yes you rocked it today you did i didn't think we were gonna get done today i didn't either but guess what we we did you did it we did it [Music] today we're cleaning out the office on the floor and setting up a laser level and figuring out how high we want to start this floor yeah so like we may start putting floor down today we are going to start waiting for it it's very exciting very exciting [Music] [Music] i'm gonna make my way take my time i'm gonna live my life just [Music] dance [Music] well that didn't work this is definitely something that we did not expect seeing first thing in the morning i'm gonna show you what our floor did overnight [Laughter] we were just in a hurry and you know what you just you can't rush things right now as much as we want to get this building done we need to do it the right way and test batches is the right way so now we're doing test matches [Music] [Music] [Music] so after a lot of research this morning our first batch did not it had way too much clay in it so we're going with a one to two ratio so it's two parts uh mortar sand and one part our soil and a little added extra clay but not much and a lot more straw and we're not doing it as wet either so i don't know we're gonna see if this works [Music] this is one of the test pieces that we did it wasn't the right height but it's way more solid than what i thought it was going to be so real happy with the mix [Music] [Music] [Music] we had a successful floor day yesterday no cracks so far it's looking really good but you were tired my arm is killing me so we're gonna detour a little bit and yeah work on the mini split [Music] so three two one [Music] huh i mean it feels pretty good it's blowing some air it's cold can you do it a little bit you stand here it's like great feels good i can feel it right here oh that feels good yeah oh yeah it works [Music] we're going to the outside we're going back and forth finish the floor or go to the inside but we have two days before rain comes lots of rain so we're gonna try to get as much done as we can on the outside yeah and it'll kind of be like a good test to see if this new mix that we're gonna put on the outside will hold up to the rain better um than what we have before yeah so we're doing a different mix on the outside we're doing a nine to one nine parts our sand or soil earth to one part cement [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're back inside the solar shed [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] today we are going to dig two holes auger two holes why for our posts for overhang [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to is it baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] two [Applause] [Music] you just have [Music] [Applause] you can feel the kids and i are going to be mixing up another batch of flooring we're gonna do a quarter inch skim coat this is mostly just to lock in these rocks a little better most of them are stuck into the flooring but there are a few that didn't get hammered down quite enough so adding this little bit of flooring material on top and in between these rocks is really going to lock them in even better [Applause] [Music] jonathan had to run into town he had to do some truck vans so the kids and i are gonna be working on the exterior scratch coat to surprise him and see how much we can get them [Music] you know we got what you need baby [Music] come on [Music] come on come on [Music] oh [Music] yeah you gotta move along [Music] the time has come for the oil [Music] hey guess what we got the last coat on the floor of oil so we're gonna let it dry try not to squeal with excitement we're gonna try to let it dry and then in a couple days we'll be ready to wax and then we can move stuff into it i can't even believe we may not move stuff in until we get the outside done though [Music] hey let's go to the dollar store you ready to go get some frozen stuff how can it be such a piece of cake and your smile is how excited are you it was pretty exciting maybe we should put things in the baskets like ooh those are popsicle baskets this is pizza they don't feel either this is random [Music] what else we got i do get some fake girl scout cookies don't tell the kids those are just so we have a cookie basket and a junk food basket oh my gosh all right that was it now [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your my sugar [Music] time has come what we're going to do is cut that piece of wood get our rebar ready and make sure we have the right angle that we want to have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well looks like we might have time for roofing so let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we got the roofing panels on the overhang but now we're going to spend some time framing out the windows that's what we're going to call it uh and we might try to build up something that comes out a little bit over the top just a little bit more to help with water drainage so hmm [Music] the only thing we're doing today is moving this freezer out starting final coats of plaster final coats of plaster just let that sink in ah [Music] [Music] it's ball time guys um so what we're to be doing on this west wall because it gets blasted with sun in the summer and even partly in the winter we're going to be adding spheres and a pattern close together so that when this circle has light shining on it it casts shadows on the bottom of the circle that will cause little micro climates on this wall and hopefully it won't heat up as much in the summertime down [Music] down [Applause] [Music] look at me [Music] don't want to get down down down [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can make it out please [Music] get down down down down down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Applause] yesterday we finished the outside coat i can't believe i'm saying that but today we made a big mess finishing the outside coat so we got to clean all the things [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the reason you're here is to see the reveal exactly so let's get to it [Music] where to go [Music] you always take me so high you always make the highlights i love the way [Music] thank you so much for joining us and looking back at what we've been up to the last year yeah oh man i just i can't even believe that our family built this little shed with no exp we don't know how to build stuff no we just researched and we got to it and we figured it out yeah it's crazy so if we can do it you can do it yeah absolutely yeah but there are a few important things that we need to tell you about yeah the first is we know a lot of you are going to ask us where you got those hyper adobe earthbags yes get asset all the time if you go to hyper adobe bag it'll send you over to vuln companies where you can call and order them tell them we sent you talk to bob fry and tell them we said hi yeah it's like a rhyme oh my gosh also even though we did get this shed done we have to thank some people yes because we didn't do it all by ourselves yeah do you want me to start i think you should okay dad helped us put this roof on juan and michelle helped us with the solar and batteries back totem farms helped us with the solar ground mount digging the holes and cutting the pipes and moving dirt and mike and tina moved a ton of dirt for us our neighbors and of course we have to thank our tiny shiny homies yes we could not have done it without them that's our membership community they help support us so that we can continue to work on these projects and make these videos for you to watch so thank you homies absolutely and we did have several people come out and help sift and shovel dirt and of course thank you for watching this incredibly long video that it took us weeks to prepare you get a high five yes congratulations i can't believe you watched it all if you liked the video make sure you subscribe or just find us anywhere on the internet for tiny shiny home and that way you'll know when the next video is we'll see you then [Music] so [Music] oh hey did you want to know even more details about the features and design decisions of the solar shed watch us walk through watch it watch it watch this walk through watch it watch it [Music]
Channel: Tiny Shiny Home
Views: 2,624,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I9mYlHBez0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 35sec (7655 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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