Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | Pt. 5 of 11 Tallow Paper v. Confit | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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hey everybody it's harry from slumber daddy barbecue the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love in my continuing series to investigate the merits of beef tallow in cooking brisket following the reproducibility of experimental results proposed by jeremy yoder of mad scientist barbecue this episode is going to feature a request from my viewers to see if what will happen when you soak the brisket in beef tallow versus using it compared against the tallow paper wrap cooking in oil is not uncommon it's known as confit very common in french cooking kinda like sous vide with oil in this episode i'm gonna do a shootout let you guys know what i find out and the results of this tallow wrap versus tallow confit [Music] throwdown [Music] add a little bit of a beef console main prep this is a uh trick to allow the rub to stick a little bit better you can use a beef base prep but this one is also really good so you can get this from suitbase.com with my coat packer this is how professionals let me supercharge our flavors on our brisket it's a little black belt trick you can try at home just apply a nice steam coat you can use mustard also if you like but using a beef concentrate is a lot tastier this beef has a lot of flavor and this concentrate will actually supercharge the flavors let's go ahead and apply some first place usa beef rub my beef rub is really special it helped me win first place in the kcbs biscuit cup nationwide it's got a few special ingredients like uh celery seeds some shiitake mushrooms some of the uh worcestershire powder so a whole bunch of secret tips in here supercharge your brisket if you're the one looking for something to try go ahead try this one here a lot of you have tried it and you say you like guys like it so i appreciate your support and your business you guys know a lot of this uh proceeds from my barbecue business goes towards philanthropy so indirectly you're helping me help others including operation home front i've also booked like a christian barbecue relief and save the children charities so it's all for good cause here i will help the world a little bit nice even coat you want to coat it until the bottom layer becomes opaque and then add a little bit more after that we're going to cook one with the normal tallow right since this is still a number five episode of the tallow test i'm gonna do the second one using the halo confit for those of you not wear good confidence just just fat of any kind you just submerge your meat and you cook it it's not something i invented it's a french method been used for many many hundreds of years let's go ahead and throw in a pit now [Laughter] go ahead and perform the tallow right now [Music] took about another hour and a half and our confit brisket is nice and tender and the way we test that is with the bamboo skewer and you can feel it's nice and soft oh yeah baby it's nice and soft look at that whoo nice all right so this brisket is ready the confit is ready but the one in the tallow paper wrap is not so we're going to continue to cook that in the oven and uh it's over there and this one is ready we're gonna let this one rest soon as they are both done i'll let them cool down let's do a taste test and see if the tallow wrap will beat out the confit brisket [Music] let's take a look at the appearance i say the appearance about the same this is the one that is the confit and we took it out of the foil pan looks pretty good and this is the one from the uh paper wrap with the tallow on the paper let's uh now give it a taste test and see what's the difference looks pretty good pretty tender yep tender take a piece to bite wow very delicious good tasting brisket that is tasty spice here right so there is a distinct difference between the two all right eaten my way through two rounds of tasting and uh appearance wise is a tie between the yellow paper versus the confit soaked in the beef tallow oil the taste of the paper wrap is a lot better so what happened is i think the confit kind of washed out some of the flavoring and you can see here even though the smoked green is good the flavor isn't as pronounced it's as if some of the salt from the rub or the bark or crust right kind of leached into the tallow confit oil so this shows that uh at least in this one example one data point example here the tallow paper wins beats out the confit talo and uh should you put your meat in oil uh be advised that you're gonna probably encounter the phenomena i encounter which is sort of the flavor kind of leach into the oil so actually the brisket even though it's nice and tender it didn't have as pronounced as a beef flavor as this one here which was the one with the tallow paper wrap so there you have it a little conclusion at the end so the uh yellow paper beats out the telecom feet so now to feed mr b to see which one he likes better all right beans ready for your brisket taste test here so we're gonna do a tallow paper wrap versus a tallow confit in the pan okay so give it a shot and let me know what you think all right beans went for the even for the tallow first okay i don't know if it's just the first bite he went for but he picked the tallow couldn't feed first so there you go so he differs from me so his pick was the confit brisket you like it beans all right super alright guys thanks for watching this video and if you guys have questions about this experiment let me know in the description below sometimes when you do one data point it's hard to tell but i think the overall conclusion i'm reaching is that with the telecom feed it kind of washes off some of the seasoning so the seasoning less pronounced but you know your mileage may vary why don't you guys try it out this test and do the telo confit and let me know what you think maybe your results will differ from mine so guys thanks for stopping by until the next video uh we will see ya i want to do a shout out from my patrons who are helping me keep the channel going so i can offer free content on youtube if you like behind the scenes and zoom classes and one-on-one coaching and a whole bunch more go check out patreon.com thanks for stopping by you
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 22,487
Rating: 4.9481483 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, jeremy yoder, mad scientist bbq
Id: G4EVu1JN97w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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