A Winter Day in Longyearbyen, Lunch, Market & Sleepover | Svalbard Vlogmas

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Svalbard this time of year is usually quite  stormy we often wake up to winds roaring outside   swirling snow around the streets but  it isn't something that keeps us inside   we still go out enjoying the crazy weather   i think that when you live in a place like  Svalbard where the seasons are quite extreme   you don't let a little thing like a snowstorm  stop you from going about your daily life this day there was a Christmas market in  Nybyen so Christoffer Grim and I drove into   town to check it out Grim had to wait for us  outside though because he wasn't allowed inside there is like a christmas fair here today so  we're gonna check it out i think they're selling   like handmade goods and everything it's really  cold though so i'm gonna go inside now we have   a lot of different happenings in town leading up  to christmas there are christmas concerts dinners   markets and so much more so it's a really  nice time to spend along your bin at this   market people were selling tons of handmade items  from svalbard like soaps and candles christmas   decorations and bread so we bought this delicious  flatbread flavored with sesame seeds and sea salt   we have made our first purchase christopher  lots bread it's so tasty hey corbin did i just   hear you bark then i just hear you fork  you're out here for five minutes alone so after spending some time at this christmas  market we decided that we wanted to go and have   lunch on the village so let's  head down to the main street we have now spent a little time at the  julemarknad oh and we're gonna go and   eat some lunch slash breakfast because you  know it we don't eat breakfast apparently   in any single video it's very windy today and i'm going to show you how cute our  main town the main street is it's adorable   it's so pretty but it's windy today look at these they've decorated it it's so  beautiful this year okay now we're gonna go   have lunch at my gosh it's cold today it's like  minus 14 or something oh wow it looks beautiful yet for days of only and hears and my dress   foreign we decided to have lunch at a place called Kroa  which is a very popular spot in Longyearbyen   this place was built in 1998 and has the most  amazing decor the restaurant is furnished with   the idea of showing off a bit of the svalbard  history so they've used old driftwood and other   materials in the interior that show signs of  having been out in the harsh nature on svalbard   it's also decorated with pictures from hunting  time and especially pictures of the people who   worked here in the north at that time so we  sat down and enjoyed what's called Kokkefrokost   which is chef's breakfast which is like  a daily dish so that was really tasty food should all acquaintance be forgot and  never brought to mind should all acquaintance for all okay so it's so crazy i we just got out of  the car and there are northern lights like   oh there's so much happening i'm gonna start  filming for you guys and the moon is right   out there and it's all yellow there's  no wind and the stars are all the way   down to the horizon it's just insane it's  like 3 p.m we got a lot of new snow here of course we already went there oh wait damn it i fell oh no no no no oh  gosh it's all in my shoes that was me   okay i need to go and get my  stuff hey green what are you doing when we got home i started preparing the cabin  for the evening because i had invited my friend   lynn over for a sleepover are you excited  christopher for a sleepover with the ladies   oh yes we will be having caesar salad baby  little pizzas we're gonna make coffee drinks   i'm excited we've cleaned and made everything  so nice i love just getting it all ready   yes yeah green you are all ready to go even though  nobody has told you that we are going but you've   decided that since i'm wearing thermals something  exciting is about to happen leave the plants alone   you have to stay away from  those don't poke the mirror so we have made it all cozy for this evening she is gonna stay in here but so  we've as you can see we've moved   one of the boxes but she's gonna be  in here which is so cozy hello welcome so happy yeah it's not cold at all  it's like mine is 18 though there are so many stars come here yo y'all i don't think you guys can see  this but we are walking under a sky   of northern lights okay yeah you can  see nothing but it's it's beautiful   is it cold it is a little cold yeah it's a little  bit windy but we've had a couple of shooting stars step out of here yeah you look at your vest  get out of here wait come on lift your feet   you can do it it's on okay we're gonna keep  going and then we're gonna turn around soon somebody didn't bring a headlamp with  her you would survive two hours out here   i'm kidding you would be fine we started the  evening with a lovely walk under shooting   stars and northern lights and it was a little  bit windy and then came home to christopher's   amazing cooking we had some homemade pizza  caesar salad and some other amazing dishes   and then we just spent hours talking and  hanging out and it was a great evening Good morning, hello the coziest part of having a sleepover is  getting up in the morning making coffee   and breakfast and just hanging out  with our coffees in front of the fire   and of course grim demanding everyone's undivided  attention when we made our cabin space bigger this   is really one thing i envisioned being able to  have friends over and just hang out so thank you   all for hanging out with us today in this video  i appreciate you all and see you guys soon bye
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 261,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, hurricane, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, ice, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, mørketid, hygge, cabin, hytte, night, darkness, SAD, cold, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, snow storm, crazy storm, storm, winds, gale, force, winter storm, windy, orkan
Id: Zt0FuTSpivU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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