When are we having a baby? Christoffer quit his job? | Q&A Answering all of your questions!

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did you think   so anyways welcome back to a questions and answers welcome  back to a q a it was a really long time since   we did one of these almost a year oh it was  when we were on linken was that the last time all right it was minus 25 degrees it was 20  degrees it was really cold but it was beautiful   so what we've done is i have asked  people on my patreon my patrons   to ask us questions so if you want to be able  to ask questions for videos like these you can   head to the link in the description to our  patreon so let's just get straight into it   we have about 10 questions today because i'm  thinking we're not going to keep it too long   and we'll make it into more videos if we need to  so we're just going to do 10 ish solid questions   okay angela what does christopher  do for work yeah i stopped work at   the warehouse the warehouse and now i  work with cecilia i have an employee guys it's so exciting so christopher stopped  working at the warehouse about a month ago   and started working with me which is just so  helpful so he's gonna run the whole print side of   the business because that takes up a lot of time  and effort that i don't have on my own so i was   like i'm gonna outsource it to christopher and we  really took a chance on just you quitting your job   because we don't we didn't know at the beginning  of this fall how we would have enough income for   it at the moment we do and i just kind of said you  know what let's try because it's so worth it if   we're able to do all of these like trips together  and work together because we are like dependent on   each other when we do all of this like if we want  to go out on a trip i'm sitting here like i can do   whatever with my time and work around my schedule  but he before had to get up at four in the morning   to go to work and go to work you know till 2 p.m  and then we were just on completely different   schedules so we kind of prioritized our i did  anyway with i want our life to be exciting so i'll   take the chance and i hope i'll make enough money  for two people and at the moment i'm doing that so   i'm just very happy about it yeah this is  gonna be way more easy to do what we want to do   yeah exactly so when the snowmobile season comes  instead of us before having to wait for the   weekend to be able to go away now we can just go  whenever we want and just work our schedule around   it and i feel i'm so excited about that that's  gonna be also a big problem this year was that   we when we go on snowmobile trips and we  go on weekend trips we uh rent these remote   cabins that i've showed you i'll insert some  footage of some of them and to do so we have to   kind of go into a lottery for every weekend  so you never know where you're gonna go or   if you're gonna get a cabin and this year we've  got barely none because there was so many people   uh applying for it for the weekends but this year  we can apply for the weekdays and let me tell you   90 of the cabins are empty during those days yeah  so we're gonna be able to go to every cabin that   we want probably and go in the weekdays without  the stress because imagine before you bought   everything you got ready and then you waited  to figure out if you actually got one and on   wednesday you received a text saying or you didn't  receive a text so you didn't get a cabin and then   what was your plan for the weekend you  know it's just boring yeah this is gonna be it's gonna make it more easy  this video is sponsored by   nordvpn did you know no you have nordvpn yeah you  use it all the time yes because we are as you know   from sweden and half hybrid over here in norwegian  and swedish so to access all of our favorite   shows back home we have to use a vpn so why i love  nordvpn is because it's super safe there's no data   logging and it unlocks netflix and stuff so we  can also watch netflix shows from around the world   that's also been very good so right now nordvpn is  having a holiday deal go to nordvpn.com cecilia to   get a two-year plan plus one additional month with  a huge discount yeah that's what you have on your   phone i treated you to this so check it in the  description it is written and thank you so much   to nordvpn for sponsoring today's video let's  get back to the questions all right let's see   oh i love this question so i think i'm  going to say the name correct day roona   where would you go if living in svalbard wouldn't  be possible anymore for whichever reason sweden   norway maybe portugal or somewhere entirely  different and why would you choose that place oh so difficult but canada alaska  norway maybe iceland greenland   that's so true i think but we've spoken about this  sometimes and said okay where would we actually   live if we wouldn't live here i think i've landed  on that i would love to live in norway because i   i like i love norway i like the whole i like i  just like the country and i love the landscape   the landscape is really nice so i for me i would  move to norway and i would stay most of the year   there if it was like ideal and then i would be  in portugal for like three months out of the year   this is like when there if we could do  whatever we wanted not unlimited money   but whatever we wanted without you  know travel restrictions yeah no no because alaska is amazing but i think the american  system is a little bit difficult if i would   think like practically could i be able to move  there i don't think i could afford moving there   you know but it seems difficult to get a place  same with iceland expensive yeah i want to travel   there but i don't know i could probably live there  they have cool like i think canada probably the that could work yeah definitely love i have not  been to canada it's at the top of my list it   seems like an amazing country again nature  landscape people apparently i haven't been   but it seems amazing yeah yeah i want to go  there but it's always different when traveling to   somewhere or living there and i think i would just  choose norway out of the fact that i really like   how easy it would be to just buy a house and you  know start yeah exactly oh this one is about food   lorraine's question and she asks do you eat  lupe de fisque and lefse we're in norway by the   way ish so we go under norwegian cuisine because  we're on svalbard which is governed by norway but   we're swedish norway eat a lot of lutefisk i like  lutefisk it's what is lutherfisk lutefisk is uh   cult i don't know the english term but so it's  called yeah you put it in loot and then oh in   loot so it's a thing you make it into loot the  fisk i've had it it's it's good i think what i   liked the most were the things around it like the  bacon butter yeah everything around this really   yeah it's all the things with it that i really  enjoyed the fish itself is a little bit slimy but i do also love cod and left says potato bread   yeah you have so many different recipes but  you have this with potatoes she also asked   do norwegians still eat it at christmas time  and yes very much so okay ally asks would five   days stay on svalbard during the winter months  be long enough to see the northern lights this one's a bit tricky because you never know  when there's going to be northern lights like   right now we haven't had any aurora for 10 days  basically but before that we had it every single   day in the morning and then the in the evening  during the day all day long for like two weeks   but last year i remember because i can see when  i've taken photos so i can kind of go back and see   okay what was a good month and last year i didn't  take basically a single aurora photo in december   because we had so many storms but  this year it's been a good year   you never know and i think five days is like  a good amount to kind of give yourself a good   chance but it's i don't know i wouldn't say that  it's like the optimum optimal amount but it's   impossible if you come in october i think that's  a really good time then five days would probably   give you a good chance because it's crispy it's  just before it's not going to be snow stormy   february the same february is also a good month  but i'd say the worst months for aurora for me   when i've taken photos is november and december  generally but that doesn't apply to this year wow so it's always difficult to say i'm gonna move  around a little bit because we're sitting on the   floor here in front of our beautiful christmas  tree and behind christopher is a very toasty   fire so we are sweating a little bit all right  do you speak any other languages besides swedish   norwegian and english even if not fluently does  your parents speak portuguese because my parents   live in portugal if you don't know so i'll start  with me i'm swedish i moved abroad and i lived   in ireland when i was younger so i used to have  a really thick irish accent it comes out if i   speak to irish people or if i just channel it  but i made it go away because i was working in   hospitality and i'm not kidding when i say that  nobody understood what i was saying in sweden so   i just it just became americanized it was  never like this before but i kind of like it   it's just like a neutral accent for us also  we watch american television all the time i'm   sidetracking okay so i lived in spain for a year  so i speak basic enough spanish to be able to   get myself around my parents my mom speaks quite  good portuguese because she's really good at   languages so she can get herself understood my dad  a little bit you know they know enough words and   they're like enough to be able to order stuff and  ask for things in portuguese which i think is cool i speak mostly i speak swedish  and english yeah and norwegian   the region is if you want yeah but if you want  to speak norwegian you can do okay also sorry   i'm not going to interrupt them all the time but  norwegian and swedish pretty much same language   also not the same language but it's we have  almost the same words little different spelling   some words are different it's so similar that  we speak to each other in our own languages   and the other person understands exactly what  you're saying give or take a few words but your   parents are in norwegian but he grew up in  sweden when he was younger yeah my father   he speaks norwegian my mother speaks norwegian  and swedish i speak swedish and english yeah   okay let's see jesse asked asks do you know if  there is much of a lgbt community on svalbard   and if there are any pride celebrations and  yes we celebrate the pride parade so what is   called yeah pride festival the pride parade every  year and the whole village is involved so there's   music there's a parade there is the schools are  involved like long urban itself is a very open and   you know welcoming community and diversity whether  it's nationality or your sexuality is welcomed   here welcomed here so yeah i would say that it's  very welcoming but then again i'm not part of the   community so i can't speak for them but we do  celebrate pride and everything and i know we   really enjoy it oh i love this one okay hey west  point crew from doug can you teach us grimm's   language aka the swedish norwegian words he  understands i think we need a demonstration graham   grandma he's just here and he's  ignoring me graham hello graham oh that was a slow walk comment oh  he's a zombie okay so grim grew up   with olivia and aynor who spoke norwegian to  him look also how dark he is so grim answers   to norwegian commands but norwegian commands are  quite similar to swedish but so com is the same in   norway norway and sweden so it's  called which means come here   come on and then we have what i always say is  flink and flink means good and that's norwegian so when he's done something good  he's flink i'll put it on the screen   uh what else uh vashigoud is the one he knows it's  the same in both languages it means here you go   or you're welcome to it's kind of your welcome  and here you go what else do you know you know sit   and then you know oh the best one is that they  taught him which he's it's such a good one it's   go to bed so it's go leg day so whenever he's  begging for food or you know he's doing something   that he shouldn't or you know he should  go to bed he goes to bed if you tell him   yeah and i'm still impressed that he does  he looks at you like don't you don't you   do that to me do not tell me that he's like  fine i'm going to bed the cute little baby   but grim is at the same time super easy  to teach commands too and also impossible   i taught him uh pang where you shoot him  and lay down in literally one evening   but i've not managed to teach him anything  else since then it's like his brain is full   but he like one evening i taught him this trick  he's like i got it i got it and then i tried to   teach him heal and he's like absolutely not then  i try to try to teach him to stand in between   my legs he's like a super scary i'm not gonna do  that those those little legs no no no not for me   very funny okay karen asks are you hoping to start  a family in the future uh it's just curiosity so   we don't know is the honest answer i've always  wanted kids i thought and then i'm suddenly 32   and i'm like well when is the right time i don't  know we haven't decided we're gonna see what   happens and what we do it's quite a project up  here because you can't give birth on the island   because our hospital can't uh they don't have  enough facilities for you to give birth up here   so that's what it's all about but for us we don't  know we haven't chosen and we haven't decided   we don't even know if we can have a baby a  little christopher i always joked that he   would come out with an axe like a full beard  like hi mom or just like a complete like i did   we can name him viking that's a good  strong name why am i saying it's a him   we don't know we're gonna figure it out who  knows we have grim i'm quite happy with that   i don't know have you always had like i  need children no no you're you've always   been like whatever you want to do it feels  like like either or you could do with kids   you can do without so right probably  life is much easier without yeah   it's gonna change our whole lifestyle to get a  kid yeah it would grim changed our whole lifestyle   i love grim but i mean we do i did buy like a  carriage for him so we can go on snowmobile trips so yeah time will tell very very true we're going to  take it as it comes rosemak asks are you planning   a holiday together next year and where would you  like to go will grim be going to do you have a   finnish lap hound he stays on the island yeah  you don't like you don't like the warm weather   no no you're not supposed to have this kind of  dog if you go to a warm place and also for his   best i don't want to take him out out of this  environment because he would get so stressed   he would he doesn't enjoy the heat so he i had him  in sweden for one and a half months before i owned   him because such a long story but it was amazing  i got to have him there but flying him down was   the most stressful situation for both me and him  i was miserable he was miserable he did fine but   it's just a lot of unnecessary stress for our  enjoyment you know what i mean he will always be   better just staying up here he will be a happier  pup just staying in the house with somebody   staying here with him then changing his entire  entire environment for a month or a week you know   i can't do that to him he loves the summer sales  when it's like eight degrees yeah outside all   the time and if we go to sweden or norway  or and it's like 20 25 it's gonna be warm   yeah when i was in sweden uh the first day it was  28 degrees celsius and he tried to dig a hole in   the sand to get out of the sun like he he did not  understand what the hell he hated it uh but after   a while he got used to it but at that time we were  home for like one he was going to be in sweden for   three months so that's the difference uh but i  mean i don't think he loved it but he definitely   got more used to it but i had to like make a shave  but now i would i wouldn't take him on vacation   but also if we're gonna go on vacation next year  so i don't know because the current climate of   travel in the world is a bit difficult i feel  and i'm just there's no stress for me to have to   go somewhere i'd like to see my parents in  portugal if it's possible and if it doesn't   require too much work that's what i feel like oh  but that's also just like the first few months   i'm thinking about because who knows what happens  after you know a few months so i just generally   don't plan that much i don't plan vacations  far ahead what i feel about living up here   is that there are so many seasons that i don't  want to leave so for me february and on towards   may i never want to leave because that is our  snowmobile season and that's the season we're   waiting for months that i don't have to be here  are may and june because they are in between   months so those are kind of the ones that i  usually leave open for travel and then you have to   be here because we he has to do work with getting  the dock up and everything so i don't know i don't   i don't travel we don't travel that much  anymore we usually go to portugal or we go   to norway and sweden but i've traveled so much  before this and so have you before moving here   i think for me i i'm quite content in how much  of the world i've seen does that make sense   yeah i think maybe i'm gonna go to sweden because  it's it's been seven years i think eight years ago   then since i've been visiting visiting my mother  that's crazy man so maybe i'll go to sweden   absolutely crazy but you haven't been home  in eight years so i think you should do that   okay i love this one geo asks i have seen from  your videos that there is a big migraine community   from ukraine russia and thailand when these  people move to salbard do they find a job quick   or they do they arrive with an existing job offer generally when you come to svalbard you will have  a job in a park and an apartment before because   you you need to because otherwise you probably  won't get either so you can come to svalbard and   it's almost easier if you have an apartment and  not a job you can probably sort it out but if   you have a job and no place to live i friends of  ours have had to move because they've never found   accommodation it's a little bit better now than  it was two years ago but if you have an apartment   here you you will probably jump around within  jobs there's people change jobs i feel every   other month people just switch you know like no no  i'm gonna go there instead because when you're in   the job market here it's very easy or it's easier  to find a new job but it's all about living place i know and a few people who's been there  like on holiday and they take it with mix to   leave a cv yeah yeah they've gone out with  their resumes when they've been here visiting   for vacation yeah so they go around and ask  for your bun that's also another question i   often get is where do you find jobs like are they  posted somewhere and what the same about buying   an apartment or renting one this is the thing  solbert is very locked you will find everything   if you're in this community if you're not in this  community you won't have access to any of this   also you can only buy property if you're a local  so none of that goes without like outside of   our kind of little zone if you're looking for an  apartment to rent there also isn't like craigslist   there's facebook and when one comes out for  rent it's gonna be rented out within a few days   a few hours a few hours that's like how it is like  okay it we see one coming up for rent maybe every   other month you know and they go like this so to  find a job come here get your resume walk around   you don't have to speak the region at every place  i'd say half half you can do well with english at   half of the jobs that we have here we need english  yeah definitely you need english and any other   scandinavian language applies as norwegian  sometimes i would say if you speak swedish   or norwegian or danish you will be able to take  almost any job that is norwegian you know so yeah   okay here it is brittany asks we were  wondering if there are police on svalbard   i know you said that there was very little  crime just petty theft in a prior video we have about between i think we have  under 10 police officers up here who are   actually policemen in uniform in uniform  and about maybe 45-50 people who work   at the sissel master office like  the building but they work with the   the like environmental laws because it's the  governor's office so within the governor's office   you have like 50 employees but six active police  people that are out policing not at all times i've   seen them about i don't know a couple of times  so but they do a lot of other things up here that   has with safety to do so it's really good that we  have this but when it comes to crime we don't have   a lot of crime at all so we have a lot  of you know petty theft like you you go   out to drink on the weekend and you come home  and you come home with somebody else's shoes   or somebody else's jacket that's i'd say half of  the time gets returned after the time just never   shows up so i don't think it's like i don't think  we've had really anything we've had oh we had our   first armed robbery of the bank a few years ago  that was it was very dramatic but it was more   cry for help than anything else nobody got hurt  but i think it was quite shocking to the city   but other than that uh we go under the same laws  as in norway when it comes to punishment and stuff   so if you get into a bar brawl you probably will  get a little bit of jail time on the mainland so i   wouldn't say they're more lenient up here i'd say  they followed just the same as they were in norway so it's uh yeah norwegian laws but also some of  them are applied to svalbard but generally it's   the same as no drinking and driving we're  under the same stuff as norway is so but   no not a lot of crime i've never felt more safe  being in any place in the world than up here and   here your biggest threat is a polar bear i think  that says so much i will gladly walk out here in   the dark with polar bears maybe lurking around  the corner but for me walking in a city at night   in europe is terrifying so i think that's pretty  pretty interesting train of thought yes not   you're quite safe okay okay i think that's it  for today yeah many questions fun questions   we're gonna answer some more in the next  q a which will be probably before a year   again we're not going to take  this long it's christmas soon in like a few days or in like one day two in  a few days something like that that's crazy olivia was here and gave us so many presents also   fenris is arriving today he's going to stay  with us for 10 days and if you don't know   who feminist is it's grimm's brother not  by litter but by household so grim's going   to be very upset that he's his bigger brother is  moving in with us because he gets so competitive   and he like he nips at his legs to like tell him  off when we don't see so we're going to be on grim   behave it's really bad behavior i'm not proud  of that you know like he'll bite his butt when   we don't see it who does that so grim he's going  to be in for a surprise when he wakes up after   like to fenders he's going back he's still  here so that's going to be very exciting and   yes cheers did you finish your  coffee almost thank you for today   thank you for today there was something i was  gonna say i don't know we'll see you guys soon and   also like we said if you want to join our patreon  we would love that we post some extra content   we put up a lot of photos for digital downloads  i try to give you guys behind the scenes   and i think next year we have a lot of fun  stuff planned as well uh what we do we might   start a podcast i really want to it's just about  planning again time and planning but i think we   are going to sit down and do brainstorming  session and we're going to get that done   so if you want to do that join otherwise cheers straight cruising headed for bruising watching out for number one   you gotta slow down look around you sun  today is just today and not tomorrow   where you're going you can rest your head
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 382,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, ice, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, mørketid, hygge, cabin, hytte, night, darkness, SAD, cold, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, tree, christmas tree, decorating, decor, julpynt, snow storm, snowing, dark, struggles, everyday, life, baking, advent, cooking, lifestyle, restaurant, eating out, going out, food, menu, questions, q&a, answers
Id: pe0Ev5WVzNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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