Showing My Parents My New Life at the Age of 32 | ep. 4

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close your eyes get some rest i'm by your side lay your head on my chest i know you've had a really bad day my parents have arrived the last time  they were here the both of them was   almost six years ago when i was living a  completely different life on the island   at that time i was working as a booking manager  at whose set living in an apartment in town and   didn't even own a snowmobile so a lot has changed  since then and i've been so excited to show them   this svalbard the new cabin life with christopher  and grimm and just take them on tons of activities   my mom did visit me about four years ago but  at that time i was living with olivia naynor   and grimm and fenris in a different apartment in  town and my life was also so different from what   it is now i feel like i've had so many different  faces here on svalbard i mean i've lived in about   eight different places in my six years here on  the island so now i was very excited to show   them our cabin so after i picked them up at the  airport we dropped their things off at the hotel   and then headed straight out to our cabin it was  fun to see the reactions of our home and my mom   said that it looked exactly like it does in my  videos so that's good we spent the entire first   evening just catching up talking eating good food  that christopher had cooked and just hanging out   my family is a very active one so i had  planned a full week of fun activities   like snowmobiling and skiing to make  sure that we made the most of our time   so i'm going to bring you along on it all let's go   okay ski team it's what a minus one degrees celsius almost  no wind now we're skiing odd omelettes   and we have gone maybe three kilometers so far  i think and we have about the same way to go   it's activity day number three mom yesterday father here he comes spreed mom is on fast skis we are on  slow skis but we're doing good it's a workout we were experiencing really warm weather here on  svalbard for the first few days of their visit   and temperatures were in the minus one degrees  which is ideal for activities like skiing   christopher and lynne were on snowmobiles and it  was actually lynn's birthday so we brought with   us christopher's amazing semdor if you saw his  latest cooking segments you know all about those   it's about five kilometers over to the other side  of the fjord from longy bin so we had some coffee   and seminar on the other side and then we skied  back well we hitched a ride of christopher and   lynn for a little bit it was actually  my mom who requested this exact activity   to be pulled on skis behind the  snowmobile it's so much fun to do   so we had a good laugh doing that and then  my dad hitched a ride all the way back   but my mom and i finished off the last few  kilometers skiing which was lovely this is do this is the first time in such a long time  that i've actually gotten ready and like   dressed up so that's exciting we're going  to funk in for dinner i feel really nice shoesies so foreign the next day had a sun and a crispy minus 15  degrees on the forecast so we decided to head   out to one of our favorite and secret spots quite  close to our cabin so the first thing i did in the   morning was head into town to pick up my parents  and then we packed up everything we needed and   headed out on snowmobiles the snowmobile drive  goes through narrow snow packed valleys and the   driving is quite technical we spent about an  hour fighting our way to the secret spot dad   fell off a snowmobile at one point my mom and  i pulled her snowmobile out of snowdrifts and   it was just so much fun that kind of slow  technical driving is always a great challenge wait i remember six years ago when i first told  my parents that i was moving to svalbard   they thought it sounded like a great adventure  both me and my two sisters have spent a lot   of our years growing up in different countries  around the world either working or studying so   me moving abroad was nothing unusual for them  what i think did surprise them was that this   place is where i decided to settle down and live  i'm not one of those people who has a five-year   plan so i can't tell you how long we will be  here but definitely for the foreseeable future   previously when they've been here i've been  living in you know crappy apartments in town   and didn't have a real home so it was really nice  to show them our cabin and you know my real life   i asked my dad at one point now do you  understand why i live here he said no absolutely   not so i think that they won't be leaving  portugal anytime soon to live in the arctic hello father hello mother so fast i'm getting i think  if i had a step what an incredible day hello coffee   do   are you making a couch grim yes  you're making your own couch because is here comes service very fast server oh yeah this is lovely good so that was what i filmed from the week with my  parents i also filmed when we went winter swimming   in the 3 degree ocean so that will be coming up  in a video soon it was so much fun to have them   visit and see what our life is like now that we  have our own cabin all the outdoor equipment and   knowledge needed to head out on adventures and  for them to see this version of svalbard it's   very different from when they visited me before  so i hope you enjoyed this video and subscribe   if you want to be a part of this svalbard  family and thank you so much for watching bye you
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 308,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, northern lights, everyday, life, lifestyle, restaurant, new year, fresh start, motivation, hiking, hike, sunfest, sunrise, sun, polar day, travel, travel guide, cabin, new life, living, hytte, hytta
Id: NxsiTMiJIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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