the REALITY of going outside the VILLAGE LIMITS | Longyearbyen, Svalbard

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the polar bear broke one window right  here I'm guessing these are the steps   welcome back to svalbard everyone as life  continues in the darkness of the polar night   I thought I would bring you along on an incredible  adventure from a few months ago I never got around   to sharing it back then so I thought it would  be ideal to share with you now it involves   polar bear break-ins gorgeous glaciers and  all that Svalbard has to offer so let's go foreign look at this guys a polar  bear has broken the window so   we're gonna have to sort that out there was  glass everywhere you can see here look at   that it was all over the floor where did all the  glass go under the wood yeah okay off the glass so yeah I mean it managed to break the window and  then it was like nah maybe he was looking for you no yeah he's like no I have  to go somewhere else where   is my uh lady where is my uh my famous tiktoker I am not are you gonna fix the window yeah with what  uh probably um what is it called tarp or oh   a blanket of some sort yes a blanket we have a  lot of blankets here a couple of nails somewhere this is where we're gonna stay look at this is it cold hey Christoffer did  you love the driving here oh it's cold in here it's cold in here oh yeah but the drive  here is what what are you doing the drive   here was eventful let's just say that  it was eventful how long did it take us   five hours and 10 minutes five hours and  10 minutes and how long how far was it mid 140 kilometers yeah one way that's lovely   this story starts on a crispy April day the week  before Easter Christopher aynai and I and the dogs   were planning our adventure for the week we were  heading out on a long snowmobile trip and spending   around four days in a remote cabin snowmobile  season on svalbard is all about experiencing   the incredible landscape that we have here since  we have no roads leading out of longubin and the   island is completely snow covered from February  till May snowmobiles are our way of getting   around we pack up everything we need extra fuel  food wood emergency gear Etc and pack it on our   sleds that we attached to the snowmobiles on small  bar there are remote cabins scattered across the   island most of them are now owned by organizations  in town and need to be booked before being able to   stay in them but there are also a few locations  that are open cabins which means that if they   are empty when you arrive you can stay there  we were heading to one of those to Calypso bin   a research station around 140 kilometers from  longer Boon that stays empty during the winter we arrived just after midnight after driving  for more than five hours the 140 kilometers   went very smoothly for the most part until we  were just a few kilometers away from the cabin   both Aina and Christopher had made this trip  before and knew what to expect and what parts   could be tricky we follow our GPS tracks to  know where to go but this doesn't mean that   it is all smooth sailing the sled I pulled along  with my snowmobile weighed 400 kilos which meant   that getting up hills through deep snow was at  times super difficult without getting stuck so   it could take us more than one hour to drive just  one kilometer but this is not unusual when heading   out on these trips up the beaten path you have  to prepare for it to be difficult and heavy at   times but that is also what makes it a great  adventure the reason why I had to pull such   a heavy load was because Christopher had the  dogs in the slufe the heated Chariot I bought   for Grim which sadly did not survive the trip  home from this cabin due to the rough terrain   so so sad but moving on we eventually arrived  at the cabin tired but happy only to find out a   polar bear had tried to break into the cabin  it had broken about four Windows ripped the   wood boards off the wall and made some damage to  the cabin so first priority was to board up the   broken windows start a fire to heat up a room and  clean up the broken glass so nobody stepped on it foreign you did a great job it's terrific   the tool and fishing whistles yes yes I did  what are they fishing for fish oh God yes yes no creeps no maybe shrimp crib is nice it's my Avalanche Peak I need to turn  off because we have arrived foreign I was mental as we like to say I'm so hungry  oh my God wait look John what time is it it's 12 30 in the morning he's happy almost 1am eat something then we're gonna go to bed and  tomorrow I'm gonna read books all day long thank you yes and I answered and I answered foreign oh yeah sometimes I played cool temperatures right about here we started discussing the  toilet situation and who had to go and set up   the bathroom Christopher how'd you go so I thought  I would explain how that works on a cabin trip as   well as showering and well we don't shower that  is there are no facilities and it would be too   much of a hassle and too cold what we do instead  is bring a lot of wet wipes and do like a wipey   shower which works just fine regarding the toilet  situation in most cabins there is an outhouse with   a bucket that you put a plastic bag in and then  just do your business and that is how it was here   as well we then also have to bring the poop bag  back to the village and throw away in a designated   container so one unlucky person has to pack the  poop bag to their sled at the end of the trip It's a beautiful morning here in Calypso bin   and I'm gonna go skiing so I just need to braid my  hair there's like no wind outside and it's sunny   so I'm gonna make the most of today  we're gonna stay here for quite a while   we're gonna leave on Sunday or Monday  and today is Thursday so it's a long trip hi Christopher how are you doing how do  you feel about today you're tired yes   you only slept for what four hours yeah  because you had the top bunk so it's like   30 degrees up there it was more yeah  yeah but that's why I never sleep on   top then so we need to maybe get one of  the more we we can have another room going I'm gonna all be in here I just stood out in there but all right so  now I'm gonna gear up when I bring everything   with me and go on a ski trip have you seen  any more polar bear uh Prince outside no   more also be on sport corrects I wonder when the  polar bear is here because it broke that window   but it didn't look like the tracks didn't look  Super Fresh they looked a couple of days old   so we're gonna find out I'm gonna go  skiing bring my gun with me of course   and grim and Fenris they're gonna be oh  they can just be running around freely   oh that's gonna be nice okay  you can do this let's go this is the entrance wow what a beautiful day this  is incredible so the guys have driven somewhere   and they were supposed to leave  Grim with me but he ran with them   and vendors as well so I guess I'm going  skiing alone we are in the middle of nowhere and I'll be just going on a nice little ski trip  by myself oh but this view I this is one of the   most beautiful places I've been I think well I  say that about everywhere but wow it's incredible cheese the white one absolutely freaking incredible I'm gonna  walk straight that way because since   you know there's polar bears  out here more than other places   I want to stay in line of side of the  cabin if something were to happen you know   I have my little my little satellite in reach  doesn't help me at all but makes me feel good   I've got my shotgun with me and let's just  hope that the polar bears aren't that way   but the thing is the tracks  no they're not very fresh   I can't see them at the moment I'll go  and find them later oh there they are   where are they okay let's put the stuff on I  would want my Grim to come with me it's up here get him I wonder where they went nice we are ready to go I also have  a backpack with my camera some water I'm wearing too much clothes I  can feel that uh straight away that's unfortunate how incredible is this wow wow oh I hear the snowmobiles that means I get a dog back it's really good with   having a dog with you is that  they see stuff that you don't here he is he's Deadpool is look  at this honey come he's got platoon here the guys come hello look at you guys stop being scared we gotta go [ __ ] oh yeah you're going with  me and don't leave me yeah come here yeah don't leave me stay with me  come on little guy come here yeah   are you excited are you mad that they have left us  you oh this is gonna be nice oh are you kidding me this is just incredible am I too slow for  you why are you barking at me yeah I know all right we're gonna exercise here  we're gonna exercise okay you're so happy I love seeing him this happy look at that tail all right I'm gonna get closer to the glacier   and go for some miles before I  talk to you guys again okay okay I am so sweaty oh this is the best feeling in  the world when you're just like I'll see it   it's warm in the sun there's no wind I don't  understand how lucky we are usually there's you   know like at least five six meters per second and  now there's zero and the whole weekend it's zero   I can see the guys they're driving quite  far away so I was supposed to turn around   but instead I'm just gonna keep going and  then I can just hitch a ride with them   we'll go back or we just go back  I'm in an athletic mood today thank you foreign foreign hey hey man one hour of skiing game you did great so this is what it looks like when you come  right into the cabin this cabin is huge we   are sleeping in there we put that up just  to keep some of the cold air well all of   the cold air out because we're not warming  this up we don't have enough wood for that   so that's the this is the kitchen hi cream so this cabin is a Polish research station  and they stay here in the summer and then   whenever they're not here it's an open  cabin which means that you can come here   so that is what we did there's tons  of stuff you know there's jackets   there's a lot of things in here it's cold in here  so we don't have enough wood to actually warm this   whole face up so we're just staying in the one  room that's in there which is working perfectly   because then you just warm this little area up  and then in here you just have to bundle up a   little bit but this place is huge and what's  so crazy is that you know it's kind of like   somebody's home because they stay here during  the entire summer do tons of research you see   the maps and everything on the walls and there's  a lot of things everywhere like clothing and   things you know and then when they're not here  we can stay here or it's an open cabin so you   don't book it you don't pay anything to go  here it's just open so if you drive down   here you can stay in nice so that's what we  did so there might be people showing up you   know while we're staying here and since there's  like two more bedrooms I think wait one there   yeah I think two more bedrooms there's you know  plenty of space for extra people there are also   Lofts up here so I guess you could absolutely  stay in here in some sort of way but it's it's   a very cool cabin green and I just spent  one hour skiing so now I'm gonna go and   I think I want to go and read my book  and drink some coffee and have a piece   of chocolate and then I'll go out again in the  sunshine I think that feels like a good idea and here's tons of things and see there's a loft up here and here's another one of these  moves like the one we're staying in imagine that they sleep here you know  stay here for months at a time pretty cool so we're gonna go and take these down so we  can actually see something inside the cabinet   the polar bear broke one window right here I'm  guessing these are the steps here hello thank you   yeah okay right under your butt so this is where  yeah you can see the polar bear was right here and   just they rip it off you know even though you have  these huge covers they can just rip things off the   wall very easily so this is also where it's been  broken some things just gonna open this let's get   some oh no there's oh there's this one somebody's  already fixed also broken window from polar bear and we're gonna this is the only one  that survived all of these ones have been   demolished by this freaking bear oh is this for us yeah okay so this is your own reindeer that you've  caught right yes and you've frozen it in you   hunted this now you are just making it into  pieces to make meat yeah and as you can tell   it's very Frozen yes so we decided the best  way is to use a regular saw and that way   also get nice pieces with the bow I think this is one of those Christopher  and Aynor dishes you know I think you   would like to you think so yes  all right all right I trust you at least if you're lucky you might  get a little little piece of this mother bro Oke they're both at least whenever thank you I'm finally starting the second book in The Golden  Compass and I haven't read these books for some   random reason then I bought the first one Reddit  and I thought it was absolutely incredible but   I couldn't get a hold of the other two so some  incredible person sent me these two and I just   want to say a massive thank you to like to receive  these when I opened the package I was like what   so now I have both of them with me and I  think I might read them both on this trip   right now it's about three o'clock we have done  one hour of skiing and my plan is to read for   a couple of hours and then in the evening today  we're gonna head to the glacier that is about half   an hour back where we came from to drone and take  some photos and everything because the light is   going to be incredible I think and I really want  to get some new Glacier shots oh yeah if nothing   you doing a little just through  are you looking for a pot I'm gonna read it's very cold in  here is the queen closed is it yes all right home floor perfect are we done yes there is a World War II airplane located about  70 kilometers from here correct yep we are here   and we're gonna drive down here through  this Chamberlain down and down here and out   and down here that's where that's where it is yeah  and actually this spot called um cupboard cupboard   that was a strategic spot for the Germans  to um if they had to do emergency landing   uh this was one of the spots so the airplane got  injured or something wrong with it somewhere out   here and they knew this is a safe landing  spot there and they were picked up by the   um Navy they're German Navy the pilots  so no one died they survived and the   plane was pretty much intact but now  for over 70 years yeah the slide LED   there and this pretty cool it's been  eaten up by the weather weather yeah it's not very much of it you can see in the  winter but the tail fin yeah and the toilet house   is pretty much intact but the middle of the  plane or under the snow or under the ice in   the summer you can see what's left of it much  more but you saw the polar bear steps yesterday   for the massive polar bear quite big this big  but you show actually how big they were because   they were pretty huge that's the size of one  freaking step that's in that's incredible   it's one of one of the biggest I've seen But  there is that bear is somewhere around here   Little Bear was like this big between the eyes but the polar bear that one is around here  somewhere we're gonna go tonight to the glacier   get some photos that's gonna be epic Christopher  are gonna post naked on a little uh iceberg s between vanities hi wait what's yours after having some food we headed for an evening  drive to the nearby Glacier in the beginning of   April the sun doesn't set until around 10 pm  so we had plenty of daylight left to enjoy by   the end of April our polar day season begins  and we are left in complete daylight 24 7 for   four months I had never been to this place  before so I was stunned by the beauty of the   mountains around the scene around svalbard never  fails to impress or overwhelm around 60 percent   of our Arctic Island is covered in glaciers  and is one of my favorite scenes to capture thank you foreign foreign oh my God instinct foreign nice waffles man not so bad foreign we spent the rest of the cabin trip hanging out  and relaxing the weather was a lot windier and   colder the rest of the day so I spent a lot of  my time inside reading my books I finished his   dark materials book two and three and really  loved them such a good story we never got a   visit from the polar bear and could see by  its track that it had continued on past the   glacier which was very good for us all I often  get the question why we go to remote cabins when   we live in a remote cabin but this is what live on  svalbart is all about being able to explore on the   weekends go snowmobiling skiing hanging out with  friends and just having an adventure we love it foreign it is now the last evening so we're leaving  tomorrow morning or like lunch time it's been   a great few days but it's gonna be fun to drive  home and I hope the weather is going to be good so   hope for that but now I'm just brushing my teeth  Grims over here as well so cold in this out room   it's like being outside I'm  gonna ask this point hey bro yeah foreign foreign the next day we started packing up  as soon as we woke up and have had breakfast   before leaving a cabin you cleaned the wood  stove sweep the floors clean out all of your   rubbish and trash which you bring with you to  the village where you throw it away there is   also a cabin book in every cabin where you  can write a note from the time you stayed   there you often include things like weather  any polar bear visits you may have had and if   there are any problems with the cabin Etc so  I wrote a little message in it about our stay foreign the trip home went great but like I said in the  beginning Grimm's Chariot did not survive it   fell apart on our way home unfortunately thank  you so much for watching this video and I hope   you enjoyed it since snowmobile season is just  around the corner you will see a lot more of the   island and our winter Adventure soon thank you so  much for being here and don't forget to check out   our patreon to see more content from us have an  amazing day and I will see you next week okay bye foreign
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 1,020,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, snowing, dark, struggles, everyday, life, lifestyle, motivation, cabin build, renovation, house tour, house build, house, cabin life, polar bears, apartment tour, tour, apartment, flat, night, polarnight, dark season
Id: 6hC-4FjeVZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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