What a day living in the world's northernmost town looks like | Longyearbyen, SVALBARD

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so so like oh my god oh okay okay thank you did you make yourself a little bed uh  safine today you're ignoring me lord is suffered hey i have a lovely bed here  did you make this just now oh [ __ ]   so so   it's cold out today very cold but i think it's the  wind because i don't think it's like that cold and   basic temperature let's see it's -13 that's  not a lot oh it feels like minus 27 celsius   because there's a 10 meters per second wind i felt  that i was just out as you saw and just took some   photos with the gorgeous moonlight wow today  really feels a lot lighter because you could see   the little bit of light behind coming up from  the horizon coming from the sun far far away   and then you have the moon  which lights it up so much   but now i'm super pumped how's my fire down  oh oh it's doing well i think i need to go   get some firewood as well i don't know if we  have any left we have ordered a full pallet   so we're gonna get that i think i need  to put the plants in that daycare also   so we can do that i'm really hungry i've had  half of my coffee as well it was so cold outside   i can see the moon through here and  what's so crazy is you feel like you can   see the surface of the moon okay  i'm gonna go out and see if there's   any firewood that i can stack there  if we have any i don't think so christoffer gave me this hat and it's  the warmest thing i own but i look like   a blueberry or like a raspberry it's so cute  okay let's oh we have an emergency over here do that do so it's 2 30. i'm still in my pajamas but i cleaned  the entire house and that feels good it took me   like two or three hours but but i did like a  proper game i sorted out stuff i moved things   i mopped hoovered did everything let  me show you what we put up look at this   look we put up one of these because we realize  that we have nowhere to kind of dry our clothes   or our you know gloves and hats and stuff and when  winter comes it's gonna be you know snowy all the   time so now we can come and we can just put our  hats and everything to dry here and i think it's   also a good use of a space that we absolutely  did nothing with so now it's gonna be a drying   area and it's also above this heater so if that's  on this is going to be super smart i don't think   we can hang a lot of super heavy things here  though because of the roof and everything but   with the seating but i think it's going to be  just good enough for what we need so that's fun so put it in these   the light is finally returning to svalbard slowly  waking us from our polar night slumber every   day gets just a little bit lighter and from only  being able to see the nearby mountains we can now   start to see the landscape far away snow-covered  mountains illuminated by the blue light in all   directions the sun will rise over svalbard for the  first time since october on the 15th of february   it will be above the horizon for a whole 20  minutes that day after that each day gets about 30   minutes lighter and by the 19th of april it will  be up all day marking the start of our polar day   also known as midnight sun season we live in a  very special part of the world where each season   is extreme there is no LAGOM here as we would  say in sweden lagom is a very specific word in   the swedish language which means something like  just enough or just the right amount Svalbard has   none of that here you get the extremes which is  a big part of why i love it here who wants lagom thank you hey oh my gosh there's a gift oh my gosh um a lot of the restaurants in town actually don't  really serve lunch so when we read that this hotel   that they were starting to serve lunch we headed  straight over there and i got this really nice   salad and christoffer got a wrap so this is at  radisson blue i guess the hotel's called which   is a really nice hotel they refurbished it i've  never stayed in it so i don't know what the rooms   look like but i mean this restaurant is beautiful  and in the evening they have like a full menu   really nice so we went here for lunch this day  which was good to get out of the house and also   to try their menu so it was nice i love my salad  the wrap was okay but we were happy my salad was   really nice now coffee i bought this by  the way i think i'm gonna put it on my jacket they also have a bar slash pub here which  is super popular where they serve like pizzas and   hamburgers and that kind of stuff so if you're  in long ibn i would recommend you to go there   because it has a really nice vibe and you'll  probably meet a lot of locals so that's a good tip for being such a small town we have an absolutely  epic supermarket they just finished refurbishing   it this year making it twice as big and all new  and by the way do you have a bread slicing machine   where you live i've never seen this i didn't know  they existed and i think it must be the best thing   that exists okay moving on so in our supermarket  you can buy groceries as well as things for your   home there isn't furniture that has to be bought  and shipped from the mainland with a freight ship   but there is smaller decor items such  as lights side tables kitchen stuff   candles you know vases and stuff like that prices  at the supermarket will probably shock some people   but if you are from norway or sweden perhaps it  won't be a lot more expensive than the mainland   what does bring up the price on some items  here is the fact that everything is shipped in   and a lot of the fresh items via air freight  that means that an iceberg lettuce head will   cost around four dollars as well as  fresh milk and other similar produce   one notable thing is also that what we have in  the supermarket will heavily depend on when you   go and when the nearest shipment was if you  shop just before a shipment has come there   probably won't be a lot of fresh stuff sometimes  we're out of bananas for a week and we can't have   days without you know chicken so planning your  shop is a little bit different here you kind   of just have to go with the flow and you see take  what there is but here you can see we're shopping   on a day when they've just refilled everything  so there's fresh produce everywhere it's lovely   you might also be surprised to find this little  mini exotic fruit section that we have here   a mango costs around 20 to 40 kroners which is  between two and four dollars and then you have   a papaya for 82 kroners which is like nine  dollars so a lot of different options here   there's no one here so i can take it down if you  move to long your bin you can buy almost anything   you need at coop so except like furniture but  they have smaller things like little side tables   and things like that but you can buy anything  for your kitchen plates i think that's kind of   the whole point that if you move here you should  be able to go and get anything you want like here as you can see many things thank you so much for watching this video  if you want to subscribe i would love that   and also if you want to like the video i would  also love that i will see you guys in the next   one and thank you so much for being here and i  look so much forward to the light that is coming   now and to show you guys the beautiful  landscape once again see you soon bye so so you
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 189,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, remote, island, weather, spitzbergen, longyearbyen, north, arctic, northern, swedish, norway, norwegian, winter, snow, polar bear, glacier, adventure, extreme, polar, explore, polar night, hygge, cabin, hytte, darkness, aurora, northern lights, fire, real talk, deep talk, decor, snow storm, snowing, dark, struggles, everyday, life, lifestyle, restaurant, new year, fresh start, motivation, hiking, hike
Id: CSo4ZXsn7PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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