"A View From The Hill" message by Randy Skeete

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oh the view from the hill what did I say if I begin do three little favors for me if you have a cell phone please turn it off unless you use it your Bible is on the phone then you have to turn it on but you don't need sound and you don't need you don't have to go to the pictures and to a whatsapp just go to the Bible and that's enough we're in the presence of a holy God by the way even though the Bible is on your cell phone your iPad your your Samsung watch whatever you have this makes a more powerful statement than that you know don't get angry with me wherever you are internet or in person before me you know for some people it's hip you still use the word hip I'm an old man so I'm going back to the 6th 70's and 60s it's hip it's it's fly it's cool whatever it is to walk around with one of these this is my Bible you just stick it here no one knows you have a Bible when someone sees you with this the first thought that enters the person's mind is not he's going to church are you with me so in the interest of a powerful witness walk with one of these when people see a Bible this is a phone this is a Bible the thinking immediately is God Church that's a Christian it is a sermon without a word now please I said don't get angry I'm not telling you throw your phones in the garbage I want throw mine but all I'm saying is it is more evangelistically powerful to walk with one of these than to have your phone your Bible on this and this is all you carry so even though you have this tomorrow if possible bring your Bible if you don't have one by one and bring it so a favor number one turn off your cellphone's number two pray for me I don't know how seriously people take that request when I make it but I'm deadly serious pray for me and ask God to put his words in my mouth and favor number three I want you to think let us pray they God in heaven as I attempt to do this spiritual work I ask you to help me put your words in my mind in my tongue as David said in second Samuel 23 verse 2 the Spirit of the Lord spake by me and His Word was in my town father put your words in my tongue grant me your spirit and let that self same spirit and lighten those who are listening whether in person or by the Internet at the end of this service day God let us know at an individual level that we have been blessed to be in your presence in Jesus name I pray let God's people say amen and amen the view from the hill in laughy 11 reading from verse 28 and you know it very well Jesus says come out to me come to me says Christ all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest come to me in John chapter 6 verse 51 Jesus says I am The Living bread which came down from heaven If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world Jesus Christ invites us to eat his flesh and drink his blood this is not cannibalism it is another way that Christ uses to express the oneness he wants with us what's our theme for these two weeks one with him in John 15 from first for Jesus says abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me not just with me but tell me in me but listen to the wording abide in me and I in you there is a divine desire in God's heart in the heart of Christ and consequently the heart of the Holy Spirit to have a union with us that is so close that no created being can fully understand or explain abide in me and I in you the question this morning I desire to answer is this who is this God that wants to have so close a relationship with us and his desire to be one with us far exceeds our desire to be one with him it is an amazing thing that a holy God a sinless God a righteous God chases after sinners I want a relationship with you and so jesus said that he came not to seek the righteous but sinners he told Zacchaeus in Luke 19:10 the Son of Man is come to seek and to save I say again Christ is pursuing us for the sake of having a relationship with us when Adam sinned God came down it was Christ let me be specific came down into the garden to fix a broken relationship Christ came to Adam when Adam heard Christ according to Genesis 3 verse 8 and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves God was coming to them and they were running from God I repeat God once a oneness a union with us we desire none with him and since the Bible is a book of opposites if I have no desire to be one with Christ whether I know it or not it means I have a desire to be one you finish it we've Satan now let me say it again and I'll finish it myself a man with no desire to be one with God has a desire to be one with Satan whether he's aware of that desire or not and some proverbs 8:36 the Bible tells us all they that hate me love death I don't have to say I love the devil in order to love him or to serve him I simply have to say no to God and my no to God is a yes to Satan and so we have a God who pursues us and he is pursuing us now in the service through this message I want a relationship with you but the question is who is this god what does he need so badly that he cannot find apart from a relationship with us let me ask the question again what is it God needs so badly that we alone can supply you know elamite writes in signs of the times April 22 1903 paragraph 5 we were brought into existence because we were needed I come on someone or to say Amen when God needs you you want to say Amen and rejoice because God is all-powerful jesus said if the disciples keep quiet the stones will cry out God can't be left without a means of carrying out his will but when I rent that statement I had to pause we were brought into existence because we were needed God needs you now if that doesn't cause you to take a deep breath and lift your chest a little I don't know what will God needs me yes for the third time who is this God we need to get a view of God a glimpse of God let us go to the book of Acts chapter 17 we shall read from first 22 our subject is the view from the hill acts 17 reading from verse 22 access book number five who wrote the book of Acts not Paul please repent not Paul who wrote the book of Acts look what other book did you look right look it gets you're a little slower this is disappointing you little slow remember the Internet is watching you they're really listening to you so please let's get it right Luke wrote Luke and act a two-volume work of history and Luke was also the only non Jewish writer of all the Bible writers and Luke was a medical doctor so if your medical doctor medical nurse medical dentist whatever you are you must find time for God can you say Amen Luke found time for God it was a doctor and a first-class historian model historians who've study the Book of Luke have discovered that all the persons the places and the events he records actually happened a magnificent historian Luke 17 reading from verse 22 then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said II men of Athens I perceive that in all things here too superstitious for as I passed by and beheld your devotions I saw an altar with this inscription to the unknown God whom therefore he ignorantly worship finish the verse him declare I unto you let me tell you about this God in whose honor you have an altar you don't know who he is you've got an altar to the unknown God as there is a flame the Unknown Soldier and so Paul is standing the Bible says in the midst of Mars Hill what was Mars Hill what is Mars Hill because it still exists Mars Hill is better known as the areopagus which was in pre classical times in Greece the place where the Supreme Court of Athens met if I may put it that way these men distinguished men they met they discuss the affairs of the city they had to distil power they listened to cases and they were called the Areopagus and the hill took on the same name remember there was a fellow after Paul gave his speech who followed Paul got baptized his name was Dan Isis he was an area pagai he was one of those members of that council that met to discuss in by the time of Paul it became very well known for place where not only judges but poets scholars and philosophers they came to discuss the latest issues of the day as the Bible says in acts 17 always discussing one thing or another and so they heard that there was a man in the city preaching strange things they invited him to Mars Hill the Romans called it Mars Hill or the hill of the God of War Mars sometimes known as Ares and so Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and you can visit Mars Hill today you see the steps where you have to climb to get to where Mars Hill is right across from the Acropolis and the Bible says Paul says email of Athens I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious meaning you're very religious that's what he meant for as I passed by and beheld your devotions the word divorce ins means the idols and the other things that you worship I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God whom therefore he ignorantly worship Him declare I unto you let me digress briefly there are people who worship God ignorant Lee now since the Bible is a book of opposites let's use the law of opposites there are people who worship blank ignorantly let me try it again a little slow didn't have breakfast I understand listen to me carefully what was favored number three think there are people who worship God ignorant Lee the law of opposites there are people who worship blank ignorantly Satan not knowing it my brothers and sisters it is absolutely essential that you know who you're worshiping you can come to church every Sabbath every Sunday every Friday and worship Satan so in the judgement when you bring your resume of weekly attendance and abundant tithe and holding five six offices the church at the same time and Jesus will say I never knew you whom therefore he ignorant Allah worship Him declare I until God desires intelligence worship now he understands in his mercy there are those who ignorant ly worship Him they have an impulse to do right and they follow it but God desires us to know to know to learn and so his preference is intelligent worship and intelligence as God defines it it's based upon the knowledge of God's Word can you say mmm and I have no opposition to someone going to Harvard or Yale University of Michigan but they're not designed to prepare you for place in God's kingdom yes you may flash the degree from Harvard and the whole world worships you again I have no opposition understand me clearly what I'm saying is in God's view the foundation of in intelligence is his word in our view the foundation of intelligence is a degree from a famous school room therefore he imminently worshiped him declare I unto you and Paul stands on Mars Hill and gives his audience a view of God a view from the hill here's what Paul says verse 24 God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands now why would Paul say that as Paul walked through the city of Athens you know Athens was the city of intellectual power that's where the bright people were infested Oh Micah they were the mercantile class in order tradesmen and that's fine Christ was one of those he was a carpenter in a Thessalonica inland corinth mercantile largely but Athens the intellectuals those with nine degrees the philosophers those who knew everything that God could tell them nothing that was a thens why did I say that it was not meant to be sarcastic they're too big risks God takes all the time one risk when he gives us great intelligence we use the intelligence and then say there's nothing God can tell me the other risks he gives us a lot of money and then on the basis of the money we say there's nothing God can give me to great risks if you fall into any one of those groups don't push go to the place where he withdraws those things from you the brighter you are the more you shall acknowledge I need God to tell me what to do if your brightness doesn't tell you that then we have to find another word to describe your brightness God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth which means everywhere dwelleth not in temples made with hands and as I said as Paul walked through Athens he saw temples too every God the Greeks had God's many and Lords many and the Romans same thing Babylonians same thing Assyrians same thing God's many Lords many temples to every God shrines statues and Paul is presenting a God who cannot be housed in a building and so he says he dwelleth not in temples made with hands now Stephen made the same argument in his very famous sermon in Acts chapter 7 he said in verse 47 but Solomon built him a house how the it the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands as say if the Prophet heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool what house will you build me save the Lord or what is the place of my rest how can you build me a house as God can you enclose me in a building no verse 50 half not my hands made all these things so Paul is presenting a God a universal God not a Jewish God and we're trying to look at the God who wants to have a oneness with us he may in heaven he made earth he's Lord of Heaven Lord of there first 25 neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything the word worship them properly means neither is served God does not need apparently anything to survive because God is God life is natural to God are you with me God Christ the holy spirit they have life naturally and so first 25 acts 17 tells us neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything and Paul goes on to explain why God is in need seeing he give us to all life and breath and all things it is we who need it is the natural world that needs it is the inanimate world that needs not God sometimes we think because we've served God for 50 years he owes us something may I speak bluntly may I speak bluntly God owes you nothing makes no difference what your position isn't the church and don't give it up but God owes you nothing no creature can put the Creator in debt I or God how much everything every breath I take I ought to God every bit of my heart I owe to God not potassium or magnesium or cocoa enzyme 10 whatever you call it every beat of my heart this is not symbolic language I'm not reading from Revelation this is literal seeing he giveth to all life this may sound silly all dead people raise your hand you know why you're alive well someone in humility tell me because of God I want you to acknowledge right where you sit and on the internet you are alive now because of God's present activity in your life every atheist breathing now is alive because of God's present activity in that person's life God does not devise the law release the law and the law operates in a plant or a human being or a store or store or a fish God is directly involved in every living thing let me brought in his involvement in every created thing this is not pantheism this is an acknowledgment that everything is depended on God let me stretch that dependence you have a good reputation on the job that's from God both riches and honor come of thee you do well in your classes that's God he doesn't study for you he blesses the mind he gave you and so seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things when we truly believe that it humbles us because we realize we are nothing without God I mean nothing without God and have made of all one flesh or one blood verse 26 acts 17 and have made of one blood all nations of men now Paul in this speech has no Jewish references he quartz and the quartz no Old Testament Scriptures I can think of he quotes from the Greek poets not from Moses because Paul wants his speech to reach a vast audience not just the Jews or some other isolated group he wants it to have a universal appeal and so Paul says and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of all the earth which means whether you're an Indian african-american Norwegian Brazilian Native American see that again Italian yes let's not forget the Italians huh or German we are all from the same source somebody say Amen and we are equal in God's sight now for the Greek you see everyone else was a barbarian for the Jew everyone else was one a Gentile or heathen mm-hmm and Paul says no the heathen the Gentile and a Jew came from the same blood the Greek and the barbarian came from the same blood the PhD and the illiterate came from the same blood the millionaire and the papa came from the same blood the Brahmin and the untouchable from the same blood but there's something about us frequently we don't like what God says and then we try to change it follow me closely it's a quarter to one but I got ugly so it's your fault in Daniel 2 God gave Nebuchadnezzar a dream am i right what were the four metals in the dream gold silver brass iron for method and then of course we had clay not a metal but the substance what was the significance of the four metals Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar thou art this head of gold which means someone else we Debrecen arms of silver someone else the belly and thighs of brass someone else' legs of iron nebuchadnezzar did not like it listen again thou art this head of gold in verse 39 he says and after thee shall arise another Kingdom inferior thee and another third kingdom of brass that's what Daniel said now in verse 45 of Daniel - Daniel said the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure Nebuchadnezzar if I can tell you what you dreamt a cure utley surely you can trust interpretation are you with me but maybe you can didn't like it ham saw in Chapter three he develops his own theology of history it was a theology of history it's a Bible teaching his Bible teaching and he made an image made of how many metals one was that gold what was his message Babylon will run forever in Chapter two God see ology was babylon will end then the medo-persians then the greeks then the romans and then the toes nebuchadnezzar did not like that listen to me there are people who do not like what God had said in his word and they try to change it have you heard of the Queen James Bible why are you laughing have you heard of the Queen James Bible no one you've heard of it there's a queen James Bible the only difference between the Queen and the king I believe is that about seven or eight texts have been changed to make homosexuality appear biblical have you heard of the Satanic Bible or you have okay the Queen James because some people don't like what the King has to say are you with me so they went to the Queen now before you or we laugh too loudly at the compilers of the Queen James Bible should have been Queen Jenny but who knows we do the same thing we do the same thing racial prejudice is our version I will see ology not God God the Bible teaches all men are equal in God's sight we say uh-huh we have a different version we'll put some on the bottom some of the top will squat some will bow to others that's not the Bible's version we routinely change God's Word God said be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers we say no no no no no no no become another version he may be a member of the Church of Satan but he's faithful goes to church every day returns a faithful offering in that church he must be a good man we tried to change God's Word why did that go on that long detour Paul says and I've made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth here Paul presents God as having super vision having charged over the entire human population and have determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation what does that mean it is God who determines when a nation rises and falls and what part of the earth they will occupy you see the Greeks believed they'd shams and fate no supernatural control things just happen Paul is saying there is a God having made he controls directs and it is here to decide those people will occupy that part of the world they will occupy that part and there will exist for so long verse 27 that they should seek the Lord all of this arrangement for the fundamental purpose of putting people in a position where they can seek God that they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him regardless of your level of exposure to truth God makes sure that every civilization has just enough light so they can feel after God if you turn off all the lights in your house you should be able to get around am i right yes you feel with your knees here the couches right there and this the coffee table order the soymilk table is right there and you feel your way through that house I say again in every civilization God provides just enough light that those of that civilization can feel after him and if they are honest in their feeling they will touch God if happily they should that they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us now Paul introduces something else again God is closed for the Greeks the gods were in heaven but the Romans the gods were in heaven but a Babylonians the gods were in heaven and they had fight in heaven sleep with one another do all kinds of nonsense that's it that's the the theology or the the God system of the Greeks they all pagan nations Paul says no he's close now yes he's in heaven but he's close people say how do I come to Christ he's right there how did you come to your girlfriend what did you say how did you come to your boyfriend what did you say how did you speak of that inferential businessman because you wanted to be an internship with him to do an internship how did you do that why is it any different with God he is right there so Paul says though he be not far from every one of us without exception verse 28 you all know it so well for in him we live and move and have our being let's pause on that who is this God desiring a unit with us in him we live and move and exist I want us through these two weeks to read the Bible microscopically what do I mean read as if you and I are looking through a microscope for every little iota of significance every word every phrase every clause every sentence so we as far as possible miss nothing in him we live and move and have our being then what is there outside of him nothing that's the law of opposites what's the outside of God nothing you understand now why Jesus says come to me come into me in me you live and move and have your being outside of me you're dead now you may be walking around but you're dead this is no joke the world is overrun with dead people walking around because they're not in but God in His mercy is pursuing this is one way these two weeks of revival your personal witness is another way the quality of your life is another way a week of Prayer somewhere is another way an evangelistic series another way someone finding a page of the Bible on the ground is another way God has multiplied ways to pursue people and to say to them I am right here but I cannot force myself onto you come and so Jesus says behold I stand at the door and do what but to knock on the door you can't be two miles away are you with me you cannot lock on a door if you're two miles away you've got to come right onto the person's property you're on the doorstep the only reason why you're not on the inside because God does not kick the door in got the devil does that not God the other why said God always takes a straightforward course the devil uses deceit and subtlety because he's a snake a snake moves like this God moves like that you're wrong or you're right serve me or him you either with me or against me God is not this it's not Piggly Wiggly God is straight behold I stand at the door and I knock now there's one in the inside one on the outside if there's a knock God has an expectation the Bible says in first Corinthians 13 verse 7 believeth all things hopeth all things God is hoping that in response to his knock what will happen someone will open the door and Paul says in him we live and move and have our being in our modern world we define life differently from the way God defines life for us life is a good job a family 401 whatever else K friends at our same level that's life for God life begins and ends if it ever ends with a union with Christ in him we live and move and have our being and so the call of Christ is come Paul gives the Athenians a view from the hill of God he is independent he is above everything he is distinct from creation yet intimately involved with creation because of love and as we read in verse 25 neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything but God and his own wisdom decided he needed us and as I read inside at times April 22 1903 paragraph five we were brought into existence because we were needed amazing for that God needs you to know what to do what God has a plan to deal with sin that plan embraces the entire human race in this plan God needs instruments the instruments are human beings same publication signs at a times April 22 1903 paragraph 2 humanity is the instrument through which God works for Humanity did you get there God desires to bless the human world humanity to bless the world the instrument he uses to do that are people of the world and he proved it conclusively by sending Jesus as a member of the world so in his humanity Christ was a blessing to the world he came as one of us and God worked through him to reach the world to bless the world we like Christ must submit ourselves in the God's hands as instruments it's like a paintbrush in the hand of learn outta da Vinci or Michelangelo or Picasso or van Gogh or Rembrandt a paintbrush in the hand of one of those masters we are the paintbrush in the hand of God and what his painting is his character he needs us Paul presented a view of God as a God who made heaven and earth all things exist because of him and he desires a closeness with us that through us he may spread advertise his blessings his love his salvation to a perishing world we were brought into existence because we were needed it's one o'clock and there's so much time I could tell you but I want you to come back this afternoon what time is the afternoon service Oh 7 ok 7:15 my brothers and sisters do you have a relationship with Christ known Anthony I didn't ask if you know about Christ and then ask if you go to church most people have a connection to a church whether they go or not I'm a Baptist a Lutheran Adventist Catholic Methodist whatever we have that connection we go every Christmas every new year that's it that's not my question my question is do we have a personal intimate relationship with someone whom we understand to be the creator of heaven and earth if Christ wants to be connected with you and me so closely the Bible describes it I in you and thou in me and I in them then who is this person in you is the person who made the world and controls its resources is the person who designed your body and can keep it running well if you cooperate with him or I cooperate who is this God who wants a relationship with me it is a God who knows how to touch the hearts of others to be a blessing to you who is this God that desires a close relationship with me it is the God with the power to raise the dead who is this God who desires a oneness with me it is the God whose blood cleanses and so we say who are you Pharoah ask a question and God showed him with template Nebuchadnezzar asked the three boys Daniel 3:15 who is that god they shall deliver you out of my hands God made him an animal for seven years he found out but that's not the way to find out about God there's a painless way to find out about God are you with me and that's acknowledge him for who he is and surrender that life to him for no other reason than the fact that the life is not yours it's not mine let me see it with respect the life you now live and enjoy is not your sins of yours my sins are mine but even those Christ once your life belongs to God I had six-and-a-half amens yep your life belongs to God the Bible says he are bought to the praise ye are not your own this is not from Revelation or Daniel this is literal so when God desires of oneness with us he is just giving us an opportunity to give back to him who can finish my words was his that is the life the talents the skills the endowments all that we use to build a platform of pride god says those things belong to me and so he wants that union with us we cannot see him but we have this are you with me we have a more sure word of prophecy Peter's saying we walked with him we heard him we saw him we touched him but we have something more reliable than our senses that's this so when Jesus says come unto me when he said it 2,000 years ago people just gain physically that's not how we come today we come through this when Paul spoke that message on a Mars Hill he hoped they would respond to the word look to him the word Dionysus responded Damaris the last verse of that chapter a few others but we have no record in the Bible of any book called the Epistle to the Athenians we have the epistles of Thessalonica two books the Corinth two books but the city that represented intellectualism and pride and art and poetry and so-called culture no boo because it was perhaps the place where Paul had his most meager results is that a condemnation of art and poetry and intellectualism not at all it is a condemnation of human beings and our capacity to take what God has given us and elevate those things as our gods and so today let me close indeed and in truth but I have to ask you please God desires to be one with you you have to respond to that the way God works with us it's a work of cooperation this is my part this is your part that's why no man can be justified apart from his will against his will no one can be forgiven against the person's will if you confess I forgive for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth should not perish this morning or this afternoon would you not consider accepting the invitation of God to have a personal relationship with him closer than you and your spouse closer than you and the baby you're carrying I don't need to shock you but I wanted to get the picture closer than you and that fetus attached by the umbilical cord to you through which you feed nourishment to that baby God wants a connection closer so that his life becomes your life his thoughts become your thoughts and this is possible this is what God wants with you and with me individually in dividual II let me tell you quickly God made Adam Eve was not around and I stressed this all the time too many people want to be saved in groups it does not work that way we are saved as individuals let me say it again we are saved as individuals God made Adam even did not exist when God made Eve in a certain sense Adam did not exist because the Bible says and the Lord God caused a deep sleep he was out of the picture and then God made the woman having dealt with two individuals then God brought them to the second level which is the group level you can't refuse to give your life to God because you're waiting for your wife don't you understand God may use you to bring the wife in Garden of Eden a man's sin because his wife tempted him now don't I'm not against wives and husbands don't misunderstand I'm simply saying Adam should have made an individual decision to say no I don't care how curvaceous and beautiful you are no I have a higher legion's that's God no he wouldn't say that this Ruffus I did you resettled darling Eve can't do it but he should have said oh my first love is where to God God has never relaxed that requirement I must come first thou shall have no other gods before me let me close by saying why does God require that not for egotistical reasons because it is only from position 1 that God can save you he cannot save from position 2 now let me say it again if God is number 2 in your life he cannot save you he can only save from position 1 and once he's in position one there's no two three or four that's it God is one well if you have to have two and three then God is too and he's three because he's a big God give your life to Christ just give it it's not scientific this in Lord I want to be one with you I surrender my life to your control we hid the word control but I surrender my life direct me guide me and transform me into your image let me repeat that Lord I surrender my life to you my job my family my education my social life my financial life every aspect of me I surrender to your control your direction I want to be one with you literally I cannot be God but I can be like God and so Ellen White rights education page 18 paragraph 3 higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for his children godliness God like less it's a goal to be reached and so today I recommit my life to God I give every aspect of my life to Him and I want God to come so close to me that if I live long enough and I remain faithful God can say he that have seen him have seen Jesus that's my desire I don't want to said he that have seen him have seen Satan because you have one or two choices how many of you will say father come come at my invitation and be one with me as I surrender my life to you can I see him right here stand up with me if you're serious then we pray have lunch get ready for this evening second call very simple listen to me carefully I am NOT talking to the whole church but a whole church should pray for me that I use the right words there is someone you have had just a casual relationship with God by casual I mean this you realize you believe there's a god your parents go to the Adventist Church so you come or your friends but God is not really the director and the leader of your life you have had just a casual relationship with God you're not so much save as you're decent I'm say it again you're decent that's not salvation but you want to say right now father I want to be serious in this relationship I want you to direct my life I have had only a casual handshake relationship with you I want a hard connection with you is there someone like that is there someone like that just casual you don't kill people you don't steal you don't hijack cars but you're really not surrendered to God even though you go to church you really not surrendered consciously to God and you want to do that this is the best time to do it because I may not see you this evening if this appeal fits you let me see your hair don't look around to see who's looking I'm just talking to you just a casual relationship but you want something serious let me see your hair all right come not a pretty for you come don't be afraid just come Jesus was crucified in public not behind a tree somewhere don't be afraid come come my brother come come god bless you god bless you you raise your hand come come we want to pray god bless you my but just a casual list we want a serious one come come sister come come right here come right here don't be afraid come right here you'll be shocked how many people in church have just a casual relationship with God just casual nothing serious intense just casual anyone else my relationship is just casual but I want it serious serious come god bless you sister god bless you I want it serious because if yours is casual you will exert a casual influence and others may be casual because of you when you're serious you exert a serious influence someone else I have had just a casual I'm a nice man have a nice lady but I'm I truly surrendered to Christ if you're not come God does not play they're not jerks in the Bible God does nothing half-heartedly half-heartedly he's either all in it or is not in it at all God is all or nothing anyone else come sister god bless you god bless you anyone else many who claim to be Christ followers have an anxious trouble heart here's a reason because they are afraid to surrender themselves to him they do not make a complete they're afraid to trust themselves with God they do not make a complete surrender to him for they shrink from the consequences that's such a surrender may involve I don't like concludes with these words unless they make this surrender they cannot find peace Ministry of healing page 480 paragraph 3 they are afraid if I fully surrender I have to give up that give about give of that it's not so much you have to give it up when you surrender God takes it away anyone in sixty Seconds I pray my relationship with God has been casual I wanted serious let me stop running and you can run from God in church God will bless every area of your life he will do for you what you could not do for yourself thirty seconds this call is not a call to join a church it's a call to have a relationship with a man who's also God a man who's also God a person not a thing not a doctrine of person who having lived in human flesh understands every trial and tribulation you go through this God man understands
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 16,246
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, A View from the Hill, View, Hill, Randy, Skeete, Sermon
Id: BShAe5RaIcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2013
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