"Just Do It" message by Randy Sleete

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only fall in heaven on this final night of this revival bless us super abundantly come very very near to us in the person of your spirit your spirit represents you and represents Christ and so grant us your spirit their father that he may teach us one more time and one more time they God I humble myself before you I am dirt I am Claire I am Earth use me their God for your glory I pray please bless our first time guests bless those joining us by the internet father take all the glory the praise and the honor and give us all the blessings you see fit I offer this prayer in Jesus name Amen go with me to Luke 18 we shall read from verse 18 look 18 reading from verse 18 I told you before Luke is the only Bible writer who was not a Jew he was a Gentile he was also a medical doctor and he traveled with Paul so he also wrote the book of Acts and when you read Acts and you see we did this and we did that is because Luke was with Paul at that time he wasn't with Paul all the time but several times he was with Paul when Paul was in prison according to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 I think burst 11 he says only Luke is with me take mark and bringing with thee for his profitable to me for the ministry all right Luke 18 reading verse 18 the Bible says and a certain ruler asked him saying good master what shall I do to what inherit eternal life let's examine that verse microscopically listen to the question of this rich young ruler as he is popularly known what must I do to inherit eternal life he did not ask what must I do to save myself that is impossible to inherit means someone else gives you something are you following me alright let's go to the book of Acts the next book written by Luke chapter 16 verses 30 and 31 our subject is just do it acts 16 verses 30 and 31 Paul and Silas were beaten by the authorities in the city of Philippi and they were thrown into jail their backs were bleeding and earthquake strikes there were in the prison cell with bleeding backs singing hymns when the earthquake struck damage occurred to the jail some prisoners escaped the jailer in those days if you lost a prisoner you were killed so the jailer was about to kill himself and Paul and Silas said do thyself no harm don't hurt yourself we are here in verse 30 the Bible says and he brought them out and said sirs what must I want due to the what to be saved what must I do finish the verse to be saved not to save myself but to be saved by someone else is the implication what must I do to inherit eternal life to receive it from someone else let us go to acts 90999 verse 4 x9 reading from verse 4 and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto Him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me and he said who are thou Lord and the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and he trembling as Tony said Lord what will they'll have me to do not to think to do there are Christians who despise the concept of doing they consider that salvation by works listen to Jesus as he answers Paul who was Saul at that time and the Lord said unto Him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee finish it what thou must do listen to me carefully on this final night salvation involves doing from God and from us not just thinking the Bible says for God so loved the world that he thought about them and he thought about them and he thought about them what does the Bible say for God so loved the world that he did something what was that He gave His only begotten Son now the first goes on to say that whosoever you got to do something and if there's something you need to do just do it you're preparing for an exam and you sit in the examining room you look at the exam paper and all the questions yes I can pass this but then you get up and walk out I believe I can pass this you leave here's a young man in the basketball court he's dribbling looks at the rim she was late to see them I can slam I can slam that's all he's saying now you're saying in the gym what do you say do it and shut up righteousness is doing let's go to Matthew 12 Matthew 12 we read from verse 35 Matthew 12 you have Matthew 12 read from verse 35 a good man thank you sister Jamie out of the good stretch of his art bring it forth walk good things that's what he does and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things so the verse is telling us all actions have their origin in the mind or the heart we know that a good man pretty for the good things an evil man evil things when God made Adam Adam was lying on the ground well not Adam this thing look human lying on the ground the verse says in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground that's one discrete action God performed when that was done then he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life how does the verse end and man what what did man start - what happened then he started - he started - he started to think of the title he started to do something he started to breathe come on am i right he started to blink his eye the blood started through the the heart started to pump he started to do living is doing let's go to John chapter three forgive me for getting excited but ok thanks ok someone is backing me up good gotta have someone to have you back you know who has your back Jesus mm-hmm and the devil can't mess with Jesus no so when Jesus as you're back you're okay John chapter 3 reading from verse 9 our subject is just do it and this is the condemnation this is very sad verse that light is come into the world but men loved darkness did I give you the verse Oh John 3:19 I'm sorry John 3 I wonder why you felt like a graveyard ok John 3:19 and this is the condemnation read with me that light is coming to the world now in the Bible light frequently means life this is the John chapter 1 verse 4 in him was life and the life was the light of men John 8:12 I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give the light light and life they go together now and this is the condemnation you see in verse 17 of that same chapter here's what Jesus said for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world God didn't send Christ with a baseball bat hit people over the head didn't do that so that was not his mission but how was it that some people were condemned in his time when condemning was not his mission this is how it happened verse 19 and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world but men loved darkness rather than light why because they did verything deeds what they do and thinking is part of what we do for every one verse 20 that doeth evil what are the next two words heat if the light this neither cometh to the light lest the deed should be what reprove or exposed but he that doeth truth that's what cometh to the light that his words may be made manifest his works may be made manifest that they are wrought in God now that introduces another concept to doing his works may be made manifest that they want come on look at the end of verse 31 of 21 of John chapter 3 that they are what wrought in God in other words done by the power of God so the question is should a Christian knew yes the question is by what power the power of God but you'll observe look at verse 20 again read nice aloud for everyone that thinketh evil listen to me whether you please God or you displease God it comes down to what doing you do evil and by the law of opposites you do right now to do evil you don't even need help from Satan did I tell you last week if Satan died tonight of a heart attack we would sin tomorrow we don't need him to do wrong we come to the world with a nature that loves to the wrong that's why we need to be converted so evil is newing righteousness is doing question for you don't answer me what are we doing in our homes at school on the job in the classroom what are we doing you do one of two things and so do I righteousness or evil with God there is no middle ground let's go to Acts chapter 10 we shall read from verse 34 acts 10 reading from first 34 our subject is just do it we have Acts chapter 10 reading from verse 34 do you have that read with me then Peter Oh bless mouth and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every nation stop the Greek word for nation is ethnic and you can hear ethnic in that word in other words in every ethnic group here's what God looks for riddle with me he that feareth him Reeko nature's God for who he is and and thinketh righteousness that's what your Bible says which is to do finish the verse is accepted with him do you see color as a basis for acceptance in Edward do you see wealth or the lack of it do you see education do you see whether you come from the hood or the suburbs what does God look for you recognize me and do what's right and you are okay with me says God he that feareth God you know who God is and work his righteousness is accepted with him let me make you uncomfortable and myself why do we have a different approach to people you don't have to answer we we separate people based on color where they were born who their parents were what job they have what school they graduated from and God says I'm looking for people who just do what's right if you and I discriminate against people based on how they look where they were born who their parents were what job they have we are not behaving like God I don't care how often we come to church and how many robes we wear we are not behaving like God it is not a work of righteousness to discriminate and so when Paul realized that Peter was discriminating in acts 2 from 11 to 14 in verse 14 the Bible says and when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel to discriminate against people because where they from is to walk against the truth of the gospel but for many of us we put culture ahead of Christ and so culture says discriminate and we discriminate and Jesus says but I said don't do it but we say it's my culture let me confess to you what I've said before one of the words in the English language I absolutely have grown to despise is the word culture I mean I just hate it now don't misunderstand me I realize that some aspects of culture that are okay but people worship culture so much that I have grown to despise that word it's my culture it's my culture let me tell you something when you accept Christ this is your culture God told Abraham this is a long digression but I'll do it get thee out of thy country that's your culture and from thy kindred that's your culture and from my father's house unto a land that I will show a different land altar Abraham swapped cultures at God's command Jesus left a culture of sinlessness of bliss constants 24 hours a day seven days a week a duration from the angels everyone did what he said no one slapped him no one kicked him no what he left that and came to the culture of this corrupt world that he might save us he gave up one culture to honor his father's wishes can you and I not give up the silly aspect of our culture for the sake of doing righteousness let's go to first John not first John second Timothy first 2nd Timothy chapter 3 our subject is just do it 2nd Timothy chapter 3 we shall read from verse 16 you know that first very well you really don't have to look it up but go ahead do we have it read with me all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction was the last one for instruction in righteousness when you instructing a person why are you instructing them okay if I instruct you on how to build a house what do I expect from you to go build a house if I instruct you in how to knit what do I expect of you reasonably you will start knitting instruction in righteousness means here is how you are taught how to do righteousness this is a manual of doing what's right here either from exodus to Deuteronomy all the instructions God give visualize if a bird's nest falls out of the tree pick it up and put it back not just look and say oh I think so highly of you and walk on pick it up put it back if you see your neighbors animal in trouble save it the Bible is full of do this do this do this and don't do that and so it is profitable for instruction in righteousness which is right doing and as the Bible teaches you just do it by the power of God let us go now to first John chapter 3 first John 3 well let's go to first on to first verse 29 and verse 30 at first John to first John to 29 30 yeah what's that 1st John 2:22 a night blessings upon you do we have that what does the Bible say are now abide in him that when he shall walk up here we may have confidence and not be ashamed before he might is coming look at the last words what does it say if we know that he is what righteous if you know that keep reading you know that whosoever doeth righteousness is a person who is truly born again is a person who what that's what's right the Bible is such a common-sense book here's a man was in prison for years he comes out and he says I'm a different man the parole board lets him go early good behavior he comes out I am different what do you expect from him what do you expect from him a law-abiding life not the life that takes him back or her a law-abiding life because you are different you were born again the Bible says if a know that he is righteous you know that who's everyone that doeth righteousness is born of him the evidence that you and I are children of God is what we do now I'm not excluding thinking yes thinking produces behavior but Christians overemphasize thinking to the point they say just believe and that's it don't do anything just believe don't do anything and you covered no no no no no no that's a highway to hell you've got to show that you truly believe God is from Missouri are you you wanna shock me are you with me show me go to first John chapter 3 we read first and very next chapter first John 3:4 standing in this the children of God our walk what does manifest mean displayed or made obvious in this the children of God are manifest and there are only two groups on the earth isn't the Bible a simple book if we read microscopically look hard in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil how do you distinguish them whosoever doeth not righteousness what is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother the person who is not a child of God is the person who does not do right what does Jesus say by their finish it fruits of what you knew those of you in love well somebody say a man okay Oh sister this lady's on a mission okay refer to get that man okay those of you in love but a man would be lucky man Jimmy's a good girl can you say mmm mmm oh you have a ring oh don't drop it okay those of us in love we want more than hearing it show me mmm show me we are we also want to hear it because that's doing you see you move your lips say something I like the man who said his wife who complained he had and said I loved you for long time sit listen I told you when I married you 25 years ago if I change my mind I'll let you know but she wants to hear it today is my birthday what do I get today's your birthday oh I love you and the woman's okay yeah okay put a Gucci bag right there you love paper put a Gucci bag you love me my brothers and sisters you know this is not rocket science you must do the only question is by what power the answer is the power of Christ dwelling within we have to do and so the rich young ruler said to Christ in a Luke 18 18 good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus said unto him why callest thou me good nun is good safe one that is God and then he said thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and Christ did not need to court all ten he just wanted a young man to know I am quoting from the Decalogue you asked me what should you do that's what you do if you want a place in my kingdom that is not salvation by works salvation by works would be what can I do to save myself but the question was what can I do to be saved so that someone else might save me then Christ gave the condition for salvation obey the commandments review and Herald October 30 1888 paragraph 8 we read these words listen carefully those who take the position that Jesus has done it all and that we need not obey his requirements will fail of everlasting life there are people who say oh Jesus obeyed for me Jesus did that for me so I don't have to do it now when they say that they're only targeting one commandment which one is there the Sabbath commandment because no intelligent person will say Jesus obey the commandment which is now shalt not kill you obey that for me so I don't have to obey are you listening to me they will not say Jesus kept the commandment that said thou shalt not commit adultery I don't have to obey they are targeting the Sabbath I don't have to keep it Jesus kept it my brothers and sisters those who take the position that Jesus has done it all and that we need not obey his requirement or his law will fail of everlasting life just do it is there something you need to do you have not done the message from God tonight is just do it and do it when tonight you need to surrender your life to Christ just do it tonight you know why we put things off I believe I told you last year we assume will be alive so a student is supposed to turn in an assignment on the Tuesday decides to turn it in on a Thursday why because he has decided I'll be alive on Thursday and God may say thou fool this night thy soul is required of thee are you listening to me if we truly live with the consciousness that God gives us life day by day we would do today what needs to be done today and someone listening to me needs to make a decision tonight for God someone needs to make a decision to leave some form of employment and go right into full-time service for God someone needs to make a decision to break off an unproductive ungodly romantic relationship someone needs to make a decision to make time for God's Word someone needs to make a decision to go back to his family and leave that woman alone someone needs to make a decision to do one thing or the other somebody needs to make a decision to stop visiting those internet sites and that's as far as I'll go because they're children listening someone needs to make a decision stop working on Sabbath someone needs to make a decision stop drinking alcohol secretly someone needs to make a decision stop taking drugs drugs alcohol internet surfing unclean sites they are elastic ropes after a while they call themselves around your neck the devil gives you so much rope to do what hang yourself as the Spirit of God speaks to you do what you need to do tonight make that decision I need to do this or that or the next I need to understand what several the advocates believe because they don't understand except I don't work on Saturday that's all I understand what is present truth I don't know what is Christ in a horse Holly play I don't know how are you saved I don't know can you play a violin yes do you know how you're saved no find out make a decision please just do it whatever it is I'll close the book to give you visual indication I'm stopping is their decision you need to make I was talking to my brother in the room I met this young man you know I always need people in a certain country on the face of the earth and he was in law school miserable but doing well so I said well why are you miserable well I don't want to do law while you're in law school well somebody else wanted some father mother or cousin or somebody's I said what do you really want to do he said I want to be a preacher how badly badly you know I said to him leave Law School and get in the path to which God has called you before the voice is withdrawn he left went to the seminary I was talking to a young lady a few years ago maybe seven or eight or more we were counseling one-on-one I was doing some counseling she said I'm miserable I said why I'm studying science preparing to be a doctor how well how are you doing doing well why are you miserable whereas my parents who want me to be a doctor I want to be a doctor what do you want to be a migrant worker what do you think I told her parents don't pull your guns keep them in your holsters please I said sister if God has put a conviction on your heart to be a Bible work huh you must be a but she's changed her study went to Andrews and last time I saw her she was Bible the Bible work director of Bible work for her conference and she said she saw me she said do you remember me I said no she said you spoke to me I said when where why well oh yes I remember and you told me she said I wanted to know I am so happy I was another country young man came to where he had heard a message of mine somewhere YouTube Vimeo somewhere and he was convicted to take action so I went to his country to preach he came to me he said I listened to your sermon and I was convicted he was in he was pursuing a profession in architecture six years but he had this he was troubled he had no peace of mind he was constantly trouble I need to get directly into God's Word not just be a Christian architect that's good for some people it should be a Christian anything but some people are called by God to go directly into the work of the gospel not just be a Christian accountant and so he was troubled when he heard the sermon he decided to leave architecture school family all was crucified they condemned sin but he made the decision we prayed and I pray for that man that's two years ago i proofed up today lord show him the next step show him the next step there are people in one profession or the other doing well but really not deep down fulfilled why because that's not where God wants them but that's what society says has prestige and that's where they go if God has been convicting you to go into his work directly go when God told Abraham in patriarchs and prophets page 126 paragraph 1l white writes now that Abraham was in a special sense connected with heaven he his character had to be peculiar different from all the world he could not explain his course of action so as to be understood by his friends she goes on to say spiritual things are spiritually discerned and his motives and actions were not comprehended by his idolatrous kindred or family they did not understand some people hesitate to make a decision because they realize other people will not understand I am not telling you what decision to make I am saying if God's Spirit has been pressing your heart heavily I need to stop that I need to start that I need to give that up my counsel is make that decision do it and experience peace of mind even if you live under a tree years ago I was the word from medical school as a counselor good job good pay then I went to Africa to do some preaching I was 2000 when I came back I came back about 8 or 9 invitations to go different places you know this place that place all Crusades then a church in South Africa wrote me and said pastor come and do two Crusades one of the spring one in the fall send us your expenses so I wrote back and said I have no vacation time and the Spirit said to me I sent my desk what do you mean you don't have vacation time leave the job then you'll have all the vacation time you know I seriously is leave the job I just stayed on me stayed on me leave the job it's a good salary well respected my students staff leaved a job the voice kept leave the job for a year leave the job and I was just I could not shake it I can dribble past this conviction I went to my Dean and I said dr. whomever and like a year's leave from this job she said why I want to see if international evangelism is the work for me that okay I'll see if I can give you years leave two weeks later she called me she said Randy I can't give you years leave if you leave the job will be canceled I said Dean I have to go she said you leaving this secure position I said I have if I do not go I will never be able to live with myself when I walk out of office whether the first time on a second I literally felt and I've said it before a load of cement falling off my shoulder now about to walk into the unknown you see but with visa man literally as if someone had removed ten thousand tons of wet cement from off my shoulder and from them mm until now God has done this place after place after place people ask when do you stay home when God tells me stay home and I made a promise to God if you provide some minimal support for me and and for my wife anywhere you send me finish it for me I'll go the jungle I'm going New York City I'm going Amazonian I'm going London I'm going anywhere you say you are looking at a happy man I'm see one year I was looking at my schedule Lysa father I only went to Africa twice I love Africa I said Lord I'd like to go five times that's why I prayed that was a two or three or two or four what happened the next year I went five I said father I just you know I'd love to go to Africa just twice this is not good I'd like to go five times five times the next year five times and between then and now I've got Africa between four and five times every year my other place I love to go to Southeast Asia Malaysia Indonesia the Philippines you cannot pay me a million dollars a month to go sit behind a desk unless the desk move from country to country removeable a decimal wheels can't our wings country the country is in the Philippines this month Indonesia half month United States Canada Brazil what yeah and then I'll sit other than that you keep the million every month let me go place to place to place because God has called me and after a year of struggling I finally made the decision and the weight of the world fell off and God has kept me taking care of me and I am a happy man let me tell you something I closed happiness is not what you have happiness is being in the path that God has selected for you to walk God gives us life to fulfill a mission that's why manuscript releases vol 14 page 205 paragraph 4 to each human being God has assigned an individuality and the distinct work this is the work God has given me above all others so when people don't understand I just say well it's okay and I move on to the next assignment if you have a decision to make it give the life to God change your career go full-time at a service do some whatever it may be start an exercise program to improve your health go do medical missionary studies you know I have a friend in a other country talking to her and she's interested in Bible studies and winning souls and I said listen go study in medical missionary work and go through that Avenue so she took it online from mede ministry finished it decisive then she likes going to the gym to exercise I said we'll listen if you like exercising that's one way to outreach you know you just talk to people in the gym but you want to hurt them why don't you study to be a trainer and combine medical mystery she ordered the materials he's starting studying because someone wants her to train I said well get the material so you know what you're doing but she is decisive make that decision tonight you decide what it is with God make it let me ask a question is there someone listening this decision you have been thinking of making but have not made it you've been and the Holy Spirit has saying if BL serve bail if God serve God and if not yet decided is there someone like that a decision you need are okay sister I want you to make that decision tonight please anyone else a decision you know you should make but you've been hesitating for what you consider to be good reasons any wanna make the decision tonight make that decision tonight please whatever this sister Luise make that decision tonight anyone else make the decision tonight make it it is better to make a bad decision than no decision at all indecisiveness is destructive way to live a double minded man is unstable in all his ways that's what a Bible says anyone else there's a decision you need to make by God's grace make tonight god bless you make it you serve a decisive God let's be decisive people what does the Bible say let your ear be a your may may say yes to that thing the gods conviction anyone else god bless you God bear may God bless in the balcony make that decision just do it and above all else make a decision for all of us walk closer with Christ get rid of those friends that lead you into wrongdoing get close to friends who love Jesus because birds of a feather god bless you make that decision make a decision to study the Bible make it interesting if you're a woman you say okay let me study the Book of Ruth some people like to do that let me learn all I can about release become your church's expert in Ruth or let me study the parables of Jesus become your church's expert in the parables I'm going to decide let me study how to show that the 8 the 2300 day prophecy began in 457 BC ended in 1844 let me study so I can explain it with my eyes closed that may be the expert in that for my church let me study how to defend the seventh day as the Sabbath let me undertake a study how to defend that very very obvious Bible teaching make that do something I can't end this list of suggestions without saying make a decision to memorize something John 11:35 what does that say towards Jesus went make a decision to memorize that for us then memorize another one but the people who are decisive how many of you will say father help me to make that decision I need to make nice your right hand helped me to stand with me help me to make that decision that I need to make take the television out of your house if you have little children that's a tough one but try has bowed eyes closed father in heaven we thank you you are decisive God you don't waffle you don't Haman Hall you act your รกรกรกรก and your nays an a and you call us to be the same father Elijah said to all the false prophets on the the mountain if God be God serve Him if may L serve Him in other words pick one you have said to us in the message to layer this here be hot or cold make a choice father you have too many indecisive so-called children not sure whether to serve you fully all serve the devil but tonight having her just do it that righteousness is doing evil is doing we want to do what is right but by the power of the indwelling Christ hands have been raised to say I need to make one decision or the other there God in heaven give them that power to make that decision tonight yes they may be afraid yes there will be uncertainty but if there weren't uncertainty we wouldn't need you you will part the Red Sea for us you'll send bread from heaven you bring water from Iraq you will be a cooling cloud by day and a warming fire by night you'll be our fence from the enemy let us trust you the God and make that dish tonight while heads about eyes are closed is this someone who will say father tonight I'm finally deciding I want to be prepared for baptism sometime in the future I have not yet made the decision I am making it tonight if you have not yet made it can I see all right now you have not god bless you you have not yet made it you want to make it tonight okay I see okay god bless you god bless you I see my sister's hand in my bra I see another hand back there god bless you god bless you who takes names I believe in taking names God writes things who takes names come let me pray for you come don't be afraid come let me pray for you come don't be afraid come I want to be baptized sometime in the future come so we can see you take your names right here somebody must take names come let me pray for you god bless you come don't be afraid make the decision tonight the date you God and the leaders of the church will arrange that make the decision tonight anyone else another call I am a visitor has been coming I like what I've been hearing I'd like to join this church I want some Bible studies raise your right hand I like what I've been hearing I'd like some Bible studies raise your right hand these are coming for baptism please get their names if you don't have I would like some Bible studies I like what I've been learning in this church I would consider joining I need to know some more just raise your hand we'll get you the studies make the decision while you have the opportunity as they say strike while the iron is hot anyone else I'm deciding tonight I will sit down every morning or every night and read the Bible to my children by God will work late that's fine my children salvation is more important than my career any other person baptism Bible study I'd like to join this church and I'll pray let you go say three heads bowed eyes closed again fathers I finish the prayer let your spirit do what I cannot do I cannot convict a heart I cannot reach a heart your spirit does that by using the word father you love every person in this building every man every woman every boy every girl act father oh I should say continue to act convict move touch gently push their God in the direction of a decision for you we thank you for these two weeks we thank you for the truth we thank you for protection we thank you for the changes in lives father we love you we want to place in your kingdom give us the power through the indwelling of your son to do what is right in your sight and not what is evil bless every family their God I ask you a double blessing of the children let their husband or spirit that they will love you above everything else love your word love to read it we love to memorize it love to invite their friends to church blessed appearance because parenting is not easy give them wisdom from above power from the cross to be parents committed to the salvation of their children bless all the visitors all the guests bless Pastor John leadership in a church is not easy Moses pray that you would kill him because the people gave him so many headaches you give power to the leaders of this church they God that they may leave this church not only forward but upward so that they may do all in their power to prepare them to meet you when you come thank you again for this privilege they God be merciful to us we love you save us when you come I offer this prayer from my heart in Jesus name and for his sake let God's people say men Andy Melissa Singh god is so good god is so good god is over good God is good he saw two your answers prayer Lord answers prayer God and sastra yes he does God is coming soon here's my sir is coming soon yes is his coming soon is this too God Squad is so good god is it's not to did we get the names okay let me say special peripherals Who am father I present you those who answer the call in a very special way they God grant them a double triple portion of your spirit to sustain them against any attack friends or family may launch to change their minds father it is a mystery that people have little problem if young people or any person of any age goes off and does something crazy but when they decide to follow Jesus they put barriers in their way father please you sustain them that nothing on this earth will change their minds and then use them to inspire others I pray now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore that all God's people say amen and amen god bless you I love you wherever you are if I come across your mind please say Lord put your words in that man's mouth god bless him
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 20,764
Rating: 4.7562723 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Just Do It, Randy, Skeete, Sermon, One With Him, Christian Revival (TV Subject)
Id: Jp0tkYYxXNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 6sec (3246 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
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