"Do Me Three Favors" by Randy Skeete

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I come to you their father because I have no one else to go to you alone can help you know I am weak you know I'm a sinner yet you've sent me then father you have a responsibility and I speak with respect to help me grant me your spirit not from my sake but are the words I speak maybe your words I humble myself before you I desire only your glory and a blessing of your people and so father because you cannot lie let them promise you made to Moses be my promise today Exodus 4:12 now therefore go and I will be with my mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say be with my mouth I also include the words of David in 2nd samuel 23:2 the Spirit of the Lord spake by me and His Word was in my tongue put your words in my tongue and in my mouth bless everyone listening I prayed a god from my heart in Jesus name and for his sake let God's people say Amen and amen our subject for this morning do me three favors that's the subject what did I say do me three favors when studying the Bible there are some things that remain unchanged from Genesis to Revelation one of them is sin is a transgression of the law there is no variation faith and works page 56 paragraph 1 Ella white writes now we want to understand what sin is that it is the transgression of the law this is the only definition given in the scriptures now unless you feel qualified to argue with the Prophet I don't it is the only definition given in the scriptures sin 1st John chapter 3 verse 4 is the transgression of the law we were studying the day of atonement during the Sabbath so why did Jesus come to die give me one word sin from Genesis to Revelation the problem is sin why will people be lost in the flames of hell sin what is sin the transgression of the law which means in reading the Bible every time you see the word sin iniquity transgression you must also read the law let me say that again wherever you see sin you must see law transgression you must see law iniquity you must see law because an iniquity a transgression a sin there are all transgressions of the law an ignorant sin is also a transgression of the law no one can sin except by transgressing God's law if that is clear somebody say Amen if sin is a transgression of the law what is the opposite of sin righteousness then what is righteousness conformity with God's law and since the law judges the actions the words and the thoughts the very motives then righteousness begins in a very mind and expresses itself in the words and the deeds the opposite of sin is righteousness that is why Abraham told God when he came to discuss the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 80 25 will thou destroy the writers of the wicked at verse 23 actually of Genesis 18 Abraham asked God will thou destroy the righteous with the wicked two opposites the righteous those who obey God the wicked those who don't I want to lay that foundation the reason why the earth is under the curse of God is because his law has been transgressed it is being transgressed and God is withdrawing his spirit I've heard people say if there's a good God why is there so much suffering when you study the Bible you realize if it weren't for a good God there would be ten times more suffering because God has positioned four angels on the four corners of the earth to hold back the winds of strife if it were not for the mercies of God this earth would be ten times worse than it is but this merciful God is gradually withdrawing his spirit from this earth you see the spirit functions as a convicting power and a restraining power the child of God and also the person still within the limits of probation that person is convicted by the spirit and also restrained by the spirit from evil the person who has passed beyond the reach of mercy that person is no longer convicted that person is merely restrained I'm saying all of that as I proceed now with do me three favors Revelation chapter 14 we shall read from verse 6 we read from the King James Version of the Bible I would love to have you read with me but since there so many different versions it would be the Tower of Babel and not a symphony of Bible reading so one of the things that I love meant about all these versions is that the church cannot read together just cannot one of the beautiful sounds is a church reading God's Word together and that does not Haughton often enough revelation 14 reading from verse 6 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the orifice judgment is come now if you have the King James Version finish that for me and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the Seas and the fountains of water this is the first of three messages that actually go together they are the last warning message for this world and message number three from nine to twelve is reiterated and sort of strengthened in Revelation 81 to five but they represent the final warning messages for this world the first of them says fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the Seas and the fountains of waters now this is a message from God to John John writes it it's a message for the world in that message the first angel we're told to do three things one tell me what that is fare God to give glory to him three worship him as if God is saying do me three favors fear me glorify me worship me what does it mean to fear God okay my brother said be scared to death well a little some of that is involved yes you know let me comment on that we have too casual a view of God Moses it is said of Moses in Hebrews 12 verse 21 and so terrible was the sight that I exceeding fear and quake now you don't find that in the Old Testament but whoever what Hebrews is reporting that Moses said that Moses said my knees were knocking this is a man who spoke face to face with God where God came down on Sinai for a single reason of proclaiming his law to arrange that that group of people into a nation and the church the demonstration was so frightening that Moses he said I feared exceedingly brothers and sisters listen to me there needs to be a healthy fear of God God is not your drinking buddy even if the drink you consumers salute he is not your drinking buddy the Angels veiled their faces they walk softly the presence of God we need a fear of God that will express ourselves in the way we behave in the church the way we dress when we come into God's presence what we chew in the presence of God a fear of God and I was a young boy in Barbados I attended a school called Combermere secondary school there's a headmaster called mr. Gideon's those are the days when his teachers and Headmaster's had respect if I were walking down the corridor and I turned the corner and I saw him I froze to death i I just froze scared to death when I saw this man and that was true of scared to death you just saw him and if you could turn to the opposite direction you turned if you're walking down the street in town you saw a teacher you never walk past the teacher you stayed back you got on the bus you saw a teacher you kept quiet fear not necessarily dread but deep respect and all God deserves that from us and so the first favor fare God what does that mean let's take a look at the fear of the Lord as we look at it let me bring two things to your attention the word faith I believe is only found twice in the Old Testament twice but the Bible tells us without faith it is impossible to please God if you read Hebrews 11 we have a long list of names of people from the Old Testament who please God because they live lives of faith the word faith has found all over the New Testament only twice in the old what possibly functions as faith in the Old Testament without the word actually appearing let's look at the fear of the Lord let us go to proverbs chapter 2 we shall read from verse 1 proverbs 2 reading from verse 1 our subject is do me three favors and at a more personal level we can God can see it do yourself three favors proverbs 2 reading from verse one who wrote proverbs or most of Proverbs who was his father who was his father who was his father you're the internet is watching you or bed all right enough of that embarrassment all right proverbs - oh really from verse 1 the Bible says my son if thou will receive my words and hide my Commandments with thee now there is something in the Bible call Hebrew parallelism Hebrew parallelism means one of the expressions of that literary style is that you can say the same thing in a different way or the second way you say adds to the first expression for instance by the word of the Lord where the heavens made on all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth that's Hebrew parallelism they essentially say the same thing verse 9 of sound 33 for he spake and it was done finished that verse he that same thing he command that's Ebro parallelism now listen again to proverbs 2 verse 1 my son if thou will receive my words but where do we receive God's words where in our hearts what does Jesus st. John 15:7 if ye abide in me and my words abide in the Bible in you and the Bible's word for the heart thy word have I hid where in my heart that I might not sin against thee now listen again my son if thou will receive my words where in the heart second expression and hide my Commandments with thee listen again to psalm 119 verse 11 thy word have I wat hid where in my heart so what's the difference between the words and the commandments none none let me test whether you're doing favor number three what is the whole duty of mam say it again Vegard and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty man has God changed the duty of man no Ellen White rights education page 15 paragraph 2 to restore in man the image of his maker to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created to promote the development of body mind and soul that a divine purpose in his creation might be realized now to restore and man needs to bring back what was in the first place are you following me so the whole duty of man has not changed the purpose of the gospel is to restore that which was lost God is a switch standings now if the law the commandments represent the whole duty of man all of this is designed to do one thing bring us back to those 10 laws let me say it again if fear God and keep his Commandments represent the whole duty of man what did Paul say in Romans 13:8 oh no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth one another hath fulfilled the law now this is the whole duty then the entire scriptures of God are designed to bring us back to that original standard so when you read my word my son if that will receive my words and hide my Commandments with thee no substantial difference the difference the words of God are his Commandments Alawite right so when Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God he was referring to God's commandments every word now my son if thou will receive my words and hide my commandment swiftly so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding yea if thou Christ after knowledge and lift us up thy voice for understanding if thou seekest her a silver and searches for her as for hid treasures then read verse five with me then shalt thou art understand what the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God now then shalt thou understand three things that we need to consider let's read a section again verse 2 of proverbs 2 so that thou incline thine ear unto what wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding here if thou seekest thou Christ for what knowledge and lift us up thy voice for understanding so we have wisdom and understanding in verse 2 we have knowledge and understanding verse 3 so wisdom knowledge understanding when you get these verse 5 says then you understand what the fear of the Lord but what is the source of wisdom knowledge and understanding let's go to psalm 119 the passage from which I'll read is 1 I always recommend particularly to students psalm 119 and the passage i recommend students everyone but particularly young people verses 9 to 7 - 104 I suggest you memorize that passage and if you decide to memorize I urge you to memorize from the King James Version of the Bible all right do we have someone 19 reading from verse 97 psalm 119 reading from verse 97 the Bible says oh how I love thy law it is my meditation how often all the day by the way you can go through a day and think of God all the time if you discipline your mind and train your mind let me say it again it is possible by practice to go through a day and think of God uninterruptedly blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law finish it for me guff he meditate day and night what is there unlike the evening in the morning were the first day all day let me say it again it is possible by discipline to train the mind to focus on God all day and so psalm 119 verse 97 says oh how I love thy law it is my meditation all the day read verse 98 with me if you have my version thou through thy Commandments has made me wiser than mine enemies for there are ever with me now the psalmist says you have made me wiser than mine enemies and the instrument of that wisdom what your commandments the commandments are the greatest source of wisdom verse 3 anniversary verse 99 the Bible says I have more understanding that all my teachers why for thy testimonies are my meditation now why is it I have more understanding than all my teachers because they testimonies are my meditation but what are the testimonies go with me to Exodus chapter 31 let's read verse 18 Exodus 31 reading verse 18 our subject is do me three favors relooking at favor one which is fair God you have Exodus 31 reading from verse 18 exodus is book number 2 are we there and he gave unto whom keep reading when he admit an end of communing with him upon mount sinai two tables of testimony keep reading tables of stone finishing written with the finger of God what are the tables of testimony the Ten Commandments now go back to psalm 119 let's read verse nine tonight I have more understanding than who all my teachers why for thy testimonies are my meditation verse 100 I understand more than the ancients top who are the ancients for us Socrates Plato Philo Aristotle unique them they are the ancients the Bible says to the person for whom God's Word is his or her main menu item for spiritual development I understand more than Socrates Plato Aristotle combined why because I keep thy precepts now the source of understanding is the law of God the source of wisdom is a law of God the source of knowledge is a love God because God's law is exceeding broad now we go back to proverbs chapter 2 and we read from verse 1 my son if thou will receive my words and hide my Commandments with thee so that our incline thine ear unto wisdom the child of God who inclines his ear unto wisdom is inclining his ear - what God's law an apply thine heart to understanding the child of God who applies his or her heart to understanding is applying the heart to walk the law of God of which the Bible is merely an extended exposition yay if thou Christ after knowledge and lift us up my voice for understanding what is the source of all of this God's law if thou seeketh her as silver and searches for her as for hid treasures then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God we have in this passage a connection between the fear of the Lord and God's commands let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 8 you read from first one buter on me eight our subject is do me three favors it's already 22 one time move so quickly when you're preaching ask any preacher that will tell you the same thing what book did I say you tirana me what chapter eight meaning from what verse one all the commandments which I command you this day shalt thou observe to do that he may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which I swear unto your father's and thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness to Humble thee to prove thee to know what was in thine heart finish the verse whether that would keep his Commandments or no all the tests and trials through which God deliberately put the Israelites was to discover one thing what was that whether there were obey His commandments one thing because this is what God has always wanted one thing obey me as I told you was it last night or the night before when I watch the news and I see the destruction in the Philippines because of this cyclone that passed through when the strongest in recent memory and I see soldiers coming back with half of a body children dying by the multiple thousands of starvation bombs going off all the time in certain countries Wars insurrection disease multiple thousands of young children who were orphans where AIDS is ravages the population crime when I see all of that as I told you I wish that Adam had done one thing what's that obey not just believed obey my beloved friends what God requires of you and me is simple do what I say I live there do what I say Deuteronomy 8 read verse 2 now in verse 3 and he humble thee and suffered either hunger and fed thee which manner which thou knewest not neither did I fathers know that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God the Lord doth man live died Raymond wax not old upon thee neither did i foot swell these 40 years thou shalt also consider in thine heart verse 5 that has a man chased with his son so the law they go chase nifty now read verse 6 with me therefore thou shalt do what keep the commandments of the LORD thy God to do what to walk in his ways finish it and to fear him but what does it mean to walk in his ways look at the verse again 4:6 therefore thou shalt do up keep the commandments of the LORD thy God that's the only way you can do up walk in his ways and that now becomes an expression of fearing Lord let's go to Psalm 111 we read verse 10 our subject is give me three favors someone 11 reading verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of what a good understanding have all their that do what keep his Commandments his praise endureth forever go to the very next Psalm 112 verse 1 praise ye the Lord blessed is the man that with what fear at whom the Lord that delighteth greatly in his commandments now here again we have Hebrew parallelism blessed is the man that fear if the Lord anyone who fears God will do it obey God to the extent of that person's knowledge let me say it again anyone who fears God will obey God go to Hebrews chapter 11 let's read verse 7 quickly Hebrews 11 reading verse 7 our subject is do me three favors you have Hebrews in the New Testament towards the back if you're in James and Peter you've missed it you have Hebrews if someone next to you is struggling help the person find it bury one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ somebody say Amen but first five for the same chapter says every man shall bear his own burden so please find Hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 do you have it alright the Bible says by faith Noah being warned said pause did you say pause my brother did he say Pauls did you want me to pause oh it's okay all right do we all have Hebrews 11:7 read with me if you have my version by faith Noah being warned of God stop warned by whom God of things not seen as yet stop now let's look at those words Noah was warned about things no one had ever seen to believe that you have to have some regard for the person who tells you you're not following me you're smelling the food let me try that again God tells Noah some things will happen that no one had ever seen or heard of of things not seen as yet the next expression says moved with fear fear of what out of respect for God even though Noah had never experienced any of these things in his life because God said remember Peter in Luke chapter 5 Master we have toiled how long all night and have taken what nothing nevertheless at thy word now why would Peter do that because of his regard for Jesus I'm a fisherman you're a carpenter I've been fishing all my life you have not but I know who you are and because of who you are I will do what in my estimation looks senseless Noah was still a flood is coming a what a flood rain will fall rain what's rain because rain had never fallen until the flood but because of God being the one who brought the news lower moved with fear for God meaning deep respect he acted upon information that within the context of all he knew did not exist and made no sense movies here prepared an ark he'll be let's read that first again by faith Noah read with me being warned of God of things not seen as yet he breathing move if I go on say that again move with fear and yes you'll be out of fear for God not terror respect for who God is my brothers and sisters the fear of the Lord and obedience are inseparable let's go to Deuteronomy 5 verse 29 then we have to get to the other two favors perhaps I may not get to them Buhler on me 529 listen to God as he cries from his heart there's something he wants you know every time we pray we bring prayer request to God and that's proper do you know God has prayer requests you didn't hear me God has pray requests that we alone can fill study my word is one of God's prayer requests go tell your neighbor that I'm coming back a prayer request take time from your busy schedule at work and University and conduct a Bible study some prayer requests honor me with your increase prayer request start breaking the Sabbath prayer request prayer request the next time we bring request to God let us ask God father do you have any requests let's not make it one-sided listen to God now as he cries from his heart verse 29 Deuteronomy 5 read with me what does it say all that there was such a heart in them that they do I fear me keep reading I do I keep all my Commandments most of the time some of my Commandments all of the time all of my commandments most of the time all my commandments always this is the result of true fear of God what's the outcome of that finish the verse that it one might be well with them born and with the children gone meaning not only in this world obedience has blessings not just in this world you're not following me when this forever end it doesn't it this is the first Timothy chapter 4 verse 8 they don't have to go there for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of the life that is to come so godliness has benefits now one and then the life to come fearing God and obeying God has blessings now and in the life to come and so God says oh that there was such a heart in them that it would fear me what's the result of hearing God keep all my Commandments always that it might be well with them and with their children forever yes my dear sister say that again I didn't hear your musical voice what did you say Oh Deuteronomy 5 verse 20 and I thank you I appreciate your asking your only 5:29 what were you reading Oh first Timothy chapter four verse eight goddess is prophet unto all things having promise of life than always and of that which is to come my brothers our sisters fear God if you fear God what will you do you keep its commands fair God give glory to him how do we give glory to God let's not Exodus 33 we shall read from verse 18 our subject is give me three favors it's ten to one may I go to one fifteen please say yes all thank you you're on monocular on the exodus 33 we shall read from verse 18 I love our friends by internet will also stay with us until 1:15 it's about 8 hours difference if you in some parts of Africa some parts of Europe 6 our different so if it's one it's probably 9 over there now do you have Exodus 33 verse 18 read with me and he said I beseech thee show me thy glory that's Moses asking God show me your glory now Moses had one thing in mind God had something else and that's usually the case with us and God because God knows what we need remember Nicodemus rabbi we noted how the teacher sent from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God send him O God be with Jesus cut right to the chase you must be born again that's what Nicodemus needed but I saw what he asked for you really other wife's talking about that in this hour of age Christ came right to what he needed you must be born again very embarrassing but that's the way God deals with us sometime Moses said show me thy glory and he said I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy verse 20 and he said thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live next chapter 34 verse 5 God is answering now Moses according to what God wants for Moses and the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord verse 6 and a Lord passed by and proclaimed the Lord the Lord merciful and gracious long and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that mild by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children and upon the children's children under the third and unto the fourth generation God gives Moses a glimpse of his what his character which is what his glory really is his character let me say that again by getting some help from the pen of inspiration God's amazing grace page 322 paragraph 2 listen carefully the glory of God is his character the Bible also tells us the same thing John 17 let's read verse 22 John 17 verse 22 the glory of God is not light as we tend to think sometimes the world glow refers to light but overwhelmingly the glory refers to the character of God John 17 verse 22 Jesus is praying you have John 20 to read with me you have it I still hear the pages John 17 verse 22 thank you sister do we have it read with me and the glory which thou gave us me I have given them stop that wasn't light the character that Jesus developed through trust and total dependence on his father he was transmitting to his disciples as they would totally trust in his word the glory which thou gave us me I have given them glory is not light it is a character of God let's go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 we shall read verse 18 2nd Corinthians 3 verse 18 as we look at the second of three favors 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 reading verse 18 do you have that read with me but we all with open face beholding as in a glass wall the glory of the Lord now read slowly and carefully are changed into one now wait a minute but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are change into the wall same how could he say same image what does it really mean the same or the same the same glory characters right - but I wanted glory our change into this same glory from glory to glory so we have glory we have image we have glory but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image or glory because God's glory His image which is his character from glory to glory Elroy calls that from character to character as we grow in grace the glory of God is his character we glorify God by reflecting his character go to John 15 we shall read verse 8 John 15 reading verse 8 our subject is do me three favors beyond fear for number two John 15 reading verse 8 you have that read with me herein is my father glorified that you do are there much fruit stop that's how God is glorified if we bear what fruit what does the Bible mean by through love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance they are the fruits of who is the Spirit of God we glorify God by reflecting his character but listen to Romans 3:23 since glory is character think with me listen to Romans 3:23 you know it without looking for all have sinned finish the verse and come short of the let's use the remnant SDA church version for all have sinned and come short of the character of ah now what is sin when we transgress the law what happens we come short of the character of God using the law of opposites if transgressing the law brings me short of God's character how do I come up to God's character conformity to God's law but by the power of Christ God has one standard it is expressed in his law this is not legalism legalism is an attempt to do things to earn salvation Christ said without me he can do nothing he didn't mean absolutely nothing we can sin without Christ are you with me he meant nothing God the Father approves are you hearing me without Christ you and I can do nothing to father approve self all have sinned which means all of what you're slow this is discouraging you slow I am NOT coming back to this church alright listen again carefully all have one sin meaning all have transgress the law it is only by transgressing God's law that we fall short of what the character of God because account of God is expressed in his law and lived off in the life of Christ fear God which means understand who he is and if you do what's the proper response give me one word you'll obey to glorify God what is me to glorify God to reflect his image how do we fall short of the image transgressing the law how do we come up to the image living in harmony with God's law by what power the power of the indwelling Christ what's the third favor worship let's look at worship let's go to mark chapter 7 we should read from verse 6 two minutes to one I want to remind you there's a program that begins at three o'clock this afternoon am i right organizers authorities high priests am i right all right three o'clock please try to come don't just eat and run you know how Adventists are in the United States eat and run some parts of the world you can't eat and run you have to eat and stay you need special permission from the hosts to leave seriously I tell you what I've experienced you can't just eat and run you better not come you eat and stay but we in our culture we eat and we take off like jet planes alright what book did I say mark chapter seven reading from verse six he answered and said well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written read with me now this people honoureth me with their lips but their hearts are far from me now why is that why is the heart far from Christ he goes on to explain verse 7 howbeit read with me in vain do they want worship me stop Christ is giving us an understanding of what empty worship is something vain is empty and useless listen to me carefully this is Christ the creator the Redeemer the god man and he is presenting to us empty worship that God does not accept now we're not dealing with people genuinely ignorant no we're not dealing with them how did in vain do they worship me why is it vain why is it useless finish the verse teaching for doctrines the commandments of men now if the commandments of men as a basis of worship makes that worship useless use the law of opposites what should be the basis of worship God accepts the commandments of God the commandments of God forwards the basis of worship is one word give me that word obedience your too sloww obedience get it into your psyche obedience let us see that dramatically displayed in the Bible first time you'll fifteen we read from verse three first time you'll fifteen reading from verse three our subject is do me three favors beyond favor number three one o'clock did I say 15 moments all right do you forgive sinners you do okay you may have to forgive me for having spoken ill-advisedly first time you'll 15 verse 3 now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy how much all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ass it's a very frightening verse look at the list to be annihilated slay both man and woman gender neutrality with God a woman isn't more sinful than a man or man whatever sinners are sinners infant and suckling God knows the direction of the life if the infant had lived I relisting to me John 2:25 God knows what is it ma'am oxen and sheep camel and ass when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah the city's inhabitants that which grew up on the ground destroyed everything verse 9 for Samuel 15 but Saul and the people did walk spared whom agag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lands and all that was good and not ugly destroyed them but everything that was violent refuse that they destroyed utterly this is the verse 13 and saw Samuel came to Saul and Saul said unto Samuel blessed be thou of the Lord finish that verse I have performed what the commandments of the Lord there are many people who have a disagreement with God they are not aware of it now Saul says in verse 14 I have performed the commandment of the Lord that solves version listen to God's version go to verse 10 are you in verse 10 this is have to read in verse 9 they spared achieve the best of achievement of the auction and the fatlings and land and you know everything that was violent refuse they destroyed utterly first and then came the word of the Lord to Samuel saying it repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king why because he have turned back from following me and hath not performed my Commandments but what is all same verse 13 I have performed the commandments of the Lord there's some people who think if I keep my Commandments I am obeying and God says no if I wanted nine from you I would have given you line but I give you 10 because I want what 10 so why much of the world is saying we worship God God is saying uh-uh you attend church you sing make a lot of noise you know it worshiping me and one day Jesus will speak for his father depart from me I never knew you he that work iniquity so in Samuels when Saul said I will be performed come aside Lord Samuel said what meaneth than this bleating of the sheet in my nails and the lowing of the oxen which I hear how do you explain that let's go to verse 22 and Samuel said unto Saul half the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as an obeying the voice of the Lord now listen to what he's saying dead burnt offerings sacrifices all of that was part of the Jewish wot worship system it was developed by Christ mm-hmm it was developed by Christ and taught to Adam and subsequently passed down generation to generation and elaborated in the wilderness after many years in Egyptian bondage and they had lost almost all knowledge of God it originated with Christ to teach the horrors of sin and dependence on a Savior to come but listen to Samuel speaking for God have the Lord as great delight in other words which does he prefer going through the motions or doing exactly what he says after Lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearten than the fat of rams for rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft we pause on that for those of you who say you've never gone to which dr. rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft there's certain countries where I go to preach I always make all those of you have gone to witch doctors come and people come Adventism you have charms and they purses things they hang up in their houses and we do it differently in the West we read the horoscope it's the same thing are you with me or we think it's are harmless to read a Chinese fortune cookie and if it says exactly what we're thinking we say wait a minute you know there's something to these cookies by the way do not read the fortune cookie listen to me the devil is extraordinarily clever he will arrange one of those cookies to tell you exactly what you want to hear and then you begin to wonder does this thing work eat the cookie don't read it don't read it as a rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft why what is rebellion give me one little word for rebellion three letters sin rebellion against God is rebelling against his authority his law the Bible calls that witchcraft because rebellion against God is cooperation with Satan Jesus said he that is not with me is against me we bring all our doctrines under the heading of the great controversy a controversy is a dispute between two not five to Christ's sake and Jesus says if you're not with me you are against me then God says rebellion against me is witchcraft because it is cooperation with Satan and stubbornness has iniquity and idolatry because thou has rejected the word of the Lord but what is the word use Commandments that's where it free me commandment Samuel says word because I told you earlier word and commandment frequently mean the same thing God told Saul because you've rejected my Commandments I've rejected you the foundation of worship his obedience because worship must be done a certain way and God has given that prescription and so ends two young men came to worship and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord Genesis 4 verse 3 and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof Abel brought what God wanted Cain brought what God did last for and they both came to worship and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering but it Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell and listen to what God said to Cain and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest what well what does that mean if you know things my way if you obey me because the Bible says in Hebrews 11:4 by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous now Deuteronomy 6 25 defines righteousness as obedience to God's law you put two and two together and the outcome is Abel waist worship was based and obedience to God Cain's was based or what King wanted to do and so God said very reasonably if thou doest well if you do what I say shalt thou not be accepted I'm not accepting Abel because he's taller than you are or he did better in school than you did he did what I said if you do what I say I will receive you as fully as I receive Abel because God is no respecter of persons the foundation of worship is obedience I was asked to speak at a certain church and well a member wanted me to come to her church and speak I said well talk to your pastor so she went to the pastor the pastor said give me some tapes of this man so she gave him a couple of my tapes and he listened he reported to her and she called me she said well the pastor can't have you I said why he said you preach obedience but he believed in love what does John 14:15 say so I said okay no problem if the Lord ever wants me to speak in that church the Lord will move him and put me there to speak it's no problem but he makes a distinction between obedience and love he said he preaches obedience but we believe in love I was preaching a certain country on the face of the earth and a friend of mine wrote me and said that the following year friend of mine went to the same place to preach a friend wrote me and said pastor your friend preached he preaches love you preach hard obedience distinguishing within the two my brothers and sisters there's only one way one way to show God you love him and you respect him that is to obey God but the power to obey is the indwelling life of Christ because Law Center can obey a law that reflects a divine nature are you with me the law of God reflects a divine nature since we must be partakers of the divine nature 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 4 how do we do that by having a divine being in us no sinner cannot be a divine law and so the first of the three final messages for this world fear God the foundation of fearing God is obedience and glorify Him obedience because disobedience brings you short of his glory which is his character worship Him obedience and there's only one thing God wants you to obey one that's his law that's why in the New Covenant what does god right in the heart what else is he right the church manual National Geographic what else has God put in the heart under the New Covenant which is really the same covenant by which Abraham was saved because you only save one way God puts his law in our hearts he puts nothing else because the law is life Romans 7:10 and the commandment which was ordained to life the hsm prophets page 522 paragraph three elamite writes god is a life giver from the beginning all his laws were ordained to life but sin caused the other side of the law to be exposed which is condemnation the son that melts butter hardened cement are you following me the law of God is a law of life the man that doeth them shall live in them the point is we can't do that and so the life of Christ must be in US and by that abiding power we can live an obedient life fair god give glory to him when the hour of his judgment has come and worship hailing each one on a pedestal of obedience and obedience simply means living in accordance with god's holy law because this is the whole duty of man in these last days where more states are ratifying same-sex marriages when the Bible is so clear therefore shall a man leave his father's mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two of them one flesh God is clear one man one God is clear one adult another adult not a boy and a girl God is clear one of each not one of one and three of the other but the world is popularizing man and man woman and woman and churches are intimidated and are afraid to say no we don't believe in that God loves you he does not like what you're doing so when God taught us all destroy the Amalekites Saul did almost everything but Saul's explanation verse 24 was I have sinned because I've transgressed the word of the Lord and your words for I feared the people I know they divorce that's what he said I feared the people they are church leaders who will not do what's right because they afraid of certain members there are parents who will not do what's right because they're afraid of other family members there are professors in schools Adventist professors who will not come out openly and say I believe in creation because they're afraid of their fellow academics wherever you go there are people presumably children of God afraid to do what is right because they're concerned with what human beings think and not with God thinks as harsh as it may sound the operating principle is what does God say these are theaters page 86 paragraph 1 from a very early age Jesus had begun to act for himself in the formation of his character not even respect and love for his parents could turn him from obedience to God's word it is written was his reason for every act that varied from the family customs meaning there were times the family wanted to go left and Jesus says on the basis of God's Word I can't go from a very early age nothing nothing must supersede obedience to God the Bible tells us that early Genesis 4 3 4:17 and unto Adam he said because that was hearken unto the voice of my wife implying instead of my voice lay off this curse some things I say where I go because I have to keep saying people don't get them this earth is cursed because someone listen to somebody else instead of God you hear me young man wrote me from a certain country on the face of the earth he's involved with a with all respect the other Hindu girlfriend he's a 70 Evans God bless all Hindus Christ died for the whole world but our prophet says to connect with an unbeliever is to place yourself on Satan's ground the Bible says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers Abraham told Eliezer do not take away from my son from any of these women okay how they shaped don't take away from them and so he wrote me what should I do when people write me on that subject I almost blunt as a knife that can't cut anything and I wrote back gave him Scripture spirit of prophecy straight between the eyes he wrote back well what about Ruth she was an unbeliever she became a believer I said look you can make all the excuses you like I have told you clearly you are wrong and the reason God told the is lies do not do that Deuteronomy seventy three and four because the unbeliever will most likely turn your heart away from me so whose voice do I choose the voice of my heart in romance which is not a thinking organism or the voice of God which is as clear as day being not unequal ever me to pick on anyone I'm simply saying in almost every area of life we prefer what we think then a plane thus saith the Lord that's the problem with the world and the first message of the three is fear God understand who he is and obey Him give glory to Him reflect his character by obeying his law worship him do things his way not Sunday Saturday 20 after 1 I've gone over you forgive me say Amen I have to make a call have I made myself clear can I see your hands I'm fairly clear alright if you have to pick one word as you leave that God requires of us what would that word be listen to me you never go wrong when you obey God you will be tried you will never go wrong how many of you will say with me father give me the strength to resist the carnal urges and to live my life in accordance with your will give me the strength to resist the carnal urges so that I may live my life in accordance with your word and your will how many will make that commitment seriously can I stand up with me let me pray on give me three servers fair god obey him glorify Him obey Him worship Him obey Him you've been coming for one week since the the fourth not a fourth the first of November today's to what the knife counting inclusively one two three four five seven nine days we have one more week to go but you've been thinking as the word has worked on your heart I need to make a decision to follow God all the way that's a personal internal decision it has an outward component that's a decision to be baptized I haven't preached on baptism I may not because I'm preaching to a church I don't know how the Spirit will lead me but baptism is a choice is a way of saying I want to live my life God's Way I want to put on Christ which is what Galatians 3:27 says baptism new you put on Christ Romans 8 verse 3 we joined Christ in his death and resurrection and burial if there's someone who'll say I am making a decision to be baptized as an outward way of saying I want to walk with Christ can I see you how I god bless you someone else I'm making the decision to be back come come come dear come come my sweet little sister come god bless you let her pass let her pass come come come my good sister I am making a decision to be baptized I want to do that because jesus said it fulfills all righteousness come come my dear sister don't be afraid god bless you god bless you come my sweet angel come come sister god bless you anyone else a decision to be baptized will be baptized onyx abbath and then we can plan another one anyone else I want to be baptized give you 60 seconds and I pray I want to be baptized and I want to make that decision public that heaven and earth me see 45 seconds a decision to be baptized into Jesus baptism is the way outwardly we put on Christ we are integrated into the body of Christ 30 seconds I want to be baptized I am making that decision just raise your hands we've already decided Lord give me power to resist the carnal nature that I may live my life according to your will we've made that decision the next step for some maybe I'm making a decision to be baptized 15 seconds then I pray thank you for allowing me 10 extra minutes anyone else heads bowed eyes closed our Father in Heaven we thank you for your word it is direct all that we need to be saved is very clear in the Bible no one need be confused or misled being confused being misled arises from an unwillingness to do things your way their God in heaven there are three closing messages for this dying world in Revelation 14 6 to 12 the first one says pray God give glory to him and worship Him at the foundation of each we see your law because it was the violation of that law that led to the problem of sin and only conformity with that law will bring the opposite condition the power to live that life is Jesus and so God we ask you in his name when we say his name we're conscious of his great sacrifice the atoning work his intercessory work his sinless life his divinity his conquers of death he'll sin the grave we think of all of that his role as creator sustainer in his name the name Jesus I pray father that you'll accept us accepted in the beloved as your Word says and Ephesians 1 6 blessed those who came forward father grant them your spirit in a very certain way a spirit to sustain them until the day when they are baptized because the enemy will try to change mind give them sustaining grace their God and if there is someone else who need to decide whether in person or by the internet I pray you'd move upon that person's heart powerfully giving the person nor rest until that surrender is made and the person will be glad and sore father help us to heed the first of these three messages and the second and the third but because I only preach about the first help us to think about it study it and see its connection to the second and the third help us to fear you to glorify your name and to worship you help us to see obedience to your law at the foundation of fearing God glorifying God and worshiping God bless the meal you've provided there God nourish us to be more effective in carrying out your work a special blessing on all our visitors day God whatever else we do today let us do it with respect for your holy day and bless the programs for this afternoon I pray with Thanksgiving in Jesus name and for his sake let God's people say amen and amen
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 15,940
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Worship, Sabbath, Favors, Randy, Skeete, One With Him, Revival
Id: U4qGUzi0zfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 44sec (4304 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2013
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