"Bible Nutrition 101" sermon by John Skeete

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our gracious Father in heaven we thank you for the freedoms that we still enjoy in this country to be able to assemble and worship you without any restrictions or hindrances we thank you that the four angels are holding the winds of strife and allowing us to have freedom a little longer until the angel seals the servants of God in their foreheads Lord we want to receive this seal but in order to do that we must be free from every physical psychological emotional and spiritual encumbrance so as we come to our meeting this afternoon we ask that you would dunk us into your heavenly washing machine Lord has the agitating paddles batter us around we ask that you would remove the dirt from our characters that you would clean up our minds and that you would convince us that this is the right way and more than that send your spirit to convict us to make decisions this afternoon to come up higher we thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit that has been mindful of this sacred presence because we've acid in Jesus mighty name amen the title of this afternoon's meeting is Bible nutrition 101 what the Scriptures teach about food and eating part - oh it was moved back okay hold on a second we'll have to edit that out we'll come to that in just a moment good afternoon if God's been blessing you this week say praise the Lord Amen talib our meeting this afternoon is bah-bah nutrition one-on-one part 2 we're going to talk not only about food we won't talk hardly all about food in this meeting we're going to talk about the second part mentioned on the screen we're going to talk about eating about eating we learn in our meeting this morning that God gave us fruits nuts and grains as the original diet and he then added vegetables to our diet because there's something contained in vegetables that build strengthen the body but also modifies the disposition it helps us to become more like him we learned this morning that when God after the flood because of man's a spiritual condition allowed them to eat meat we found that the race the human race depreciated in vitality the length of their life was shortened and we looked at even some of the archaeological discoveries of these giant men and women who have been degraded because of the choice of diet and their sinful lifestyle we also learned some of the ill effects of a diet of flesh food this is a battle that many people are fighting and the good news is God can give you victory over these things it seems like it has such a powerful hold on you and it's true in the book council diet it pulls on page 150 it says Satan's strong hold upon man is through appetite and this he seeks to stimulate in every possible way the media is always flashing all of these images at you you have to have this friends I'm probably the biggest meat-eater that you've ever met when I was coming up in a home my mother ate meat and my father was a vegetarian there were four children and two of the children were vegetarians I was one of them and two of the children ate meat too followed the father and two followed our mother and my father used to just he would talk about meat-eating we would sit at the table and he would just say things like you're eating the caucus of a dead animal my mother was hello yes but it's so lovely and she just continued him and as children we sat there and we listened to that and but two of us were vegetarian and two ate meat what we're adults now and the two that were vegetarian ate meat I used to eat meat I was one of the big meat-eaters I said I vegetarian I was a big meat-eater and the two that are vegetarian now we meet the meat eaters eat vegetarian visit Aryans eat meat but the meat causes a lot of problems for us we saw also this morning that the fat caused a lot of problems too and it's affecting more than just your arteries it's fixing it's affecting your disposition and your attitude it's affecting your character and if you want to change your character you can no longer look beyond your diet you have to take a hard look at it and counsel diet and foods on page 163 you see I've tried only to use one spirit of prophecy books if you just get that book and read that book there will be enough work for you to do for a long time there's a lot in that one book but it says there the controlling power of appetite will prove the ruin of thousands when if they had conquered on this part they on this point they would have had moral power to gain the victory over order they say they're in capital letters every other temptation of Satan if they had conquered on this point they would have had moral power to gain the victory over every other temptation of Satan but those who are slaves apatite will fail in perfecting Christian character the continual transgression of man for 6,000 years has caused has brought sickness pain and death as its fruits and as we near the close of time Satan's temptation to indulge appetite will become with the next two words more powerful and with next two words in capital letters more difficult to overcome it's a difficult thing for an adult to change their diet I would go further I would say it's an impossible thing without God's power you will change your habits for a little while and then you'll slip back the key is you must be persuaded convinced then you must be convicted and say I see it true and it applies to me and I choose to make a change and you start praying over it and you declare war on these things that I declare war on them by God's grace I'm going to change these habits and you will be surprised in a short time that the things you thought you never can give up that you can let go of this next meeting this afternoon we'll begin to talk about the mechanics of how to give things up but we're going to move beyond the subject of food and now go to our second part the subject of eating and its significance it's wrap up this one thing about food and then we'll move on to eating when God allowed them to eat meat after the flood he said you can eat it with some restrictions what was one of the key stipulations that they had to observe genesis 9:4 says but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall he with next two words read it for me not eat he said you can eat meat but don't eat the blood that's kind of a contradictory thing but actually you can remove almost all of the blood from meat and the way that the Jews did it is that they would take the meat they but cut it into cysts and to thin sections and then they would beat it with sticks so it bruised the meat then they would soak it in salty water briny water and it would cause the fat in the blood to surface and then they would take it out they would beat it with sticks and they've sucked in salty water and go back and forth until they removed almost all of the blood from the meat and then it was pretty tough so they had to put a lot of seasoning on it and that meat had a blessing from the priest and that meat was called kosher and God allowed them to eat meat but they could not eat the blood why it's because there's things in blood that caused a lot of health problems this is an actual tumor that was removed from someone's midsection that's almost the size of a small soccer ball it's bigger than a softball in custom God and food assist cancers tumors and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meeting friends I want to tell you that it's in your 50s and 60s that are the reaping years what decades did I say 50s and 60s when you're 20 years old and you're eating things you don't think about the harvest that you're so on but you're sowing seeds that the harvest won't come in for some time they'll take 20 25 or 30 years but when you reach the decade of your 50s like I'm in my 50s that's when I'm starting to reap the the harvest that I sowed when I was in my 20s and these cancers tumors inflammatory diseases that people pop up with when they get into their 50s is because of things that they've done over a long period of time in the same book we mentioned before it talks about won't read all this but it says that the way that animals are slaughtered is part of the problem that they heard these intelligent animals together they care they're there they're traveling in trucks that are heated they're full of flesh because they fattened up they don't allowed to exercise they have to go a long ways and they are fearful the animals are aware that something terrible is happening and they suspect that they're being killed as a matter of fact many of these animals start tearing and I want to tell any stories about it but animals are more intelligent than you think friends and what happens is that by the time they get to the slaughterhouse where they're slaughtered inspiration says that their blood is highly inflamed and those that eat of their meat with the next two words read it for me eat poison watch this sentence now it says some are not immediately affected while others are attacked with severe pain and died from fever cholera or some unknown disease so what happens is that they're eating this meat and it's actually poison than all the hormones that were coursing through the veins of that cow before it was slaughtered that all of that is frozen in the flesh and they're eating it and sometimes the results of it are not seen for many years later in India and some of the heathen right they the the worshipers are required to drink blood this is a woman on the knees of a priest and they have killed a goat and she they have the jugular vein of that goat in her mouth and the dying heart of this goat is pumping blood and get that off of the screen pumping blood into that woman it's just flowing down her body and in Africa and East Africa you have the Masai warriors who are famous for drinking raw blood mixed with milk and Europeans and Americans take trips to Kenya just so that they can go over there I need to just experience with the Mathai warriors experiment have some of that fresh blood and they actually drink this blood from the animal that is just slain they don't recognize that Masai warriors walk on an average 20 miles a day and if you're walking 20 miles a day that undoes a lot of blood drinking but these people aren't drinking blood and walking 20 miles a day how do we get our blood how do we get our blood we get it in our food when we eat burgers that look like this that they're not completely cooked all the way or even if it's cooked all the way the blood is still in it part of the problem with blood is the cholesterol and the cholesterol combines with damage cells and fats and all kinds of debris in the lining of the blood vessels and sometimes in the inside lumen of the blood vessels themselves and when you have that problem the blood supply is insufficient to the parts of the body supplied by that plaque later there were other stipulations made for those that ate meat and the second one that we were that you're very familiar with is Leviticus 3:17 which says it shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings homeworker play that ye eat neither was the first one fat nor blood in by the way it's in several places in the Bible and Leviticus chapter 7 and verses 22 to 23 or 25 it actually says there that in the ancient Hebrew community if you had someone that ate fat they were excommunicated out of the camp it was an offense that was so serious they said ah you can't live here anymore think about that for just a second now why would God say if you eat fat you can't even live among God's people it's because fat is when it's added to food it's it's addicting with were that I use addicting it adds a flavor to food that once people are used to having a lot of oil and fat in it it tastes in such a way that they feel like they can't make it without that and if you have some people that really are Gorman's they really like to have their food seasoned well with a lot of oil and fat in it if you have those among the Jewish people it will start spreading before you know it all the Jewish people would be eating fat in that food and God knew that that was going to do something to their bodies and their minds and so they were told that those people had to be pushed out by the way the clinical literature shows that let me speak of fat we're talking about animal fat we're talking about lard or beef fat those types of things chicken fat fat that's in fish but there's also oils those are vegetable oils corn oil safflower oil and studies have shown that the vegetable oils cause cancer at higher rates than the animal fat and so even when we're getting vegetable oils if we use them liberally it's going to cause health problems where do we get our oil from we get it from our fried foods and these fried foods are causing health problems for us the MacDougal plan is a book unfortunately it's out of print there's there were hundreds of thousands of copies made you can you can go on amazon.com or google searching you can get a copy of this book still there's many copies out there it is an excellent book it is just loaded with hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies that explain why we shouldn't do these things and I feel that if we can get the information to people that they can understand why is they keep studying that they'll saying hmm I got a wage war against this this has to go and in the module go plan he saw something very interesting about fat in our food what happens when you put fat into your food it ends up in your bloodstream and you end up with a condition called epidemia which is blood lipids in the blood and the problem one of the problems is that all of your red blood cells have a negative charge if you ever get two magnets and you put the negative ends together or the positive ends together they will repel the negative and positive they attract and put the two negative ends together they will repel and so all red blood cells repel each other that's how God intended it so that they can just tumble through your bloodstream just free and happy and how are you doing don't get too close I'm doing good how are you doing I just tumbled around but they don't hit each other they don't collide they don't stick together except when you eat fat when you eat fat the red blood cell gets coated and so what happens is when they buck to each other they adhere they stick and prior to a fatty meal you can see all the red blood cells tumbling through the system this is a page out of Madhu go plan but an hour after the meal you see them touching one another and four hours later six hours later they're clumped together sometimes the red blood cells get stacked up like a stack of quarters that's called reuleaux that's a bad thing you get a big stack of red blood cells they can't go through the capillaries to get to that tissue that needs the oxygen and so if you eat a fatty meal you are hindering the ability of your red blood cells to travel freely through your system and deliver oxygen notice the last square there on the bottom right hand corner how long does it take for your bloodstream to return to normal how many of you go 12 hours between meals almost none of us you have a fatty fried strip Alang which for breakfast and then at lunch time just six hours later another fried veggie burger with cheese a lot of oil on it and in the evening why not KFC fried chicken my name you have veggie at all let's go fried chicken and you know what happens your blood is continually in a state of blood sludging your red blood cells are all waste sticking together just one explanation of why God said for us not to eat it there was a third restriction the first one was no eat meat but no blood yes you can eat meat but no fat third restriction yes you can eat meat but no unclean meat in tirana me 14 Leviticus 11 God gave his people a long list of forbidden meats incidentally Leviticus 11 is the original Deuteronomy 14 Moses repeated it but there's not as much detail as is in Leviticus if you're going to study one of those two chapters Leviticus 11 is God's doctoral thesis on unclean meats he says study this look at these long lists don't eat anything like this the question is what two words were used to describe these forbidden meats in Deuteronomy 14 and verses 3 and 19 these meats were called abominable say that abominable means something that God loads he detests he hates and the other word was unclean unclean these meats were abominable unclean and Leviticus 11 write this down if you're interested in this subject Leviticus 11 43 and 44 says that the people that eat them these things make themselves it uses three words defiled abominable and unclean the food actually makes them in a condition which God says I loathe this condition the Bible says in Revelation chapter 21 and verse 27 that nothing will go into heaven that worketh abomination or others and sisters we should not even those of us who are eating meat we should not eat unclean meet the question becomes why why did God say you can eat the cow but you cannot eat the pig why did God say you cannot eat the clams a lot of physicians and nutritionists a lot of Jewish scholars have been trying to answer those questions and we don't have the full picture yet we do know some things about certain unclean foods for example if you take a big pile of oysters and put it in an aquarium and you pour pathological bacteria into that water within two or three hours the water will be clean do you know why it's because hoisters have an ability to extract bacteria out of the water and that's why we shouldn't eat these shellfish it's because they gather up the bad within them it's interesting that in the book of Acts in chapter 10 there was a vision that Peter was given and it's really pointing back to that Leviticus 11 43 and 44 where the vision was of unclean animals come down what was the vision really about that he should call no what no any man common or unclean so God in His divine dreamscape painting that he gave in his mind with that vision he represented people as crocodiles and snakes and pigs and that's what the Bible says in Matthew chapter 7 and verse 5 it says that we should not cast our pearls before swine that's Jesus words in the parable and he's likening people unto unclean animals that if you eat these things it actually changes your nature nowadays the battle to keep unclean animals out of your digestive system is getting tougher and tougher the pigs are on the march friends they're invading all kinds of foods nowadays um they're putting lard which comes from the fat from the abdomen of pigs in refried beans they put pepsin in cheese it's the curdling agent and 99% of the cheese that you buy it's been curdled with something very inexpensive and it's pepsin that comes from the pig stomach cookies crackers tortillas pastries if you look in the ingredients label it says shortening if it were vegetable shortening it would say vegetable shortening but when it says shortening its from the pig marshmallows oh boy I've gotten into trouble for touching on children's s'mores no it's s'mores are no its mores are not your hair I love this church you guys are not contaminated with any of that bad stuff marshmallows are made from gelatin and gelatin comes from the pig nowadays people are eating every unclean thing people are not just eating pig anymore people are traveling the world to eat eyeballs and insects and spiders and all types of things and what happens is I've learned that the unconverted person will you put anything in their mouth that if you're not connected to God eventually you'll try anything and the Bible says that God loads these unclean things alright we've beat up the food thing pretty hard now let's talk about a little bit about eating and its significance which is great the Bible not only talks about what we should eat it also talks to us about the quantity of food we should eat in Exodus chapter 16 in the journey from Egypt to Canaan what quantity of food was given as a general standard it says in Exodus 16 this is the thing which the LORD hath commanded gather of it every man according to his eating and it says how much were there to gather read the words in white for me and over for how much every man according to the numbers of your persons take ye every man for them which are in his tents and notice verse 17 and the children of Israel did so and this is what God allowed and gathered with the words in white there some less very important concept here it's actually revealing God's character when he gazed the restriction on diet he gave a little wiggle room say Amen that's because God is compassionate he's merciful he gives a little bit of leeway in some areas he says listen if you want to get a little bit less that's okay and if you want to get a little bit more he says that's okay say Amen but how much is an Omer the Bible says and when they did meet it out with an Omer they gathered much of nothing over and he they gathered little had no lack how much is an Omer and Omer is three quarts as six pints it's six pints and God allowed because of this compassion some people might have to have more and some might want to have a little less and the Bible says in Hebrews chapter not in verse 4 that there was an Omer a golden pot of manna that was placed inside of the Ark of the Covenant and so when they were coming from Egypt to Canaan that's where we're at the same journey we're on friends we're trying to leave the Egypt of this world we're trying to make it to heavenly Canaan God says as you're coming out I want you to give up the fleshpots of Egypt they said ok ok we'll do that we don't like it but we'll do it and then God says and I don't want you to over eat you have your Bibles open your Bibles to Exodus chapter 16 real quickly Exodus chapter 16 and Exodus chapter 16 verse 3 there with children of Israel were complaining exodus chapter 16 verse 3 and the children of visuals said unto Moses and Aaron would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt when we set by the fleshpots and was the next phrase say when we did eat bread to the fool so they were complaining not only about God changing their diet from fleshpots to manna they were complaining because God said you can't just stuff yourself until you're full and Moses restricted the quantity and they didn't like it and they complained about it these are three one quart jars if you get a quart of rice in a quart of beans and a quart of nuts that's quite a bit of food wouldn't you say you eat two meals a day you could have a quart and a half in one minute and a half another meal and praise God he say if you need a little bit more have a little bit more or a little bit less so God wasn't trying to starve us he said eat a sufficient amount but it was never his plan for us to just eat as much as we want now it has become a sport in America they have hot dog eating contests in New York City the man on the left of the screen is Joey Chestnut who last year consumed fifty four hot dogs in ten minutes those are fifty four hot dogs on that tray right there the man on the right is tu carro Kobayashi he was a former champion and these people trained to overeat they will sit and they will drink a gallon of water without taking a breath it requires tremendous centration to suppress the gag reflex to drink a gallon of water they stretch their stomach Kobayashi damaged his jaws in training for this contest he's been thrown and they make it into a sport to overeat unfortunately we look at that and we smile but many of us are eating too much and I just encourage you just to cut back your quantity just a little bit just 10% or 20% and you will find that you can survive off of 10% less 20% less some of us don't need to cut back but some of us know that we're eating too much how can you know if you're eating too much one of the ways you will know is by the time of your next meal if you're not hungry at all then that means that your first meal you ate sufficient you should actually be hungry at breakfast I'm hungry at lunchtime and hungry at dinnertime but this imagine if you have a gas tank and every time that you gas it up you put 10% more gas than what you drive out what will eventually happen keep putting 10% more and many of us are overflowing because we are not eating we're not cutting back that 10% so that our calorie level goes down and just before lunch and I'm feeling pretty hungry now this subject up the quantity of food and the quality of it was enshrined in the most holy place in the Ark of the Covenant in the Ark there were three things and friends these three things are intimately connected there was God's standard the law he says come up to my standard there was the resurrected rod that's God's power takes creative power to bring blossoms and almonds out of a dead stick and we need creative power to have our hearts transform to come up to the law but that is connected to God's a diet to God's restriction on how much you can until he says listen you have to pay attention to your physical organism if you want to have that unlimited power to come up to my high standard what many pictures of the ark do not depict but you can find it in Deuteronomy chapter 31 and verses 24 through 27 on the side of the Ark there was something placed in the side of the Ark you know what it was does anyone know the book of the law the statutes and the judgments the laws of Moses they weren't inside the Ark they weren't the foundation of God's stone the laws the foundation of God's throne but God says listen go back and you read Deuteronomy 31 he says I know that you are stiff-necked and rebellious people so I have put this law in the side of the Ark there are people today in the evangelical community that they scorn the health methods the Sunday passes preach against it that's Mosaic law that's foolishness that's garbage it was nailed to the cross God put it in the side of the Ark he says you that want to enter in the most holy place look at these laws follow these laws these are the principles of the Ten Commandments applied and if we look at those laws they will help us to get on track for today let's go look let me go a little bit deeper can we go a little deeper let's go deeper than the subject of quantity of food let's talk about what our attitude should be when we sit down to eat the proper disposition in meal time what kind of mindset should we have when we sit down to eat in first Timothy chapter 4 it said that in the latter days some shall depart from the faith bible says in verse 3 that they will be forbidding to marry and commanding us to abstain from meats that's good food which God hath created to be received what does the next phrase say with thanks giving so when we sit down to eat and infinite again in verse 4 for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving so when you sit down to eat what kind of a attitude or mindset should you have you can have a grateful attitude you don't need to eat while you are upset or if you're angry or if you're stressed you're better off skipping that meal or trying to get to go for a short walk try to get your mind unwound before you eat now why did God say that we shouldn't eat when we're upset it's because of the stress response we get stressed when we get angry when we get upset our body goes into the fight-or-flight reaction and that reaction accelerates our heart rate and our lung activity it diverts the blood from the digestive system to the muscles because the body is preparing to either fight or run and so when you get upset the blood in your stomach leaves and if that happens so much if it's a chronic stress you will get an ulcer in your stomach because there's no blood to supply the tissues in the stomach but what do we do when our small children get upset and start crying what's the first thing we do BAM does it work works good it works well it choirs them down you stuff that ball in the mouth but when we do that from an early age we are training children too when I wear training children giving them the baby hood concept of comfort food when I'm upset and a five pitch a fit I'll get some sugar water and when you reward that behavior inspiration in the book child guidance says give your children nothing for which they cry if they're crying mommy I want this villain my children never got anything while they were crying I refused because I'm just rewarding that behavior and when you give them food in that condition they're not even in the best state to receive it in The Huffington Post January 14th of this year they had a marvelous article you can google it if you email me I can email it to you it says how eating at home can save your life and it goes on to explain there that the slow insidious displacement of home cooked and community shared family meals by the industrial food system has felt in our nation and weakened our families in 1900 2 percent of meals were eaten outside of the home in 2010 how many 50 percent were eaten away from the home one in five at McDonald's most family meals happen about three times a week lasts less than 20 minutes and are spent watching television or texting says that we have microwave kitchens it says research shows that children who have regular meals with their parents do better was it say there in every way they get better grades healthier relationships they're less likely to drink less likely to smoke less likely to be overweight so just sharing a meal with your children affects their future particularly if the meal is received in a good spirit where we sit at the meal we're smiling at each other we're talking to each other we're happy we're praising God for the blessings unfortunately at mealtime at a time where we are actually in a sense rewarding ourself with food Satan recognizes that this is an excellent time for him to introduce himself into our minds a great deal of learning education people will tell you has to do with Association and morning by morning our children are learned to associate the pleasant sugary aural sensation with the anti scriptural pictures and writings that are on these breakfast cereal boxes what is the prevailing spiritual atmosphere when you sit down to eat almost every major doctrine of spiritualism can be learned through the pitchers symbols in words found on children's cereal boxes you can go in any grocery store that has a large selection of cereal boxes and if you know anything about occult doctrine you can just pull the boxes off of the shelf and you'll find life after death you'll find ghosts you'll find magic witchcraft all types of spiritual thing to have evolution these transformers where we one day going to have these tremendous machines that have that they're sentient beings you'll find all of these teachings on the cover of cereal boxes so there are children to be starting their day with jack-o'-lantern Apple Jacks or Boo Berry or Franken berry should they know they should not in the Christian home this word um that it should be received with Thanksgiving if you go to the Greek that word is it takes on a different meaning it says the Greek word eucharistia it says gratitude and a grateful language to God as and what does it say there at the end as an act of worship when you are eating brothers and sisters you are communing with a higher power but the skewed I think you making that up hmm in the scriptures mealtime is associated with the idea of communion and the root of the word communion is Union you're connecting with something to remember the story in the Bible in Matthew chapter 9 where Jesus went in he ate with the Pharisees remember that he ate with sinners and the Pharisees came and they said to the disciples why eateth your master with what publicans and sinners why did the Pharisees say that it's because in Palestine you only ate with people that you were in communion you were connected to you didn't eat with people that you weren't connected to family with a special mealtime with a special time and not everyone could come into mealtime so when they saw Jesus eating with sinners they said huh he's connected with them because in there in the Palestine concept mealtime has to do with communion why is it that when we celebrate Christ's death on the cross it's celebrated with a meal why it's because in the eating of the food we're actually to call our mind to having God coming and living and dwelling in us the food is a blessing that he's given him every time we take food in every time we take the communion wafer in the grape juice we should be thinking that we're actually we're all of the blessings that we get come from him the idea of a meal is the concept in the Bible of deep fellowship of intimate communion that's why in Revelation chapter 3 he says Jesus says behold I stand at the door and knock if any man opened the door I will come into him with the next grace a and sup with him and he with me the sharing of the meal in the Bible was saying I'm connected to you you're connected to me it's not just communion service desire of Ages page 660 has a powerful statement it says the bread we eat is talking about regular whole-wheat bread is the purchase of his broken body the water we drink is bought by his spilled blood never once ain't a sinner eats his what does it say their daily food but he is nourished by the body and the blood of Christ the cross of Calvary is stamped on every loaf it comes down here says the light shining from the communion service and the upper chamber makes sacred the provisions for our what to say there it says it makes your daily food sacred and then the last sentence is deep it says the family board even said the family kitchen table becomes as the table of the Lord and it says in every meal a what a sacrament what is that saying it's saying that when you sit down to eat every meal you eat you're communing with a higher power that's what it's saying it says that every meal we take is a sacrament and the question has to be asked what higher power are you communing with when you eat when you go to a place like McDonald's and you go in there and in there they have the Hamburglar why should our children be sitting down facing a Hamburglar and they're eating this food and they're looking at this person that's dressed like a burglar what kind of ideas will come into their mind who are they communing with at these restaurants you know that um this character who is this character you Ronald McDonald do you know that these statues of Ronald McDonald that people when they get around these statutes they do bizarre things you don't go believe me you just go on google and you google image of Ronald McDonald there are so many images I couldn't even put them on the screen and my question is why is people's behavior becoming so bizarre when they get around this innocuous smiling clown it's peak I believe that there's that I believe that when we go to some of these places that we're coming under some influences that are spiritual influences what is this anybody okay anybody else what is this okay I'll change my question to match your answer who do they call this character they call it Jack he's Jack from Jack in the Box go back to my first question what is this anybody jack-in-the-box is a clown but he's a certain kind of clown he's a clown that's part of a toy and the toy is a box that they crank and when they crank the toy out of the toy comes something called a jack-in-the-box so this gentleman that plays on these commercials this white guy that has a very nice voice and he stress really nice and you never see his face he represents the jack that clown that comes out of the jack-in-the-box where does jack-in-the-box come from what's the origin of that particular toy you can go and you can google it you can go on Wikipedia and you'll find the answer there a jack-in-the-box is a children's toy that consists out earlier of a box with a crank and when it's cranked there's a melody that's sung you heard of that melody all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel but most people don't know the third line the original third line is the monkey thought twas all in jest what's the last line pop goes through with what does that mean a theory after the origin of the jack-in-the-box is that it comes from the 13th century English pre-lit named Sir John shorn who is often pictured holding a boot with a devil in it according to folklore he was this is in England now he was he once cast the devil into a boot to protect the village of North Marston in Buckinghamshire this theory may explain why in the country of France a jack-in-the-box is called diabla and what a literally a boxed devil the toy gave its name to the first food restaurant chain jack-in-the-box which features a mascot named Jack who resembles a toy clown from a back in the box when you go to a jack-in-the-box today this is what most of the restaurants look like but some of them look like this you see the difference what's the difference the original jack-in-the-box restaurant was actually made in the shape of a box and so the people that ate in there after here's an old one 1965 that's what it looked like in 1965 where it looked like the bottom of the toy and so they say go into the box with who the devil and eat and you go in a jack-in-the-box and you order a spy even know what a sprite is the word sprite means look it up in your dictionary I think I have it on there a sprite is an elf a fairy or a goblin a goblin is a devil and the theory for sprite the theme for sprite is I like the sprite in you go into jack-in-the-box go in there into the box with the devil and drink sprite it's brothers get you and making up a bunch of craziness friends it could be just all baloney you can throw it all out but I believe that at mealtime God is wanting for us to connect with him and I believe that the enemy is like a lion hiding in the grass and he's deceiving us he's deceiving us and Peter says stay awake watch he says don't drink the wine first Peter 5:8 our last subject our time is up diet is actually a tool to show us the inner content of the heart going back to Exodus chapter 16 what was the deep spirit so a reason that God gave them that manna in the wilderness verse 4 says behold I will rain bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate an Omer every day that I may wear the next word say prove them whether they will what walk in my love or no friends the reason diet is given to us is to show us whether we have rebellion in our hearts or we want to walk according to God's commandments in the Bible the expression to prove that comes from a Hebrew word naka it means to test and in the scriptures I don't have time now my time is up but in Deuteronomy 8 and verse 2 and another text and second chronicles it says that whenever God proves you he shows you what is in your heart he showed you so the reason that God gave them the diet was to show them the content of their heart the health before methods that the message that we are to eat properly it's a tremendous blessing to the church because it shows you that there's rebellion still in the heart when you're struggling we say look I don't want to eat it but you but you give in to that that thing and you eat what you shouldn't eat God is it's a blessing God is showing you that you still have rebellion and your heart o friends I could tell you so many store let me tell you can tell you one story I as a child have struggled with chocolate when I was a kid when I was in high school I would go buy the one-pound bars I just much of a whole oh and go buy another one I was a chocolate holic and I battled with that thing I knew it wasn't good for me and I eventually I got the victory over that thing but down through the years it has like a voice it when I go on the story to call me John over here well it's a little chocolate bar over there calling me I heard of my where I got to get to my apples in my tofu and then everything and one time I had gone over to my mother's house this was many years ago and my mother she had big old bowl of kisses I was there just visiting my mother lived in California I was living in Wisconsin my wife and I came now I was studying my Bible it was about 11 at night I kept looking at that bowl of kisses friends don't don't look at temptation and I said you know what I'm just gonna have one kissy it's about 11:30 at night my wife's sleeping the she won't know so I went over and I had a kissy looks like oh it's like heaven I think I'll have to - kisses friends I ate the whole bowl and I was spitting on the floor my mother's living room and I look all these little four things and I'm saying when they come out in the morning they're gonna know that I ate this cat oh I've got to go to places so I went to the grocery store at about 1:00 in the morning there's nobody in the store I come to the counter with a big bag of kisses and a girl behind the counter she's looking at me like yeah brother you got problems coming in store at 1:00 in the morning buying a big bag of chocolate was friends God was showing me that I still have what's that word because they are rebellion in my heart the health message is not to beat you up and to make you feel bad it's trying to show you your spiritual condition you should say praise the Lord God you're showing me myself just showing me that I'm still rebelling against your reveal will and you're trying to tell me that if I come to you that you have the power to change my life frenzy I don't eat kisses anymore say Amen got the victory stepped away from it get off of me I don't want to be a slave to chocolate anymore I want to be able to tell people how God gave the victory and friends he can give you the victory over these things appetite issues reveal the content of the heart console don't die we have to end this our time has gone over why did God remove meat from their diet as the general thing the Lord did not provide as people with flesh meat in the desert because he knew that the use of this diet would create disease in what's the next word there insubordination that's rebellion in order to modify the disposition and bring the higher powers of the mind into active exercise he removed it from their diet friends I've been talking about fish and chicken and meat friends I'm not because I'm your enemy it's it's not because God is your enemy that he said he wants to modify your disposition he wants to change something in your mind I'm here to tell you you can get the victory our time is up I'm not going to have time to go through these last few slides but Deuteronomy 21 it tells a powerful story about the children of Israel they had a young man that was a rebellious child and the Bible describes him as someone who would be a glutton and a drunkard a glutton is someone that eats whatever they want and a drunkard is someone that drinks whatever they wanted the Bible says that that child would be stoned to death that that violator was put out of the Hebrew society reading the numbers 21 18 through 21 there was the capital punishment for people that just said I can eat whatever I want to eat God said not in my camp you can not in my camp and the reason why he had capital punishment which was things so severe is because dietary rebellion is contagious it spreads to other families to other children and God knew that if it went loosened in his ancient encampment it would destroy everything go back and read Zechariah chapter 3 1 through 4 stoning seems like such a harsh penalty but it shows the severity of this crime against God and Zephaniah chapter 3 it talks about God's filthy people the margin for filthy says gluttonous and if you look up that word Mar it's only used twice in the whole Bible very rare Hebrew word it means to whip or lash with wings as the ostrich in running and says that when you're a glutton you're actually when the ostrich runs he beats himself up and the Bible says that when you eat whatever you want really the person that you're hurting is yourself you're really beating yourself up we closed our first sermon this morning with this text that the enemies of the cross of Christ that they worship another god oh I don't believe jack-in-the-boxes that's the devil I don't believe that maybe not but believe this if you give yourself to uncontrol appetite you are worshiping the belly God you are worshiping the lower powers we'll talk about that in our next meeting friends God gave the dietary restrictions to his people because he wanted to separate them from the world do you realize that if you eat differently from other people you can't go to lunch with them then if you and if you do go to lunch with them there's a problem okay let's order this we'll get this on our pizza um I don't eat that hey why not oh I'll tell you about it later well let's go to this over here I don't eat that either well why'd you come with us brother should have stayed home on me God gave that that's a blessing saying man it's a blessing that your diet separates you that's what the Bible says the text you can look it up Leviticus chapter 20 verses 24 through 20 that that's how he severs us from the nation's in misery of healing page 280 we've come to the end now it says that that God's restrictions were not arbitrary that many articles of food eaten freely by the heathen were forbidden because those things were unwholesome and it goes on to say that which corrupts the body tends to corrupt the soul when you eat those things it says it unfits the user for communion with God it unfits him for high and holy service so the things that we put into our shopping cart can actually affect our interests or lack of interest in spiritual thing that's why when I travel around and I talk to people I tell them you can change your diet and in so doing remodel your entire life start here say Lord I declare war on this thing I'm gonna get it out of my refrigerator and out of my life I'm not gonna let my stomach tell my brain what to do my brain is going to tell my stomach what to do Lord give my brain power to choose power to decide because what goes into your mouth power early if powerfully affects your spiritual walk it really what you put into your mouth says a lot about who you are when we go into the refrigerator and we open the door you're looking at yourself you're looking at your own character and God is speaking to you from that refrigerator I can tell you somebody's my time is up I I was in Oregon State there was a man he weighed about 400 pounds he says I cannot walk behind the frigerator without going inside it he drank 24 cans of coca-cola a day how many cans did I say 24 cans a day he met a neighbor she was an Adventist woman she says I will help you but you have to do exactly what I say she said help me I'm dying they are gave him a tracheotomy he couldn't breathe and the doctors told him you'll be dead in six months at this rate gorging yourself he said help me sister she says I'll take every piece of food out of your house I will cook your meal she lives a mile from here you must walk to my house with the Tupperware from yesterday and you get these three meals and you walk to my house and I'll cook your meal for you and you come back he says I'll do it and he started walking to her house there was no food in his house he went through all kinds of withdrawal kicking chairs and he was he says he knew he had to do it and he went down from 402 382 350 to 302 280 the 250 he should go away himself at the hospital in that little town on the laundry scale because there was no scale that went up for enough 400s and when he would come in weigh himself every week the people from the hustle would come out they would cheer yes he said I lost 12 more pounds I lost seven more pounds and his whole life was changing but that advant his sister moved away and because he was depending upon her he fell back gained his weight back and more friends we can't depend on the health and temperance leader on the pastor we can't depend on these visiting speakers that come from all over America we have to depend on Jesus we have to start praying and saying God I have a problem help me with this problem Jesus came to give us victory over the law and when we indulge our hepatitis 6th commandment patriarchs and prophets page 308 we're going to close with a poem read the words in white for me please what is the title of the poem say where the issues of the mouth the things you put within your mouth can show which way you're going show if you are headed south supply a way of knowing mouths or windows to the soul they tell if we are cheating straining principals of all then breaking them by eating for if we eat but we should not in foul our underpinning our foundation then we make our plate in pot the vehicles for sinning for what goes in goes deep within it borrows we're past the cell it leaves a record of our sin that others read as well four flus and colds and extra pounds the girth from hated tissues focuses and brings around important weighted issues am i buy my meal time choice a saint or little Hellion is there peace with inner voice or am i what in rebellion there is truth in advertising friends if you keep eating this you will die don't listen to the propaganda the propaganda says I like the sprite in you the propaganda says whatever your body urges you to do obey your thirst we need to go back to God's original plan how many of you today you know what you need to wage war on and you want to make a decision to say by God's grace I'm going to pray to get the victory over that thing raise your hand praise the Lord kneel with me as we close out in prayer our greatest Father in heaven we praise your name Lord for how your word illuminates our condition Oh Lord we see that this health message has been given to us this gospel of Health has been given to us as a wonderful wonderful tool to show us who we really are you have told us in our word that in the last days the Laodicean church would know us not that she is wretched miserable poor blind and naked and yet you've given us the health work so that we might understand our true condition there were scores of hands raised this afternoon as conviction is becoming clearer and stronger that now is the time to make a change I pray that your grace will be imparted to your sons and daughters today that they might take up the battle against this chain that Satan has fastened and we pray that your Holy Spirit will break every chain every yoke and that your people might go forth as soldiers to the last conflict because you've asked it in the mighty name of Jesus and all the people said together amen
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 19,898
Rating: 4.7699113 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Health, Temperance, Ministry, Bible, Nutrition, John, Skeete, Sabbath, Worshp
Id: 8aS923aEis8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2012
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