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i love watching satisfying things on youtube okay i love it but someone who loves it just as much if not weirdly more ksi and he has he has like weird times when he's free so when we do these reacts videos he's not normally free so he now does them on his own and he just records like five or six in a day and then they get uploaded and we have no idea but he takes the good videos he always takes the best videos this time he's taking most satisfying workers it's just him let's see how weird he is oh god oh god here we go i know he is a bit of a weirdo with this kind of stuff all right by the way you like the chain like the chain he's wearing anyone anyone like the chain see this xix chain you like that yeah my video if you want to see my main channel video went up today feel free to watch it you got it fixed no go watch my main channel video here we go yes ladies and gentlemen one's most satisfying workers oh god you know what the special word of that sentence is satisfied oh god i do like my satisfying moments you know what i don't even want to talk too much let's just get straight into this these people are masters of their craft i'm trying not to be satisfied i don't know what job this is but that doesn't matter hey this girl is the very best in the world if you ever need someone to put loads of socks onto me oh wait she did no no no no no see this is the issue right i clock things that jj ain't gonna clock look someone to put loads of so she's got every single one i'm pretty certain she goes for that wait son she missed one she missed one she missed one hundred percent damn some purpose to the workers behind her then how come she didn't miss any others imagine her betting a condom on like that though ah she ain't even looking and she's slipping it on that's what she's doing with socks imagine what she does with that yeah yeah you need someone to put loads of socks onto metal feet in the shortest time possible she's definitely who you want to call this passing behind us oh his accuracy is seriously impressive now i want to see how he gets them off that stick again you probably never think that fixing cracks in a road would be so calming huge city squares aren't the easiest to clean but these things have mastered the use [Music] yeah let's just put our own music yeah there we go now we're talking look at hey look at bay making this look easy that tea looking great oh whoa look at the whip that cucumber slice i never seen don't tell me that that was a pickle that was not a cucumber was it oh my god guys no no i need to see that that's pickled that's a pickle right that's not that cucumber maybe it is it looks pickled it's cucumber oh my god he's just spinning around spitting it out okay yeah cool bruh not as satisfying that wasn't that satisfying oh this is gonna be the one okay we're just gonna start scraping oh one more pause pause and these there are tools for everything these days and that's ellen with the raid thank you so much for the raid the pause makes it not as satisfying ah one more pause pause i need to see this sound for this there are tools for everything these days and that's great because it means we get videos like this i'm gonna be honest the sound effects oh [Music] that looks really fun [Music] actually the sound i heard no no no no no no no no no we're not you're on mute stop [Music] you know how much you know how much i want to use one of these you know how much i want to use one of these things i don't know what it is but i want one and i will i will clean anyone's rug sounds weirdly sexual but this look how [Music] [Music] he said he said the word flip he just said the word flip he didn't even you can't say flip to make the sound effect of a flip that doesn't even make sense some of these are going to be sound effects aren't they on the stream they're gonna be sound alerts just him going he's just saying a word now oh bricks bricks are not making plop sounds this man this man is fighting a pro boxer in five days i know blop blop blop flop what what what up wait are you guys moving the house what the hell what is that he's turned this into an anime song he's what like there's anime lines on the screen he's turned this video into being really unsatisfying like this is a really satisfying video and now i've just got this donny just making noises in my ears [Music] at least you're like scratch scratch okay that one makes sense he's moving kind of mad there you know he's actually moving kind of mad just just watch him just watch jj's face cam oh know he's lost his mind he's actually lost his mind aaron thank you for the bits ah he's not paying attention to how satisfying all of this is look at this that is beautiful is right he is just saying the word that sometimes he just says the word like this he just goes that's it that's all it is okay okay that one felt real i don't even know how he made that sound but that one worked that was good i'm a chair upsell jet chair upside down right every now and then he gets one that's actually like it really works one of them really works and then he just goes i'm a chair i've been released like that like that what i think you just i think you just came i've been released what is that it looks amazing he's moving in the motion of the thing his head moves as if that is it here we go here we [Music] that go really satisfying bro it's just been making sound effects for the whole 10 minutes he's lost his mind i keep forgetting that this is a satisfying video and i keep thinking like wow this clip is really satisfying and then i realized that's the entire point of the video i'm not here to watch jj make sound effects i'm here to watch the satisfyingness [Music] he's saying chop again he's saying chop again anything that's putting down now is plot anything that's chopping is chopped do you reckon you could put his sound effect over a porno i reckon you could and i reckon it could i reckon it could be really accurate like him going like and stuff like that definitely could definitely and then like the bang all right all right okay oh bruh no i can't i don't wait watch jj's face cam okay oh bro no i can't haha oh my god i always think right that like say mo for example he must sit there and he gets he gets sent it through this footage sees okay jj has reacted on his own to world's most satisfying workers okay he's probably going to make some like oh that's so nice noises and then he sees this footage and just after five minutes he's thinking what the [ __ ] do i do for a living like i just edit some guy i edit some guy making sound effects over eggs like it sounds so weird look at him no this should be like i bet it's fun oh yeah 100. it's just he has weird he must have weird days like moe must edit some like normal videos and then just videos like this oh come on honestly i don't know what the [ __ ] this video was goodbye i've never done anything like that in my life i innovate i mean yeah i don't know what i've just watched and you know what shout out to mo for sitting through that to edit so because [ __ ] me that was weird that was so weird yeah gg simon reacts providing you that quality content daily
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 667,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7, miniminter clips
Id: 9ShtK3xVVBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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