A VAMPIRE SURVIVAL GAME! Asmongold Plays V-Rising

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okay this was ours we ruled this land we owned the night yeah I'll be rising on that day can one of the mods changed this section against us because uh it doesn't it doesn't let me overthrown thank you for centuries hidden away in darkness tortured by thirst choking down dust ing until now our hunt begins again there it is there's a new patch that came out for this game okay yes I'm signing away my wife uh I guess I should do a private game just do that okay standard PVE rules Clan size I don't really care okay password I'm not gonna worry about that I'm asking current players 60. put on streamer mode if you make a server yeah I already did I I saw coe's tweet this morning and I already set it to streamer mode okay so this is me all right that can be purple like a night elf can I just be Illidan not really what the [ __ ] are these hairstyles oh wait yeah I can I can literally just be Illidan okay let me see uh I guess we'll go about right here and then let's look at all the hairstyles okay and then face okay only this face it's number one [ __ ] he's mad no no Maybe what the [ __ ] oh my God ah I feel like we're gonna go with this one okay that's We're not gonna go with that nope wow ah no oh wow he's super emo I like that what the [ __ ] is this this is all girl hair oh this one's okay yeah that one's decent enough I like that one that one's that's that's a girl hairstyle ah this one's okay I don't like that weird thing in his face that looks just stupid that's like makima from [ __ ] chainsaw man this is some [ __ ] weird ass anime [ __ ] too no apps abso [ __ ] lutely not what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be oh my God oh [ __ ] see if there's a better one okay all right that's girl hairstyle that's girl this is cool why don't we have it like this this is badass except for off yeah why don't we just do this oh how about like that yeah yeah let's do it like that that's [ __ ] cool look at that okay this one looks good too I don't like the way it moves around though that's not enough hair no no what the [ __ ] was this Powerpuff what the [ __ ] oh this one's kind of cool I think we're dude I think we're gonna go with this one this one's [ __ ] badass yeah what do y'all think it's dumb that's really [ __ ] dumb that's dumb that's dumb no ah this is okay nah guys nah nah nah nah all right so we either go with this one listen Ayo we go with this one right here or we go with this one it's going to be one or the other 23 or 29 okay most people are saying 29 okay we're gonna go with 29. okay and then hair color I think we should just go solid black I mean this one looks pretty good I think black hair looks better blood red no he just looks like a Seder from uh [ __ ] uh like Fairless or something not fair like fell wood I I think this is good all right what about features okay so we got that one okay so he's got the weird [ __ ] scheming beard oh I kind of like oh that looks kind of good dude no beard I do feel like maybe he does look better with no beard what do you guys think I think that no beard is more iconic his eyes where's his eye color oh yeah um uh eye color I think I'll just go with brown eyes maybe red actually I kind of like this this looks pretty good and then accessories okay what are his accessories so he's got these weird earrings that's stupid that's stupid stupid what the hell even is that who cares that's stupid dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb kind of cool that actually is kind of that's that's kind of cool I like that okay no Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum oh Illidan oh [ __ ] I think that we just go with nothing man I think we just straight up go with nothing yeah I think we just do nothing okay I think we've made our character we've made our Warrior our champion yeah this guy does not skip neck day here we go rotate camera oh [ __ ] this turning radius is super fast okay here we go oh [ __ ] okay okay oh [ __ ] okay so how do I get bones I guess we'll find out really soon you don't have adjust DPI buttons on your mouse I do but I just don't want to change them because then that's going to change everything but yeah this does this is a lot better but then it changes my mouse I wish I could just like change the look speed more okay here we go so we need to get 30 bones can I get a bone from this tree it seems like this tree doesn't have bones okay here we go thank you okay not too bad that wasn't too bad at all right okay and I can eat Mr rat nice claim another accomplishment oh okay so I crafted a sword now well great okay uh let's see here r shirt let's see counter okay and that's my attack here I'm gonna hit more than one target no trying to figure this game out bro why how does he keep hitting me man this is bro this is [ __ ] Oh I thought I could Dodge that okay uh so we looted all the bones okay okay and I I ate the rat can be consumed nice why is she two of these okay great so I'm surviving on eating rats that's not too bad look at the tutorial and and the craft sword oh how do I craft oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I did it I did it I did it okay um and then okay so one equips the sword all right oh this is a lot okay so this is pretty easy what does this counter button do it doesn't matter okay can I change the Looting options controls e is interact because they both start with the same letter I recognize my power okay craft a boner ring okay so let's craft the boner ring and then okay it's already equipped claim and achievement to be sure okay craft a bonus chess guard okay oh wow a wow a wow okay so we make this and then we get more boners and then we get more rug Tides okay good and then do I auto equip yeah it looks like I do want to equip okay so that's done I get both of these items oh this is good oh this is big good Look At Me Now bro this guy's getting farmed thank you bro they're actually getting [ __ ] farmed I'm a God holy [ __ ] do you want to know what I don't like the most about this game the camera I don't like the camera I've never liked the camera in this game I don't know why it has to be like this can you use wasd yeah you can I gotta watch out for that guy behind me you need a mod to unlock the camera maybe I should just download that mod that actually sounds really good yeah I kind of want to do that because it's like if I could just turn that off I would automatically enjoy the game more it's this new Diablo yeah this is Diablo 4. okay what's in a container take all that's what's in the container okay what's over here we need to find uh do weapons have durability I guess I've got to find out yes no okay so nobody knows all right oh this looks like an elite rat oh [ __ ] foreign pretty well that that's the first boss right I already beat the first boss damn I'm doing really well let's go okay let me look these two yeah if I can change the camera if somebody can link that to me maybe I'm like my Reddit so I can look at how to do that because that will that will dramatically increase my enjoyment of the game this camera angle is like it's just so weird I don't like it okay I still need more more rug to hide what the [ __ ] damn that calendar is really good so the mobs just like keep running at you randomly I guess maybe it's because I'm in a graveyard I mean that would make sense right zoom out yeah I just wanted to get an idea like how the the gameplay worked oops is this game pay to win I hope so but I'm not sure yet yeah I mean we you know fingers crossed guys okay Enter fairbane oh wow choose where to start okay let's start right there foreign that map is huge yeah this is a really big map holy [ __ ] and this is where the Gloom Rod is oh that was down it shouldn't hit me okay oh gotcha [ __ ] oh wow I got some rugged hide right there well that's really good for me hold e to teleport where does this take me to though okay nowhere because okay so it's like a teleportation Network is this an elite dick sucker it seems like it's not the normal one okay let me see if I can oops wrong button oh wow I can make the whole set now okay check the store DMS for camera mod thanks man yeah I'll look into that just check the third person mod video and basically becomes valheim yeah because like that's probably the one thing about this game that like always was like off-putting craft bonuses okay how do I make a bonus and then I have to cut down trees I should make this helmet too copper ingots and leather okay three oh look at that big wood all right can you no okay what the [ __ ] is this moon is rising oh wait what the hell I just do I just ate his dick did I eat his dick I think we ate his dick oh that was good okay let's cut down this wood okay oh that's really nice you can just hold it down I don't have to spam click we might as well just finish these off use e to feed okay I understand okay yet another accomplishment bone mace okay and let's make a bone mace refined into blood Essence using a blood press okay let's [ __ ] ups oh oh that's not a rock I bet this is a rock this is a rock did you turn on streamer mode yes I did shout out to co Carnage for that information I saw that earlier today and I knew I was gonna play the game so I kept it in mind who's this dick sucker license did sucker trying to [ __ ] on me oh press right mouse to a bore for a wheel on a board okay and if I remember right the way this works is like you you different blood gives you different stuff right you can't abort in Texas that's right [Music] okay construct and interact with a castle heart okay um where the hell do I want to make my base maybe I should make it like right here in this open area I don't know where the right spot to make a basis I think let's go to the open area that seems like the smartest thing right B is for build well that makes sense because they start with the same letter so since this is a okay so there we go all right I understand that okay let's go this way okay are these danger dogs yes yes these are in fact dangerous adults I was hoping to try to hit two of them why am I not able to get his ass I don't understand why oh it's a CD oh oh okay I get it so it's like the feed functions as an execute right yes okay all right we're going to build our base maybe up here I think this would be a really good spot for a base yeah this seems really good there's nothing bad here right now this place seems totally chill oh you think I'm gonna get kicked on by a bear bro I'm not gonna get [ __ ] on by there oh my God I'm getting [ __ ] on by a there oh I sucked this dick right off all right let's go wait what the [ __ ] is there somebody talking to me what in the [ __ ] Lydia the chaos Archer bro she's level dead sure she's level skull that's bad I don't want to deal with her she's gonna do a lot of damage to me yeah I'm not gonna [ __ ] around with that okay let's cut down some trees and we're gonna build our base I'm proud of myself for digging down that bear that was really impressive press control you may bite it once I don't know how that works oh okay heal that drains your blood bar oh okay did these stumps go away because I don't want to have a bunch of stumps in my base man yeah okay we're gonna break this down so we can build our own base out with the old and with the new that's for showing blood and Co-op okay uh let me do that again then so I should always have blood men then okay that's gonna take a little bit of time getting used to but I I think I kind of understand it one man uh heals you when necessary okay does your bass still disappear over time I mean I don't know like I I played this game like whenever it came out for like an hour no no I played it more than that but like I didn't play it a lot foreign okay so we got stone bricks okay and I think this is a pretty nice place to build a base and let's go ahead and do a rough floor okay maybe I need to make a base one of these here okay Foundation all right let's go ahead and kill these I have to kill this rock laughs nice okay and let's see here build structure Foundation construct and interact with your Castle heart okay so I need to e insert blood essence upgrade castle heart okay recognize my power and now I get the walls right so I guess this should be the door oh no this is the entrance okay I understand oh now this is the gate okay I cannot build here okay so we have to we have to deal with these okay well we've got to dick down these uh these trees give some blood Essence to the castle heart okay Castle is decaying feed the heart I see I see okay have I seen the corpse pile mob yet uh no I haven't okay so now I should be able to make it right place a wood coffin okay so that I guess is like okay that's like my respawn place a stash okay let's just make like five of these Okay so a missed brazier recognize my power okay um bones in it did I get it oh I see I see I see okay that's good now we need to construct and interact with a sawmill okay let's do that I need to get a whoa I need to get a wood all right all right let's go get the wood huh foreign it's going to take a while for me to get all these Woods no space wait yeah I have space I have space though you mean ceiling I don't think you need a ceiling right later okay okay um how many wood am I oh I need way more yeah I know if you go in the sun it gets your ass I I know that so I've already been [ __ ] by that before maybe get some viewer servants to cut up wood oh that's good you mean slaves yeah it takes a while why don't you just buy the resources oh on the store I don't think there is a store for that okay so that's all done and I think I should have enough right so let's go ahead and build the sawmill uh okay I'm assuming I have to use the Sawmill to make the lumber worked my giant to make planks okay did I just do what I think I did no okay I thought I made it backwards wood Plank and sawdust okay so we just got to get big wood hmm I might as well just sleep right now until the um the night time right okay it doesn't work that way um all right uh let's go this way there are vendors in the game of exchange materials for copper coins well I don't have any copper coins let's kill this one here wow this game is so boring this is the kind of game listen like this is a Vibe game okay so like if you're not into the vibe of this game you're gonna have a bad time sprayed up foreign trees where are copper trees how would you describe the vibe of this game it's hard I don't think I really know what the vibe of the game is yet seems okay but like I mean I'll definitely tell you this right the game doesn't have as strong of a Vibe as valheim did at the beginning like I like this game it's a good game but it definitely doesn't have the same Vibe as valheim the camera sucks yeah I think the camera is a huge negative and I'm gonna download an add-on for tomorrow that makes it to where the camera gets zoomed down the Moon is rising thanks rod this game has good boss fights I've actually seen a few of the boss fights I've seen that it looks very good okay let's go ahead and kill these trees and then after this we'll go back and try to make some stuff Base building is also great I'm not a fan of the base building because like you don't get to see like I feel like this game is more complex than valheim it seems like it is but um sometimes complexity is not quality but we're gonna have to play it and make a decision after we spend more time playing it rather than just like I can't just say that stuff this early on you know like I mean how how how do I really know so we're gonna go ahead and just try to play the game and and see what it has for us okay so I need to get a uh sawmill so sorry a simple workbench okay how simple is this workbench oops can I disenchant this how do I do that does it build dismantle okay I see I see thank you okay so what do I need to make I need plonks and I need rugged hide okay so copper is better so you want to get copper ingots I guess let's go ahead and wait for more planks I don't like the timing on this having to wait this much but I guess since it's an online game it makes sense as much as I could change if I wanted to I'd like to I know people would say like oh we'll make multiple sawmills oh it's one of those okay wow so I guess I should make a larger base then because like if you guys are talking about like this like bro I need to have like a whole Production Studio you can change the rates yeah but changing the rates changes the game I want to play B Rising not a mod you need a huge base okay I'll resize my base in a minute by the way I find that kind of stupid I don't like that I wish it wasn't like that I'm gonna I'm gonna make the bass like this big has he plays this game before I played it very very shortly like basically hardly at all what if I make it just around to this missed barrier I mean I feel like that's kind of smart isn't it okay I need blood Essence okay so I guess in order to get blood Essence I have to kill things plus six okay um all right I guess the smart thing for me to do right now is to pick this up I'm gonna put this wood away and I guess now what we'll do is we'll make uh what's the best one that I really want um I should probably make the mace because I've already got a lot of wood I feel like it doesn't really even matter don't spear oh that's actually pretty good I should get that to creatures do creatures count does is every single NPC do all of them count as a creature like a scale okay okay so there's like different types of NPCs just beasts okay let's make this let's make this let's make this let's make this Okay so we've got full we're fully wooded out and we're gonna do ax and we're gonna do mace and we're gonna do let's do sword two let's just bro let's just big dick this whole thing humans are separate okay I understand blood rose ring I guess I'll just make that over time okay and I'm gonna equip all this stuff and we'll go ahead and put this here put this here put that there let's move the rats out of here and move this out of here okay good and so now we need to get ready and let's go start farming I probably should make another Sawmill but I'm just not going to worry about it right now let's see what it tells me to do accomplishment track V Blood using the blood menu okay how does I do that oh bro I look good oh [ __ ] okay all right this is some sort of [ __ ] how whistle that oh my God oh my [ __ ] god oh my god let's go let's just go kill that guy okay so let's go ahead and kill alpha wolf track blood okay where does he be is it this I I like this is very confusing for me okay so it's got to be the other direction then okay foreign oh no I took them off okay there we go oh actually you know what maybe now since I have the uh maybe now since I have this new mace I can find oh wow oh wow what level are they oh let's let's kill these guys thank you damn we [ __ ] them oh my God we really [ __ ] them that was great oh bro this is awesome we just make the mobs do everything for us I cut down this tree no that's stupid I should be able to I guess we should cut down the special flowers if we go this way bear territory oh guys I think there might be Bears here oh my [ __ ] god it's a bear I [ __ ] knew it okay so countering only works it seems with base attacks I'm dead no I'm not shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you winners winning oh this is a big boy this is okay okay so there's like a little okay that's a web all right I like it foreign oh [ __ ] I thought I'd be out of that oh wow oh maybe the maze would be better do these matte does the weapon that I'm using even matter yes okay laughs oh that's not good it's gonna be good is this worth it maybe it's not okay they're all dead and then now I should probably use this right yeah okay that healed for a lot I don't even need to deal with these bears maybe I should kill the Bears more all right we aborted him okay creature okay good oh what's this oh were these like gemstones or something let's see nice this is a big money situation oh oh there's copper let's go get the copper nice okay so you get a lot of copper I would even say you get an ass load of copper you can hold the left click yeah I'm just not used to it okay it takes 20 to make an Ingot though oh [ __ ] okay so I can't do this like Sandstone or whatever the [ __ ] it is all right let's go this way looks like I can't jump down there either thank you I think I have to go this way yeah it seems this way I'm only level 17. oh levels are determined by your item oh Wolf Den wolfden okay here we are [ __ ] oh my God is that the big dick that's the big dick right there watch a [ __ ] [Music] thank you okay the wrong button foreign [ __ ] sucker this shit's so annoying it's so annoying bro I hit that dog in the [ __ ] head bro oh [ __ ] like Diablo well this camera is annoying foreign [Music] oh yeah there it is nice taste I am the alpha wolf construct and interact with the research dick research desk okay vampire powers wolf form boy hello hello okay so they they think I'm on their side now but this is actually an illusion okay top G yeah I'm the alpha wolf okay so let's go over back to the base I guess where the hell is the base okay it's this way yeah dude this camera is so cringe God I hate this [ __ ] this is so stupid like I don't know why they made it this way wait what oh there we go is this the new furry game yeah it is can you lock the camera I don't know it's just like um the camera movement is uh awkward let me just say that it's awkward maybe so it's harder to see Shadows I mean I don't give a [ __ ] why it is I think it sucks maybe like after I get more used to it it'll be okay you know what yeah yeah maybe maybe I'll get more used to it and it'll be okay I hope so what this be oh look at that big loot okay am I going the right way absolutely [ __ ] not okay yeah I would love to change this camera this camera is so stupid it makes for epic combat I don't like the camera guys like it I don't care what what you think about the cat I want to be able to use and look around care about epic combat how am I gonna have epic combat let's take them out okay stealth watch this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ass increased physical power oh that seems big good yeah dude that seems really good what the [ __ ] the same as well just hold the right right button yeah but like wow doesn't have as many skill shots right so I can isometric games like skill shots are okay but whenever you have to deal with like moving a camera and also activating skill shots it's kind of annoying like yeah I agree with you that like the camera is no problem in melee combat but outside of that I I find it to be frustrating it's a tab Target game yeah true always go for higher percentile blood okay oh my God these are danger dogs so I should just like AOE Farm these right I know damn bro like okay that went really well I feel like I heal up pretty fast too that first boss fight was okay um foreign was it like super good no but like I don't think it was supposed to be you know it's just the first boss so I I think yeah I'm enjoying it so far okay there's another what the [ __ ] is that that's an elite thank you that's a lot okay maybe I should just stay back I kind of want to go in and attack them okay not too bad after you dodge your next attack heals you use that to sustain use blood men to exchange blood for health I feel like I don't even need to do that I should be fine I'm just gonna heal over time anyway if I fight a bunch of other mobs then I'll I'll do that I think I'm just about to go to the base anyway there's no reason to Okay so now I guess what we should do since how much Essence do we have we have a hundred and and like [ __ ] something Essence so I I think next thing we need to do is build the space out let's build the space out a lot more this will not work oh cause of a rock well that'll do it okay and then we'll go ahead and do this again and do I need to do another one of these or no it's not I must gather more material oh I need more Woods okay that makes sense okay so now uh let's see so I was here and then I did build and then this is what gets rid of it right okay I'm trying to get used to this okay we have a lot of these I guess like we'll hold on to I guess I'll just uh yeah let's just make the rest of these walls for now and this this this thing here is maybe the uh the area that I can build in because of this object that's what I'm kind of guessing but I don't know okay so let's see here construct and interact with the research desk okay let's see how the research desk works I need eight planks okay where are planks there are planks research desk put that right there discover okay this is some sort of Tech Tree understood an achievement to upgrade to Castle heart to level two okay um copper ingots and I also need the leather okay so let's go ahead and do that okay I'm just down Fern ass okay let's go ahead and get this and then Vermin nest I need a blood press okay let's do this copper ore okay let's put copper ore into here then sulfur or I bet that's the next thing I need to get rugged hide okay foreign rugged hides I guess we need more stones we need more stones and more copper actually well we just need more everything like it's actually not it's like not even complicated we just need more of everything you unlock the Tannery from one of the bosses okay build a few furnaces and Sawmills so you can get more mats faster I'll get to that point where I'm like Max crafting but I'm uh I'm not going to worry about it right now okay oh foreign Your Castle heart great idea great idea you know what I should just uh I should just do that right now yeah let me just go do that it's a good idea okay all that's done let's use this does this affect does the weapon that I use affect the resource generation for just how fast I generate the resources just the speed okay but like let's say if I can get a hundred of them I either get 100 of them like quickly or not right or like I either get 110 at a time or five at a time it's both okay who's next boss we'll see I'm trying to just clear out this area right now and then I'm gonna go I'm gonna go go to the next boss I just want to make sure that I have like everything that that I need first yeah I'm gonna clear all this stuff out it'll take a little bit of time but I think it'll be worth it let's throw some great effect on vegetation axes of great effect on wood yeah I I read that on the menu that's what it said oh [ __ ] sucker is that a bad boy over there I guess I probably shouldn't go try to kill that one right we're gonna try and do as much of this as possible and then go back inside the base nodes respawn on Plain gland bro we're gonna manifest the desk we're gonna Manifest Destiny this whole [ __ ] map you don't need to worry about or even think about unclaimed land brother this whole place is going to be private property foreign ERS to play D4 early uh yeah I mean why not who cares I mean it depends on if you have the money for it like I mean if you actually you know what here's a really good question if you're even asking yourself that question do you really have the money to do that because I bet you probably don't because like the people that are buying it early probably don't even ask themselves that question because they're just going to do it and they know they're oh [ __ ] that's still oh man that's so dumb oh bro like really oh that's so dumb I I guess it doesn't really matter because I'm just gonna I'm never gonna go back here again after I clear out all these mats okay um and let's see so we've got a lot more of these to go and we'll be able to upgrade really soon with that and then sawmill uh do I want to just do more wood I'm trying to decide I'd kind of actually like to finish the base let me finish the base first okay oh God okay um how do I get rid of this again okay um okay and now this should complete cover for this area too and then okay all right let's get this out of the way oh we're gonna need more boxes okay perfect all right next let's see what else we can make here all right so we need copper ingots and we need planks so we just need more copper ingots like straight up we just need more of that okay so let's just go get that bone Castle key is this like a PVP thing this looks like it's a PVP thing yeah okay all right so next thing I guess we should do and it does seem like objects have durability but it's not very important so Okay so we've already killed this okay well let's see what he's going to get oh crossbow let's go ahead and do that actually wait a second uh what's this Saka yeah I guess I don't have that yet all right crossbow sucks really okay all right let's go find this guy he's ever that way let's do it and we will kill every single copper Vein on the way over there because we want to get all the copper that we can you guys can see like obviously I need like an ass load of copper house combat awkward okay yeah I personally think combat is awkward okay is this the base oh this is a copper mine well this is really good okay let's kill these guys oh [ __ ] okay you can Stun Me foreign I see he puts up a shield okay brute what does brute give me primary attack wife leech that's pretty good I don't know if I need that though I feel like I'm already I'm already surviving really easily so I'm not sure if that's necessary okay great so I can destroy all this stuff and get more stuff out of it is there a reason for me to try to get the Essences or is it just like another way of killing an NPC like should I always feed or no get the paper yeah well the paper gives me the uh the upgrades right foreign okay so I all right so I feel like this life leech doesn't really heal me for a lot I don't know if it's really even worth it helps I feel like sometimes you just dip them down not really worth until 60 yeah it doesn't really seem like it's that great I just thought I thought the heel would be more I felt like it would be more it seems like it's it's like not really worth it I feel like the smart thing for me to do is destroy these barrels because usually in barrels and games like this there's going to be like random ass items that you could maybe get that like you're not really even supposed to get this early oh I'm so good at this game okay um oh what's this hold to unlock oh that's a really big chest [Music] Maids cap spell modifications removes all negative effects crude copper coin okay I get can I destroy the chest no this thing does a pretty good amount of damage oh yeah okay that's pretty good progression multiplayer you like this game yeah I'm just trying to learn it at my own pace obviously I'm sure that I could probably understand a few things faster if I ask chat but I kind of just want to go through it and learn things at my own pace and see kind of how the game was supposed to be played go into the mine no I will I just wanted to clear everything else before I went into the mine I thought that was like the smarter idea right here I guess we'll go back here not really a big deal let's just take a minute let's go over there and AOE Farm These Guys I don't know how that hit me maybe I'm misunderstanding the way it works and I think we'll just take this one anyway okay I took a pretty good amount of damage there I think actually let's go and just heal real quick chest uh did I miss a chest I feel like I didn't minor I guess we should just Farm them at the same time as we Farm the uh The Ore I wonder oh do you guys think my maybe likes maybe siphoning the miner's life will give me something that will give me more uh more stuff worker oh this yeah I was right okay [ __ ] yeah this is an ass load of copper this will take me a while to get through it all but it'll be worth it played darkest dungeon too I've been seeing a lot of people playing that game I I don't know if I'm really interested in it or not laughs it's hard yeah yeah I don't know Austin Fox to pass at this point no it's just that I there's a lot of games that I like end up like just like wanting to play and I just end up not playing them until like later foreign or two different gameplay loops yeah I mean I've seen a lot of people playing it I think like on Friday I'm gonna play Jedi Survivor tomorrow I might play more of this yeah some of this is definitely a slog I'll tell you that carrying silver I guess we'll kill these two this is scuff this [ __ ] um I don't think it's scuffed consume the red Crystal why thank you okay he's dead the red Crystal will upgrade your cell uh my what there's a boss down there uh yeah I kind of assumed that I mean we're I I figured I would just like kind of make my way over to him right I think that'd be a better idea okay inventory is full let's see what should I throw away I'll throw the rat away I don't really need Mr rat the mine is underground so like this shouldn't even be a problem foreign press red Crystal for inventory space okay uh I don't know what I just did but I just did it Errol the stone breaker upgraded my spell oh I got a bone spear too I guess that's not very important for me it's nice that I just ended up finding one though damn there's no space in my inventory use the boss to break the oars seems like a pain in the ass I think I'll just break them myself okay I must make room if I want to carry that just pull that guy my bags are filled okay see what do I not need um I don't need a sack of 20 wood okay let's just maybe kill this boss okay so he's aggro kill the answer all right he's got a lot of Health oh okay I should pick up this copper oh you're going to have to get through me first okay 16 damage he doesn't really do that much oh this doesn't really matter how much health I I heat how much damage he does oh man I missed foreign I thought I was out of that oh admit I was just getting lazy there I always keep hitting the wrong buttons okay rug and hide I need that I guess we'll get the health gloves too oh assortment of windows what's that I guess let's just kill this guy first let's hear that front oh we sucking his dick off [Music] all right okay great and let's see oh wow that's a lot of copper ore too okay bone we can get rid of Bones and let's go ahead and loot this a short line of wisdom okay I mean that's got to be good because it's yellow and then Stone I feel like we should probably get rid of plant fiber too just to get more copper ore I feel like copper ore is the most important thing there's no space in my inventory leather too weather is going to help me make the new setup here okay I don't even need that I don't even have that spell so I'm Not Gonna Take It okay more copper ore let's see what can we get rid of you do okay I didn't know that maybe I should just come back what do you guys think should I just come back if I want to carry that it'll go away okay throw the seat away I just want to get the I want the big or I feel so bad leaving this copper ore man I must make room actually no I pretty much got everything I mean I did I I got a lot of it like 95 of it I got it okay hello man what the [ __ ] I have no idea where I'm going by the way yeah all right we gotta go this way we gotta get back to town hello I wonder if there's like a big bear I'm gonna have to kill I bet there will be let's see not yet yeah oh for sure this is like Diablo but you're a vampire wolf yeah it's like Diablo if uh uh if it had nothing to do with Diablo and it wasn't like Diablo at all yeah yeah beside I mean besides everything it's like Diablo let me guess yeah okay all right uh let's see what we got here uh let's go ahead put the ore in here this is again a big ore situation this is really really good for me 19 or okay and we also have two leathers copper spear I feel like let me see what we need Okay so we need a lot of leather planks how many wood are we very many this is not a big wood situation gentlemen this is not good oh we okay we've got a little bit of wood um like it's for making the sword okay so we can just cancel that okay um I think let's make the let's make the ax and let's make the mace I am missing key ingredients spear I don't think the spear has value because like I I like I mean maybe it does I'm just not seeing it but like from my perspective it seems like the sphere isn't that great third chest had plank okay thank you hmm I'm assuming you guys are saying that I should do it because oh wow we got big planks uh we should do it because of I I don't I don't even know what I'm talking about okay uh because of the range okay um I guess I'm gonna have to wait until we have more ingots we'll probably make this ring later once we get more plant fiber do I have more Blood Rose I don't even know if I do okay let's put all this stuff away too yeah let's see if we can make that uh that ring yeah we might as well put that together Okay so we've upgraded the ring that's better and now I'm level 20. take the books to the research table okay okay great just what I needed a mirror okay so this is all done and oh nice bro this is [ __ ] oh my God it's like a dark souls hammer Okay so this is gonna take a bit of time I guess I'm gonna go and make sure that I can make the hammer or the ax I mean I need four more ingots vort's Hammer yeah it's basically vortammer hit Q okay [ __ ] damn that's actually kind of badass okay and then we need to get more leather and coarse thread I'm assuming that I'm probably just going to get that over time let's see what else I can still I still need to make okay so crafting we have the simple workbench refinement we have furnace we don't have a blood press bricks and dust Wet Stone we don't we don't have a wet stone that's Jay yeah no I I have that okay all right I think this is where I'm gonna call it for today new chaos spell oh this no it's not as good as I feel like it's it's just not as good okay yeah um this game's pretty good um First Impressions on the game are I would say overall positive like uh the farming of materials is like really boring and uh yeah that's it the camera mod doesn't work yet oh somebody said it does I mean I I don't know is that I found a boring yeah I I think it's boring it's like I'm comparing everything to valheim right and like that's just kind of how I am like I'll because it's like that's the other game I would play instead of this game right so like in my mind that's either this game or the other game and like it in my mind I think valheim Gathering is is better now why do I think that um I think it's better because like it's more active like you can uh have the trees knock each other down you can have the trees hit you uh there's like all kinds of crazy stuff that can happen with the trees that's like that can't really happen in this game and uh also like I don't really like the sun mechanic I find it annoying uh I understand that like other people it's probably more interesting I also think that like by playing this game Solo in the way that I am I think I'm also getting a more like a like a a different experience than like maybe what the game might have been intended for because I'm not playing in like a group PVP situation and it seems like that's kind of what this game was also intended for I'm not saying that's what it's only intended for but like some systems in this game feel like that's kind of what what they're intended for um or the game sound yeah sure it gets better whenever you get items against sun damage yeah I do think like the aesthetic of like uh the the vampire aesthetic is is very good like the idea of like you know watching out for um uh you know the sunlight the silver the compulsive counting you know that kind of stuff I think that's great so what happens if I hit it with this 23. garlic too oh we're not at garlic yet hopefully we will be soon I'm going to go ahead and build some some storage things I'm just going to put one next to each thing and that way I cannot build here I can just like have it there you know I can just like put all the wood there or whatever okay that's good but yeah I can see this game being addictive and I hope it's addictive you can get Minions that farm for you once your Castle thrown is made yeah that would be really nice press Q with axes okay that's interesting okay so Q is shared so it's not like you're you're gonna be like weapon swapping a bunch look at steam charts of this game sure there's some sort of bug yeah that's a bug okay uh let's see or are people obsessed with player count because it makes them either it it effectively do I have to save I hope not because I just left okay all right yeah um I'm gonna go ahead and uh probably eat ice cream and then uh uh then pass out thanks for watching guys I appreciate it I will see you guys tomorrow [Music] peace
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 291,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: RyANZcl9YwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 22sec (6562 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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