I Spent 100 Days In V Rising Gloomrot! (Full Movie)

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welcome to V Rising a game where you're a vampire that's awoken to find the world overtaken by monsters and holy people I have 100 days to restore the food chain and put vampires back on top in order to do so I'll need to rebuild a castle fit for a vampire hunt down servants that will quench my thirst and defeat the false Pretenders that think they are on top will I be able to accomplish this in a hundred days let's find out so it began with me creating my very own vampire now instead of me going for the Regal look I decided to go for the most horrifying look that I could possibly find and I think I settled on that pretty well although I did need to name my dude and we decided to call him count circular once Awakening it was time to overthrow this world's rulers and take it for myself all I needed to do was defeat a whole host of very strong bosses and enemies so I found myself out in the mausoleum starting off with some very basic skeletons obviously these guys aren't very strong however I was subjecting myself to some sunlight because there's nothing a vampire enjoys more than basking in the beautiful sunlight I managed to make myself my first set of equipment and I left for the main world as the mausoleum is kind of the tutorial area now once I entered into the main world I decided to start hacking and slashing getting into here and taking out some more skeletons so I still had to craft myself a couple of extra things before that I needed some rugged hide which thankfully you can find on the backs of these wolves located throughout the fairbane woods so I got to work on harvesting up them and sucking their blood dry I found a banded camp and decided to test out my new Weaponry just to see what kind of damage I could deal as well as feed on some of the local militia after completing the goals I then received a new goal now this game does have a gold tier system where you have to complete certain things and that will allow you to unlock more powerful blueprints so I had to place a castle heart which is responsible for where you set up your base it's essentially your command point so you can build around the castle heart and then you can build your massive Vampire Castle now I did have to build some Wars as well just to complete the following missions I also built a sawmill so I could refine some of these logs that I received down into planks I also built a workbench this will allow us to craft stronger weapons as well as stronger armor when I eventually got around to The Copper T but I did make myself some stronger armor and I also made myself some reinforced bone Weaponry as well this is going to allow us to increase our equipment level which is going to make us stronger in order to take on the V Bloods which are the bosses found throughout this game and killing them allows us to get more Powers so I found the alpha wolf first and he was going to be our first VB blood challenge to defeat thankfully I did manage to get him to half Health without too much of a struggle when some Hunters decided to come along and give me a help in hand so I let the alpha wolf deal with them while I kept hating him from the back and we got our first V blood now killing the alpha wolf was going to allow us to transform into a direwolf these guys were sick they gave us extra movement speed a Hal and the ability to jump through structures I then made my way to the Bandit logging Camp to take on Quincy and he was going to allow us to unlock Extra structures for our base he was also a pretty easy fight these easier the beginner bosses are kind of easier although when you are sort of low equipment level there are also a bit of a struggle but if you do know the boss's move patterns they are very easy to defeat I did get in a bit of a tussle here where I managed to attract all the attention of the Camden had to deal with them I almost lost my life in the process of this as you can see they were all starting to swarm me oh a little Kitty there thankfully I did manage to clear all of them out it just left us with the the blood left and he was a couple strikes off killing and just like that we managed to get our second V blood within a matter of two days we were doing a great Rufus Was Defeated that gave us the crossbow and the fishing rod I then spent the next morning trying to figure out a different base spot as I was really not happy with my location after wandering around for a bit I did find a new location set up my new Castle heart and a couple of floors around it and then I got to work at putting up some extra structures some storage chests so we could store our items as well as some walls I then went ahead and put our Refinery stations so a sawmill our Smithy and then a furnace oil Forge as well I also placed a research desk this would allow us to unlock extra research as well it was them time to get to my next v-blood however I needed to clear out the can that she was stationed in and it almost cost me my life but we did eventually find Keely the Frost Archer and I did wait till night time to fight her as the sunlight was more than likely going to burn my face off and it's just an extra hassle that we have to deal with while already dealing with AV blood that has the ability to freeze us thankfully though I had studied keely's attack patterns before and she was relatively easy to fight I did take a little bit of damage here and there especially getting frozen solid but it wasn't really anything too crazy and I was able to make quick work of Keely alongside the extra wolves that she decided spawning not spawning sorry they broke in from there broke out from their cages so that brought me some valuable time to heal myself and with that I was then able to counter one of her blows and strike her down and siphon all of her blood this gave us some new abilities as well as the Tannery and the ability to make leather so I spent the rest of the night harvesting up some copper ore and other resources so that I could refine them at my Forge then it was time to face Errol the stone breaker now this guy was located in the copper mine he also was a pretty easy fight because I have fought Errol before so it was just a matter of defeating his minions dodging his uh big Chaos Attacks that he smashes on the ground like that one there once you dodge that it's all a matter of just striking him down so we siphoned off his blood picked up a new schematic and then harvested up the rest of the copper located throughout the mines now the blueprint that we found is for the forge flooring and this is a great blueprint it'll become a bit more obvious throughout the video what this is for and I'll explain it then and then return to base and place my new Tannery down and put some rugged height in there so I could start making some leather in order to upgrade my gear I also made some copper weaponry and these were going to be much stronger than our reinforced bone and provide us an extra gear level I also made a new ring which would increase my sorcery level and with the leather that I had crafted up I then went ahead and made that into the next tier of armor as well then it was time for the next v-blood now these Undead sorcerer dudes are always a pain in the ass because they just swarm you with Mobs and it is such a numb I mean it's not an unpleasant experience but it's a massive pain in the ass luckily I had defeated Errol and he had granted me his ability for the chaos Rift which is the big explosion and this is great for defeating mobs now unfortunately I was not able to defeat this guy and he just had too many mobs and I did die however that death did not dissuade me and back into the fold I went to try and defeat this guy [Music] now for those of you that are wondering what happens when you die essentially what happens is your gear has durability when you die your gear suffers a 10 durability loss so if you die enough times you will have to repair your gear and get that fixed up in the process otherwise you lose everything thankfully however I didn't have to worry about my equipment degrading anymore as I was able to finally defeat this guy and extract his V blood now I then went ahead and decided to make my way to the next v-bot I was on a bit of a roll this night and I figured you know what I could probably take him I'm at that stage where I feel like I could do enough damage but first I had to break through all of his guards however they were just way too many of them for me and I was already low health and unfortunately I died so looks like my equipment was going to be degrading after all but I did manage to defeat the thieves and the various warriors that were still there and reclaim my body but before I could do that I needed to go ahead and suck this sucker drive this was a 100 Warrior blood and I needed that I just wish that I had access to making my slaves that I could take it back to my base unfortunately however I did just have to settle for using the 100 Warrior blood it was then time to face Grayson the armorer now this is where the boss mechanics of the rising were starting to kick into place now Grayson had a pretty cool ability where he'd throw pretty much cow drops all over the arena and you had to make yourself invulnerable using the armor stands pretty much walk over the cow drops to disable them otherwise you'd get stuck in them take damage and Grayson would be able to absolutely shred you so pretty cool mechanics coming into play here thankfully I did know what to do against him so it wasn't too difficult I did manage to get him down to half Health pretty quickly due to the fact that we were using copper weapons we also had access to our weapon skills now our first it anyway so we could pair those with our spells and take our Grayson pretty dang easily and we managed to get him on the first try super happy about that we got the ability for an extra shield as well as some structures and the ability to make wet Stones so I went back to base built myself up a grinder and got to work at grinding out some stone bricks and some wet Stones grabbed the research that I had learned the merciless copper sphere and this was going to enable us to get into the eye interior of things then it was time to face Lydia the chaos Archer now her name does kind of sound terrifying but in all honesty she's kind of a pushover I have fought her before so I do know how to take her and Dodge most of her abilities so she was a pretty easy fight the only thing that we really had to watch out for was her chaos stuff that she leaves behind as that does deal magic damage over time but I was able to dispose of her pretty quickly you can see here she's launching a final volley against us that was completely unnecessary and not worth the time and we we were able to hit her while cloaked and extract her v-blood she gave us the ability for chaos volley as well as the Devourer I then I think processed for some as well as some extra armor pieces and then it was time to make myself merciless copper Spear and the upgraded armor and then I needed to face the bear now obviously defeating the bear was going to give us access to the bear form however I have always struggled with this fight the bear is a very tough opponent and he did manage to get the better of me with his upgraded attacks once he does go into his second phase he does get access to a charge and his attacks are generally more Speedy so you do have to sort of Dodge here and there we did get close on our first attempt but he was able to down us nonetheless though that didn't stop us from returning it absolutely demolishing him this time around you have to time your Dodgers very particularly and you also have to time when you actually use your Dodge instead of just walking it's very tricky fine line to stand on but thankfully we were able to defeat the bear and gain access to our bear form now with our bear form we were able to destroy large Boulders as well as mine resources rather easily yeah this is going to be clutch for coming in and fixing up our current base spot where there was a large deposit of stone nearby and copper I think I think is able to destroy that as well as all the other nodes and I just gave our howl a bit of a run I then decided to go ahead and start setting out our foundation our current goal was to set up a room and for that you need walls up and running but we obviously needed to grind those down in the grinder I did build up a singular room of my castle which I was super happy about and I was able to claim my quest reward and move on to the next quest which was the wavegate this would allow us to teleport in between our current way gate and all way Gates around the map that we found which is going to be great for getting around the map I also went ahead and put down a blood press as well and I wanted to try out the new stairs so I put some of those down and the Alchemy lab I also wanted to take a quick look at my drip because we had the plague Masters mask the next night I continued with my quest and I needed to place a stone coffin however for that I needed amethysts idiot me had decided to grind down all my animatists into gem dust for something else so I needed to go out and try and find some amethysts from all the gem rock hallelujah oh my God finally after Gathering the amethyst gems I then returned back to base to casually stand in the Sun and burn myself to a crisp because Eddie and me had decided to Old Tab and do something else and not only was I dumb enough to get burnt I then decided to instead of going into a normal route stand next to my staircases which provide minimal Shadows this enabled me to die in the process however I then activated my bone altar stuck some extra chests down stuck my own coffin down so that I could now respawn back at my base claimed that and that allowed me to get the servant's coffins now I could get my own servants for the castle and I made my first coffin after that I then received the Dominate human and I ventured out to find myself my very first slave now I had found a couple of guys out here in this camp and I found myself a warrior Thug he ain't killing us today did it work nope let's try again this should get him this time because I think they have to be under 30 health and then he's just gonna go for allegedly stroll back to our base I believe he's under our control let's go big fella don't you get in any fights I don't know we're gonna put him in the coffin and we're gonna see if that works let's do it here we go convert I think we have to wait for it to finish converting so let's do that and then how do I get out of this perfect timing look at that we've got George let's go see more arise news seventh Seymour the seventh where'd he go oh yeah you look terrifying man you look like he could do some damage how do I interact with him serving inventory is that it expertise gear level hunt proficiency Power Max Health normal condition alright now what command your servants from the castle throne oh I do like the sound of a throne now I couldn't build the throne just yet so you know what time it is time for more v-bloods and this time it was Clive at the fire starter now this guy would give us access to refining sulfur in our Forge but we had to defeat him first and unfortunately he was able to defeat us with all these goons however I killed all his goons and returned back till you fight him one on one matcha El Macho Man to Man and well we kind of dominated in this time it was just a matter of dodging his fire bomb attacks and I also got some help in clearing out the sulfur encampments nearby as he was uh throwing bombs and everything everywhere we could use him to destroy any of the Rocks nearby allowing us to gather up the corresponding resources and just like that Clive did go down not before he tried suiciding bombing me and killing me with two of his explosions but it didn't really take us much from this point forward and we were able to thrust him with some Spears and throw some Spells at him and just like that he was able to go down and we could Feast on his v-blood after defeating Clive I made my way up to polara the face talk as she was on the same side of the map now polara was going to give us access to Gardens essentially however I wasn't the smartest of cookies and decided to try and fight her during the day which ultimately ended in my downfall as you can see not my greatest decision I did return during the night however and did bombard her with my Spear and my spells uh all you had to do really for polara was Dodge her well I mean you could do that for every enemy Dodger attacked but she did fire out like wisps and spirit wolves that would sort of hunt you down and go in the line so you needed to dodge those and also Dodge the little summonings that she brought in with like little butterflies that also fired these uh wisp orbs at you I did need to heal quite a few times thankfully there was this rock nearby where I was able to go behind a couple of times and actually heal up a little bit of Health as I didn't really have a lot of potions on me but thankfully I was able to defeat polara and I could finally build myself my own garden I also got the ability to summon a spectral wolf [Music] Jesus Christ that seemed extremely uncalled for the next few nights were filled with slaying V Bloods I was at that stage of progression where I needed to start killing these guys in order to get my better weaponry and my better armor I did need higher tier iron weapons as well as more merciless copper weapons I did however have my kill per spear which would enable me to get iron when I eventually was able to reach that area but first I had to deal with this guy now this guy just spawns tons and tons of mobs thankfully I did have my chaos Rift ability and I was cutting it close oh man that was so close holy smokes was that freaking close this should kill all these skeletons around us I'm hoping oh my God talk about clutch that was so freaking close oh it was then time to face Quincy the Bandit King here we go guys Bank Quincy the banded King now this guy will allow us to unlock Iron once I kill him I think we should be alright to kill him whoa okay that was a big attack I'm debating whether or not I want to try and kill these little Archer friends what have you got Quincy you're on half Health Mate foreign dry by defeating Quincy I got iron and an ultimate ability as well as the next tier of armor then I had to face Tristan the Vampire Hunter Now by defeating Tristan I would gain access to Great swords and be able to use them as weapons so all I had to do was defeat this guy that hunted us for a living nothing too difficult right well it took way too many attempts for me to feel comfortable about and defeat this guy his bomb attack just seemed to hone in on me it was so annoying and the burn just dealt so much damage I was on one Health and I did eventually die to a couple of guys that decided to intervene and get involved in the fight it was then finally time for a proper rematch we were both super low all I had to do was keep whittling him down with my spells making sure that I dodged his attacks and his firebomb attacks I popped my ultimate ability off and he launched his cocktail Molotov at me and I hit him with the final chaos volley man that was so freaking close round three and we managed to finally kid the bastard the defeating Tristan I stopped by the marketplace just to get some extra research that I hadn't already unlocked as you can now buy it from the traders in these areas I went ahead went back to base and put those back into my research desks that I could learn all these I'm in trouble I then made my way to it and mine weather actually I just wanted some more floods in this area the sun Archer and the Death Knight now you can actually get these guys to fight each other but for that to happen the timing has to be perfect for my luck I didn't get the timing right and unfortunately I had to dodge the sun Archer as she was gonna find me while I was mining my iron I just wanted some iron ore I'm getting married in the bright odd job what am I gonna do I think he gives a size super kill him let's try and kill him oh God yep all right he seems powerful but that went well after dying twice in the iron mines I just returned simply to harvest up a bunch of iron ore I was gonna need it so I could make my own ingots when lo and behold Meredith and Craig decided to engage each other now Creek is actually slightly stronger in my opinion than Meredith but I figured I'd make my presence known and decide to get involved in the tussle now Meredith was targeting me Krieg was targeting Meredith it was a jolly old good time and as you can see Meredith was also super low Krieg was casting spells I had to be careful here as I did get hit by both of their aoes so I backed up a little bit waiting for them to continue taking each other out Craig did get Meredith low all I needed to do was make sure that I got a new killing blow on Meredith saw that I could Harvest her the blood let's go let's do it I think we can get both of them here he's still got that much help I reckon I can kill him we've got Health orbs around us I'm thinking we should be all right free uh V blood extract I'll take it most of those iron crossbow as well or next level of upgrades [Music] I just need to make sure I kill him so I kind of can't throw this in the bag I'm gonna be carefully I'm gonna charge him oh bad idea let's go we can kill him too I reckon come on let's go that worked out so well Keely and this dude oh Craig the under General thank you mate for saving us the hassle of killing her after defeating Craig we got one of the best spells in the game ward of the Damned now we also killed Meredith the bright Arch and she gave us another Dash as well as a resistance potion to Holy I was pretty happy about that so by gathering all that iron I was able to make my first Iron weapons the great sword The Reaper and the crossbow I'd also spend some time turning certain areas of my castle into the respective rooms of this being the Ford Rim getting a reduction cost for things I then went ahead and tested out the new weapon skills for each of the weapons as I hadn't had a chance to actually use these yet Greatsword allowed us to jump into the air as well as do a charge attack and the reaper aka the Scythe allowed us to do an area of effect Spin Attack which would knock enemies away as well as a Beyblade attack I guess you could call it that's probably the best way to describe it where you'd throw your scythe and it would spin in a certain location then it was time to face Beatrice the tailor he doesn't even fight that's hilarious Beatrice kabaki sorry Beatrice your blood is now mine you're dead now I'm so I'm not sorry after the death of Beatrice one of the easiest fights I then found myself in another v-blood's location and we were here I figured why the hell not so I went to work on defeating this new v-blood now Beatrice was honestly one of the easiest v-bloods we had faced so far this one was a little bit more difficult but she mainly just spawned in mobs that we had to defeat along the way she wasn't too bad it did become nighttime however while I was fighting her and that was when I was able to get the killing blow on her finding her during the day in the cathedral wasn't too hard and I was able to extract her V blood we're in trouble I knew the moment that guy came in I was dead he's 54. what is he doing Audi go away [Music] however not one to shy away from a fight I decided to return and face this guy one more time he was slightly stronger in a power level but that did not stop me from absolutely beating his Frozone ass off the face of this planet and allowing ourselves to suck his blood dry in the process this allowed me to get the reinforced plank item and then made my way to try and take on the v-blood that would give us the study which would enable us to get new research items and she was difficult now this is where I started switching up my spells and trying out different things because I figured this isn't going to work you know we were just taking a lot of damage now I also found a village up here in the north and thought nothing of it you know a couple of workers and then it became night time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] these Villages straight up turned into [ __ ] werewolves guys I just want my body back oh I've turned the whole village into freaking werewolves and my body is so close okay we got our buddy back one of them anyway don't really care too much about the other body I just wanted to get our body back and it looks like we've got a vampire way gate up here I'm just going to take a second here to heal myself I think they've stopped chasing me after retrieving my buddy I made my way back to my castle and made myself a tailoring bench now thankfully it was just the right size to fit in this little Grove that I had sectioned off here at the back it was then time for upgrades starting with the castle heart so we upgraded it to level 3 expanding our servant coffins as well as our tiles and then it was time to upgrade our equipment I then also equipped all of our new equipment with our new tailoring bench that increased our gear level so now we could fight at home stronger bosses and we took a second to admire all that beautiful wonderful gear on myself it was then finally time for a rematch to kill the V blood that gave us the study now I did manage to get her down I did have to swap some spells out with the wolf spell and that allowed us to deal with the little Minions that she spawned as well as with the reaper we were finally able to defeat hook now like I mentioned this did allow us to unlock the study [ __ ] I then also needed to unlock the human form and we got this by defeating this guy the Shadow Blade he would unlock the human form for us it was a difficult fight I did die twice while fighting him however I was able to defeat him and get human form as well as some new Weaponry which was ancestral that I did not have access to make just yet I would need to get the ancestral Forge I then needed to defeat a Gretel of the glass blower this would give me access to glass as well as glass bottles which I could use on my servants to extract their blood now she was a relatively easy fight I didn't need multiple attempts to take her out I actually got her down on the first try she wasn't too difficult but she was the next v-blood that I took out and you can see there we did get extra potions as well now I did find some servants with some high blood here we had a rogue with very high blood that I wanted now by high blood I mean 100 which is the highest you can get in this game however I was a little bit dumb about going about this so instead of walking it back to base I decided to try and take it to a teleporter in hopes that I could teleport to base and now obviously that didn't work so I kind of just killed it which was a done mistake on my part I should have just walked back to base it was then time to face Leandra the shadow Priestess now I had changed up my spells a little bit I was running with a static shock ball as well as the ghost wolves still running with my Reaper however she was oh she was quite easy easy enough you know we had defeated her to half Health got in the health orbs she did do this attack where she makes the entire screen dark uh however I just kind of ran towards the health clubs grabbed those and then defeated her when we got out of that and uh that gave us the scourge Stones which are going to be viral moving forward alrighty guys so I've gone ahead and built myself a new Castle all the way in the top here I just wasn't really happy with how the other our first one was looking I just wasn't a big fan so I am super happy at the moment with how this is all looking uh obviously it's not complete I still have to do a couple of extra things on it but we've got a lot more space up here yes we did have the two tiers down the bottom here but it was all awkward shaped and I didn't like that so now we have a nice Castle going on I got the forge upstairs this is all going to change on the other side we're going to do the Taylor so on this side we're going to do a tailor and then I'll actually probably end up splitting the forge down the middle here uh having the forge on this side and then possibly having Jewel crafting or something like that on this side and then down this middle section I'll just have a standard sort of pathway with some trees growing on it maybe a garden at the end as well so yeah but we've also got a garden down this side of the place we've also got all this area out here so we're not strapped for space or anything like that we've got a bunch of stuff growing down the side here as well this is all going to change and eventually get uh fanciered it's going to look a lot nicer I am still trying to move some stuff over from the old base however that's just taken its sweet ass time so we're gonna just make some potions here and then I'm gonna go kill some stuff so after rearranging the castle and changing locations it was back to the V bosses now doing the castle up did take me a couple of days so we needed to get a wriggle on next up however was the geomancer now I thought she was pretty easy she was kind of just like a DPS check in essence she did have this cool ability of turning into a Gong which was kind of cool like that was pretty dope uh but like I said she was just kind of a DPS check we were able to take her out pretty easily that being one of the strongest blows we took at the entire fight and just like that the geomancer was out for the night next up we then went ahead to try and take on Jade the Vampire Hunter and well you can see will that win for us so I retreated from that got some garlic exposure done to myself because I was trying to farm up some cotton so I could make myself some upgraded armor and turned it into the cotton yarn that we needed for the armor I also went to the Traders just to see if there are any more books that we needed for some research that we were gonna get obviously you can find the flooring here which is great for the castle because it does have extra perks for wherever you decide to uh set up your stations and everything like that so it's great to get the F the four floors words today it's great to get the floors because they do provide those Buffs but next up was the holy man himself located in Dunley Monastery I did go into human form to try and sneak my way in it did succeed however he did spot us at the last second and this guy oh my God was he difficult I thought I was prepared I died to him probably about 10 times I think from the top of my memory it was a lot of dying to this guy and uh here is here's a compilation of my deaths that uh I thought I'd save you guys the trouble of having to suffer through by cutting them down drastically so you can see here we got coming coming hard we got bloody battered against the wars we got shocked by his little urn things that he summons in they're always fun right getting shocked by his urns we got coming coming hard again I was like hiding behind the pillar to try and protect myself nonetheless I had had enough for the day and decided to you know what let's send some servants out and just relax in our Throne while our servants go out and do some work for us now while the servants were our way on missions I built up the jewel crafting room now at the moment I only had one real structure to place in here aside from like the storage um and that was the amulet crafting station I did have the Dual crafting station available I just didn't really have a use for any of the jewels there you can see that in the corner the jewel cunning table and I also had access to be able to make some merciless iron stuff now so I got that made up and we were set to go all right we've got a gear level of 39. um let's see what what about when we pull out a weapon 57 all right we should be on par with some of these bosses now hopefully we can take them out uh we've got to fix these two guys up they're just kind of chilling here I've also got to move the rest of my stuff over to the new base I'm Gonna Leave This base this Castle here because we've still got these servants and I don't know if you can actually move the servants from their coffins once you've put them down so we're going to leave them here I'll also probably get some more servants for down there just so we can have a bunch of them going at the same time um but yeah other than that we also need to move the tailor over but I think other than that everything's pretty much set for this New Castle which is great the only uh issue I've run into so far is having around run around all over the shop trying to keep my items and everything that I need to do but it's honestly not that bad so it's just a little bit time consuming we're going to take all those vials and we're going to go back into wolf form nope we can't do that now because we're out of blood so we're gonna slowly die that's fine I don't really care and then what I'm gonna do is we're gonna make some of these potions up and I also need to make a holy Resistance potion as well perfect so theory is our Throne is going to probably go here in the center so we're going to look all badass and [ __ ] look at our prisoners on the side here I don't know where I'm gonna put my coffin yet I've got this empty space over here I'm not too sure what to do with it I feel like I probably could have put this into rooms and just had this blocked off but I feel like it would have been better if I had it open so we could still go out all right let's go out and we're gonna go do some hunting I think now on the way back to the holy man we found the ice boss again I can't remember his name but we also found a 92 Rogue and I needed to dominate that little sucker and getting back to base it was a challenge though with this guy constantly trying to kill me luckily I was able to get my stone off in time and getting sent back to base all right here we go time to do this again honestly I'm kind of swaying towards using the uh crossbow but it looks like if we close the distance between him and he struggles to kind of hit us oh this is bad okay here we go oh thank God we're so close to Dad let's get him oh man that was intense and after defeating him I managed to find a 76 scholar blood out here in the courtyard and we were able to get that back to base as well which is great and I also grabbed another Warrior while I was out here as well the next night it was time for Octavian at the militia captain now I'd never faced this guy before so I genuinely had no idea what the hell his moveset was and as you can see from here it got a little intense he was super low Health however and I was like surely surely we should be able to defeat this guy well how Bloody wrong I was he does summoning little bow dudes and he finished us off with a final thrust and I was downed we were so close to killing him now this happened a couple more times originally where I died in the process of fighting him however this attempt was slightly different he did manage to get the knockoff on me and kill me but at the same time I also managed to kill him it was a double whammy of a strike whether or not he would stay down remains to be seen so annoying oh he's still down is he still down oh beautiful Ricky still feed on him let's go after defeating Octavian it was time to face Jade the Vampire Hunter again now the main reason why I wanted to kill Jade was because she would give us the ability to wield guns now I had read as well that guns are one of the best weapons you can use due to the fact that they have an extra Dodge on their ability however jade made very quick work of me throwing out caltrops throwing out explosives that just absolutely decimated me so it was crazy she also had a lot of minions however the second time we proved unlucky the third time however we had mastered her attack patterns and figured out exactly how she moved okay maybe I'm lying about that last little bit but it doesn't matter because I managed to defeat her proving that the crossbow is superior to her guns as well as a little bit of vampire magic just to get us through the day as well and just like that we were able to defeat Jade the Vampire Hunter and claim the guns for ourselves we also gained another ultimate ability and some extra blood magic so as my gear was slowly in Decline and about to break I figured you know what let's go ahead and try and take on frostmore the mountain Terror now this guy's located in the ice biome so we haven't actually been here before uh and this guy was quite a bit of a challenge he had quite a few area of effect attacks and he also had frost now Frost Works in this game by pretty much you get Frozen but you also gain a shield when you get Frozen so it's kind of like extra armor that you can sort of tank a little bit you just in you're just stuck there you just can't move so he did manage to lower his blow and kill us the first time but we returned back with a vengeance ready to take this guy on now I did take a different Dash and idiot me just there dashed right back into his attack I know I'm so dumb but I also took a barrier which I figured would be able to help me block some of his damage and allow us to survive for a little bit longer that paired with the crossbow meant I could pretty much attack this guy from range and mitigate most of the damage he would do to us so it was a slow and tedious fight but eventually I did manage to bring frostmore down to the ground now defeating frostmore also gave us additional Pockets that we could make which would allow us to hold more gems coins plants and I believe books as well so he was a pretty fun fight though thank you oh we downed him I was like where'd he go let's go we got him I don't know how that last blow gunning but I'll take it I'll take it let's go oh so we've got ourselves our tailoring room and our library now Taylor room's still a work in progress I'm gonna need to obviously put the flooring down and I also went ahead and made up the jewel crafting table which allows us to craft any of the jewels that we want I do want to get the dual Crafters floor though before I go ahead and do that um so right now we're gonna go hunt for Ziva the engineer which will give us the things that we need in order to upgrade our Castle heart to level four I believe the radium Alloys yes well this is going to be very interesting I have no idea how this is going to go but I'm hoping that it goes okayish well she goes nothing I'm [ __ ] my bands a little bit let's go oh God this looks scary I don't know if I can take that Bloody energy ball out I might have to use like a skill to get rid of it possibly let's use my T skill oh [ __ ] that does damage and after a heck of a slug of a fight I slowly managed to get her down to pretty much dead she did have the ability to fly so we kind of couldn't attack her and she also dropped bombs and fired electricity balls at us so there wasn't much we could do now when she also came down she did a big crash attack but that also stunned her so that was when we were able to get most of our damage in and to finish her off I hit her with our ultimate move inconclusive that was a tough fight these fights are going to get tougher I'm gonna have to switch things up but that was a good fight now after defeating zevi then went back to my base to try and use up some of these Scrolls you can see here I was still missing a lot of research but if you have 75 Scrolls you can discover research that you don't have so we've got a couple of Castle decorations and then I made my way back out to dominar the blade dancer now these guys are all part of the new Gloom rot expansion so I hadn't faced these guys ever before I had no idea what any of them did Ziva was difficult demeanor not too bad either though to be honest she did have quite a few different attacks but we did manage to kill her on the first time like we did with Ziva I feel like the crossbow is like the goat weapon any of the ranged weapons are just super good obviously the reaper and the pistols and the great sword are also good we did actually use those quite a bit but I feel like the crossbow and the pistols is really where it's at so demeanor did have quite a few tricks up her sleeve uh she did fire a barrage of electronic bolts at us but thankfully there were lots of houses nearby that I could duck and hide in cover and it also became daytime so I did also have to try and fight her in the shade of the clouds and stuff like that as they were going over it was a bit of a difficult fight for me with this section happening anyway because it was daytime and we were kind of struggling thankfully with the inclusion of the houses and everything I was able to heal and Dodge most of her abilities as well and eventually she went down to us as well another Gloom Rod boss taken out next up was angrum the purifier now this guy was in a super difficult area you can see the murky swampy Waters around here these would spawn mutants and it would just be a barrage of mobs and his minions just trying to absolutely destroy us that paired with the fact that he's able to throw out these chaos blasts on the floor as well just made it really hard to dodge the area and the space that we were fighting him in luckily however I did find a little bit of a blind spot for myself where I could actually heal on this bridge and he wouldn't reset because his entire Zone was around this whole area it meant that I didn't have to worry about him resetting his health so he also had a front-facing barrier and a Back Bay facing barrier where he would block any of the attacks in that direction he was a super tough boss but we were able to defeat him as well by once again utilizing the crossbow and all my various spells it was then time to enter the cursed Forest now the coast forest has a curse where once you hit 100 of the curse your map becomes clouded and you can't see with your minimap in order to mitigate that you have to defeat this v-blood here now honestly this guy had to have been the most annoying frustrating boss in the entire game for me so in order to get the curse Forest curse lifted off you need to feed this guy he gives you a shroud that you wear that prevents the curse from stacking up only downside is he runs through the entire Forest Gathering every single mob that you could possibly find including other V Bloods there are so many monsters so many animals and everything now alongside the curse as well if you lose vision of him he will reset if he gets too far away from you and you can see just the amount of monsters that he brings while going through the forest I had to have killed this guy a bit tried to kill this guy about 20 times you saw there a couple of deaths they were only a few of the ones that happened but finally I was able to catch up to him you can see what I mean look he just vanishes into thin air thankfully I was able to catch up to him and finally struck him low in order to gain his cloak so that I could navigate the cursed Forest now after defeating all of the Gloom Rob bosses it was finally time for some upgrades I had unlocked the merciless pistols and some extra research and I also built myself a new throne in the Newcastle I haven't actually built myself a coffin either at this new place it was still at the old place and then I went ahead and upgraded the castle heart sweep upgraded Castle Hot let's do it let's go we've got 250 floors now and nine seven coffins and I'm only using one oh that feels bad I do have some Stones here we've got some uh prison cells if we do find something decent but let's claim that dominate Mount so subdue a horse using dominate Mount awesome okay uh let's go and do that I suppose where's the closest place for us that has a horse alrighty I think this is the amount I'm gonna take I have no idea how this mode works into an internal companion cool let's do it you mine now Jose oh yo that's a terrifying looking horse I'm kind of glad I picked a black one I don't I don't know if the white ones come out like this but this black one looks dope all right sweet we've got the ancestral Forge now we should be able to make weapons insert a shattered weapon to reforge so I should have a bunch of shattered weapons downstairs I actually I've got something glimmering Broad Sword Valiant arming sword Wicked decapitator so they're long swords there that's a great sword I think I've got more downstairs I kind of want to make some pistols and see if pistols are any good uh and I think I've also got a scythe down here now that's going to be our next upgrade so we're gonna get slightly stronger because of that all right so I think we're going to try and do the explosive dueling pistols first what do we need oh we actually need merciless stuff okay that's annoying uh let me take that out can I make the initial size no because I need a mostly design Reaper none of these I can make because I don't have any of the merciless stuff beforehand uh let's take a look at the Smithy can I make merciless pistols I can but I need iron pieces let's make some iron pistols and then I'm going to go ahead and make some nice perfect look at this let's go explosive dueling pistols so I went with these ones over the other ones because these inflict leech they also have increased weapon attack speed and Spell critical chance so boom let's grab those uh and these ones only had physical Critical Strike chance and spell Lively so I figured this one was going to be slightly better now Angora the Spider Queen was next up on our list to kill she would give us the ability to craft silk which is what we needed to upgrade our next hero to get to our next tier of armor now she was also a very difficult fight uh in terms of like how it compares to like the cursed Forest dude she's I mean it just took us a really long time to kill I constantly switched around my spells trying to figure out ways that we could uh counter her sort of thing and you can see here she fires a huge spray of like Blobs of poison which we didn't really have accounted to so the first attempt went actually pretty well like we did have a our 100 Road blood as well however so that was probably also attributing to a lot of the damage we were doing uh but unfortunately she did strike us down and we did have to try and re-get to her now navigating the spider cave getting to it was always fun and I did eventually switch up one of my spells into the ward of the dam now this is essentially a shield that you can use and blocks in the direction facing foot whatever you're facing and what happens is when you block a projectile you have a 50 chance to summon in a skeleton Warrior so you can see that as we block those projectiles skeleton warriors were getting spawned in behind her now the main reason you want to do this is so that you can get some of the aggro off of you now she also left these pools of poison blood down which just slowly sapped you can see that we were so close to killing her and then I couldn't even make it back to her this time her little spider minions actually killed me before I even got the chance to make it back to her there was a lot of dying against Angora unfortunately I just could not beat her it took me multiple attempts across multiple days I think I've been spent about three days here trying to just kill her like three in-game days obviously I didn't spend that long trying to defeat her but she was a made to defeat and she just kept killing us so there wasn't really too much I could do I did switch up my r spell to another skeleton summoning spell so that we could hopefully sort of remove the aggro from us and she could focus on some of our Skelly boys instead which kind of did work out in our favor but I believe that this was the final attempt that we were able to defeat her I did have a couple of potions this time I utilized all the gun skills in order to try and take her down including dodging and using the shield and you can see here slowly but surely we'll link her down now the perks about the V Rising boss fights is that they don't have a time limit so you can take it as long as you want on the boss fights as long as you don't sort of leave their area as that will reset the boss so it was a hell of a fight she also spawns in a bunch of mobs a bunch of baby she's the Spider Queen so it does make sense oh man but eventually we were able to block most of our attacks our Skelly boys helping us alongside her and we were finally able to defeat her oh my God hallelujah this is to have been the most frustrating boss so far oh my God finally oh finally I can't believe we finally got through it let's go now with the ability to make silk things were looking up I could finally go ahead and make the forest cloak so I could mitigate the curse and I could make my next tier of armor as well which will provide us with those very useful gear levels that I needed in order to go into the Silverlight side of things I also stopped by the traders to see if they had anything for me to buy and I bought a couple of tombs obviously research is obviously a very vital thing in this game so I grabbed some of those and then I went to take on Wilfred the werewolf Chief now this guy was from the village that we found earlier where there were workers that turned into werewolves if you'd manage to defeat him I'm not gonna say rather easily because he was a bit of a tough fight not as tough as some of the other bosses though he did manage to get us down once but after I learned his attack patterns we were pretty much set to defeat him oh my God it's a damn frog to be honest I didn't know what I was thinking when I said frog form like I didn't even think we'd be getting a frog I mean we'd be fighting a frog to be completely honest although so far this guy seems okay I don't want to jinx myself I've got a bunch of minions with us that'll helping us out here a bunch of Skelly boys he also spawns little ones that is going to be a problem especially when I miss every shot [Music] oh we got him thank God I didn't want to lose this 100 brute blood oh let's go Hallelujah got ourselves spicy spicy toad boy let's go let's turn into a frog what does a frog do we're like a full-on frog I was expecting like a little tiny one not this guy okay that's that's cool after feeding a Toady boy it was time to take on fire right the soul taker now this guy was gonna let us craft some extra things that we needed to turn our Scourge stones into stuff so we'd combine this Scourge stone with ghost crystal and that would give us spectral dust which is what we needed in order to get next tier of Weaponry uh so he wasn't too difficult I think we actually beat him on the first try I don't think we had too many issues with him that paired with like our ultimate with the lightning strikes we were able to deal with him pretty quickly I also started using more of the Damned spell Source instead of like the chaos one so that involved spawning in a bunch of skeletons essentially spawning in a death knight and spawning in two skeletons when we fired our bolts that uh that took a lot of the pressure off of us to dodge his attacks because he would most of the time go for uh the Skelly boys instead and he also had a bunch of mobs that he summoned in as well so the scaly boys definitely helped in regards to that but uh he did have a counter-attack where you can see he was doing that right here but yeah he was it was pretty easy one of the easier cursed Forest bosses if I'm being completely honest he was uh yeah not too much difficult and he pretty much went down it was just a matter of getting the final hits in because he did keep going invisible and it also became into the day but we were able to kill him here and now just like that boom easy let's go we got him another one down that's all our level 60s I believe let's take him easy then while I was still in the cursed Forest nearby I decided to take on the cursed Smith defeating him would allow us to get the next tier of metal weapons which was the dark silver ingots oh man where do I begin with this guy this guy was like a combination of all the worst bosses that we've previously faced in Gloom rod and the coast forest not only did he summon in spectral weapons he was able to control these spectral weapons and each spectral weapon had a different attack that it could do so it was just an absolute nightmare trying to defeat this guy and I know I've been saying that there are bosses that are super annoying and difficult but honestly this guy definitely up there with one of my top five like worst bosses to face 100 he just did so much damage and I did end up switching up here uh from the death knight to the actual Shield one so that we could block all these orbs that uh he spawned in or summoned in I guess unfortunately though on our first try he did manage to kill us I mean I'm not going to say rather easy because we did do quite a bit of damage to him but you can see the amount of chaos going on and the amount of weapons and attacks we have to dodge to try and get this guy mind you as well my Dodge is on like a nine second cooldown so it makes it very difficult to dodge all the weapon attacks coming at you at once ah he did eventually kill us though with his weapons and I mean it was a pretty good first try and then we went back and continued this and you can see here I did switch to the shield of the Damned but it didn't really help out too much because I did end up dying again and again [Music] oh so close I'm trying to there's so many weapons oh so after failing to defeat the curse myth I figured I'd go out and try and get some more slaves so that I could get some higher V Bloods now I did find that this 76 Warrior just here which I wanted to take back to base as I didn't really have a decent Warrior blood backer base we had Rogue Bloods that were at 100 or 96 but I didn't have any Warriors so I sent him back to base I also went into the chapel where we fought the light guy because there are a bunch of Scholars in here as well as it's just a huge area so you can find heaps of stuff I defeated him again grabbing some extra uh books and stuff like that because I could break those down for Scrolls and then I shot a bullet into this scholar thank you for that oh 97 even better I'm gonna take both of these guys because I think it's probably worth taking both of them just so that I can have one as a slave and then one is the actual one is a slave and then one is the actual uh blood mule sort of thing that we need 97 is gorgeous if we can get that to 100 through mutant girl that'd be great also going to make sure I don't die in the process oh no I am spewing I'm so [ __ ] dumb I thought it was still in the other mode oh [ __ ] me and I died to the sunlight of God so after losing the 100 worker blood I decided to go back and face this guy in order to try and get some more uh Blueprints and stuff like that because I figured this was a good way to go about getting the Scrolls that we need any extra research that I needed to do as well this was a good way of going about getting all that old research now I continued the farm for more slaves and servants and I found myself with another 100 Rogue so I had to add that to the collection of course it was a bit of a tedious and trying time because I obviously had to dodge all of these other guys and make sure that I didn't kill him in the process as well and thankfully I was able to get the extra Warrior as well as the extra 100 Rogue so I was pretty happy about that that meant that I had extra blood sources as well as extra servants that I could send out on missions in order to get more loot for me so I was pretty happy about that I then found a 79 scholar that obviously I had to dominate take back to base as well so now back at the Castle I had plenty of prison cells that were full of prisoners and to keep their health up and to keep them happy I decided to feed them a bunch of rats because who doesn't love Munchen on a tasty rat I could have fed them fish but then I would have to give up my precious fish and I didn't really want to do that so instead they all got a bunch of rats now you can see here we've got about five cells filled up whatever cells I didn't fill up I converted them to servants by placing servant kostermans around the castle as well and then it was back to Cyril the cursed Smith oh man this guy he just loved to pull my heartstrings it was a daunting project trying to kill him trying to dodge everything thankfully I did have my skeleton boys and my shield of the Damned in order to back me up but I figured that uh you know what I think I needed more DPS to try and kill this guy there was another Shield ability that I could use as well which was the frost one and I did have a very solid gem attachment onto that as well so that it would enable us to actually deal more damage he killed us down this time but I came back with a vengeance and you can see here me using the Frost shield when I freezed or blocked his attacks that would essentially deal a bunch of damage but in order to get that to effect he had to kill me a couple of times first and you can see just how close I got to defeating this guy I was so close on multiple times and I just could not strike the killing blow on him it was such a tedious boss fight I honestly think between him and the I don't know I think I died more to this guy than I did to the spider to be completely honest and the forest guy you can see here just how many deaths there were to leaker Smith and I couldn't really progress because I needed to kill him in order to get the dark silver weapons that I would need so it was just a super tedious look at the times I died it was so many times and I was so close to killing him so many times as well it was just it was not a fun time I could tell you right now I was raging behind the keyboard I was absolutely Furious but then it was finally time to stop messing around and kill this sucker for once I timed my attacks and abilities perfectly to eliminate him oh finally it has taken us so long to kill the sky and we finally did it let's go finally oh my God that took us so [ __ ] long so after finally defeating the cursed Smith I could now mine silver ore and turn him into dark silver ingots now in order to do this I had to go to the Silverlight Hills to the Silver Mine however silver Burns you so I needed to switch into my bear form in order to take reduced damage from the silver I then started processing the silver ore which I needed the spectral dust and I also found a 100 Rogue while out grabbing some more silver ore so I was super ecstatic about that this guy we were going to keep for Bloods so that we didn't need to try and convert one using some mute and gruel now I needed to make some more servant coffins because I wanted to get some more servants obviously so that I could send them out on missions in order to get resources because this final stretch of the game the final tier of stuff and read you need a lot of resources especially gold which you get from harvesting it in uh the Silverlight Hills but it's very difficult to come by so I wanted a bunch of servants that I could send out in order to get resources for me and then it was time to take on the overseer of the Silver Mines now this guy had ice abilities and he was super annoying however by fighting the dudes in the mines you actually freed the prisoners that were in there and they actually came out and helped you although in my instance I did kind of feed on them a couple of times by accident it was completely unintentional however after a grueling slog and getting Frozen multiple times I did eventually manage to defeat the overseer as well with the help of my prisoner minions I they weren't my minions but you know they technically were because without me they wouldn't have survived sir Magnus fell to my abilities and we were finally able to go ahead and defeat the next tier of bosses now this guy would give us the blood Merlot amulet which would increase our spell power and aside from weapons this was the next upgrade that we needed now in all honesty this guy was probably the easiest v-blood I had faced aside from Beatrice but like for this tip he was the easiest essentially what he would do was stand in the middle throw Blood Spells at you and have his barrels fall down from the sides he was a connoisseur of Fine Wine which is why he would give us the blood Merlot amulet he'd also allow us to create a potion that would pretty much stop our servants getting their health drained as much it was a blood Merlot essentially and you would get that by harvesting up their blood but like I said he was a super easy boss fight and he was also pretty entertaining because he does kind of talk and he runs across the barrels as well so he was pretty easy to defeat and just like that he was downed he also gave us a barrel disguise which I never used so I had found some characters that would make some decent servants as well as any excess servants that I had better blood for and I turned them into servants so we had a nun we had another Rogue I think it was a 96 Rogue and then we had another Warrior as well so these guys were going to be extra servants that were gonna wander around the castle that we were going to send out on missions now the only downside to the serpents is that you needed to provide them with gear unfortunately so I had to grind up some more of that as well in order to get some basic gear for them so that I could actually send them out on these missions and we can now make it the blood Merlot amulet which is going to increase our spell power which is wonderful so we're going to give this amulet to our other guy that we've just finished outfitting there's gold maybe 100 work I mean pretty much 100 worker we just have to pray that it doesn't get turned into a mutant when I feed it some gruel so he's hoping that it doesn't turn into a mutant because that would be really unfortunate with 99 wouldn't it oh that would suck well Dr Henry he goes bloody nothing he's gonna be scary oh that's terrifying functions oh this guy is cool I'm not gonna lie the Gloom Rock dudes are being super cool lately oh I didn't mean to buy that Adam I'm dead here there is no way I died I survived this he's already taking out all Meowth okay I have no idea how we counted this energy ball situation that he's got going on but that wasn't too bad of a fight we did getting down to half elf it was then time for the rematch now I did get him back down to half health and I was still pretty solid in my terms of health uh we did bring some potions with us because I figured I could heal him between some of his attacks and then he decided to hit us with this attack so he sends out shock waves and you get pulsed out into the back of the barriers thankfully I had figured out a way to dodge that by using my ultimate which made us invulnerable and we were able to pretty much deal damage to him while dodging most of the damage from being knocked back into his like uh barrier I guess you could see but you can see here it still stays up but it was just a matter of hitting him with as much damage as I possibly could at this stage as that was kind of his like ultimate attack and once we had dodged that we were pretty much good to go and just like that Dr Henry was killed let's [ __ ] go he's still hitting us with his poses oh my God that was so close did we get him [ __ ] hope so oh man so by defeating Dr Henry I had achieved the final research station which was the anathema now I just needed to make it unfortunately it needed quite a few resources but I was still in the process of making Scrolls and paper and everything like that so the anathema was kind of expensive but I needed it in order to get to the final tier of weapons and everything like that that I need you can see that it was quite expensive to make now I wanted to feed my work a radiant gruel which would increase their blood percentage but it also has a chance of turning them into a mutant oh no uh spewing that was our 99 worker oh I mean we've still got an 83 one this was just a chance but that sucks man awesome we've got our new crafting uh area down so we just need to grab all our books out of here we did get quite a few of them so hopefully we can get some good stuff from this blood moon gloves nice we take those we got a sanguine sanguine sword sanguine great sword Amulet of the Crimson Commander and witch potion all right here we go Harpy Queen around 25 and a half I don't know how many times we've tried fighting her I think we're going to stick with the current look oh actually you know what I think I might change because I think skeletons benefit a little bit more from fighting this chip yeah I definitely think the extra distraction with the skellies is going to be a good score I'm just gonna pop this because yeah I thought that attack was coming and I wanted to make some space we definitely need to eliminate her little minions first I think let's go easy got that in the I mean this wasn't our first time after defeating the Harvey Queen it was time to take on mayor when the Elementalist and boy oh boy did she pack a punch this was literally the first move she used when we fought her a giant spinning Vortex of flaming hell and destruction so uh that was comforting we got our ass handed to us in like a matter of seconds that didn't stop me that didn't deter me from going back and facing her again though uh I didn't really manage to get it to the last stage until now but she gets much more difficult towards the end so she not only summons a clone of herself as well she then spawns in another one of these giant Vortex spinning flame balls of death and it's not even the initial strike of flame that does the most damage it's the burn effect that happens after as well that's what just does so much damage to you and you can see here with her clone you have to try and kill the Clone obviously that makes your life a lot easier but they both fire different Spells at you and you have to try and Dodge all of them as well as dealing with the Clone thankfully I did have the same green coil which healed me when I hit the multiple times on the same Target and I also had my shield which spawned in more Skelly boys as well completely whiffed that Q attack there and this fire son of death and destruction was super annoying and super hard she also goes into a form where you have to try and deal damage to her and she just pretty much heals herself back up so she had everything going for her unfortunately that well I mean thankfully though these were the final tier of bosses essentially before the final boss I had probably three or four more bosses left to do before we got on to the final boss saved my ultimate for the final second let's go finally we [ __ ] got her oh my God she was a pain in the ass and I got 19 Health left oh the damn fire in this game is brutal we got her though finally took us freaking ages but we got her it was then time to fight asriel the sunbringer now this guy was also an easy fight uh you can see here he's already pretty low we didn't really have too much trouble killing him I hadn't actually drunken any potions or anything like that you can see my health bar being pretty full all I really needed for this guy was the Holy Resistance potion as he's in a very holy church area that you take damage if you don't have the Holy potion drunk but uh you can see he he did spawn in a couple of mobs he also spawned in a couple of these Lantern things but with the shield and my Skelly and my sanguine coil I was able to kill him pretty easily like I didn't really have any trouble at all killing this guy and just like Daddy went down that was the easiest fight we've done for the 70 40. he he was actually pretty easy I reckon I think it obviously made it eats easier the fact that we had the shield of the dam we just soaked literally everything what did we just get demonic gut wrenches that sounds terrifying they're actually pretty super good too it's inflicts condemn weapons attacks be physical strike chance and Critical Strike damage that's actually super solid we just have to get the means to make things here we go Tara call the ogre I don't really know how this is gonna go look like he's got many projectiles per se but he does have a lot of weird attacks I guess is he going okay so he does every two times good to know good thing is he's super massive so we could get him pretty easily okay so it's definitely one way for him to just absolutely nuke us all right that was uh something I mean we did all right against him it kind of sucks that I didn't really get a chance to use all of this it was then time for a rematch and I managed to do a pretty solid job of getting him down to low but I was also super low his ice attacks just absolutely wrecked me and the fact that he's able to bloody Dodge that attack at the end that was just super annoying thankfully I was able to dodge his big clapping attack with him being distracted by my Skelly boys and I hoped to summon in more Skelly boys but my explosive shot was able to finish him off that was a fun and a half but we got him those attacks with his waves and his ice and he's freezing we got it doesn't matter though let's go I'm returning to base I needed some silk to repair my weapons and armor as you can obviously see there it is very red if not broken here so I needed to kill these spiders to get some silk because I could not be bothered going back out to the cursed forest and the uh oh what is it called I can't remember what the structure is called but it provides us with the ability to summon in spiders alright guys we can go ahead and pretty much get ourselves a new weapon so I'm gonna go with the great sword I thing we've got a great sword and then I'm gonna make that into the sanguine grade sword which I believe is the highest tier of weapon that we can get besides from the Legendary Weapons which are needing to be repaired in the ancestral Forge where we don't have access to do that yet and there's our sanguine great sword 26 damage now I probably I mean we didn't really have the means to make the upgraded pistols so I'm fine with that we're going to put this in there I don't think I really use the reaper anymore unfortunately yeah let's go I like this and then I've I've had to play around with this before I do like the great sword it's pretty good so now that I was on the home stretch of bosses I spent some time making some Jewels for the various skills that I mainly use throughout it uh these were for the bone boys so our Shield our bolts where we fire two skeletons as well as our sanguine coil as well and our chaos bolts so I spend a little bit of time making up what I could and hopefully augmented some of my skills which I think would actually help us obviously throughout these Final Bosses I believe I had three more bosses left to go and they were the ghost yarn boss the other vampire and then the final boss so I was almost at the end I'm a pig it was then time to face matka the curse Weaver now she was going to give us the ability to make the ghost yarn which is what I needed to make the final tier of armor she also spawned in explosive mosquitoes as well as armies of mosquitoes so she wasn't the funnest boss but with my Skelly boys and my ultimate and my sanguine coil I was able to defeat her as well as with my sanguine great sword however not before she tricked me and decided to go into an impervious State and summon in a bunch of mosquitoes that explode she didn't go out without a bang though and I finally managed to take her down allowing myself to be able to make the final tier of armor now since I was already in the cursed Forest I decided to why not let's go ahead and see if we can take down night Marshall sticks now defeating night Marshall sticks would allow us to create the Legendary Weapons as he would give us access to the Onyx tier now as well as that he would also give us bat form which is absolutely phenomenal for getting around the map because it's essentially turned into a bat and just fly wherever the hell you want so first attempt actually went pretty decently I didn't really know what most of his attacks were or how they worked but we did get him down to half health and then he kind of did his little electric Gigolo where he jumped up and disappeared for a little bit and he spawned in minions now these minions holy smackadoodles they just did so much damage to us they absolutely clobbered they were the real damage threat of night Marshall sticks to completely on this look how fast they attacked and just how much damage they did so I was running uh my death knight and my Skelly boys so that they could obviously provide a little bit of extra aggro away from us all of us are running the same green grade sword and I popped my ultimate here to try and finish off his little minions as well as deal some extra damage to him hoping that I could defeat him now it did take me a couple of tries this attempt here that you're seeing was obviously the final attempt but me and my Skelly boys were finally able to defeat him however I did go down in the process as well and I wasn't entirely sure whether or not he was still going to be down there this has only happened once before with the general Captain so I was praying that this guy would still be down and that we could still feed on his feed blood it's happened once before where we've downed them as we died and then they stayed down I think it happened with that armoredude over in Dudley farm so I'm hoping he's down oh man those skeletons at the end came in class they dealt so much damage he's down I have a feeling is he down no he's up he's naughty where is he oh wait no he is down he is down let's go we got him give me a blood fool get out of you frog what are you gonna do mate we've got him oh let's go we got bat form now let's freaking go nine Marshall sticks the Sunder is dead all right cool we just got ourselves some blood moon gloves so they're the upgraded version of the Dawn Thorn which is perfect uh increases attack speed yeah so we don't I think that's the only one we have but that's fine finally it was time to fight voltasia the power Master now voltasia kind of a mixed bag here to be honest I did struggle a couple of fights to try and kill her or him I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but I did struggle to kill her a couple of times so uh she gets to the half Health Mark and she actually creates a clone of herself and they also spawn in minions as well so you've kind of got to constantly be on your toes and they also pop like an electric field barrier in front of them that prevents projectiles from hitting them and this big ass lightning beam laser that they shoot out just does a lot of damage so it was kind of a mixed bag I did I think I died like three or four times against them but it really like they weren't raging juicing like the bloody cursed Smith and the freaking Forest dude were they were just kind of difficult I needed to switch up my strategy a little bit here and there to try and counter them so I did run at the chaos volley as well as my uh damn Shield of the dance has spawn in the Skelly boys because they did fire like a shotgun attack every now and again you can see it just here which allowed me to block that and spawn in the Skelly boys so a good thing about this as well is that you could attack one of the Clones as well and technically that would be the damage for both of them which was great so any area of effect attacks that you wanted to use would also damage them as well so you kind of just had to wail on one of them until essentially you killed them so I did put my ultimate here to try and finish them off in hopes that they would die unfortunately though they didn't they were very close to dying though I'd block some of those lightning blocks coming in so that I could spawn in the Skelly boys used a couple of my great sword skills to get up close and personal so that I could finish them off and you can see here that one of them jumped behind a barrier the other one didn't know and that was the killing blow I needed to finish them off thank God for that with that I was able to make learn the power cores which I could use to make gold coins now which is going to be great for buying the leftover researchers that I needed from the city what did we just get from that let's go into here lightning curtain that's pretty sick that sounds cool against like ranged pvps and then we got the power core and the EMP awesome oh man all right good so we've only got the final boss that's it Solaris the immaculate and then we're good to go alrighty we are making up some gold coins so that we can go buy some blueprints from the town over in wherever it's called I have a freaking silver light cities that what it's called all the way over here Silverlight Hills all right we're gonna give this a go I'm thinking he's by himself I don't really know I'm hoping he's by himself let's find out here yep all right he's by himself we're gonna pop all our potions here if this this doesn't work that's fine we'll uh we'll come back at another time but we'll see how we go this time I have no idea what his attack patterns are I think I might keep the r in the the same at the moment I did decide to fight him a little bit earlier because I was a blood moon so we would get extra blood effects which is the main reason why I decided to fight him before actually going into the City and buying any of the research stuff but I had no idea about any of his attack patterns so this was a good way to learn them and try and deal with him at the same time I was so not prepared for all of his attacks okay this guy is very intense he has a lot of abilities I'm scared doesn't help that we're lagging our brains out get him skellies they're actually doing damage to him look at him go [Music] we are taking a bit of damage from him which is kind of unfortunate Divine Angel okay this is not filling me with confidence all right I mean I think for a first try that was pretty good kind of unlucky about our Rogue blood being wasted there I kind of should have saved it for the second round but we are we did all right against him I think he's probably just kind of a DPS check thing that we need to do sort of thing I don't think it's that difficult to be completely honest but obviously that could change in the second phase so let's go give it one more try we've got no blood type but yeah we'll see what happens we've still got the potions so that's the reason why I wanted to give it a shot I've got half an hour to give try and kill him we'll see how we go spoiler alert it did not go well I just wanted to get the full use out of my potions and try and learn more of his attack patterns and see how this fight went and everything like that and well as you can see it didn't go that great I'm pretty sure that this guy was the boss that we died the most on to be completely honest and I did get to a point where I actually got him down really low and then he did this and he's just started healing himself back up so we got him super low you can see here we got them so low but unless I just retreated ended up going to the city instead and buying a bunch of books with the gold coins that I had made figuring that was probably gonna be the better deal to do here so I bought a couple of extra clothing uh books as well as I believe some extra amulets too so I took these new research books back to myanathione anathema whatever it's called and learned them up and you see here we've got quite a few of them still we're missing quite a few merciless weapons though and I needed those in order to get the legendary weapons however I did manage to unlock the axes and with the axes I had the ability to make a legendary weapon so you bet your sweet cheeks we did exactly that here we go guys three Onyx tiers we can now make ourselves our first ancestral weapon the Demonic gut remembers now these are only one point stronger than our sanguine great sword however they do provide us extra benefits so you can see there seven weapon attack speed Critical Strike chance and Critical Strike damage we're making them now I do wish we had merciless Reaper available because we do have a very good Reaper build that we could go for that would allow us to be very spellcast heavy however we unfortunately don't have the merciless repeat yet I had then found a 96 Warrior that I wanted to try and get to 100 so radiant gruel here we come oh come on we just got rid of our 96 bloody Warrior for mutant spitter again that's happened to us twice now so annoying I thought we were gonna get him and then it was back to dying some more lots of lots a lot final boss and I just could not for the life of me get him down there so he had three stages to his fight obviously the first stage then when he gets to half Health he spawns in the angel and you can see there the angel almost died but when you kill the angel it turns into a fallen angel and that is how it goes about breaking his shield you then have an ally for the fight now you can currently see my health here is super duper low all I needed to do now was finish this guy off except his attacks get a lot more crazier he spawns in more orbs he does more damage he has a larger range of attacks and I just didn't have a Dodge available to dodge these last attacks and he killed us good news was I was slowly getting better at trying to defeat this guy but I took a little bit of a breather to go check out the bookstore again see if there were any blueprints or anything like that that I could buy so I could fill out my anathema but unfortunately there wasn't anything there for me to purchase all right sweet we just got a new scholar to replace the one that I may have accidentally killed let's send her back 75 I'll take it I'm happy with that it's not as high as what we had before but I mean there's not much we can do for it it was then time to face this guy once again with legendary axes in tow ice Shield available to deal even more damage I decided to switch it out instead of having it for the skeletons because I don't think he really bothered targeting the skeletons yes they did damage but I don't think they did that much so we had gotten him down to stage three the Fallen Angel was here assisting us we just needed to defeat him my health was low enough he was spawning in light beams up from above we luckily had a ranged attack with our axes where we could hold them from a distance and I was getting very low so I jumped out of the Arena real quick and decided to heal myself now due to the Fallen Angel having the aggro of him he didn't actually reset so I was able to regenerate my health I just had to make sure I got back in there in time before he killed the Fallen Angel all right here we go I think we're gonna get him we're gonna just pop this oh God I just failed that miserably it doesn't matter we should be able to get him here let's go we got the final freaking boss yeah that's right big fella not anymore Solaris the immaculate is now dead and with Solaris defeated I had survived 100 days in the rising now I could definitely turn this into possibly 150 days there was a lot of stuff that I didn't do with my castle that I would have liked to have done I just didn't really have the time to spend fancying it up nonetheless hopefully you guys enjoyed this one if you did don't forget to leave a like subscribe down below for more and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Cjthecheesedj
Views: 290,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark top 5, cjthecheesedj, genesis, ark 2, genesis 2, Travelling, Dinos, Gameplay, Ark, Creatures, Taming, deadliest, lists, top 10, TOP 5, bosses, rockwell, ice titan, king titan, how to, kill, MODS, moddded, best mods, modded, primal fear, moddded top 10, new top 10, snow owl, dodo, alpha dodo, single player, creatures, ark, pvp, pve, solo, new map, new dlc, story, v rising, 100 days\, vampire, minecraft 100 days, vampire 100 days, 100 days as a vampire
Id: qOrMPRjr9XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 7sec (5227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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