Asmongold Returns to WoW After Months

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I did want to log on and see what's going on for the uh for the event tomorrow it's time we're actually going to log on to World of Warcraft you guys believe that haven't done that for a long [Music] time is that crazy yeah yeah imagine I Logan on banned okay um SC Rock death is permanent okay um ASM bald okay um is it's it's sfmg right yeah okay of course somebody tried to take the name okay okay we've got it we're going to just disable everything Baldo star Forge montar we're going to go on over to oramar we're going to see what's going on here okay all right well all gone here we go long ago the orcish horde was corrupted by the burning Legion and lured to the world of azero for Generations the orc made War upon the human kingdoms of Stormwind and lorderon though the hord was ultimately defeated a Visionary the Su named th Rose to lead his people in their darkest down under th's W the Orcs freed themselves from the chains of demonic corruption and embraced their shamanistic Heritage after years of wandering the Orcs founded their own kingdom in the harsh wastelands of durar based in the warrior city of orgar they stand ready to destroy all who would challenge their Supremacy as a proud defender of durar it is your duty to crush your enemies both seen and unseen for the nefarious agents of the burning Legion still wander the land well [ __ ] I sure hope they figure out that whole burning Legion thing that seems like a real problem all right let's go back over to oramar we're going to see how many people are on can somebody invite me to the guild yeah I want to get invited just a yeah full screen yeah there we go [Music] no let me see here noers no no no I'll get an invite I'll figure it out it's okay no invite to the guild guys message sand I don't know if sand is on somebody will figure it on nobody that can invite is online okay all right let me see how many people are online in the guild F oh my God wait holy hly [ __ ] there's this many 60s oh my holy [ __ ] this is going to be crazy that's capped results yeah I know it's capped how about 60 still 50 people at least online holy [ __ ] look at them all oh my [ __ ] God I want to see what's going on here let me see here change this so I can see things more easily there we go nerd following you it's not a big deal I'm 14 and I'm running with asmon yeah isn't that crazy s fans playing a character called Dan Clancy well I don't know about that like I know they're probably doing that other thing on the other server oh [ __ ] these are Elite BS bro we got to watch out checked if is there any corpses on the elevators I'm going to look and see he's just running an escort Quest yeah clearly so all these people have been leveling up for like what a month now and like all getting geared and ready well I'm going to see what their uh what their gear is I'm going to start expecting some of them and see what they've got when am I joining only fangs I'm not really a uh like I'm going to be honest guys I'm kind of a solo player most of the time you know like uh I don't really fit in with groups it's just how it is Jo's pretty good geared he's in your guild yeah I look and see I'm a lone wolf an outcast yes kind of groups get you killed yeah well I don't know I just um you know like I I usually like just being by myself this guy wants me a port from Razer Hill to org from Razer Hill yeah that would be great uh let's invite gim Bob arino where's gem Bob okay he's going to come over here we're good okay just say you want all the loot for yourself no I already got all that they need a real tank not snitchk you think Miz sucks as a tank you're probably right okay Port oh I've got somebody here you don't have to head on over gem Bob yeah just Port me to oramar thank you man I really appreciate you go big dick yeah there you go thanks man okay this probably won't kill me um all right let's go back over here and we're going to see where people are at okay you're the king of Hardcore how am I the king of Hardcore wow I don't even play it what do you mean what are you talking about the king of hardore I didn't play hardcore a while okay that's why yeah there you go okay so let's see what people are doing here oh there's actually a lot of people on the server organically oh look at this guy oh he's level 60 already what the [ __ ] he's got threepiece tier set well I guess it's only. five but still resistances frenzied Striker oh my God try to get you g invite yeah thanks man oh man this helmet I forgot all about this helmet this guy's stacked yeah he's got the HP enchant look at that Medallion of the Dawn black dragon scale this guy's kind of uh he's kind of geared I'm going to be honest like I would invite him to uh like anxia or something yeah he's ready holy [ __ ] where's some more of them oh look at this guy blor bees what the [ __ ] this guy's got six piece oh my God wow Nifty stopwatch the emblem as well oh I bet you need that as a shaman holy [ __ ] wait ziko I think ziko is probably busy right I don't want to just like randomly invite people let me see here pass lead okay just don't be annoying and invite people yeah let me see oh this guy look at him yeah if he's chilling but that's fine oh where is z oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] fire damage + 20 hp + 100 Amulet of the Dawn sorcerer's mantle shroud of Arcane Ministry sorcerer's Ro robes Sage holy [ __ ] dude this guy is geared this is nuts tidal charm double freezing band sorcerer's boots what the [ __ ] man Z's winning for sure plus 50k easy you could be right man show him the shadow resist gear wait what shadow resist gear what oh he's also got Arena grandmas he says yeah he's going to show it to me okay wa what the what the [ __ ] he's prepared for anything you know there's probably things he won't be showing us too like tricks how many you missed the Sunday Funday gashi midnight Massacre well that doesn't sound very fun to me death missed as well so they've all got tier5 oh a lot of people are using this uh this item Crimson felt hat ooh this is from that guy in BRD Mark of resolution holy [ __ ] with a 30 minute cool down holy [ __ ] well Z's just getting his gear ready I'm actually I'm actually really kind of curious about this oh my God he just put the hood on Jesus okay uh what else do we have um oh there's two whole guilds I didn't even realize that look at this guy toads oh did I look at this one no I didn't this guy's got a lot of greens he's going to be having a bad time man uhoh he's going to have to really work for it Sony's AFK at the bank oh on top yeah I might have to look at that see how he's doing he's doing his best yeah hey get he says hey get back no peeking okay okay all right let's see what else we have here Windstorm War Chief's blessing oh [ __ ] devil she's got two-piece devil swur oh this guy's actually really geared what the [ __ ] Jesus this guy stacked oh my God he's not in oh oh he's just a random idiot I'll [ __ ] this guy yeah I don't know who this loser is okay let's see here what are the other ones I saw this guy uhoh what's this wait oh this guy's got other gear on wait oh [ __ ] this is Z's set oh my God oh my God no no no plus five all res 15 Shadow res 10 sha oh what oh my God decreases magical spell so he's still using that shadow res on this too what the [ __ ] Shadow he's got a shadow resistance wand for I asked if I need sageblade yesterday and I was like haha no thank you I'm poor well that's an expensive item dude it's over for warlocks dude he even oh my God bro like he has the shadow resistance trinket oh my God this is disgusting what look at this he's got double Shadow resist Rings Shadow resist boots Shadow resist legs Shadow resist belt Shad dude what are warlocks going to be able to do better keybind searing pain man that's what it's got to be holy [ __ ] yeah what are they going to do yeah they can Auto attack him yall said Sony was in here where's Sony I don't see oh there's Sony of course this is Sony oh and he even has an ear holy [ __ ] Bro Sony's got five piece heroism set for the heal on damage Medallion of the Dawn as well Stone skin gargoyle Cape that's from Skol the breastplate oh my [ __ ] go arcanite he's going old school with the arcanite reaper [ __ ] yeah there we go what's this gauntlets of heroism Bram girdle oh [ __ ] Titanic wait he has Titanic legs holy [ __ ] really Jesus I don't need that tarnished Elven ring can't you get two of these yeah I think you can mermaid he has a Boe blue and of course the diamond flask somebody says he also has epic Mount I wonder if he has a healing set for his Diamond flask yeah I wonder if he does he does oh my God this is disturbing oh there's another one right here he has plus 530 healing Jesus oh this guy's ALS dude all of these people are level 60 I just hit 60 yesterday yep oh my god dude some of them are just [ __ ] stacked I I don't even know what to say I'm so excited this is awesome ziko is winning who do y'all think is going to win yeah who do you guys think he's going to win ziko I think that there could be a lot of reasons why somebody would would win like it's not I don't think it's that simple show I like again but people have been going really hard on this because again this is $5,000 look at he's got the full set oh my God what the [ __ ] and that way he gets to 200 armor Jesus so not not 100K uh it's 100K prize pool first place wins 50k I think that's how it works Jesus this guy is stacked and wait he has the dark moon necklace oh my God look at his offhand furball medicine pouch a th000 health restor don't you have to get like friendly or honored with them to get this exalted okay guys I'll be right back I got to not just a minute like I bet M on Z winning okay um we can do a poll who going to win ziko um Sony snuts poo bobka PS hero very good one savix shck I think I spelled this wrong uh there we go seidu is cidu competing Zar I think Mitch isn't competing uh bean I mean come on zaru isn't competing okay I'll change his name Mez okay Mez and then we're going to go a random Dark Horse uh all right I think that's that's about what where we're at right there you go guys vote vote right now Jesus bro wait most people think it's just going to be a random person a straight up random dude we don't even know who this guy is he's just going to come in get $50,000 and I mean it is what it is right random autistic sweat Lord maybe oh my God hopefully that would be really cool all right I'll make sure I link you guys it a few more times okay you forgot to put firar yeah you're right I forgot to put McConnell too I should I should have put Miz on the list oh man so we have ziko at number one PS hero number two PO number three showc number four snuts savix and then after savic the votes go down by a lot um nobody like people only 2% of people are believing in Sony Frost ramus josito flop like these guys have really got something to prove okay sleeping on bobka he has eight of8 Cent well I think also like this is a bit of a popularity contest like everybody from my chat knows ziko they know PSO they know showc po snuts savic Sony but like do they really know bobka perplexity like Hydra Mez Frost probably don't know a lot of these guys right because like they're smaller content creators for wow so yeah streamer bias exactly uh someone what's this here Captain says on camera for the W so we can rip Bozo maybe you're right it's not a popularity contest yeah this is who you think is going to win yeah there's a lot of people here oh here's bobco right here let's see how boba's doing he's got the Dow Ren set both with Crusader full tier 0.5 dark mantle set holy [ __ ] the beads of ogre might another merodon signant oh my God guys pain Weaver band Jesus Gish death ray e another Boe these guys are not [ __ ] around I'm going to be honest these guys are not [ __ ] around at all holy [ __ ] 50k is some cash yeah I know we got to spend 50k to make 100K yeah exactly all of you proving all of you are proving streamer privilege I think that being a streamer is an advantage you can never remove every Advantage a person has because even the ability to play the game all the time is a tremendous advantage that some people don't have so keep that in mind everybody has a different advantage and if you can't overcome that Advantage then you're a loser and you fail that's all there is to it what froster Damas maybe more of y'all should have voted for him he's got the goblin rocket helmet he's got six piece death Mist everything that he has is well not everything that I mean the helmet doesn't really need to be enchanted but like still um this is pretty impressive like I would say froster damus has a chance man yeah holy [ __ ] some of these people literally took off work for a month for this tournament oh man dude imagine to get to take off to dude to take a month off just to compete and then lose in the first round imagine you take a month off and the first person you play against is ziko that would be bad it'd be very very bad yeah which class has the best chance I actually don't know the answer to that because I think there is an answer but I don't really know what it is like in my mind I think warlocks are insane but are warlocks insane with this type of gear I don't know yeah SL SL yeah like I feel like they're really good but maybe not war Warriors will win I hope so imagine a warrior just takes the whole thing home just beats the it beats everybody on loocks not his Omega stacked yeah warlocks get ruined by protection potions I mean wouldn't any cter get ruined by that though I don't know holy [ __ ] same with Mages maybe a rogue does win then because Rogues can just use all the protections I mean I guess like there's no poison protection potion right [ __ ] faps allowed I don't know you have to look at the rules I'm pretty sure pretty much everything is allowed 10 PST uh I don't remember uh they said it was like changing it or something is it what time is the is the tournament starting tomorrow nature oh yeah yeah you're right there's a lot of poison to spell consumables yeah that's true yeah yeah you can get all those like sacks and everything like that 11:00 a.m. yeah it's either like I'm going to try to be live at 12: or sorry live at 10:00 that way if it's 11: I'm there if it's at 12 I'm still there you know which channel is going to be streamed on uh it's going to be streamed on a number of different channels a lot of people are going to watch it um sand is the uh Prime place to watch it uh also I will be watching it and soda zaru is watching it probably a couple of other people as well yeah Po's coming oh [ __ ] okay there should be blind challenges so you don't know who you'll be up against I don't know how they're deciding that I have no idea oh this guy's a warrior okay is he ready oh [ __ ] he is ready oh my God wait bro he's super ready dude look at this guy look at this guy bro his name is let's go po oh God bro who's going to tell him I actually how much do you guys want to bet that if poo wins he'll bring up stay safe on his victory speech like I feel like there's at least a 75% chance that will happen yeah like absolutely po out round one maybe let's see what else we got mad Knox who's this soul of iron oh [ __ ] damn six piece as well wait this guy this is apparently from exalted and he has farmed this out in a month leveled to 60 I want a no name to win I actually think that no matter who wins and this is I'm I'm sorry this is kind of like a uh political opinion uh but like I think no matter who wins there will be something good about it like if a if like a random noname wins then it'll be great if like a person who is like really controversial like Po wins it'll just be hilarious and if somebody like ziko wins it'll be like yeah that's [ __ ] right winners win so I think no matter what happens it'll be good bud light's going to sponsor the next hardcore tournament oh really non streamer would be great the prize pool would be great for most average people well well um I think like yeah that would be interesting but like there's no Stakes behind it like watching streamers compete is what's really interesting because people know who they are like having randoms compete is only interesting because they're competing against streamers it wouldn't be interesting on its own that's just how it is the it's the X Factor yeah and if everything is an X Factor then nothing is streamer T you're right I'm uh I'm kind of like an expert in this and I know more about it than anybody else so yeah that's just how it is ego BR it's not ego it's a fact anyway want in a tournament realm where everyone can choose their gear doesn't seem fair if the gear is not equal Fair bro we're playing classic wow if you want Fair go play chess this isn't about Fair it's about winning and I want to let you guys know something okay is that in the history of World of Warcraft most Mont garaz are rigged Sylvanas versus uh Sarang was rigged gash versus thw was rigged um gash versus uh Bane blood Hof no uh Karen blood Hof was rigged like most of these are rigged I think there's another one that I can't I can't remember uh goldan goldan versus Duran rigged again check poo where's po tarpo oh jeez there he is oh jeez oh jeez oh he's got all right he's got a helmet but he doesn't even have an enchant on his helmet guys ooh man po bro he's got intellect gear like I just guys I don't think he's going to make it I'm going to be honest like this is not even going to be close like Po's going to get destroyed bro has he even been playing what is this oh man he's got intellect and spirit sh dude PO is done bro like this guy's been playing classic W for 10 years and this is all he can come up with okay he has B I've been watching him really B gear that's a Spirit Gear is a rogue I can see that people say that's bait gear or is that true or they they're probably just coping let's be honest oh this guy's oh oh no he's actually a normal player let's see if I can make a few more of these how do he get the ant gear I don't know that's his flash gear he's a he he's a wait he's a rogue right yeah he's not a [ __ ] Warrior man um look at Zik's gear I already did I saw Zik's gear man check uh DJ Bost oh this is another Warrior where is he oh I see him I see him I see him now inspect damn he's even got the chance to hit with that dragons ooh not very good Diamond flask as well barav peasant collar bracers of heroism I don't know guys I mean this is a really nice piece of piece of gear but like he doesn't have enchants on his stuff bro he's got to get get those enchants he's got to stay stacked like he's decent but like man I don't know if he's going to be able to compete with some of the other people he's trying yeah Annie isn't competing no Annie's chilling can you move the M gra tournament to the weekend yeah sure let me just uh reschedule it right now inspect some guy follows your puppy no I don't want to F like let me let me just inspect people naturally right right than telling me to inspect people that's it and I think that we are going to have players like people that win based off of their class so like even if you're not playing like are we having that I I forgot how the like what actually got announced cuz I never looked at it like I remember talking about it like privately but I don't remember like what we ended up doing yeah okay yeah yeah we're going to have people yeah each class will have a chance to win something like the best that competes for each class at what hour does it start um 11: uh 11 or 12 tomorrow morning my time highest rength Warrior is going to be last shut up I just think people are going to have to Bro against ziko man like I don't know boys yeah I don't know stop glazing ziko I'm just looking at his gear man like I'm just I'm just looking around that's all that's just how it is Zik's also a rank one Andy he is he's been a rank one Andy for 10 years I think that counts for a lot what if he dies in the first round what if he like gets queed into like a rogue and the Rogue just gets like super lucky with crits and he just kills them dude that would be nuts is a tournament only for horde yes it's a horde tournament ah PS Euro can beat ziko you think so um Can PS hero beat ziko I mean if anybody can it's him like PS hero you guys have to understand PS hero is the kind of Dude to win a 20 minute 2V1 2700 Arena game on a rogue 2v one win the match at rating 2,700 win the game and be like Ah that's what you get never speak of it again just play another game yep was the best video yeah it was so good yeah and say nothing for the entire video oh man why is it horde only uh I don't remember why we decided that I I I don't have a million answers for a million questions man like it is what it is it's happening tomorrow and that's it sh is a samurai well we'll see when are you playing wrath when am I going to play wrath I don't know like I thought about playing wrath maybe doing some IC something like that I don't really give a [ __ ] that much I feel like also like Warrior is really bad like tank Warrior so I'd have to go DPS you already played wrath yeah I already did it's hella fun is macaros a hord thing maybe you're right any trans modog comp soon I don't know man we'll see what happens DPS is even worse really I just watched your old war white Fest videos yeah yeah I don't need to think about that anymore man that was a really bad time for me that was a really really really bad time holy [ __ ] Jesus some people are dumb as hell huh I think the tournament uh would have been worse with Paladin well that's because paladins are stupid so I mean yeah of course now I do think paladins are better than Shaman they're just straight up better than Shaman but uh they're still stupid Sage Wade pattern is a world a war drop I don't know where it's from actually I have no idea let's see here oh I haven't seen this guy oh we have a shadow priest here oh okay how do you guys think Shadow priests are going to do yeah what do you guys think bro he really likes doing that huh good against Mages ziko beats every Caster I think ziko has the best gear ziko has the best gear and I think he's a good enough player to where you can't rely on him making a mistake if that makes makes sense snuts winning the whole thing I mean snuts is really good snuts has the best gear wait snuts actually has the best gear out of everybody is that true does party wish you were competing no no I'm I I I choke on events like this right like I would I would [ __ ] up I would 100% [ __ ] up like make a mistake do something wrong I wouldn't be paying attention yeah bro like I have really bad Focus like I would I would lose so fast like I can play well in like bursts but I can't do it on demand if that makes sense high pressure event yeah I don't play well under pressure just it's just how it is head smacking time yeah exactly Z is the biggest knowledge of other classes too and how to counter them and PVP that's true you choke on Hollow cure that has one button for all yeah I just yeah I just don't I don't think Under Pressure didn't dampening make PS hero win the 2.7k arena yeah yeah as if that was the real reason he won and not because he was good sure um is there a paladin competing in a tournament as far as I know there's not no you have knowledge but you don't have the skill that's a problem as well yeah I mean I'm not like super good at the game right I mean I don't really like [ __ ] it's a video game right who cares like I don't have like the motivation and like the drive to be like really good like maybe I did whenever I was a lot younger but like nowadays like if I'm not good it's like okay like I don't like people saying that cuz it's like it's kind of a rude thing but like I don't really take it as like a insult if that makes sense like being being bad at a video game to me like it's not uh like I don't I don't view this as like a personal flaw or like a a shortcoming in life it's just like yeah I'm not good at a game you know it is what it is just enjoy the game yeah how about you guys make the tournament clean to make sure there's no outside elements that will interfere I think always some things happen and uh for the most part but uh we'll do our best to keep that to a minimum as much as possible chat's trying to say you're watched yeah of course I'm washed I mean I I used to play the game super seriously 10 years ago and I played it all day every day and now I focus on my stream on running my companies and on making content and and like that's really where my focus is now like it's not on video games anymore and has been hasn't been for years so like I am washed that's true yep I'm chilling still have the Gladiator titles though I do I do I have more let me see here um I think I went through pretty much everybody let me see how many things are on the auction house there's a lot of people here everybody's ready man oh here's showc cadav ass look at that oh you can get a five set with two-piece hit chance that's insane he's going for armor instead double d d Rens holy [ __ ] man is this tournament solo self found no no I I don't want to so like whenever I'm not done yet okay okay I won't look at you I'm sorry so I don't want to make rules I want it to be you can do whatever you want like whenever we were planning out the event that's what I told everybody I said I want this to be as if you can do anything you want to do like the only things we had to regulate were like certain like super extreme things other than that no let people do anything they want are World Buffs allowed though you have to look at the tournament rules like I I you're if you don't know that you're probably not competing and it doesn't matter like what um I I think that like I don't know look it up look at it up guys like look it up look it up he doesn't know you're right I don't know because there were certain things that we were undecided on so like my opinion this is what I told everybody in the group chat like everybody at otk I said I want to use the isekai anime Benchmark if this would be a good plot device or a good storyline in Overlord or Sword Art Online I want to allow it in the tournament that's what I told I don't I don't care about it being like super fair or anything like that because if everybody has access to it then anybody can do it it's totally fine that is the only thing that I care about is making it entertaining because I think if you make it entertaining and you make it compelling then everything else Falls exactly into place that's what I think that's what matters more than anything else make a great event then you're going to have tons of people wanting to sponsor it tons of people wanting to support it and everybody's going to want to be part of it make a fair event and it's probably going to be boring that's what I think I saw this guy already let's see what's on the auction house make great events and it'll be great we'll focus on the um oh here's joso right here oh bro bro he's wait you're telling me only 11 people voted for this dude I think he's ready bro he is [ __ ] ready holy [ __ ] CDL was not boring yeah but I mean anything in classic wow here's the truth classic wow is not a fair game it's not it it it's not like there there are things that happen in classic wow that are outside of the scope of what's like fair if that makes sense right like there's like random RNG uh there's like a class imbalance there are consumable usage everything like that and the imbalances in a certain way create balances in a very abstract way but at at the end of the day it is imbalanced the same as any game is imbalanced but classic wow is imbalanced and it's not sorry so check the auction house oh yeah I was going to do that and you add hardcore even more on balances to it yep Shield spec enhance any chance on big DBS Shield spec enhance I don't know man what is are you not compete I don't know there's a lot of people that didn't compete like it's it's a huge time investment guys it's a massive time investment oo look at all these oh wow skull Flame Shield remember that the Hobs way of pulling bro I used to watch those videos on blog spot those were the days Zar is hosting it yeah he is there's a lot of boes on here actually Kang the decapitator holy [ __ ] man I remember Jeff had that boots of avoidance these were really good too oh my God there's 39,000 items on this auction house that's a lot man holy [ __ ] is anyone competing as a hunter yes the economy on white man era is like 10x for those items oh on white yeah I don't know what that's like on the other servers fora 295 I just sold for 3.6 on AA yeah that's what happens whenever you don't ban the gold buyers is you you have the server like I feel like classic wow you have to have resets for the game like it's okay to have a server with no resets but I think in order for the game to be compelling you need resets and you need it to have like Seasons classic hardcore is magical I love it I mean I'm not a big hardcore enjoyer but like I think the tournament's interesting as [ __ ] man it's insane how much people are paying uh play playing through all the versions yeah like wow is um wow is is doing very well overall if you like combine dragonflight retail and sorry dragonflight uh wrath and classic like that's a lot man I just missed the boosted experience of season of Mastery yeah I I know a lot of people do I mean it makes sense honestly have you seen soda Petri almost double double Petri almost death I did see that yeah we've seen the recent uh wrath classic situation a bunch of band waves for rmts guilds are dying on them good anybody who rmts should be six-month banned it's that simple if you rmt 6mon suspension and they should take the wild token out because actually you know you know what the real truth is I don't care if people get banned in Wrath anymore I really don't like not for buying gold because really all blizzard is Banning is their competition if you sell gold in my opinion I think you lose the right as a publisher or a game developer to have like the moral High Ground whenever you ban people for buying gold now they can ban people for whatever they want of course obviously they can but in terms of like me being sympathetic to them and me agreeing with the bands no I could care less real oh real rmt is whenever you buy gold for real money no point in Banning it if you're selling the wow token well that's especially when you want to ban it so that way you can ban your competition uh was all about catacus bad was everything about catacus bad no catacus had great PVP and it brought in RPGs that were really fun and the raids were really good although they were too hard for the player base classic sorry uh cataclysm brought in a number of good things but uh and it also brought in like Guild levels a lot of like Guild like a mass Resurrection for guilds one player could summon everybody to their exact location in a raid group every two hours it it actually brought in a ton of like really really cool things into wow and I wish they were still in the game like have group will travel I think that's what it was called and then like you could cast Mass Resurrection any class could cast it at any time with no cool down it was insane and that way you didn't have to worry about run backs as much and then they got rid of it for some reason I don't know why wrath lame was Peak wow but blizzard butchered it with Bots and stuff no you know what Peak wow was you're looking at it right here this is Peak wow vanilla wow was the best version of wow and nothing comes close like wrath wrath and burning Crusade were trash compared to in a little while it's not even CL yeah it's not even close guys I think we just want an easy game with easy bosses and good loot yeah most people play MMOs because they don't want to be challenged if you want to be challenged you're playing Dark Souls you're playing valerin like MMOs are about time commitment knowledge and dedication they're not about being good at hitting your button whenever the red thing happens that's just how it is your thoughts on Legion Legion was probably the third best expansion blizzard has ever made like if I was going to say like so um vanilla wow is number one underneath it is burning Crusade and then underneath burning Crusade is probably Legion I think Legion was better than wrath mop was better no I disagree I think classes played much better in Legion for the average player like Legion was a cleaner and better game Mr Pandaria had too much ability bloat there were too many like bloated things in the game and Miss Pandaria and while wad was too much of an overcorrection while the the added abilities into Legion made classes Feel Complete and good again so yeah I think Legion was the second best expansion ever made like if you want to talk about expansions right like state of the game third because vanilla would be the best all classes were great at mop yeah so they were all great in in Legion too mop was the best PP expansion no it wasn't it was always the best PVP expansion if you played the game very seriously for an average player it was not the best PVP expansion mop was such a mop was so bad that blizzard had to remove all the abilities from the game because there just people are just running out of abilities to like put on their keyboard it was too much man it was way too much how where would you rate Dragon flight um I would say it's like a seven like I think the story is the story is like at an alltime low the story is like in my opinion even more boring than shadowlands because at least in shadowlands you could get mad about it but in dragonfly you can't even get mad about it what about wad uh wad was really bad wad was just a bad expansion everything about it was bad I think the raids and wad were really good though to be fair wad zones are B yeah there's a few really good zones in in Wards adenor leveling in wad was good true I'm actually really curious to know who's going to win tomorrow I'm going to be honest I am no pet battles happened in wad no they happened in Mr Pandaria they added pet battles with Mr Pandaria stupid idiot stupid dumb idiot what are you talking about how would you feel about wad if they condense class duration into 9 months well I don't know what you mean by that everything is bad rating leveling is good uh yeah yeah I mean I everything was bad was not really true about wad yeah there were some good things about wad but overall um I thought it was a bad expansion like there were some people that try to like make excuses and say oh wad was actually kind of good no it wasn't it was a terrible expansion yeah I I don't think it's really fair to say like everything about it was bad no but a lot of it was do you know if there'll be more than one fight happening simultaneously uh I you'd have to like I don't know all the rules I'm just I'm here to watch the tournament promote the tournament and uh that's my goal that's my job that's what I do wad had the biggest loss potential that's definitely true what expansion had the best cinematic wad wad had the best cinematic by far in my opinion times change yeah it was so good man iron horde was cool yeah it was would did you say cataclysm was the start of your sweaty try hard W no I started um I started being really try hard and while pretty much right off the bat like I got to 60 in vanilla a wow and like none of my friends did because I would grind all day every day and then I did AV all day every day and I would do uh as much as I can to get like the uh the ranks and PVP so I could get all the gear and then I really got more serious about it in TBC and like I got like you know the arena gear I was like the only Warrior on server with like the uh the season 3 shoulders I remember I was on kind of a PVE server right but like it was cool to be like the only person that had it and I played TBC a lot that's in in Burnie Crusade like I got into like a top 100 World Guild it's called overdose and um we played together a lot like uh through like at least the first like beginning of Wrath I got my black Proto Drake with them then I stopped raing the guild fell apart and it was like you know whole thing and uh like I was very serious in TBC and then I was also very serious in Wrath and then I got very very serious in cataclysm and then miss Pandaria and then because I was doing my videos I was also doing it I was playing all the time and like I would say like the most serious about the game I ever was was actually in Legion like in Legion I was like crazy serious like I was playing constantly every single day I was doing all kinds of stuff it was a lot how did you become Guild Master of indestructible the current Guild Master had quit the guild and he had to go casual bro I remember I was so so sad I was so [ __ ] sad whenever they made me GM it was one of the worst days of my life um basically what happened is uh I had one of the best I had the best role in the entire guild I was the recruitment officer and uh we didn't need to recruit anybody really so I was just chilling and all I did was I woke up 30 minutes before the raid started raid started at 8:00 p.m. by the way and I would be like you know like a group convo like God guys I got to oh man I'm going to go ahead and just kind of like [ __ ] to I'm I'm going to sleep in a bit so like just make sure to go ahead and uh you know just stop join in a bit right and so I'm like yeah I still do need the item right so I I but I was officer so I would always be able to like pry most of the gear right I could still get all the gear so I had like it was the the the most [ __ ] position right like you had all the all the power and none of the responsibility and I remember the day that like our Guild Master said hey I'm not going to be the Guild Master anymore and I was like oh God cuz I was like now I've got to work now I had I got I had to get promoted now I'm the Guild Master now I've got to be there at I've got to be awake at 7:30 online inviting everybody making everything happen so I and we did we we did do it and um uh somebody's complaining about something like the second string quarterback well I don't know what it was but yeah raid or organizing Guild drama interviews with people I had to do everything right yeah you're the captain now so I'm like oh [ __ ] right so I I did I took over everything and we killed Mythic goldan and we didn't miss a beat I did the whole thing raid leader Guild Master everything and I worked extra hard to recruit people to remove all of that responsibility from me and and by the time that we got to tumis araris halfway through there were enough people that I had recruited where I had created an entirely new leadership team and I was finally like all right guys I'm going to quit again I'm done and that's whenever I started streaming all the time yeah delegation yep and I I'm still Guild Master but I don't do anything being GM and a raid leader is really tiresome well it's also I was streaming you know and so it's like a different thing nigh hold was something man it was a um bro like the days in nigh hold streaming back to being non-executive chairman yep that's right I get to be back yeah I get to go back I'm no longer the CEO anymore I get to be some guy like you're complaining to me about why you got kicked out at the turn I don't know what happened like I don't know like this is not I'm not this what are you why are you sending me messages stop it like I'm not I'm not like I didn't I read literally like five words just stop it I didn't set this up I didn't do this doesn't being a Guild Master passes someone else if you're inactive for too long yeah I I log on every once in while to make sure it doesn't happen Pepe laugh 2 a.m. nigh hold yeah when do we get true story of asmal cataclysm like 50 people have asked that I don't know at some point I don't know when well complain yeah go complain to somebody else man stop it just a weirdo chasing you it's just person has me on follow it's nothing special you're welcome for the GM reminders by the way yeah thank you jibu your GM of Olympus with some of the funniest content well that's totally different though why vanilla wow best when so unbalanced because balance doesn't make a game good that's why what's it like to be recognized in game does it remove the fun do you want to know the truth about being recognized in game is it was happening to me ever since wrath delit came people had recognize me in game for having really good gear for having Invincible for being one of the best players on the server for being like Oh my God bro like you're actually so good like can you get me into your guild so like I was used to being a celebrity on the server even before I was a streamer so whenever people said I like your stream I actually considered that a downgrade from people telling me that they like my gear it's just how it is okay dude no I'm serious like you go back look at the screenshots yeah it happened all the time sucking your own dick is what it is yeah how'd you meet tragon I met tragon um this was in dragon soul and tragon applied to the guild but we declined him for some reason and then we ended up reinviting him later on and then uh like we reinit him at the end of cataclysm or like the beginning of Mr Pandaria and then uh he just slowly worked his way up and then he was one of the uh people that I offloaded responsibility on to I'm like oh tragon wow so you like looking at logs great why don't you look at recruits logs okay I'm not doing that anymore yeah that was it like I was I'm very good at making other people do work yeah like cuz like the one thing that is the strongest motivating factor for me is to not have to do anything so I will figure out a way to where I have to do literally nothing oh again yeah it's the same thing what would you like to see in the next expansion I don't know uh no furries like if there's a new furry race bro like I'm going to have to lay down how'd you meet Dragon saber uh we met dragon in antorus uh I remember they interviewed dragon in antorus and I didn't know who he was but like they said he had a great attitude and they really liked him but they said he wasn't very good at the time and so I was like well [ __ ] who cares like he can get better but you can't change somebody's attitude and so then we invited dragon and like Dragon was the like the def who's really The Guild leader um who's like the actual like the the the functional Guild leader uh of indestructible for like 3 years yeah Dragon was Dragon is just [ __ ] great I I love dragon saber you think uh blizzard will pull their Community for changes to the game I don't know yet I'm not sure good man Dragon T yeah rock and roll there it is yeah perfect system administrator they automate everything let the scripts into the PCS do all the work yeah I would never want to actually do any work 11.0 opening ctra of someone getting their head chopped off yeah exactly let me see here damn bro people are farming holy [ __ ] Po's ready there's San oh man well at least he's trying man there it is [ __ ] look at everybody people are farming this man is going crazy yeah I'm glad to see it but like the event tomorrow is going to be nuts do you still St to talk to Krypton nights I haven't talked to Crypt ever since like 2017 2016 uh [ __ ] hit me up I forgot where um but he was like yo it's me it's like his his real name right and he has like kind of like a a weird name and so uh I'm like oh what's up bro he's like oh not much and like I looked on Facebook and he had like he was like working on like Trump's campaign and like this is absolutely by the way this is totally like him like this dude was oh my god well he had atsh he actually got a raid together and did the entire quest line and everything to get atsh like he was [ __ ] farming man and I remember one time like we uh it was like me and Cody and Jeff and like he was explaining Four Horsemen we walk all the way to 7-Eleven we eat a hot dog while we're there we walk back we [ __ ] around on the way back we come back we arrive I go back I put on my headphones he's still explaining the fight finally he does a ready check he's like okay let's go ahead and do the fight it was a wipe in like 5 seconds after 45 minutes of explanation bro people were so stupid back then like you guys have no idea how bad it was yep there's this one guy um his name was bunter I think and kryptonites kicked him out a four horsman because he was like he wasn't listening or he wouldn't install an add-on or something he was like just being stupid like this kid was really [ __ ] stupid and so Kryptonite kicked him out and then you could see bunter not in the KN raid and you could see where he was and he tried to run and aggro the boss anding the math like can he come and aggro four horsemen before his his his like one minute dungeon removal timer ends and the answer was yes he could he goes in there and like kryptonites is like in vent he's like yelling get out get out he's coming he's going to wipe the raid this is going to waste like 20 minutes and you can just see bunter running you know with this stupid shitty little Paladin and he [ __ ] does it he pulls Four Horsemen wipes the entire [ __ ] raid it wasted like 30 minutes I don't know if we even killed it that night because of it yeah wasted so much time yeah it was like hours man the original fifth Horsemen yeah here was Bunch kind it could have been somebody else I don't remember which Paladin it was I'm pretty sure it was bunter though cuz he used to write me mail uh on like my my retail characters and he would like uh complain and like talk [ __ ] to me and I saved all the mail I have it on like my my old characters yeah I saved all the mail go level [ __ ] what what am I going to do do you still have it yep I do uh it's on my retail character I'll have to show it at some point you still talk to any of the other girl members yeah a good number like uh like kind of off and on like most people I usually talk to off and on how'd you meet paladini paladini uh I met paladini whenever we were like uh 17 uh I think like I think we were both 17 maybe 18 I don't remember and uh we were both in overdose together uh we killed uh brutalis pre Nerf together uh we both had black Proto Dres and uh from the same day because we did it in the same run and uh yeah 3,000 years ago does McConnell still hate paladini probably yeah overdose bro the uh Nostalgia yeah the back in the old days man can you log into retail and talk [ __ ] about it no what time does this start tomorrow it's like somewhere around noon just show up like got whenever I go live it'll probably be like pretty soon after I go live did you see the guild web series with Felicia Day uh The Guild oh yeah yeah yeah I remember um this is like kind of [ __ ] up but like you remember the vort like the bald Guild leader guy he was always the one that I thought was like the I liked him the most and then I started going bual like that was [ __ ] up yeah it was a bad time when we start streaming tomorrow I don't know sometime in the a.m. I don't know exactly when F days [ __ ] lunatic now I don't care what do you think like I mean she's an actress like I don't like this is the same thing with JK Rowling like I don't care what JK Rowling's opinions are on trans people she's not a [ __ ] doctor who cares I don't I don't care like oh this is what she did did you hear what she said about Israel no no I don't care doesn't matter to me I'll listen to people that are educated in the topic and other than that it's not that important you an excellent point right there yeah it's whatever like I don't care you ever get a Time loss Proto drink yeah yeah I did I got it in cataclysm this just money affect legislation affects all transends people just like all billionaires well yeah but I mean like people are entitled to like have what opinion they want right I mean like doesn't really make her special I can also like if you don't like it that's totally fine like you can do whatever you want I'm just saying like like me as a person like I don't need to care about somebody's opinion because of their status in terms of being an actor like if you're saying she has a lot of money that's fine but like really the problem there is that she has a lot of money right not necessarily that she is like an actress or like a writer so like it's kind of a little bit different all I'm saying is like somebody who's like a uh popular in entertainment that they don't necessarily have any sort of like insight into anything outside of entertainment so like I don't know why like for example people always want to and this is even the case with me right people always want to hear like my opinion or somebody else's opinion about like the state of world affairs right like oh what do you think about like there's a train that got blown up and there were kids on the train what do you think about that I don't know like sounds bad like what the [ __ ] like I have no idea like people always look for uh uh people always like I think that it's okay to like anybody can have an opinion right anybody can have an opinion they can say you know what this is what I believe and they can talk about that and I totally support that because it's like everybody has a right to express themselves even if they're uneducated in the topic they still have a right to express themselves but I don't think you should expect people to express themselves and I don't think it's good to pressure people into expressing themselves if people feel comfortable talking about something they can talk about it however much they want but never go and try to pressure somebody into having a certain opinion because of that people are way too interested in validating their own opinions yeah I think that's probably why or at least it's one reason R SP shouldn't bother you there's definitely some people out there that uh were never taught how to have an opinion it's kind of annoying uh that they express that yeah to see if their views Al line with their own yeah uh I just don't think it's that important to do freedom of speed sure but you don't need to pressure people into talk about something they don't want to yeah exactly that's really what the difference is between soda and you who's more of a Hermit absolutely me it's not even a question rested experience is going up is it I didn't even notice that yeah I've just been chilling man freedom of speech is sometimes freedom to be an [ __ ] it is yep people athlete actors musicians sports or Gods no different than if they're a plumber yeah I know and I I just think people should try to realize that it's the same thing with like me right it's like I don't have a better opinion on like I think that I do have a really good opinion and insight on things like uh you know like what people want to see and you know kind of like like public sentiment for things sure but like I don't understand for example like Israel versus Palestine I don't have any better Insight on that than the cashier at Walmart you know what I mean like I've got no clue whatsoever I have no idea it's whatever you can have a good opinion if you're well informed yeah you're me explain it to you yeah there you go all the Hollywood actors pretending like they do I'm sure some of them do I'm sure most of them probably don't okay cataclysm classic or Classic Plus uh probably both if it comes out let's R out people uh think expertise is transferable to different areas yeah exactly and I I try to talk about whenever I don't think that I know a lot about something but I also just try to avoid talking about things that I don't understand like obviously I think every does that but uh it's something that I try to avoid some expertise in like running a company yeah sure but anyway I'm going to go ahead and uh chill for a bit relax and I think tomorrow we get on early and we just start farming I think that's it we start farming getting ready for this event I'm going to be excited yep it's a big day tomorrow big big day tomorrow and I'll be back on farming yeah watching people get killed yeah absolutely fast petrification oh wow this guy's ready for hardcore yeah there you go did you go with the sword not yet I'm excited for this and other wild content recently I hope so cyber Punk whenever uh I'll probably do it at some point uh to be honest with you I probably would have done it more today but because of my cough that I had yesterday I didn't think I'd be able to stream for even as long as I did today I really didn't like I I thought I I wouldn't I wouldn't enjoy it at all so like I I didn't want to commit to anything or say anything like I'll probably play it I mean probably whenever the tournament's over right it's not really a big deal what time is the tournament in tomorrow in real time it's not a marats oh in real time well I don't know like uh probably like uh 8:00 p.m. or some [ __ ] [ __ ] like that yeah that's tomorrow after genin okay yeah times tourament server time oh I have no idea look it up go payout from all the macara deaths would be cool oh yeah if everybody could like bet on them that'd be a good idea introduce some gambling into the World of Warcraft all righty gentlemen thank you all very much for watching I'm going to host San and you guys can uh go ahead and watch him and see what he's up to and all that Etc and ask him any questions that you asked me that I was not able to answer about the about the uh the tournament so yeah thanks a lot for watching I really appreciate it I'll be back on tomorrow morning all righty gentlemen until next time peace
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 332,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 1cFH3PtjFAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 4sec (4924 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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