Asmongold Plays Diablo 4 Rogue for the First Time

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all right let's do the uh let's do the Rogue it's time Rogue I feel like we'll go with this one here all right this just looks like a normal normal dude that should be fine we'll just go with normal color all right what we got for hairstyles no that's some dumb [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] is that oh my God all right what else we got no that's kind of cool uh no no this is okay I feel like we could just stick with either this or I feel like the Mohawk looks really good yeah I think Mohawk definitely looks best hair color you have red hair you know what I think if you have a mohawk look at how it moves around yeah I think we're actually gonna go with red we'll go with this red this is good okay and then makeup no this one's all right yeah I think we'll probably just stick with what we had okay jewelry I don't really give a [ __ ] about that I actually think this one looks pretty good that's cool too oh it's badass no I don't like any of that yeah I think we're just gonna go with the one that that it had like I think that one looks really good oh yeah we're gonna go with that so it matches the hair dude [ __ ] yeah okay next wait what happened to facial hair oh yeah ah no the Kratos I actually think this looks kind of good yeah this actually looks kind of good no facial hair I think that's what we're gonna go with too that one that one also looks really good yeah we're just gonna go with this this is good okay as mon Rogue all right we're good it's time foreign I'll be curious to see what this is like Sanctuary was never meant for humankind it was forged as a refuge from the war between the High Heavens and the burning hell you guys get to see me instead it became a new Battleground we're not skipping out conflict because my character is in the cinematics secretive group called The horadron kept Mortals safe but now this once powerful order is a husk of what it was and sanctuary's ancient creators have returned to claim the hearts of humankind this is the story of their downfall there it is oh yeah change title too true all right we'll change it [Music] foreign good well I'm gonna be honest like my character bro he looks hot as [ __ ] let's be honest true hell [ __ ] yeah let's say you're gonna fight over cigarettes outside of 7-Eleven yeah foreign yeah you're right that's Rogue boy well it makes sense because he's got red hair you know me and my dumbass friend Michael reevy we uh we we named a character of Rogue boy and we spelled Rogue Rouge and we didn't know it until like Wrath of the Lich King came out why we were stupid as hell all right buy some some real dumb [ __ ] right is that right yeah it was you should find better shelter before I freeze all right let's go let's go let's get this [ __ ] out of the way I'm just gonna [ __ ] bomb I'm gonna beat this [ __ ] so fast he's better than that that means he's better than druid look at that strike gangster [ __ ] oh what's up [ __ ] damn I'll leave the money on the table I say I don't give a [ __ ] with a professor I don't give a frog let's see what are we gonna go with everywhere shut up [ __ ] careful I'll explain oh sure back there must have gone inside even a holy man like him was driven mad by whatever he saw uh shut up nothing shut up [ __ ] could you protect us oh we got another level where we go with uh barrageous flurry what y'all think about flurry twisting blades it's actually pretty good I'll try that I feel like I'll run faster I said see you later [ __ ] here okay let's see how the damage is far is off at night McDonald's I can't use fury because the machine's broken I don't know how I feel about this ability I don't feel super good about it more energy good CDR on that seems really good foreign still not a huge fan I'm out of energy I don't know bro like I guess it's all right there's a learning curve nah bro there's just a gear for I ain't gotta learn [ __ ] if I do enough damage you think I need to learn anything the [ __ ] out of here you're gonna learn how to get banned from this [ __ ] chat you [ __ ] [ __ ] call tecton thanks for the raid man learn how to [ __ ] do this the [ __ ] out of here and we didn't deserve that yeah I know which dumbass said to use the other one who was it who was it we need to ban them somebody down this house oh he's just trying to [ __ ] me huh I don't think so I love having the click to move it was so fun super fun I don't have enough energy that's on the U.S Bank [Applause] uh I mean that doesn't matter I mean I've got all my money invested in the board Apes so it's fine the banks can go down I'll be I'll be okay they're worth millions of dollars let's see how this damages let's go I don't have enough energy just ice energy stop throwing straws at him small amount of energy it was decent I mean it's not good there ain't much but it's decent gotta let the robe cook that's fine shut up the old ruins are lost souls you are blessed see how easy it is the easiest game of my life that was all of them light willing all four twisting blades I just don't think twisting blades is worth it mad man it kind of costs a lot of energy this slow yeah maybe you're right twisting braids a big IQ mechanics you mean like just hit the target and run away I'm just gonna skip this because I want to go as far as this as possible is this real let's pause legendary affects the light I mean whenever there's a legendary affix and I'll think about it but I'm not going to be thinking about it until then okay that's pretty good I launched my skipping act one no why would I skip act one uh like this doesn't bother me it's a new game I'm trying out different stuff damn that [ __ ] happened real quick you all see that that [ __ ] got evaporated God damn it'd be nice to get some move speed as well as a legendary that makes X skill growth yeah yeah I'm sure there's legendaries that are good it's like why would anybody play a um uh what do you call it like one of those uh Druids like I don't get it don't make sense it's just a bad bad decision you need more time we gotta get this right here I'm gonna probably need I'm gonna probably just use this and I'll be fine for the rest of the game I'm gonna level real quick now I'm gonna be loving like a [ __ ] man I'm gonna level like a god is anyone here what are you hiding back here I'm sure you will yeah you goddamn right s evil is spreading thank you on to that take on my uh on my fat boy Honda tech on the Fatboy it's okay well I'll probably still be there that's not linga key overshot lies just ahead you have item-based stats how's the an item supposed to be good compared to the other one if you like it's not a big deal bro take a piece of holy Cedarwood from this bro I always scribble nothing I said [ __ ] that then cast it into the pressure as the Earth as the wood so too will Delight burn we're worn out the voice actor yeah I know it's good right so what did you write about I'm off to the dry step all right I gotta buy that [ __ ] tattoos sway back we also sell everything too if I ever tried New Game Plus in Alden ring no I never have I like just playing a new game with a different build more anything breaks the forge is hot or ass sent me wait the old man sold me this too said he didn't eat it anymore but I think he'd want it back all the same you should get me to level six what do we do for two months classy play last Epoch and Poe apology some and then I'm also going to play uh after you know I bet somebody um I bet there's a reviewer out there that probably as soon as I saw that screen they thought you know what I've done enough I've reviewed the game it's time to let people know what I think of it IGN IGN has actually had pretty good reviews recently like that Hogwarts Legacy review they did was like kind of stupid but um other than that I feel like a lot of the other ones have been decent the new efficient maybe this is my kind of class the compliment he gives people is that they're efficient not that they're like smart or good looking just efficient we were born in sin how about their Poe review I don't think you can really review a game like Poe father's life can be sought through penitence I just don't think so like it's just it's such a complex game I should like my main hand should be my main my main hand right [Music] why it's just it's so multifaceted that yeah take the knights report it's like you can but it's just that I received a report how do you how do you completely woman near your listener Minds performed routine inspection nothing yet I don't know sent in Priest and escort of knights we've got to understand everything yeah Seth did he did a good job I feel like if you wanted to review Poe the minimum length of the of that video has to be at least three hours like if it's not longer than all of the word of the Runnings extended Editions then it's probably not comprehensive enough are you gonna goof me around again huh [ __ ] this man I'm just gonna walk around Eastern accent never works for me yeah I know it's just [ __ ] garbage do you have any wristband playing these games no I used to um I used to have like my fingers would bother me and then after um I was playing football with s found and I caught the football the wrong way and it like jammed my finger to the point where it like dislocated it so it's like this all the time and I didn't I was going to go to the doctor to get it fixed to like repair it um but then I was uh I was playing Poe and I was like clicking like crazy and I realized that I I would never have I never had any pain at all so it actually like it was an improvement so I I uh I just kept it the same I don't have enough energy so like now I never have any pain clicking at all and there's no discomfort ever I can play for 18 hours and I never even feel even the slightest amount of discomfort yeah I've evolved well not there it's just they're gonna stop him man that's too much the damage it's uh it's unbearable I need more energy boo yeah but yeah so I just cut my finger like this I feel like after this it's not really a big deal but I'm sure that'll get fixed over time oh big dick there it is drug Essence regen is so fast oh bolos that's good I want to have my main damage one in my main hand right foreign there's actually no difference usually main hand damage so it doesn't work that way no I'm gonna play I'm gonna play Malay Rogue because uh it every single time I see a video of somebody doing a lot of damage they're never at range I just do like some dip [ __ ] that like has like some oh I got treasure garment I need more time don't have enough energy damn bro almost lost his ass the other Rogue isn't like necro though you need to play that's what you think I'll figure out some stupid ass builds where I don't have to do anything it's fine something for the cold and dark it's good okay that's done so um Shadow step that's pretty good good morning foreign that's annoying I might get shouted yeah I might get Shadow step too I don't know I'll figure it out I need more time yeah I think I will yeah next one I want to get Shadow step Next Level I mean Druid got skinnier yeah I know she did caltrops is doing is uh is good too I don't know if caltrops is good I feel like it's probably not how'd the Druid get fat that damn hoist is stuck to go on because he doesn't do anything he doesn't move around he doesn't run look out he just walks really slowly he never burns calories that's the reason it's mine now girl so he never loses weight gave it to when I let her and her friend pass through it's too slow yeah he's hibernating yeah she's doing 17 damage maybe we should go back round up the knights and leave my mother-in-liver's care for as long as that will take nope I'm going on yeah we're definitely gonna get Shadow stuff all right that's good damn that's actually big good ass insurance I need more time I don't like Rogue yet I mean what's special about this place I do compare to Druid but yeah I don't think it's good yet no lift the gym I guess I'll do methodical Dash over here I can squeeze through to the other side hold on and There She Goes and he's approaching nowhere to go fights coming to us trout says Druids insanely goodies Manning it sure hope he's right do it open that door yeah no we didn't that was well you know I mean it's uh sure I mean he can try and he played I mean like there are people that make Druid look like it's not awful it's just that every other build looks really good and Druid looks worse than any other build so it's not really that you can't make Druid look okay it's just that the effort that it takes to make Druid look okay every other build looks amazing so it's hard it's insane but queer seeds not not fair yeah see like to me I don't really care about like I think single Target damage doesn't really matter because the majority of your time you're not doing single Target damage I feel like very rarely you're actually doing solid single targets I'm not ready go boy it's so fun AOE I don't know what that is yet uh blades rapid fire oh twisting blades yeah it's just like use it twice and zoom away yeah no I understand like you hit something and then you run away with it right I get it try it out while I have movement yeah I guess I could try it again now that I have more movement I don't know I feel like flurry and like having something like that is just so useful I just I don't know how I'm gonna proc vulnerability yet over there puncture do I really have to do it like that though I'll try it why not the escort They're All Dead over there a woman Jesus [ __ ] was hard I don't know why they make this game so hard what is this all right a dexterity build yeah that's right trying something new damn bro [Applause] yeah I think this would be nice to have there you playing on veteran yeah I'll always play on the hardest mode makes it more interesting so like now that I get that and I can vulnerability that's actually so good for me I'm thinking about getting the shadow step one yeah I think I'm gonna swap these around a little bit I feel like if you haven't chat it's like Shadow stuff is reset by three seconds if you haven't hit the target before I feel like that's really good I'm actually gonna just do it right now and that way I can get it on my next level because like Critical Strike damage like I'm level [ __ ] six I don't do crits where's this one I need more energy there it is so I need dexterity okay all right let's see how our damage on this boss is oh I should have vulnerability there yeah that's decent I'm running a range build with Rogue yeah but like the thing is the reason why I'm not doing range is because everybody that I see doing a lot of damage so it's like it feels like range is a good way to not do damage it's like why would I not want to do damage I need more time Sports and arrows are a solid 17. oh I have no doubt that while leveling ranged is probably stronger I just want to learn the mechanics of melee that way I don't have to relearn them at max level I'm low on energy that feels really good being able to chase this [ __ ] ass down you guys see that that was good Jesus I gotta hit him twice what is that bad game hopefully I get the next level fast enough I feel like I'm not getting good moves foreign area it looks like the same kind of magic as before hopefully I get my next level so I can get that shadow step reset can we get 21 Jump Street watch along we should right I think I can dispel it to get rid of the racism I think that really goes to show like how good that movie is it's like it makes you appreciate an entire group of people yeah I really like that now watch it with my dad I don't remember it was a while ago where's my AOE damage well I'm not I'm not doing big dick AOE damage what is this this is [ __ ] stupid man and I'm not even getting experience [ __ ] out here what a piece of [ __ ] all right here we go Twisted blades man give it a whirl I will follow you to the end of this I just don't know if it's good mother you must stop this look at the gifts she's given me gotcha [ __ ] okay I'm not ready so much effort that goes into Finance like I have to like pay attention I'm like watching my Buffs God damn this is brutal yeah I want to one shot everything I do think like this build is like it's not like it's bad um like like it doesn't actively feel bad in the same way that uh uh what do you call it dead [Music] Jesus you saw them I'm not ready yet Jesus no oh 40 sucks I don't know if it sucks man yeah I don't know if it sucks oh how do you like gameplay with Rogue I think it's oh that's good oh man I was about to change my life yeah that's really good I was just missing uh oh look at that oh I can't get it I was missing that one bar and I and now I got a better weapon too which helps out a lot it was something strange going on here the real must be I found a legendary on my road it turns my 40 into 360. give it to me I need it yeah I need that one I usually don't take loot in arpgs from viewers uh unless I'm doing like a meme thing uh just because I feel like loot in arpgs is the game so like if people are giving you loot then like what's the point sure no if you watched any of my uh uh my Poe streams or like I mean I haven't taken anything from people here like silvervale tried to give me an item I told her no she's not a streamer oh three of them holy [ __ ] that is nice look at that look at that oh five necros feeding me give me Ledger I would never say that Lydia like how could I possibly I can't even have that many you're so dumb it's just stupid what do you mean if you only have four people on a party so I can only have four four Necro equipped the crossroad as base vulnerability Lots wait did I did I somehow did I play myself I think I did damn how am I getting lost so much what the [ __ ] I need more time this Shadow step thing is really [ __ ] good does a lot of damage dude I'm going the wrong way every time should the Dodge have invincibility frames I think the Dodge should have CC immunity frames I really like being able to dodge wait what I really like being able to dodge through like a a knockdown or something like that in Lost Art I think that's really fun design because it's like it allows you to like skill shot through things wrong way I had no idea one sophomore while dodging uh will be a thing eventually I bet yeah I hope so and again like I know what makes mechanics easier but like I think anybody would agree that like Lost Ark mechanics are way harder than Diablo mechanics and so like maybe you should just make better mechanics rather than give people shooting mechanics and then shitty ways to solve them no harm will come who are you sure for now and Diablo 3 never had a single boss that was even 10 as mechanically challenging as bike associated [Music] seen enough open so like I I don't know I don't think that's like crossbows give you vulnerable damage that's nice you might have the 360 for a power from a dungeon yeah but then like I'd have to spend money to enchant it I don't know I could look and see about that place is amazed supposed to be thyroid player enjoy Hades yeah I played Hades I beat the game well I didn't really beat the game I mean it's a real life but I uh I got to the point to where uh like I was able to do pretty fast runs with it my favorite weapon honestly it's like the op one it's the uh the gun the railgun the air I think it's like Aeris rail or something like that I remember that was like just so good I use the shield on my first playthrough that I actually cleared it I hate the gun the most yeah I think it's really good that's what's hikes sealed shut wasn't a shield the most OP one I think it was really good um I remember there was like the sword you were able to get like something where you would lose a lot of life but you would gain uh lifesteal and like I I always really like lifesteal mechanics because it makes you feel like like this is you do more damage by doing more damage I like that just be shot by the beta and I'm not gonna buy it maybe when it goes on sale I wish they made a more like Diablo 2 Resurrected I don't know what people want it to how to how how do they want it to be like Diablo 2 Resurrected hey wait for me yeah I don't even know what that means it's the same Secret shut yeah like I don't really um I don't want to see the game go back again what worked in 1998 you know I didn't really go very hard on Diablo uh Diablo 2. so it's like a lot of the Nostalgia that people have for it like it's kind of lost on me so when I hear people talking about like how good Diablo 2 as a record was it's like I don't know like whenever I played it it was like I did actually have fun playing it and I I'm gonna play it again just especially just for my own like okay all right here we go oh dude out here I need more Jesus [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] demon guarding that book I should take this back to Nero Druid better Druid is not even close this video again exists people a ton of money interest play with what uh I don't know I was confused about something all right let's see here a lot of [ __ ] talk to you for it's time again everyone works for real and seems really boring dungeons are extreme copy pasta I mean I'll tell you this interesting I would not base it off of what you see here so what do you guys think with this um smoke this is stupid concealment this is stupid I feel like we just do poison trap right I mean it's not even close shroud wait why why would I want that yeah I know I saw um two stacks and uh you you uh are 10 current rate I get it let me vendor everything real quick gives you crowd control makes mob stop attacking you you know how I make mob stop attacking me what do you need you know what I'm going to say like you you know you know I'm gonna say so I don't want to hear that [ __ ] [ __ ] this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard that's so dumb you have to use a shroud so they don't attack you bro like they're dead why would I care what they're doing all right let's go up here crew dude yeah see that the kitchen is ready for the model service Angels Above you've returned get the weapon Mastery from previous node yeah it is really good so should I use a um a dagger and a sword because that would allow me to double dip or like if I have two swords equipped is that six percent damage or if I have a dagger and a sword equipped and I would have five percent and three percent oh the main hand is what counts okay that's only three percent damage I feel like we're not in a position right now where three percent damage is Meaningful [Music] it'll be like new world first three weeks with maybe millions of players and I'll drop 99 over six months new world has turned things around a bit number one number two I also think that just over time like Diablo 3 blizzard really really [ __ ] up with Diablo 3. like like I don't think people respect how badly they [ __ ] up with Diablo 3. like they [ __ ] up so hard it was like impressive how bad it was majorly yeah it was a major [ __ ] up real money options maybe flee so fast bro the real money auction house had nothing to do with the problems with the game the game was [ __ ] garbage thank God for the real money auction house so you could pay money to not have to play it I guess like maybe what I should do is I should just like group everything up and then just AOE it all down since I have such limited control thank you oh that's nice I'm not ready there were too lazy to make clever loot I think the loot was fine it's just that the game was bad and also like the game was good on release I would say Diablo 3 was pretty decent on release minus bugs and stuff but the problem is like all the content patches after that there was like nothing that happened with that game like they didn't add anything they didn't do anything it was just like hey you know here it is I'm not ready it's like it's just so boring man I don't think they knew what to do yeah like they added they added like uber bosses where it was like oh it's the same boss but now it's uh um what do you call it now you're fighting two of them at the same time it's just so so lazy and stupid I don't know what the [ __ ] they were thinking of and it's like I don't know how Diablo Immortal was doing for uh uh for like actual content I know like people will mean about it but like I don't know how much new content they're adding in the Diablo Immortals because like the problem really is like even in Reaper of Souls I felt like every patch like when did we get like did we ever get a new ax I feel like not really and that was the problem with Diablo 3 I think it wasn't like the real money auction house or anything else it was just that in Reaper of Souls like I feel like the game just kind of died because people like got tired of running for acts over and over and over with this stale end game that never changes yeah that's the real problem you know I do so many riffs yeah exactly like people say like oh these dungeons are repetitive bro you haven't seen repetitive until you play Diablo 3. it's like you would fight the same bosses and you'd fight in like act two I do think Wizards cannot can make Diablo 4 better though like if you look at what they're doing with dragon fight right now freaking wow I'm not ready uh dragonfly it's actually pretty good I saw preach made a video and he said that shadowlands did I'm gonna watch the video obviously but um basically my understanding is like he said Shadow ends effectively did like irreparable damage to wow which is like I kind of I agree in a lot of ways um but I do think like dragon fight people are just not interested in WoW because of how bad shadowlands was I think also like another reason why they're not interested in the game is because uh let's do shadow that one it's physical damage [ __ ] off um I actually do think that like all the changing of the the sexual harassment lawsuit and all the the weird stuff that came out of that where they like changed all the NPC names and everything I I do actually think that did damage to the game because it like kills the immersion of a game when you know that like it's it's being censored constantly and like in so many different ways it's like for example like even in dragon fight it feels weird how there's like I don't know if you guys notice this but it's like there are very few like quests where it's just like go kill these these animals just to kill them it's like you're killing them because they're old or you're killing like it's it feels like um it's like care bear [ __ ] you know it sounds like kind of stupid but I I don't I don't think it's really that stupid I think it is weird foreign doesn't have like the same grittiness that the game used to have and I think that you know that that's I think if you ask them they'd probably say that's intentional but I I like the goodness and it made it more interesting to me so it's disappointing for me to see it change that way distance it's a fantastic world they're imposing real world [ __ ] on it yeah hopefully I'll get better here soon also it's not funny anymore yeah wait me Rising yeah I did a bit I didn't play it enough I watched shroud player a lot the problem is like they were playing on like this PVP server and they kept uh they kept getting ganked like they ever be like fighting an elite and then like the elite would be like really low health and then everybody would like or not everybody but like a a group would like common like kill them it was like really kind of dumb like that's not why I I stopped playing it I mean that's not my [ __ ] problem but uh just in general I didn't really play it that that much that's how the game works though I mean sure I think streaming can always be like really kind of weird because there's times where that happens and it's like a natural interaction but there's also times where people they do this intentionally to like be on the screen for you know maybe that oh there we go all right cool we got a dagger you know they'll like do it for some cringe [ __ ] you know let's see what we got poison trap no longer breaks stealth all poison traps activate whenever you exit stealth huh I guess this means we're gonna use poison trap I don't know it sucks does it [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'm not ready [ __ ] damage literal [ __ ] damage you can stack four Trails traps on stealth yeah what is this anyway let me read it well why can't I just drop it on top of something right off the rip why can't I do that you can okay well let me just try it out I mean it is a beta after all right let's try some [ __ ] out do this what is this all right damn They're All Dead fast I'm not ready that's a decent combo right there I'm not ready I'm not ready oh I put it over there thank you all right what we get garbage wow [ __ ] trash truck looks really well with caltrops it slows them and keeps them in it that's just sounds like a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] that takes too long I'm not gonna do that [Music] yeah that's just not going to happen to Gamba drops are bad drops are very bad I only have one legendary it's an audience with we display these khaltrovs gives 10 crit to vulnerable enemies uh yeah that's nice but um then I have to like put probably two or three points into that means I don't put them into something else all right I need faster regen I feel like my regen's so slow more time yes just get level 15. okay Reverend mother prava expects me open the gates not many could bear your sins oh do the road cross for combo points I will whenever I have enough uh like I can only do it whenever I'm level 15 I'm pretty sure have the new Watch Commander replace the forces and he lost at the mine so you've returned Vigo here tells me you were braver than he first may as well make myself useful and join the game yeah how long is the beta um it's until Monday at noon it's basically until tomorrow and then that's it there's a shrine it's unfortunate it's not a little bit longer like a cup it would be nice if they made it like a couple of days longer but I think they're intentionally making it uh short please is Rogue best melee uh yeah I think it is the only thing is you have to invest a lot more into Rogue versus like other classes where you don't really have to invest a lot into so I I don't really know how to feel about that a little Barb hard the rest here no you didn't nobody said that it's not like Barb is bad I mean like we made it it's just that I in my opinion I don't think it's like it's not good either we'll get that after this speed shroud I think crit shroud is better this let's turn for Joy defensively making them clear really fast yeah I know I know that they have that one legendary 17 damage huh yeah I'm sure the legendary will make them really good that's gonna really solve the problem before you have wandered beyond the reach of the light lift your sins breathe deep the cold air the path to Redemption lies before you I have it you have the face walk it yes yes [Applause] McDonald's breakfast I've never had McDonald's breakfast before there's no reason to I don't really eat breakfast foods like I do but I don't really like I don't really do breakfast I don't eat breakfast foods like if I want to eat pancakes I just eat pancakes like that's it I don't really make a thing out of it you know which is like that's just how it is that day you know [Applause] feel the sting of your wounds let the ice into your bones welcome your pain for the agony of the flesh is the first cleansing of the Soul to make yourself damn how are these [ __ ] bones do I need to get than any what is this what's the best Dungeon to farm again uh I forgot what it's called but like in my opinion it's the one that I do like I mean I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it was the best you know Jesus how are these [ __ ] bones do I need God damn okay I think I'm actually finally done with that no look around at the mountain feel how small you are Embrace humility your place in worship to the father for he has shown us the way annika's claim on the map South of bear Village yeah yeah that's a okay when's it going to be over but these guys real quick too finished it okay we got time to recharge nope remember any problem you have can be solved by just healing what the [ __ ] is this what is this [ __ ] that's so dumb look into yourself find your faith feel how it fills the void within you remember you are nothing without faith hold fast to the light yes and remember it needs time to recharge kneel before him and remember you are oh all right I'm gonna do this sorry a little bit I'm [ __ ] tired I'm not even really that tired but I'm a bit tired it needs time to recharge and I'm gonna probably finish this tomorrow geared this character out yep oh I'll get this guy to 25. that's the plan you like Rogue I like it more than Barbarian and I like it more than druid that's it oh I think necro and sork are still better I like them more but we'll see Rogue has better damage though all right gentlemen I will see you all tomorrow until next time boys peace
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 181,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 beta, diablo 4 full vod, diablo 4 full beta, diablo 4 best class, path of exile, diablo 4, d4, diablo 4 items, diablo 4 open beta, diablo 4 systems, diablo 4 review, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 beta review, diablo 4 is it worth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 49sec (5749 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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