Asmongold Attempts a Dark Souls DEATHLESS RUN

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this will be the first time I even play this game since 2021 as you guys can see I don't know if we're gonna be able to deathless run of this or not we'll see how things go all right okay [Music] that should be fine all right good and male character obviously going with Warrior gift is going to be the ring wrong ring or key I mean I'll do very slim face [Music] gentlemen we are ready um it's been a really really really long time since I played this game over like a year like two years so uh we'll see how this goes [Music] okay to start the game with this character yes let's do it in the age of ancients the world was unformed shrouded by fog a land of gray Crags Arch trees Everlasting dragons but then there was fire and was fire came disparity Heat cold I still think this is the best one and death and of course lying the best intro yeah I think second one is Elden ring then from the dark they came and found the souls of Lords within the flame [Music] this piece of [ __ ] Neato the first of the day nobody likes him The Witch of isilith and her daughters of Chaos he is if you don't have heavy armor easily forgotten with the strength of laws they challenge the dragons God should have been holding this y-hander Greenies Mighty boats cleaned apart The Witches moved great firestorms of death and disease and thief the scales betrayed his own what a bear dragon [Applause] yeah thus began the age of fire where is this is this Anna Orlando this looks like some King's Landing [ __ ] the Flames will fade and only dark will remain yeah yeah I always wondered where that was because it looked like Dark Souls 3 years though even now there are only Embers a man sees not light but only endless nights and amongst the living are seen carriers of the earth cursed dark side I'm nervous I haven't played for so long I feel like I'm gonna play like [ __ ] the guy on like the first boss the undead if I do we'll play album ring and in this land the undead are corralled and led to the nose just off that roll I will say well where they are locked away to await the end of the world that sounds pretty shitty this is your fate when you replay in Dark Souls 2 uh yeah you know why I haven't replayed Dark Souls 2 it's because it sucks I'm gonna get his armor yeah because it's a bad game I don't think Dark Souls 2 was that bad I did okay am I missing a certain amount of Health why is my health missing did I forget this like did yeah did I forget something I I don't know mods on wait I have mods I don't think I have mods on I also find out uh guys what the [ __ ] fauna just go down there I'm gonna try and just kill him okay so I mean this will work itself out right okay so he's dead yeah all right wait what the [ __ ] am I doing no it's I think I have a mod on or something like that it's daughter of Ash I don't even remember this happening in Daughters of Ash reinstall a game yeah I I guess I have to get it fixed oh yeah yeah it is daughters have asked because I remember I remember this guy and you fought him in like Anor Londo or something like that okay give me a minute so we're wait wait a second quick game I don't know what the [ __ ] that was [Music] some weird ass [ __ ] face all right hopefully it works now okay let's find out yeah yeah we're good okay skipped intro yeah I'm sorry guys I thought we had seen it before yeah it's been a long time since I've played so uh I don't know how this is gonna go use firebombs not I don't even [ __ ] around with that you play with mouse and keyboard yeah I do everything with mouse and keyboard okay and we'll be able to get the sword here too that way I'm not just gonna get my ass beat okay things are going pretty well we'll be starting every time you die I'm doing one attempt nope don't want to hear about it we gotta make up for lost time deserved yeah I don't feel bad about that [ __ ] at all this game feels so much different playing versus like playing Elven ring okay what we get do we get a titanite shard no of course not all right let's do it foreign doing all right so far got that Humanity we're gonna use all that stuff whenever we get over there uh there's also I think there's a thing like right here now maybe it's somewhere else I think it's up here that's the herb tree the boss Reagan pattern uh yeah yeah uh they uh they done this one before no hit run no probably not I'll probably get hit only in the Asian Legends it is dated that one day an undead shall be chosen leave the Undead Asylum sword hill run only yeah right to the land of the ancient Lords this scared when I first playthrough yeah oh that's a I never noticed that that's where you fight the gargoyle over there damn all right now we begin the uh the fun park we're gonna get the uh we're gonna get that sword foreign foreign all right that's how it's done next stop Black Knight Greatsword why would I need that I just got the best sword in the game okay I guess I should go get this yeah Humanity no humanity is good because uh humanity is uh a lot of people don't know this but Humanity actually gives you luck so if you have more Humanity you have a higher chance of receiving certain types of rare items like the uh balder side sword and other things similar to that okay uh yeah I guess we'll go down here and get these okay Humanity gives you extra heals yeah they do I remember one of these is useful and the other ones are useless I forgot which one it is it's that one that's the good one we're probably gonna have to reset again unfortunately yeah we're gonna have to reset again I [ __ ] that up I forgot about that one okay and the 10 Estus yeah yeah yeah all right we are good now let's go oh yeah we already looted that okay right thank you okay now I don't need to do that as I've said I haven't played this game in a very long time so uh I'm a little bit disoriented just a tiny bit okay and now I should be able to use the sword thank you all right it's time give me actually one second let me use all these okay now we're ready now we're ready to actually play the real game now obviously my movement speed is going to be slower but it doesn't really matter because I'm just going to kill everything in one hit like if you watch see that that's what we do and if I want to I go oh if I want to I go and I use that one right there once I get a little bit more stamina obviously I'll be able to do more can't win them all guys that attack is the best one okay about roll yes I am fat rolling but it doesn't matter I'm not uh I'm not used to this at all I haven't played in so long I'm so nervous I don't know why my uh my frontal attack isn't working yeah it feels weird Okay um oh let me go with that I didn't even notice that cracked round Shield you know what we need that for nothing because it's worthless and we don't want it it's dog [ __ ] ass garbage yeah I don't know what this is like I uh I'm not doing the attack the way that I wanted to okay yeah that's the thing I'm trying to use that attack right there okay there we go I think it's actually because of my uh it's because of walking on locking on is causing me to stop uh my my targeting I think that must be why you know I played this game for over two years before I realized that you could go down there I had no idea yeah the running attack is really good I don't even remember if like any of this stuff is good or like what I'm supposed to go for at all we're gonna kill this guy the truth is like I could actually go for a um I could go for the Drake Fang uh I was gonna say Drake Fang Talisman uh the [ __ ] uh the Drake Sword but it's annoying and it takes too long and I don't really think it provides like any sort of like real use yeah it's like going down there lowers my uh uh it's like targeting a mob makes me stop running I don't remember that being the case okay foreign oops might as well get a heel now that's one way to do it that's another way to do it [ __ ] I don't really need to go and do this I'm kind of wasting my time I forgot how dumb some of the movement in this game was after playing Elden ring it's like it it's so much worse oh my God okay yeah you feel the Old Jank yeah I'm not used to it at all okay well um let's see what else do I still need to get um I guess I can just get these level up two more times once again might as well good old days or games were hard brother true true true this is just a shield I think right yeah nobody cares about this okay more health is always better whenever you're doing a deathless run of something is this guy going to come over here yeah what the [ __ ] he can do that he shouldn't be able to let's go all right I forgot that you uh I forgot you had that guy there I thought it was only this guy oh God mechanics yeah I just blocked that it's not a big deal I just didn't even realize he was there foreign okay am I fighting Havel uh I would if it wasn't a deathless run I feel like there's not a lot of reasons to fight Havel if it's a deathless run seems like a very big mistake [Applause] fight the black knight oh I'll I'll do a few I'll take a few risks don't worry just not a lot of them like the problem is that I haven't done I haven't played in so long I'm like worried about like fighting like anything okay greatest enemy is gravity yeah as soon as I stop being such a [ __ ] I'll be fine I'm not even worried okay slow and steady very slow very steady just get one of them then you get the next one after that see we're gonna put this on because this has more pulleys and Poise makes it to where I can make mistakes and that's exactly what I want to do make as many mistakes as possible this game's like valheim but um uh uh like you don't have to there there's no Bees that's probably the biggest difference okay all righty gentlemen that roll what are you all laughing at what's so funny about the roll huh let's go okay oh I didn't know he had eye primer for that [Music] oh foreign [Music] you can probably stay in there and do that instead but I don't want to take any risks oh [ __ ] foreign um we got three thousand dollars out of that at least it's pretty [ __ ] good all right foreign yeah I've never really understood exactly what causes them to do it or not do it it's the latter yeah I know I know that kill Solaire for his armor you know what maybe I should do that okay like that upgrade my health a little bit let's see what we've got here I don't really need that right now I guess we can use this and probably like one of these too all right good let's do it I don't think the dragon activates when you reach a certain threshold on the bridge it's just part of the passive stairs bro I've had that Dragon like [ __ ] kill me many times it's like literally three Souls if you're uh if you're not very good at the game you can just Farm free Souls with that so so much foreign [Applause] he got me okay no poison today if I got poison I just run back and reset it's not a big deal it's annoying but it's not gonna it's not gonna ruin my day is that normal for locking on the targets to uh uh for it to reset your uh you're running because I don't remember that at all kill Mr Pig oh I will it's always been like that I certainly don't [ __ ] remember it that's right what do we got I'd like to get something that's like a little bit uh like you can get a helmet from this guy and it's actually really good but I'm probably not going to get that it's a rare drop Dark Souls movement one Dark Souls 1 movement is bad yeah I know I I I forgot all about that okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] got my ass okay we will kill him by the way we're going to get his ass don't worry about it every once in a while you can get him to run through the fire now that's clearly not happening right now however it could happen theoretically this is the best I can do against this guy I know it's not that good hopefully I get the helmet give me the helmet yeah this game so to be honest like Dark Souls uh uh Dark Souls 3 is way better foreign oops alrighty let's go back up there and get that I [ __ ] that up not that big of a deal already molding yeah I know well I wouldn't really say I'm molding right now is this for the knights that's how you handle foreign I think you just have to do one at a time just be smart about it isn't that sword a little bit too long maybe for you okay now this could go badly I want to let you guys know this this could very easily go badly got a long way to go that's only one of them let's see if this one's any better this is a higher Poise we're going to use it what the [ __ ] how's that higher pulleys how he's gonna do a drink see I know what they do before they know what they do it's easy easy to beat this guy easy to win just walk back he's going to heal right about now the [ __ ] there we go alrighty now I would usually go and fight all those guys right now but as I said before my confidence level in this game is pretty low foreign so we're gonna play it really safe we are gonna fight this guy though item yeah we'll go get it this is a titanite shard by the way okay never mind foreign this guy always drops a tight night shard that's why we kill him we might as well loot that now we could try to fight those guys at this point but I feel like it's not really a good idea we're just going to go back and get a couple of other things why this instead of remaster uh you mean Dark Souls 3 the remaster hmm remaster is trash I I'm playing the remaster yeah I yeah I'm just I'm goofing around like I'm playing it right now what do you yeah I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about okay now we'll upgrade our weapon I feel like upgrading weapon is like super important now what I could do for the Run I don't really know how people would feel about this but there's an exploit to where you can like infinite use like these uh these different souls and you'd be able to use 99 of them and you'd automatically level all the way up but I feel like if I did that it would it would affect the Integrity of the Run I don't know if that would be the right decision okay let's upgrade this upgrade it again and actually we'll just upgrade it one more time why not we enforce weapon one more time okay go get yourself neither of them now it's exciting foreign now I could go down and get the grass Crest shield now but that would require me uh that would require me fighting a Black Knight I don't know if that's a good idea yeah it's just like yeah well even if I got the halobardo I don't even think I would use it because I'd have to like level up dexterity a lot I'm not used to using that weapon I don't know man I don't even think using halibardo is a good idea I thought there was three of them I guess not okay we don't need that we don't need to go over there anyway it doesn't really matter shield for buff yeah but it's like if I go down there I'm not confident that I can kill the the Black Knight as I said I haven't done this in so long I I just I don't know if I can do it like maybe maybe if I really really try and I'm just ready to just big dick it you can backstab chain yeah but like oh bro I I don't know all right we got the armor restart if you die yeah I mean I guess I could do that foreign I could just restart if I died ah all right guys I mean I don't know I mean it's just it doesn't seem like it's a good idea it all right you only live once uh that is correct that's the point of this run wait where wait wait maybe no uh maybe I'll do let me do something else first yeah I know it's okay I'm not worried we're gonna fight Lord Trek first we're gonna get the [ __ ] no I'm gonna get the [ __ ] ring I want to get the ring and then we go down then we far then we fight the night okay yeah we're gonna play smart yep get the ring it's gonna be no big deal kick him off the cliff I'm not going to do that [Applause] look at that look at that you call that big [ __ ] damage right there I'm unstoppable I can't be stopped alrighty go across here doesn't matter tight night Shard naturally foreign big dick foreign yes I'm playing like a [ __ ] okay I absolutely pussied out on that I know it you know it everybody knows it I haven't played this game since 2021. I'm taking a few uh a few necessary risks I don't want to hear about it okay now I haven't fought this guy in a long time so it's it's uh this this could be problematic but we're gonna use the fire keep McConnell shut the [ __ ] up okay you leave me no choice I was once grateful to you This is Our Fate got his ass that's how it's [ __ ] done boys I'll be right back yep yep oh come on we'll be back uh I'll use three of them foreign all right still no doubts no no death I am the Battle Master oops all right what the [ __ ] do I walk yeah okay this is it I'm not used to walking right I'll put it on after this okay easiest game of my life there's nothing else I forgot no crack I'm gonna use that I kind of forgot where to go for a lot of this well it's been so long hmm I guess we'll go kill Captain demon let's go to a property man still got you now I could try to go for the shield there are some positives with going for this Shield there are also some negatives deathless run work perceived to scale was um I mean you die and that's it you know like I'm not going to try to uh I'm not going to count that as a death basically I know some people might mold about that but that's what I think yeah it doesn't count yeah I don't think it counts either yeah it's a scripted death thank you missed [ __ ] okay Rose goated oh I totally agree I think sakiro's great we are going to attempt to Kill The Dark Knight if I die I die if I don't die I will be surprised if he dies he dies yeah that is also true did you beat Sakura off stream I think actually I stream myself beating sakiro didn't I yeah I thought I did and uh I'll have to uh I'll play it again at some point don't worry about it what is that thing that you get use gold fine resin well it's actually kind of a good idea so I could use the resin against this boss I'm trying to think what else I'd really use the resin for I mean not a lot else yeah I mean maybe that's the good decision resin gargles yeah but you have two push them off the edge yeah sometimes he doesn't spawned there usually the way that people push him off the edge uh oh he's right there yeah okay see if I can do it foreign it is what it is uh I mean there it is yeah it's the easiest game ever made I mean it if it's probably even easier than that yeah let's be honest it's getting overconfident no I'm not really uh I took two hits there that was pretty bad play honestly if I didn't have the uh the freeze thing I might have died Albert's the boss killer what if I told you I'm not gonna use it the reason why I'm not going to use the halobardo is because I can't rely on it I can't rely on getting the halobardo every time but I can rely on getting this y-hander every time it's so fun well let me see so I think it's 24 decks right oh it's only 18. oh that's actually pretty low maybe I could use that that's a pretty good weapon equip Shield oh yes yes yes yes thank you I totally forgot about that uh where is it here we go and now I have this shield and the shield gives me increased stamina region um I guess it'd just be faster for me to teleport back okay so what we're gonna do is we are going to go and uh kill Capper demon I feel like that's the right decision and then we'll get another Point into vitality okay not gargoyles um I could do gargoyles but I think we're going to do Capper demon first I feel like doing gargoyles later on is a lot less risky this game's too easy no I don't think it is I think people think the game is easy because they see somebody like me playing it but the truth is that uh a lot of people that that play this game are [ __ ] garbage at it literal garbage like I watch people all the time that like they never even really learn how to roll or do anything right until like way later in the game says you I was literal trash at this game like my playthrough of Dark Souls 1 is probably the most popular playthrough of any individual on the [ __ ] planet and the only reason why it was so popular is because of how bad I was no I I'm under no delusions okay I was literal dog [ __ ] if not worse than that okay I figure I might as well loot that while I'm here you know okay go back down here uh yeah we'll go down here and I'll I'll upgrade my Estus flask too seems like a relatively good idea the reason why we're going this way and not back down the other way is because uh basically I've had the dragon One-Shot me and I don't know exactly how this works but sometimes the dragon just decides that it's your day to die and uh I don't I don't want to have that happen we're not going to take that risk yeah resistance potions uh yep oh yeah the whole thing Capra is an optional loss well how's it an optional boss if it's a boss does that make sense no it doesn't might as well just kill these guys too yeah I mean if you can kill the boss then it's not really optional see like with dark souls like it it's not about doing it uh fast it's about doing it slow in a way that makes it look like you're doing it fast so like for me whenever I play this game I play very slow and very methodical slow and steady wins the race deliberate it's not a speed run the funny thing is that if I did a speed run it would probably have a higher chance of success than me doing the deathless run that I'm doing now [Applause] foreign for that ring uh what would I need Havel's ring for I don't understand oops faster rolls uh okay foreign why would I why I don't I don't need that it's completely unnecessary now maybe for other people they need it for me I don't need it I think I'm dead that's surprising that guy got me from behind like that I wasn't expecting that foreign Estus upgrades now I don't give a [ __ ] about that it's kind of crazy how like both those guys dodged Battle Master gameplay all the time okay just don't get hit yep that's all I need to do yeah whenever I first played this game sometimes I will even go back and re-watch my own playthrough of this game because how of how like entertainingly [ __ ] terrible it is it's like every single bad thing that a person could do while playing this game I did oops easiest game of my life you are really stubborn I don't think I was stubborn as much as Okay so I was stubborn because McConnell told me that I could use my fire keeper soul and it would give me like a buff or something like that so whenever you say like oh you were stubborn it's like this is a learned behavior based off of experience if you didn't think to read well I didn't know to give the fire keeper soul to the fire keeper I didn't even know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] fire keeper was I had no idea how could I possibly know what a fire keeper is and then he told me to put points in resistance and like that doesn't do anything there was a bunch of [ __ ] it was awful see that now the dragon can never breathe on you alrighty boys getting closer I guess we'll just unlock this for now this is a shortcut some people might not know about this but this allows you to go in here from the uh the other area so if I ever wanted to go back down there like theoretically like I could go and uh uh you know like get the Ember where's the dog oh there he is [Applause] nope nope nope I could go over here and get the double Humanity but it's not very important foreign [Music] foreign thank you every attack is a Kill see I just honestly for me I just kind of walk around in the game like it's it's kind of like a uh you know like a passive thing or whatever like it's I'm not even like really playing it it kind of just like plays itself oh [ __ ] foreign just uh do this again see that he didn't stand a chance [Applause] okay now we could go over and do the depths right now which would be a good decision uh you can open this it's oh never mind you can't okay you can't Oh I thought you could for some reason now there's a dick sucker up there but we're not going to worry about him he's pretty stupid okay what the [ __ ] oh I never saw you could do that what the [ __ ] oh my God all right let's see if this vendor has anything for us I think we'll buy one of these just in case and uh let's see a buy like this many I think maybe not man I'll just let's get 20. um and then buy two of these buy another one of these might as well skama's Merchant what do you mean might as well unlock this too little way to save time this is a shortcut to Firelink yeah all of our items are overpriced compared to other merchants uh yeah they were uh they're using natural ingredients though so it's okay for it to be a little bit more expensive black resin for fire buff uh yeah I mean that would be useful uh we will kill Capper demon I think that's the next thing that we need to work on okay I haven't fought this guy for a while you have to fight him and there's like two dogs at the same time so it can get kind of rough give me like one second okay um that's about right huh cheats no I'm just doing something right now uh we'll fight the boss in a minute man I used to really be good at this um I was good at this a while ago it got patched did it actually no okay I don't know I haven't done this in in a very very long time so if I if I can't do this I actually don't know if I can kill the boss yeah I'm not sure if I can kill Capper demon okay it's been a long time I haven't done this in fire bombs uh I say [ __ ] it let's go oh foreign it's been a while I did I've not fought that boss in a very very long time okay hard game by the way true potentially gets staggered well hey look dude I mean the thing is people can talk [ __ ] all they want but at the end of the day it works okay like I've got a I've got enough [ __ ] enough negative things that are gonna happen accidentally I don't need to [ __ ] invent any new ones clean kill y'all have to admit though like that beginning was not good that was not a good beginning that my sword went through the guy two times yeah safe but effective that's right well okay are my intentionally fat rolling uh I'm not intentionally not fat rolling oh I forgot about him who Let The Dogs Out hello foreign yeah this is a completely legitimate strategy anybody complaining about it is a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay and now I think that we should go back to Andre that way we're able to uh to get some more upgrades and I'll buy the toolbox so that way I can just go back down and save time I don't have to ever go back to him again oh actually no I don't want to do that I don't want to do that because I want to make sure I get my uh my first one my thing first because in order to modify weapon which is what you need to use with the uh the Ember I actually need to do that once at him and then afterwards I can uh I can do that you have to go back then for Max weapons yeah not a big deal now you have to keep in mind uh whenever you go into this area that even besides this guy there's actually another dick sucker and you think he's not going to be there but there he is just roll that if we have to we don't really like to roll because obviously it's just like a um it's kind of like an unnecessary activity however sometimes it is uh it does become a necessary activity so now we have to go over here and we have to watch out for uh there are these things uh that basically just ruined your entire day they're programmed to piss you off they're extremely annoying uh they're probably one of the worst things in the entire game I forgot about this guy Dark Souls fan mobs yeah ceiling boogers yes exactly oh by the way because of my poise if that attack actually hits me it would it would one shot me a little fun fact there oh wow so these uh oozes actually have a chance of dropping large titanite shards you guys might not know this but uh they do foreign as you can see there's a number of them here and we'll see if we can maybe get one and you can tell if they've if they're active or aggroate onto you if they have the the red things around them will AOE Farm These a little bit hopefully we get one on the first attempt and that way we don't have to go anywhere else there's also a chance they can drop a green titanite as well which is a not good situation because we don't need that usually uh usually you get one but it looks like the game decides to uh basically just [ __ ] me foreign let's see maybe we get lucky we didn't okay well we'll just keep going until we get a tight night Shard do we we get one in the depths right I'm pretty sure we do I don't know yeah I don't remember ladder behind me oh no no I guys I am fully aware that there is a bonfire there that's why I opened the door but if I use that bonfire then I lose the ability to teleport to my previous bonfire and because my previous bonfire is Firelink Shrine which is so much closer to Andre it would save me a tremendous amount of time if I didn't actually use my uh my my reset with the bonfire because it will reset my last current location so that's why I'm waiting at this point uh it's not because I want to it's because it's just what's the most efficient thing to do now right here I think that we do have oh yeah this part's kind of annoying yeah you guys have to keep in mind I have everything planned out I know exactly what I'm doing here do you know what happens whenever all those uh those rats have the blue buff on them they one shot me I'm getting a little bit impatient so were they the rats can be very dangerous obviously usually it's not going to be a big deal however mistakes can happen and uh you know if that does happen I can end up getting got and the one thing you don't want to have happen to you is to get God foreign there is actually going to be a tight-nent Shard I was thinking about it and uh there is so now what we're going to do is I'm deciding whether we're going to get the ring or not right now uh the ring is very nice it's a nice ring I'm just debating whether it's worth going for right at this moment uh what do you guys think thank you now we could kill this thing but it's really not worth it and I think it's just kind of a waste of time yeah we're gonna go get the ring and then after we get the ring we're gonna go down and uh we're gonna teleport back up to Andre so we're able to do more upgrades I think that's a better idea that's also a safer idea as well oh bro I forgot you could even go in here those mobs would be really dangerous if I didn't have a lot of death resist it's a good thing I have a lot of death resist with my armor set what's up boys foreign this game I'm really just walking around you know he's gonna do that it's not really a big deal we're almost done by the way right here obviously there's something you have to get over just jump right over there it's no big deal and there's our ring and this ring is going to allow us to just heal more over time we're going to be using this most of the time and at this point we're going to go back and we're going to use our bone the reason why is only for us to be able to uh to do our upgrades like I I don't like having to do this but there's a trip that you have to make back to Andre at one point or another and the way I look at it is you might as well make it now fappering versus Havel ring is my favorite combo I've found that this game uh with Dark Souls 1 dodging is not the best option like dodging is something that losers do taking the damage and poising through it is something that Winners do yeah tanking is the thing is in Dark Souls 3 this is not the case you can't do that in Dark Souls 3 but we're not playing Dark Souls 3. foreign so yeah in Dark Souls one like you have to remember like uh Poise got nerfed After Dark Souls 1. so if you ever want to know what's a really good idea do the thing that got nerfed because it was obviously so broken the game had to change bloodborne uh that's different okay are you getting Stone armor then no that's a mistake uh the guardian armor I like why not and we're gonna give him the Large Ember and this Large Ember allows us to modify our equipment that we have the one large titanite shard for to a level six that's also not what's important the other thing that is important is that we will reinforce our weapons at a bonfire at this point so now we don't have to worry at all about going back to Andre until we have uh like pretty much ever actually uh there's no reason for us to do that this is a bit annoying for us to go go all the way through here and do all this but it's only something that we really have to do once so it's not that big of a deal and we'll just get more health I think usually uh in this game health is the best option get a Repair Box when would I need to repair my weapon hmm your weapon gets repaired every time you upgrade your weapon also gets repaired this is another thing that you know casual players I probably could go kill the Gargoyles right now but whenever I go back to sense Fortress you know I'm gonna have to go by there anyway so I might as well just go kill them then um uh you your weapons recover durability whenever you go into a bonfire and you refresh uh you go into a bonfire right you refresh your character uh the difference though however is that sometimes that is not the case sometimes you uh sometimes your weapon breaks and if your weapon breaks then you have to actually go all the way back and repair the weapon that's Dark Souls 3. and so as you can see now like this allows me to trade with these NPCs and and slowly get my health back so like we never have a situation where like I can get kind of OCD about this or like I'll want to have full health and I'm like really close to it you'll have to manually repair your weapon I've never had to repair a weapon ever in Dark Souls 1. actually that's not true one time I got invaded by uh Malcolm Reynolds and I had to repair my weapon after that but um otherwise I never did have to repair go ahead and just kill this thing anyway sometimes rats give you Humanity there's a war reason for that but I forgot what it was getting Dragon news might break your weapon yeah but there's only two dragons that do dragonoos in Dark Souls one there's the dragon in the painted world and then there's also the Dragon excuse me on the way over to the uh the the four uh four nights Dragon these nuts very true ass Lake uh what there's not a dragon in Ash Lake is there uh there's a Hydra yeah there's a Hydra but like that's not a dragon that's a high drum oh his body was still there and so now you see also a dragon and DLC Calamine an NPC Dragon you yeah that's the ancient dragon and if you cut his tail off you get the uh the large weapon the super heavy weapon that requires 50 strength no I I know that foreign you see how useful this ring is and how much like overall healing it has it's actually insane I'm surprised more people don't use it it's worth a try some people under the impression you don't know what you're doing well I to be fair I actually really I I haven't done this in so long that like I'm surprised that I'm still alive I'm good yeah I mean like uh why not gargoyles now uh I easily could have done gargoyles I just didn't what happens if you die uh I have to cut off my pinky in real life there's no real punishment if you die in Dark Souls uh there are some people who think that Dark Souls is some sort of like massive uh you know massive difficult [ __ ] almost impossible to do challenge but the truth is that there's not really a lot that you have to know in Dark Souls it's not that hard to do oh [ __ ] put me out it doesn't matter the thing is like if you know what you're doing it's easy people make us here well the thing is like you're not really punished you lose your souls but you can just go back and get them and also like the the way that I think most people play Dark Souls Maybe I'm Wrong is that whenever they get more souls they just instantly go and upgrade their weapon again so like or upgrade their character again so most of the time like you're just really losing the souls that are going to be less than your average like your level you see what I mean so like you don't really lose as much as you might imagine and at this point I think that we will we will go ahead and do humanity and reinforce this bonfire the reason why we're going to be doing this is actually because it will allow us to spawn a couple of NPCs that are relatively easy to kill but at the same time uh actually we're just going to reverse hollowing yeah let's just reverse Halloween we're probably not going to Kindle this one maybe we will maybe we won't we'll just see what happens I'm playing offline so you can't win them all okay and we will open that door very soon which will be extremely useful now we don't need to kill these or anything like that now the good thing is that now we really get to actually do work whereas before this we were really just kind of [ __ ] around now we're going to be able to go in kill these mobs and like really make some good progress go all the way down through Blighttown kill everything there and just basically kill everything everywhere um debating whether I should go back the other way or not just go back down here these things are annoying as I said before but they're not that big of a deal that is actually kind of a bad thing now normally uh people would rely on rely on their potions to heal them I I do not need to do that these things are extremely easy to kill okay um let's see did I have to go over here for any reason no I didn't does Dark Souls 3 have long run backs uh no not really Bed of Chaos is pretty much the worst one uh yeah I mean they exist it's not like there's no bad run backs but it's certainly not that many you see certain armor and things like that give you more resistance to uh to these death attacks so you know if you're for example like emeru uh you you wouldn't get uh you wouldn't get cursed a little fun Factor and this is where we all already were and we just got that now I uh I actually got cursed too that's one of the things people might not remember is that I got cursed and I spent the entire stream trying to uncurse my character this was uh very upsetting I'm gonna be honest I kind of forgot where to go I I'll figure it out no there's gonna be a wrap that's going to come in from one of these sides there he is doesn't matter timing is always perfect okay there seems to be nothing over here now there's going to be a guy who's gonna spawn right here what the [ __ ] oh there we go see that's what happens if you're stupid and you fat roll fortunately that's not me okay yes a rat I framed my attack okay and now we're up here and there is actually another uh Titanite over in this area I just forgot exactly where it is we'll find it very soon I think it's over here there isn't another Titanite yeah I knew that crossbow yeah I forgot deathless run no shortcuts uh pretty much see this is what you click if you're a loser and you're bad at the game if you uh if you need help for uh getting summons or anything like that that's for [ __ ] now I could use my last uh my last resin but I don't really think it's that necessary this is a pretty easy boss it just takes time it's an alligator nope this guy's a real dick sucker by the way all right let's go now he's gonna charge usually now doing that with a fat roll is kind of annoying but we have to do what we have to do I don't know why I didn't hit him there now we want to make sure that we are in like a mid-range for him in order for him to do his uh his bite I thought I was playing valheim I tried to zoom out if he grabs you that's not good missing that attack is also not good as I said I did this a long time ago so it's going to take me a while to get used to it again foreign we're gonna hit him three times I could probably go for four if I wanted to do the ability where I can kill you again he doesn't want to do it I don't know why okay let's go in an ideal situation he would do the uh oh this is poison this is annoying but it's not really that big of a deal oh yeah oh I see it hit me because uh I wasn't in it that makes a lot of sense go ahead and hit him with the three again he's not happy about how this fight's been going I don't blame him honestly it's been going pretty bad for him to be honest it's been uh it's been annoying for me too I I just I [ __ ] hate this fight [Music] foreign there we go all right so this is how you get his ass it's not that hard to go now we get a lot of heels and now we also um we uh [ __ ] uh we have to do a um uh a uh a place where like uh it's um yeah so we're gonna start reacts pretty soon guys yeah we're gonna be doing react soon I know a lot of people have been asking about it everything like that just want to let you guys know uh yup uh we're gonna be doing reacts very very soon I forgot how I got I got here this is the other one screw the boy Town well I'm not scared of Blighttown I'm scared of myself making a mistake in Python which is very likely Okay so I guess we'll go up here and uh we'll just just get the shortcut might as well one mistake equals reset oh there's not going to be any mistakes can I hit him no I'm not even gonna [ __ ] around with it that's just that's just sad oh yeah I forgot I killed him okay we'll do one more set of the oozes just to see if we can get anything good and uh other than that I think we're pretty much good to go let's level up uh we're gonna go ahead and go to 30 with vitality and then we're gonna get some more points into strength uh strength is always a really good decision it's a really good option uh the reason why strength is so good is it will increase your uh uh your damage that is the best thing about it [Applause] we're gonna wait for this guy we're gonna kill the oozes one more time I know it might sound stupid to do this but if I do get lucky uh it will help me out a lot and we also we're going to be spending a relatively large amount of time in Blighttown like we're gonna be spending more time than we need to uh because the uh the leeches that are at the bottom of Blighttown have also a high chance to drop uh these items as well so what does that mean that means that if we go and we kill them uh there's a good chance that we'll be able to upgrade our weapon a little bit more the truth is that the poison poison doesn't really matter that does in order to go from uh six to seven uh do you need one or two I don't remember I'm I'm pretty sure you need two right you just need one let's go check let's go take a look I thought it was only uh great thank you guys so now we can upgrade it again and we'll need two for the next one watch this very uh very Advanced move you have to have probably at least a couple hundred hours into the game before you can before you can use that one but once people have mastered it it does just change their life now this guy right over here you can actually uh buy stuff from him yeah this guy's an idiot by the way uh you can buy this now we don't really need that uh but he also buys this or sells this standard Arrow uh all this stuff is obviously trash nobody wants it but no man okay now let's talk a little bit about armor and planning now the real dangerous things in Blighttown are actually not the Fat Boys are relatively easy to deal with that doesn't mean I can't lose to one of them but it's unlikely that it will happen that's going to be two they also always drop a dung pie now you don't want to fight two of them here so we're going to be very careful not to do that we're going to let him do his attack first he's going to Lunge you can tell that they're going to Lunge because they move back and they freeze in position foreign you can see that dick sucker over there he's going to come and try and kill me it doesn't really matter though by the time he gets to me I'll have already killed this guy he's gonna lunge again he can go with the dubby now you don't want to have him do the W on you because obviously it does a lot of damage now this is another interesting moment now what you have to do here is I'm going to change a couple of pieces of gear and so if you look at the poison resist on the black leather armor this is going to allow me to have an even higher level of uh of avoiding getting toxic so we're going to change these items here over just want to make sure that I have the right one yeah we're gonna go with these the hard leather gloves and so now this will allow me to take two hits from uh the uh these guys here and I will not have to use my my item that's the grab there's another one coming might as well just let him show up oh my God boys invite from Blighttown the poison is not really the problem it's toxic which is the real problem so I'll show you guys what I mean as you can see there my attack the attack that he did raised my toxic level substantially but it did not fully did not fully make me toxic and that was a tactical decision to reduce the chances that I get toxic inside of blytone which could probably end the run very quickly I would expect it to this allows me to if I do make a mistake against this NPC I will not become toxic instantaneously toxic is Scarlet rot before Scarlet rot became Scarlet rot real life toxic resistance to Reddit sure the way you do that is you just stop reading it it's actually incredibly simple a lot of people seem to not understand how to do it but rest assured that if you stop reading it you will be okay and uh nothing in your life will change yeah and and don't wear a fedora either unlike Elven ring uh plunge attacks in this game do a lot more damage you might think that this is just an ordinary Barrel it's not he's gonna do the jump but he's stupid and so we were able to kill him easily now there's also a chance that you can get toxic here if you don't know where to go now there's multiple different ways to do this um for me I usually take the easy way and I just play this very carefully I don't really do anything crazy I just kind of let the mobs come to me and as I said before I haven't done this in a very long time so I'm trying to remember exactly how this fits together how did I do this foreign well that's fine we'll figure it out it's not a big deal okay I could just jump but I would prefer not to do that how did I get confused foreign obviously where the [ __ ] did he come from not down there man I feel so dumb how the [ __ ] did I mess this up where the [ __ ] do I go oh [ __ ] it If I die I die you see how that that attack also moved my character forward all right that's how it's done okay oh uh there's a bonfire here where is it ah whatever who cares I'm not really gonna need it behind me really oh wow forgot all about this one okay as you can see that's a dick sucker who's been going after me for a while he will eventually get what he wants now at this point we're just going to sit around and kind of wait for them to come to us foreign dick sucker who's going to be coming up through here we've already got a Bonus one right here now we'll kill this one and then we'll go to the other one how's he doing uh he's still kind of he doesn't really know what he's doing yet let's go guys come on come on might as well loot this he's thinking about it yeah I would prefer not to jump down and try to do a plunge attack it would be very unpleasant but it seems like that's what I'm going to have to do I did not want to do that okay this is actually going to be one of the harder parts ah the reason why I I RP walked there is that NPCs in this game are either triggered or aggroed by one of two different things sight or sound and this NPC will be aggroed by sound if you go too close and that's why I was walking so I would be quieter and I would only aggro the fat boy and not both of them at the same time now as I said before this part is going to be it's going to have a couple of unpleasant Parts but overall this is pretty chill okay as you can see there's this guy who's going to be shooting at me do we like it that he's shooting at me the answer is no you do not it's kind of like this is usually where I will use the the toxic thing but because you know it's already pretty late and uh you know I might as well show off a little bit I'll show you guys how exactly I would have done it so as you can see there I took one hit but that one hit did not make me toxic which is again why I'm wearing this special armor is so it will increase the toxic threshold to be more than one attack go to ass Lake nope [Applause] a little bit of weird camera angles there but it's okay here you also don't want to slide down because sliding counts as falling fun fact it's actually not very fun at all get away from him before he goes to fire wing I don't even really know how much damage these things do because I just never get hit by them I think if you get hit by those there's probably something wrong with you and now uh now now Begins the uh the track all the way down all around this area to make sure that we collect every single item at this point the extra armor is no longer necessary because we're no longer going to be able to get toxic so we're going to change back to our other armor and we're also I mean like the truth is like we are going to be we are going to get poisoned here like it's just it's gonna happen it's not the end of the world uh it's just going to take some time one more fire thing yeah I know I know he's over there I'm just not going to worry about him right now and so right here what is this guess what this is uh I forgot what it was uh I thought it was something that we needed it wasn't [Applause] he's doing the deathless Run yeah it's not a big deal we just heal foreign we have a lot of heels so this is not really a big deal whenever I actually do the official like from software like Marathon my plan is to like I'll research all of the games and that way I can go through like all of the lore that the games have like as I'm playing through them I think that'll be like the best experience for everybody [Music] now there are a lot of dick suckers here as you guys can see now does this does this worry us it does not really worry us but it's also not great hopefully we'll get a couple of them from these uh it looks like we're not getting very lucky right now as you guys can kind of see but sometimes that's just the way it goes okay we got an item here there we go we got one shard you could actually get two shards here this could be a very hot uh very good situation very this is now a very good situation went from being a good situation to a very good situation right there as you guys can see you know how to or actually three total this will allow us to upgrade the weapon more when is it agreed situation uh I never agreed in this game I've played it a lot so I know what you can do and I know what you can't do obviously I make mistakes but that's different yeah that video get some tips on how to consolidate the war well my plan is to play through some of the different character story lines like the Solaire storyline uh the guide that's like near uh the fire Keepers you know watch Wreck storyline and like a few other ones just so people are able to like get an idea of you know what the game's about and everything onion night well yeah yeah yeah uh what the [ __ ] is this uh [ __ ] not Boomhauer siegmeyer now if we got three out of this this would be a big dick situation the chances of that happening are relatively low but it is possible also with the Ring of the evil eye this gives me the ability to uh heal whenever I do damage and so now like you know killing these things becomes instead of an annoyance it actually becomes a bonus over there is where I'll be able to uh to rest and I'm going to rest in just a minute I know she was so close so the Black Knights halibardo is a very good weapon it's one of the best weapons however I would not say it's the weapon that I would I would want to use regularly I think there are other better weapons available we're going to collect there's one more Stone over there and I forgot what this guy drops I don't remember now these guys uh it's pretty interesting if you look at them you can see that they're holding a rock you want to make sure that they don't hit you with that rock they have two abilities they can do they can either run at you and try to slam the rock down on you like that and it is kind of hard to avoid sometimes not that smart all right this isn't good I didn't know they could do that it's not a big deal foreign killing him is useful because now I don't have to worry about the other one so even in a dangerous situation like that you just you just take care of it great Club is good because it does fire damage if you guys have ever watched me play any video game you know that I will never change my weapon for anything there's no reason to do that now theoretically what I could do is I could actually just go and completely avoid having to go back up through Blighttown this is the other one that we can get but we're not going to do that we're going to go up through the right way for Bozo with somebody's mouths are in Reading yeah you're always going to have spergs in chat like that's just what happens I mean you stream on Twitch you're gonna get dumb people in chat that's that's life why won't you change your weapon because it's good I've always believed in like kind of being really good at one thing rather than mediocre at five things or good at five things other people see more value in like you know being a jack of all trades that's just usually not how I look at things from software uses lightning to guide players through their path oh lighting yeah okay and now guess what we're gonna do we're gonna reinforce the weapon oh oh wow you guys see that that's what we're at we're at a [ __ ] level nine go ahead and get a little bit more Vitality actually you know what let's go ahead and take one point out of Vitality we'll put another point in the strength I'm feeling pretty good this might sound a little bit silly but what we're going to do here is we're going to equip some of the black leather just to get over there so we don't end up getting poisoned as you can see my poison bar is now larger that didn't work you can't win them all right it doesn't matter it never does we're still gonna win all we do now is we just use one of these we have a lot of them just turn off poison and we'll put the armor back on foreign there will be some like those little dick suckers going after me but we're not really going to worry about that which Souls game do you think is the easiest I think Demon Souls is the easiest game okay you going in with five Estes yeah I've got I'll be fine and if I'm not then you know I guess I'm dead play like is the first is tougher than the boss we fought before her uh in my opinion I think this boss is extremely easy uh now I've died to it before it's not like I'm perfect or anything but uh I do think it's a very easy fight all right I mean I could make a mistake like that [Music] now if she leans down that can do a lot of damage [Music] just walk over here [Applause] [Music] foreign a little fun trick here if you stand inside of her kickbox uh she can't hit you there we go we could have fixed her I doubt it now for this one uh there are two options that you can take you can go down and kill her sister down here or or not uh we're going to opt into not killing her sister uh the reason why is because uh her sister's bonfire is a Teleport and it'll make it easier to go back down here later on in the game the only certain bonfires in this game are teleports not all of them so you have to talk to this guy who's like a huge simp oh dear what have we here we kill her later yeah yes but you have no eggs have audience with our fair lady I pray that you will mind your manners and if you kill her you're not able to get the bonfire that's the difference there she is all right okay and let's level up we'll probably get a little bit more endurance soon can you do this or not no I thought those are either a door for this I don't remember this is that's like a lost izalith area can't believe you're doing mouse and keyboard yes for anybody who does not know I played this entire game with mouse and keyboard I've done that ever since I I started playing I find it to be a lot better than playing with a controller but why because the reason why is because controllers are different like a Wii controller is different than a PlayStation controller uh you know an Xbox controller is different than like uh you know like a PlayStation controller or a Wii controller so my mindset on it is that I have one set of of skills and that's doing the keyboard and so if there's ever a point where I'm in a panic situation I'll never make a mistake and hit the wrong button I think it's poison right yeah it's black leather Bell oh I rang the bell now we're gonna go kill the Gargoyles and in case you didn't know this area you can look down like right up there is Firelink Shrine the reason I have this armor on is not because I want to avoid getting poisoned it's because I want to avoid getting toxic you guys will see what I mean in a minute here this is actually where I died in my uh my official run what does toxic do it does a lot of damage and it uh it's basically like a stronger form of poison that's effectively what it is not exactly like which way I need to come for this I don't remember okay it's this one there we go no deaths no deaths so far hopefully it stays that way what the [ __ ] okay I'm trying to remember how I did everything oh yeah yeah I go back up here that's right that was a mistake I guess we're just gonna do this that's one down now there's a fire keeper sold down there that will upgrade our gear or flask I mean so now this is complicated because at this point these guys can get me toxic very easily there's one of them on me right there so now I have to dodge every attack and then after that oh they got me all right well as always I've planned for everything before I heal I'm going to go over here and kill the other one just in case he doesn't poison me later on there we go and now we're going to go ahead and use this that we just looted and this clear is toxic and this is the item that I bought from that vendor earlier in the Run and that was the purpose of the item it was a Fail-Safe in case I made a mistake foreign these are very easy to deal with while mistakes can happen of course it's usually unlikely and I can take this damage it doesn't really matter foreign keeper soul is I believe no it's not oh I guess it's over there on the other side foreign [Music] okay now we're gonna go back over to the Gargoyles now there is a way for us to get a plus 10 weapon uh very early and we could just go over to Sen's Fortress which is where we're going yeah we killed launch track we have our Rings there's a chance that I might decide to use the Ring Of Steel protection that will get in sense Fortress against the Iron Golem just for an added level of survivability but other than that we're pretty much good that's how it's done other way uh am I planning on making Iron Golem fall no uh there's no reason to he's gonna do the lunge yep you can get hit by those it's not good but you know sometimes it happens I think I have to fight both of these at the same time don't I no it's just a really close trigger just run oh I could if I wanted to like you can you can be much more aggressive with these mobs like just hitting them like this and stuff but uh usually I don't really do that a lot I try to play things pretty safe Claymore better is yhander uh in my opinion I think swaihander is better for the utility it provides I think it's one of the best weapons in the game so it's not even really because of the uh because of anything else it's just its utility that's so good Claymore is a better move set see like I think this y-hander has a better move set we're not ready for this area yet the Claymore is for Quality build I never did that I'll show you guys why I use this y-hander though and also we can use our our boss soles as well we're not really going to use those ever like soul of qualag I'm just trying to think if there's any reason for me to not just immediately use that uh and this will allow me to just get more heals we will level up again give me one second okay let's you let's use all of our souls this will take a couple of minutes you feed the boss souls King Seeker framp you get more souls than you would for consuming them uh yeah I don't know how that works I think having the uh the levels early is more important than having them late also her boss weapons op that's crazy okay as you see here uh we're not able to upgrade this we won't be able to for a while okay please level up a quick load I'm not going to put a single point into that it's a waste of space and time foreign yeah it's just it's just stupid I'm debating whether I should do there's a couple of things I'm not really 100 sure on like whether I should use my gold Pine resin for I mean there's no real reason to use it against gargoyles because they're just so easy um I don't know I guess we'll find out foreign just never get hit it's pretty easy whenever you do you just heal it back up all right here we go um it's time oh boy wow this place looks really cool oh oh it's not looking good [Applause] this is going to be rough birds are mad foreign [Music] what's that helmet that we got it's not that much better time for the hard part Sun's Fortress uh yeah true isn't Hal Bardo better than sword Ken halabardo pancake NPCs at sends Fortress trick question the answer is no [Music] is this practice or is it actually deathless so far it actually is deathless I want to see if I can get all the way to annor Londo if I can get to Anna Orlando I can beat it deathless like Bed of Chaos will unironically probably be hardest for a death run deathless run no it won't because Bed of Chaos I will have practiced 500 times I've debated like how I'm going to do it so there's a couple of ways that I could do better chaos like obviously what I'm going to do is I'm going to go with the uh you know the usual strategy of um like I I'll I'll like I'll go up there with like the arrows and I will aim at the spots and then throw the fire bomb you throw one then as soon as you can you throw the second one before the fire comes out of the bottom uh and and that's that's kind of how it works that's the way the fight works and um then you can just go in and kill the uh the Little Beetle but there is a chance that could go wrong so the bomb cheese yeah yeah the bomb cheese is what we're gonna try to do but if it messes up or I run out of heels while um you know it's dropping like those fire waves on me what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna stop and I'm gonna Homeward bone out and uh then I will heal again and yeah that's pretty much it yeah you bone out run away yeah I zone out and then I break the other one by going over there and then I'm gonna use the second Homeward bone and that way all I really have to do is get the jump right okay okay gentlemen it's time oh boy oh boy oh boy do you dislike Havel's running or you prefer to Fat roll um I I don't think fat rolling is that bad everybody else makes it out like it's this horrible thing I don't think it is oh I should have leveled up foreign I was a little bit stupid of me is it this one that has the uh the soul in it where the hell is it oh it's right over there that's right okay [Music] oh can I get it yeah oh wow I got the sword how about that taking that hit is worth it foreign for me to be in no that's convenient okay just give it a second is it this one it's not this one is it no I didn't think so this is a very useful ring I'm going to be using I'll probably use this against the iron gole one foreign I wasn't able to have it kill him I was hoping that I would now this is what you call a dick sucker now how can you tell that it is a dick sucker it's because of the chain if the chain is facing towards you it is in fact hey dick sucker a little fun fact there huh uh can I open this one no I can't that's right okay trying to remember where we go now foreign oh yeah where the hell do we go oh wow damn I'm dead holy [ __ ] that sucks I didn't know that [ __ ] could happen yep they got me reset yep it's a reset let me finish the sense Fortress yeah that's too bad I didn't know why it would hit yeah it's right yeah it just sucks it hit me like that that's the way it goes it wasn't even satisfying no no usually you just get killed by [ __ ] in this game uh it to be fair like I I went the wrong way like if I had gone the right way it wouldn't have happened yeah I want to finish this just so I know like how to how to go through this whole thing and then uh yeah we're gonna do some reacts was that the first attempt yeah yeah it was yeah it's unfortunate that happened but again uh you know that's a game knowledge thing and uh I thought that I I think the reason why that happened actually is because I have a lot of uh I have a lot of toys and because I have so much Poise it was able to knock me down and my iframes from the knockdown were so minimal that I uh uh what are you calling uh did I just kept getting like spam hit Fortress is always a [ __ ] sucker no it wasn't even the Fortress that killed me uh I killed myself I shouldn't have gone down there I mean it definitely kind of sucks that happened like I I don't really feel like uh like in a big way I don't really feel like I made a mistake really as a player I just feel like you know kind of I got [ __ ] over but um the truth is that I mean something stupid like that's gonna happen every run so like just get used to it thank you see that see that's yeah like this time it didn't even kill me so uh kind of sucks this was it this way no it's not that way oh my god I didn't even see it was right here foreign foreign yeah take off armor for this part there's no reason to I can do it without making a mistake oh sometimes this guy comes up and attacks you from the bottom let me make sure that doesn't happen I even need to kill this guy let me see foreign yes I do okay that's really good and continuous the test run yeah yeah I'm gonna finish this uh this area you didn't make it because you were slowed by your quick load uh that's not true that's fine foreign okay so there is space between the first two and the last okay all right that's good to know you walk past the chest it has a large Sharden uh too uh I didn't know that foreign he died yeah I did uh I made a mistake on my movement I went the wrong way I zigged when I should have zagged basically foreign yeah yeah I mean I think this is a very good attempt like I'll say this like I'm very satisfied with the outcome like obviously it was uh not ideal that I died but I mean mistakes happen uh you know [ __ ] ups occur that's life okay you got both Bells yeah and like the truth is like I what killed me was kind of a [ __ ] death because in like a real run that event would never have an opportunity to occur you see what I mean like there's never a chance that that could have happened because I wouldn't I would have never gone in that direction and the only reason why I went in that direction is because I made a mistake and I forgot where to go because I haven't played the game since like 2021. so I I just I just made a mistake this guy's kind of annoying not that annoying though I think you get a ring of Sacrifice in here I'll use this for uh see if the scaleless Divine blessings are also like super heels it's like a lay on hands you know what we say anything at Sea fight so no need uh I thought you lost your souls and your Humanity whenever you die to see if the scaleless we'll see that unforgiving uh platforming other accidents yeah no you're definitely right and um again like that was just a mistake that was made because I I just [ __ ] up right I mean that's literally all there is to it now this guy over here uh I'm probably not going to do this in the real run but I can buy these here I'll just buy two of them actually I think I need to buy one did I need three years oh [ __ ] I forgot if I have a level nine oh actually you know what maybe I don't need any because my weapons already level nine yeah yeah I just need one more okay so I don't even need to do anything you need four well I have four so it's fine I'm surprised that didn't kill me that's why I didn't want to go over there I would have never actually gone over there if it wasn't uh you know a [ __ ] run I guess since that's the case I'll just upgrade my weapon now foreign it's hard to do that one okay so yeah I only need three well I guess I can actually level up too the only thing that I get for my upgrades is so I can do three basic attacks get some endurance I will get a small amount of endurance but I don't plan on getting a lot of it okay oh he's already dead okay wow I got a lot of these how old is this game it came out in I think 2012 right I don't know whenever Dark Souls came out actually I'm not sure 2011 okay and if you need another titanite shard you can go up to this guy here [Music] foreign just wait for him to have his little [ __ ] fit and uh then oh yeah you get chunks from these guys I forgot all about that holy [ __ ] yeah I forgot all about that you can't use those for quite a while so don't worry about it all right here we go he's gonna do the throw let's go foreign [Music] and that's how it's done not that hard hmm oh oh no it was so badass everybody saw this again make it easy his weapons broken as [ __ ] every single person that plays this game is going to play with a weapon that is advantageous or good to use nobody is going to like intentionally play with a bad weapon foreign how the [ __ ] did I not hit okay there we go and there's a few good items uh you can get from these guys if you want I'm not really going to worry about it right now I'm just gonna kind of go I'm going to try to do a speed run I'll get the Havel armor and then after that we'll go and try and kill Ornstein and Smo and uh then we'll be done it's amazing to play with bad weapons to challenge yourself uh I don't know I think that's interesting in a way it's not really my thing but that's interesting okay did you die yeah yeah I died to uh this like weird uh ball thing I I'm not as I said I'm not that worried about it show them why the rest of the game's easy so basically everything after Anor Londo is like way way easier the reason why is because you can do it in any order so that means that by the time that you do the second and third and fourth zones you're already like over Geared for them effectively so this guy's a bit of a dick sucker it's not really a big deal but he definitely is it doesn't matter okay this is actually the part that I'm most afraid of because like this game is very janky and I'm afraid that I'll make a mistake like just a bad jump or something like that yeah I'm not even worried about the NPCs I'm just worried about like for example like me trying to attack one and then sliding into their hitbox and then going off the edge or something like that I'm not saying that's gonna happen I'm just saying it could as always it's about planning foreign is very good is it allows you to just avoid those attacks entirely where you get to the devil silver Knight archers now that won't probably be a problem I mean like I could I could [ __ ] it up like 100 I could [ __ ] it up but I don't think that I will okay foreign [Music] okay there we go that was weird that's fine jump attack yeah I wish that was some valheim tech yeah it was beating up Gwendolyn no I think that boss is generally a waste of time and you can turn it back over there and then go to another Zone but we're not going to do that [ __ ] the painted world yeah I always hated painted world in Dark Souls 1. oh I didn't think he could go down like that okay this one's pretty easy to deal with wait what oh he's not dead Oh I thought he was dead all right usually you can go over and like aggro this one and then by aggroing it it will uh it will jump off the edge and kill itself put the knockback of its own weapon okay it doesn't matter foreign is that if you wait there for them to stop shooting that night repositions and he can shoot you from behind but if you don't do that then you'll be able to fight the one individually foreign go ahead and get our bonfire might as well this would be where we Kindle and do everything level up uh we'll just get more strength and uh we will fight the boss thank you now we have 10 flasks which is going to help out a lot okay foreign best armor in the game time this one is a dick sucker by the way that was a mistake okay we don't really need that Dragon tooth is a good weapon but it's not what we're gonna use okay and this is where we just upgrade everything this is big dick armor right here oh I can't do it okay how much uh how much Vitality do I need or how much uh what's my uh my total like oh I have to get one point into endurance literally one point it's not a big deal how about leveling Vitality uh well now we have to level endurance I think that's going to be more than enough shield no The Shield gives me uh regeneration I forgot that you needed one point for that okay now we're playing the game oh [ __ ] uh I'm just gonna ignore him okay I I don't really do that jump a lot I'm not very good at it okay no that's not good not a big deal all right it all comes down to this now in a perfect situation this guy charges at me this is a perfect situation [Music] that was too close foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] who's gonna hit me this bad angle he's not very smart [Music] foreign like a pig got him right in the dick yeah that's how easy it is survived small lost to a [ __ ] Stone someone constant ass couldn't see anything yeah yeah there we go that would give me nostalgia if he had 10 times xhp constantly summon dads and I couldn't see anything all right here we go and overcome much chosen Undead come hither Tam oh chosen under and queen of sunlight since the day father has formed it obscures I have awaited Thee I bequeath the Lord vessel to thee oh wow and inheriteth the fire of our world Thou shalt endeth his eternal Twilight and divert further Undead sacrifices all right thou hath journeyed far since the day fought one and beseech the grave and arduous test of metal yay it shall be indeed we had felt the warmth of fire its Radiance and the life that sustaineth without fire all shall be a frigid and frightful dark all right best part of the Dark Souls game yeah yeah this is the uh this is really this is the end of the game yeah that this is the real end of the game guys we did it we beat it so yeah as you guys see even after not playing for like over a year I'm I still got it I still got it I still know what to do we're we're really close we are one good attempt away from a deathless run it's just that easy yup you should have got that deathless he got cheated it doesn't matter it is what it is you got DLC too I don't know we'll see is that really the last boss uh in terms of difficulty I would say yes I think everything after this is like way [ __ ] easier like it's not even remotely closed how much easier it is foreign that's what I would say oh oh that's not I mean I'm not counting DLC obviously like DLC is going to be harder Artorias was way harder than on scenes I don't even think artorius is hard uh I I think the only boss in Dark Souls 1 that's hard is Manis and I think every other boss including Calumet is a joke uh they're they're all super [ __ ] easy yeah he's flaccid yeah he is call me it's the heart of Souls boss for me well just don't get hit economy was easy too the only part was cutting his tail yeah I never did that because I think it's like a magic weapon or something like that but yeah as you guys can see um I I think that we can easily uh we can easily do a deathless run of this game trying without this y Hunter and they can be difficult I love how people say that but the truth is that like there are so many other weapons in the game that are better than this weapon that it's not even the best weapon in the game it I don't even know if it's in the top ten it might be in the top ten I don't think it's in the top five though yeah I'm on a Flawless run no Health loss at all no I don't think so there's too many of the Giants just to Sprint pretty much uh no I I mean that's not a big deal demon great ax Black Knight halibar yeah exactly all right is it your best weapon yes this is my best weapon I feel like for the way that I play this is right here this is Peak Performance okay I get these items and the game is over I've already won okay let's go ahead and we'll take a look at some videos and stuff I'll close the game
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 1,548,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold vod, asmongold vods, vods, vod, asmon, elden ring, elden ring gameplay, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, first playthrough, asmongold elden ring, asmongold elden ring vod, dark souls, sekiro, bloodborne, asmongold dark souls vod, asmongold sekiro vod, asmongold bloodborne vod, asmongold gaming, asmongold dark souls deathless, dark souls deathless, asmongold deathless, elden ring deathless
Id: wrXr8rMwR48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 28sec (12928 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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