The All American .30 06 Springfield

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I didn't need a radio where does it come from in here oh yeah it's in here all right she's becoming from this whole box at 3:06 getting better than that welcome back you know if I opened up a box of 3006 and found a stick of Dublin bubble gum or a flare of baseball playing card it wouldn't surprise me in the least I wouldn't even surprise me if I found a crackerjack story inside the box it's how American it is it just doesn't get any more American than the 3006 Springfield I think everybody has a basic understanding of where the 3006 Springfield comes from it's embodied in its very name 30 caliber 1906 rifle was originally it's cartridge designation by the military the US military had quite a fickle number of loadings for it over the years it's very first loading with actually a 220 grain bullet in its original 1903 designation which when it was chained there was a brown-nose bullet with very for external ballistics and when it was decided to incorporate 150 grain Spitzer's fire pointed bullet into the end of the round it required a tree barreling of all the existing 1903 Springfield with work at the time in existence and they not only we barreled them to reach aim burr them but also to to change the rifling to a slower rifling that would accommodate the lighter bullet the the 3006 was used in war in one war after another until after Korea and actually the minor conflicts throughout the world but you know naturally it was the most it was the most celebrated us Capri during the World War one and World War two and Korea used it was used in primarily three different combat rifles by the United States that would you trust in the 1909 t no.3 Springfield bolt-action rifle which saw service actually right up until very recently even the the US Marines tell you that in certain service matches the curiously the one rifle that was used in the very few people really know about speak about is the 1917 Enfield which was a British design rifle that was the primary service issue rifle for the United States troops during the US expeditionary forces in World War one I used the 1917 Enfield probably almost exclusively they were very few 1903 Springfield's actually used at that time sorry New York was said to have carry a 1917 Enfield and historically that would have been the correct gun for him to carry in fact in his diary he states that he commuted also is forty five caliber automatically he took the german prisoners that was so famously written about and in the movie were Gary Cooper though he's shown to be using a 1903 Springfield and a and a Luger pistol which was historically a little bit different than the what really occurred but it's um the round became very very much used during World War Two with principal battle weapon for US troop during World War two supplemented by the 30 u.s. carbine which was an entirely different round it it's a bore diameter with it zombies and malaria had 110 green round nose bullet semi romnod bullet and and it was you know pathetically underpowered for air combat I'll use it would use primarily for support troops people who had to have more carried a gun more of a backup weapon than primary battle weapon but the the US garand the garand was the automatic weapon that was used during World War two that was the primary combat arm of the soldier throughout that combat and also went through throughout Korea so if popularity soared in following those following those different years and by the time post-world War one year came along it was already seeing considerable civilian use but no other contra gin in American history up until that time could offer it offered long range power really to handle virtually anything it could handle you know with the 200 green bullet lumbering at 2500 feet per second was very good medicine on the large bears in America and the you know it could fire 110 green bullets which were suitable for varmints whether you need a ton and a half of energy on a woodchuck is arguable but it had the side bullet that was frangible so would break up in the back pasture at somebody's farm rather than sailing across the countryside but it had it had it all it had it had both ends of the spectrum covered it had it had velocity that was just simply not heard of in its bore diameter up until that time it was it was carrying 150 grain bullet at over 2,900 feet per second so this was this was a confident that surely had pretty much everything that the American hunter wanted and he could say that he had a gun for everything for a gun for you know for all seasons the is probably and I would say not probably it is certainly overboard for virtually 90% of its use in this country it's certainly far more is certainly far more potent than any white-tailed deer requires it's certainly far more potent than any varmint needs it's certainly more potent than the average shooter needs on his shoulder but it because it because it remains very popular because it has such a history of versatility throughout throughout that range of big and small that it just knows it's never going to go away and it also served as the very ideal platform for the development of other historically renowned cartridges most notably the the 270 Winchester was was simply a cartridge neck down way back in the 20s to accept a a to 277 diameter bullet which were the very weird bore diameter porch gave 130 grain bullet with much greater sectional density and much ballistic coefficient done 150 grain 3006 bullet and because of this additional ballistic coefficient fluid much greater much greater range and flatter trajectory plus it increased by dropping the weight from 150 grain 230 grain it naturally increased the velocity by about 200 feet per second in its first factory loadings so here here's a here's a country that was not only a good contract in its own right to 3006 but it formed the ideal basis for so many different Wildcats for the years it every bore diameter was wildcat above the 3006 case even down to the 22 caliber but 25 the 2506 remains today one of the most enduring wildcat turned commercial conferences ever made that was a that was one of oldest wildcat for many many years and that was based on 3006 simply neck down to 25 caliber and then Natalie that we've talked about the 270 and then the 280 Remington the 280 Remington is simply a 7 millimeter or diameter for the 3006 is probably it you know in its categorically I would think probably the very best ballistically of the whole family of 3006 different the different chamber it based on the 3006 case it's a it's a it's a it's a bore diameter being 7 ma meter which is sufficient for the very largest game and it's also got an extremely good drawing ballistic coefficient and Seconal density the derivative well throat throughout its use and curiously ironically the 2e remington and for a time known as the seven Peter Remington Express really just never it just never caught fire in this country because people compared it they compared it unfairly to it the 270 which was something that it had it had nothing to do with it the the bullet selection I think by Remington was the downfall they depict a 150 grain bought not to go in the 280 which if if they were to find a boat to compare with the 270 it should have been the hundred forty rainbow that would have given it the same if not better ballistics and flatter trajectory with a heavier bullet but you know sometimes boardroom members I don't think necessarily the sharpest and brightest going to come to marketing this stuff they just chamber stuff that sound good and they follow sometimes the dictates of the gun writers and they are not they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes either but the 3006 Springfield is a fantastic development that will be with us forever let me just talk a little bit about the usefulness of the 3006 it's it's very often compared to its smaller sibling the 308 the 308 generally come from barreled with a one in twelve twist that one twelve twist enables it to be much more accurate with lighter weight both below 150 grain bullet and the one in ten twist is typically used in a 3006 Springfield enabled it to stabilize the heavier bullets up to 220 grains and that's logical to the the developers of the 3006 wanted to have the capability to fire bullets upwards of 220 grams and it could certainly stabilize those bullets with 100 the 1 in 10 twists very easily was it which it always does which gives it very very strong legs when you when you start going after game that requires a much heavier much heavier bullet and longer bullet construction the 308 just simply runs out of gas when it gets past 180 grain bull although there they are loading it with under 90 grain post and sometimes people have put in to winter green both it really is not it's really not well-suited for those both weight simply because of the length of the cartridge burning chamber I'll give you an example here here is the give the difference between between the two this one here is actually a seven millimeter weight but you can actually see this you're talking a half-inch difference in encounters case lengths the difference in powder capacity is 20% greater if it's a 10 it's a 10 grain increase in powder charge over the 308 that difference that difference amounts to only a 10% gain in velocity in the standard bullet weight twice a standard bullet weight though both ways that are there range from 125 265 180 grains the difference is only about 200 feet per second which is not with you know 200 feet per second in ballistics is not as much as most people think it is a lot of a lot of cartridges a lot of sales have been made on premise 2 200 feet per second knocks down the other guy but it's not it's not a significant amount in terms of actual downrange performance the the big the big gain where the 3006 comes into its own is with a longer case capacity allows and the quicker rifling twist a lot of the use of heavier bullets with much greater effectiveness and much greater efficiency in that efficiency calculates to accuracy to both stability so it wouldn't be logical to try to stuff 200 200 or 220 grain bullet in towards what 308 case which is simply not going to have enough powder capacity to to fit it in there and get the powder in to boot so you know when you have a when you have a 3006 is capable of driving on 220 grain bullet at about the same speed that a 308 drives a 180 grain bullet now that's that is quite a that is quite an achievement so that's where that's where the 3006 comes into its own how how much that is needed by the average person who owns the 3006 is probably not as big a deal as a lot of people make it out to be no deer that notices the difference between getting it with a 3006 versus a 308 when when they go it is 150 165 grain bullet it really makes no difference whatsoever the additional the additional trajectory that's available with a 3006 might certainly make a difference out in the Prairie but the 3006 would have never really promoted to be a prairie cartridge although it certainly can be certainly can do very well with it there's no reason why anybody with the 3006 you feel a shame to take 150 grain both or even 125 130 green balls go out shooting for launch weather the extended ranges and 150 green bolts is certainly more than adequate for mule deer so that distant ranges it's not a it's not a 270 it shouldn't be compared to the 270 but it certainly it certainly can do the job for anybody who wants to war havoc on trees that covers all bases and you know that's where that's where the 3006 always shined it was always the mice to moose conference you know the guy who has that the 3006 is equipped for anything you want to go a hunting in North America including the big bears it wouldn't necessarily be well-advised by experienced by experienced guys to go after the big dangerous bear but for those people who are careful and in a good woodsman this and incompass big groans taken by 200 green and 220 grain follows those they break down bone and that's what's necessary heavy bullet construction is the big deal with with any coppers is going after that stuff but it's a it's a it's a fabulous conference it's American all the way it always will be it's always going to be around I think that everybody who knows about rifles should know about the 3006 Springfield just because it's it's the it's the cartridges upon which most other colleges in this country have been built but when you're talking about America you're talking about are you talking about the 3006 Springfield there's nothing like it and it never will be thanks for watching
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Views: 96,996
Rating: 4.9249277 out of 5
Keywords: .30-06, springfield, cartridge, us, U.S., Armory, wwi, wwii, world war, garand, rifle, 1903, 1906, enfield, bolt action, combat, soldiers, hunters, sportsmen, deer, bear, big game, varmints, 110 grain, 125 grain, 150 grain, 165 grain, 180 grain, 200 grain, 220 grain, loads, rounds, rifling, chamber, bullets
Id: W7jW6dHDYWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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